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Q: How quickly can a Thylean Centaur climb?

Luis FernandezI'm playing a homebrew race (thylean centaur, from the Odyssey of the Dragonlords module) that has the following ability: Quadrapedal Stride Climbing or maneuvering in tight spaces is considered difficult terrain for you. Since climbing (unless you have a climbing speed) means you move at half ...

Q: How to apply a linear transformation to a tensor?

LeibnizGWI would like to apply a linear transformation to a tensor. My linear transformation is encoded by a matrix, for example M = Table[m[i, j], {i, 4}, {j, 4}] Take some vectors V = Table[v[i], {i, 4}] W = Table[w[i], {i, 4}] I apply the linear transformation to vectors with the dot operator M . V ...

Q: What is the minimum amount of Ada needed to stake?

ccgarantWhat is the minimum (lowest) amount of Ada needed to stake? Could you have the delegation fee + 0.00001 Ada? Where is this referenced?

Q: Removing zero sections of n-twisted strips

Cranium ClampFirst of all, a note: This question is motivated by my friend, who is a physics PhD student (I'm a math PhD student) and arose when I was trying to explain to him what line bundles are. (I wanted to tell him that a wavefunction is really a global section of a complex line bundle.) I was using a t...

Q: Mario's Super Picross - Stage Mario 9-K

WillI'm playing through Mario's Super Picross currently and after nearly 200 puzzles this one finally has me stumped as to how it is intended to be solved. What is the next step to solving this? Notes: This is a "Mario" stage so the game penalizes mistakes and doesn't provide a mechanism for forwar...

Q: How to calculate a limit without using L'Hôpital's Rule

Mouhamad Al MounayarI have to calculate the limits $$\lim_{x\rightarrow 0}\frac{\sin(x\sqrt{x})}{x}\;\;\;\text{and}\;\;\; \lim_{x\rightarrow0}\frac{\sin\sqrt{x}}{x}$$ without using L'Hôpital's Rule, and I can't see how. Calculating those derivatives would help me determine if the two functions $x\mapsto\sin\sqrt{x}$...

Q: Fantasy novel with plague turning out to be weight loss magic gotten out of hand

FuzzyBootsI think I read this in the last five years, but I also think it may have been a reread. It was a full-sized novel, I think, with a set of magicians (healers?) dealing with a deadly epidemic in their city that involved high fevers and eventual death. The bit I'm remembering is where they find the ...

Q: Adjustable CMOS Driver Transistor Size?

pfabriBackground The source-terminated reflected wave switching scheme is a familiar one. One just needs to add a source-series terminator, which added together with the driver's output impedance equals the line impedance. I have, however, recently seen the following passage in Right the First Time Vol...

Q: Replace a text within single quotes with another string using sed(just a first occurrence of regex)

Chander PRabh JainI have a file with the following content: $ cat file.txt CREATE COLLATION public.collation123 (provider = libc, locale = 'fr-FR'); CREATE COLLATION public.collation_1 (provider = libc, locale = 'bas'); CREATE COLLATION public.collation_test (provider = libc, locale = 'fr-FR'); I want to r...

Q: When and why did three-axis stabilization become prominent in geostationary satellites?

Mys_721txSince the very first Sycom 1, geostationary satellites from 1960s to 1980s are cylindrical with solar cells covering the body of the satellite. Such examples include: GOES 1 to 7 AsiaSat 1 and its HS-376 brethren Dongfanghong 2 and its derivatives including Fengyun 2 Himawari 1 to 5 Meteosat 1 ...

Q: How do I make the graph edges in TikZ trees rounded? (preserving the clean syntax)

TsskyxI am a beginner in TikZ and I tried to search for a solution to the best of my ability, but it's just too obscure of a topic to have a proper answer yet. To start off, this is my code: \begin{tikzpicture}[ every node/.style = {draw, circle, minimum size = 1cm}, grow via three points = {on...

Q: Geometry node, face normal directions

yuki shimaI want to place planes facing all the same direction on a tube/cylinder which positioned horizontally using the Geometry Nodes. I could do this if I didn't apply rotation after turning 90 degree. However, it flips half of them in opposite direction if I applied the rotation. Does anybody know why...

Q: Identify zeroes of circuit by inspection

Alema416In a circuit, we can approximate the poles of the transfer function by calculating the AC Resistance and Capacitance at every node. For every node we get a pole so a change of slope in the Bode plot by -20db/dec. Is there a similar way of approximating the zeroes of the transfer function, so we g...

Q: Can you fail at Wordle without making mistakes?

jay613This question assumes a knowledge of Wordle's innards including a review of its source code. This blog is useful background reading. Is it possible to fail (six unsuccessful guesses) at original Wordle without making mistakes? In other words, is there a Wordle word (from the solutions list) for...

Q: For who or For whom

Grammar123What is the correct usage in the sentence: “I am the one for who / whom the cafe was kept open.” Since who / whom refers to the subject “I”, would the subjective case “who” be correct?

Q: Is it correct and natural to ask "what is something count?" when you want to know how many something there is?

Dmytro O'HopeWould you tell me if it is correct and natural to ask what is something count? when you want to know how many something there is. For example: What's the pallet count and what are their sizes? By that I mean how many pallets are there. I've heard people say it a few times, but is that a natural...

Q: The Wiener measure of an open set

Liviu NicolaescuThere is so much written about the Brownian motion and I suspect the answers to the questions below are hidden in somewhere in the literature but I cannot find them Denote by $E$ the Banach space of continuous functions $\newcommand{\bR}{\mathbb{R}}\newcommand{\ve}{\varepsilon}\newcommand{\bs...

Q: Why do Christians not accept Muhammad as the true prophet?

TeluguBelieverJews had prophets and received Scriptures from those prophets. Later, came Christians who had apostles and through them received Scriptures. Still later, came Muslims who had one prophet, Muhammad and through him received Quran. Why don't Christians mainly protestant Christians accept the Islamic...

Q: The list of uncountable nouns that take 'a/an'

OlekThere is a rule not use the article ‘a’ with uncountable nouns. Unless, we talk about a particular kind of the uncountable noun. For example, ‘a dreadful anger’, ‘a fragile calm’, ‘a great enthusiasm’ etc… “A and The Explained: A Learner Guide to Definite and Indefinite Articles” by Seonaid Beckw...

Q: When to put on Shabbos clothes

user27988Can someone tell me a source which says one is supposed to put on Shabbos clothes no earlier than Mincha Ketanah on Friday? Or is there any source which addresses when to put on Shabbos clothes on Friday?

Q: Why was there a gun on the ground in this scene from Marvel's Eternals?

Nathan K.In a flashback scene, we learn that The part that confused me is that Where did this gun come from?

Q: Have more than 18 Start Menu Items with Windows 11

Bonita MonteroIs there a way to enlarge the Windows 11 start menu that it does show more than 18 favoured start menu items ?

Q: Why is my highest coefficient not significant but lower ones are? (Poisson regression)

James LI'm looking to see if income level affects the number of pets a person has, controlling for number of children. I have run a GLM (Poisson family) model, and found that if a person is categorised as 'Low' income, their number of expected pets decreases by 21.3%. I also found that for every child a...

Q: Is it good style to separate out two related if-statements?

chezneadThe following code is a working solution for the balanced parentheses problem. I'm really just wondering about coding style here when it comes to separating out related if-statements. When there are two related if-statements, and where the second is run if the first is run, should I merge all che...

Q: Duplicate submission issue

Crik WilsonI submitted my research article to a journal earlier. They did neither respond to my submission nor sent me any confirmation of my submission. I mailed them for the withdrawal of our submission. They did not respond to that email either. By that time I decided to submit my research to another jou...

Q: Are linear models better when dealing with too many features? If so, why?

dsbr__0I had to build a classification model in order to predict which what would be the user rating by using his/her review. (I was dealing with this dataset: Trip Advisor Hotel Reviews) After some preprocessing, I compared the results of a Logistic Regression with a CatBoost Classifier, both of them w...

Q: Can this Minimization Problem be Proved through Induction?

stats555Consider the following function (this function has $n$ dimensions): $f(x_1,...,x_n)=10n+\sum_{i=1}^n(x_i^2-10\cos(2\pi x_i));\quad -5.12\leq x_i\leq 5.12$, $\text{minimum at }f(0,...,0)=0$. Using basic trigonometry, we can see that no matter the value of $n$, this function will always have a mini...

Q: Geometry nodes connection between values

Antoine Hello, I don't understand why connecting the random value output and any of the grey inputs on the right doesn't match. What do I need to add? Thanks!

Q: Does a script always have the same address forever?

FTMWhen creating a script, the script is given a script address. If I would like to run multiple scripts in parallel, how to go about that? Do I have to define a nonce variable just to make the address different?

Q: Asymmetric encryption of very small messages

superstatorI am working on an application which has a requirement to send very small messages (<64 bits), asynchronously, and using secure asymmetric encryption. We've experimented with simple RSA + OAEP, and it is workable, but with the caveat that at recommended key sizes it is quite inefficient for our t...

Q: Using tikz and tipa packages

ErnestoI'm using the packages tipa and tikz in the document class beamer. However, I'm having a hard time trying to combine them when drawing arrows. Look at the MWE below: \documentclass{beamer} \usepackage{tipa} \usepackage{tikz} % if i remove package from preamble i get error message \begin{docume...

Q: Understanding the upper bound in Zorn's Lemma

NizarAssume $ \Sigma $ is a partially ordered set with the $\subseteq $ relation. Assume $C \subseteq \Sigma$ is a chain. Then we can deduce that $ b = \bigcup_{a\in C}^{}a$, is an upper bound for the chain $C$. And this would be true for any chain in $\Sigma$. I'm assuming I have some conceptual misu...

Q: When are the zero sets of two continuous functions in the Stone-Čech compactification included in one another?

Gro-TsenLet $X$ be a topological space (feel free to add some simplifying assumptions here, like “completely regular” provided at least the case of finite-dimensional manifolds is covered). Let $f,g \in C^*(X)$ where $C^*(X)$ denotes the ring of bounded continuous real-valued functions on $X$. Denote $...

Q: Movie where main guy has a scar on his hand from getting shot by a bullet

chrisDoes anyone know a movie where the main guy and his (ex??)girlfriend both have scars on their hands from a gunshot? I watched this movie about 12 years ago at the movie theatres and I've been trying to find it again. I don't remember much from it though, just that there was a scene at the beginni...

Q: How to download just the blockheaders for the blockchain

user491880I'd like to download all the blockheaders for the blockchain directly from the network (not an external API) ... what is the best way to do this? I don't actually care about the transaction data and have no need for it, specifically, I need the difficulty level at each block, along with the times...

Q: Connecting large gauge wires to outlet

Joe CrozierThe electrical in my home (old house, newly purchased) is a nightmare. In other posts on here I've mentioned how my zone valve for heating wasn't working because I discovered that the zone valve was connected to both a wire that had come from a step down transformer AND a wire that went straight...

Q: What aspects contribute most to me being slow on this bike?

Firsh - justifiedgrid.comSo this is my bike (don't laugh). I've had it for about 20 years, still rolls. Lately I've been seeing on Strava or Garmin Connect that I'm just too damn slow vs. everyone else and I don't think the problem is with me, but I'd like to confirm this with you. My average long-term speed is about 15 ...

Q: Is there a scale called the relative minor scale?

PatSA book I'm reading Alfred's Essentials of Music Theory Minor Scales (pg 90-91) says Every major key has a RELATIVE MINOR KEY that has the same key signature. Each relative minor scale begins on the 6th note of the relative major scale. The 6th note is the keynote of the minor scale and the not...

Q: Selecting layers in group using PyQGIS

Ahmed KamelThis script is applied to all layers on the TOC, and I want to improve it to apply only to layers of a specific group # Create an empty table in memory and add fields newtable = QgsVectorLayer("None", "Results", "memory") provider = newtable.dataProvider() provider.addAttributes([QgsField('Layern...

Q: Codenames Pictures but with more surreal, colourful paintings

Luke SawczakWe all know Codenames and Codenames: Pictures. A few years ago at a Snakes & Lattes, I and a few others played a version of Codenames that was like Codenames: Pictures, but the images were very different. Whereas Codenames: Pictures has monochromatic, mostly two-element drawings: This one had mo...

Q: Do the principles of Islamic finance apply to central banking?

SamGiven the current situation in Turkey, I was wondering whether the principles of Islamic finance applied to central banking, as I thought they only applied to the retail banking sector, but President Erdoğan seems to have a different idea about it. Does Islamic finance normally apply to central b...

Q: How to repair a snapped 4x4 on a mailbox (thanks snowplow guy)

JackThe mailbox is mounted on a 4x4 that was sunk into a concrete base about 18" below ground level. The 4x4 snapped off about 6" below ground. I really don't want to excavate the concrete and repour. Is there a sleeve or joiner made that I could slide both sides of the snapped 4x4 into in order to s...

Q: Fastest way from Haverhill to Central London (King's Cross)?

chxLet's say I want to get from the southwest corner of Suffolk (say, Haverhill) to Central London (say, King's Cross) and I have a car. I certainly don't want to drive in Central London not to mention the challenges of parking there so I want to drop off the car somewhere en route and switch to tra...

Q: How do I know if my plotline is boring?

Nour FourtiThis is a question that often comes to my mind while writing. I can't know whether I should respect the sequence of events chronologically as they happened or try to include backstories/flashbacks. How do I know what entertains more a reader in such a story and attracts him/her to continue readin...

Q: Define arguments in a command

BrasilI am using the skak and xskak packages to make notes about chess. Everytime I need to print a board, I have to manually set the optional parameters, like the code below: \chessboard[ %--> ADD PIECES TO THE BOARD: setwhite={Kd3, Bd4}, addblack={Ke8, Pe2}, %--> ARROW STYLE: ...

Q: What would keep demons existing within pocket realities from entering human domains?

IncognitoPlanet Earth exists as two sides of a coin, with one side containing humans and the other containing demons. These two realities are separated by a barrier that keeps both races from interacting with each other. Every 1000 years, a planetary solar eclipse occurs, which breaks down the barrier sep...

Q: How can I derive the rules for the natural logarithm from the rules for the exponential functions?

AnoniI would like to use the calculation rules for exponential function $$1)\quad e^{x+y}=e^{x}\cdot e^{y}\quad\text{ and }\quad2)\quad(e^a)^b=e^{a\cdot b}$$ to derive the following calculation rules for the natural logarithm: $$\ln(x\cdot y)=\ln(x)+\ln(y)\quad\text{ and }\quad \ln(a^b)=b\cdot\ln(a)$$...

Q: proof of a function times the nth derivative of a function formula

Cow Prove by induction or otherwise that when u and v are functions of x $$vD^nu=D^n(uv)-n{D}^{n-1}(uDv)+\frac{n(n-1)D^{n-2}(uD^2v)}{2}-...$$an question from differential calculus by Ferrar so far I have checked so base case n=1 and $$vDu=D(v)u-D(v)u+vD(u)=D(v)u+vD(u)-D(v)u=D(uv)-D^{0}(uDV)$$ so a...

Q: Proper regression for determining correlations between derivatives of functions

user3716267Say we have a permanent-magnet DC motor that roughly obeys the system equation $\ddot{x}(t) = \alpha \dot{x}(t) + \beta u(t) + \gamma$, where $x(t)$ is the displacement of the rotor, and $u(t)$ the applied voltage, at time $t$. Say we wish to determine the values of $\alpha$, $\beta$, and $\gamma...

Q: R function to extract top n scores from a dataframe and find their average using ```apply` or dplyr ```rowwise```

JohnJThe dataframe looks like this df = data.frame(name = c("A","B","C"), exam1 = c(2,6,4), exam2 = c(3,5,6), exam3 = c(5,3,3), exam4 = c(1,NA,5)) I want to extract the top 3 exam scores for each 'name' and find their average using apply() o...

Q: Can I successfully sue a municipal consultant who prejudices a town official against me using false or incompetent advice?

CiceroCan I successfully sue a municipal consultant who prejudices a town official against me using false or incompetent advice? For example, let's suppose I am a developer and I want planning board approval to develop a parcel. The planning board then hires an engineer to advise concerning my developm...

Q: How big can a young mad scientist make their homemade Clifford before he overheats?

KEY_ABRADELong story short, a child mad scientist wants to scale up their pet dog - they read about Clifford, and wish to replicate that story, as a young mad scientist generally does. The billionaire mad scientist parents want to assist them in this endeavor as a birthday present. They have solved many is...

Q: Short prayer after a vort or dvar torah

MeirBenPinchusI've recently moved to a new area and the Shul that I now attend will often give a vort at the end of Shacharit and Maariv before allowing mourners to say another Kaddish. I've never heard it before and they say it quite quickly but the words I can make out are "Rabbi Hanina". Apologies for the l...

Q: Rasterio. Pixel value of a point X km away from current point

Quân Hoàng Phan I have a EPSG:4326 raster file with pixel size of 15 arcseconds, and the longitude and latitude of a point. dataset = rasterio.open(url) lat = 5.535456 lon = 7.531536 I know I can retrieve the pixel value of the point with the code below. row, col = dataset.index(lon, lat) band = dataset.read...

Q: What kind of matter is Positronium?

Rajeev Ranjan SharmaWhat kind of matter is Positronium? normal matter, antimatter, exotic matter or something other? We know : Matter is made up of electron, proton and neutron. Antimatter is made up of positron, anti-proton and anti-neutron. But Positronium is made up of Electron and Positron. where electron is ...

Q: Make a tube shaped like a curve

TangoI'm still trying to understand what I can do with curves and what the limitations are. I want to be able make a shape, with curves, like this: (Not exactly that curve, but it's a good example.) It's a closed shape. Once I have this shape, I'd like to be able to extrude the shape, like I can with...

Q: Emphasizing different nouns with different constructs when asking a question

OurConsider the following sentences: Wir spielen heute Tennis and Heute spielen wir Tennis. Even though both, factually, say the same thing, their emphasis/meaning different. The former emphasis "Wir" and "spielen" whereas the latter emphasizes "Heute". Question: Is there a similar/parallel con...

Q: When an object crosses a black hole event horizon, does the entire object cross the event horizon "all at once?"

Maximal IdealThis is a follow-up question based on some discussions in one of my other questions posted here. Imagine a standard Schwarzschild black hole of sufficiently large size so that tidal forces are negligible at the event horizon. The question is, when a spatially extended object enters the black hole...

Q: Get the object of an FCurve

Dr. PontchartrainI am getting the Graph Editor's visible FCurves using the following code: visible = context.visible_fcurves[:] for fcurve in visible: #object code here How do I get the object from this FCurve? In this example, Cube: Thank you!

Q: Complete mechanism of benzotriazole synthesis from o-phenylenediamine

JacobDoes my suggested mechanism for benzotriazole synthesis look correct? Are the arrows for the cyclization in the right place? Chemdoodle (which I drew this with) makes the curly arrows look a bit weird.

Q: How does the OPL2 Composite Sine Mode work?

fuzThe Yamaha YM3812 (aka OPL2) has an operation mode named composite sine mode (CSM), apparently designed for speech synthesis. Unfortunately I was unabled to find any documentation on what specifically this mode does and how the chip is programmed when in this mode. Some hints I found online were...

Q: How exactly did the Jews get enough water in the desert?

sabbahillelThe Torah does not give details as to how the Bnai Yisrael got water in the desert. Given that there were 600,000 men between twenty and sixty (about 2 - 3 million people total) they could not have lined up at a single source to collect water. Hashem could have arranged for a rain storm every day...

Q: This line sounds peculiar, I would appreciate your opinions (it uses the verb 許される)

Alice B. RabbitFirst of all, to give you some context, there are 3 characters that will be referred to as A, B, and C. The following lines are from a dialogue between A and B about C. The character C has done things that are considered wrong, unforgivable actually, and that's why in the dialogue there is 許される. ...

Q: Managing high power battery pack voltages

Archer ThompsonI have a few upcoming projects that will require some higher power battery applications where voltage swing needs to be limited. Both will be powering electric motors. The first on will be ~1.3-1.5 kW, 24 V motor (7s21700 battery). The second will be a 10 kW, 72 V (20s21700 battery) motor. So the...

Q: Hebrews 2:9-10; were Sufferings of Jesus for the aim of Perfection or for Substitutional Atonement or for both?

salahHebrews 2:9-10; KJV; 9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. 10 For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing man...

Q: How could I share my concern about university ranking with a potential supervisor?

happypumpkinI have a master's degree from a university outside of Canada. I recently decided to apply for Ph.D. in Canada and I found a potential supervisor, I like his research area, he has more industrial research projects going on. I like the fact that he gets projects from the industry, and his personali...

Q: Array depth of a ragged list

alephalphaThis is not a duplicate of this challenge. Here by an array, I mean a nested list that is "not ragged", i.e., it is either a list of elements, or a list of arrays of the same shape. For example, this is an array of shape (2,3): [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] The depth (or rank) of an array is the length...

Q: Objects that aren't parented keep on following each other. It was happening in 2.93 and is happening in 3.0

DaSoulKingThis is a gif that shows what's happening. Also, they are not parented only the gear is parented to something else.

Q: Testing "sequentiallity" of \expandafter (plain Tex) - weird results

Daniel BandeiraTrying to have a better understanding/controlling over \expandafter, I wrote this code. \count100 = 0 \count101 = 1 \def\c{% \the \count100 \advance \count100 by \count101\relax}% % \everypar{\count100 = 0\relax} % the ending dot-brace sequence remembers me the commands executed on each l...

Q: What is the best way to remove large amounts of rubble from a backyard with narrow access (1.2 m wide) and a steep (30 degree) driveway?

RezaI have been removing around 30 cubic meters of dirt and broken rock that I have excavated manually from our backyard using a jackhammer. The access to the backyard is limited through a narrow corridor of only 1.2 meters wide and I have to carry the rubble down a steep driveway (about 30 degrees) ...

Q: How to Use Math Induction to prove my formula?

Chandler JuegoOn day one, I was fined 2 dollars. Every subsequent day the fine is squared (i.e., day 1: 2, day 2: 4, day 3: 16, day 4: 256, day 5: 65,536). After some analysis, I came up with the formula to determine the fine amount D given the day N: D = $2^{2^{(N-1)}}$. I am now trying to prove this formula ...

Q: Why this plane is struggling to gain altitude?

AuberronHere in this video, you can see an airplane trying hard to gain altitude. I am skeptical, does it actually happen, or is the pilot or autopilot doing it on purpose? In my opinion, These are the potential causes: In this scenario, we may conclude that the Lift is lower than it would be if the pla...

Q: Does a quotient map with finite fiber from a Hausdorff space implies its codomain Hausdorff?

Ray Mi$\phi:X\to Y$ is a quotient map,$X$ is a hausdorff space, $\forall y\in Y,|\phi^{-1}(y)|<\infty$, does it implies that $Y$ is also an hausdorff space?

Q: how to use subdivision modifier to joined object?

QuestionforyouI joined two cubes to one cube. and I used subdivision modifier to make the object smooth. But the object divided into two parts. How can I use subdivision modifier to joined object without dividing the object?

Q: Modify the range of the color function in a StreamPlot, and add the corresponding ColorBar in the legend

Michel GHello I'm trying to manually clip the scale of the colors for the streamlines in StreamPlot. The problem is that at the origin the velocity goes to infinity and that throws off any attempt to rescaling. I've already tried modifying the RegionFunction... to no avail. This is the default output: St...

Q: Sight reading piano - How far ahead do you look?

TrevorWhen you are sight-reading, how far ahead in the music do you look? Do you somehow look at the treble clef and bass clef at the same time? Or, do you even have to think about it at all? Perhaps, it's like driving. After you've done it for long enough you don't have to think about it anymore. I al...

Q: How does Time Keeper log their diaries?

user6760Set in distant future, a group of super advance civilization formed a special task force to observe and guard timelines, and they are called Time Keepers. The timekeepers will scan for spacetime anomaly and dispatch their personnel to the scene, once they established that there is a violation in ...

Q: My paper is rejected repeatedly without naming a technical flaw

vu2aeoMy theoretical physics paper is being rejected repeatedly at the editorial stage, without undergoing peer review. However, every rejection explicitly states that there is no technical error in my line of reasoning and so far none have questioned the relevance and novelty of my work. After five re...

Q: How to draw this figures in tikz

Rashmi` \begin{tikzpicture} \draw [->] (0,0)--(5,0) node[right]{$X$}; \draw [->] (0,0)--(0,5) node[above]{$Y$}; \draw[thick] (4,0)--node [right] {$P(r,\theta)$}(2.5,4); \node at (4,-0.3){$L$}; \node at (0,-0.3) {$O$}; \draw[thick] (0,0) -- node [left] {$r$}(3.5,4) ; \draw (...

Q: Why does the Weierstrass function have no derivative?

Noob There is a famous example of a function that has no derivative: the Weierstrass function: But just by looking at this equation - I can't seem to understand why exactly the Weierstrass Function does not have a derivative? I tried looking at a few articles online (e.g. https://www.quora.com/Why-is...

Q: Which Stanislaw Lem works are being referenced in this quote?

jwezorekThe current issue of the New Yorker includes a long article about Stanislaw Lem, about new biographies of Lem focusing on the extent to which Lem's Jewish identity and experience of the Holocaust and wartime Poland, which he seldom wrote about, informed his science fiction. Anyway, at the beginni...

Q: Photo Competition 2022-01-31: Wood

scottbbTheme: Wood Living wood, dead wood, burning wood, wood with nails or screws. Pictures that elicit the smell of resin or sawdust. This theme was suggested by xenoid. Voting Rules View the submissions sorted by active to give every submitter a fair chance Vote up as many images as you like Please,...

Q: Does the EVM calculate the gas used for a transaction in real time?

MShakeGDoes the EVM calculate the gas used to execute a transaction on the fly as opcodes are being executed? So if there's a branch in code whose conditional is satisfied then additional gas is used to execute the block of opcodes that follow from that branch.

Q: Can I use Matthew 22:36-40 as a 'hermeneutical key' or 'interpretative lens' to interpret scripture?

Mathew Simon DesRochesI have long been plagued by a suspicion that tradition and biblical academia is leading me down into a many tunneled burrow of theological intellectualism. In a quest for efficiency, simplicity, clarity and ultimately sanity I am seeking a simple tool or mechanism to unify both my past revelatio...

Q: Why did Christopher Tran warn Judge Kelly about Minister's for Immigration power to cancel Djokovic's visa?

GreendrakeI find this detail in the recent Novak Djokovic's Australian visa saga quite interesting. On Monday, 10 January 2022, when Judge Kelly delivered his decision to reinstate Djokovic's visa, Christopher Tran (the lawyer acting for the government) told the judge that the Minister for Immigration is n...

Q: How do you graph the definite integral of 1/x from -1 to 1?

mlxd41I want to make a graph of the function 1/x with the area under the curve shaded, but I have absolutely no idea how to do that since the curve isn't continuous. Optimally, the negative area and positive area would be shaded with different colors. I would also like there to be a label that says f(x...

Q: How do I get an emission effect with a transparent BSDF material?

Max AlexanderI have the following circle with rings which I've successfully made transparent for the gaps. However, I'm having trouble getting the blue parts to have an emission effect. I'm completely lost and have tried mixing the Transparent BSDF with an emission node but it's not working as expected

Q: How to input <CR> into ex command from script or commandline?

fbenceI recorded a macro, that has an enter in it ggd/{<CR>Gdd but of course is ^M. What I want to do is run this on a bunch of files from the commandline which I guess would be something like ex +"normal ggd/{<CR>Gdd" +wq but how do I put an actual enter where it should go?

Q: What kind of 'faith' justifies or imputes righteousness to a sinner as per the teachings of the Bible?

TeluguBelieverProtestant Christians in general believe that 'faith' makes a person righteous. The Letter to Hebrews chapter 11 in the N.T. talks about faith at length with specific examples. But what kind of 'faith' in 'what' can actually make a sinner justified or righteous as per the teachings of the Bible?

Q: How to understand which positions result from what opening?

Sinan YamanI was watching Irina Krush's great lecture on YT, and at 20:06 she asks "which opening is this position from?" The answer is apparently Sicilian, which made me wonder how to understand which middle game positions result from what opening? In the video example, I am guessing that the absence of Bl...

Q: how to delete files from list.txt and use a wildcard?

rollieTrying to delete files using a list of the headers and a wildcard. The headers for the files are the same but the endings are different. Not sure how to get the wildcard in there. I was trying to download some SRA files from NCBI and ran into download issues. Files that didn't download correctly ...

Q: Is Jeremiah 32:40 a direct reference to the New Covenant?

Cork88 And I will make an everlasting covenant with them, that I will not turn away from doing them good; but I will put My fear in their hearts so that they will not depart from Me.” ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭32:40 I have read the entire chapter of Jeremiah 32 to see the greater context. Yet, I am still puzzled ...

Q: Heating a very short piece of NiCr wire (0.005 ohms)

James SHow do I generate less than 0.05 volts to heat a NiCr wire, or otherwise prevent the wire from consuming too much power? I want to heat a length of Nichrome wire in order to cut through very thin pieces of nylon -- basically a "hot knife". I estimate the wire will be about 6mm long. In order to p...

Q: How would Air adhesives work?

Purple AdammExactly the question. How would glue or tape be able to stick to gas substances and remain "hanging" there mid-air.

Q: MultiSurface Geometry type in QGIS: difference to MultiPolyon

BabelAdding a new temporary scratch layer in QGIS, selecting the Geometry type, there are different options, between else MultiSurface. In the documentation, I could not find any information about this Geometry type. What is the difference from MultiPolygon? As I understand it, a MultiPolygon is used ...

Q: How do I politely tell a professor that I prefer not to be interviewed late at night?

Archisman PanigrahiI have applied to a graduate program in the US, and a Professor emailed me that he wants to meet on Zoom to talk about my application. He gave me some dates when he will be available for a Zoom meeting. How do I politely request that I don't want to meet at late night (Indian time)? Will it be co...

Q: Why are phonons bosons if they cannot occupy the same eigenstate?

DamyHaoI am reading the The Oxford Solid State Basics and on pages 82-83 it appears the following: If a classical harmonic system (i.e., any quadratic Hamiltonian) has a normal oscillation mode at frequency ω the corresponding quantum system will have eigenstates with energy: $E_n=\hbar\omega\left(n+\f...

Q: Why is this Planet Labs video wobbly?

JohnEyePlanet Labs recently tweeted ( https://twitter.com/planet/status/1481790983155044352 ) a video showing a Falcon 9 first stage landed on a pad. Strangely, the image looks like it was taken by a camera which was dangling on a rope. What is causing these oscillations? I thought Earth-observing satel...

Q: \vspace* adds unwanted page in amsbook

Ching ChangBackground: I'm using the amsbook environment, and the title created by \tableofcontents starts near the first quarter of the page by default. I've been trying to move it up by placing a \vspace{-3in} before \tableofcontents, but it didn't do anything. Then I tried \vspace*{-3in} and not only did...

Q: Is there a way to transfer a whole list (at once) of UV maps

Vitalii SadovshikovIs there a way to transfer a whole list (at once) of UV maps from one object to another identical object? By Cmd(ctrl)+L is merely possible copy one by one - super clumsy. Maybe by "bpy.ops.object.join_uvs()" but it does the same and has no more options.

Q: Is there any research showing a correlation between wealth and academic performance?

BuraianIt is well known that wealth is not distributed equally; even within a country, the wealthiest families are sometimes significantly wealthier than average or poor families. My question is: does owning wealth mean these higher level groups of society do better academically than those who have less...

Q: How to create this white chocolate with cookies realistically?

EugenioI'm trying to create a white chocolate with little pieces of cookies all within the surface, kind of hidden inside. I have the base already of the white chocolate, but I'm not sure how to recreate these pieces of cookies, not sure if by geometry nodes, or as particles, or how to scatter them tha...

Q: Is the pressure change due to vulcanic activity a concern?

peppeThe recent eruption of the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha'apai sent a shockwave so massive that it got picked all over the world by weather stations. This is the pressure detected one in Italy (source), where multiple spikes were detected: What I'm wondering is, could such a "sudden" pressure change sign...

Q: Why is controlling for too many variables considered harmful?

nsimplexI am trying to understand the point of the second panel in the following xkcd comic: Specifically, how can one be mislead by controlling too many confounding variables in their models? Any pointers to what this criticism is called in the literature so I can look it further will be appreciated.

Q: Do any terms in mathematics exist to describe these concepts?

stats555If you have already waited 20 minutes for the bus, the bus can not arrive in less than 20 minutes because you can not "un-wait" the time you have already waited. If you have 5 donuts and you eat some donuts - it is impossible to have more than 5 donuts when you are finished eating. This is becaus...

Q: Selecting features that do not touch other features in same layer in QGIS

L.J.E.In QGIS I have a polygon layer where there are some isolated objects which do not touch other objects in the same layer. They are isolated and therefore I do not need them. How can I select these ones?

Q: What is the connection between mechanics and electrodynamics that makes it necessary for both of these to obey the same principle of relativity?

user103515Mechanics obeyed Newtonian relativity (faithful to Galilean transformation) before Einstein. Einstein formulated Special relativity (faithful to Lorenz transformation) and Maxwell equations became invariant under Special relativity. So electrodynamics obeyed Special relativity. So far so good. Wh...

Q: How to go to the beginning of a selection?

tinlyxI selected a large region by going to the beginning line and hit C-SPC (currently mapped to cua-set-mark), and then moving to the end of the buffer with M-S->. Now for some reason, I want to get back to the beginning of the selected/highlighted region where I first set the mark. Is there a shortc...

Q: Cannot find definitions of tx___ functions in English Auction script

d_fajardoI might be missing some thing but in the English Auction script I am unable to find the definitions of the function that starts with tx: txOutDatumHash txInInfoResolved txOutValue txInInfoResolved ... Does anyone know where these functions are defined?

Q: Is this structure idiomatic: "I seem to remember...." to mean you only remember a little

yunus"I seem to remember that the park adjacent to my school was humongous." This is a sentence of a native speaker when he was talking about how things have changed compared to when he was young. The expression "I seem to remember ..." sounds different to me. And I wondered why he said "I seemed to r...

Q: Can I leave Tiny Hut while in Border Ethereal?

geckonI know I can't enter the Tiny Hut while being in the Border Ethereal but can I leave it? I.e. I'm in a Tiny Hut (someone else casted it) and cast Etherealness. Can I leave and observe the material plane outside of the hut or will the magical force block me from doing so?

Q: Why didn't Harry's scar hurt in his first year DADA class?

The Boy Who LivedHarry has DADA classes in The Philosophers Stone with Quirrell, but his scar never hurts despite being in such close proximity to Voldemort... Why?

Q: Operating Region for Transistor in Capacitance Multiplier

DiggsI want to understand what is the desired operating region for a transistor in a capacitance multiplier circuit being used to remove power supply ripple. Consider the circuit in the attached image. From what I understand, depending on R1 and R2, for a given signal with some ripple, the base voltag...

Q: Starting vim with a command typed in, but not executed (i.e. waiting for argument)?

fbenceI know I can start vim with a command by executing vim +"MyCommand", but if MyCommand takes a parameter it would be nice to start vim, as if I already typed :MyCommand but not actually executing it, so I can pass the argument with vim open, rather than from the command line (use case would be a t...

Q: uninstall youtube-viewer (ppa)

neverdimedi installed youtube-viewer as per the documentation: https://github.com/trizen/youtube-viewer sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8 now i don't want it, but: removing it as suggested here does not work: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2019/12/how-to-remove-ppa-ubuntu sudo add-apt-repositor...

Q: Source of a quote

ZubinNurHayy and thank you for being here. I have heard quotes of the Golden Rule, which is the foundation of all religions. The Buddist one I received was "Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful." I don't know where the person found this... can you help me please? The words I heard...

Q: Did the medieval Islamic scholar al-Tusi state the principle of conservation of mass?

MauricioThis article: Farid Alakbarli, A 13th-Century Darwin? Tusi's Views on Evolution, Azerbaijan International (2001) claims that Nasir al-Din al-Tusi (13th century) stated an early version of the law of conservation of mass: For instance, Tusi believed that a body of matter is able to change, but is...

Q: 'Leaving' EU children in the UK for a holiday with relatives

RichMy sons (both under 18) hold French passports while I am British. In the years before Brexit they would spend a week each summer with their British grandparents in the UK, while their parents would return to France to work. Their grandparents would then bring them back home to France at the end o...

Q: How to find the complex fourier coefficient of cos(ax)

RubusI'm trying to find the complex fourier coefficient of cos(ax) with $a \in \mathbb{Z}$ The formula is given by $$c_n = \frac{1}{2} \cdot \pi \int_{\pi}^\pi f(x) \cdot e^{-inx} \, dx $$ I know that I can write cos(ax) as $$\frac{e^{iax} - e^{-iax}}{2}$$ This gives me $$c_n = \frac{1}{2} \cdot \pi \...

Q: Use magsafe and USB-C display with charging capabilities

ErwolI've a m1 macbook pro 14" and a LG 27UK670-B display connected via USB-C to the mac. Connecting via USB-C leads to the macbook charging it's battery (taking power from the display). I'd however prefer using the original magsafe charger while keeping the USB-C for simplicity. Can this be accomplis...

Q: Does paying off all credit accounts worsen your score?

J DjdjI am 60. I have a mortgage that's nearly paid off. I have also paid off all my cards, and my oldest cards were closed from lack of utilization. In order to protect my age of credit, do I need to not pay off my mortgage? Or, do I need to keep charging and paying off my cards, so they don't close? ...

Q: Is there any other form of coinbase transaction?

KHJUAF403456ZS3K564WAEFCould miners intentionally change the output address or reduce the output value before forming a block

Q: Is every finite circuit "solvable" using Ohm's law and Kirchhoff's loop rules?

KykyWhenever I have solved circuits (only cells, resistors and wires), it has only been necessary to use Ohm's law (or things derived from Ohm's law, such as how two resistors $R_1$ and $R_2$ have effective resistance $R_1+R_2$ as a whole) and Kirchoff's loop rules. However, I was curious as to wheth...

Q: What geological and climatic factors could result in a planet where the only biomes are oceans, deserts and wetlands? A wet XOR dry world

KiterationImagine a planet that sustains life, has oceans and continents plus an earth-like atmosphere; a planet similar to earth in most ways, but with only extremely dry and extremely wet biomes. Science fiction is rife with desert-worlds, swamp-worlds, ice-worlds, gummi-worlds... Could there be a swirl ...

Q: What is the Doppelganger's polymorph duration?

miguelsxviFrom the Monster Manual, it isn't clear to me whether the Doppelganger's shapeshifting ability is just that they are able to cast a successful Polymorph spell automatically, and therefore it's subject to the duration of that spell, or if they can remain in whatever form they choose for as long as...

Q: When can be the acute accent be written over the letter 'i'?

Arroz con TomateAs a native Spanish speaker, I'm having trouble with the use of the acute accent. As far as I'm concerned, the acute accent ´ can only be used over the letter e in a few cases (perché, ventitré...), but while reading the book 'La bella estate' written by Cesare Pavese I have seen it being used ov...

Q: How can I contact JK Rowling for permission to publish my sequel for the Harry Potter series?

Sam NI recently watched the entire Harry Potter series in December 2021. I really loved the Harry Potter world and all the characters. Even after days, I couldn't stop myself from thinking about it and I'm pretty happy about the innovative idea that struck me about writing a sequel for the series. I r...

Q: How to get code coverage report for LWC unit tests with JEST?

Sebastiano VierkI was working on the unit test setup for Lightning Web Components with Jest and tried to figure out how to get a code coverage report but found nothing in the Docs. By running: sfdx-lwc-jest --coverage I was able to receive the following coverage information in the terminal: PASS force-app/mai...

Q: Where is the Haskell course mentioned by Lars?

Pankaj JangidIn the welcome video, Lars mentions about a 10-week Haskell course recording. Where can I get the link for that course? It would be good for other beginners as well.

Q: What language did Gaius Julius Caesar speak with Cleopatra?

JanWhat language did Gaius Julius Caesar (GJC) speak with Cleopatra? My thoughts: GJC spoke Latin. Cleopatra spoke many languages, including Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew, Egyptian, Greek. Or did they need a translator? Thank you.

Q: Propietary licensing of open source code

Kasai kemonoI have written a program that uses several open source components. First off, it's written in python. Second, I use the modules subprocess, argparse, os and datetime. Since my work asked me to find a way to do what the program does and we plan to deploy that program on the PCs of our customers, I...

Q: Is there a more efficient way to calculate the determinant of this matrix?

jacksonI used Gaussian Elimination to calculate $$\det\begin{pmatrix}1&4&9&16&25&36\\4&9&16&25&36&49\\9&16&25&36&49&64\\16&25&36&49&64&81\\25&36&49&64&81&100\\36&49&64&81&100&121\end{pmatrix}$$ and found the answer to be $0$. It took a lot of time to do. The lower-upper (LU) decomposition is shown below...

Q: What does the 'L' line in Elgar's "The Spirit of the Lord" mean?

bobajobIn the introduction to the Elgar's "The Spirit of the Lord", the prologue to The Apostles Op. 49, the score has lines which looks like octave signs, but which have the letter 'L' instead of 8va , e.g. in bar 3 in the below: Does anyone know what these mean?

Q: Unicode compatible version of \filename@parse?

gernotLaTeX contains an internal macro \filename@parse that decomposes a filename into path and basename. Applying it to a filename that contains unicode characters, in conjunction with pdflatex, does not work, however. $ pdflatex test ... > \filename@base=macro: ->\LGR\textalpha \LGR\texttau \LGR\text...

Q: Repair a crack on the side of an oak table

syltruongMy oak table shows a split at the side of it. Is there a way I can address it? What would you do? I have plans of refinishing my oak table with a darker wood stain.

Q: How do we express we want someone to do what we say without any negotiation?

TomWhen I ask my children to do chores, they often say they will do then under a condition like giving them some money or cake or letting them watching TV, etc. How do we express we want someone to do what we say without any negotiation? For example, "You have to do it. No deal!" or something like t...

Q: How can I use Animate Objects in combat, without slowing combat down for everyone?

JackMy wizard has acquired the animate objects spell, and I'm discussing with my GM how I'm going to use it combat. We are concerned that using the spell may slow down combat and make it less fun for everyone. My intent in typical usage would be to animate 10 tiny or small objects (coppers being an ...

Q: Why was it necessary to monitor the water quantity in the space shuttle?

AuberronIn space shuttle's operators manual, Page(4.1-4), it is written as: The H2O quantity is determined by a PVT calculation based on H2O tank pressure and temperature transducer readings as well as GN2 tank pressure and temperature transducer readings. The calculated quantity is output to the HYD/AP...

Q: How can I get the name of last called operator

CrantiszI'm trying to get what operator had been called before the current operator and make some logic based on that. Is this information accessible?

Q: What is "buying hash rate" and how could it be profitable?

tom weelenI'm sorry if this question may sounds like a newbie question (well, it is). Introduction I'm 23 years old and I would like to generate money with my money to eventually invest in stock market after some time. I was really interested in day trading, and I joined a discord server (Saphire) to gathe...

Q: QGIS slope output problems

obruntI've been trying to calculate slope in percentage for a project I'm working on but keep running into this issue Whenever I calculate slope using the designated Slope tool or the r.slope.aspect tool I get these lines all over my output (see below). This happens when I try to calculate either perc...

Q: Does the drip edge need to be nailed into the OSB sheathing or framing also

Irish RedneckFrom everything I am reading online I am seeing the drip edge should be nailed with 1.5” nails but I can not find clarification if I need to try and hit the rafters each time which are 16inches on centers. OR should I only be expected to nail into the .5” osb sheathing used for the roof similar t...

Q: Exercise about ultraproducts

MockingbirdLet $M$ be the model $\langle \mathbb{Z}, s^M\rangle$ where $s$ is a unary function symbol interpreted as the standard successor function ($s^M(x)=x+1$). Let $F$ be a nonprincipal ultrafilter on $\omega$ and let $N$ be the ultrapower $N:=M^{\omega}/F$. I'm struggling to answer the following quest...

Q: sudo visudo /etc/hosts gives synax errors

Conrad BReally dumb question, Ubuntu 20, and I have apache2 installed, not much else. I go sudo visudo /etc/hosts and want to add an alias "dummy.com" domain alias as a hack to point to the server for local only testing a learning site and I get this unusual >> /etc/hosts: syntax error near line 1 <<< >>>...

Q: Are there any hotels with a 24h check-in option in Vilnius, Lithuania?

Ski MaskI am travelling to Vilnius, Lithuania and will arrive at the airport at around 9am. I will have more luggage than is comfortable to walk around with, so I plan on going to a hotel directly from the airport. The problem is that I can't seem to find any hotels with 24h check-in options. Nearly all ...

Q: Approximately how many 3,5inch floppy disks have been produced before manufacturing was stopped?

Bob OrtizThis is probably an impossible question to answer but I couldn't find an answer and I'd like to find an educated estimate at least. 3,5-inch floppy disks are not produced anymore, with I think Sony being the last to stop manufacturing in March 2011. Meaning that all floppy disks that exist are cu...

Q: How can Planck's constant take different values?

RamanI have seen books and papers mentioning "In the semiclassical limit, $\hbar$ tends to zero", "the scaled Planck's constant goes as $1/N$ where $N$ is the Hilbert space dimension" etc. Could anyone explain these variable values taken by Planck's constant? What is the idea behind it? For all I know...

Q: How are control surface problems in wings having high bending dealt with?

MridulIn some aircraft which have large wing deflection due to bending, do ailerons or flaps not get stuck or bent themselves? In the case where hinging axis is also bent how do ailerons operate?

Q: Why are 2D block matrices considered irreducible?

VinalVI am currently reading Applications of Group Theory by M.S. Dresselhaus On page 18 irreducible representations are defined and an example is given as follows: The author claims that these representations are irreducible. However for E and A the $\Gamma_2$ 2D representation is in block form and i...

Q: Command to validate a postgresql configuration file?

AmandasaurusI am generating postgresql configuration files via ansible, and putting them in /etc/postgresql/XX/main/conf.d/whatever.conf. I accidentally made a syntax error and broke my postgresql, requiring manual fixing. Is there any postgresql command to validate that a file is a valid postgresql.conf fil...

Q: Blender 3.0 Offical Release get rid off some geonodes that were in 3.0a - what to do in cases such as this?

Jakub Przybylskii found tutorial made by Default Cube which shows how to make some cool visuals - you can find it here https://youtu.be/Doqs_4FHo6U?t=245. Link is time stamped at exact moment where my problem happens (around 4th minute). So, in film the author is using attribute nodes that are considered "legacy"...

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