In Whatsapp, are the same private keys used in all my devices? Is the sharing of the keys from scanning the QR code on the web browser to link to my device? Thank you!
For a custom MCU driven boost converter I'm trying to drive a power MOSFET IRF520N at 700kHz.
In order to reduce RdsOn and switching losses I have added a logic MOSFET 2N7000 to drive the gate at 12V from a 3.3V PWM signal.
The power MOSFET gate is pulled up by a low value resistor in order to re...
I am new to GIS and PostGIS. I have an existing legacy database table with millions of rows and a geometry column. It has a mix of points like this:
I wish to sort the rows based the size of the geometry column.
I suspect that someone put a map of the US in one of the rows and it doesn't belong ...
We are driving a piezo transducer array with sub-1 μs pulses at an extremely low duty cycle. A single N-channel power MOSFET drives each transducer. Each power MOSFET transistor has a low side gate driver (FAN3229T) ahead of its gate to slew it quickly.
The transducer drive is not push-pull: ther...
Today I learned that the correct/recommended form of English, only a few centuries ago, required using "more" and "most" together with adjectives that were already in (respectively) comparative or superlative form, such as "more better" or "most worst". Ben Jonson's The English Grammar (1640) sai...
I have a MacBook Pro with macOS Ventura 13.0.
In System Settings -> General -> Login Items, I discovered that a random Charlie Stigler item was running in the background. I have no idea what this is. Please give more information about this and advise whether I should let it continue to run in the...
Non negative least square solves
y = \alpha^T x \\
s.t. \forall i,~ \alpha_i \geq 0
However, I would like to apply the non negativity constraint only on some coefficient, say only the $\alpha_i,~ \forall i \in \mathcal{S}$.
This is not possible using scipy's nnls function. However, I think ...
Excuse my poor English, I speak French.
Core Collapse in a Self-Gravitating System
• Suppose that there was no energy generation in the core.
The pressure would still be high, so the core would be
hotter than the envelope.
• Energy would escape (via radiation, convection…) and
so the core would s...
I'm running Windows 11, and whenever I hit my Esc key twice, it closes the active window.
I would like to disable this feature, and have not been able to track down how to do so.
What's causing this? Is this default behaviour in Windows?
I've tried the following, but the behaviour persists, and I...
Suppose a planet had an extremely fast rotation, so fast that the planet is flattened considerably and somewhat resembles fictional flat earth,
Only at the north pile does life to exist, where the gravity is strong enough. This planet is tilted dramatically, like Uranus, so that this pole faces t...
I'm trying to understand bilinear forms and how they can be 'equivalent' and how this 'equivalence' translates to their associated orthogonal groups.
Fix a field $F$. I'm comfortable translating between a quadratic form $Q$ (homogenous degree $2$ polynomial in $\ell$ variables), its bilinear form...
The sequence of polynomials
satisfies apparently the identities
for all $n\geq 1$. (This has probably a WZ proof since it involves hypergeometric stuff.)
I just started watching the new Quantum Leap series, but as far as I can tell, there's been no mention of what happened to Ben's original body - or if there is a continuation of the Waiting Room concept from the original series.
Since this is a sequel of the original series, not a complete reboot...
Are there Linguists that have or are currently working to reconstruct proto-languages other than PIE? Or to map the historical relationships between various African, Asian, Native American, or other languages like they have for Indo-European ones? If yes, is there any kind of visualized diagram t...
The U.S. federal Worker Adjustment and Retraining Act (WARN) states that employers with 100 or more employees must provide at least 60 days advance notice before a mass layoff affecting 50 or more employees.
Are there any protections against an employer circumventing the WARN act by staggering la...
I need to insert large tables in the appendix of my MSc thesis and I want to read the data from .csv files without fill the .tex file where I write.
I produce the tables with the help of TableGenerator. Let us consider the following cutted .csv file:
1, 459872 , 2459600.5, 0.245...
I have a story that is set in a world with a 1910's to 1940's style going on.
So fitting to that era i have quite a few characters who smoke.
Now i have a scenario where one of the main characters (the only one of the main cast who regularly smokes cigarettes) gets asked by a character from a dif...
I want to create a smooth mesh using four curves. I want to animate the curves so that it changes the mesh.
Basically, I have the four curves(black lines) in the picture. Just want to cross link them (red lines) and make the mesh.
In the two last verses of surah Al-Fatihah, verse 1:6 and 1:7, it says,
"Guide us along the straight path, the path of those You've bestowed your favors onto them, not those You're furious with, and those who
are astray".
The verse specifically described about people whom Allah gave His favors ...
Consider a random sample $X_i = (U_i,V_i)$ where $i=1,2,...,n$ from a bivariate normal population with mean $(\mu_1,\mu_2)$ and variances $(\sigma_1 ^2, \sigma_2 ^2)$ and correlation $\rho$. Let's consider random variables $C_1,...,C_n$ which take the values $\{0,1,2\}$ and are independent of $X_...
I have a dataset which associate each country to respective number, from a list with few countries, as shown below:
data={{2705423, "United States"}, {2118645, "China"}, {817134,
"Germany"}, {729343, "United Kingdom"}, {704522, "Japan"}, {605133,
"India"}, {538269, "France"}, {461010, "Italy"...
I try to do FourierSeries in Mathematica but somehow this code runs forever...
Could someone help? Thank you.
FourierSeries[(a^2 b Sin[x])/( b^2 (Cos[x])^2 + a^2 (Sin[x])^2 )^(3/2),x,2]
I would simply like to change the legend entries from being lines to a green rectangle for the first entry of the legend and a green rectangle for the second: I am using pgfplot and fillbetween, I want the same legend output as in this question, but with the same trick does not work in my case (m...
My Gold Dragonborn Sorcerer is level 3, 18 CHA, +4 modifier.
I'm trying to build Pyro from Team Fortress 2 in D&D 5e, and I'm optimizing for high fire damage.
Should I take the ASI to get a +7 attack bonus on my spells(+8 by level 5, +5 fire damage bonus by level 6) or should I take Elemental Ade...
I remember a sci-fi anthology(?) program where a couple wake up to find their house surrounded by a wall and there is slimy stuff coming out of the fire place.
The ending shows the house is in an oven and the couple are humans being held as pets by aliens. The slimy stuff is a melting candy bar.
I wonder whether there exist any downsides in making a request for nonpublication when submitting a patent application to the USPTO, aside from preventing the invention from being submitted to non-US countries.
I have a Samsung A13 with the latest version of Android OS. Does one pass of factory reset make all data irrecoverable, or do I have to make multiple passes?
In a graduate course (master's level), during topic assignment for coursework, I mentioned that I came up with a research idea of my own. The professor asked me to present it in front of the class. Afterwards, he encouraged me to write my final thesis on it, but assigned me one of the predetermin...
Recently, I have had three different contractors in to sister a joist in my house. All three said that they would get me a written estimate by today. One gave me an oral estimate which I told him to put in writing. I was thinking a quick email would be sufficient. He did not act like it was a pro...
Let $X$ be a non-empty subset of $\mathbb{R}^n$, and call the maximally convex subsets of $X$ (ordered by inclusion $\subseteq$) the convex components of $X$.
I was wondering if, in possible analogy to the case of connected components, any such set $X$ is necessarily the union of its convex compo...
This picture is part of a circuit designed to measure capacitance. The control circuit would apply +12V or -12V on "DTR pin 20" and the two resistors give a minimum and maximum voltage reference which is used to compare with the charging/discharging capacitor's voltage.
The book says T1 & T2 are ...
Given a set of substrings, such as [ca, ar, car, rd], it's possible to create infinitely many strings by concatting them together. Some examples of this for the given substrings could be:
One interesting property of this set of substrings is that any string can o...
My dishwasher is mounted under one of those granite countertops. When I open the door and pull out a shelf, the whole unit leans forward towards me. There's a metal tab that's been bent to keep it from moving forward, that parks itself under the lip on the underside of the counter, but it's loo...
I don’t understand where "reproducing results from other labs" fits into the running of a given research lab.
(I'm not in academia, and I confess I only consider this function in the context where it's News due to fails - ie, "So & So breakthrough is published, but other labs were not able to rep...
I saw a post on Reddit that implied (without sources) that Donkey was one of the bad boys from pleasure island (Pinocchio), which explains how he can talk.
But I couldn't remember or find online any mention of that origin in the Shrek franchise. Plus Pinocchio has definitely spoke to Donkey but a...
While reading specs of a new ASUS Wi-Fi router - it said to have 2 GBPS throughput. How could it reach such throughput if all the WIFI bandwidth should be small and close to 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz?
A function $f:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ has a removable discontinuity at a given real $x$ in case the left and right limits are equal but not to the function value, i.e. $f(x+)=f(x-)$ but $f(x)\ne f(x+)$.
Which function classes consist of (possibly discontinuous) functions that do not hav...
(Please excuse my ignorant question - I'm a long-time "PC Keyboard and Mouse" gamer who only recently started using a gamepad.)
I got myself an 8BitDo Pro 2 gamepad, which can be connected both
to my Windows PC (in "X-input" mode) and
to my Android tablet (in "D-input" mode).
When I connect the...
Perhaps more of a question concerning legal culture than individual laws. I am writing a story with this as a subplot, and I want to know what could happen to either party if a judge/prosecutor's office/public defender's office/bar association etc were to find out.
A seminal event in a story I'm working on requires a tragedy that will kill hundreds (or maybe even low thousands) of innocent bystanders. This occurs in a large American city (I haven't chosen one yet, and have no preferences as to which... if it is important to your answer, I can accept your pi...
Complete fields are known to be "robust". For instance, it is an easy exercise to show that for distinct primes $p,q$ (one of which can be the "infinite prime"), the field of $p$-adic numbers $\mathbb Q_p$ is not a subfield of $\mathbb Q_q$.
Still, I do not see an easy answer to the following qu...
I am reviewing a report as part of a university course, and the author of said report, a native Swedish speaker, has chosen to write the report in English rather than Swedish. Frequently, he uses grammatical structures from Swedish while writing English, and it ends up not making sense unless you...
I've been going over some of my old maths notes I made during my A Levels (some 5 years ago) recently, and came across a 'proof' of the Taylor series taught to me back then, which made perfect, logical sense, given what I knew at the time. I can see in hindsight that it seems a little handwavy; ...
My goal is to have access to the install of my old Mac on my new Mac without operating two Macs side-by-side. The configurations are:
Old Mac:
El Capitan 10.11.6
Intel processor
New Mac
Ventura 13.0
Apple M1 processor
The reason is that I will need some applications from the old Mac for w...
There are two python.snippets in vim-snippets folder:
debian@debian:~/.vim/bundle$ ls vim-snippets/snippets | grep python
debian@debian:~/.vim/bundle$ ls vim-snippets/UltiSnips | grep python
Which one will be called when I type a abbreviation in vim?
Which pyth...
This question is about addition of positive integers with more than one digit, a topic covered in second grade. But it's not really elementary.
But first we need to introduce the positive integers $\mathbb N$ the way a second grader conceives them. Of course they will not think of $\mathbb N$ as ...
Is there a big difference between having like a few spacers on top of the stem and then a few on the bottom compared to placing all of them at the bottom?
Or is this just personal preference.
Asking because on one of my flat bar bikes, the stem cap when screwed in always scraps off the paint of t...
I have just joined a startup company that builds micro-satellites for earth observation. But I am quite new to the aerospace field.
I noticed that to connect components with the onboard computer we use many electrical protocols such as SPI, I2C, RS485, SpaceWire, etc... but never USB. I noticed t...
I have a ring, and for each edge of the ring, i want to add a directed arrow with a certain label. How can i do that?
nodo/.style = {minimum size=0.8cm}}
\def \n {8}
\def \radius {3cm}
\def \margin {8}...
I am trying to troubleshoot a Software Uart Connection from my Arduino Nano, and I do not understand this output. The setup is simple, I have a Software Serial connection on pins 2 and 3. I send 170, which I expect to be 10101010 of course with a low start bit and high stop bit.
I hook up to the ...
The near-open front unrounded vowel is written as æ(U+00E6), commented as "Latin Small Letter Ae". But I found the character ᴂ(U+1D02) commented as "Latin Small Letter Turned Ae" which is a new char created by rotating æ 180 degrees and the character locates at the Phonetic Extensions block which...
I have a question since my graduate school. For a given significance level alpha, the test with smallest confidence interval length expectation should be optimal, because it usually also means a higher power, with fixed type one error. But textbook hardly mentioned that.
I also notice that t stat...
The Fellowship of the Ring prologue contains the following information about hobbits:
They possessed from the first the art of disappearing swiftly and
silently, when large folk whom they do not wish to meet come
blundering by; and this art they have developed until to Men it may
seem magical. B...
I wonder if there is any trick in this problem. The following graph is a regular hexagon with its center $C$ and one of the vertices $A$. There are $6$ vertices and a center on the graph, and now assume we perform the symmetric random walk on it. Suppose the random walk starts from $A$. Given now...
I’m taking an intermediate microeconomics course in college and just got to the topic of monopolies. I know the concept of a Giffen good.
As always, Revenue = Pq
Since the monopoly has market power, P is not constant.
Therefore, the marginal revenue is
MR = P + q dP/dq = P (1 + q/p dP/dq)
= P (1 ...
How do you duplicate a path in tikz and rotate the duplicate about its midpoint?
I want to make a copy of the line inside the circle (imaged below with MWE) and draw it through the original line perpendicularly (or any angle I want for that matter).
Thank you very much for your assistance,
I have a vector V = (x, y, z) and I need to rotate an object in the direction of this vector. I can do that by calculating the rotation R using Align Euler to Vector node. But if I further want to rotate the same object along the same direction by theta radians, what's the way to do that?
I tried...
I have a fasta file of 3'UTR sequences of the genes. Some of the gene do not have a 3'UTR sequence and reported with sequence unavailable but there is FASTA header.
I need to delete or remove all the "sequence unavailable" lines along with their header, i.e. all blank fasta entries.
Please sugges...
An ODE for a driven, undamped, oscillator might be written as
If the initial conditions are $y(0)=0$ and $y'(0)=0$ and the values of parameters are $m=1$ and $k=1$, the solution is
y=\frac{1}{2}(\sin t-t\cos t).
That is, we expect an increasin...
There is significant debate over the proper meaning of John 8:58. A typical translation is
"“Truly, truly, I tell you,” Jesus declared, “before Abraham was born,
I am!”"
Indeed, some believe this verse is the strongest evidence for Jesus claiming to be Yahweh in the entire NT, due to the appare...
I came across the following differential equation set:
My solution
I followed normal practices and found the general solution to the homogeneous equation $$
\left[ \begin{array}{c}
\end{array} \right] '=\l...
Elemental Betrayal is a Witch Focus Spell gained by a Lesson:
When you Cast this Spell, choose air, earth, fire, or water. Each time the target takes damage from a spell or effect with the chosen trait, it takes an additional 2 damage of one damage type dealt by the spell or effect.
What counts...
Let $p:E\to B$ be a fibration. Suppose $B$ has a simplicial decomposition. For each $n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\ge0}$, let $C_n$ be the free abelian group generated by the set of pairs $(\sigma,\tau)$ where $\sigma:\Delta^n\to E$ is a singular simplex, $\tau:\Delta^n\to B$ is a simplicial simplex, and $\ta...
I have the following homework:
Assume we have $7$ apples, $4$ oranges, and $1$ banana. The apples and oranges are identical separately. Please count the number of all permutations for each of the following cases: (a) put these fruits in a row; (b) put these fruits in a circle; (orientation mat...
I'm trying to determine the following triple integral
\iiint_{K}\left[\left(x - a\right)^{2} +
\left(y - b\right)^{2} + \left(z - c\right)^2\right]{\rm d}x\,{\rm d}y\,{\rm d}z,\quad
K = \left\{\left(x,y,z\right): x^{2} + y^{2} + z^{2}
\leq 1\right\}.
I tried the following variable substitut...
Is there a way to get a saved text into the Shortcut action Send Message? I can park a text into the Clipboard, but I can't seem to grab that to be sent with this action. It seems it needs to be hard coded, which is a major restriction.
Anybody have any insight?
Coming from a Python background, this is my first simple Bash script and it does not work. I'm confused.
PANEL1=$(client read-value --host $RTCHOST --name dc_1)
echo Panel1: $PANEL1
PANEL2=$(client read-value --host $RTCHOST --name dc_2)
echo Panel2: $PANEL2
Very recently, Yitang Zhang just gave a talk about Landau-Siegel zeros at Shandong University on the 5th of November's morning in China.
He will also give a talk on 2022.11.08 9:00-10:00 pm at Peking University.
The 111 pages preprint now can be found on the internet, and it seems this version wi...
I was wondering if there were any idioms or cliched metaphors commonly used to describe someone who you can always expect to see in a certain place because they spend a lot of time there (or even better, creative metaphors!).
And more specifically, I am looking to describe a chessmaster who's alw...
I am trying to get an answer to:
Integrate[Exp[k*Cos[\[Theta] ]], {\[Theta], 0, 2*Pi}]
which I happen to know is proportion to $\mathbb{I}_0(k)$, which is the modified Bessel function of the first kind of the zeroeth order.
I want to generalize the above to obtain the multivariate integral:
$$ \...
if the body moves in an uniform circular motion when the object at the lowest point it will be like this
there is a horizontal component of velocity which is $v_{x}$ and vertical force that creates $a_{c}$
but why when it's at the position the vertical force didn't create an vertical component o...
I'm trying to create a UDP server which can send messages to all the clients that send messages to it. The real situation is a little more complex, but it's simplest to imagine it as a chat server: everyone who has sent a message before receives all the messages that are sent by other clients.
A few days ago, I noticed a serious issue in my home: when there was an interruption of water supply from the city, the water in my circuits was depleted very fast (running backward, passing back through the water meter), and then strong air pressure kept the water meter running backward.
I want ...
I read the following sentence in a blog, 5 Types of Line in Art, Their Meaning And When To Use Them.
Contour lines are a continuous line that defines the outline of a shape.
Why does the writer use the singular form of 'line' after 'are'? Is this actually grammatically wrong?
An 'aviator' and a 'pilot' both refer to someone who can fly a plane. Then, what's the difference between them? Do native speakers really differentiate them in daily communication?
It certainly is easy to find as many proofs as you want for the equivalence of any two norms in a finite dimensional vector space.
I was wondering what is the relationship between homeomorphisms and the equivalence of any two norms in a finite dimensional vector space.
This question urged to me s...
I'm trying to use a high side PFET to drive a load (50 Ω below for example, but actual case is a 200 mA motor). I know that I can use a low side NFET but that is active high, and I want to use active low in my 3.3 V TTL (with a single part). For context, I'm trying to use a PCF8574 to switch a lo...
I have Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite and until today the system toolbar (placed at the bottom of every app) consisted of 3 navigational soft buttons. Those buttons were centered and easy to access
With the latest update it is no longer true -- the central part of this bottom pane now took app toolba...
In the page of 'timekeeper' in thefreedictionary, one of the explanations goes as follows.
One who keeps records of the hours worked by employees.
The expression 'the hours worked by employees' sounds quite weird to me. Is there such an expression as 'work the hours'? If not, which I think is t...
Undoubtedly, the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge have both played a major role in educating Britain's elites in politics, business, entertainment etc.
However, when it comes to Prime Ministers, in the last 80 years the UK has had 13 Oxford-educated PMs (Sunak, Truss, Johnson, May, Cameron, ...
(1) I don't know what to make of the presence of 是 in the above sentence, which is obviously not saying that the restaurant is a small town in the periphery.
(2) I don't understand the syntactic relation between 周边 and [... 城市]. It is hard to make 周边 a modifier of the NP that foll...
The third stanza of the hymn "Amazing Grace" is
Thro' many dangers, toils, and snares,
I have already come;
'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.
In this hymn second and fourth lines always rhyme: like me/I see, relieved/believed, sun/begun. In the third st...
Suppose there's a dataset that has features like the weight and height of people.
If we plot the dataset, we commonly use the Cartesian plane, the x-axis to represent weight and the y-axis to represent height; hence, points represent every piece of data.
From the case above, can we represent radi...
I am reading the book 鵺の家 by 廣嶋玲子 and I have a question about a particular usage of the word ばかり.
One character (千鳥) complains to the main character (茜) as follows
What does ばかり mean here and how it relates gramatically to the rest of the sent...
It seems that you can claim childcare benefits from the UK government for your 2-year-old only if you are not working or are very low income. It seems strange that...
I am adding a mini split from the sub panel of my home to additional room I am adding . Mini split of 120 v, 9000 btu and 20 Ampacity. From panel to disconnect fuse box,my contractor installed 8/3 ( 8 gauge??) wire but mini split require 20 amp ( 20 ampacity) which should be Ok with 12 or 10 gau...
In a previous question (Link to Question) I asked about letting the pillars of a bridge automatically touch the ground. This was solved by @Chris
Now I am wondering if there is a way to avoid that the pillars hit the road underneath, when the same road (curve) goes on top of itself in a loop, as ...
I'm a novice in geopolitics and want to understand the current stance of Russia. After listening to the speech by Putin at the recent Valdai Discussion Club (transcript attached), I'm curious about the general and/or experts' perception of Russia 's standpoint. Could it be that while it claims th...
Besides the 2 mathematicians, quoted below, who else has touted the free promulgation to students of detailed answers and solutions, e.g. to EVERY exercise and problem in a book? I do NOT refer to student solution manuals that solve merely some or half of the exercises, or solution manuals restr...
I am aware of the fact that d-block elements like zinc, cadmium and mercury have lower melting points than other d-block elements. Also I am aware that these three metals have a fully filled d shell.
How does the fully-filled d orbital help in explaining the reduced melting point? What effect exp...
Recently played a gig where I didn't need my own electric piano, as there was a good quality (in tune!) acoustic upright. Had all sorts of problems micing it to compete with guitar/bass amps and drums, no surprise there.
Couldn't get the mic (just one, SM58) into the piano with the top open, so i...
For reasons I don't understand, the Springer Nature LaTeX authoring template (available via Overleaf and on Springer Nature's site) causes extra space to be inserted after semicolons in math mode.
For example, the following MWE yields:
I am interested in the teachings of Hinduism. I have a lot of questions, and there are still very few answers. Disputes of different types are found at every step of life. What is the right thing to do? Help me by providing references of scriptures regarding disputes?
In my chemistry teacher's notes, some notations concerning the heat $Q$ are marked as inappropriate.
$Q$: yes
d$Q$: no
$\delta Q$: yes
$\Delta Q$: no
In the second bullet in the screenshot below, why does ∆Q have an "x"" beside it and others have a check mark? I had tried to understand but I fa...
I've been watching Andor lately and have been loving it so far, especially the exclusion of any mention of the Skywalkers.
So similarly which was the first movie,tv show, or comic book to do this that is exclude Skywalkers from their storyline.
It should be noted this asks about the force as a wh...
Let's say we have Work A licensed under CC-BY 4.0, made by Author A.
Author B uses Work A to create Work B, attributing Work A: "Work A was created by Author A under the CC-BY 4.0 license (link to work A here). Work B is also under the CC-BY 4.0 license."
Now Author C comes along and wants to use...
The Wikipedia page on Rashi says as follows:
Rashi wrote commentaries on all the books of Tanakh except Chronicles I & II, Nehemiah, Ruth, Song of Songs, and Ecclesiastes. Scholars believe that some of the commentary which appears under Rashi's name in those books was compiled by the students of...
This question is kinda related to my previous question.
This is the output of tree:
[xyz@localhost Semester1]$ tree
├── Eng
│ ├── credits
│ ├── links
│ └── notes
├── IT
│ ├── credits
│ ├── links
│ └── notes
├── IT_workshop
│ ├── credits
│ ├── links
│ └── notes
├── LA
│ ├── c...
English is not my native language so all the subtleties of licensing law are lost on me. I can't find what I'm looking for.
The initial problem:
I have created an association and its website which proposes several useful tools concerning the video game world. It is a web application.
Users offer ...
Your task
Take a list of strings as the input, and output the maximum average ord.
Given the list ['hello', 'world', 'bye']:
The average ord of 'hello' is:
(ord(h) + ord(e) + ord(l) + ord(l) + ord(o)) / len('hello')
= 106.4
The average ord of 'world' = 110.4
The average ord of 'bye' =...
This might be a simple question but the answer escapes me.
Elon Musk wanted full control of Twitter, so he bought every outstanding share and made the company private.
Couldn't he have achieved the same result by buying only 50%+1 while leaving the company public, so he could control the board li...
When simulating the 2N7000 in CircuitLab, I was surprised to see that the current was lower than expected for my circuit (90mA at the drain) when the gate is at 3.3 V. So, I built a quick breadboard version and saw that the current was actually 98mA.
I suppose the ideal circuit would drive the ga...
I'm making photoresister alarm. When distance under 5cm over notes[] 5 times, piezo speaker off. And I want to turn off the led rgb by pressing the 4, 5, 6 switches in sequence. The code to turn off the led rgb by pressing the 4, 5, 6 switches in sequence does not work. What's wrong? Here is a co...
I have a set of vector valued signals $\boldsymbol{y}_{1:T}$ where each $\boldsymbol{y}_k \in \mathbb{R}^{v_k}$. Each signal is potentially of different dimensionality. I'd like to apply filtering and smoothing in the usual Kalman case but I'm unsure how to get around the problem of each $y$ havi...
Once I published a few math papers which contained new ideas in a new direction. This was closely related to my usual field of interest, but went somewhat beyond it. It was not obvious to me how many people in my field would be interested in it. Anyway I naturally wanted to promote my ideas to a...
For reference:
Find the length PD in the figure below.
ABCDEF is a regular hexagon
AB = 10cm
AQE is a sector( center at F)
PD is tangent of sector
My progresss:
$\triangle DEH:10.sin60^o = \frac{DF}{2} \therefore
DF = 10\sqrt3$
$\triangle DFQ :DF^2 = DQ^2+10^2 \implies DQ = \sqrt{300-100} \ther...
As a follow up of the answers given to my question at Rear Wheel Cassette Hub and Speed Set Compatibility Question ,I was trying to determine the rear end fork spacing of my bike which is a Giant Escape 2, 2013 (10 speed cassette Shimano tiagra with possibly changed speed set from original) to re...