Hi all. I have an old Fuji and there's a bolt that holds the crank in place. It fell out and is lost unfortunately and I am looking for a new one. Does anyone have any ideas? I'd really appreciate it!
I want to make the filling between lines 2 and 3 semi-transparent so that the viewer can see there is another filling between lines 1 and 3 in the background. How can I do that? Thanks in advance.
LogLogPlot[{8/x, 6/x, 4/x}, {x, 3, 5}, Filling -> {{1 -> { {3}, Cyan}}, {2 -> { {3}, Yellow}}}]
While looking at USB 3.0 Host Controller reference design, I came across this circuit:
They used LL4148 diode in this design.
Note: PONRST goes directly to the Host Controller IC.
I'm trying to understand the idea behind why is this circuit used.
To my understanding, when when 3V3AUX_in = 3.3V, ...
I have recently learned (in shock!) that it is impossible to
predict the moment a macro defined via defmacro is
expanded (i.e., its code is run in order to generate the expanded
form which will in turn run when the macro is invoked). For
instance, when you run the macro
(defmacro report-ca...
I have a UART that I'm trying to protect from a few different fault conditions, including short-to-rail (12V), negative voltage, and ESD. I'd typically use TVSes to protect against ESD, and a clamping diode configuration to ensure that the UART RX/TX lines stay within the expected voltage range; ...
I have a graph represented with an Adjacency set similar to:
struct Vertex {
int x;
bool operator==(const Vertex& b) {
return x==b.x;
template<> struct std::hash<Vertex> {
std::size_t operator()(Vertex const& v) const noexcept {
return std::hash<int>()(v.x);
The best approach I can find is the following:
color[a_,b_]:=Piecewise[{{Hue[1/2-Arg[a+b I]/(2\[Pi]),1,1],0.8<Norm[{a,b}]<1.0},{White,True}}];
This approach is very inefficient i...
Let $R$ be a commutative ring and consider the ring of polynomials $R[x]$. Let $D:R[x]\to R[x]$ be the formal derivative. For any element $a\in R$ we also have an evaluation homomorphism $\varphi_a:R[x]\to R$ defined by $\varphi_a f=$ "$f(a)$".
Suppose we have polynomials $f(x),g(x)\in R[x]$ sati...
This question is related to codewario's comment on his anwser to this question. I have installed version 7 of PowerShell, and I would like this version to be invoked when clicking on the "Windows Powershell" button in the WinKey + X menu, instead of PowerShell v5. Is there a way to achieve this a...
Large portions of the Code of Federal Regulations are enacted by executive agencies such as the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Aviation Administration, rather than by Congress. The parts that I have seen written by Congress are passed by bills that do not directly "amend X CFR ...
The answer is probably simple but I can't find anything in the documentation
For example:
function divmod(a,b)
local q = 0
local r = a
while not (r < b) do
q = q+1
r = r-b
return q,r
I compile of course with lualatex and I...
My setting is a standard rotating ring space station. I want some action to happen in the core, specifically for the hero to take down a "hypercom" system that is housed there. I'm trying to understand what else would be happening/functioning in the core itself.
This station is on the frontier of...
Google tells me it is John McCarthy. Who did it for lisp 1959, but the video I was watching on C mentions the lack of a garbage collector and says that when Dennis Richie invented C in 1972 computers where decades away from a garbage collector.
Why would a C video say this if Lisp had one in 59?
I was replacing the sink plug. It did not screw in, but rather fall into the plug. And now it's stuck, not moving.
As you can see, the plug lever is fully pushed in and is not raising the plug.
I don't have access under the sink. The plug is completely sealed; water is not draining at all.
I don'...
(Migrated from the math stack exchange, where I received an apt-seeming suggestion to pose the question here, at the math-educators stack exchange)
I introduce my young kids to basic math concepts in the hopes that my armchair enthusiasm for math will rub off on them.
To this end, I've described...
I am currently in Turkey on a 90 day entry with Passport A. I am planning on leaving Turkey, but returning after the visa runs out to transit through the country further.
Because I have dual citizenship, can I re-enter again but on Passport B to claim a further 90 days?
An important aspect to thi...
As a user, I would like to add the following picklist values for Opportunity Type.
Value 1 - New Business
Value 2 - Expansion
Value 3 - Renewal
Is there a way to define this in the package.xml so that it can be present once it gets deployed to a customer org?
In the 1800s, ten-pin bowling was invented as a way to circumvent the ban on nine-pin bowling that was placed by all states except Texas. However, ten-pin bowling was not banned by any state. I don't see any difference in the two sports other than the number of pins, so I think any reason applica...
As far as I understand, IBM stocks are trading in New York at $141.83 currently, with 1.84m of shares traded daily(?) and some +7% change of price in the recent year: https://markets.ft.com/data/equities/tearsheet/summary?s=IBM:NYQ
In Berlin the price is 129.64 EUR, which is very close after EUR/...
With the recent OGL discussions and the probability of people moving out of D&D and making their own games and systems, it got me thinking...
What does Dungeons & Dragons own in terms of races, items and monsters?
Places like Forgotten Realms and characters like Mordenkainen are obviously theirs....
Is five years the usual length of a UK Parliament?
Then why were some only four years long, such as from 1997 to 2001 and from 2001 to 2005? Did the Prime Minister call for these early elections, and is there a reason why Prime Ministers often support elections one year earlier?
How can I use this type of marker for this?
Plot[{x + 3, x^2 + 1}, {x, -5, 5}, PlotStyle -> Thickness[0.01],
Epilog -> {Red, PointSize[0.03], Point[{2, 5}]}]
I would be nice if the colors are added automatically from the two curves.
In January 2023, in an interview at the World Economic Forum, former US Vice President Al Gore claimed that we're adding the equivalent of 600,000 Hiroshima bombs every day in heat to the atmosphere:
We're still putting 162 million tons into it [the atmosphere] every single day, and the accumula...
I was just thinking about what good 'know thyself' means. There is something arguably narcissistic and unnecessary - or at least self absorbed - about examining your life just to know your own flaws and abilities (and I assume that's what is meant); I think I can see how doing so might help someo...
I am experiencing issues AFTER a seemingly perfect installation via USB with connected internet.
As soon as installation completes system prompts for reboot. No issues exist.
After rebooting and logging in, I proceed to run "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade" from the Konsole to fully update th...
Originally I was installing a switch controlled outlet, but broke the neutral side rather than the hot side bridge. Can this outlet still be used on another regular outlet if I pig tail the neutral wire? 12 gauge wires/15amp circuit breaker. In California.
For the circuit below I have to derive IB, R1 and R2
Since it is a DC-analysis, I turn the AC-sources off and make the capacitors open circuits. So the circuit becomes the following
IB is straight forward as we have IE and BF = 330.
IB= IC/BF = 30.3 uA
When it comes to the resistors R1 and R2 I...
A grad student has offered to hire me to write simulation code of a published paper and they said they need the simulation for their master thesis. Is it considered cheating if I accept the project?
Building out email to case for our customer service team, we only have sales cloud. I want to restrict who can assign and be assigned a case from the queue, same group of users would need to be able to change the owner and be assigned as the owner.
I have tried to make a validation rule off the o...
So the Dutch "Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties" (NL) - "Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations" (EN) recently released the source code of their digid-app.
They have some goofy code in there, which led to mockery and memes on reddit
Source code of the offend...
I have a good usb I use to test and run linux distros. My problem is that I can only ever install one at a time and if i want to test another one I need to delete everything I have. So I tried to find an application (for windows but linux would work as well) which can create a backup of my usb le...
The bicyclops are half man half bicycle - a bit like a centaur.
They do not have legs because the lower part of their body is mostly bicycle.
How can I arrange for the pedals to be turned using mammalian musculature or alternatively, if there are no pedals, how can musculature rotate the wheels?
I'm not sure if this belt is completely for decoration only. It looks like a kind of plastic or rubber. How to properly reaffix this belt onto the car body?
The Kobold 5th level ancestry feat Grovel has two key benefits. The first of these is straightforward enough - it allows the Kobold to feint from a 30 foot range - an unambiguous and clear advantage.
The other component however, is a bit less straightforward - it causes the feint to work against ...
We have the following periodic function.
x+2,& -2<x<0 \newline
2-2x, & 0<x<2
We define the function and we make the plot
f[x_] := Which[-2 < x < 0, x + 2, 0 < x < 2, 2 - 2 x]
Plot[f[x], {x, -2, 2}]
L = 4;
a[n_] := (2/L)*Integrate[f[x]*Cos[2 n*Pi*x/L], {x, -...
I have heard several times (including here) of a halacha (I believe I heard it is mentioned in a gemara) that discusses not taking a bite out of a sandwich when eating with others, as it may make them feel sick and end up choking. Instead, one should tear off a piece of the sandwich and put the w...
I'm trying to display labels using PyQGIS.
In this case, I create the layers manually, so I guess you need to add a "Label" attribute to the feature as well.
Therefore, I've written a little code whereof I think "should" work by following Kezah's answer for Qgis 3.0:
The QGIS version I'm...
There are many statements in abstract algebra, often asked by beginners, which are just too good to be true. For example, if $N$ is a normal subgroup of a group $G$, is $G/N$ isomorphic to a subgroup of $G$? As an experienced mathematician, we see immediately that there is no reason for this to b...
double expRecursive(double x, int n) {
if (n <= 4) {
return expIterativ(x, n);
return expRecursive(x, n/2) *
expRecursive(x, (n + 1)/2); }
Base Case: I checked that it works.
Inductive assumption: for n=p is:
expRecursive($x,\frac{p}2$)×expRecursive($x,\frac {p+...
Is there a simple way to customize the dots pattern? With "simple" I mean not like this post (several lines to customize the dots). For example, I have this code:
\draw[pattern = dots] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
which ...
I'm reading a mathematical logic book and the book introduces some old logic stuff such as Aristotellian logic, and according to it there are 24 valid categorical syllogisms one of which is described as AAI-3, in essence it's an argument of the form:
All humans are mortal
All humans are earthling...
I'm looking for a class that has Survival and ideally also Knowledge (nature) as class skills, to easily meet prerequisites for a prestige class (Weretouched Master). That's easy enough, but it would also be extremely convenient if the class was proficient in Heavy Armor, and I can't think of any...
I am trying to do the following using the Python API:
import an armature from an fbx file
add it to the asset browser
delete the armature from the scene, but not from the file, so that I can keep it in the Asset Browser
Fbx import is working nicely and so is adding it to the asset browser. Howe...
There's a scene of a wizard reading "A Brief History of Time" in the movie, Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban. The wizard looks like Joe Dempsie.
Here is a snippet of Game of Thrones season two that show Joe Dempsie as Gendry.
Two questions please.
What is the simpliest explanation that provides enough evidence for the first Kepler law?
i.e. that planets around Sun travel on elipses with Sun at one of the two foci
Are the three Kepler laws valid in every planetary system with planets moving around a star? (not neces...
I'm trying to appropriately fit a fourier model to experimental data. But the problem is that the resulting fit doesn't consider the varying local maxima of the data.
Here's the data:
data={{0., 1.62103}, {1.59924, 1.67994}, {3.19848, 1.76026}, {4.79772,
1.80673}, {6.39696, 1.8598}, {7.9962, 1...
I tried to solve this coupled PDE with NDsolve and use manipulation code for manipulating the obtained plot, but I get an error like order inconsistency. Here I take the Initial and boundary condition as when t>0 u=1, Theta=1, C=t. And I want to plot various curves with different values of parame...
The opening harmonic progression of the B minor mass:
Bm moves to a C# half-diminished 7th — a ii7 chord, nothing unusual yet. To put it in root position is a bit unconventional for the style, but the stepwise motion in the bass is worth it. A common predominant chord.
Instead of the expected dom...
I modeled this cookie and only thing left is to put a hole in glazing. I tried doing it by modeling hole object (more images below) with smooth curve and applying boolean modifier but I get sharp edge at the top.
How can I remove this sharp edge so that glazing looks smooth and ...
The similarity measure between two attributes always falls in the range of $[0,1]$, why is this not true in the case of dissimilarity where the value falls in the range of $[0, \infty)$?
Can't the dissimilarity between them be thought of as the opposite of similarity in the sense that if they hav...
In September 2022 19 year old Hans Niemann beat Magnus Carlsen in the Sinquefield Cup.
On the 19th January 2023 18 year old Nodirbek Abdusattorov beat Magnus Carlsen in the Tata Steel tournament.
Is Abdusattorov the youngest player to beat a reigning world champion in a classical (i.e. not rapid ...
When opening Edit > Preferences > Themes > Text Editor and hovering over Line Numbers color picker, Python Tooltip shows:
How can I read the value? Python reports:
AttributeError: type object 'ThemeTextEditor' has no attribute 'line_numbers'
Some more info. I am tr...
I have a 7 segment display with a common anode which takes around 12 V. There's a 330 Ω resistor connecting each data pin to an ESP8266. To display each number, I'm just tying the requisite pins low. The issue I'm noticing is that the segments that are off are still dimly lit when they're off.
I have to design a bandpass filter with passband frequency [300Hz 500Hz] and sampling frequency is 16kHz.The stopband attenuation required is 60dB.I have used butterworth filter in MATLAB to design the filter. Now to implement the same specifications using an FIR filter, what should be the order ...
If personal income taxes were eliminated entirely for anyone with less than $1,000,000 income, there is one flat tax rate for those who are taxed, and corporate income taxes and all other taxes staued the same, what would the income tax rate for millionaires have to be for there to be no drop in ...
I am writing a letter of thanks to my parents, and I'm looking for a word that describes "things I am thankful/grateful for". I was hoping "gratuities" might carry the right meaning, but everything I read suggests this most commonly refers to a tip left at a restaurant (not even a close second de...
Poland has signalled that they may provide Ukraine with Leopard tanks even without Germany consent? What are legal and political consequences to Poland should they do it?
Also the question can be generalised to any country.
This is kind of a meta-question about another question I had. I am wondering about how to call words that express what I would call a converse relation in Mathematics.
First, a simple example: I know that “A is a consequence of B”. I could also write that “B is a cause of A” which means mostly th...
This is from Proust:
Donc Saint- Simon raconte que Maulevrier avait eu l’audace de tendre la main à ses fils. Vous savez, c’est ce Maulevrier dont il dit : « Jamais je ne vis dans cette épaisse bouteille que de l’humeur, de la grossièreté et des sottises.
"humeur" was translated by Moncrieff as...
I came across this story online probably between 10-12 years ago. A reporter goes undercover to “jail” but instead of jail, the prisoners are put into high-tech pvc/latex suits and outcasted among society. The suits become sentient and self aware. The reporter’s suit is named “Winter”. I don’t re...
It is common in quantum mechanics textbooks (e.g. Ballentine page 15) to define the trace of an operator as the sum of its diagonal elements in an orthonormal basis in particular. Why is this definition given when the trace of an operator can be shown to equal the sum of its diagonal elements in ...
According to RFERL and Swissinfo Ukraine is facing a shortage of 35mm gun ammo for the Gepards donated by Germany because said ammo is apparently manufactured in Switzerland. It looks like the Swiss parliamentarians are looking to relax these restrictions though.
I'm curious however when did Swit...
For $1 < i,j <n$, the ordered pair $(i, j)$ is called an inversion in a permutation
of $1,2,...,n$ if $i < j$ and $j$ precede $i$ in the permutation. For instance,
in the permutation $3,5, 1,4,2$ there are six inversions: $(1,3), (1,5), (2,3), (2,4), (2,5)$, and $(4,5)$. Suppose we choo...
I want to properly and efficiently test a smart contract upgrade with hardhat-deploy.
Currently, I'm experimenting with hardhat forking, both networks that is localhost and hardhat networks.
I've copied deployment files to hardhat and localhost folders, both contracts are accessible in tests as t...
It's been a while since I've needed to connect to a server via SSH. When I tried to connect today, Little Snitch gave me this warning:
The program "ssh" has been modified
Previously, the program had the identifier "com.apple.openssh", but
now it's "com.apple.ssh". This probably means that Apple ...
Can I trust that Shakespeare's sonnets will always be published using the same numbering system? Will Sonnet 30 always be published as Sonnet 30; sonnet 29 always as 29? Was the current order and numbering system published or in manuscript form in Shakespeare's lifetime, or by people who knew him...
A monthly anti-malware full scan was run on this pc using Windows Defender (-aka- Windows Security) as routine, but not this month.
Will running a full scan from Windows Defender adversely affect the failing hard disc?
Popup when hovering over the health status reveals -
Reallocated sector coun...
In the Railgun anime's second season, episode 16, starting at 19:20, Misaka is visiting Touma with homemade cookies in appreciation for saving her sisters by defeating Accelerator. After some classic tsundere-style failure to communicate, when Touma is about to leave (at 20:14), saying "Jaa na, B...
If I make a promise verbally or sign an agreement then someone is trusting on my word, that I will do what I said I will do. If the same me later say I will not do that or through action break the promise/agreement then why am I considered doing a bad thing?
Isn't the latter me more knowledgeable...
I am looking for examples of results which may be proven without resorting to the axiom of choice/Zorn lemma/transfinite induction but whose proof is quite simplified by the use of the axiom.
For example, in the Poincare-Bendixson theory, it is shown that any closed orbit of a planar vector field...
I would like to ask how to return an std::optional in an efficient way and I would like to use std::make_optional().
For example lets have this code snippet:
std::optional<Path> CreateCanonicalPath(const std::string_view& path)
std::error_code errorCode;
const auto result = std::filesystem:...
I saw a video about this issue and followed through with it and made sure the bones are connected and have a parent/child relationship, however even though they are connected and marked as connected as well as marked as parented error still persists. If any specifics are needed I can provide when...
wsl.exe help (shown by wsl.exe --help) talks about "the system distribution":
Launches a shell for the system distribution.
What is it? Searching in WSL docs for "system distribution" gave me only the following hit in the section How to manage WSL disk space:
Could someone confirm if "do not pass or assist another vehicle to pass you by using this lane" means:
Do not pass another vehicle by using this lane, and
Do not assist another vehicle to pass you by using this lane
Question: How do photovoltaic cells actually work?
Here is the standard explanation:
Photovoltaic cells comprise of an N-P silicon junction. The terminals are in electrical contact with the N and P doped silicon
At rest, thermal movement of the electrons and holes produces a Depletion Zone. Th...
Do you know of a website or travel agent like Booking.com or Airbnb that allows you to book a hotel stay or homestay and split the payment between multiple people, each receiving their own invoice for the full duration of the stay? For example, if you book a stay for 3 nights and two people each ...
I want to highlight text, but some text inside it need to be italic. The problem is, \hl{... \textit{...}...} cause all space inside \texit{...} removed. Using \ can solve the problem, but that is tiring, ugly, the resulted text still has some white color. Another solution is to use \mbox{...}, ...
I was revising for my upcoming exam and came across this slide, which I don't completely understand as I find it a bit confusing. Can someone please explain what the lecturer was trying to point out?
I'm still new to the whole topic and I appreciate your clear explanations.
Here is the link for making the above graph for the Stepped infinite square well.
The problem here is, all the eigenfunctions and energy eigenvalues are previously defined. Whereas, I want to use this form of the potential and solve the Schrodinger equation.
V[x] = Piecewise[{{\[Infinity], x <= ...
(Apologies if this is not the correct Stack Exchange site; I was unsure where I should post this question)
I was prompted to write this after reading on Reddit the stories told by drivers who had attended speed awareness courses in the UK (after being caught speeding themselves).
One "fact" appar...
I recently realized that keras callback for early stopping returns the last epoch's weights by default. If you want to do otherwise you can use the argument restore_best_weights=True, as stated for example in this answer or documentation.
I'm quite surprised by that, as I would assume one would o...
I have data which are in "Key:value" form where keys are 901,902,903,904 and respective values are S,M,F,WAP`, with space as delimiter.
Input example
901 S 902 M 903 F 904 WAP .....
I want to convert into key:value,key:value format.
Desired output:
901:S,902:M,903:F,904:WAP .....
I tried ...
Assuming there are no studs, would a wider tire be safer on tarmac with pockets of ice? How does also the profile or other features of the tire impact this?
For a given unitary, I want to know whether this unitary gate is correctly evolved in the circuit. In the simulator, I can use "statevector" to get the state vector to check the correctness of the evolution.
But I don't know whether such a unitary can still evolve correctly on a real quantum comp...
A little confused when doing a quite simple AC simulation in ADS with a parallel RC circuit.
2 kΩ in parallel with a 12 pF. See the picture:
My question is that why the real part of the impedance changes with frequency. Doesn't the real part represents the resistive part of the complex impedance?
As shown below, $\triangle GHJ$ is inscribed in $\triangle DEF$, which is inscribed in $\triangle ABC$. $GH\parallel AB$, $HJ\parallel BC$, $JG\parallel AC$, if $[ABC]=s$ and $[GHJ]=t$, find $[DEF]$. (These notations mean area)
Let $\begin{cases}\dfrac{BF}{FA}=x,\dfrac{AE}{EC}=z,\dfrac{CD}{DB}...
Of the designs of species that have evolved, I am curious why a 360 degree rotation, like a joint that can spin, does not seem to have evolved, for example wheels or a propeller.
Like, is there some reason we would expect evolution to not be able to discover those forms, or does it mean that it d...
Hello everybody I am working in different LWC forms that contains comboboxes that are used in those different LWC forms.
In my javascript file I have repeated the same field imports and I do not want to import them again.
import ITEM1_API_FIELD from '@salesforce/schema/SObject.QX_Item1__c';
I wa...
In the given question, BF3 will act as an electrophile. Will it form $\ce{BF4^-}$ and leave a positive charge on the carbocation to which F was attached or react with OH. It will form phenol but what will be the mechanism for the reaction?
Lets say there is a random list of expressions :
a={Sin[x], Sin[3 x], Sin[4 x], Sin[x], Sin[4 x], Sin[x], Sin [5 x], Sin[3 x], Sin[5 x]}
Plot[{a}, {x, 0, 2 Pi}]
Is there anyway we can compare the list of expressions and select only one or discard the repeating functions.
so, the final output sh...
I suspect I have a fundamental misunderstanding to be corrected, so will start with the general concept and then zoom in on the particular instance that lead me to think this way.
Generally speaking, is it possible to write a function whose type signature has a parameterised type, and take differ...
Alternatively: That one challenge I forgot I had in the sandbox and is about stuff from Discrete Mathematics I learned like 5-6 months ago and kinda don't remember
Given a path of vertices that form a cycle on a graph, output a simple version of the cycle. That is, if a vertex appears twice, snip...
Let’s say we have $N$ electrons and we want to derive the Hartree-Fock (HF) equations. The first step would be to define a Slater determinant of $N$ electrons:
$$\psi(x_1,x_2,… x_N) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{N!}}\begin{vmatrix}\phi_{1}(x_1) & \phi_{2}(x_1) & … & \phi_{N}(x_1)\\ .\\ .\\ .\\ \phi_{1}(x_N) &...
Blood pressure is the product of cardiac output and total peripheral resistance:
$\text{BP} = \text{CO} \times \text{TPR}$
Since cardiac output is the product of heart rate and stroke volume, we have:
$\text{BP} = \text{HR} \times \text{SV} \times \text{TPR}$
Stroke volume is determined by preloa...
In this simple example, a set of functions is plotted using PlotLegends functionality.
funs = {Sin[3 x], Cos[2 x], Tan[x]}
Plot[ funs, {x, 0, Pi}, PlotLegends -> "Expressions"]
For a distinct list of regionfunctions
regfun = {Function[{x, y}, x y > 0] ,Function[{x, y}, y < 1/2],Function[{x, y}...
Consider the following code:
struct Temp{ int i = 0; };
Temp GetTemp() { return Temp{}; }
int main()
for (struct{Temp const & t; int counter;} v = {GetTemp(), 0};
v.counter < 10;
// Is v.t guaranteed to not be a dangling reference?
std::cout <
I realised recently that I was unsure if:
SObjects in Triggers are always the result of a single user performing a DML operation.
Or whether, if 2 or more users happened to save a record at exactly the same time, that could result in all their records appearing in the same trigger.
Does anyone ...
I am working to understand this application's mixer design note. An image of the mixer is shown below. It uses two transistors and a hybrid ring coupler (rat-race coupler).
What I am having trouble understanding is the λ/4 RF chokes near the diodes. In the application note, the reason for the ch...
I'm trying to make a bash shell script that mounts, from some pre-obtained variables, a text file.
For this I use sed, changing the flags of the file by the desired:
sed "s/this is a line in text/$var/g" file
It works correctly and without problems. However, the $var variable often has strange c...
I'm aware of "woke" and "cancel culture" being used as pejorative terms and as non-pejorative attempts to describe the visible trend of fierce protest against (perceived) conservative agendas and for (perceived) progressive agendas.
Attempts to criticize the values or methods of "woke ideology" or "
To quote Wikipedia:
An octave-repeating scale can be represented as a circular arrangement
of pitch classes, ordered by increasing (or decreasing) pitch class. For instance, the increasing C major scale is C–D–E–F–G–A–B–[C], with the bracket indicating that the last note is an octave h...
I took a flight from Santiago de Chile to Madrid today. It was a four-hour difference in time zones. The flight departed at 21:20 local time and arrived at 13:30 local time. They served the first meal about two hours after takeoff, which was a cold meal, so there was no technical reason to wait t...
I am attempting to create a single table that appears to be two separate tables, side by side. Each "table" should have text below it explaining what the table relates to. The text below each "table" is causing the final column to expand (see picture).
I would like all columns to be an equal widt...
In Morbus anglicus by Gideon Harvey (1666), one can find references to "juice of porcelain":
among Herbs, Lettice, Endive, Succory, Sorrel, Porcelain, Chervil, &c. but note that they must be boil'd
He tells us, that the juice of Porcelain being drunk, is a most excellent and powerful remedy.
No, I'm not talking about the Austronesians.
Apparently every freakin' book and website on or accessible through the internet repeats the exact same "they say..." "everyone knows..." story about the first European contact with Taiwan.¹ They're sure it was the Portuguese; they're sure it was in 15...
MySQL 8.
I have a Regex that needs to return a Regex group from a table column of string data.
CREATE TABLE `table_name`(
id_column VARCHAR(300)
Looking for the advice of professionals. Maybe common question from a dummy cyclist, but…
Problem: I have an endurance Trek Domane SL6 2023 bike Shimano Ultegra groupset with crank 50/34t, and cassette 11/34t. Excellent bike but I would prefer easier climbing.
Goal: easier climbing, better with m...
Someone gave me an elephant and told me not to give it away or sell it.
I don’t have the capability to take care of this thing. Heck, I don’t have any license or permit for elephants. I’m not a zookeeper or anything.
Isn’t it illegal to give this elephant to me?
In the season finale of Andor we see the Death Star being built while in orbit over a planet. What planet is it?
I have seen some people saying Scarif, but is this confirmed anywhere? Based in what we see in Rogue One I didn’t get the impression that the Death Star was ever constructed there as i...
Recently, I deployed the Esri Data Loading Tools python package into my cloned environment within ArcGIS Pro 3.0.3. With the process pretty fool-proof, given Esri's package manager interface, I was confident the tools were loaded correctly.
However, once I attempted to use the 'Create data loadin...
If $x=2\cos(\alpha)\cosh(\beta)$ and $y=2\sin(\alpha)\sinh(\beta)$, prove: $$\sec(\alpha+i\beta)+\sec(\alpha-i\beta)=\frac{4x}{(x^2+y^2)}$$
I had an incorrect equation. The iota was missing.
I have a desk which looks like this:
I have decided to take some steps to fix it. This includes creating a way to manage the dozens of wires that form part of the work from home setup.
I am going to buy a wooden board (MDF or chipwood) which is a bit smaller than the long panel on the back of th...
What actually is this?
TBC the two arrows are pointing to the same thing; the left arrow is pointing to the circular part of the Thing and the right arrow is pointing to the side part of the Thing.
Is it actually just part of the disk? Is it separate? Can it be replaced on it's own?
Is it easy en...