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Q: Perihelion Vs Aphelion position of Earth

Sourabh JainWhy is the length of the apparent solar day less at aphelion than when compared to perihelion.

Q: How does cyclopentadienyl anion act as reducing agent?

Matilda WillcoxI am a second year university student, so I'm afraid my chemistry isn't great. I am looking for an explanation of how the $\ce{Cp-}$ anion acts as a reducing agent. To contextualise - in a simple synthesis of ferrocene, a hydrated salt of $\ce{FeCl3}$ (the hexahydrate) was mistakenly added to a d...

Q: What is a word for overconsumption with the goal of getting your moneys worth?

karmaChamelionA good example would be going to a buffet and overeating, or going to Disney from sunup to sundown to maximize the experience. The caveat being that you’re no longer possibly enjoying it. Edit: I really want to emphasize that the word (or phrase I suppose) should convey the pain in pursuing the t...

Q: Career Development plan for university position

xeonCertain academic job ads for in the university request a Career Development Plan document. I have never heard about this. What should contain this document?

Q: Who and when introduced the standard 8-bit punched tape?

AnixxWho and when introduced the standard that later became widespread for the 8-bit punch tape? I think, the 5-bit tape was an earlier standard.

Q: How do I calculate surface area of dashboard through integration?

Ibrahim OmerHow can I calculate surface area of dashboard through integration. I traced the surface using pencil. I can calculate rough area but I want to calculate actual area through integration. The vertical height 230mm is and horizontal length is 253mm.

Q: No one wants to reproduce because it's disgusting, how does the species avoid extinction?

RPG lifeOne of the species in my world is very asexual. In this species, males and females are rarely if ever attracted to other individuals. It is something that developed through the past few decades and there doesn't seem to be any way to correct this problem. It seems like the individuals of this spe...

Q: Does the 'Protection from Evil and Good' spell protect from all listed entities, or just one?

aaron9eeeThe spell Protection from Evil and Good has the following in its description: Until the spell ends, one willing creature you touch is protected against certain types of creatures: aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. In a previous session, a player insisted that the wor...

Q: How to straighten a 3D edge not along an axis?

SpicebagI'm a new user but I've previous experience with Solidworks where I can put in specific angles and measurements to create the shapes I need. I'm trying to unlearn a lot of this so I can get good with Blender and one issue I am having is creating straight lines on 3D objects. For example in this...

Q: Understanding 〜がっている (used to talk about the speaker himself)

chino alpha 紫音「以前から思っていたんですが、逢桜さんって自分のファンが増えることに喜ぶ人なんですね」 逢桜「どういう意味?」 紫音「素晴らしい作品を書ければ後はどうでもいい、みたいなストイックな方という印象ありましたので」 悠真「僕も紫音と同意見かな。いっておくけど残念がっているわけじゃないよ」 逢桜「分かってるよ。わたし自身も俗物的だな、と思うし」 逢桜「でも、わたしは色んな人に自分の作品を読んで欲しいから」 逢桜 is a writer who wants more people to read her books, though 紫音 and 悠真 thought previously ...

Q: Difference between reference frame and coordinate system

imbAFIn wikipedia, regarding this topic, different examples are given as to why a reference frame and coordinate system are NOT the same thing (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frame_of_reference). Example from J.D Norton: More recently, to negotiate the obvious ambiguities of Einstein’s treatment, the...

Q: What is the provenance of Story 6 in Day 2 of the Decameron, set against a backdrop of 13th-century Sicily?

Rand al'ThorDay 2, Story 6 of the Decameron is set against a political backdrop of 13th-century Sicily: it begins with the defeat of King Manfred at Benevento by the new king Charles, and the main characters are the family of Manfred's ally Arrighetto Capece (then governor of Sicily): his wife Beritola Carac...

Q: existence of non-measurable set.

Hossien SahebjameSo I am reading the construction of non-measurable set $\mathcal{N}$. This is done so by considering an enumeration $\{r_k\}$ of $\mathbb{Q} \cap [-1,1]$ I am stuck on seeing the obviousness in why (by monotonicity) The following is a contradiction. So we claim and show the following Inclusion $$...

Q: Why does my table have missing lines?

jo87casiThe table i created is having missing lines and i don't understand why or how to fix the problem. As you can see, the far right vertical line is interrupted. That is the code: \begin{table}[h] \centering \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline Name & Codezeilen & Gewichte &...

Q: Differentiation of inner product with matrices

LOVEMATHLet $n \in \mathbb{N} (n \neq 0)$ , $A$ a real $\mathbb{nxn}$ square matrix, and $\mathbf{c}$ a vector in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$. Consider a real function $h: \mathbb{R} \longrightarrow \mathbb{R}, h \in C^{2}(\mathbb{R})$, and introduce the function $g: \mathbb{R}^{n} \longrightarrow \mathbb{R}$, def...

Q: Distance Key Node

Vitalii SadovshikovI am trying to understand what is exactly the Tolerance of the Distance Key Node and so far there is no success. From Blender manual Tolerance: "A threshold what the node considers a match between the key color and the foreground pixel. The tolerance affects how close a pixel needs to be to the b...

Q: How should ευαγγελιον κατα Μαθθαιον (“The Gospel according to Matthew”) be interpreted?

JessThe Gospel of Matthew has a title ευαγγελιον κατα Μαθθαιον (“The Gospel according to Matthew”). Martin Hengel, defends an early fixation of the Gospels’ manuscript titles in his book, The Four Gospels and the One Gospel of Jesus Christ. See also this article, by Simon Gathercole, who argues it wa...

Q: Kneewall Scuttle vault door won’t close

Valkyrie I recently moved into my first house and we’re in a bit of a pickle. The bedroom that our baby sleeps in has a metal door on the wall (too high to access w/o a ladder) and try as we might, we can’t get the door to close. Presumably a lot of our heating is pouring into this tiny scuttle attic spac...

Q: Why CentOS mirrors are HTTP and not HTTPS?

SydMKQuite a general question ... but this is something I couldn't get by head around as to why so thought I'd post to get more eyes on the matter. As far as I know HTTP is prone to man in the middle attacks. As such the repositories in Alpine or the Centos Mirrors are not HTTPS. Olden days having HTT...

Q: "Do as you wish but I warned you"

user626528Is there any idiom that means "do as you wish but I warned you and don't complain about consequences"?

Q: Calculate the area (in %) for polygon categories?

user_3264I have a polygon and values of polygon is divided into four categories (showed in four colors in picture). Is it possible to calculate the area covered by each category. Like my values range from 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20. How much total area is covered by 1st category and how much area covered by...

Q: Commutator of the Hamiltonian and crystal momentum

anonymous2506Equation (2.4) of this paper uses the identity $$\langle\frac{\partial n}{\partial q}| k\rangle (E_n-E_k)= \langle n| \frac{\partial H_q}{\partial q} |k\rangle \quad ,$$ where $E_i$ is the energy of the eigenstate $|i\rangle$ of the crystal Hamiltonian $H_{q}=e^{-ikr}He^{ikr}$ corresponding the c...

Q: What should `foo.template bar()` do when there's both a template and a non-template overload?

HolyBlackCatA coworker shared this code with me: run on gcc.godbolt.org #include <iostream> struct A { void foo() {std::cout << "1\n";} template <typename T = int> void foo() {std::cout << "2\n";} }; int main() { A x; x.template foo(); } GCC prints 1, Clang prints 2, and MSVC comp...

Q: Inversion with l'impératif

Taylor MitnickCoucou! I’m studying l’impératif and I’m a bit confused with regards to inversion. When we first learn how to ask a question we see that to formally ask you invert the subject and the verb (Parlez-vous Français ?) But I see that l’impératif also uses inversion for certain phrases. How do I know w...

Q: Basic extrude operations in a piece

KaixoI want to do some basic extrusion operations on a part with already defined dimensions. The first one is the extrusion of a 35mm square. I have tried to do it with "inset faces" but I can't set the dimensions I want. The second operation is very similar. In this case, a 30mm circle. In this cas...

Q: why does vpn forbid unrelated user logins on client machine?

uhClemNot looking for any solutions here, just explanation. I work remotely for a university in another state; they supply a proprietary VPN to connect to their network. I work on a ubuntu machine and for hygiene have set up a separate user account for the university work. I normally switch back and...

Q: "Lazy" cases with expl3?

keenOnTexProblem: i would like to have a command, which takes one mandatory and one optional argument. If the optional argument exist, select the corresponding case, otherwise return all case opportunities. Depending on the type of the #2 argument, it returns different fruits (#1). I do not know, how to s...

Q: Material Shader help

OwenI am trying to add a alternating black and white material to the face of the text. The text has to stay editable and can not be made a mesh. I would like it to alternate from back and white on each character randomly at first and slowly end up with all of them being white. I have used the wave te...

Q: What are the strategic ideas behind Bf4?

John Marsrnb2rk1/ppq2pbp/2pppnp1/8/2PPP3/2N2N1P/PP2BPP1/R1BQK2R w KQ - 0 9 1. Bf4 Nh5 2. Bh2 e5 In the game, I played Be3; but the engine seems to like the line above. Why is Bf4 better (in a strategic way) than Be3? I mean the Bishop will be sent off to h2, and black will gain one time to play e5 and d...

Q: Selecting larger inductors than necessary for cost optimization

flimsyI'm designing a board that I want to initially manufacture using JLCPCB for both the board fabrication and assembly. The pricing approach at JLCPCB separates available components into commonly used "basic" components, and less common components labeled "extended" which involve an extra fee to use...

Q: Mutually recursive lists

Wheat WizardLet's define a simple function \$f\$ which takes an integer and produces a list: \$ f(n) = [g(1),g(2),\dots,g(n)] \\ g(n) = [f(0),f(1),\dots,f(n-1)] \$ We can then calculate the first couple of values for \$f(n)\$: 0 -> [] 1 -> [[[]]] 2 -> [[[]],[[],[[[]]]]] 3 -> [[[]],[[],[[[]]]],[[],[[[]]],...

Q: Atmega2560 PWM on PH4

Mr.SpriggsI am trying to convert the following code to output to pin 7 (PH4, OC4B) on an Arduino Mega. The code outputs to pin 6. This code is from a GitHub for the GRBL on the Mega "https://github.com/fra589/grbl-Mega-5X" out of the cpu_map.h It is clear that PH6 and PH7 are on the same PORTH but I just d...

Q: definition of Tube as a Region

tadIn version 13, Tube is a recognized region. E.g., RegionQ[Tube[{{0, 0, -h}, {0, 0, h}}, r]] returns True. However, it's not clear what the precise definition of the region is. Comparing with a cylinder, suggests that a Tube region from a single line segment is the surface of a cylinder but with h...

Q: How do I tell if I'm in the 20 main chunks?

MillardThe 20 chunks around the origin of the world are always loaded, whether you are there or not. This makes them a great place to build farms. Is there a way to tell if you are in those 20 chunks or not? I'm fine with using the debug menu but I'd prefer to avoid having to count chunk borders or some...

Q: Endless global night

DevsmanHow does one design a world in our universe where it is always global night? There is no (visible) sun, but the climate permits STP, and there are 1 or more luminous, rocky moons providing some light. Perhaps the star exists, but is somehow not visible. Perhaps there is no star and the planet rec...

Q: Follow Path with Shrinkwrap Modifier

Dr. PontchartrainI'm trying to use a Follow Path Constraint on a Curve that is being Shrinkwrapped to a surface. When the Curve's Shrinkwrap Modifier is active, the object with the Follow Path Constraint is still following the unmodified curve as can be seen in these screenshots (it doesn't move when the modifier...

Q: 写日记 or 写日记本 ? Which is more colloquial?

KanturaWhich of the versions listed above is better to use. My understanding is that they are essentially the same but I'd like to hear from a native speaker how they feel about these two versions. Is there any subtle difference ? Let's say the complete sentence is: 我每天写日记(本)。 To 本 or not to 本 , that is...

Q: What was the name of a series about young adults or teenagers traveling away from earth after it's either been destroyed or infected with a virus

PatI remember watching a series (or maybe a movie) about young adults or teenagers traveling away from Earth to try and find another planet to colonize after Earth has either been destroyed or infected with a virus. It's from either the 90s or early 2000s. The majority of the series is on their ship...

Q: How to know if I am working fast enough to finish my PhD?

user152100I am a second-year math Ph.D. student without a Master's degree who likes taking math classes and loves TAing and tutoring but dislikes research. During the first semester of my second year, I spent about 3-4 hours a week on research while taking three classes and got very little done research-wi...

Q: Deriving the Probability That at Least One Person is COVID-19 Positive in A Group of Random People That Meet Together for Three Days

user1766490I work in the public sector. To clarify, this scenario is not being used to formulate public policy. I am trying to calculate the probability that at least one person is COVID-19 positive in a random group of 10 individuals that we need to assemble for three days. Based on current incidence rates...

Q: Isekai manga with time-travel involving a flip phone

danIn first episode is that he went to a 7eleven (but then in Japan) and suddenly disappeared into another world (with a flip phone) where magic is relevant. He gets in trouble, but a girl saves him who was also searching for a girl who stole something from her. He offers to help her and then they f...

Q: How does Cardano protect against DoS attacks against stake pools?

mwalI was reading about Algorand’s core technology, and in their section on delegated proof of stake, they argue that DoS attacks are a key weakness of this, and hence Cardano‘s, model. I was wondering what is Cardano‘s approach to address that challenge. A related question, also comparison to Algora...

Q: Mathematica edit list elements

Paweł ChmolewskiI wanted to delete pair with the same argument and leave the pair with the lowest value, for example we have list: data={{0.1, 1},{0.2, 15},{0.1, 7},{0.1, 11},{0.3, 27}}; And I want to get: data={{0.1, 1},{0.2, 15},{0.3, 27}};

Q: Why do Game Boy Colors not want "nickel-cadmium" batteries?

BacusThis is a page from the manual to Game Boy Color: There is no explanation as to why this is, or how this can be, but it claims that one must not use rechargeable "nickel-cadmium" batteries. Why is this? I don't know if any other kind of rechargeable batteries existed in 1998 when it was released...

Q: TMC2209 why are separate motor and logic voltages needed?

WscottWhy do motor drivers require separate motor voltage and logic voltage? I am looking to use a TM2209 stepper motor driver. Below is a schematic of how I intend to power it. I'll also be using a MCU, currently an Arduino but might switch to a 3.3V Teensy, connected to the controls pins shown. I've...

Q: Is there an English equivalent of the Scots usage of "boak" (meaning retch) as a noun?

DMcLaren"Boak" is a Scots word that means "retch" (or vomit), and like retch it can be used as a verb, i.e. "that makes me want to boak" means "that makes me want to retch", but it can also be used as a noun, as in the phrase "that gies (gives) me the boak", which means the same thing, effectively changi...

Q: Computing the set difference of tables of intervals

Rushabh MehtaI often run into the following problem. I have two tables of intervals StartTs EndTs 2015-01-03 2015-03-02 2015-03-05 2015-04-01 StartTs EndTs 2015-01-07 2015-02-27 2015-03-01 2015-03-13 2016-01-01 2016-01-02 And I want to find the set difference of the the two tables...

Q: How should we understand the connection between Ps 2 and Heb 1, ‘becoming heir’?

steveowen He said to me, ‘You are My son, today I have fathered you. 8‘Ask it of Me, and I will certainly give the nations as your inheritance, and the ends of the earth as your possession. Ps 2:8 But in these last days He has spoken to us by His son whom He appointed heir of all things Heb 1:2

Q: Meaning of "acute LSD"

Timotej LeginusI am currently reading this research paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/1395848, and I'm confused by this line: "Serotonin Receptor mRNA Levels Are Unchanged by Acute LSD". What is the exact meaning of this sentence? I could probably understand it as "immediate", that it doesn't pertain to lo...

Q: If colonization of the Solar System had to skip Mars, what other targets would humanity choose?

LeluBackground: It is approximately 100 years in the future. A base has been set up on the Moon and further settlement is ongoing (total population ~1000). The first interplanetary research base has recently been established on Mars, following the discovery of subsurface life by a previous expedition...

Q: Can you trademark a word in a dictionary?

SayamanCan you trademark a word in a dictionary? https://www.theverge.com/2013/7/31/4574878/microsoft-skydrive-name-change-bskyb Sky trademarked the word Sky, so I am wondering if words such as Tornado, Banner and Diesel could also be trademarked. Someone said to me. We can't, but Microsoft had to chang...

Q: Covid restrictions based on originating or connecting locations?

Spehro PefhanyIn the case of a flight originating in a place with one set of restrictions imposed by the destination country, but connecting on the same airline through a country with more restrictive rules, is there a general rule as to whether the more restrictive rules will be applied? I’m specifically inte...

Q: How can I use the MO diagram of Hydrogen Fluoride to demonstrate that the molecule is polar?

MaguireFan123 I am trying to explain that HF is a polar molecule using the MO diagram. Normally I say that the F atom has a higher electronegativity than the H atom, which causes a net positive dipole moment. However now I am trying to use the MO diagram. My rough guess is that because the H atom has one of i...

Q: How much time should be spent on an assessment? Applied to entry level job that has 10 hour assessment

PelgriminalI have been making a renewed effort to find permanent work with my computer science degree. I have been doing retail work to pay rent etc. but now am focusing on finding a position that I can advance with. I find constantly applying and not getting a response to be very discouraging. Recently I a...

Q: How do I add hair to these eyebrows?

noob97I've been struggling with this for hours. At first I tried just adding hair particles where the eyebrows should go on my character but that wasn't working so I made these eyebrow meshes. I don't want them to look like this (flat and thick) in the final render though. I want them to look like hair...

Q: Can every d-regular graph be decomposed into at most d+1 matchings?

user38762If so, how would you prove it? This arose in a circuit context: a paper I was reading considers applying a two-bit gate to every pair of vertices that share an edge in some arbitrary d-regular graph, and claims that the gates can be applied in at most d+1 layers. Hence, I am also curious whether ...

Q: Remove consistently dependent smaller integers

thejonymysterConsider this nested array [[1,2,4],[1,2,3],[2,3]] In each subarray in which 1 appears, a 2 appears. You might say that 1's presence is dependent on 2's presence. The converse is not true, as 2 appears in a subarray without 1. Additionally, 3 is dependent on 2, and 4 is dependent on 1 and 2. Task...

Q: How does one reconcile Jesus, as the anointed successor (a priest), with his post cross High Priestly role when reading Leviticus 16:32&33

Adam 32The priest who is anointed and ordained to succeed his father as the high priest shall make atonement. He will put on the sacred linen garments 33 and make atonement for the Most Holy Place, the Tent of Meeting, and the altar, and for the priests and all the people of the assembly. 34This is t...

Q: How to make a VM VirtualBox internet network the same on guest and host

LauraI was wondering if there is a way to make the internet network be recognized as the same as the host. Truth is I don't know the specifics, the only thing I know is that a program is not recognizing it as the same network. Here is what is happening: There is a software that is only available for ...

Q: Is "I will do yoga for good" ambiguous because of the phrase "for good"?

Tom"For Good" here is a noun and means 1-[noncount] : for morally good forces or influences Teachers can be a strong force for good. But, it also means 2-forever She's gone for good When I say "I will do yoga for good", it could mean "for morally good force" or "forever". But, normally people say "...

Q: Draw a line vertically above/below another through a given point

blukGiven the points A, B and P below, I would like to draw a line parallel to AB and passes through P (or just points towards P if P is not between A and B on the x-axis as in this example). In other words, it is to shift AB up/down so that the shifted line is collinear with P. Desired output (the ...

Q: Why does compiler optimization not show the loop in the generated assembly?

BKNIn order to understand compilers and in particular assembly language better, I have been experimenting with a trivial piece of code where the sum of the first N numbers is calculated, which should result in N(N+1)/2 or N(N-1)/2. As the code shows there are two functions: #include <cstdint> // O...

Q: Is Zorn's lemma applicable to this integration problem?

fwdPlease consider the following problem and my proposed solution. Suppose $(X,\mathcal{M},μ)$ is a measure space, and $\mathcal{F}$ is a family of non-negative integrable functions on $X$ with the following properties: (a) If $φ, ψ ∈F$, then $φ + ψ ∈ \mathcal{F}$. (b) If $φ, ψ ∈F$, then $\max\{φ,ψ\...

Q: About numbering in equation

some oneI would like to have the equation numbering arranged in the picture. However, I cannot add the \circ only for equation (1.5). Could anyone please help me? Thank you. \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage[version=4]{mhchem} \usepackage{chemfig} \usepackage{graphicx} \graphicspath{{c:/u...

Q: How to display a bold math symbol in a subsection-level header

Alucardi have a subsection named \subsection{$\Lambda$CDM} is there a way to show \Lambda as a bold symbol? I have tried with \bm{} \subsection{$\bm{\Lambda}$CDM} but I got errors and textbf doesn't seem to help

Q: Would there be any ways to theoretically have powered flight before the invention of an engine?

TheEmperorProtectsWould there be any ways to theoretically have powered flight before the invention of an engine? I am trying to design some way to power a plane before the invention of the engine. I need the plane to be fast enough that it can keep itself aloft, but I do not have access to engines (at least, none...

Q: How long would it take someone to master the topics in the book like Book of Proof by Hammack and similar

a aIf someone never had any experience with mathematical proofs and had only classes like Calc I-III(which he passed) without paying any attention to the proofs present in the Textbooks. How long would it take this person to master the Book of Proofs by Richard H. Hammack. Now a few clarifications: ...

Q: UC3843 PWM Duty Cycle Variation With Temperature

AnuradhaI'm trying to implement a constant current solenoid driver (it's more of a constant wattage pwm driver, current changes with supply voltage which is fine) using UC3843 PWM driver. I'm using the automotive variant of UC3843, NCV3843 which claims to be operational upto +125'C. Here is my schematic,...

Q: Looking for a book series about a brother and sister with magic powers, golden hook

Arshon bensonThere was a book series about a brother and sister. They had magic powers. Their parents ended up being like Gods there were a ton of gods in this series from all mythologies. They had famous weapons in the book series. The brother and sister started off in a bookshop and then a stranger came int...

Q: DNS record configuration for a website with the mail server hosted on different server, domain (FQDN) and IP

AbeI am running into a problem which is as follows: I have two domain names with different IPs; The first is EXAMPLE.COM to host my website. Say the IP for EXAMPLE.COM is The second domain is an FQDN to host my email, say that it is MAIL.EXAMPLE2.io. The DNS Console currently supports...

Q: Split curve with addplot3

AllyI currently have this 3D plot and I want to show the Fundamental Theorem of Line Integrals where one would just find the endpoints. Using surf, I was able to get the shape I want, but I want it to be red when doing down and blue when going up. I tried using black, but it creates a line that joins...

Q: How to remove the "Plain Axes" from glTF file?

gary yangI download a vegetable GlTF file from sketch fab. When I import this file. I try to organize every vegetable. It has a lot of layers at the outline? How can I remove every Plain Axes?

Q: Can I deduct driving expenses when I am driving for Uber?

BobA person is driving for Uber. He gets in his car and turns on the Uber app. After some time, he gets a rider. He then drives to pick up the rider. After that, he gets another rider. He repeats this for 8 hours. At the end of the 8 hours he drives home. It is my belief that all the driving he did...

Q: set the width of the column proportionally in tabularx{}

Seyma KalayI have a table below and want to set the width of the column based on the length of the text rather than setting it manually. Many thanks in advance. \begin{table} \centering \footnotesize %\setlength{\tabcolsep}{1pt} \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{RCCCC} %{\linewidth}{@{}p...

Q: Why pfgkeys don't redefine my command on default?

yegor256I'm doing this: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{pgfkeys} \pgfkeys{ /foo/.is family, /foo, a/.estore in = \bar, a/.default = bye, a } \newcommand\go[1]{ \pgfkeys{/foo, #1} \bar } \begin{document} \go{a=hello} \go{} \end{document} I expect the output to have hello and then bye, w...

Q: She's been banned from tennis for five years

Stephen She's been banned from tennis for five years. I think this sentence means she has received a decision which bans her from the tennis game. This ban lasts five years. Suppose it has been three years since the ban was given. Can I say She has been banned from tennis for three years. Probably no...

Q: Why does lift decrease and drag increase when approaching the stall condition?

Yury V. ZaytsevThis is an ECQB-PPL question specifically asking what happens before the stall. I do understand that after the critical angle has been reached, the airfoil is no longer generating lift (so obviously the lift decreases) and parasitic drag increases dramatically. However, it is not clear to me why ...

Q: Extrude horizontally

dora dora I couldn't find a way to extrude horizentally like the video i've tried it with e but it extrudes verically or they all go into the same way. https://youtu.be/8daiSGVfp9g 0:30

Q: Has anyone in the world reached the 2048th tile in 2048 3×3 game? Is it even possible?

Sage of Seven PathsI barely managed to reach 64 in the 3×3 board when it was game over. 4×4 is still doable, but 3×3 is pretty impossible to me.

Q: China's "Artificial sun"

George MenoutisSo I heard in the radio today about China's "Artificial sun". There is this hype about it having 5x the temperature of the core of the sun. It is, as I suspected, a fusion reactor. I admit I do not remember figures by heart, but I recall that in our fusion reactors we typically achieve more tempe...

Q: Which one to choose.... Interests vs Skills?

AnonymousI am supposed to choose between mathematics and biology for the next stage of my academic career, i.e. college at undergraduate level. This will broadly classify my local career options into engineering (if I pursue math) or medicine/related fields (if I pursue biology). This bifurcation is the p...

Q: What is the meaning of this short sentence by Queneau?

Tom Adair Voilà, monsieur, qu'il dit cet homme. (Le Cheval Troyen, 1948) 'There you are, sir, said this man.' But why the 'qu'il'?

Q: Maps for cycling routes in Scotland and Yorkshire

L.DutchI am starting to plan my next cycling vacation, with finger crossed that it can really take place. My intention is to cycle in Yorkshire and Scotland. When using Google Map, cycling option, how much can I trust the suggested routes for those areas? Later I will purchase a proper map, but for the ...

Q: How to count the number of unique words (lemmas) in a Russian text?

IsaHere's the problem: I have a large deck of Anki flashcards which I memorize. I would like to know how many unique Russian words (lemmas) I have in my entire collection. What I need is some kind of lemmatizer or word counter or morphological dictionary that can tell me which words are different, a...

Q: How can I sort the eigenvalues of a matrix when passing to Plot3D?

valar morghulisthese eigenvalues should be separated when sorted in the correct way but it is not the case when passing to Plot3D Plot3D[Evaluate[Sort[Eigenvalues[{{2 Sin[\[Pi]/6-y],-1,-E^(3 I x)},{-1,2 Sin[\[Pi]/6+y],-1},{-E^(-3 I x),-1,-2 Cos[y]}}]]],{x,-\[Pi]/3,\[Pi]/3},{y,-\[Pi],\[Pi]},BoxRatios->{1,1,1},Mesh-

Q: Does the spring constant change if a spring is cut?

Huzaifa AbedeenI wanted to cut springs to lower my car. I would like to know if the spring constant is affected.

Q: Should I switch out my breaker to the correct (larger) size for the circuit

levinedsFor reasons irrelevant to my question, I’ve been looking at the 100A subpanel in my house and noticed that my electric oven (which the manufacturer says needs 40A circuit) is on a 30A breaker. After briefly panicking that my oven was on an undersized circuit, I popped the panel cover off and meas...

Q: Plastic shed base - How to level soil?

physicsboyI am going to get a new shed but first I need the base. I have purchased a plastic grid base system, I have measured out the area and have cleared the turf on top. Now, I am coming a bit stuck on the best way to ensure that the ground is level before I start constructing. I have heard of laying g...

Q: Locus of point with constant angle

Juan Manuel Prada It's been a few years since I dealt with Euclidean Geometry and I now fell onto this problem: We are given the square $ABCD$, and point $F$ on $AB$. We construct a right angle $FEH$ for which $EH = EF$. We are looking for the locus of point $H$, as $F$ moves between $A$ and $B$. I did it with Ge...

Q: Is this a legal play in Scrabble?

xemulasMy friend played the A and the X underneath the word REARMICE and i was confused as i didnt believe it was legal to play words alongside other words. he also stated that he recieved points for “ax” twice, and “ea” once, and since the x was on a triple letter he tripled its points, and then triple...

Q: Were High priests allowed to marry more than a wife by law

ken4wardI’m reading Leviticus 21:7-9, 13, 14 that define the rules of marriage for the Priest and High Priest. It’s pertinent that the high priest must only marry a virgin from his clan: My questions are these? If none of the children of the presiding High priest donor met this criteria how would they d...

Q: Upgrading Debian Linux to a specific patch level

bobahI have a few dozens of Debian boxes which I want to keep up to date in a deterministic fashion, and also follow the Engineering => Pre-Prod => Prod routine with a deterministic staging process. Ideal world for me would be to have some sort of 'patch level ID' at hand, like 2022-01-10.e28de15cc1 a...

Q: How to make an animation in which an image plane appears with a clockwise motion, like a pie chart

MSDMMMI want to make an image plane appear with the following animation: image plane is invisible a pie slice of the plane becomes visible The pie slice increases so as to reveal more and more of the image plane in a clockwise (or anticlockwise) motion image plane is completely visible Trying to come...

Q: Is it possible to combine prayers even if not travelling?

Code-GThe Quran says: "...When you are secure, offer the prayer duly, because the prayer has been prescribed to the believers as linked to particular times." (An-Nisa 4:103) And the times are defined also: “Offer the prayer from the decline (westwards shift) of the sun till (the beginning of) the chill...

Q: Can the set of all sigma-algebras over an arbitrary set be uncountable?

Epsilon AwayIn my reading material, in the proof for the claim that Let $\mathcal{L} \in \mathcal{P}(\Omega)$ be a collection of subsets of $\Omega$. Then the smallest $\sigma$-algebra on $\Omega$ which contains $\mathcal{L}$ exists and is unique the existence step is performed by first considering the int...

Q: Understanding weakly dense.

JustANoobLet $c_0 = \{x \in l^\infty \ | \ x_i \ \to 0 \}$. Show that $c_0$ is not weakly dense in $l^\infty$. This means that the closure of $c_0$ w.r.t the weak topology is not $l^\infty$, right? Does that mean that $\exists x\in l^\infty$ such that $\not\exists (x_1, x_2, ....), x_i \in c_0: x_i \to^w ...

Q: How to display right brace correctly?

Polda18I've got this document class and these math libraries: \documentclass[12pt,twoside,a4paper]{book} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{cancel} I'm trying to make something like this: This is the code I am using right now: \[ \left. \begin{aligned} f(x) &= x - 1; \...

Q: Simple Singly-Linked List class

xxnoflzDecided to write something simple and came up with idea to write simple single linked list in C++ to improve my knowledge about pointers and memory management in C++, and wrote this: #include <iostream> void pause() { std::cout << '\n' << "Press <Enter> to continue..."; std::cin.clear();...

Q: Which finite dimensional Banach spaces can be represented isometrically as spaces of bounded operators on a finite dimensional Hilbert space?

Orr ShalitBackground: It is known that every Banach space $X$ can be embedded isometrically as a subspace in the space $C(K)$ of continuous functions on a compact Hausdorff space $K$. Indeed, one can take $K$ equal to the closed unit ball in the dual $X^*$, and embed $X$ in $C((X^*)_1)$ using the duality m...

Q: What happens to your credit score on prolonged absences from the US?

VectorizerWhat happens to your personal credit score when you live overseas for over a decade while only maintaining a checking account and a credit card(used only on the short trips back to US), but no paycheck being deposited into the checking account, no new credit card applications, no rent or mortgag...

Q: Cannot upload images using CKEditor on message template after 5.45 upgrade

TapashIt was all working fine prior to upgrade. Now I am stuck and cannot upload images using message template CK Editor. Keep receiving this message when dragging picture on the window and getting an error message when using upload function. All other uploading throughout civicrm seems to works fine. ...

Q: Why does light from 180M years cosmic time take 13.6B years to reach us?

RomIf all goes well, JWST will allow us to witness events that occurred roughly 180 million years cosmic time (after big bang). Apparently this light arrives 13.6 billion years after it was emitted. In my naivety I would expect the universe at that time to be roughly 180 million light years in radiu...

Q: "just" in present perfect continuous

StephenWhen someone says these following sentences without the word "just", I think we don't know for sure whether the action is still ongoing or has just stopped. But when they add the word "just", do they clearly mean the action has just stopped or finished? It's just been raining for two hours. I'...

Q: Is there a simple way to expand the following Product Sum?

Axoren$$ F(n) = \prod_{i = 1}^{n} \sum_{j = 1}^{i} v_j $$ $$ v_k \in \mathbb R $$ I would like to convert this from a Product-Sum to just a Sum of the following form: $$ F(n) = \sum_{i=1}^{C_n} g(i) $$ Unfortunately, the $v$'s do not have any additional structure to them and are empirically discovered ...

Q: What is "length" of a string in Bourne shell compatibles' `${#string}`?

Marcus MüllerArising from this discussion: When I have (zsh 5.8, bash 5.1.0) var="ASCII" echo "${var} has the length ${#var}, and is $(printf "%s" "$var"| wc -c) bytes long" the answer is simple: these are 5 characters, occupying five bytes. Now, var=Müller yields Müller has the length 6, and is 7 bytes long...

Q: Can I shorten this Python code for simulating a car driving around

chnmasta05I am trying to write a solution to the following problem using as few characters as possible (to meme my friend and introduce him to golfing). Can any improvements be done to my code? So the problem requires us to write a function called navigate in Python 3.6 (language of the judge, sorry, no wa...

Q: Noisy lines in all scenes for Landsat 7?

user3496060I'm seeing patterned lines in all Landsat 7 images that clearly are image artifacts. There are lines that jet in from the edges (the center looks better) Does anyone know what it is and if there are certain processing levels that they are absent from? This is the original resolution scene link:...

Q: Save excursion not working for dired-find-file-other-window

TianI wrote this function to basically bring my cursor back to the dired buffer, after opening the file in another window. This is so that I can scroll down the buffer, pressing o to keep previewing the files in the directory. However, after the function is called, my cursor just stays at the other ...

Q: When a car with an open differential turns, why does the inner wheel slow down and the outer wheel speed up?

ReeseI asked this in the physics stack but hopefully will get more interest here. So I understand that when driving on a curved path, the inner wheel must travel a shorter distance than the outer wheel. But why? As the car begins to turn, both wheels want to continue rolling at the current speed in li...

Q: If we allow zero fee transactions within new policy rules for package relay why not also allow zero satoshi outputs?

Michael FolksonIn the proposed package relay the requirement that a transaction must meet the minimum relay fee rate is relaxed (the fee rate can be zero by the new policy rules) as long as the package in its entirety meets the minimum relay fee rate. What is the argument for not allowing zero satoshi outputs t...

Q: Power saving configuration of unconnected pins

maxschlepzigBy default, all Arduino (ATmega328P) pins are configured for input without the internal pull-up enabled. This default seems to come from the AVR microcontroller itself. When it comes to saving power - is this an optimal configuration for unused (and thus unconnected) pins? Section 14.2.6 Unconnec...

Q: Why do I need the root password when mounting an internal drive in Linux?

NewLinuxWhat is this restriction for in terms of safety? And when connecting external drives via USB, the root password is not required. I can't understand the logic. I use the following rule in the fstab to connect the internal drive at runtime: LABEL=disk /media/user/disk ext4 rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,di...

Q: I'm very tired because I travelled for several hours this morning

StephenAccording to another thread, sentences 1, 3, and 4 are correct. But sentence 2 doesn't sound idiomatic. Would you please explain the reason? In the afternoon, I said, I'm very tired because I was travelling for several hours this morning. I'm very tired because I travelled for several hours thi...

Q: C++ Vector3d class

Oliver SchönrockAs part of a physics simulation written in C++ using SFML I needed a vector3d class. Here is my implementation: #include <cmath> #include <ostream> template <typename T> class vector3d { public: T x{}; T y{}; T z{}; T norm() { return std::hypot(x, y, z); } vector3d<T> unit() { retur...

Q: Why there isn't any law resulting from the Algorithmic Accountability Act of 2019?

brikasIt was stated that no later than 2 years, law must be created according to this bill. I can't find the law anywhere. Talking about this bill: H.R.2231 - Algorithmic Accountability Act of 2019

Q: Get full path as reference name

misanthropI would like to have the full path of a reference, when I reference a label. Basic example: \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{book} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{xpatch} \usepackage{enumitem} \usepackage{titlesec} \usepackage[hi...

Q: Explanation of Durrett example 5.2.13

TiramisuI am referring to Durrett's " Probability Theory and Examples". I am not including everything that's in the example as given in the book but only the relevant part for which I need explanation Example 5.2.13: Consider a simple symmetric random walk $S_n = S_{n-1}+\zeta_n$, where $\zeta_n$ takes v...

Q: Evidence that epistemological anarchism by Feyerabend is wrong

RubusFeyerabend was critical of the scientific method and claimed in his book "Against method" that "anything goes". If I understood correctly he meant that there is no single scientific method,but he does not specify common components of every scientific method either,thus concluding that "anything goes

Q: How many fingers do the inhabitants of this planet have?

WrzlprmftActual Puzzle After crash-landing your spaceship on an uncharted planet, you run across the following drawing: $\begin{matrix} ⊙ & × & × & ⊓ & ⊓ & ⊙ & & \\ ⊙ & ∿ & × & ⊓ & × & ⊳ & & \\\hline ∿ & ⊓ & ⊓ & ⊳ & ⊙ & × & × & \\ \end{matrix}$ How many fingers do the inhabitants of the planet have? S...

Q: How can I execute AutoHotKey in a game

MyDaftQuestionsMy laptop is plugged into my TV screen, and only uses the TV screen (so despite having the potential of 2 screens, I only use 1). An issue I have is, the mouse often gets lost outside the TV boundaries (I'm guessing Windows 10 still feels there are 2 monitors and despite not in use, still feels t...

Q: Expected Value and Indicator Random Variable

stats_geekIn this ques P(1st person selects his own hat) = 1/N, but then the next person selects his own hat, he is picking from the pool of 'N - 1' hats. Why do we treat P{Xi = 1} = 1\N for all i? Shouldn't it be only for i = 1? Or is there an inherent assumption that one person picks a hat, notes whether...

Q: Should I follow up with this professor?

AvengerI emailed a Prof. in Germany my CV and my research interests and that I want to discuss PhD research opportunities with him. His reply was the following: Thank you very much for your message and your interest. I do not know yet whether or nor I will have the capacity to take on new students in t...

Q: Match map's borders to graticule in QGIS

David MartinsI'm using QGIS v.3.22.0. I've been going crazy trying to adjust a map size to match a graticule in the Print Layout. I don't want to have any squares cut in the middle. I don't want to adjust the grid to match the map size obviously, because that would change the interval I want to use in the gri...

Q: Finding the majority element in an array

snr A list is said to have a “majority element” if more than half of its entries are identical. In this classical problem the goal consists of determining whether a list a of length n has a majority element, and, if so, to find that element. A tuple the final method returns, which contains a) Wheth...

Q: Verifying a prediction of the future

svmI'm trying to find an algorithm to prove that someone knows some short secret message (for example some prediction of the future) before finally revealing it. For example: Alice knows what temperature will be outside tomorrow, she wants to prove to Bob that she had it without revealing the number...

Q: Why is my house energy efficient only in winter?

Fijoy VadakkumpadanMy electric utility company sent me a graph of my home's electricity usage over time as shown in the picture below. My home beats what the company considers as efficient homes in the neighborhood when the average temperature is below ~50F. As the temperature increases above ~50F my home becomes i...

Q: Finding the index of certain strings in a list

BBirdsellI'm actually using a dataset of much greater dimensions and length but I simplified my problem of string patterns in order to ask this question. dates = {"2018-01-01 22:00:00", "2018-01-01 22:30:00", "2018-01-01 23:00:00", "2018-01-01 23:30:00", "2018-01-02 00:00:00", "2018-01-02 00:30:00", "20...

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