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Q: If frequency of photons is a continuous spectrum, wouldn't the chance of a photon having the exact right frequency to excite an electron be zero?

Oli MaltbyAs far as i'm aware, the energy needed to excite an electron to a different orbital is discrete, and the frequency of light is continuous, wouldn't it be impossible for a photon to have the exact right amount of energy to excite an electron?

Q: Word Wrap in Table Cell in BOOKTABS Tables

Hubert SchölnastIn a Nutshell: How can you provide word wrap in left-aligned table cell when you are using the package bookstabs? My Problem in Detail: I am writing a scientific paper to be (hopefully) published in an ACM magazine. The document class includes the package booktabs: https://ctan.org/pkg/booktabs a...

Q: How to generate wideband Gaussian white noise

ShadyI want to generate correlated complex white Gaussian noise signals in MATLAB. What I do is that I take complex Gaussian random variables with unit-variance and multiply them with the desired input covariance matrix. Next I have to send this signal through a bandpass filter to get the desired band...

Q: Plot an example for some functions

Felipe DuraToday I just wanted to run this code but I have some difficulty if you can have a look? Clear["Global`*"] a = 0.7; k = -0.04; f = 0.2; b = 1; g[x_] := Sqrt[ a + f^2/(4 b^2)] / a ArcCoth[ Sqrt[a + f^2/(4 b^2)] /Sqrt[ (1 - 2/(3 b)) x^-2 k + a + ((f^2)/(4 b^2)) ]] - f/(2 a b)Log[(3 f + 6 b Sqrt[ ...

Q: Why isn't any unprovoked act of aggression considered a war crime?

BarmarI'm struggling to understand the notion of "war crimes". It refers to acts within the context of a war that are considered especially heinous and outside the normal parameters of armed conflict (the Geneva Conventions). But why is initiating the war itself considered acceptable in the first place...

Q: What is considered a Digital Filter

user3473426Would upscaling from a DVD to 4k on a TV be considered Digital Filtering? Would an AI trained to suppress noise and enhanced desired signal be considered a Digital Filter? I'm trying to figure out what counts as Digital filtering and what does not. In signal processing, a digital filter is a sys...

Q: Charging inductor flashes an LED

Annette GatesI'm experimenting with how inductors store and release energy into a circuit. I made the following circuit (I'm not sure of the actual inductance value because I'm using a "Snap Circuits" electromagnet part without the optional "iron core" inserted. I understand why the LED flashes when I open ...

Q: Unique unemployment situation - am I eligible for benefits?

Julie SI was laid off for 'lack of work' earlier this week. About a day or so later I ended up accepting an employment offer from a large corporation. However, the issue is, I cannot start this job for six or more months due to going through an extensive background check process (aka security clearance)...

Q: Which algorithm to sample from the normal distribution is this?

Guerlando OCsThis algorith, which takes a standard deviation and a mean, should sample from the normal distribution: https://github.com/zama-ai/concrete/blob/5a12fb5b0196b48f1325a481dd8e3f4f04b710b6/concrete-core/src/backends/core/private/math/random/gaussian.rs#L19 Basically it looks like it does s = u^2 + v...

Q: Paying for activated abilities of newly spoiled card Halo Fountain

theresawalrusHalo Fountain is a newly spoiled card for New Capenna: Now say you turn Halo Fountain into a creature (there's a variety of methods to do this, say Karn, Silver Golem for example). Say you wanted to activate its first ability. You pay W, tap it, then untap it. Does that work? Alternatively, sinc...

Q: Has it been experimentally proven that energy causes gravity?

foolishmuseI know that under general relativity energy and mass are equivalent under $E=mc^2$. But has it been experimentally proven that energy alone causes gravity, for example, does a nuclear reaction generate gravity independent of the mass of the reactor alone? Is a kugelblitz possible?

Q: How to only fill the intersection between three circles?

araraYesterday I came across this question: How to draw Venn diagrams (especially: complements) in LaTeX. I was introduced to the idea of intersecting circles and only filling in specific sections defined by the boundaries of the lines of the intersecting circles. Some examples are given in the above ...

Q: How to use an internal text file in an Add-on

SteveCan someone show me an example how I can read the content of an internal text file? Let's say I append a text file from another Blend file with a known internal name ("Environment") and some text data in it. I would like to read an process the content from within an Add-on. I know how to read an ...

Q: Quasi-coherent cohomology in non-commutative algebraic geometry

curious math guyIn non-commutative algebraic geometry, the motto so to speak is to replace the study of a scheme $X$ with the study of the category $D_{qcoh}(X)$ of quasi-coherent sheaves and study the properties thereof. My question is what is the correct analogue for the cohomology of quasi-coherent sheaves in...

Q: Plot issue : put a legend instead of a top label

stefanI have an issue about putting a legend consisted of a text and numerical value instead of a label. For example, with this command line : ωBD=9900; pl = ListLinePlot[{ScaleFactorPast,ScaleFactorFuture},PlotStyle->{Blue,Blue},Frame->True,FrameLabel->{"t","a(t)"},LabelStyle->{FontSize->20,FontFamily->"

Q: Estimating probability of attack in Ukraine, given count data

krishnabI was looking at some attack count data in Ukraine for different days. The data is gathered from the ACCLED dataset, and there is a picture below. The picture shows individual attacks, but I can apply a grid and count the number of attacks in each region to get a rough estimate of frequency withi...

Q: How to Update the Epoch in a Fake TLE While Maintaining Relative Position?

The Dan HammerI've been trying to compare before & after results for some updated algorithms in an application. Basically, I want to be able to start and run the test at any arbitrary Epoch with the satellite starting in the same position relative to a fixed point on the earth. For simplicity - assuming Mean A...

Q: Why does interest rates need to be below thee increase of a stock for no arbitrage

Balkaran MaliI'm doing a mathematical finance module in discrete time. One of the lemmas given is $0<d<1+r<u$ there is no arbitrage opportunity. Where $d$ is a multiplier for when the stock price goes down from time $0$ to time $1$ and $u$ is the multiplier of the stock price going up. So my question is why i...

Q: Regarding nilpotent 3-dim Lie-algebra

user726608A nilpotent three-dimensional Lie algebra is either abelian ("commutative") or isomorphic to $n_3$. We say that a lie-algeba $L$ is nilpotent if there exists $N$ such that $C^N(L) = 0$ where $L=C^1(L) > [L,L]=C^2 (L) > [L,[L,L]]=C^3 (L)>...$ $n_3={A \in gl_3 : a_{ij}=0 , i \geq j}$. $n_3$= ...

Q: 42082 crane boom doesn't engage

JDługoszAt the top of the sleeve part of the boom is a gear and that is supposed to turn against a rack of teeth all along the inner slide part of the boom extension, to make the boom longer or shorter. However, it just spins but does not grab the rack. The inner boom piece slides back in under its weig...

Q: Node positions in Tikzpicture for using tikzmark

concordepiI wish to create a diagram like this. My attempt is shown below: Output Code \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz-cd} \usetikzlibrary{tikzmark,shapes.geometric,shapes.symbols} \tikzset{elnode/.style={draw, ellipse, dotted, minimum height=1cm, label distance=-2mm}, cloudnode/.style={dra...

Q: Do I need the preposition "of" in "the beginning (of) what they will do"?

jamesI have a question about "of" This is only the beginning of what they will do. In this sentence, do I need "of"? In my opinion, even though I say... This is only the beginning what they will do. ...this sentence still makes sense. Can anyone explain why I need to use "of" between "beginning" and

Q: What is the idiom for the word "grace"?

user366312Suppose, an employee's career is rocketing because his boss looks at him very favorably, no matter what his actual performance is. What idiom can I use to describe this? The employee is on the good side of the boss's radar. Is it correct? Can you suggest a better idiom?

Q: Pair my brackets

mathcatGiven a string consisting of ()[]{}, print the paired brackets in the same order as they appear in the string. Any opening bracket ([{ can be paired with any closing bracket )]}. For example: ({()[}]] returns: (], {], (), [} Rules A string consisting of ()[]{} should be received as the input Th...

Q: How do you work with a GitHub repo inside Blender.app/.exe?

Torrin worxWhat is a good method to update a GitHub repository without manually copy/pasting the entire repo into the Blender addons folder when developing Blender add-ons?

Q: Do you drink five cups of wine when a Seder falls on Friday or Saturday?

CannoliopsidaThis year the two Seders are on Friday and Saturday. My understanding (please tell me if I'm wrong) is that the normal Shabbat blessings are done before the Seder on Friday night, and the normal Havdalah blessings are done before the Seder on Saturday night. Does this mean that one drinks five cu...

Q: According to Protestant interpretations why does God want people to serve Him when He doesn’t need it?

Cork88We read: “God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands. Nor is He worshiped with men’s hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things.” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭17:24-25‬ “I was watching in ...

Q: What kind of 'techniques' would a corrupt, power-hungry government use to dehumanize its army?

DopplegamerI am writing a story that takes place in an alternate universe in which the timeline is all screwed up. The society this question is about (let's call it Rome) has lots of futuristic technology, such as ray guns, force fields, nanites, ect. However, due to a bit of handwavium, it has made next to...

Q: For the Find Steed spell, what does it mean to bond with your steed and "fight as a seamless unit"?

JackThe description of the find steed spell says (emphasis added): Your steed serves you as a mount, both in combat and out, and you have an instinctive bond with it that allows you to fight as a seamless unit. While mounted on your steed, you can make any spell you cast that targets only you also ...

Q: What does the the 1992 treaty between Russia and Finland say specifically about alliances?

FizzI only found a brief 3rd party summary that says: In accordance with the new agreement, Finland was free to enter any political or military alliance with a third party. But I'm having trouble finding the full text of the 1992 treaty and what it says in detail about alliances. So, can someone qu...

Q: Would a patient be too large and too heavy for an ambulance helicopter?

Manfred BirkelIn the german BILD „news“ website there is a short video clip about a patient near Lauterbach being too large and with 150kg too heavy for the helicopter. Images on site show it has D-HUTH written on top, which is the registration for a model „EC-135 P2i“. How much of the story is true and how mu...

Q: Deleting Files From A Directory Containing A Certain pattern In The File

DavisLet's say I have a directory called "/home/ben/files" with 100 randomly named text files. Out of the 100 text files some just contain the word "DELETEME" inside the text files. e.g. file1.txt, file2.txt, file3.txt, file4.txt, file5.txt.....etc How should one delete such files containing the patte...

Q: What is a Hollerith file on a GE/Honeywell computer?

RichardIn his description of the QED editor, Dennis Ritchie writes READ9 and READ6 return the next character from the ASCII or Hollerith file currently being read (if any). I know about ASCII, of course, but what is a Hollerith file? Is it related to the 9-vs-6 in the routine names? (Wikipedia only te...

Q: With a transistor (as a switch), does the order of the parts matter?

Dan ForeverI've wired up my project(s) similarly to how they're laid out in A, to control whether or not an LED is on or off. And it works fine (as far as I know). But I've seen lots of examples online of circuits laid out in a B formation (including the sparkfun transistor tutorial), and I'm wondering, is ...

Q: What is the meaning of the combination あまり and たくさん into あまりたくさん?

jarmanso7I came across the following sentence in my textbook (上級へのとびら, lesson 12, page 279). It is part of a presentation explaining how to make 押し花: まず、最初にティッシュペーパーを1枚ボール紙の上に置きます。次に、そのティッシュペーパーの上に草花を並べて置きます。この時、あまりたくさん置きすぎないようにして下さい。 I understand the last sentence as "this time, don't put too much/many...

Q: How can a mechanical clock be powered by wind in a reliable, constant way?

TortlienaPicking up the context This is a follow-up question to the technologically accurate watermill clock, available here. In this case, we're not using water to make clocks, but wind! Wind will be the power source to... power the clock mechanically. So let's lift off into the world of physics and engi...

Q: Is it obvious when an oil reaches its smoking point?

user13414I like fried eggs dropped into very hot coconut oil so that the white crisps up (seriously, try it). However, I worry sometimes that I might be getting the oil too hot and consequently releasing toxins into my food. I've always assumed that taking an oil beyond its smoking point would result in a...

Q: Short story about a group marching through a tunnel lined with portals, with each individual seeking the specific portal that leads to their "home"

blueman2The story involves a group of disparate individuals, self-formed as a quasi-military unit, marching through a long, curved tunnel from portal to portal, each portal a fixed number of klicks down the line. Each portal opens on another world. The tunnel was part of a recreation system, as I recall...

Q: Bluetooth Latency

DT RConsidering Bluetooth uses EMR, and EMR requires x amount of time to travel any distance. Does this mean the farther my Bluetooth headphones get from my phone, the gaps between each byte of music increase (while moving away)? If so, why is this not noticed as I am walking away from my host mach...

Q: Why trust a pgp signature?

iwabMany downloads offer an OpenPGP signature, which can be used to verify the file, but if a hacker manages to manipulate the file, then he can also simply change the signature key, or not?

Q: How does \x work without a foreach statement in tikz?

araraI've gone through the second tutorial in the tikz documentation and I was introduced to the use of \x inside of foreach statements to iterate some processes. However, I just found out that \x can appear without a foreach statement. I adapted some code from another thread to mostly simplify it and...

Q: What is the QGIS installation type and OSGeo4W?

bsgThere are standalone last release and long term release among QGIS installation types on the QGIS homepage. However, there is one more OSGeo4W network installation file. What is this? Do I have to install it?

Q: How can I prevent the rogue from placing items in my character's backpack?

MikhailWe've a rogue in the party with proficiency and magic items assisting their Sleight of Hand. With a +12 and always having advantage, they roll, on average, a 25. They have gotten to enjoy stealing items and then placing them on my character. I'm not the GM, I'm a wizard. Last time they shoved an ...

Q: How to compute the electronic energy reported by Gaussian from the AlphaOrbitalEnergies?

mostafa100000I followed the instructions on Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center — FCHK (.fchk) to analyze the *.fchk file. I ran an energy calculation with Gaussian and converted the results to *.fchk files. The *.fchk files were imported to Mathematica. I extracted the AlphaOrbitalEnergies from Me...

1 hour later…
Q: Neural Nework and mathematical programming

mdsltI am solving a scheduling problem where staff members cannot have overtime. For this problem, I have an integer programming model and solve it using the CPLEX solver. A simplified version of this model looks like the below: $$ Min Z = X C^T $$ $$ XB^T \geq b $$ $$ X \in Z_{\geq0} $$ Given the com...

Q: Can I wear a robe over an armor in 3.5e? "the case of robe of the vagabond"

DigiusReading Robe of the Vagabond (Complete Champion 141) it says that the body slot is "Torso". On the Rule Compendium page 83 and the Dungeon master page 214 it is written that armors and robes go on the body slot called "Body". Thus only one can be worn. Can I wear Robe of the Vagabond under armor ...

Q: Why would a Ukrainian police officer speak broken Ukrainian?

EJoshuaS - Stand with UkraineFrom Stalking the Atomic City, The police might be lying in wait, ready to ambush you, or they might not. I might notice the glow of a cigarette or the silhouette of their car. I might hear them speaking quietly in broken Ukrainian in the dark and change my route. Why would a Ukrainian police o...

Q: Is the following an Initial Value Problem or not?

sanjeev mkI'm trying to solve an Initial Value Problem, but I'm not sure now if the problem I have in hand is even an Initial Value Problem. Notes from Paul Dawkins' Course states IVP has the definition below - those are the initial values we have: $$ \frac{dy}{dt} = f(t,y), \quad y(t_0) = y_0 $$ The probl...

Q: LWC Combobox not showing the dropdown list [wiring apex method]

Hiroki YudaI'm building a lwc combobox with calling Apex method. What I want to do is to show all field labels of Account in a dropdown list. I confirmed the lwc receives the value from Apex method but my lwc doesn't show anything if I clicked the button as follows: Here's my JS code: import { LightningEle...

Q: What is meant by the title "The Color of Money"?

TomI remember encountering the phrase when I was a kid, not knowing the context, not being able to get a satisfactory answer from the adults, and figuring I'd discover it when I was older. Now it's 700 years later and I'm re-watching the Scorsese film, which is loosely based on the novel of the same...

Q: → LSN1-der ____ ←

Alfe → LSN1-der ____ ← What’s to be placed at the underscores?

Q: Need a "rolling" list of lists

RogoI have 32 columns of annual data in varying lengths which I can simulate as follows: SeedRandom[23458]; lengths = RandomInteger[{50, 100}, 32]; cols = RandomReal[{0, 1}, #] & /@ lengths; From this I need successive accumulations of ten years. So I have two questions. First, how do I Join multip...

Q: python - Making a list of length X with each cell being a list of length Y

WalaWizonMy teacher gave us an assignment to write a function that gets as arguments an X and a Y, and returns a list which is of length x and each cell is a list of length y so that the [i][j] cell = (i+j)**2 # example input and output: # input: x = 4 , y = 5 # output: [[0, 1, 4, 9, 16], [1, 4, 9, 16, 25...

Q: Is this a slang word and what does it mean? 摊牌

HuyI'm wondering if 摊牌 is a slang word, as when I translate it, I get the word "showdown". It doesn't make much sense to me when I try to translate within a sentence. So what I think this word means is to "come clean" based on what I have found online, but I want to make sure. Here is an example: 您这...

Q: Requesting remote option out-of-state...please help!

SweetTabbyI have been working out of state, living at my parents for the past two years, and am requesting remote as we are being asked to return back to the office. My employer has said it will be granted on a very rare basis, and I know a lot of people are interested as well. The decision will be deter...

Q: Asking for examples to clarify the meaning of geopolitics

Phil NguyenI don't understand what "geopolitics" means and I am asking help about that. From googling, I found some definitions below: Blackwill (2009) documents that "Geopolitics in this context is understood to mean the art and practice of the application of power by nations in the international domain, ...

Q: Why exponential decay power delay profiles are used to model fading?

PawelI am trying to understand why exponential decay power delay profiles are used to model fading. In other words, why power of taps of channel impulse response decays exponentially and not, for instance, linearly. The only explanation I could come up was that since taps are modeled as circularly sym...

Q: Why are exercises in US university classes graded?

laoluxI have been wondering a while why many universities in the US have graded homework in the STEM field. I completely understand the grading for mid-term exames or final exams. In those exams you have to prove that you have actually learned something in class and that you can work on topics related ...

Q: Proving two inequalities involving integrals and sums

ordinary Let $p \ge 1$. Show that \begin{equation} \frac{1}{(k+1)^p} \le \int_{k}^{k+1} \frac{1}{x^p} \,dx \le \frac{1}{k^p} \end{equation} for every positive integer $k$. Hence show that \begin{equation} \sum_{k=2}^{n+1} \frac{1}{k^p} \le \int_{1}^{n+1} \frac{1}{x^p} \,dx \le \sum_{k=1}^{n} \frac{1}{k^p...

Q: lua code inside directlua throws an invalid escape sequence error

user32882I'm trying to make use of lualatex to automate generation of some part of a pdf. The directory tree for my minimal working example looks like the following: │ lua_escaping_issue.tex │ └───a_folder first_file.tex fourth_file.tex second_file.tex third_file.tex a_...

Q: rewriting of this sentence

SEProfileThis is from a webpage. Total procedure duration and patient discomfort scores were not significant in the IT and CP groups. However, the DSA was only seen in ultrasonographic images in the 7 patients of IT group. Unlike the onset time, which was faster in the IT group, the total duration of UN ...

Q: Extension of dominated convergence in Lieb & Loss

Jyotirmoy BhattacharyaIn their 'Analysis' (2nd ed, p. 20) Lieb and Loss give the following extension of the dominated convergence theorem I can't see why the assertion $f(x) \le G(x)$ at the end holds. Would appreciate any help.

Q: Geo nodes: Why are objects instanced on a curve jiggling/jumping one by one?

VoltagoPlease see attached blend file for the setup. demo scene It's a mobius strip with instanced objects on a rotating curve (using shape keys). Here's how I did it: How to animate objects along a mobius strip? The moving objects are removed in this demo scene. The instanced objects are jiggling one ...

Q: What is the difference between やきもち and 嫉妬?

doimal meWhat is the difference between やきもち and 嫉妬? Both words translate to "jealousy", but is there a difference in the details of the definition?

Q: Preventing automatically failed saving throws on a natural 1

BaktakI am looking for ways for a character to become immune to the (5%) chance of automatically failing a saving throw because of a natural one on the d20 roll. Aside from the Knight class at level 17 You no longer automatically fail a saving throw on a roll of 1" (PHB2 page 28) and the feat Steadfa...

Q: Welcome to the Documented Discovery Complex!

AuribourosYou have been hired by a new company in town, their offices look like a giant cube, and you've heard the job never gets boring. As you enter the cube-like building, an android salutes you Welcome new hire! You have been accepted to be a researcher at the Documented Discovery Complex, your field w...

Q: Difficulty evaluating integral with Boole

janesI am trying to evaluate Integrate[ Integrate[ Integrate[ Integrate[ Boole[x <= y + w + z], {w, 0, x} ] , {z, 0, x} ] , {y, 0, x} ] , {x, 0, 1} ] When I run the code in Mathematica 12.3.1 offline or Wolfram Cloud I get the answer as $\frac{5}{6}$Integrate`\$\$a\$7051$^3...

Q: Inference without significance testing: a good-enough belt around a null hypothesis that reflects theory

Raoul Van OostenTL;DR: With inferential statistics, does it make sense to 1) no longer use significance testing, 2) set the point null hypothesis to reflect theory and decide a priori when to refute it, and 3) use a "good-enough" belt around this point null hypothesis? In R, how can I do this? This issue is re...

Q: Is there a reason Depth-First Search and Breadth-First search commonly called "Search" instead of "Traversal?"

user4779From my understanding, two separate and distinct operations can be performed on binary search trees: Search and Traversal. Search: Given a key, search will run an algorithm to find the node containing that key in the tree, then return this node. Traversal: Using a Breadth-First or Depth-First sea...

Q: Using relations

OgeiDI am using QGIS, version 3.24.0. I have a shapefile called "Map_CorrectionDEF", uniquely identify by fields "GID" and "unitcode". It is a grid cell, in which the field "GID" is the cell and "unitcode" the country to which the cell belongs. On the other hand, I have a CSV file, called crop_main (n...

Q: Why is it that when there are fewer equations than unknowns we have infinite solutions in a system of linear equations?

DixonI have an example where x+2y=0, the solutions can be (-2,1), (2,-1),etc to makes sense of the question, but still I am not convinced. I think I need help with solidifying my understanding. Another question is, does this theorem only applies to homogenous equations and not to non-homogenous equati...

Q: Spacing issues in a complicated table

First UserI have a table in which I am including lists in each cell of a column and I am insistent on using vertical lines. At present, I have the following MWE: \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage[margin=20mm]{geometry} % \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{enumitem} \usepackage{longtable} \begin{do...

Q: Points which are beyond certain distance from multiple points

user3367601I have two tables - first is a list of positions (points) and second is a list of cities (cities). I am using PostGIS and can find all points outside 10nm of New York by using the SQL statement - SELECT * FROM points, cities WHERE ST_Distance(points.position, cities.geom) > 1 AND cities.city...

Q: Obviate the need to specify every folder for a manual setup

Raoul ComninosI run all my Emacs packages manually without any package manager. My setup is a simple init.el file with this kind of direction: (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/packages/ace-window") (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/packages/dired+") (require 'ace-window) (require 'dired+) Is there ...

Q: Smudged Corners when using subsurface modifier

Abraham S.I'm currently working on a scene, where I'm making some basic models (I have very basic modelling skills), and have a mesh made from a cylinder, that after making a few edits to, and applying a bevel + subdivision modifier to, results in this weird geometry: I was able to drastically reduce that...

Q: Effectively defusing tension after a climax, even though the characters themselves aren't relaxed

KeizerHarmI've got my story all written down until the first act climax: a battle of physical and emotional stakes that's probably already too long. Time is slowed to a crawl, every adjective is a superlative, and the heroes end up escaping the villain's lair by a hair - and not unscathed: one character lo...

Q: Best way to measure similarity of two quantum circuits?

stare100Suppose you have some unknown circuit X. You don't know the structure of circuit X, but you do have a set of inputs and corresponding outputs, i.e. you know what the circuit does. Then suppose you have another circuit, circuit Y, where you have both inputs and outputs, and circuit structure. What...

Q: Why "sich sich"?

Colonel PanicFrom Grammatik Aktiv B1+ published by Cornelesen, chapter 1 exercise 3: Sie schreibt, dass sie sich sich in einer schwierigen Situation befindet, und bittet mich um Hilfe. As I understand "she writes that she finds herself in a difficult situations, and asks me for help". I don't understand why "...

Q: Writing text in equation

arilwanI can correctly write equation containing text, in latex equation editor online. So: \text{Micro-averaged Precision} = \frac{TP_{total}}{TP_{total} + FP_{total}} Gives: In Overleaf, this is displayed somehow not as intended (without space): With the Undefined control sequence. error.

Q: How do I add a loop cut to sphere around its pole?

hkBattousaiI am trying to model human eye. I am following this tutorial. My current design looks like this: At this point, I need to create the pupil of the eye. But even the closest loop to the center of the eye is too large. I want to add one or two smaller loops in order to keep the pupil small. The pro...

Q: Devising a Feistel cipher in which the subkeys are constructed badly so that a meet in the middle attack will compromise its security

SVMteamsToolI'm trying to find a Feistel cipher in which the subkeys are constructed badly so that a meet in the middle attack will compromise its security. I thought about trying out a cipher where all the subkeys are equal but that didn't really lead to anything. I know that in general you want ciphers to ...

Q: Fixing right quotation marks

Prateek DanielsI am currently using the textcmds package to get the quotation marks, but how can I fix the right quotation marks in the below latex code? $\boldmath{\q{DIST^{V1.1}\textbf{-}SPRD}}$ What is need is this :

Q: How to get sound working in pure DOS with a CMI8330 card?

JanI have a tower PC from the early 2000's. I got this system second-hand and as-is so I do not have any original driver resources. I have installed Windows 95 mainly to play old Windows and DOS games. Recently, I have fiddled around trying to get sound working as there were no working drivers insta...

Q: Does the homeomorphism have a non-negative or non-positive determinant?

Luis Yanka AnnaliscLet $ \Omega_1 $ and $ \Omega_2 $ be domains (open and connected) in $ \mathbb{R}^2 $. $ \psi:\Omega_1\to\mathbb{R} $ and $ \phi:\Omega_1\to\mathbb{R} $ are $ C^1 $ functions with two variables. Moreover, we assume that map $ (x,y)\to (\phi(x,y),\psi(x,y)) $ is homeomorphism from $ \Omega_1 $ to ...

Q: AIC, BIC and log likelihood which more important?

EliseI am currently searching for the best ARMA(p,q) model for my conditional mean. When comparing the AIC, BIC and LL, I see that some model perform better in AIC, some in BIC and some in LL. The AC and PAC only showed significance in lag 1. The bitcoin log returns have been taken as variable. Can so...

Q: Is it routine for historical stock price data to be revised?

regularguyprobablyI noticed that the price history of AT&T stock (T) prior to April 11, 2022 is about 25% lower today than it was a week ago. That is to say that when I click on my favorite financial websites and view the price history, viewed on April 8, 2022 I see it trading around $23 that day. Viewed on Apri...

Q: Harmonic analysis: Bm7b5 E7 Fmaj7

ClabisBm7b5, E7, Fmaj7 are of course the 2nd, 5th and 6th degree of A harmonic minor, but if I'm in Fmaj what are they?

Q: Get rid of no-data part of raster in Python

Jan PislI have a raster that, for the most part, contains no-data values. Only on the right side there is data: I would like to get rid of the left part and have a new raster. The extent of the new raster would be the smallest bounding box around the valid data: The part that actually contains the vali...

Q: How can I have my luggage do the laundry?

TrishWe know how to have our luggage box follow us: we need True Polymorph on a chest of pearwood, in which we have fixed a portable hole to some kind of tongue appendage, so it has space to stow everything. But now our luggage lacks a few crucial parts still. Combat stats our newly formed intelligent...

Q: tree Full Path Prefix not displayed

Rich_FI have installed tree using homebrew, however it isn't behaving as expected. I have the following to list recursive files, but I want the full path for each file to be displayed. Unfortunately it's showing the navigation vertical and horizontal characters instead. tree -f -L 2 This is what the ...

Q: I Savings Bond Rate Question

DevWith the I Savings Bonds rate at 7.12%, I'm thinking about buying some. From my understanding: You have to hold them for at least one year If you cash them out before 5 years, you lose the previous three months of interest. My question is, if you buy a fixed rate bond, do you get that same rate...

Q: Symmetry factors in two interacting fields

Monopole Red and blue colored lines represent the two different fields. At 1st order, by the exchange of the blue legs and red legs we get $\frac{1}{4}$ factor and in one of the 2nd order term drawn above, from the exchange of vertices, the blue legs and red legs we get $\frac{1}{2^4 \cdot 2}$. However i...

Q: Grindelwald to Jungfraujoch by car

x89We will be staying near Grindelwald's train station with a car. We want to go to Jungfraujoch. We were thinking of buying this package which includes a ticket from grindelwald train station to jungfraujoch + cable car for around 140 euros for adults and free for kids. https://www.getyourguide.co....

Q: Writing list as attribute field in PyQGIS

SimonThis answer got me close https://gis.stackexchange.com/a/286780/204059, but I only get the last value of my list for all object fields. Example: My list = [REL_1, REL_2, REL_3]. My layer has three objects. All objects get value REL_3. How can I fix this? #count features feat_count = layer.feature...

Q: Log Scale in region plot

Sahabub JahediHow to make both x- and y-axes in log scale for the RegionPlot written below? RegionPlot[-0.02 < z < 0.0002, {x, -0.00005, 1}, {y, -0.00005, 5}]

Q: Role of feedback capacitor in nanoamp current source

ron19I am designing a nano-amp current source to drive a capacitive load, which can vary from about 50 pF - 200 pF. Analog Devices has a helpful application circuit in a datasheet (page 14) for the LT6082C op amp, copied below: My question: What is the role and importance of the 0.01 uF capacitor and...

Q: Were there other motives for placing Harry with the Dursleys?

FreeManIt is well established that Harry had to live with relatives in order for the blood magic protection his mother placed on him at the time of her death to work. This answer, however, additionally posits that: we see in Snape's memories in Deathly Hallows that Dumbledore manipulated Harry's childh...

Q: What is the meaning of "natural"?

FeliciaIt's a term we all know, like "time". We all know what it means but when trying to explain it the difficulties start. For example, in trying to explain time circularity enters the explanation regularly, i.e., in the explanation time itself is used, which begs the question. This seems also the cas...

Q: Lilypond- Half diminished Seventh symbol

TaliI'd like to write notes with explicit chord notation. I have \set majorSevenSymbol = \markup { \super "maj9" } Which works just fine, so was trying to guess something similar like: \set halfDiminishedSevenSymbol = \markup { \super "m7b9" } But didn't find a variation that makes it work. Any ...

Q: A question about the rank of some matrix

perturbationLet $P$ be a $s \times s$ matrix and $Q$ be a $s \times r$. Assume that $\mbox{rank} (P|Q)=s$, can we find a $r \times s$ matrix $R$ such that $\mbox{rank} (P+QR)=s$?

Q: What happens if you change power setting with constant mixture setting?

Ted S.For a given Cruise Setting: Manifold set / RPM set / Mixture set according to P.O.H. values: what happens to the Mixture if you were to reduce power or increase Power by varying throttle? Does a change in power setting always require a change in mixture to maintain desired stoechiometric ratio (e...

Q: Move too long equation to center and expand the width of text in LaTeX?

Y. zengI make a formula that is too long so it shows not centred. I hope to move it to the centre and expand the text width only for this formula so after this formula, I hope the width of text return to default. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[version=4]{mhchem} \usepackage{mat...

Q: What does the word footlocker mean in this context? Is this a slang word?

Static BounceI was watching this youtube video from some guy and he uses the word "footlocker" in this sentence: The reason no one ever shoehorned your shoe and unlaced it is because you got a footlocker. I only know this meaning for this word: A trunk for storing personal belongings, especially one kept a...

Q: What is the difference between these to IC suffix EUKG and IUKG?

nowoxI am wondering what is the difference between these two ICs: LTC3886EUKG-1 LTC3886IUKG-1 I looked at the datasheet and the following page, but I have no clues... https://www.analog.com/en/products/ltc3886.html#product-discussions Where should I look for this kind of information?

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