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Q: animated passive rigid body not behaving correctly

Cinema moviesDeleting bakes did not help me. Blender file: https://www.mediafire.com/file/y82wqv1mwc963gn/movingrigid.blend/file

Q: Using a transparent object to displace other objects that go behind it

CocaI want to make a transparent plane with an animated noise texture node that displaces anything that goes behind it in the viewport and render. Basically like a refractive window. I'm stuck on how to setup the displacement effect+transparent object.

Q: What is this ⌅ symbol?

Do Tung I want to break page by this shortcut in the image but I don’t know what the second symbol is and where it is on the keyboard. Please help me!

Q: Quarter a given triangular meshregion

Ulrich NeumannFor a given , examplary simple, triangular meshregion << NDSolve`FEM` pts = {{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {1, .2}, {.2, .2}, {.2, 1}, {0, 1}}; mreg = MeshRegion@ToElementMesh["Coordinates" -> pts,"MeshElements" -> {TriangleElement[{{1, 2,4}, {2, 3, 4}, {1, 4, 6}, {4, 5, 6}}]}] I would like to refine the mes...

Q: Reliability of using query strings to refresh cache

CaptainCodemanI have seen a number of articles suggesting the use of a query string to force refresh of a cached file. For example, style.css becomes style.css?ver=134, and you update the "version number" whenever you change the file. Are there any potential problems with this method? If so, is there an alte...

Q: Is there other basis possible for DFT?

hugopb82As I understand, the DFT of a signal $x$ is a representation of this signal in the basis $$ \{ e^{j2\pi kn/N} \}_{k = 0, 1, \dots, N-1}$$ Is it possible to form a base of such discrete complex exponentials but with different frequencies ? ($\{ e^{j2\pi f_i n} \}$) Why did we choose these $\frac{k...

Q: On modern GPUs, what hardware do vertex/pixel shaders have access to that compute shaders don't?

while1forkSuppose that someone implemented rendering for a video game using entirely GPGPU apis, like compute shaders or CUDA. Would it be possible to achieve the same performance as standard graphics pipelines on common modern GPUs? If not, then what hardware do standard graphics pipelines have access to ...

Q: Suitable chairs for hunched, digitigrade lizard people?

SyphoenixMy humanoid lizardfolk are 6-7 foot tall digitigrades, some have a slightly hunched posture like Gollum/Smeagol. I'm wondering what kind of chairs that be suitable for these characteristics as well as their long tails? Obviously the chairs would need some gap at the back or the sides for the tail...

Q: Impact of Ramanujan's Note on a set of simultaneous equations

Manfred WeisI had been pointed to Ramanujan's 1912 article Note on a set of simultaneous equations in this answer to my former question about the Solvability of a system of polynomial equations. While the contents of the paper seemed a bit enigmatic at first reading, I'm now convinced that Ramanujan not only...

Q: Why does Frodo keep referring to the party as if he were alone? (In the first book.)

SamunwiseFrodo keeps saying that he ("I") am going to take this or that way, even though they are four Hobbits and as many ponies. They are a whole little party/fellowship already before Rivendell. I know that he was supposed to go all alone originally, but that's hardly relevant as they were three even w...

Q: Can temporary forking occur in Cardano's protocol?

Boki XDIn Bitcoin's protocol (and similar PoW systems), at one point chain might temporarily split in two and two different chains will be maintained up until one outpaces the other and proves itself as the correct one. I thought this phenomena is not possible in Cardano since for every slot a delegator...

Q: A Naive Prime Test Implementation - Problem with Table

BenI tried to write a simple function which implements a naive primality test. NaivePrimeTest[num_] := num >= 2 && (Not[ Fold[Or, Map[Divisible[num, #] &, Table[i, {i, 2, Floor[Sqrt[num]]}]]]]) It worked okay for large numbers. In[2]:= NaivePrimeTest[10] Out[2]= False In[5]:= NaivePri...

Q: LHM6642 - Open Loop

Jonw3I want to use LHM6642 as a comparator and I was wondering if it would work. The schematic that I have in mind is this one: simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab In the input I will inject a PWM signal (2V High, 0V Low). Using the a resistor voltage divider, I biased the in...

Q: Length of line segment from point in circle to circumference

Jeff LGiven a circle centered at $(0, 0)$ with known radius $r$, a point in the circle at $(a, b)$, and an angle $\theta$ (wrt the horizontal axis), is it possible to find the length of the line segment from $(a, b)$ to the circumference of the circle at angle $\theta$? My initial approach was to cons...

Q: How to prove that the operator is linear continuous and find its norm?

Andrij Matviiv$A:X\to Y$,$X=C^1[0,1], Y=C[0,1]$ $$(Af)(x)=f'(x);$$ I proved the linearity as follows: $A(f+g)(x)=(f+g)'(x)=f'(x)+g'(x)=Af(x)+Ag(x);$ $A(\lambda f)(x)=(\lambda f)'(x)=\lambda f'(x)=\lambda A f(x)$ I do not understand how to prove continuity and find the norm

Q: Why didn't Lucius tell Bruce Wayne about Coleman Reece?

CharlesAbout a third of the way through The Dark Knight one of the financial contractors for Wayne Enterprises discovers the identity of Batman due to "irregulates" in the finances. When Lucius is confronted by it he 'manages the situation' by embarrassing Reece and belittling his blackmail idea, but, d...

Q: Is it possible to block the surrounding light in a solar eclipse if we made the moon bigger or closer to the earth?

Sayaman Is it possible to block the surrounding light in a solar eclipse if we made the moon bigger or closer to the earth? In an eclipse, you always see a ring of light surrounding the moon, but I am wondering if it's possible to completely block any light so you only see a dark circle in the sky. How ...

Q: LaTeX3 - Expand nested argument

Siwei FengMWE: \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl {a} \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpb_tl {\mathbf{\l_tmpa_tl}} \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl {b} \(\l_tmpb_tl\) The code snippet above actually produce \(\mathbf{b}\). What I want to achieve is to produce \(\mathbf{a}\), i.e., expand the l_tmpa_tl in the second line. However l_tmpa_tl is nes...

Q: A bug I found in my TikZ/pgfplots picture

PowerConquerLiHere is my code: \begin{tikzpicture} [ scale=1.05, declare function= { funcc(\x)= %(\x<-0.6) * (\x)+ (\x<-0.6) * (0.7285067873303168+2.058823529411765*\x+2.1606334841628962*\x^2 + 0.7918552036199096*\x^3)+ and(\x>=-0.6,\x<...

Q: Pronunciation difference between 医生 and 一生

user31531They have the same pinyin, but I have had an interesting issue when using my phone's voice-to-speech feature. My Chinese friend can say a sentence involving 医生 and it comes up correct for him, however when I say it, maybe it's because of my accent but it comes up as 一生 even though the tones I use...

Q: How is anti discrimination legislation reconciled with freedom of contract?

Joseph P.Let's say a landlord doesn't like someone's personality and chooses not to enter into a contract. In most common law territories this is their right to do businessor not as a private party with whomsoever they may choose. Let's say a racist landlord owns a house and declines to rent it out to som...

Q: RSA Signing - Existential forgery and message prefix question. It's a weird one

Kendrick TaylorI'm new to this. Please be kind. I have a theoretical question that I would like sanity checked: Bob and Alice are doing RSA signing without a hash function -- just putting a message in, and getting a signature out. The messages Bob and Alice are sending each other are random numbers. Without a h...

Q: Minor damage to house wire insulation for dishwasher

diy8675309I am replacing a direct-wired dishwasher. The house wire comes up from the basement in a small hole in the subfloor; unfortunately, the existing placement was exactly where the new dishwasher's leveling legs would be. So, I drilled a new hole further back, fished the house wire out through the ...

Q: What is the basis for calling God's love "reckless"?

Luke HillThe song "Reckless Love" by Cory Asbury has a lyric that says: Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending reckless love of God What is the basis for saying that God's love is reckless? That seems counter intuitive to God's all good nature, since reckless (at least prima facie) seems like a bad property.

Q: Why was the king of Judah referred to as "the king of the House-of-David"?

Harel13In the famous Tel Dan Stele it says, likely in the name of Hazael, king of Aram: "...קתלת.אית.יהו[רם].בר.[אחאב.]מלך.ישראל.וקתל[ת.אית.אחז]יהו.בר[.יהורם.מל]ך.ביתדוד..." "...killed Jeho[ram] son [(of) Ahab] king (of) Israel and kill[ed Ahaz]iah son [(of) Jehoram kin]g (of the) House-of-David...‎" ...

Q: What is this coming off the drainpipe near the p trap?

BoydA small repair is going on, but what is this other pipe coming off the drain pipe near the p-trap?

Q: Odd vs even flight numbers

Aleks GHaving traveled internationally a lot over the last 20 years, I've noticed that the flights from the airline's home country are usually odd numbered, while flights to home country are usually even numbered. I have not flown enough domestically within any one country to notice any patterns though....

Q: variance estimate for student's T with heavy tails

saydaThe variance of a Student's t random variable when the degrees of freedom $\nu$ is greater than $2$ is $\nu/(\nu-2)$. In R when I try to estimate the variance using the usual estimator $$1/(n-1)\sum_{i=1}^n (x_i-\overline{x})^2$$ the estimates seem biased, when $\nu$ is close-ish to 2, like $\nu=...

Q: Armature Copy transformations Constraint Options in Blank

Bruno SidartaA Little help here pls... I made a COpy transformations constraint between 2 bones from diferent armatures and it has no options to customize.. help pls

Q: How to "Fly" Through Scene

BlenderMaster15Is there a way to 'fly' through a scene in Blender with the mouse, like in Unreal Engine? That is, without animating the camera?

Q: Teams of children selected to end a war using nuclear weapons

From_BerlinI am looking for the title and the author of (I think) a short novel. I read it as a teenager 30 years ago and I think it is much older. Here is a very approximate summary. Teams of children are put though a series of increasingly difficult tests. They have to obey the rules, but the team we foll...

Q: What does an EV "wall socket charging cable" do?

hadroxKnown as "Mode 2 charging", this method of charging electric vehicles describes the use of a common household wall socket and common mains voltage (230 v) to charge the vehicle. This is usually done at 10 Amps (2,3 kW) while 16 Amp (3,6 kW) charging cables are also available on the market. These ...

Q: Robot to get started with programming

user1202136When I was my daughter's age (gosh do I sound old already) I had a programmable robot. It had two actuated wheels, a wobbly wheel, and 16 keys. 9 keys were numbers from 1 to 9, the other keys were "action keys" like forward, backwards, left turn, right turn, go. You would typically play by first ...

Q: Hiring a US patent attorney that is able to help with getting patents in the EU and China

free lions n tigers from cagesI plan to get patents for my invention in the US, EU, and China. I am in the US. Is it common for US attorneys to either have the capacity to help with getting patents in other countries like the EU and China by themselves or have the connections to connect you with attorneys in those countries?

Q: Fundamental group of wedge of two projective planes

IanatoreSetup: Let $X = \mathbb{R} P^2 \times \left\lbrace 0, 1\right\rbrace/(p,0) \sim (p,1)$ with $p \in \mathbb{R} P^2$. Compute the fundamental group of $X$. My solution First, we have that $X$ is path-connected since it is the image of the canonical projection of two path-connected space with one id...

Q: What is the reason for the conventions used by modulus notation?

RuslanApologies in advance for what I anticipate will be a very dumb question. To give some background: I am a software architect that’s been programming since the age of 8 and professionally for the last 15 years. Never had any formal university-level training; everything I know is self taught. As suc...

Q: FFT and spatial frequency basic knowledge

MichaelUsing the following website: on how the Fourier transform works (Interested in the Basic Principle part). I found out that if you have 3 pixels closer in the spatial domain you'll get more spaced fringes in the Fourier domain (frequency domain). How could one explain this ? Also I don't understan...

Q: Isekai manhwa about a girl who is reborn into a royal family, and seems to have healing powers

ChloéYears ago, I read an isekai about a girl who got reincarnated into a royal family. Her new father and brothers despise her, because she's a girl. If I remember correctly, later on in the story, she goes into a cave with some students in her class and saves them all, thanks to magic. I can't remem...

Q: How to Supply a City on top of a Vertical Cliff?

The Weasel SagasIn my fantasy series, there’s this city called Pharcos situated on top of nearly vertical 3,500ish foot high sandstone cliffs above the river it uses for water. This river, called the Clazelis, along with the Thuridos that flows into it just south of the city, forms a sort of Mesopotamia-esque fl...

Q: On an esp8266 what is faster, 64-bit math or float math?

mark-hahnI need to do some math with vars from an attitude sensor (acclerometers and gyroscopes) on an esp8266. int32_t math with those vars does not have enough range and the float math operations are abyssmally slow. I'm hoping to use a fixed-point format with 24 bits on the left of the decimal point an...

Q: Building a WFS whose features hold lists of records

jpinillaI've got two tables in a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database: UTM (geom geometry(Polygon,25830),utmcode character varying(6)) Species (species_name character varying(50), utmcode character varying(6)) The first one holds a UTM 10x10 km grid and the second, bird species and in which UTM cell they were r...

Q: How can I randomize for example the scale of two different cubes with one 'Random Value' node?

Manu JärvinenI tried to look for answers here but I'm still lost So how to have different scale values from the 'Random Value' node for the scale of the cubes?

Q: Replace 'n'-th occurence with number 'n'

imida kHow can I replace n-th occurence with number n for string/for list? For string : StringReplace["amkwajefiwaeah", "a" -> "A"] "AmkwAjefiwAeAh" But how can I get "1mkw2jefiw3e4h" or "A1mkwA2jefiwA3eA4h" ? For list : ReplaceAll[{a,m,k,w,a,j,e,f,i,w,a,e,a,h},a->A] {A,m,k,w,A,j,e,f,i,w,A,e,A,h} But ...

1 hour later…
Q: Is there a website where one can register Idea, as an Open source?

Anurag VohraProblem statement: I see inumerous patents being filled with vague/generalized description, with most of them never coming to fruition. Humanity as a community suffers because of these patent lockers, who hold onto human advancement for years for meeting their own individual needs. Expected solut...

Q: How is this 0 sat tx even possible? How can I do them?

Memz BuckA Redditor from r/Bitcoin spotted a 0sat/vB tx in which the transaction occurred sometime in October last year (presumably by F2Pool). The transaction ID is as follows: d00ebff295e6542bd5535c5b8a0c3f120b2b75b1f591b177236955b3dc6753e1 How is this even possible (1utxo to over 4000 utxos)? I though ...

Q: Can a Catholic Priest in the Ordinariate be married to a non-Christian?

interestedquestionOn Wikipedia, there is an unattributed assertion (not in the citation) that when the former Anglican Bishop Andrew Burnham was received into the Roman Catholic Church, his wife was not received with him because she was Jewish. Mgr Burnham (as he now is) has subsequently been given Holy Orders in...

Q: Does there exist a complete algebraic invariant of the homotopy type of a finite CW-complex?

Aivazian ArshakLet $\mathrm{Cell}$ be the homotopy category of finite cell complexes. The main motive of my question Is it true that for any algebraic category $A$ there is no fully faithful functor $F: \mathrm{Cell} \to A$? The answer may depend on what exactly is meant by algebraic categories. The following...

Q: RotateLabel doesn't work?

LepnakI'm creating a really simple plot with the code attached below. However the y-axis label is rotated and parallel to the y-axis by default. I'd like to rotate it by 90 degrees but it doesn't seem to work. I found some related posts such as this one but it doesn't seem to work in my case. I tried s...

Q: Single Sign on and API token grant

Aditya SehgalI am new to Single Sign on configuration on Salesforce and have a use case which I was hoping the community can advise upon. We have a web app outside of Salesforce. We are currently in the process of initiating the web app flow from the Opportunity on Salesforce. The flow is as follows. A Salesf...

Q: Theres empty space between cursor and username in konsole Kubuntu 21.10

krillavillaThis is brand new installation for Kubuntu 21.10 and I cannot understand why there is space between cursor and my pc name when I open Konsole: I have tried researching solution and I found this article: Konsole has whitespaces whenever I start But I dont have .bashrc under my home directory: If...

Q: Why is ヒョウ the 音読み of 氷?

Quppa氷/冰 has pronunciations bīng/bing1/빙 (bing)/băng in Mandarin/Cantonese/Korean/Vietnamese, yet the Japanese 音読み is ヒョウ. Is there a process that explains this sound change, or does this come from another dialect? (Or is it a case of 慣用音?)

Q: Big life decision: move to a different country to pursue PhD, or stay with my S/O and do my PhD at my undergrad institution?

transparentulI have been agonizing over a decision regarding where I should pursue my PhD in theoretical chemistry. My choices are as follows: university A (US) has the best department in the world for my area of research, and my potential PI would be the perfect fit for my interests and career goals. Univers...

Q: Can you completely skip bridge scenes in movies or comic books?

SayamanCan you completely skip bridge scenes in movies or comics books? Let's take an example. Mario is told that the princess was kidnapped by Bowser by Luigi. Mario asks Luigi where the princess is being held. Mario asks Toad where the princess is being held. Mario goes to Bowser's castle. Mario defe...

Q: Trail shared by bicyclists and hikers

Bibliobethica In my community, there is a new trail for bikers and hikers to share. There are one way arrows for the bikers so they go in one direction. Should the hikers go the same way? I had a bicyclist yell at me for going the wrong way. I thought it would be better to be going the opposite way of the bike...

Q: meaning of 'pantry meal'

SEProfileThis is from the transcript of a podcast. LEE: Gim is also a key ingredient in one of Eric's favorite dishes, gyeran bap, which literally means egg rice. It's a simple pantry meal and anyone can whip it up in 10 to 15 minutes. I wonder what 'pantry meal' is.

Q: Should I parbake the bottom crust for a savory pie?

A_S00I'm making a savory pie - basically stew in a pie crust. Do I want to parbake the bottom crust of my pie for this? Will doing so make it more or less likely that the bottom crust ends up as a soggy mess? I'm not sure if or how the contents being stew instead of fruit will change how the whole t...

Q: Hanging over both screws into drywall vs one into stud and another into drywall

srrvnnI'm hanging a heavy mirror with two screws. The two mounting brackets are not 16" apart so I have two options: Use one drywall anchor for a screw and mount the other screw into a stud. Use two drywall anchors and mount both screws into the drywall. Which one is better for safety and stability...

Q: How does a qubit reset affect the probabilities of the other qubits in Qiskit?

Andreas BurgerI'm looking at a 2 qubit system, with a reset on the second qubit (qubit=1). I would have expect that circ.reset(qubit=1) is equal to state.probabilities(qargs=[0]). But that's not the case. For example a maximally pure state: qc = QuantumCircuit(2) qc.h(0) qc.cx(0,1) i_state = Statevector.from...

Q: Seems to fit all 3 PAC criteria and yet I'm told it's a root position IAC?

CatersSo, as I have been looking for examples of the 3 different types of IAC(Imperfect Authentic Cadence), I run into this: A cadence that looks like a PAC(Perfect Authentic Cadence) on paper, but which I'm told is actually a root position IAC. How can this be though? I mean these are the PAC criteri...

Q: How to remove vertical space after numbered item?

Gan-Od UlziibatI am using the mcexam package. How to remove the yellow space shown in the picture? \documentclass[11pt]{article} % Packages \usepackage[a4paper,margin=1.5cm, portrait]{geometry} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[T1, T2A]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[output=exam]{mcexam} % D...

Q: Drush site aliases not working as expected

pglatzUsing drush 11 and Drupal 9 to test a local site on my Mac (using MAMP), I'm having difficulty getting site aliases to work. I used Drush Launcher to make my drush executable globally. I also created <DRUPAL_ROOT>/drush/sites/self.site.yml containing: local: host: www.en9-local.pglatz.com use...

Q: / / vs [ ] - when to use which?

University StudentI'm a university student studying sound structure. It's a first-year course. No matter how many times it's explained to me in lectures, tutorials, help labs, or office hours -- I don't understand all the circumstances that I would use one over the other. / / = phone, phoneme, mental grammar versu...

Q: psql autocomplete on windows

erik-stengelIs it possible to make autocomplete working in psql on Windows? As I know from Linux users, they can make use pressing TAB to autocomplete, which is quite handy, I guess.

Q: Does Death's Shadow grow when blocking a creature while the player is taking damage?

MattThe game situation: I'm at 12 life, meaning that Death's Shadow is currently a 1/1. I'm being attacked by two 2/2 Goblin Guides; I block one of them with the Death's Shadow, leaving the other unblocked. We proceed to the Combat Damage step. Does the Death's Shadow die, or is this a situation si...

Q: Why hasn't any country condemned the human right abuses of Chinese government for their Zero-COVID policies (cf. Hong Kong and Xinjiang issues)?

user24711In history, the human right abuses were often condemned internationally, for example the forced labors in Xijiang camps and the crackdown of Hong Kong protests. But it seems to me that the Western politicians tend to stay silent on the human right abuse due to the Zero-COVID policies of China. Fr...

Q: What should one do with excess capital losses?

jkelleWhat should one do with excess capital losses? Suppose I need to sell some stock to fund a down payment on a house, and I have long term gains, short term gains, and long term losses to choose from. From what I understand, it's best to sell the short term capital losses first. What are the pros a...

Q: What's the best way to purify my His tagged protein? Supernatant super viscous after first sonication?

YoshokieI am trying to purify my his-tagged protein of interest, disulfide isomerase. It is about 40kDa and is cloned in pET28a vector, at XholI and NdelI, and expressed in BL21. I'm having issues with my protein purification. My current protocol: 1L culture incubated at 37°C for 6 hours until OD600 rea...

Q: Can I transit in São Paulo having separate flight ticket

Radwan RamziI am a holder of Djibouti passport and currently live in Qatar. I am planing to visit Ecuador, and I want to make this trip booking two different flight tickets: first, a flight from Doha to São Paulo. and next, a flight from São Paulo to Quito. I talked to Qatar Airways, and they told me it's ...

Q: Seemingly identical expressions, only one evaluates!

FNiaI am having difficulty using NMaximize with a user-defined function that involves NSolve. Stack Trace shows trouble at the evaluation of the expression shown at the top of the screenshot below (here's a link to the file). However, when I recreate this expression it works fine. Why does the first ...

Q: Would it be a legal act or war if Ukrainian forces killed Putin in Moscow?

Peter - Reinstate MonicaWe know pretty well where Putin will be on May 9: He will be the guest of honor at the Moscow victory day parade. As president, he is the commander in chief of the Russian armed forces. If the Ukrainian forces got heir hands on, say, a conventional cruise missile or some other means to kill Putin...

Q: Can you use your passive perception while actively doing something else?

MrNickSay a player with a 16 passive perception is busy talking, fighting or even picking a lock, would they be able to passively perceive someone coming behind them or walking away from them?

Q: How do I transfer an image texture from Geometry Nodes into Materials

ZophiekatI have an Image Texture node in Geometry Nodes with an image in it that I also want to use with Shader Nodes This is what I tried but it shows no image output, this is what it's meant to look like: Is it possible to use an Image Texture inside Geometry Nodes as a texture for Materials? or to li...

Q: meaning of 'call out that~' in this context

SEProfileThis is from the transcript of a podcast. KIM: Yeah, I think what I really had to do was leave that behind. I think the recipes in here are incredibly irreverent (laughter) to, like, traditional or, you know, more common modes of cooking these dishes - but ultimately, to arrive at a reality, whi...

Q: What is the best way to make sure I can always submerge myself as a locathah?

Rustling HappinessI want to make a locathah, but don't want to die by being away from water. Without being forced into some specific class, is there any way to ensure I can always find water with some skill or something? Here is the relevant racial trait from Locathah Rising: Limited Amphibiousness. You can breat...

Q: How do GPG smart card devices handle large GPG operations?

VixieTSQHow do GPG smart card devices (such as a Yubikey) handle large GPG operations? Such as signing binary programs. My first 2 pet theories are: There's some way to chunk up GPG operations or use some magic to stream data into and out of the device live. You have to create a one time use subkey.

Q: Why Rust NLL is not working for multiple borrows in same statement

DirektorFirst, I tried something like this: let mut vec = vec![0]; vec.rotate_right(vec.len()); It can't be compiled because cannot borrow 'vec' as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable I thought that the Rust Borrow Checker could be smart than this, so I found something called NLL, it should...

Q: Was it confirmed by anybody that an orc was modeled after Harvey Weinstein?

ShadeI just stumbled upon the story from 2021 that one orc in The Lord of the Rings was modeled after Harvey Weinstein: One orc among many in the Lord of the Rings movies was designed to resemble Harvey Weinstein as a “sort of fuck you” to the notorious producer, Elijah Wood, who played the hobbit Fr...

Q: Can I install Terralith 2.0 to an existing Minecraft world?

AnnaI and my friend have an existing Minecraft world. We've only moved very little around the first starting block. Can we install Terralith 2.0 on the server and have it used in this existing Minecraft world for the newly generated blocks?

Q: On isomorphic normal subgroups of a group

hjenryinWell this is quite stupid a question because the intuition is false. See comments and answers below. Original question: Consider $H_1,H_2\le G$, $H_1 \cong H_2$. It seems trivial that if $H_1 \unlhd G$, then $H_2 \unlhd G$, but how can I give a rigorous proof? I'm stuck after I write $\varphi(gH...

Q: Is it okay if my fictional country is like a real country?

CrafterFor this, even though my question sounds really basic, I fear that my fictional nation may be too similar. It is based on Great Britain, and is in high fantasy, but this is the description: Similarities: It is an archipelago. It is somewhere similar geographically to where England would be. Whil...

Q: Is a human language a prison for a mind?

JanI am dealing with a question whether is a human language a prison for a mind and also whether is there something above a human language. my progress: I have read articles on wikipedia about metalinguistics and linguistic determinism. There are eight word classes in English: noun, adjective, prono...

Q: A logical affix riddle

Auribouros My prefix stands tall amongst seas and oceans My infix can be used to describe itself, or some time My suffix can be blown, bent, or even broken What am I?

Q: Duplicate layer in QGIS (change data in base-layer does not change data in copy?)

LennI was wondering for a time what Duplicate a layer in QGIS actually does. Reading this question: Duplicating layers in QGIS 3.4 I was assuming that when duplicating a layer I could style each individually, however if: "Changes to the base data (the shapefile) will be present in all instances of th...

Q: Which categories are useful for representing groups?

ReataGiven a group $G$ and a category $\mathcal{C}$, we may consider representations of $G$ in $\mathcal{C}$, i.e. homomorphisms $G \to \text{Aut}_{\mathcal{C}}(X)$, where $X$ is an object of $\mathcal{C}$. Representation theory of groups is usually done in the settings when $\mathcal{C}$ is one of th...

Q: How to generate a list of combinations of string joins?

Kim FierensSuppose I have the string lists {'a','b','c'} and {'1','2','3'}. How do I get Mathematica to generate the list {'a1','a2','a3','b1','b2','b3','c1','c2','c3'}?

Q: Transform tif file to shapefile to get outer contour of area

SandertjuhhI have the following .tif file of an area: I want to make a shapefile out of the contour of the entire area, like the red line in the image below. Is there a way to do this with QGIS? I've tried different things such as the contours function, but that doesn't work. Any help is appreciated!

Q: Selecting values of variable in attribute table which contains specific character in QGIS

OgeiDI have a shapefile of a grid cell. I would like to select all the observations (cells) whose values in column "mean" is not an entire number. I was thinking to do it selecting all the observations which contains a point "." but I am still not able to do it. I am open to other ways to do it. The m...

Q: First derivative of a homogeneous equation

DatBoiA problem book I use mentions the following: ...since the curve $32x^3y^2=(x+y)^5$ is homogeneous, $\frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{y}{x}$ I have indeed verified the derivative. Is this a known theorem? I generalized it to $$cx^ay^b=(x+y)^{a+b},$$ but does there exist a more generalized form?

Q: Hosting multiple websites on one Synology server

CaseusI am currently running one website where I host multiple "projects". One of these projects is now basically finished and I want to run this project on it's own domain. I am running my main website on my own Synology server and I own a domain name for that site. I now want to buy a seperate domain...

Q: How can I open a kitchen cabinet door where the child lock is keeping it closed?

GrantWe have recently moved into a new house and our kitchen cabinet doors appear to have child locks fitted. One of the cabinets has suddenly locked shut, and we cannot get it open. The following links show what the child locks in one of the doors which is opening/closing normally. Photo Photo Any su...

Q: Cauchy-Schwarz inequality for nonsymmetric matrices

RooibosSuppose $A \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ is a matrix such that $\langle Ax,x\rangle \ge \lambda |x|^2$. Is it true that for all $x,y \in \mathbb{R}^n$ we have the following inequality $$\langle Ax,y \rangle^2 \le \langle Ax, x \rangle \langle Ay,y \rangle? $$ If not, is there any other similar ine...

Q: USB not getting detected on any PC/laptop

learner57I have SanDisk mini USB 3.0 16 GB drive. I used it last time a few months ago and it was working alright. Today when I plugged the USB drive into the socket, the drive did not get detected. I have Windows 10 on my Dell laptop. The USB drive does not show on File Explorer, under Device Manager, or...

Q: How does Death's Shadow interact with Trample?

AllureInspired by Does Death's Shadow grow when blocking a creature while the player is taking damage? Let's say I control a Phyrexian Dreadnought - a 12/12 Trampler. My opponent is on 12 life and has a Death's Shadow, currently 1/1. I attack, opponent blocks. Trample says I need to assign "lethal damage"

Q: Is it possible to show a double integral from the product of two?

janhardoI have two identical integrals here. If I multiply them by each other is it possible that a double integral will result ? 1) Integrate[t^(x - 1)/E^t, {t, 0, Infinity}]*Integrate[s^(x - 1)/E^s, {s, 0, Infinity}] ConditionalExpression[Gamma[x]^2, Re[x] > 0] 2) Integrate[(t^(x - 1)*s^(x - 1))/E^(t ...

Q: Amino Acid mutation profile for human coronavirus: Why is the mutation from T to I so frequent?

jk - Reinstate MonicaStill watching the emerging lineages of SARS-CoV2 I noticed that the amino acid mutation from threonine to isoleucine seems to be particularly frequent. Counting mutations in a lineage with a lot of mutation (I choose BA.4) kind of confirmed my anecdotal impression: Indeed, T-to-I mutations were ...

Q: Is non-decreasing equivalent to say the function is increasing or constant

iMath The continuous function is said to be non-decreasing at $x_{0}$ if for all $x$-values in some interval about $x_{0}$ it is true that when $x_{0}<x$ then $y_{0} \leq y$, and when $x_{0}>x$ then $y_{0} \geq y$. Is the definition equivalent to say the function is increasing or constant in that int...

Q: Is there any purpose of Ola Hallengren's SQL Server Index and Statistics Maintenance scripts on sql server running on SAN storage?

variableI have configured Ola Hallengren's backup and integrity check scripts. However I want advice whether it is required to setup the SQL Server Index and Statistics Maintenance scripts, because my SQL server is running on a SAN infrastructure and I have read that there is no benefit to setting fill-f...

Q: refstepcounter inside description item

Laurent ClaessensMy purpose is to create visual steps in proofs. I cooked this from the environment description: \documentclass{article} \newcounter{subproofcount} \newcommand{\thesubproffcount}{\arabic{subproofcount}} \newcommand{\subprooflabel}[1]{\refstepcounter{subproofcount}(\roman{subproofcount}) \underlin...

Q: Is this Cervitaur race unbalanced?

Alex SashCervitaurs are a race of fey beings born from the breath of Succelos, The Oak Father. They resemble centaurs, but have the lower bodies of deer instead of horses. Possessing an innate druidic gift, they strive to protect the land. No racial feature seems too unbalanced, but they do have a lot of ...

Q: How can I rotate the grid instances radially?

Manu JärvinenI have this scene in where the trees are falling down in a radial fashion: How can the Z-axis of the trees to be aligned so that the trees would fall like so: .Blend file: NOTE: The falling trees spreading is animated by using scene time

Q: Get the choice field options for SPO using PowerShell

Mark LI need to get all the choice options on a SharePoint Online List with PowerShell. I can find many sample scripts for on-premise SharePoint but I cannot convert them successfully in SharePoint Online. Could you please advise which PS module and script I can get the choices option for SPO?

Q: Was Andrei Smyslov named as an homage to chess champion Vasily Smyslov?

Andrea MoriDuring the stop-over at the orbiting space station in his travel to the Moon, Heywood Floyd meets a group of Russians that ask him about likely problems at the Clavius base. One of the Russians, in fact an old friend of Floyd, is named Andrei Smyslov. I wonder if this was intended by Kubrick as a...

Q: Reclaiming partitions after old Linux installation

JimiA long while back I recall installing Linux on my macbook. I have since deleted it, but the partitions on my disk are somewhat screwy. I cannot reclaim the free space to my main Macintosh HD partition (only to recovery). Any ideas for how to reclaim it? If there is a way which wipes the drives I'...

Q: Why must apt GPG-keys be world-readable?

martibsWhen using the "Signed-by" option for apt repo entries, apt throws an error if the key is not world-readable. Example: deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/hashicorp.gpg] https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com jammy main sudo chmod 660 /etc/apt/keyrings/hashicorp.gpg sudo apt-get update h...

Q: why is this conditional probability not correct?

Gabriel BurzacchiniI have this exercise: in a school, 30% of students have glasses. 20% of students with glasses play sports. 60% of students without glasses play sports. if we choose randomly a student, find probability that a student without glasses (chosen randomly) plays a sport. I've solved the problem this ...

Q: Positiv, Komparativ, Superlativ – How does superlative take a noun form in German?

JakeI came across this sentence (courtesy to Nicos Weg): Du bist der Schnellste. This, as I came to understand thanks to Google Übersetzer, translates to: You are the fastest. I have also seen something like: Du bist der Schönste. (Phew, thanks again Google). These examples, as I understand, ma...

Q: How to choose frame size as a non-flexible person?

A. A.I've been commuting regularly to work during the last four years and I would like to get a road bike to replace my old city bike and enjoy some cycling on the weekends. I've been looking which bike size to get for my height (1.82m) and according to online charts I should get a size L frame. Howev...

Q: Is it okay to charge a deeply discharged Li ion cell below 1V?

Sudip KongbrailatpamI accidentally discharge my lithium cell to 0.45V. Is is okay if I try to revive it by charging with 10mA of current till it reaches 2.5V? cell capacity is 4000mAh.

Q: What modifications would be necessary to make to a Mars rover to let it land on Phobos or Deimos?

Starship is go for launchWhat modifications would be necessary to make to a Mars rover to let it land on Phobos or Deimos? In this question, I found out that a Mars rover would need a host of modifications to land on Phobos or Deimos. What would those modifications be? Assume that NASA is aiming to have the least amount ...

Q: An equivalent verb/idiom for "taping pieces together with saliva"

arashIs there a verb in English for "connecting heterogeneous pieces together in a fast and careless way to build something" to be used against "careful and systematic construction and integration of parts"? In my mother tongue, we have an idiom that roughly translates to "sticking/taping pieces toget...

Q: Name of a small program dealing with symmetry groups

gboffiI used to play with a small X program dealing with symmetry groups. In a window you selected a symmetry group from a display, in another window appeared a grid of symmetry cells, drawn in thin red lines, you then draw a segment using the mouse and your segments were replicated in all the cells. Y...

Q: What does the phrase 「かかってこんかい」 mean?

GeorgeIt is said by a boss before a battle begun in a video game. Does the こんかい mean 'now' in this phrase? Does it share the same meaning with 「かかってこい」(bring it on)?

Q: newtx conflicts with fontspec in TeX Live 2022

Jeffrey WangAfter upgrading to TeX Live 2022, I found a lot of my previous code broken due to the clash between newtx and fontspec. Here is a minimal example (The engine is XeLaTeX under Windows): \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{xeCJK} \usepackage{newtxtext} % !!! \usepackage{newtxmath} % !!! \usep...

Q: Where is (mechanical) energy conserved?

FrunobulaxI'm reading "The Mechanical Universe" (Frautschi et al.) to brush up my understanding of physics. So far, I can solve all the exercises and I have no problems with the mathematical parts. But, being about half way through the book, I have the impression that I don't really "get" some basic conc...

Q: Field definition - Unique inverse

OskarIn Abstract Algebra: Theory and Applications, every non-zero element in a field has an unique multiplicative inverse. However, on Wikipedia the definition has dropped the unique term. For example, is $\mathbb{Z}_{18}$ a field? For example, $ 3 \cdot 6 = 3 \cdot 12 = 0 \ \text{mod 18}$ so 3 has at...

Q: Can ∃ be defined using ∀?

Harvey RiceOn this page explaining godel numbers (https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/goedel-incompleteness/sup1.html) it says "for simplicity, let us assume that ¬,→ and ∀ are the only primitive logical symbols, and that ∧,∨,↔ and ∃ are defined with the help of them". But I cant find how symbols like the ex...

Q: How could Le Pen be seeking Melenchon votes?

Tyler DurdenI read that Le Pen is courting Melenchon (the 3rd place finisher) voters for the upcoming runoff election against Macron. However, I thought Melenchon was the socialist candidate, so won't all of his voters tend towards Macron in the runoff?

Q: What ground speed reference is used for anti skid control?

ASVI was reading about slip ratio controlled anti skid system and had this one particular question in my mind. In addition to the wheel speed data, slip ratio controlled systems need a ground speed reference to estimate and control slip ratio. Going through the relevant literature, I came across mu...

Q: How can I do "Map" on a binary function?

Patchouli NineIf there is a one-variable function, we can f/@{a,b,c} to get {f[a],f[b],f[c]} What to do with it if it comes to a binary function f[#1,#2]&, and a list {a,b,c} and we want to "Map" it into a list funtion {f[#1,a],f[#1,b],f[#1,c]}& I have found a strange way: MapThread[f,{Table[#,3],{a,b,c}]& th...

Q: What is difference between socket connection and TCP connection?

Alok MaityWe know TCP socket is port numbers and IP addresses. Is TCP socket connection is 3-way handshake:the SYN packet, the SYN-ACK packet, and the ACK packet? Is TCP socket connection follows TCP stack? And is TCP connection follows the TCP stack for data transmission? My question is how TCP stack, TC...

Q: Parameterising a Lennard-Jones interaction: Which atoms should I scan to build potential energy surface?

Abd-Elazeem MohamedI have a question related to parameterize Lennard-Jones interaction to get sigma $\sigma$ and epsilon $\epsilon$ to include in amber force field to do the Molecular Dynamics. I searched a lot, they always said you should do scan between two atoms and then fit with Lennard-Jones Equation, but they...

Q: Reason for multiplication of function with step size (and subsequent addition) in Euler method

Chris BTWhat is the reason behind the multiplication of the function's derivative with the step size (and the subsequent addition) in the numerical Euler method? $$ y_{n+1} = y_n + hf(t_n, y_n) $$ I can't figure out why exactly this would work for generating a new value. How can scaling the output of the...

Q: What does it mean when I turn the car key, nothing happens for a bit, and then the car revs to life?

jojoUsually, when starting my car, as soon as I turn the key all the way around, the car instantly starts revving and then springs to life. For some reason, today, when starting my car. I turned the key in the ignition and nothing happened. My dashboard's lights turned on, however, no sputtering or n...

Q: USA tolls and rental car

ValI will be driving in the US with a rental car, and going through some toll roads. In my understanding there are some roads which accept only electronic payment, so in that case how will it work for us tourists from abroad? As far as I know, there's a transponder in each rental car, but how do I m...

Q: Deploy Calendar Tab visibility with sfdx

BadbaxxI am trying to retrieve metadata of custom Tab from a profile with SFDX It should be logically something like that in metadata: <tabVisibilities> <tab>standard-Calendar</tab> <visibility>DefaultOn</visibility> </tabVisibilities> but cant retrieve anything using sfdx sfpowerkit:source:pr...

Q: Why is std::aligned_storage to be deprecated in C++23 and what to use instead?

bitmaskI just saw that C++23 plans to deprecate both std::aligned_storage and std::aligned_storage_t as well as std::aligned_union and std::aligned_union_t. Placement new'd objects in aligned storage are not particularly constexpr friendly as far as I understand, but that doesn't appear to be a good rea...

Q: View not front on

Daniel WoodWhen I'm in side view, I now see the sides of the object instead of it being flat like it was before. I've downloaded the most recent version of Blender, and now it's stuck like this, and I can't change it back. Thanks

Q: Quantum channels that commute with any unitary channel

ShadumuConsider a quantum channel $\Phi$ that maps from density operators $\mathcal{S}(\mathcal{H}_A)$ to itself, that commutes with any unitary channel $\mathcal{U}$ on $\mathcal{S}(\mathcal{H}_A)$, i.e. $\Phi(\mathcal{U}(\rho))=\mathcal{U}(\Phi(\rho)),\,\,\forall\rho\in\mathcal{S}(\mathcal{H}_A)$. Is ...

Q: What is the significance of Denethor eating the tomato?

Michael StachowskyThe scene in which Faromir is leading a battle and Denethor is eating the tomato while Pippin sings. What is the significance of that? Ostensibly it's to show that Denethor isn't interested or has already given up on Faromir, but why was it shown that way in particular, with Pippin singing and th...

Q: Childrens‘ cartoon: Teenager astronaut lands on a planet with 2D people

BoldewynI’m looking for an episode of a childrens’ cartoon featuring a young (teenage?) astronaut. As far as I recollect, he was flying a red-white striped rocket (not unlike Tintin’s rocket, but my memory might conflate things a bit.) I seem to remember that his name was Archie or similar, and that he b...

Q: Is angular momentum just a convenience?

Efe ZaladinI'm wondering whether angular momentum is just a convenience that I could hypothetically solve any mechanics problems without ever using the concept of angular momentum. I came up with this question when I saw a problem in my physics textbook today. In the problem, a puck with known velocity hits...

Q: Characteristic impedance when routing differential

CyborgiumCan the characteristic impedance value of a single-ended transmissions line be omitted when the two transmissions lines of a differential pair are routed differentially (not two isolated lines)? I ask this because up to now when dealing with a diff pair, I've always first calculated the required ...

Q: Speeding up the Kuramoto model on a random graph

apkgI am solving the Kuramoto model on a random graph $G(n,p)$, plotting the synchrony against the coupling parameter, as follows, n = {300}; tmax = 100; evaltime = 10; SeedRandom[Nosc]; rg1 = RandomGraph[BernoulliGraphDistribution[n[[1]], 6/n[[1]]]]; rg2 = AdjacencyGraph[AdjacencyMatrix[rg1]]; Nosc ...

Q: Is there any way to write a curved arrow?

omar omariniI'd like to write a curved arrow along a line, like this one. How can I write it?

Q: Colleague just won't let things go. It wastes time and affects my morale

BambooMy colleague and I work together on a project. We generally get along well on a personal level, and he makes good contributions to the team. His opinions are often valuable and highlight things we might not have thought of. Recently we've started butting heads. Basically if he can't see why a cer...

Q: ntpdate unavailable on CentOS8

George YI want to install ntpdate as usual on CentOS8. However, it is not available: # cat /proc/version Linux version 4.18.0-240.1.1.el8_3.x86_64 ([email protected]) (gcc version 8.3.1 20191121 (Red Hat 8.3.1-5) (GCC)) #1 SMP Thu Nov 19 17:20:08 UTC 2020 # yum install -y ntpdate Last m...

Q: QGIS points to lines using another line layer for reference

Philip LightI have a CSV file with lat/long points and dates associated with the points. The points were recorded locations of PIT tags in fish on certain dates. I'd like to be able to confine the points to path tool to another line layer (stream flowline paths). Right now, if I run the points to path, grou...

Q: Difference between FFT and NTT

C.S.What are the main differences between the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and the Number Theoretical Transform (NTT)? Why do we use the NTT and not the FFT in cryptographic applications? Which one is a generalization of the other?

Q: Why do job ads use the word "discipline" to mean different areas/types of jobs?

Qiulang 邱朗I find on some companies' websites they use the word "disciplines" to mean different areas/types of jobs. One of their job descriptions says "You will work across the company with other product groups, as well as across the aisle with other disciplines." I look up the word discipline and the clos...

Q: How to hide file extensions for all files, including overwriting the files individual setting?

user2924019Client wants to hide file name extensions to avoid removing them by mistake when renaming files. I used Finder preferences to uncheck the "Show all filename extensions" option. This only hid a extensions from some files. Most files in various locations still show the extension, including in newly...

Q: How do believers in the modern continuation of the office of apostle rebut Don Stewart's article "Are There Still Apostles Today?"?

Spirit Realm InvestigatorShort version How do believers in modern apostles rebut Don Stewart's article Are There Still Apostles Today? ? Longer version I'll enumerate key points and include relevant quotes from Don Stewart's article: The Gift Was Foundational to the Church (Ephesians 2:19-20). The foundation was laid l...

Q: Regression in data with one group, having just zeros as outcome

SallyI have a data set, consisting of positive and negative patients (virus infection). If the patient is negative, it has 0 as outcome (y), if it is positive it has a positive value, up to 100. The input (x) values are numeric too and I want to predict the y values just out of the x values. x consits...

Q: Why would a supermassive sarlac-like creature let captured prey wander around inside itself?

Brinstar77On a fictional planet far away from our own, there is a part plant, part animal creature of truly massive proportions embedded in the sand of a desert-like portion of the planet, kinda like a cross between Dune's sandworm and Star War's sarlac. Its mouth remains closed, sitting just below the sur...

Q: Is this weapon suitable for a 2nd tier Barbarian?

EddymageI created a new weapon for the barbarian of the party I am DMing. They are in the 2nd tier of playing, they are all at level 7, in a couple of session they will level up. I would like to give the barbarian a ranged weapon thematically close to her fighting style but also related to some past eve...

Q: When to start Shnayim Mikra for a parsha that is delayed due to Yom Tov?

michaelThis year (5782) Acharei Mos won’t be read until a few weeks after Metzora, due to Pesach falling on Shabbos (and outside of Israel on the next Shabbos as well). Do the Poskim discuss whether one may start reading the parsha of Acharei Mos before Pesach, or rather if one should wait until the wee...

Q: Bash : Regular Expression is not working

PoonamI have executed below code to check if field "eid" is having length 3 digit and all are digit - #!/usr/bin/bash input="A01#PoonamSahani#IVS#123456" #recCount=`echo $input | awk -F "#" '{print NF}'` eid=`echo $input | cut -d "#" -f 1` ename=`echo $input | cut -d "#" -f 2` dept=`echo $input | cu...

Q: Can I use normal approximation for t-test?

user355341The question is asking us to compare two samples Sample 1: n=10, p=0.3 sample 2: n=15, p=0.4 I know the normal approximation is valid when n is larger than 30. However, the sample size is small so I choose a t-test for the test statistics. Does the normal approximation is still valid for t-distri...

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