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Q: What does SCM mean in unix sockets context (SCM_RIGHTS etc.)?

deshalderFrom man 7 unix SCM_RIGHTS Send or receive a set of open file descriptors from another process. The data portion contains an integer array of the file descriptors. The passed file descriptors behave as though they have been created with dup(2). There are also other concepts with SCM in ...

Q: How to Color Part of Object Different From the Other With Texture Paint

HappyHands31I'm an (almost complete) beginner at Blender and am stuck on this simple issue - I just need to color the bird's stomach (beige) different from the rest of his body (red). Notice the Angry Bird reference to the left. I've switched over to texture paint mode, added another Material and am painting...

Q: Boundedness of orbits and limit sets

coudyLet $T: {\bf R}^n \rightarrow {\bf R}^n$ be an homeomorphism and $x$ a point in ${\bf R}^n$. The positive orbit of $x$ is the set $\{T^n(x) \mid n \in {\bf N}\}$ and its $\omega$-limit set is the set of accumulation points of its orbit. $$\omega(x) = \{y \mid \exists \, n_k \rightarrow +\infty \h...

Q: Is "error" a reserved CustomEvent type?

Adrian LarsonI am trying to dispatch errors up from a child component to its parent. However, when my code looks like the below, I get two errors. Code: dispatch(error) { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("error", { detail: error, bubbles: true })); } Errors: Uncaught Error in $A.ge...

Q: is it possible to make my electric guitar have a metal or rocky kinda sound?

strrwbbiesI've seen a lot online about using the different knobs but i have an amp with only 3 of them: Treble, Volume and Gain. There's also a boost button but I haven't seen much about that. On the guitar itself, there's two tone and another volume knob. I don't understand much about guitars (except for ...

Q: Algorithm for ordering data so that neighbor elements are as identical as possible

jmd_dkI have a (potentially large) list data of 3-tuples of small non-negative integers, like data = [ (1, 0, 5), (2, 4, 2), (3, 2, 1), (4, 3, 4), (3, 3, 1), (1, 2, 2), (4, 0, 3), (0, 3, 5), (1, 5, 1), (1, 5, 2), ] I want to order the tuples within data so that ...

Q: Can't preselect time zone in hook_form_alter

consuelaI'm writing a custom installation profile/distribution and I want to pre-populate some fields in the 'Configure Site' form (/core/install.php). I have managed to prefill/preselect other fields like (Site name, Site email address and Default country) but cannot preselect the Default time zone fiel...

Q: What does Paul mean by "denying its power" in 2 Timothy 3:5?

Spirit Realm Investigator2 Timothy 3:1-9 (ESV) But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, bru...

Q: Finite set of numbers whose powers sum up to irrational number

Guido LiIt is well-known that $e/\sqrt{2}$ is irrational. Indeed, if it was rational, i.e. $p/q$ then $e^2/2 =p^2/q^2.$ Thus, $q^2e^2=2p^2,$ which would imply that $e$ is a root of $q^2x^2=2p^2.$ Now my question is: Does there exist a finite number of complex numbers $a_1,...,a_N$ all different from zero...

Q: Does F7 not work in Powershell 7 to show command history?

geronimoIn Powershell 5.1, one could press F7 and a history of previous entered commands would show up. I just intalled Powershell 7.2 and F7 no longer does anything. F8 still autocompletes based on command history though.

Q: Walkie Talkie dilemma

JW Feynman.Let us suppose that Bob and Alice both have walkie talkies. They are both 3m apart from one another. Alice pushes her walkie talkie to speak but instead of speaking, she starts walking toward Bob. Both Alice's and Bob's walkie talkies are facing each other in the same general direction(speakers a...

Q: If picking a 12-bit string uniformly at random, what is the probability that the string has more than one 0 and more than one 1?

spectr1I am kinda stumped on this question. I am not completely sure on where to start. Any pointers appreciated. I have tried to calculate the strings only containing one 1 and the strings containing one 0 and zero 1s and zero 0s and use the cardinality of this divided by the total number of strings, b...

Q: What deals more damage on a weapon, +1 to hit or +1 to damage?

Groody the HobgoblinBackground: I'm introducing masterwork items for 5e as a homebrew rule, both to help players spend surplus gold on something useful when they cannot buy magic items, and to make shopping a bit more interesting -- e.g. when you buy a horse, do you want to spend extra for a well-bred horse that is ...

Q: "can I ask how many engineers there are on the team already?"

JojiGot reached out by a recruiter about an opportunity and I wanted to ask how many engineers they already have on (in) the team. I wonder if the following sentence sounds natural? can I ask how many engineers there are on the team already? Are there any better alternatives to this? Also I was won...

Q: Why not “Send her victory, happiness and glory”?

GlenI was wondering why the expression in UK’s national anthem God Save the Queen is “Send her victorious happy and glorious” and not “Send her victory Happiness and glory”. I am not a native English speaker, so I might be overlooking grammar a bit. Could someone help me with this?

Q: How can I uncenter the address field in the Safari toolbar on macOS 10.15 Catalina?

mhuckaI updated to macOS Catalina, and discovered that in Safari's toolbar, the URL/address field now appears to be centered no matter what I do. This leads to an uneven appearance: When I edit the toolbar, it doesn't seem to matter if I put flexible spaces around the field—the address field always en...

Q: Random Variables generate Random Vectors

DuttaAThis is probably a simple question but I couldn't find the proof of it anywhere: Show that $X: \Omega \rightarrow \mathbb R^d$ is a random vector iff for $X(\omega) = (X_1(\omega), ... X_d(\omega))$ we have $X_i: \Omega \rightarrow \mathbb R$ is a random variable for all $i$. Somehow I feel we hv...

Q: Malfunctioning windows

Weather VaneTwo things malfunctioned with my Skoda Octavia windows One window won't operate with the 'one-touch' switch, only by holding the switch The 'convenience' window operation from the key fob stopped working I tried the following Replacing the four-window switch unit in the driver's door Resett...

Q: Was there a reason why the blowfish poison didn't kill Homer?

GGMG-he-himIn Season 2, Episode 11 of The Simpsons, "One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish", Homer accidentally eats the poison in a blowfish at a sushi restaurant, and as a result he's told he has only a day left to live. But for some reason, he survives with no ill effects from the poison and just falls...

Q: Low amplitude output in Opamp square wave generator

denizyildiz70I have made a square wave generator using an OPamp in positive feedback. The generator was designed to output a frequency of above 200KHz, so I chose the values of 200ohm and 0.01uF for the RC circuit in the wave generator. The problem is, that the amplitude of the signal gets really low at this ...

Q: One or more songs?

Nihil Sine Deo “And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭26:30‬ ‭ The English and other translations say a, singular, song was sung but doesn’t the Greek υμνησαντες say it’s plural? και υμνησαντες εξηλθον εις το ορος των ελαιων Is there a reason this is translated as...

Q: Knuckle-walk in snow / very cold climate

VeknorIs knuckle-walking efficent on snow / ice / thick snow ? Can a predator large as a polar bear evolve this? Is protecting the claw in such way, to far fetch considering the fact that the beast need to travel long distance in the snow covered tundra and ice sheeet in order to track its food?

Q: How to connect edges to make a cut

braxaI'm trying to cut drawers into a sideboard that I'm attempting to model. I've already figured out how to extrude them inwards into the main part of the sideboard, except it has some details on the front and I can't seem to find a way to cut the faces that aren't parallel to the Y axis (basically ...

Q: Equalities for trace with symbols

AgnieszkaMatematica does not seem to know basic rules for computation with trace when one uses symbols; e.g. FullSimplify[Tr[A.B] == Tr[B.A]] gives as output Tr[A.B] == Tr[B.A] and FullSimplify[Tr[A.B + G.F] == (Tr[A.B] + Tr[G.F])] gives Tr[A.B] + Tr[G.F] == Tr[A.B + G.F] Is it possible to learn mathe...

Q: Did China ever try to change regimes in any country?

user366312Did China ever try to change regimes in any country successfully or unsuccessfully?

Q: Reaching Proxima Centauri within 10 years of ship time in the year 2300

dyarobFor scenaristic reasons, my colonization spaceship needs to reach Proxima Centauri within 10 years of ship time. How do they do that? I'm starting to get a headache over this. At first I thought the only way to go was to accelerate at a constant 1G, which also provides gravity for the crew. I tho...

Q: How would a sky with extreme kessler syndome look like?

TheDyingOfLightA few decades ago the Third World War destroyed Earth. Space infrastructure was considered a priority target by both sides. Orbital space was in the years before the war was filled with skyhooks, power satellites, zero-gee factories, several habitats, shipyards, and so on. The mass of the entire ...

Q: Does there exist such a Riemann integrable function?

Clyde KertzerDoes there exist a Riemann integrable function $f: [a,b] \to \mathbb{R}$ that satisfies the following? $f(x) \geq 0$ for all $x \in [a,b]$ There exists an infinite set $E \subset [a, b]$ such that $f(x)>0$ for each $x \in E$ $\int_a^b f(x)dx=0$ I was initially thinking about a constant function...

Q: How do I make a pillars cap, inset, with flattened edges?

ophite9001So I understand how to inset a plane to make a curve from here: How can I make a plane's edges taper inwards?, but how do I flatten the edges like pic related

Q: How to change thickness

Irenäus BlaszkiewiczSo I am following a tutorial about character modeling (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAAwy_l4jw4). The basis consists of simple vertex and edges combined with the skin modifier and subdivision. When fingers come into play, my take on this looks like this... When it should look rather like this....

Q: Get Wave Texture to Follow Empty

TrascheWhat I'm looking for is some way to get a wave texture to function similar to a dampened track or a track to constraint. I don't want to have to rotate the actual sphere itself, just the texture to follow an object (in this case, an empty).

Q: algpseudocodex: Adding comment to \until" line

mxbiI'm using algpseudocodex to type-set my algorithms, and I'd like to have a comment on each line. Minimum example: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{algorithm} \usepackage{algpseudocodex} \begin{document} \begin{algorithm}[h] \begin{algorithmic}[1] \Repeat \Comment{Comment1} \State $x$ \C...

Q: Why would people finance the construction of a scientific headquarters on a remote island?

Wyvern123In the book I will soon attempt to write, a mysterious company will finance the construction of an elaborate headquarters on a remote island somewhere in the South Pacific. The Island The island in question will be extremely remote and largely unknown. This island will be affiliated with no count...

Q: How to solve a hyperbolic (cosh) equality when the argument of the cosh function is different

Neelsif $ \alpha+\lambda = c \cosh( \frac{a+d}{c})$ , and $ \alpha + \lambda = c \cosh( \frac{-a+d}{c})$ how does one get that $α + λ = c \cosh(\frac{a}{c})$ and $d = 0$ is there a rule that im missing? d is a constant edit: this is what i did: since cosh is an even function and is bijective, $\cosh...

Q: Extracting the constant term

dantopaFinite difference problem There are a large number of variables, interacting at most five at a time. A sample term is: How to extract the constant term? In this example, the constant term is -1/4.

Q: How does Victor get away with saying "Two weeks..." to Gale in front of Gus?

releseabeIn S4E1 ("Boxcutter")and Gus asks when things will be up and running, Gale says, In a month and Victor says, Two weeks. Gale then reluctantly agrees. Gus says nothing. This seems like fairly impertinent of Victor (about whom we know almost nothing but he looks like he is in his early 20s if not l...

Q: Is there a Church Father or Doctor of the Church who wrote the that Judas Iscariot was saved?

Ken GrahamIs there a Church Father or Doctor of the Church who wrote the that Judas Iscariot was saved and indicated why he believed this was so? I actually think one actually put forth their reasons for this, but memory fails me as to who it was. Perhaps it may have been a well-known theologian. I would l...

Q: How to balance sensitivity(sn) and specificity(sp) of an Artificial Neural Network model?

Suresh PokharelI have been working on a binary classification problem of protein sequences. I have used a feed-forward neural network with two hidden layers. I have the training and validation accuracy/loss curves that the model has trained pretty well without overfitting/underfitting. Then, while testing on in...

Q: Line-breaking (splitting) an inequality

user402875How can I split this inequality in three lines, \documentclass[12pt]{report} \usepackage{mathtools} \begin{document} \begin{eqnarray}\label{hhi1} \frac{1}{q-p}\int_{p}^{q}\kappa(u)du\leq min\left\{\kappa(p)\int_{0}^{1} h(r)dr +m\varphi\bigg(\kappa(p),\kappa\Big(\frac{q}{m}\Big)\bigg)\int_{0}^{1}...

Q: How would a person with food allergies cope in the Middle Ages?

The DaleksIn a story I'm working on, a character suddenly finds himself transported back to the late Middle Ages. This is completely unexpected, so he doesn't have time to prepare. It occurred to me that a lot of people nowadays (me included) have food allergies. So, I wonder: How would somebody allergic t...

Q: Intuitively, what is the difference between a "simply connected" set and a "locally connected" set?

e4494sI was looking into the Mandelbrot Set and saw a note that said it has been proven that the Mandelbrot Set is "simply connected" but it is still an open question of whether or not it is "locally connected" (MLC). I can easily understand what simply connected means intuitively--you can draw a line ...

Q: Graphs of Categories Exercise

MathTrainI have completed the following introductory exercise from The Joy of Cats, which I am self-studying. There are no easily available online solution sets, but I am looking to check my work. The exercise is as follows (G(A) is the graph of the category A): I have concluded that every one of these g...

Q: Why is "Whataboutism" considered evil?

user366312Whataboutism or Whataboutary is the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by making a counter-accusation or raising a different issue. Examples: The USA to Russia: "You invaded Ukraine and killed tens of thousands of people." Russia to the USA: "What about Vie...

Q: Great polyhedra: What does "great" signify?

Joseph O'Rourke Great Cubicuboctahedron Great Dodecahedron Great Icosacronic Hexecontahedron Great Rhombic Triacontahedron Great Snub Icosidodecahedron Great Triakis Octahedron ... There are many polyhedra with a rich variety of beautifully baroque names, often prefixed with "Great." Q. What does "great" sign...

Q: how can this sentence be translated to English " Ich bin beim Sport"

Ab TaymI was watching a video about preposition in German and the comparison between the uses of "in" and "bei", and how "bei" can be used with "Personen/ Firmen/Aktivitäten" and they used "Ich bin beim Sport" as an example for activities, but sadly I didn't get it. Some help please

Q: Why do Buechner funnels have no glaze on the top rim?

IstrelI have a question about Buechner funnels (just out of pure curiosity). The funnels I have seen have no glaze on the top rim. Actually, the question is why the top end is not glazed. Does it have any utilitarian meaning. Or is it due to the peculiarities of production? A quick googling yielded no ...

Q: Is there a way to increase the dedicated server player cap beyond 10 players?

Azure SkyeI understand that dedicated servers in Valheim normally has a cap of 10 players. Is there a way to bypass this?

Q: How to find the coefficients of the second eigenvector?

InMathweTrustI have a $2\times 2$ real symmetric matrix: $$\begin{pmatrix} A & C \\ C & B \end{pmatrix} $$ and I know that the eigenvalues are: $$\lambda_{\pm} = \frac{1}{2}(A+B)\pm \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{(A-B)^{2}+C^{2}}$$ Define $x$ so that: $\lambda_{\pm} = e^{\pm x}$. I know its first eigenvector, associated t...

Q: What is the basis for Catholics believing Jesus fell three times (or seven) on his journey to Calvary?

KatechonicIn reviewing the Stations of the Cross, I was surprised to learn that stations 3, 7, and 9—descriptions of three times Jesus fell under the weight of the cross he carried—are in fact not based on scripture. I also learned (here) that some German and Dutch Catholics historically observed SEVEN fal...

Q: How can we persuade university in England to minimize the number of staff involved, for daughter's request to extend maximum study period?

as tsMy daughter needs to extend maximum period of study, by reason of physical and mental MultiComorbidities. Her program manager emailed her the procedure like Nottingham University's. Students do not submit extension requests themselves. The student shall submit their written request and all evid...

Q: Creating a Qiskit circuit based on output states

HamidehI am trying to create a Qiskit circuit that: starting in state |00⟩ generates a 1/2 * (|00⟩ - |01⟩ - |10⟩ + |11⟩) state starting in state |10⟩ generates a 1/2 * (|00⟩ + |01⟩ - |10⟩ -|11⟩) state starting in state |01⟩ transforms to a 1/2 * (|00⟩ -|01⟩ + |10⟩ - |11⟩) state starting in state |11...

Q: Ragged list pattern matching

alephalphaGiven a pattern and a ragged list of positive integers, your task is to decide whether the pattern matches the ragged list. The pattern is also represented by a ragged list. But in addition to positive integers, it may contain a wildcard value. Here is the rule for matching: A positive integer m...

Q: Jewish Sabbath?

Andries StanderIn Gen. 2:2,3 we read: And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. If God kep...

Q: Is there a way to transfer items between characters?

Azure SkyeIs there a way to transfer items directly from one character to another within the same account? I'm thinking of creating a new a character in my account but I want to give it some starter items if possible.

Q: What is James 2:10 saying about the nature of sin?

Andries StanderIn James 2:10-12 we read: For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law. So speak ye, and so d...

Q: How to write abbreviated "the" as thorn with superscript e?

scribeIdeally without using any external packages. I am looking for something like this. For more about the letter, read Wikipedia.

Q: How do I translate 手指往前一点,纸牌化作黑色的线,纤拉而过,犹如一线江潮倾轧?

HuyI'm trying to understand this sentence, but it doesn't really make much sense to me. I've tried translating (using google translate) it but it still doesn't make much sense to me. Could someone correctly translate this sentence. Sentence with context: 轻轻画个圈。(I understand) 悬浮在她周身的一张张纸牌,骤然高速旋转起来。(I...

Q: can anyone tell me why is my Cylinder not in a straight line when i zoom out?

Vincent Thamrin here is the image of the cylinder you can see there's a tearing when u see the cylinder clearly, what is the solution to make it smooth ? is it vsync ? but its blender not a game . hope for a solution thank you.

Q: What does INH as an IC pin label mean?

RowanPWhile using a CAD model for a 74HC4051D multiplexer which I downloaded from SnapEDA I noticed that pin 6 is labelled INH rather than E bar (or Enable) as I anticipated from the datasheet. What does INH stand for? []

Q: remove everything before a character in a column

Eric GonzálezI have a table like this start end chr 1 10 H300Chr01 10 50 H500Chr02 I would like to replace everything before Chr con column 3 My desired output would be start end chr 1 10 Chr01 10 50 Chr02 I know that sed can do things like this: sed 's/^.*Chr/Chr/' table.txt Could you pl...

Q: What are ways to get plot ideas or plot in general?

Crimsoir I keep scrapping the plots I have, as I deemed them to be uninteresting or complicated. At first I just have some characters for fun, then I learned the importance of characters in a plot. I only have another possible work that I have. However I decide to make another story, and I keep scrapping ...

Q: What is the probability a person sees a tree by looking out of the window?

sK500I'm familiar with the basic probability rules which problems come in the form of: What is the probability of getting a head next by tossing a coin? 0.5 What is the probability of getting a 3 if a number is chosen uniformly at random from the set {1, 2, 3, 4}? 0.25 How more complicated forms of ...

Q: Is my inner tube too big?

BartSo I punctured my inner tube (again) and I usually buy 700 x 25/32C inner tube for my 700 x 28 tire. Which fitted nicely. But, I felt like the brand I was using wasn't the best so I switched it out and got a Contrast 700 x 28C inner tube (as stated on Amazon) but when it arrived, it was a Vavert ...

Q: Does each IC need its own bypass capacitor when there are multiple ICs in the same circuit?

RowanPI am working on a circuit to measure the current drain of six hobby servos for a robotics application. I'm aiming to use six ACS712 current sensor ICs. The ACS712 data sheet shows a typical application circuit diagram with 0.1uF (100nF) bypass capacitors. I am planning to scale up that design. M...

Q: No hope for AX211 wifi working on ubuntu 20.04?

Kyuhyong YouI fresh installed ubuntu 20.04 on my laptop and apt update & upgraded to the latest. $ uname -r 5.13.0-39-generic So far BT is working fine but only wifi isn't working now. I checked as below $ lspci -nnk | grep 0280 -A3 0000:00:14.3 Network controller [0280]: Intel Corporation Device [8086:51f0...

Q: What was the first programming language with generics?

user3840170To belatedly celebrate the release of Go 1.18, I ask the question: what was the first programming language with support for generics? For concreteness (to prevent anyone trying to weasel out with ‘what is generics anyway’): the language should be statically-typed, with variables given an unchang...

2 hours later…
Q: I'm still being waitlisted after April 15th, is this a rejection?

IGYIt's April 16th today, most applicants should have made their final decision for graduate school. However, earlier this year, I was interviewed by a very prestigious university in the US for their ECE PhD program. In February, I was notified that I'm on their waitlist. Now the resolution deadline...

Q: Why isn't my Basil cutting rooting?

Extr3misSo, 3 days ago I took a cutting from the main stem of my basil plant and replanted it into a cocopeat puck that is placed into some water, a makeshift hydroponic setup. I am making use of filtered, RO water. While the cutting hasn't wilted or anything, it's been 3 days and there isn't the tiniest...

Q: A fascinating riddle from my late grandfather

Noah SmithMy grandfather wrote me this riddle on a napkin when I was 12. It took me more than a year to solve, but I got it eventually. He said I didn't get it until I had explained the sections, so explain every line. Imagine a chess board, but seven-eighths wide and fit about five darker pieces inside. ...

Q: Symbol for blanks as ambiguous bits

Daniel SchweglerI display bit strings with ambiguous bits, like 11-101-0011---10-1-1. So, "-" means could be "1" or "0". All symbols I tried like squares, circles display in a nonsymmetric fashion, e.g., $001\square110\square\square0\square1$ displayes wider space between "1" and \square than it does between "0"...

Q: Align shaded box to top of page

Thomas OellrichI have a page that has a shaded box at the top. How do I get the shaded box to align with the top of the page frame? There's a bit of a gap. My code: \documentclass[10pt]{book} \usepackage[showframe]{geometry} \usepackage[x11names]{xcolor} \usepackage{framed} \colorlet{shadecolor}{LavenderBlush2}...

Q: Long form of "typo"

asdfasdfasdfThe definition of typo, according to Cambridge Dictionary: a small mistake in a text made when it was typed or printed Can anyone tell me the long form of typo?

Q: an omission in K. Conrad's notes on the conductor ideal

Hair80I am referring to the very useful K. Conrad's notes on the conductor ideal of an order in a Dedekind domain: https://kconrad.math.uconn.edu/blurbs/gradnumthy/conductor.pdf On page 13 it is claimed that every ideal class of the order contains a representative coprime with the conductor, and this w...

Q: Determining to terminate at a reward or not

KrellexI am practicing the Bellman equation on Grid world examples and in this scenario, there are numbered grid squares where the agent can choose to terminate and collect the reward equal to the amount inside the numbered square or they can choose to not do this and just move to the state grid square....

Q: Vanishing of a sum of roots of unity

Denis SerreIn my answer to this question, there appears the following sub-question about a sum of roots of unity. Denoting $z=\exp\frac{i\pi}N$ (so that $z^N=-1$), can the quantity $$\sum_{k=0}^{N-1}z^{2k^2+k}$$ vanish ? The answer is clearly No for $N\le7$. I suspect that it never vanishes, which should an...

Q: About the structure of unit groups appearing in number theory

Tireless and hardworkingI think the following statement is not true in the general situations, but consider it: $R$ is a ring, $\mathfrak{p}$ is a prime ideal, then the unit group of $\dfrac{R}{\mathfrak{p}^nR}$ is isomorphic to $(\dfrac{R}{\mathfrak{p}R})^{*}\times\dfrac{R}{\mathfrak{p}^{n-1}R}$. This statement holds i...

Q: Voltage drop over open circuit

ilmu011I am still learning the basics of electronics and this confused me: I have a simple LED circuit like this (5V voltage source): The LED has a specified voltage drop of 3V, and is rated for currents of 20mA at maximum, so I put a 330Ω resistor in series. When I measure the voltage drop over the re...

Q: Non integer number in setcounter (report document): \setcounter{figure}{1.14}

Gennaro ArguzziI'm wondering how to write a non integer number inside the setcounter command. I'm writing a report so the numbers of the figures are not 1, 2, 3, but 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 (in chapter 1). I tried the command \setcounter{figure}{1.14}, but it seems that LaTeX cannot manage it because the number is not an...

Q: proof sum of power using Stirling number

K.S Kimquestion is prove $$ 1^{k} + 2^{k} + 3^{k} + \dots + n^{k} = \sum_{i=1}^{k} S(k,i) \cdot i! \cdot {{n+1}\choose{i+1}} $$ In my opinion, LHS means number of functions from X to Y (X has 'k' element and Y has 'n' element) And $$\sum_{i=1}^{k} S(k,i) \cdot i!$$ on RHS means number of function from X...

Q: E-Bike conversion kit battery compatibility question

Victor StanciuI'm a pretty good home mechanic, but very new to the e-bike world. I bought a conversion kit off eBay recently without really doing my homework beforehand. The battery pack it came with doesn't inspire any confidence now that I've read more about them, so I'd like to return it and buy a better, s...

Q: How to indent each line after a fraction in a single expression?

mohan10216 How can I format the fractions to appear underneath like so in both images. For the second image the plus should not be under the expression above it. Here is my code for the second image: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \begin{align*} \frac{\frac{1}{3...

Q: How do you "dismantle" the word "pneumonoultramicrosilicovolcanoconiosis"?

70408林毓軒By my guess, the word "pneumonoultramicrosilicovolcanoconiosis" is a combination of different suffixes and prefixes. Can anyone tell me how to "dismantle" the word?

Q: Why are animated things susceptible to sleep?

XanlantosWhy are animated things susceptible to sleep? I had an encounter with an animated knife and broom and it is possible to send them to sleep. It seems counterintuitive to me. Can someone give me an idea of why that is? And how to "roleplay" i.e. a sleeping knife or a broom that takes psychic damage...

Q: Mathematical Philosophy Question, trying to understand a discussion on Principia Mathematica

user593257I will admit that this questions isn't exactly mathematics, but it involves mathematical logic so I thought I would try here. If I am in the wrong place just let me know. I am reading 'Landmark Writings in Western Mathematics 1640 - 1940' by I. Grattan-Guinness. While reading the chapter on Rus...

Q: I want to build a language that expresses the maximum amount of information with minimal words spoken

Mike FleitzI'm trying to come up with a conlang for a setting where spoken word casts magic etc. In this case, a group of wizards, etc. Develop arcadian, which functions to give the most information with the least amount of time spoken. I'm very new to conlangs, but I got a crude idea of how this could work...

Q: Each snowflake is beautiful but some are "pretty"

ScalewingedAcidicornLet's define "snowflakey" pattern as Regular polygon surrounded by other regular polygons number of surrounding polygons equals to a number of angles of polygon in the middle Here are two groups of snowflakeys: Each snowflakey in the left group I consider "pretty" and each snowflakey in the ri...

Q: The effect of the non-existense of longitudinal polarisation mode of the photon on equipartition theorem

Kasi Reddy Sreeman ReddyMassless vector bosons like photons only have 2 independent polarisation degrees, unlike massive vector bosons. For a spin 1 boson with mass $\mu$ and with $k^λ = (ω, 0, 0, k)$ the longitudinal mode is given by $ε_λ^{(3)} = (−k, 0, 0, ω)/\mu$. In the limit $\mu\to 0$ this longitudinal mode cannot...

Q: Story where colony ship is actually artificial intelligence lab which creates intelligence deciding how crew worship it

QuisizyxShip is launched for stated purpose of colonization but one crew member is attempting to create artificial intelligence. As story develops although outfitted for colonization there are indications it is actually artificial intelligence lab sent into deep space to isolate experiment from Earth as...

Q: How to show all hidden files in Finder?

Eric Andrew LewisHow can I permanently compel the Finder to show me hidden files? Previously I've done this by configuring the Mac OS X user defaults system as suggested in this answer: defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles true killall Finder However that command does not work on Monterey. Adding a ...

Q: Excluding collections from view layer using script

NickSparrowHello Im working on really big project and I need to exclude all collections from layerand reverse using script I tried this import bpy coll = bpy.data.collections for c in coll: c.exclude = False But it doesnt seem to work, any ideas where it went wrong or how to solve my problem? Any help ...

Q: First-order model checking is not fixed parameter tractable on general graphs

amhineoniI read that the problem of first-order model checking is believed to be not fixed parameter tractable on general graphs. Why is this the case? Would be happy about some reference Thanks in advance!

Q: Root of polynomials in a finite field

DattierI am looking for a way to find out if a polynomial $P\in \mathbb Z/p\mathbb Z=\mathbb F_p$, of great degree, has roots in $\mathbb F_p$, with $p$ a big prime number. For example : $p=2^{2020}-69$ prime number, $Q(x)=x^{(p-1)/2} \in \mathbb F_p$ $R(x)=2020-\sum\limits_{i=1}^{2020} Q(x+i) \in \math...

Q: How to stop different input sources from overriding keyboard shortcuts?

arielhasidimMy machine has two input sources (English and Hebrew). When I try to use keyboard shortcuts inside apps, it doesn't work in Hebrew but does work in English. How can I stop this override? For example when using Adobe Acrobat and trying to "save as" with Cmd+Shift+S. My machine: MacBook Pro M1 Pro ...

Q: Implementing fast linear search for perfect vertical image alignment

Alexey PopkovAfter experimenting with image alignment aprroaches presented here and here and some other approaches involving ImageDistance and NMinimize, I realized that the most robust approach is the direct search, and it is probably can be implemented effficiently using Compile or FunctionCompile (but my e...

Q: In Matthew 16:18, is the "it" against which the gates of hell shall not prevail the "rock" or the "church"?

Mike Borden And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. - Matthew 16:18 Is it "this rock" or "my church" that the gates of hell shall not prevail against?

Q: Every action gives rise to a homomorphism

GuestI'm reading Chapter 3 from the book "The theory of finite groups" by Kurzweil and Stellmacher where they say the following: Let $G$ act on a set $\Omega$. That is, for each $x\in G$ and $\alpha\in\Omega$, there exists an element $\alpha^x\in \Omega$ which satisfies $\alpha^1=\alpha$ and $\alpha^{...

Q: How do believers in the Great Apostasy reconcile their views with Matthew 16:18?

Spirit Realm InvestigatorFrom the Wikipedia article on the Great Apostasy: The Great Apostasy is a concept within Christianity, identifiable at least from the time of the Reformation, to describe a perception that the early apostolic Church has fallen away from the original faith founded by Jesus and promulgated through...

Q: According to Romans 1:3-4, did the resurrection "make" the Son of God or "declare" the Son of God?

Mike Borden concerning His Son, (who is come of the seed of David according to the flesh, who is marked out Son of God in power, according to the Spirit of sanctification, by the rising again from the dead,) Jesus Christ our Lord; - Romans 1:3-4 YLT Whether "marked out" or "declared" or some other English ...

Q: F# Custom Operator reporting incorrect usage in Computation Expression

Matthew CrewsI am creating a Computation Expression (CE) for simplifying the definition of Plans for modelers. I want to define functions that are only available in the CE. In this example the compiler says that the custom operations step and branch are being used incorrectly but I don't see why. All the comp...

Q: Berry curvature concentration around nodal points

Urs SchreiberIt is well-known that in TI-symmetric semi-metals the Berry curvature on the Brillouin torus vanishes away from the nodal points (eg. [XCN10, III.B] [Van18, p. 105]). But even for non-TI-symmetric semi-metals, the Berry curvature turns out, in concrete examples, to be strongly concentrated (spike...

Q: How to make a wavy surface material like this

brknarsyI am trying to model a chocolate bar and done everythin except the wavy texture on the surface. Couldn't find a way to make a such wave texture. I tried using 'Wave Texture' but it's too ordinary for the material I want. Here's an example photo of the wavy surface that I want: As you see it's mo...

Q: How to spell Zelensky?

Joe KerrRecently, Volodymyr Zelensky (for this question, I will use the shorter version of his name), the president of Ukraine, has been in the news frequently due to the war in his country. However, news sources seem split on how his name is spelled. It is transliterated from Ukrainian, which is not a l...

Q: Ford Fiesta zetec 2014

DavidWhen I'm on a step hill pointing up. I pull the handbrake up. Take my foot of the brake pedal. The front of the car drops about an inch. Is this normal??

Q: What is the literal English translation of ut vivas viglia

Lydia ArnoldMy heraldic motto is: ut vivas viglia. Does it literally translate from the Latin to English as, watch and you shall live? Help! Arnold is my last name if you need to research the Heraldic crest i saw this phrase on. I am trying to get a translation that is absolutely correct and I have no real l...

Q: How much could humans change in the span of 20.000 years?

StyxSo, in my world, humans were imported to the world about 20.000 years ago. The planet was terraformed to be an earth clone and has 2 Supercontinents. Basically, I need traits that could have emerged naturally in humans, and that either don't reduce or increase the chance of successfully procreati...

Q: Creating new layer with all attributes inherited from original layer using PyQGIS

TarasLet's assume there is a polygon layer called 'test2' with its attribute table, see the image below. With the code below I am creating a new layer as centroids of original features layer = iface.activeLayer() vl = QgsVectorLayer("Point?crs={}&index=yes".format(layer.crs().authid()), "centroids", "...

Q: What printed spells and magic items would be especially useful for an 8th level Wizard to cast or craft to create a fortress?

user2754The scenario is as follows - an 8th level Wizard, Dormouse Bladefist, has a cave mouth he wants to defend at all costs. He has some money and magic materials, and can probably craft some weaker magic items. As a wizard, he has his spellbook, and can reasonably copy any other spells into it acce...

Q: Render in cycle The object disappears and only a shadow remains

JanuszWhen I want to render an image so that the floor is transparent and the object with the shadow is visible, only the shadow remains. I used to do that and it worked, but now it doesn't. I had to kick something, I just can't find the reason. Can anyone help? Link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KA...

Q: What happens when we increase the voltage beyond breakdown in a Zener diode?

Orion_PaxIn the presence of a resistor, we can reason that the voltage difference between the given battery voltage and breakdown will be given to resistor. My question is without any other devices just only a battery whose voltage can increase or decrease connected to a Zener diode in reverse bias mode. ...

Q: Math olympiad question involving pigeonhole principle

FAN WENDI HCIProve that among any 101 distinct positive integers, there exists 11 numbers with a sum divisible by 11. I have tried to seperate the 101 positive integers into 10 sets such that 1 set has at least 11 integers, but I do not know what to do from here.

Q: Why does this zz plant have white residue and holes?

Peter HickmanMy ZZ plant has developed a thin white residue and holes on some of the leaves. We have had the ZZ plant about a month where it sits in a corner of the bedroom by a window. We have watered it once in that time. What might be the problem? And how do we fix it? My suspicion is powdery mildew, but I...

Q: Did India ever try to change regimes in any country?

user366312From Wikipedia - Regime change is the forcible or coerced replacement of one government regime with another. Regime change may replace all or part of the state's most critical leadership system, administrative apparatus, or bureaucracy. My previous question was about China. Now, I am interested...

Q: Transistor as a switch driven by a square wave

DustinI'm trying to understand how to use a transistor as a switch. I'm sure I am not doing this right. The input signal is a simple 30 kHz square wave, 3.3 V amplitude. There is a second gate signal which is also a square wave with 3.3 V amplitude. When the gate signal is HIGH (3.3 V), I want it to tu...

Q: What does an exponent of a differential form mean?

Lave CaveI know that the wedge product is alternative, $\omega \wedge \omega =0$, but I still see people talking about $\omega^{\wedge n}$ like when the power of a symplectic form is considered as the volume form. I assume that this volume form is meant to be non zero for higher dimensions but I can’t see...

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