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Q: Why study a classical language?

Roger VadimThis is admittedly a variation on why study Latin (see Related questions below), but there is specific aspect/motivation that I would like to explore deeper. Often cited reasons for studying classical languages (like Latin, Ancient Greek, Biblical Hebrew, Sanskrit, Classical Arabic) are: Religio...

Q: Science fiction movie featuring a gynoid that becomes conscious and escapes her place of work

lofidevopsI can only recall fragments of this film and would love to figure out what it was so I can rewatch it. Below are the flashes I think I remember. I have done my utmost. The main character was played by an actress of something like Japanese or Korean extraction (forgive me for not recalling well en...

Q: Are any or all of these variations correct?

user44591Are these sentences correct German, and do they mean the same thing? Ich habe dir schwer zu schaffen gemacht. From DWDS: umgangssprachlich ⟨etw., jmd. macht jmdm. zu schaffen⟩etw., jmd. verursacht jmdm. Schwierigkeiten, Mühe, Sorgen: Ich habe es gemacht, dir schwer zu schaffen. or Ich habe e...

Q: What battery chemistry is suitable for a "time capsule" applicaton?

TheodoreWhat battery chemistry would be most suitable for an application where the cells are expected to sit a very long time, say 100 years, disconnected, with minimal self discharge? Assume the storage temperature would be something on the order of outdoor extremes experienced in inhabited places on Ea...

Q: Ash & Novinger - Complex Variables - Defining a continuous argument, walking around the unit circle

ashKI am self studying Ash & Novinger's Complex Variables. Before I present my question, here's a definition: Let $S \subset \mathbb C$ and $f : S \to \mathbb C \setminus \{ 0 \}$ be continuous. A function $\theta : S \to \mathbb R$ is said to be a continuous argument of $f$ if $\theta$ is continuous...

Q: Postfix - Discarding EHLO Keywords Duplicate Log Entries

user1801810Ubuntu 20.04 Postfix 3.4 For each message received by my Postfix I see the following two entries: Mar 8 16:34:42 mail postfix/smtpd[863775]: discarding EHLO keywords: ETRN DSN Mar 8 16:34:42 mail postfix/smtpd[863775]: discarding EHLO keywords: ETRN DSN My configuration... me@mail:/etc/postfix...

Q: Calculate distance between two consecutive points within the same group in PostgreSQL

nkrasovecI have a table with Point geometries representing GPS data of participants. I am calculating the distance between two consecutive points: SELECT id, participant, ST_Distance(geom, lag(geom, 1) OVER (ORDER by id ASC)) FROM table; but I would like to do the calculation separately for each particip...

Q: Solve this integral using the Residue Theorem

illuminatitruthseekerThe integral given is $\int_{\mathbb{R}}(a+bt^2)^{-m} dt$ where $a,b >0, m\in\mathbb{N}$. According to the Residue Theorem, if $\lim_{z\rightarrow\infty,\Im(z)>0}zf(z)=0$ then $$\int_{-\infty}^\infty f(t) dt = 2\pi i \sum_{\Im(z)>0} \operatorname{Res}_z(f)$$. Now first I see that $z(a+bz^2)^{-m} ...

Q: Existence of distribution that its difference of two iid RVs becomes a desired distribution

MohammadFor any distribution, we can substract two random variables and find the distribution of the difference. But what about the reverse? Can the below statement be true in general or under any condition for the distribution? For any probability distribution function, there exists another distribution...

Q: SQL Server generates a query plan with parallelism and TOP statement

Bert de SaffelI have two simple queries: SELECT TOP(20) * FROM Clients ORDER BY City SELECT TOP(20) Id, Name, City FROM Clients ORDER BY City In the first case I get a result like this Id Name City many more columns 6 Person 6 NULL ... 2 Person 2 NULL ... 3 Person 3 NULL ... In the second cas...

Q: Protect public project from potential patents

MarkWe have a simple 3D-printable object, which can be used as a medical aid. We would like to publish this object free to use to the public. We would like to keep this object and further revisions and variations of it free and freely distributable. What we are afraid of, is that a company may create...

Q: How can I prove I do not own real-estate property in New Jersey?

Ofri RavivFor purposes of tax exemption in another country, I need to prove that I do not own a house or an apartment in my current state of residence, which is New Jersey. How can I do that? For example, is there a way to search my identity (SSN) in property records and get an official document verifying ...

Q: How to construct points of an ellipse?

3809525720Let two circles $C$ and $C’$ intersecting at points $A$, $B$. I would like to construct an ellipse passing through $A$ and $B$ using the $5$ points construction of GeoGebra (foci unknown). The problem is that the ellipse must have two points of tangency ($E$ with $C$ and $F$ with $C’$). Do you kn...

Q: How can I sharpen oscillating tool blades?

Brock NeillIs there any good method of sharpening these things?

Q: Permanently disable security system

user123965We moved house about a year ago. The previous owner had an alarm system, which we assumed was inactive, but whenever we lose/regain power, the panels beep intermittently. We've somehow armed the system though, and now the alarm goes off whenever we enter the house. We don't have a code, so we hav...

Q: Applying Ohm's law to household AC

couldabinI am a hobbyist trying to select an appropriate relay to control the heating profile of a DIY coffee roaster. For years, I have been varying the heating duty cycle by manually turning the heat OFF/ON. Now I plan to use a microcontroller to do that. The heating circuit is literally ~40 ft. of nich...

Q: If someone is appointed to a committee, is that member allowed to vote in the same meeting?

markzzIf a committee appoints a member to itself, is that newly appointed member allowed to vote in the same meeting he/she is elected or must the meeting be adjourned before that right is granted?

Q: Why do amsmath and \char interact in this way?

Stefan LapointeI discovered this when trying to redefine \char to denote the characteristic of a field and got a weird error message. Below is a minimal example to demonstrate the weird thing that happened. \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \renewcommand{\char}{\stepcounter{section}} \begin{...

Q: Format improvement for step-by-step solution to cubic equations

Siuslaw MathWithin \amsmath and \tasks, the step-by-step solution process to find the 3 roots for a cubic equation is provided. Request your assistance with 2 issues: Decrease horiz space between the 2 cube roots in each problem to approx 2-3 mm: Insert call outs (left and right cols) to identify the fi...

Q: Can you be trespassing on public property for no reason at all?

Digital fireLets say you're in the library or park. Both owned by the public (city). An employee asks you to leave. You ask why and they respond with "Because I'm telling you to". You refuse, and the employee walks away and calls the Police. When the Police show up, they tell you have been asked to leave or ...

Q: EventBus in C++

Jiri KralovecEdit I do know the example key event doesn't carry any data (like keycode) but that isn't really the point of the review - the overall setup is :) Original After reading quite few suggestions on this StackExchange and doing some additional research, I have decided to give it a try and implement m...

Q: Are there any empirical categories that do not have vague boundaries?

David GudemanThe Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy has an article on vagueness that struck me as odd because it seems to assume that vagueness is a property of only certain kinds of propositions or predicates, while to me it is fairly clear that practically all empirical properties have vague boundaries. Th...

Q: Why would a plane opt out of flying through a class bravo?

Boeing787High performance planes that depart Chicago Executive are always vectored to the left of departing towards O'Hare airspace. They than loop around the airport until above O'Hare airspace and continue with their flight. Here is a picture of one example. Why wouldn't they just fly through the airsp...

Q: Annoying color lines in table

FFGI'm writing a manual, and a table I need to include looks awful when compiling. This is my code, loading xcolor in the preamble: \begin{table}[h!] \centering \caption{Valores críticos de $F$ para una prueba con $\alpha = 0,05$} \label{tabF} \begin{tabular}{cc|cccccccccc|} ...

Q: How to modify the argument of a specific function below?

TobiRI would like to change the values of a and b in the following function: SetAttributes{TrigIndices,HoldAll}; TrigIndices[j_, n_, a_, b_] := ( (* index "a" *) Which[ j == n, a = 2, j == n - 1, a = 1, True, a = j - 1]; (* index "b" *) Which[ j > n - 2, b = 1, True,...

Q: Would there be any side-effects of modded humans breeding with vanilla humans

YulianContext I plan on creating a world with two human populations, one that would have their respiratory and blood systems genetically modified (suited to be more resillient against oxygen poisoning caused by higher oxygen concentration in the atmosphere), to make them better suited for their new wor...

Q: How a thermodynamical system relaxes to equilibrium?

Jimmy YangFor a system in contact with a reservoir with well-defined constant temperature $T$, its change in Helmholtz energy satisfies the following inequality: $$\Delta F \le -W_{by}$$ where $W_{by}$ denotes the work done by the system. I know that in thermal equilibrium, Helmholtz energy of the system i...

Q: Who is the god of craft?

AumIn greek myths, there is one god named Hephaestus. He is the god/patron of craftsmen and forges and blacksmiths etc. Is there a similar god in Hinduism? I think that there is one, just he isn't very well known. And how should I pray to him? Thanks 🙏

Q: Error invalid_grant when trying to serialize items with Sitecore cli

André AndradeI'm working on dockerized Sitecore 10.3 solution with JSS and SXA but when I run the below command to serialize my items from Sitecore I get the error invalid_grant. command dotnet sitecore ser pull Error This was working nicely and stopped working suddenly.

Q: Mt 4:10, Lc 4:8 and Dt 6:13, 10:20 : from where did Jesus take this "only" in "him only shalt thou serve"?

gustav.bI searched in the LXX, OT massoretic text but I didn't find one place where we have a such "only" equivalent in scripture, yet J.C seems to cite it as a scripture ! If you have any answer on that ! (I wonder what the euthiopans bible or targumim says about that?) Thanks. Gustav.

Q: Export WKT to CSV from QgsVectorLayer with QGIS Python

AdamGISI'm trying to export QgsVectorLayer format into a csv with WKT? I'm really have a hard time understanding the QGIS python documentation. I don't even see any option for Geometry. Even though I saw other people use it on stackexchange. https://api.qgis.org/api/classQgsVectorFileWriter_1_1SaveVecto...

Q: PTIJ: Quantum Mechanics and the 2-states of Israel

MosheWhy don't all Jews gather together to become observant? If all the Jews living in Israel were observant, it would be impossible for a 2-state solution to exist. According to quantum mechanics, a system can be in multiple states until observed. So if the Jews start observing Mitzvohs, that should ...

Q: Does anyone actually compose using Lilypond? And do people usually compose by line or bar/beat?

user91930It is really annoying and tedious and slow. Are people using it to compose from scratch? Is it meant for composing from scratch, or as a music engraver ie. COPYING or TRANSPOSING etc. and NOT write directly onto a notepad. I tried it and the notation for multivoices is really annoying and complex...

Q: how does the key signature work (not reading it)

kian myersIf I find the key signature contains, let's say, E flat, does that only mean only E's are E flat or every note on the staff of the key signature are flats? I've looked up multiple things but I am not having any success.

Q: Does a resistor between two pairs of series resistors affect the equivalent resistance?

GumpfFor the below DC circuit, does the 1Ω resistor in the middle have an effect on the equivalent resistance? If it does, how would you calculate the equivalent resistance? The rules for series and parallel resistors don't seem to apply, combining the two 2Ω resistors can't be done because their rig...

Q: Methimazole effects when a thyroid is not present

user26501I have found a ton of medical papers about methimazole. I have found a ton of medical papers about levothyroxine. I have found a ton of medical papers about thyroidectomy. What I cannot find is any layman-parsable statement of how methimazole works, and whether that function still has any effect ...

Q: What feature of Earth would be most likely attract the interest of aliens?

SlartyWhat feature of Earth would be most likely to attract the interest of a curious alien intelligence searching the Milky Way marking the Earth as an unusual world and how close would they have to be to detect it? Assume the alien intelligence has the capabilities of today's humanity in detection te...

Q: Are 100% of statements undecidable, in Godel's numbering?

Milo MosesGödel's incompleteness theorem shows that there are undecidable statements, i.e., formal logical claims which neither have proofs nor disproofs. In doing so, Gödel famously enumerated all well-formed formulas with his so-called "Gödel numbering". Thus, the following question is well posed: What ...

Q: Average buses waiting time

julian CortezI'm waiting for two buses, route 20 or route 21. route's 20 bus passes randomly at a rate of 3 buses per hour, while route 21 passes at a rate of 1 bus per hour, independently of the other one. what is the average waiting time if I take the first bus that passes? I thought I could just divide 1 h...

Q: Does using the Archer ability with Circle of the Stars Druid require a free hand?

blizzardontheavenueThe Archer ability for the Circle of the Stars Druid subclass reads as follows: Archer. A constellation of an archer appears on you. When you activate this form, and as a bonus action on your subsequent turns while it lasts, you can make a ranged spell attack, hurling a luminous arrow that targe...

Q: Why was the Sanskrit word "laksha" anglicized to "lakh"?

S. KotenathThis is something that I have been wondering about for a while, and I thought that I could ask about it here. I am unsure about whether this is strictly "on-topic" because it may be only half about the English language. I think that it is ok because it is mainly asking about how a word came into ...

Q: Baby Rudin Theorem 1.19 Step 5

AspiringScrubI have no background in pure mathematics, and I'm trying to learn how to be more rigorous in general. To help with this, I am trying to make everything more explicit as I progress through Rudin's Principles of Mathematical Analysis. I am currently going through theorem 1.19's proof where Rudin co...

Q: Can we use Burnside's lemma to count partitions of an integer?

JFRI am currently learning group theory and find that Burnside Lemma can be used to calculate partition number, although not that efficiently. Suppose we want to distribute $n$ different balls into $n$ different boxes. Each way of doing this corresponds to a function from $\{1,2,...,n\}$ to $\{1,2,....

Q: Where does this sketch have Undefined Behavior?

Thomas WellerSimple sketch and simple question: where does this sketch have undefined behavior? Note: I don't need a solution to fix the code. I already have code that works. I really need to understand where my thinking is wrong. Background: some kids were writing a program for a line follower robot which ha...

Q: Change in Free Energy on Approach to Equilibrium in a System with Fixed Volume

DGAPhysics1Consider a system whose volume and particle number are fixed. The system starts out at temperature $T_0$ and is then put in thermal contact with a reservoir at temperature $T_r \neq T_0$. It is often said that the free energy $F := E - TS$ of the system decreases to a minimum as it comes to therm...

Q: Experimental evidence that a particle experiences time?

Charles HudginsIt is a famous fact that massless particles don't experience time, i.e. have no well-defined proper time. Conversely, massive particles can meaningfully be assigned a proper time parameter; they do experience time. Assuming what we know about special relativity, it is fine to say that a particle ...

Q: I unintentionally self-plagiarized in my graduate courses last semester and just realized, what should I do?

ellis86I am currently a master's student in the second semester of my first year. I have just returned to graduate school after taking several years off due to the pandemic. Last semester I had two classes that required book reviews. The book I picked met the criteria for both classes and at the time, I...

1 hour later…
Q: Something Here is Fishy

Tyler SeldenThis is a cryptic clue I just came up with: Fisherman stands behind small rope (9) It's my first ever puzzle, so hopefully it isn't too much of a stretch.

Q: Generate json from bash script

Marco FerraraI need to generate an json output as below using bash script: [{ "Service": "service1-name", "AWS Account": "service1-dev", "AD Accounts": { "APP-Service1-Admin": ["a", "b"], "APP-Service1-View": ["c", "d"] } } ] I'm trying this bash file, but I can't insert inner...

Q: I am trying to understand 写

Ralph Bacolod冖 + 与 = 写。how does mi and yu become xie? Mi is the cover radical and Yu means and; with; to; for; give, grant according to Pleco.

Q: What material is this?

DaveOur home has cabinets that look like this. I was wondering if anyone recognizes the material this is? I'm assuming it's some hardwood plywood but I don't recognize the wood species.

Q: Fantasy novel identification - pre 2000, female author, large city, character called 'The Hyena'

A_SundayI'm looking for an old fantasy novel. Here's what I remember: Probably published in the 80s or 90s. Fantasy setting. Takes place in a large fantasy city. - Maybe so big that nothing else in the world is really described. (Not an Earth city. It's not urban fantasy. More like mid-to-low fantasy se...

Q: What was 'Maclogal'?

Infinite_MaelstromWhile reading about the ATOLL Checkout Language in the April 1965 issue of DATAMATION (pp 33-35), I came across one letter to the editor (pg 12), discussing the volume required to house the ~1QB memory belonging to an (I can only assume theoretical) new computer, 'Maclogal.' Intrigued, I searche...

Q: If US Treasuries at yielding 4-5% right now, why can't I find an ETF that yields that amount?

KatsuIf US Treasuries at yielding 4-5% right now, why can't I find a 1 month US Bond ETF or 6 month US Bond ETF that yields 4-5%? The best I can find is SGOV but it only yields 2%. Picture of US yields on 3/8/2023 for reference:

Q: Schengen Visa "member state of first entry"

Siddharth ThevarilI am filling the Harmonised application form and in point 26, there is a field called Member state of the first country I have my flight booked from India to Iceland via Netherlands where I will be changing my flights at Schiphol, Amsterdam. As per the official website here: https://www.netherlan...

Q: "Sort" by element duplication

Bbrk24Inspired by one of many bugs I ran into while implementing selection sort in trilangle. Given a non-empty list of non-negative integers, "sort" the list using the following procedure: Find and output the smallest value in the list. If the list only has one element, stop. Recurse on a sublist: I...

Q: OnTriggerExit Coroutine won't stop?

jasmine zhaoi use StopCoroutine to stop "AttackPlayer", but their keep exculte the TakeDamage() function, even i stop it. how to totally stop the IEnumerator , use bool to turn the whileloop on and off? void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.TryGetComponent(out Player player)) ...

Q: Meaning of 'all president'

SHIN JaeGuk All President Biden’s New Spending It is the news title. I feel the title implies mockery but can not figure out exactly. I see 'all' is an adjective because it comes before a noun but I am not able to find any appropriate meaning in dictionaries. Please someone explain it with plain English. T...

Q: Is there any possibility of obtaining an asymptotic approximation (instead of numerical solutions) of such a 2nd-order homogeneous ODE in Mathematica?

user688486Here is a typical linear ordinary differential equation with variable coefficients: $$\ddot{x\hspace{0pt}}(t)+\left(\frac{\ln t}t\right)^{\!2}x(t)=0\text.$$ Now I intend to investigate the (leading) asymptotic behavior of solutions for $x$ as $t\to+\infty$, but regrettably, (*System`AsymptoticDSo...

Q: EXPLAIN ANALYZE does not show what takes time with my GIN index scan

MadeorskContext I have a table named companies_establishments that holds ~33M rows. I created a GIN index with trigrams, so I can make LIKE queries much faster. CREATE INDEX companies_establishments_id_index ON companies_establishments USING gin (id gin_trgm_ops); However, it still takes 150ms and I don...

Q: What are the grenades and artillery cited in this testimony?

totalMongotIn the testimony of a Soviet officer of the raid on Tatsinskaya cited by wiipedia,the Soviet officer speaks of two elements faced by Soviet tanks: Enemy artillery Germans "launching grenades [that blows up] tanks" My question is: if artillery is antitank artillery, as I supposed, what are those "...

Q: Is it ok to say "When we would go to a restaurant ......." instead of "When we went to a restaurant, ....."?

yunusA native speaker doctor speaks about bone broth and its health benefits and the old days when this soup was always part of the dinners. He says: It was considered a delicacy, and I can remember when we'd go to a fancy restaurant having a bowl of consomme was considered the ultimate in fine dining...

Q: Are underage people allowed to defend themselves in court?

chausiesBob is underage, yet commits a severe criminal act that's worthy of going to trial. Normally, one is allowed to represent themselves in court, however ill-advised that may be. But is Bob, underage as he is, allowed that same right? Feel free to set the age/crime to be whatever such that Bob would...

Q: Abelian categories that are not monoidal

xuq01Forgive me if this turns out to be a naive question. I'm quite convinced that not all abelian categories admit (symmetric?) monoidal structure (of course, with the tensor product being additive, meaning that it is an additive bifunctor), but I can't think of an abelian category that doesn't! Mayb...

Q: QGIS: Create rectangular grid from point grid

GisUserI would like to create a grid of rectangles from this grid of points using QGIS 3.16: I want the rectangles to be 8km by 8km in size. My points are 8km apart. I tried using the Rectangles, ovals, diamonds tool and at first it seems to work. This is what I get: However, when I zoom in on the rec...

Q: How can you make the unstoppable force trope work?

SayamanI heard that "the unstoppable force" trope is considered one of the worst tropes you can use, and you should avoid it at all cost, because there are many issues among which are the lack of stakes (outcome is predetermined), lack of character development (character doesn't have to develop), lack o...

Q: lwc:if does not work with @api properties

Nagendra SinghI have noticed lwc:if does not work with @api attributes. Has anyone faced this? Also is there a documentation where this is mentioned. HTML: <template> <div class="container"> <article class="slds-card"> <template lwc:if={boolShowCustomFilter}> <section r...

Q: When speaking openly with a group of people, is it okay to speak casually with some and formally with others?

chausiesSay that I'm having lunch with my buddy outside, and my boss comes over and starts talking to me. Obviously, with my boss, I'll talk with proper keigo and stuff. But in front of my boss, am I allowed to talk directly to my buddy with full-blown tameguchi, or is that considered impolite? For examp...

Q: What does the triple operator ??? do in this case?

BrokenCodeI know what the null coalescing operator (??) does. I have an example here with 3 operators and I am unsure what it does? Here is an example that I came across in a script I am trying to debug: {% set eventsButtonLabel = event.eventsButtonLabel ??? 'Book Ticket'|t ??? null %} What is the functio...

Q: Adding additional coordinates to a plot

JeffI have tried over and over and still cannot make it look like this one, specially the tangents: MWE: (credits to Jimeens) \documentclass[tikz,border=1mm]{standalone} \usepackage{pgfplots} \pgfplotsset{compat=1.18} \usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[ scale=1.5,...

Q: Sophie Safe primes

Aitzaz ImtiazDescription Write a program or function that takes in a positive integer \$n\$ as input and outputs all Sophie Germain primes that are safe primes less than or equal to \$n\$. A prime number \$p\$ is a Sophie Germain prime if \$2p+1\$ is also a prime. A prime number \$p\$ is a safe prime as a res...

Q: How To Add Text to Side of Object/Mesh?

PegabugThis seems like a simple thing to do, but I can't quite figure out how to do it. I want to add a label (text) onto the sides of my object like in this picture: What is the best way to go about this? For reference, this is what my mesh looks like now: NOTE: The text should fold over the top and ...

Q: Gnu CALC: vector/matrix concatenation in horizontal axis?

GaridI'm just few days in learning about GNU-CALC. This is very awesome software. Suppose I have 2 matrices (or column vector) with shape of 3x1: 2: [ [ a1 ] [ a2 ] [ a3 ] ] 1: [ [ b1 ] [ b2 ] [ b3 ] ] . The calc-concat (bind to |): will concatenates (vertically) to foll...

Q: Is the USA the largest trading partner of Vietnam nowadays?

FizzAccording to Seymour Hersh, the fall of Saigon was irrelevant (wrt. to containing China etc.) because We're the largest trading partner of Vietnam now. By "we" he surely means the USA. Is this true, is the USA the largest trading partner of Vietnam?

Q: Applying for ESTA while living temporarily in another country?

questionaskerI'm a German citizen and am currently doing my bachelors in Norway. When applying for an ESTA tourist visa, which address do I add? My current address in Norway, or the one that is in my registry at my parent's home in Germany? My passport address is therefore not the same as my actual one. I'm a...

Q: Is there a major drawback of working with compressed LAZ vs. the uncompressed LAS?

HoneybearCompressed LAS pointclouds (LAZ) are significantly smaller than the uncompressed ones (I observe a compression factor of x4 - x5). Since point clouds are often large files, this is a substantial advantage (for disk space, bandwidth, ...) and the compression is lossless. Yet I still see LAS data b...

Q: How to politely decline a take-home test task?

Eternal_EtherI recently applied for a software engineering job and the company responded back with a take-home test task which, in their words, should take between 2 to 3 hours. Currently, I'm about 2 and a half hours in, trying to get my virtual environment to run the baseline code they provided. I then have...

Q: Does looking at a monitor screen in a room with very low light source damage your eyes?

holydragonSuppose a person wants to play computer games at night without turning on the room lights. The only light source in the room is that monitor screen that the person is looking at -- with normal brightness, of course. Does looking at a monitor screen in a room with very low light source damage your...

Q: How to reduce multiattack penalty for bombs?

enumagIs there some way to reduce or avoid the multi-attack penalty when throwing weapons? So far the only thing I found is the Dual Thrower feat which is completely useless because it requires you to already hold both weapons and I couldn't find any way to draw two weapons with a single action. If it ...

Q: Correct order for prices per unit

AnaIn English, currencies should go before the number (i.e. €24.47). Other units should go after (i.e. 3 m²). But what is the correct order when you mean to give a price per unit (using the slash sign preferably)? €24.47/m² 24.47 €/m² 24.47€/m² Or is the slash so unusual that you never use it? If ...

Q: use bash 'cp' command in script and exclude a specific directory?

Blockchain OfficeI need to run this command from a shell script to copy source > dest and exclude a folder no rsync, tar, find, mv, etc.. exactly this command: cp -var test/!(test2) testbkp in the shell it works run from a bash script without exclude like cp -var test testbkp it works. When I try to run from a ...

Q: How can I store the the IP and Port that are separated by ":" to two variables?

DenisZI want to extract the IP and Port from a variable. I have tried to use this: ADDR= IP=${ADDR##:} PORT=${ADDR%:} However, this assigns the entire address to both variables. How can I store the the IP and Port to two variables?

Q: How to create this type of page in LaTex

Tanmoy PatiI want to create sort of repetitive pattern in an A4 page with minimal margin. As a sample image, given with this text. But I am not getting how to do this. Any hint is appreciable.

Q: How to deal with Around[list] not evaluating if the list elements have Around Head instead of being numeric?

rhermansBackground I like using Around for data analysis so I can easily keep track of measurement uncertainties. It also automatically produces plots with error bars. I can define intrinsic uncertainties by hand Around[42, 1.234] and I can estimate uncertainty from the data variance. Around@Range[9] ...

Q: Is there a fair way to increase the grade of students who did not do well in exams?

facecleanHow can I fairly compensate a student who showed passion and dedication for my undergraduate course but performed poorly on the final exam, without unfairly advantaging them over other students? Additional context: The student spent a significant amount of time taking meticulous notes for the cou...

Q: Help IDing what the type of wood finish this is

Daniel VartanovThe project is to renew these handrails, but I found it hard to figure out which type of finish this is. I sanded a part of wood, tried various finishes: Interior wood varnishes (all kinds: gloss, satin and matt) Wipe-on wood dye + clear wax But none of those turned out to be even close to this...

Q: Latitude and Longitude values in GeoGraphics Image

JepessenI want to plot the Sicily with a lat/lon grid and respective values. This is what I've done so far: latRange = Range[36.61, 38.36, 0.5]; lonRange = Range[12.34, 15.70, 0.5]; exampleMap = GeoGraphics[ { GeoStyling["ReliefMap"], Polygon[Entity["Island", "Sicily"]] }, GeoGridLines -> { ...

Q: Can we distinguish between gravity and electrostatic forces interacting on celestial bodies?

Christian SpethThe orbit of one celestial body around another is thought to be caused by gravity alone. However, could part of the force determining the orbit (at least in theory) be caused by a difference in the electrical potential between the two bodies? For instance we assume that Earth is electrically neut...

Q: Diodes Problem - Forward or Reverse Bias

Jason2134 Hi, I am stuck on the solution to this problem. I understand that the second LED is in reverse bias due to its polarity, however, I do not understand how I can be sure LED1 is in forward bias. How can you actually be sure that the 4.5V source results in a resulting voltage of greater than 2V bef...

Q: Quest objectives not updating, even though the quest is already completed

cyberAre there any console commands or mods that can fix this? I tried these commands: setobjectivecomplete cwobj 1002 1 setobjectivecomplete cwobj 102 1 But they didn’t work :( It's for the “Liberate Haafingar” and “Report to Ulfric Stormcloak” objectives.

Q: L'Hopital's Rule for nested exponential function

Karl Henry DahaoI am trying to look for the following limit: $$\lim_{x\to\infty} (xe^{1/x} - x)^x$$ I re-wrote the limit in the following way $$\exp\left( \lim_{x\to\infty} x\ln \left[ x(e^{1/x} -1) \right] \right)$$ and I look for the limit of the exponent using L'Hopital's rule (beforehand, I changed the $x$ ...

Q: Will a CNN that is Group Equivariant always be better than a regular CNN?

puradrogasincortarI am reading this paper about Group Equivariant Convolutional Networks. Basically, it is a CNN whose construction makes the network naturally equivariant to Group transformations (e.g. rotations) of the input. This is, a GE-CNN trained with the Rotations Group in its architecture, will for instan...

Q: Confusion about having limit value an given point

bounToday , me and my friend discussed on a question which is about whether there is limit in a given point.To answer this , we assumed that let $f$ be a function such that $f:{1} \rightarrow {4} ,f(1)=4$ ,i.e, its domain is only $1$ and image is only $4$ , but these values are isolated. Thanks to th...

Q: If batteries are arranged in series in a closed circuit (I.e. with a load, which is constant) why doesn’t the current increase when voltage does?

Princess QuackI guess people have asked slightly similar questions to mine before, but I still haven’t been able to find a complete answer as to WHY the current doesn’t increase even when the voltage in a circuit does. When batteries are connected in series, their voltages add up. Now let’s imagine we put thes...

Q: Remove one empty page between subsection and subsubsection

Turkan\documentclass[review]{elsarticle} %\documentclass[1p]{elsarticle} \usepackage{geometry} \usepackage{epsfig} \usepackage{latexsym} \usepackage[font={normalsize}]{caption} \usepackage[para,flushleft]{threeparttable} \renewcommand{\TPTtagStyle}{\textit} \usepackage{booktabs} %\usepackage{nicematri...

Q: A binary number and the last cell

PlaceReporter9901011000010001100100010000110001001100000011010000111000001101010011011100110110 What could this mean? Take a screenshot once you have decoded and plotted it. Hint:

Q: Removing slaves digit to prevent uprising

CorrbearWhat digit, if removed, would hamper a human from fighting using medieval weaponry? (I'm toying with both thumbs but this may be too limiting in the work that the slaves can do or both little fingers as I believe they are important for grip.) See below for more context: A humanoid race in a typic...

Q: Android Issues were found when checking AAR metadata: androidx.core:core:1.12.0-alpha01 and androidx.core:core-ktx:1.12.0-alpha01

Valentin CerneanuI am working on project and today the build is not working anymore The error is the following: 2 issues were found when checking AAR metadata: Dependency 'androidx.core:core:1.12.0-alpha01' requires libraries and applications that depend on it to compile against codename "UpsideDownCake" of the...

Q: Find the lower 8-digits number such that

franck vivienThis one come from newspapers in France, where this week is the "mathematics week", and some problems are proposed to kids. This single one is easy and funny: Find the lowest 8-digit number, all distinct figures, such that when 2 figures are consecutive, one is the multiple of the other. All figu...

Q: Sumset-distinct numbers

DRJLet $x_1,\ldots,x_n$ be $n$ complex numbers, and define $x_I:=\sum_{i\in I}x_i$ for any set $I\subseteq[n]$. Finally, declare the family $(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ to be "sumset-distinct" if the $2^n$ numbers $(x_I)_{I\subseteq [n]}$ are pairwise distinct. My questions are: Has this notion been studied ...

Q: Automorphisms of algebraically closed fields without the Axiom of Choice

THCIn the paper Algebraische Konsequenzen des Determiniertheits-Axioms (U. Felgner – K. Schulz, Arch. Math. (Basel) 42 (1984), pp. 557–563), the authors show that in models of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory without the Axiom of Choice, but with the Axiom of Determinacy, one can show that the field of c...

Q: Differences in faculty job talks for current faculty vs. new graduates? (especially for STEM fields with large research groups)

capybaraletIs there any standard advice about how a job talk from a junior faculty member (e.g. let's say 2 years in) should differ from someone who is fresh on the market? For instance, I've heard it's good to go into technical depth on one project in your job talk, but this might be less important / essen...

Q: Adjust side-by-side equations to the center and their equation number to the right

MariConsider the following example code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} \begin{document} \begin{align} a_j = \begin{cases} 2, & {\rm~if~} j = n, \\ 1, & {\rm~if~} j = n - 1, \\ j - 1, & {\rm otherwise} \end{cases} \end{align} % and ...

Q: Why is the Royal Road progression (IV-V-iii-vi) often resolved by a ii-V-I cadence?

Honoka KousakaThe IV-V-iii-vi progression is very often resolved by a ii-V-I cadence, making an extended progression of IV-V-iii-vi-ii-V-I which is very common in anime music. What's the reason?

Q: Why do Matilda's parents treat her so badly?

user13267Why do Matilda's parents act like they hate her? The movie shows them like to be like this Dursleyish family, and it also has this general theme of adults hating children. They seem to like their older son just fine even though the father treats him a bit rough, but they seem to especially hate M...

Q: How to explain expanding gas temperature in microscopic level?

EbiAn insulated piston and cylinder contains an ideal gas. We pull the piston and expand the gas volume inside the cylinder. I understand the temperature drops due to this expansion. But, how can we explain this in the microscopic level? How pulling the piston affects speed of particles (hence, the ...

Q: What restrictions does the version field in the block header have?

MurchWe are seeing a lot of funky values in the block version since blocks are getting mined using Overt ASICBOOST. This made me wonder, what range of values are permitted in the version field?

Q: Reduce a list by filtering out repeated elements

buhtzI want to reduce a list to its sequence. Or I could say I want to remove duplicate neighbors in a list. This Python code does what I want. #!/usr/bin/env python3 data = [True, False, False, False, False, True, True] expected = [True, False, True] result = [] for d in data: try: if re...

Q: Origin of UNIX symbolic links?

Acceptable NameWhen I search the web for information about the origin of UNIX symbolic links, I see "Symbolic links were first introduced into Unix with 4.1c-BSD". But when I go to fact check that, it doesn't appear to be true. What I see instead is that Dennis Ritchie modified nami.c on Eighth Edition research...

Q: Solve can’t solve this… is there a way to approximatie it?

CuriousDudeFromEgyptBeen toying around with mortgage/loan calculations and spreadsheeting. The loan formula is as follows: A = p * r *(1+r)^n / ((1+r)^n - 1) A: payment per period p: principal r: interest rate n: number of periods This is effectively the PMT function in excel. I tried using the Solve function in Mat...

Q: Delete All Products (and their variants)

cherrykodaI'm looking for the correct way to delete all of the products and related variants from my Commerce site. This is just for my local development environment as I'm debugging an import job. The delete() function is the wrong code in the following console controller: public function actionNuke() { ...

Q: Create a toggle for users to place markers in Leaflet?

BuzzkillionairI am working on an webpage that uses Leaflet. The users can currently place a marker on the map when they click a specific area. I was wondering if there is a way to add a toggle so that the user can enable and disable placing markers when they click on the map. I can't seem to find anything, but...

Q: What is the best tool to crimp cable end caps?

LC1983What is the best tool to crimp cable end caps - especially those where access is limited, such as dropper post remotes? I have got a crimp area on my cable cutters, but it is a bit fiddly to use, is there anything better?

Q: How do I create a List with a dynamic type?

Rob BaillieI have a generic method that sets up some objects and returns a list of them. The type of the object is defined by an interface. The interface: public interface DynamicThing { DynamicThing configure( Map<String,Object> settings ); } The method that builds the List: public List<DynamicThing> ...

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