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Q: Is tweak used when spending from script path for Taproot?

Joy WangI understand that a taproot output can be either spent using key path or script path. With key path, a tweak is applied to the private key and then sign the sighash. The signature is provided as a witness. However with script path, I do not see the tweak being used anywhere. For example, in 2.4.8...

Q: PTIJ: Is ChatGPT a good thing?

Joel KThe author of Mevo HaShe'arim very clearly approves of the work done by OpenAI to grant the public easy access to their GPT, by releasing ChatGPT. He writes in 10:6: שנקל להם מתחילה אף במעט יגיעה להבין את דברי הגפ״ת, ואז כאשר יטעמו ויראו כי טובה היא So that it is easy for them [the public], with...

Q: Get all keys from VCF file's info field

AbhiThis question is related to the previously answered - Awk split by delimiter and take first entry - For a VCF file chr1 28374C T 0.0 PASS AF=0.730769;AO=19;DP=26; chr1 29631A G 0.0 PASS AF=0.6;AO=6;DP=10;ALLELEID=1396033; chr1 39322CAC ACC 0....

Q: Are humanoid legs actually compatible with reptilian tails?

Ichthys KingUnlike mammals, reptiles lack gluteal muscles and instead have enlarged caudofemoralis muscls to extend the hindlegs. The humanoid legs, on the other hand, rely on the mammalian gluteals in order to function Is there an alternative muscular structure that allows for humanoid legs that are moved b...

Q: how to execute command after every failed command?

TheHolyTachankaIm trying to log everytime a command fails(By sending a http request to my vps) to see how many times ive messed up, i couldnt find anything on this topic so im asking here Im basically looking for something like this but for every command typed into the shell some_command || curl <my-vps>

Q: What is a "Night Court"?

abelenkyIn the fictional TV comedy "Night Court" (both the original and the recent remake), the court is described as an "Arraignment Court", which I understood should serve to read the charges, set bail and potentially record a plea, but defer the rest of the process (discovery, pre-trials, depos, trial...

Q: Incorrect word choice with 食べ物 and 作る

TylersanzuraI was wondering if someone could tell me if the following is incorrect or unnatural: I made a lot of food. 食べ物をたくさん作りました。 In the context of the sentence, multiple food items were made. Things that don't necessarily constitute as a complete meal (e.g. only pasta, only beef, etc) in my opinion. I...

Q: Polyhedra has more corners than facets

RobertLet $P$ be a polyhedron. Is it true that $P$ has always more/as many corners than facets? I haven't found a counterexample in $\mathbb R^2$ and $\mathbb R^3$ and intuitively I think the statement is true. Is there a proof?

Q: Why is the main breaker sparking in off position?

StacieThe power in several rooms has randomly gone out then comes back on seconds later. We consulted with an electrician that told us to replace the whole panel but we can’t afford $5000 to do that right now so instead we decided to replace the problem breakers. When my husband turned off the main bre...

Q: Is there music where it makes no sense to talk about a tonic?

CrabManIs there music without a tonic? I.e., the structure of which is such that it makes no sense to talk about some stable home base note where we return. Or maybe music tonality changes so frequent that there is no point in talking about a tonic?

Q: Missed a citation which has a solution to the problem that I worked on

burnedstudentAbout 4 years ago, before I started my PhD, I published a paper which used a method to improve an existing result. There were 2 papers on the existing result and method which I used for my work and appropriately cited. A couple of days ago I discovered another paper on arXiV by the same authors, ...

Q: Numeration layout

SamuelHow can I create a numeration with the following Layout: \TAB \TAB Description \TAB a) \TAB Description \TAB b) \TAB Description (see screenshot) Basically, I want to create a list and sublist layout, where the list (1.,2. etc.) has no left indent, but the sublist (a,b,c etc.) does.

Q: How to export a matrix with complex entries having arbitrary precision from Mathematica to Matlab?

noir1993I am trying to export a large matrix with complex entires having arbitrary precision (~ roughly 200 digits after the decimal point) from Mathematica to Matlab. I have used Export["data.mat", A] where A is the matrix in Mathematica. MATLAB is able to read the matrix but the assigns a data type com...

Q: Simple integral that becomes extremely complicated through a small modification

David G. StorkSometimes a fairly simple symbolic integral problem has an extremely complicated answer, as @Nasser showed in his superb answer to this question: One of the moderately difficult integrals has a solution that comprises an astounding 57,000 leafs in its simplest symbolic form! I sometimes speak with

Q: How to explain different voltage and symmetry?

EbiImagine a magnet is falling along the axis of a uniform metal ring, there is an Eddy current in the ring due to changing magnetic flux and the direction of the current is determined by Lenz's law. Take two points on the ring on each end of the same diameter, let's call them A and B. Current flows...

Q: How To Optimize a Query That Aggregates Then Duplicates a Large Number of Records in a Single Table

David RogersIn the following post, J.D. brings up that I have a poorly performing query. I am running this query on SQL Server 2019 Standard Edition (query plan was generated in Development Edition) Let's take a look at it here: INSERT INTO [dbo].[tbl_Planning_Operational_Data_Exploded] ( [ScenarioID] ...

Q: How do I make a version of Armor of Agathys on DnDBeyond?

AncientSwordRageA while ago I was given a free spell from my benevolent GM, and I chose Armor of Agathys with the caveat that I could change the damage type (let's leave aside the balance concerns of that for now) and name (to that of my character's patron). I managed to find the what was claimed to be 'best' wa...

Q: Do You Have a Flag?

Tyler Clues: [contextual images] 0056(9:30)8 (6:15)(6:15)(6:00)800 Instructions: Name That Country _ _ _ A _ _ _

Q: What does "抽象" in this sentence mean in English?

freefarmOn Chinese social networks, "抽象" does not always mean "abstract" For example, "这个视频太抽象了" actually means this video is kinda funny instead of "This video is so abstract"

Q: How to communicate in an application legal right in the country and willingness to relocate?

MattI'm a UK citizen but I've been living and working in the US for the last 14 years. Due to changing personal circumstances, I'm looking to move back to the UK but I don't want to relocate unless I already have a job lined up. All of my professional work experience is in the US and my address is in...

Q: Skip Heathrow flight after passing security

Mohamed MosaadA friend of mine is transiting through Heathrow terminal 5 and they don't have a UK visa. In order to meet my friend, I am planning to book a cheap flight out of Terminal 5 around the same time my friend will be in the transit so I can clear to security and spend a few hours with my friend then I...

Q: Cessna 208B Caravan various emergencies

leha007looking for help from some experienced Caravan pilots. So for the 208B Caravan we have our emergency checklist, which for engine failure tells us to power idle prop feather and fuel lever to idle and basically do a forced landing, For flameout tells us to either turn ignition on if Ng>50 or put t...

Q: Can AI-generated text be considered defamation?

plasticinsectThis question is inspired by recent news about some of the strange, out-of-control behavior from Microsoft's new Bing chat AI, but I am asking hypothetically here. If an AI chatbot such as Bing Chat or ChatGPT said factually untrue things that did measurable harm to a real person's reputation, wo...

Q: Can a witness lodge an objection in response to a question?

chasly - supports MonicaSuppose that a lawyer asks a question that may breach some court protocol. Is it acceptable for a witness to turn to the judge and say "Objection!" and possibly go on to explain the nature of the objection, whereupon the judge makes a ruling?

Q: Does High Ground let creatures that are not able to block, like Skrelv, Defector Mite, block?

WowGeeWhizI am thinking of including High Ground in my mono-white deck. The deck has a lot of creatures and tokens that cannot block, like Skrelv, Defector Mite and the tokens created by White Sun's Twilight. Because of the way these cards are worded: Skrelv, Defector Mite: Skrelv, Defector Mite cannot bl...

Q: What is the maximum size transaction that will be relayed by bitcoin nodes using the default configuration?

vnprcI understand that the actual size limit of a transaction is determined by the block size, as we can see from this absolute unit. But transactions this large must be submitted directly to a mining pool because they will not propagate through the bitcoin network. What limits prevent this transactio...

Q: Sliding Barn Style Door Versus Standard Door

Joe WI am looking to replace the door to my master bathroom with a sliding barn door style and was wondering is there anything I should be aware of while planning this. The reason I am looking to do it because the current door opens up right on top of the shower area and I was looking at ways to allow...

Q: Explicit polynomial for quadratic elements? (FEM)

MakoganIn this resource the linear (barycentric) elements are explicitly given: The geometry placement of higher order elements is also given but not expression for the polynomial of $P_2$ is given. I am hoping someone can tell me what the 6 polynomials look like.

Q: Does the MacBook Pro M2 2023 charge >100W (140W, FastCharge) via the USB-C ports?

haemseOn the M1 MacBook Pros charging via the USB-C ports if only up to 100W (USB PowerDevlivery 20V 5A) Hwr, did they improve it on the MBP M2 2023, so you could also FastCharge (140W - USB PD 28V 5A) via one of the USB-C Ports? Or still just via MagSafe3?

Q: How am I supposed to get into this screw-on singlespeed freewheel?

Chris HThis is off a neighbour's kid's bike. The pawls weren't springing so I offered to take a look. I've had a couple of similar failures myself and though I'd open it, clean it, and regrease it. Even with the chain on it felt/sounded dry, more so once I took the wheel off. It was rather stiff to ...

Q: How to fix water missing gutter?

NateWhen it rains, water from the second floor downspout misses the first floor gutter on the right side and comes down the siding (as shown below). You can see the evidence (vegetation) growing to the side of the lower gutter. What is the best way to fix this?

Q: Same SE for all coefficients of a linear model

jaiI am trying to find shellfish densities for a field-based aquaculture program and wanted to understand the impact of reef structure and site on the response. This experiment only has a sample size of 36. I looked at the distribution and log-transformed it for normality before running a linear mo...

Q: Robust standard errors for a Poisson regression with/without an offset

Demetri PananosThe following is a question posted to Stack Overflow, but the answer is more to-do with statistical theory than software. I am reposting it here because this is a more appropriate venue, and because similar questions have remained unanswered on this site for 8+ years. Poisson regression can be ...

Q: Probability of Twisting a Phone Cord During a Call

mckelveyI invented this problem and am unable to solve it. It is not a homework problem. I make a phone call on a standard handset (with a coiled cord). I start with the phone on my right ear. With probability p I talk long enough that I transfer the phone to my left ear, putting a twist in the cord. If ...

Q: Understanding Universal Quantifiers (Order Matters)

Partial TI realized I haven't really understood how universal quantifiers work even after doing "serious" mathematics for quite a while. In particular, when can we actually swap universal quantifiers? For a more specific example, consider the statement of some theorem of the form: For all $n \in \mathbb{N...

Q: Is it appropriate to ask an interviewing institution to reimburse nonrefundable hotel costs after flight cancellation?

ChobiI have an interview scheduled for tomorrow. But today my flight got canceled. I tried to get another flight today, but unfortunately, I could not get any. I informed the university and requested them to take my interview via Zoom, to which they agreed. I had booked the flight and hotel two weeks ...

Q: How basic can a patent be? (Hypothetical example: conductor's baton)

chasly - supports MonicaThis is a hypothetical question but of course there may be real-life ramifications. Hypothesis: Imagine that for centuries, right up to the present day, orchestral conductors had used only their hands to keep the orchestra together and to communicate musical intentions. No-one had thought of usin...

Q: Should IFR flight plans still have one waypoint per sector in 2023?

Steve V.Alternate title: How come ATC has cleared aircraft direct from Laredo to Columbus 17 times? If you hop on ForeFlight today (Feb 20 2023) and search for suggested routes between KLRD and KCMH you'll discover that the most cleared route (17x!) is KLRD GETTA.JAKTZ1 KCMH. That's a thousand nautical ...

Q: Help understanding steps to prove Dirichlet's approximation theorem

codeing_monkeyIn my elementary number theory textbook, there is a problem that is meant to help understand the proof of Dirichlet's rational approximation theorem. There are two parts to the problem: the first part asks: Let $x$ be an irrational number, and let $n$ be a positive integer. For each integer $b$ b...

Q: Mage Slayer saving throw advantage vs Web spell

ThomasSo the Mage Slayer feat says: You have advantage on saving throws against spells cast by creatures within 5 feet of you If a caster were to use web on a Mage Slayer user, does the Mage Slayer have advantage on the Web saving throw at the beginning of their turn if the caster is within 5 feet of...

Q: Someone has "faked" transferring 0.00 ERC-20 tokens from my and many other addresses

IaroslavSomeone has created a tx in which my address has supposedly "transferred" 0.00 USDC tokens to another address on Polygon, along with dozens of other addresses also transferring 0.00 DAI/WETH/USDT: https://polygonscan.com/tx/0x5e9ca4a00732d27be81740ccadf2d8758a6d175827a6dfac46578e0e79814484 Judgin...

Q: Sci-fi book, pre 1980, about a man who invents things while asleep or blacked out

Dare BehrHe invented a machine that could dig a hole while making holographic thread. He makes a hoop that leads to other worlds or dimensions and when he throws it onto the floor, a women gets transported through it.

Q: How can I make resistance surfaces in QGIS?

NickmofoeSo I want to build a model for species distribution regarding a species of land snail. I had the idea to build resistance surfaces in order to account for the limited dispersal capabilities that it has. I currently possess: a DEM of the area, and additional layers of the slope and the terrain rug...

Q: Determine the amount of solutions for every real number "a" to the following system of linear equations.

ZimmerJI'm studying linear algebra and I have received the following problem to solve: "Determine the amount of solutions for every real number "a" to the following system of linear equations." $ (4-a)x_1+2x_2-x_3=1 \\ -2x_1+(1-a)x_2+2x_3=2\\ -x_1+2x_2+(4-a)x_3=1 $ I have a hard time inter...

Q: How to exactly measure the angle between two spheres, seen from the world origin?

Dirkthis seems to be a simple question, still I'm surprised that I couldn't find any really satisfying answer... Supposed, I'm looking from Blender's world origin on two spheres sitting in somewhere the x-y-plane, and I want to know the precise angle between the sphere origins. I read lots of posts o...

Q: What would be the last decade in the US that wide release movies would be shot, edited and released on film?

David RouseIt is my understanding that movies started out being shot, edited and released on film - then advances in technology slowly allowed for digital editing, digital releases and then movies shot on digital cameras. Obviously these changes happened over a period of time and different directors took to...

Q: What are toxins?

ESCEThe spell Restoration says: When you cast restoration, choose to either reduce a condition or lessen the effect of a toxin. It references "toxin" many times more. But, what is a toxin? It's clearly some sort of affliction, but it doesn't seem to be a defined term anywhere I could find, and I'm ...

1 hour later…
Q: Warning: Extended allocation already in use. etex.sty code will not be used

Node.JSThese are the imports for my latex project. I am wondering how to fix the compile time following the warning, I don't know which package is causing it. Apparently, this question has been asked before but I am not using autonum package so I am not sure. Package etex Warning: Extended allocation al...

Q: Are these transformers or giant capacitors?

amazonprimeI sometimes see these devices along power lines when I'm driving and was wondering what they were. They look just like the regular transformers that I see on top of electrical poles, but it seemed strange to me that they each had two connections to the same phase overhead, so I though that maybe ...

Q: Possible to drive from Europe to Thailand?

Jakub KrolikSince mainland Thailand and India on mainland Asia are land connected with mainland Europe would it be physically possible to drive from Eg Frankfurt Germany to Pattaya Thailand or Delhi India? What I mean is that are there any roads connecting mainland Europe like Germany with mainland Asia Thai...

Q: The pulley is not close enough to the largest sprocket even when b-screw is all the way out

Ning WangI have a new bike with Shimano Ultegra di2 12sp and 11-34 cassette. Following Shimano's installation instruction, with largest sprocket and small chain ring, I cannot move the upper pulley close enough to the largest sprocket even with b-screw all the way out. Shimano suggests 6mm and mine is ove...

Q: Square roots look ugly with high and long expression

Joy JinExample: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \ \begin{equation}v=\sqrt{\frac{2k\left(\frac{qQ_1}{r_i}+\frac{qQ_2}{r_i}-\frac{qQ_1}{r_f}-\frac{qQ_2}{r_f}\right)}{m}}\end{equation} \end{document} Renders to:

Q: Incorrect TikZ output when used with tikzmark

Alan MunnConsider the following MWE. The code of \mypic positions a line between two nodes. When I try to use \mypic with the tikzmark library, the positioning of the line is incorrect. Why is this happening, and how can I fix it? \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{tikzmark,position...

Q: Is my proof ok? (Heine-Borel Theorem, "Measure, Integration & Real Analysis" by Sheldon Axler)

tchappy haI am reading "Measure, Integration & Real Analysis" by Sheldon Axler. The following exercise is Exercise 4 on p.23 in Exercises 2A in this book. Exercise 4 on p.23 Suppose $F$ is a subset of $\mathbb{R}$ with the property that every open cover of $F$ has a finite subcover. Prove that $F$ is clos...

Q: How can I achieve a Cartoon Waterfall animation?

SpaceXI would like some advice on how I can achieve this waterfall animation in Blender. Someone suggested to do a gif and apply it on the model, is that possible? Is there any other way to achieve it ? Waterfall animation video

Q: How can I connect two motors in parallel with different RPM and voltage?

ZainI have a kid's electric toy car with a 12 V battery and 2 DC motors (Model: RS380/6 V & 12 V with 15000 RPM) connected to battery in parallel and to wheels using gearboxes. For some reason, the 6 V motor burned out. I replaced it with another 6 VDC motor, but it met the same fate within an hour (...

Q: Is there any way to highlight text in evince by selecting the given text?

Kevin MartinIn Windows as Adobe Reader provides a way by which we can highlight the given text by just selecting the text. Is there any way to do same in evince in Linux?

Q: How does the parallel axis theorem explain the opening of a door?

user112167As I get closer and closer to the hinges of a door, it becomes harder and harder to open. However, the distance to the hinges is getting smaller and smaller, where the rotation is occurring. All the force I am applying to the door is parallel. In my experiment, I can push in one place, and then a...

Q: Racism at Schengen points of entry

Vikram MurthyI'll cut to the chase. I am an Indian national and as brown as brown can be. The last time I entered France via Paris, the immigration official was super rude to me, and also upon telling him that I was there for tourism, he demanded to see if I was carrying money and also counted it. I have visi...

Q: Science fiction novel on genetically engineered chimeric embryos in cows, with resulting escaped monsters

Fred TibbalsThe novel is dystopian science fiction, published before 2013, in English. It is set in the US, Canada, etc. It starts with a Chinese (or Asian) woman researcher in a secret laboratory where genetically engineered chimera embryos are incubated in surrogate cows. A monster is created, which destro...

Q: Ferrite bead or inductor

NewbieI'm using this device VSC8514 and this is its checklist. I just want to know what spec of ferrite bead I should use for this device's power rails. They have neither mentioned this in the checklist nor in the datasheet. I went through the Eval board schematic over here. They have used an inductor ...

Q: Is an infinite distance traversable?

tryingtobeastoicAccording to Wikipedia, The electric potential energy of a system of point charges is defined as the work required to assemble this system of charges by bringing them close together, as in the system from an infinite distance. The definition seems to suggest that traversing an infinite distance...

Q: Is there less blue light available because the sky is blue?

JamesAre the things we see that are blue .... less blue during daytime because the sky is blue (less blue light available to eluminate the ground)?

Q: Employer Side Social Security Overpayment

Lloyd BanksI had two W2s last year. I overpaid by about $2,000 because the second W2 didn't take into account the first W2. I am an employee with the first company and an employee + owner at the second company (via a S-Corp). I know I can get the overpayment on the employee side of things back by filling ou...

Q: Immobile pressure-sensitive stick

BryBuriyaI was reading the Japanese sci-fi novel Yukikaze (greatly recommended btw) again and I came across a detail that describes that the stick of the fighter plane the main character is flying is fixed in place and does not tilt around like those in a normal airplane, and instead it can detect the pre...

Q: What is the name of this 90's Planechase-like Magic format?

JamesFaixI have a vague memory of an unofficial Magic format from the 90's, that was similar in some ways to Planechase or Vanguard. In addition to the players' regular decks, there were cards that applied rules changes from "outside the game" ("command zone" by modern terminology), like Vanguards or Plan...

Q: What is the maximum voltage of an AAA battery?

JohnI am designing a circuit that will be powered by 3 AAA batteries. I know that the nominal voltage of an AAA battery is 1.5 V, but I also read on the internet that the open-circuit voltage could be higher than 1.5 V (e.g. 1.65 V.) In my case, 3 batteries are connected directly in series to a micro...

Q: What means disjunct?

Pablo Ramos EscalonaI am trying to understand the definition of disjunctive normal form. I got this definition from this textbook: A propositional formula is in disjunctive normal form if it consists of a disjunction of (1, … ,n) disjuncts where each disjunct consists of a conjunction of (1, …, m) atomic formulas ...

Q: Do model training pipeline should run on dev, staging and production environment?

shaik moeedI know it's a best practice to ship our code from dev to staging to production by including different level tests and validations that will help to confidently deploy on the production environment. But, for the ML models, data scientists will first do experiments(train and validate) on the sample...

Q: Use two derivative rules and iterate several times to get the simplest expression of higher derivative

HE TANGI have 2 rules of recursive relation of the derivative, I want to use it several times get the higher derivative on [\Theta] of P[\[Theta],n,m] only expressed by P[\[Theta], n, m] and P[\[Theta], n-1, m]. (Yes, P is Associated Legendre polynomials here) This is my rule (Sorry, I don't know how t...

Q: Can such planet orbit 61 Cygni A within a habitable zone?

Krišjānis LiepiņšI have developed a fictional planet I described here in Worldbuilding Stackexchange: https://worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/231162/length-of-seasons-on-a-planet-with-eliptical-orbit. Since then, I have refined its parameters: its mass is 0,9 Earth; its day is 20 hours; it has 25.7 deg...

Q: Are stretcher bars always left attached to an oil painting?

mike rodentI am a bit puzzled on the subject of stretcher bars. When you make a canvas from stretcher bars and canvas (rather than buying ready-to-paint stretched and treated canvases), what is meant to happen when you finish your painting, and say you want to put a frame around it. And maybe hang it on a w...

Q: Extension Integration Access Token for Rest API is not working in local

Mohamed AbbasI am using Magento 2.4.4 with xampp in my local.Have created extension integration token and added acl for newly created custom rest api resource. when i was provide access Token in my rest api as authorization bearer token , still service responded as 401 and error message "The consumer isn't au...

Q: How does a wizard Halfling (Mark of Healing) learn the healing spells

NapThe race/species of Halfling (Mark of Healing) (ERLW, page 43) states Spells of the Mark. If you have the Spellcasting or the Pact Magic class feature, the spells on the Mark of Healing Spells table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting class. As a wizard, adding a spell to your spellc...

Q: What is the motivation for legally forcing sellers to determine the minimum price of food by multiplying it by 1.1?

Itération 122442The radio broadcasted advertisement for some food ditributor, saying that they sell their food to fight the current crisis at "prix coutant" (cost price). However, it was followed by a very speedy text saying that, according to the law, the actual cost price was actually 1.1 times the real cost p...

Q: Did Edith Wilson influence the passage of the 19th Amendment?

Rewan DemontayEdith Wilson handled her husband Woodrow Wilson's presidential business, heavily so, after his stroke until the end of his term. As "In My Memoir, published in 1939, Edith Wilson justified her self-proclaimed role of presidential "steward". Wikipedia:Edith Wilson This has garnered her a legacy ...

Q: Rectangle fillings obscures the plot

holywhatI used two dashed lines in the following codes to separate my plot into three blocks filled with color. But the fillings would obscure the curves (EtaH[n] and EpsilonH[n]). fill1 = Rectangle[{zerosofeta[[1]], Log@(10^(-12))}, {zerosofeta[[2]], Log@4}]; fill2 = Rectangle[{0, Log@(10^(-12))}, ...

Q: What is the reason behind the runtime error when Queuable jobs in enqueued?

PatlatusIf a public class implements both Schedulable and Queueable interface public class A implements Schedulable, Queueable { public void execute(SchedulableContext c) { // } public void execute(QueueableContext c) { // } } and then this class is enqueued, System.enque...

Q: ifcase eats up letters

hau2643I created a command that switches between GCD and LCM. However it has a side effect of erasing everything before the second visible character after the command. How can I fix this bug? \documentclass{article} \newcommand{\GCDorLCM}[2]{\ifcase#1 GCD\or LCM\fi} \newenvironment{GCDLCM_A}[3]{Find the...

Q: Sort the nested list by the sublist content; sublists of different lengths

wedelfachI would like to write the function NewSort function that sorts a list of sorted sublists, basing first on the canonical ordering of subsequent sublist elements. In case of the tie, the shorter sublist should be first. Example 1: NewSort[{{1,2,4},{3,4},{1,3}}] Should give {{1,2,4},{1,3},{3,4}} E...

Q: What's the solution to Sorites paradox?

ActualCrySuppose you have a heap of sand. You remove one grain. Is there still a heap? You remove another, until you get down to a heap with three grains, a heap with two grains, a heap with one grain, and finally a heap with no grains at all. But that’s ridiculous. There must be something wrong? Does rem...

Q: How to respond to failed salary negotiations

ADHDI got job offer in UK university as lecturer. I accepted the written offer and started start-up package negotiations. I did not get anything cause it is small university so I had counteroffer to get my salary higher but of course, it did not workout and got response that this is very late time to...

Q: If I use a { get; set; } on a field in a Global class, will that get/set be public or global?

DavidIf I have a class that is global and I use the getter setter implementation: Integer myInt { get; private set; } Will my variable myInt be a global or a public variable?

Q: How to shift (or transform) a TikZ path defined by named coordinates?

TobardI wonder if it is possible to shift (or apply any another transformation) a path that is defined by named coordinates. Here is a minimal example: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate (A) at (0,0); \coordinate (B) at (2,0); \draw[blu...

Q: Automator run shell script does not know my PATH?

Ma JoadWhen I use the "run shell script" in automator, and do, for example say $PATH it then tells me the PATH. But the path is incomplete. Some items I have in $PATH when using the terminal (zsh) are missing. How can I fix this, so I have the same $PATH variable everywhere?

Q: Solving Linear equations

ash gamertableI am giving the following equations to Mathematica and it is giving any response . The following is the command:- Solve[ { lam *p000 == mu*p100 , mu*p001 == mu*p101 , (lam + mu)*p010 == mu*(p001+p011+p110) , 2*mu*p011 == lam*p010 + mu*p111 , ...

Q: Lambda-calculus: Beta-equivalent terms have the same type

BobIn the simply-typed lambda calculus, how do you prove that: If two terms are beta-equivalent, then they have the same type? My guess is that I should use the subject reduction, and maybe the confluence...

Q: Insert a polygon as a GeoJSON in PostGIS with only boundry coordinates

user9995I am trying to insert GeoJSON polygon features into a PostGIS db. The input coordinate points are only the left-top corner and the bottom right corner. I have tried to use the ST_MakeEnvelope, but it is not working. CREATE TABLE geojsonpoly ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(64), p...

Q: Tikz pic: use internal nodes as anchor name

tobiasBoraI'd like to use pics to easily and quickly create new node shapes. Sadly, I can't find how to use internal nodes to define anchors. For instance, I'd like the B to point to the small x in the ground symbol: MWE: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{tikz-cd} \begin{document} ...

Q: How do you define the NAV of a leveraged ETF?

StudentI understand the NAV to be the sum of all assets minus the liabilities divided by the total number of shares. Would the assets include the financial derivatives held by the ETF? And if so, how is this less than the fund's exposure?

Q: Assisting an employee to disconnect from work and prevent burnout

MLeFevreI am a manager (indirect to this person) in a small UK based company and work with a fantastic colleague/friend who is rapidly approaching complete burnout. The job is non-physical, involves data/statistics and is conducted primarily whilst working from home. They seem unable to switch off from w...

Q: Can eigenvalues of the density matrix in the Lindblad equation be negative?

al-HwarizmiCan the density matrix in the Lindblad equation for an open mixed quantum system have (real part) negative eigenvalues?

Q: How to leave only the filenames beginning with some phrase?

John TaylorConsider some directory testfolder located in the directory with the notebook. It contains the following files .dat: files = FileNames["*.dat", FileNameJoin[{NotebookDirectory[], "testfolder"}]]; Let us assume that these files are "acceptance_1.dat", "acceptance_no.dat", "spectrum_x.dat", "spect...

Q: How to mark the intersection of lines and curves with letters and coordinate values?

csn899ClearAll["`*"] eqs = {x^2/16 + y^2/9 == 1, x == 2 y + 1}; line = eqs[[2]] ell = eqs[[1]] pts = SolveValues[{line, ell}, {x, y}]; normalized = First[ell] - Last[ell]; ax = Sqrt[Denominator[Coefficient[normalized, x^2]]] bx = Sqrt[Denominator[Coefficient[normalized, y^2]]] (*ass=ResourceFunction["E...

Q: Appending Text to a Field within an IF Statement (JSON)

gvmcdI am trying to append text to a field within an IF statement (intent shown in 3). I understand how to append the basic text (shown in 1). I understand how to set up the IF statement (shown in 2). However I am unsure of how to combine these into 3. The code shown is my best guess, but returns an e...

Q: Using a command to generate a table row in tabularray

Pavel KirienkoI have a command that generates a table row for insertion into a tblr environment as shown below: \documentclass{book} \usepackage{tabularray} \begin{document} \newcommand\MyRow[2]{ #1 & #2 \\ } \begin{tblr}{l l} A & B \\ C & D \\ %\MyRow{E}{F} % Fails here with "Misplaced ali...

Q: Whole Number Groups

mousetailGiven a list of fractions, group them so that each group sums to a whole number. This should be done in such a way to maximize the number of non-empty groups. You may assume a solution exists. Order does not matter, both for the groups and their contents. You may output in any order. Test Cases ...

Q: Using a Client and Server secret to double salt a hash

GreedoI want to log IP addresses visiting my site, for aggregated statistics only and to see if the same IP address has visited twice. But I don't want to expose them. My Idea is in my database. $IP_Verifier = hash($IP + $CONST_Server_salt + $CONST_Client_salt) Where: $CONST_Server_salt is a hardcode...

Q: Can I use one voltage divider for multiple voltage comparators?

Zackery FlemingI have a circuit that uses multiple comparators, that are comparing the same threshold. Could I use just one voltage divider for all of the comparators, or if I need a sperate voltage divider for each comparator? If it helps, I am using a lm339 (quad comparator). Here is a simplified diagram of w...

Q: How does floating pin detection work?

php_nub_qqOn MCP34xx devices datasheet on page 2 it is written: The I2 C address bits for the MCP3427 and MCP3428 are selected by using two external I 2 C address selection pins (Adr0 and Adr1). The user can configure the device to one of eight available addresses by connecting these two address selection...

Q: /dev/disk/by-id on macOS?

Ma JoadSuppose that we are doing some operations on drives using for example diskutil. Usually we use /dev/diskX to indicate which drive we are working on, but the number X could change next time we connect the drive to computer, so we have to look at and check the number X again and again. On Linux we ...

Q: Delay for low-pass filter to give proper mean value of a periodic signal on LTspic

c.leblancI noticed that I have a 4-5 seconds delay before the output of my low pass filter op amp gives the correct mean value of an input square wave. Is it normal for the delay to be that long and if so, are there recommended alternatives to avoid this delay? (it doesn't really matter in my case but jus...

Q: Should I glue BGA chips in the corners before soldering them with hot air?

OuzoPowerI have often see BGA (ball grid array) chips, mostly those from CPU or GPU, being glued around in the corners with some red glue, or to the perimeter with a translucent one. Having to manually solder BGA chips using hot air, should I glue the chips to the board before heating? In their answers to...

Q: How does the Chandrasekhar limit relate to the ignition of carbon in WD?

Leos OndraWhy carbon in white dwarfs ingnites (deflagrate, detonate) at the Chandrasekhar limit? The limit relates stability of the star made of degenerate electron Fermi gas to the WD mass without a word about chemical identity of the atomic nuclei. How is that carbon ignites at (or around) the limit?

Q: Local properties of Baire 1 functions

Sam SandersA Baire 1 function $f:[0,1]\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ need not be bounded. However, thanks to the Baire category theorem, we know there is $N\in \mathbb{N}$ and a sub-interval $(c, d) \subset [0,1]$ such that $(\forall x\in (c, d))( |f(x)|\leq N)$. In other words, a Baire 1 function may not be bou...

Q: Ball color expected value

MonsterWe have a box containing b black balls and r red balls which we will take out one at a time by placing them on the table in front of us. Before each extraction we write the color of the majority of the balls not yet extracted on a sheet of paper and only in the event of a tie between black and re...

Q: Is an attorney allowed to turn on their client?

chausiesInspired by Yakuza Judgement. Say that Andy the Attorney is potentially representing Dave the defendant. But while they talk, Andy finds Dave to be a repulsive human being who's obviously guilty of the crime. As a good human being, Andy quits being Dave's attorney, and instead airs out all the di...

Q: Tool Identity and Use

jlaurenzaI'm hoping someone can identify this hand tool. Here is what I do know: It was made by Stanley It may be something used with sheet metal or maybe Wire? It would only be used on the edge of the metal. It doesn't seem to be used to nibble as it doesn't cut. The knob on the front has numbers from 4...

Q: Max tech level for society of 200,000

user99362Edit for clarification: Given a remote island colonised by modern day (2023) explorers, with a total population of about 200,000 but cut off from the outside world for political reasons, what level of technology could they mantain for long stretches of time? They have starting technology that can...

Q: How to understand Luke 19:8 in light of Luke 18:22?

collen ndhlovuAfter meeting Christ Zachaeus promises to give away half of his possessions and restore fourfold those he had wronged KJV Luke 19 : 8 And Zacchaeus stood, and said unto the Lord; Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation...

Q: What's the point of conditionals and biconditionals?

tomi yakadaI came across the equivalences of conditionals and biconditionals. In the conditionals case, it's $P \implies Q \equiv ( \lnot P) \lor Q$, and the biconditional is $P \iff Q \equiv ( \lnot P \land \lnot Q ) \lor (P \land Q )$. My question is, if both conditionals and biconditionals can be boiled ...

Q: Where to Buy Soft Matzah?

user22042Does any one know where I can buy Kosher Lemehadrin soft Matzos (like the ones the Teimanim eat) in the New York area?

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