I'm conducting research on solar system dynamics, and found a list of asteroids in retrograde orbits, but none about the ones orbiting perpendicular to the ecliptic plane. Are there any detailed lists about such bodies, and where can I find them?
I only have the gerber files - am I able to open them in Altium, and somehow generate a .pcbdoc file that I can work with (route signal, pour copper planes, place components, etc.)?
I've recenlty been greeted by CS8603 - Possible null reference return, which indicates that my code could possibly return null. It's a simple function that looks up an entity in a database by id - if it exists, it returns the entity. If not, it returns null.
public TEntity Get(Guid id)
// R...
Consider a non-empty binary matrix M and a natural number n. For the purposes of this challenge, M is said to have blockiness n if it can be built using adjacent square blocks of size n, where each block has equal entries; and it cannot be formed using square blocks of any larger size. Intuitivel...
relatively new to philosophy.
This question is based on John Searle's Chinese Room Argument.
I find it odd that his main argument for why programs could not think was that because programs could only follow syntax rules but could not associate any understanding or semantics to words( or any objec...
The Bugbear has a trait called Long-Limbed that states:
When you make a melee attack on your turn, your reach for it is 5 feet greater than normal.
The Way of the Astral Self monk has a feature called Arms of the Astral Self that gives the monk many benefits, but the ones I want to focus on are...
I am getting weird results trying to model a small 433 MHz helix antenna similar to this one with 4nec2:
In particular I am not able to obtain a resonable SWR value.
This is the antenna an example of the nec file.
SY L=0.0205 'Length of helix
SY S=0.001 'Pitch
SY R=0.0003 'Wire radius
SY N=(...
I am trying to compile a C GUI application using GTK4. I was previously told here that both Ubuntu 21.04 and 21.10 would have both GTK3 and GTK4. However, when I installed Ubuntu 21.04 only GTK3 was present. I then did a dist-upgrade to 21.10 and found that both versions of GTK are native:
I'd like to have a Futoshiki puzzle in a document. It is a game similar to Sudoku, with the added information that there are signs between some adjacent cells that indicate which should contain a greater number.
A Futoshiki puzzle is a simple square grid with a few numbers in it (all cells will c...
I wrote the following code to read out a bill from a file and then putting it into a bills-list.
The bill contains: "company", "customer", Year, Month, Day, Amount, "credit/debit"
Is there a nicer way using list comprehension to make this code look better?
def read_bills(file = "bills.csv"):
If the word "Commandments" (plural) was actually meant to be written in [Deuteronomy 7:11], why does the [MT] show the singular word מִּצְוָה versus the [LXX] plural word ἐντολὰς?
[MT, Deuteronomy 7:11]
"You shall therefore, observe the-commandment(s), the statutes, and the ordinances, which I co...
I am trying to fit supernova data into a scipy.curve_fit function. However, when my code runs, the values of the unknown variables given by popt are exactly the same as the initial guesses. The code does not give the correct values for the unknown variables $K_1$, $K_2$, $\beta$ and $\delta$. The...
I have been working in cybersecurity division at my employer for about 8 years and I'm the technical lead / team lead. I have 5 direct reports, with my manager having 9, including me. Our team is a subset of the larger cybersecurity division with about 50 people.
Since I was promoted to team lead...
I recently updated my python release from 3.8 to 3.10, using
sudo update-alternatives --config python3, but this seems to have caused a problem with apt somewhere. Whenever I try to run sudo apt-get update it works as expected, but when I then try to run sudo apt-get upgrade I run into the follow...
While I was checking my disk space today with df -h I noticed all these /dev/loopXX partitions which I don't know what they really are.
What are them? Should I keep it?
Thank you.
Everyone receiving the COVID vaccines is asked to wait for 15 minutes in case they have a bad reaction to the shot. Given that we've now had hundreds of millions of Pfizer vaccine shots injected around the world, is there any data showing how many of those people end up needing medical attention ...
I have read what it says in this post but it's old and I would like to hear other opinions. It's interesting that I have found this meaning on Weblio:(esp. as 持ってる) to have "it"; to have that special something; to be blessed with good luck.
When I explain words to my friends who don't know Japane...
For a homebrew project, I am creating a class that has an extremely small and focused spell list, and members of this class just know all their spells (assuming they have enough levels in the class). Does this wording work for that?
Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher
Your spell list is extreme...
I have a SharePoint online list that will be populated with data from a Form (MS Forms) via Power Automate. I have some choice (single select, multi-select and yes/no) fields in the form, but before I build my list and import Flows I want to make sure I'm not getting myself into a dead end.
For e...
Let $[n]_q=\frac{1-q^n}{1-q}$ with $[0]_q=0$. Recall the $q$-factorials $[n]_q!=[1]_q[2]_q\cdots[n]_q$ (with $[0]_q!=1$) and the $q$-binomials
Now, consider the polynomials
Examples. $W_1(q)=q^2+...
When teaching my first discrete math class recently, I found a subset of about 10% of my students who I struggled to reach. If these students simply struggled with the material this would be one thing, but they ended up disruptive to the rest of the classroom environment, so I would like suggesti...
An exercise asked us to prove that Lipschitz-continuity implies uniform continuity. I did it by picking $\delta = \frac{\varepsilon}{L}$ for $L > 0$ and $\delta = \varepsilon$ for $L=0$. The sample solution for the series has almost same result. Here is the solution in German, exercise 1.
I compa...
Found this device outside an elementary school, trying to identify and return to owner.
When it is plugged into a Mac (because I'm straight crazy) it prompts a new unknown keyboard dialogue.
Item is plastic, blue in color, and roughly key-shaped. The narrow end of it is a small USB dongle that ha...
I want to use the new Mic Mode to block background noise, but the option is greyed out when using Zoom.
How can I use this new feature with 3rd party apps?
On a Technics 1210 Mk2 turntable there is +/- 8% pitch control.
Let’s say I have a track in Camelot key 11A at 130bpm. If I was to move the pitch from 0 to +1, how does this affect the change in key? Does this transpose up to 12A?
I was having a friendly discussion with a Jewish person about the Scriptures. He took issue with some of the verses in the book of Hebrews, chiefly this verse (bracketed inclusions and italics my own):
...but He [[that is, Christ]], having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time, sᴀᴛ ᴅᴏᴡɴ ᴀᴛ...
In comments on this answer User Suprcat wrote (in part)
I think a big problem is that Marbury v. Madison has been applied in a way that ignores a major caveat: a court's job is to say what the law is, which means that if the court is properly doing its job what the Court says and what the law is...
I am creating a salesforce unlocked package that I want to get out on the app exchange. The package is for a company that wants to insert and update records with product usage data.
They want to send data into salesforce to see how Accounts and Contacts are using their specific product.
Account P...
I'm trying to write a scene in which a supervolcanic eruption destroys the ISS by blasting a shower of tephra to the ISS's orbital height.
The ISS is about 400 kilometers up. Let's assume the supervolcano is right under where its path will be, and that, by the time the ISS is over the supervolcan...
As many of you may know, Luke Skywalker has long, wavy golden blond hair(just like me). But as others of you may know, his parents, Padme and Anakin, both had darker brown hair. So how did Luke get his luscious locks? Did Anakin cheat on Padme? Did someone mix the real Luke with a blond boy on th...
I want to calculate the Hawking temperature of the metric
$$\mathrm ds^{2}=-\left(1-\frac{r^{2}}{l^{2}}\right)\mathrm dt^{2}\ +\frac{\mathrm dr^{2}}{\left(1-\frac{r^{2}}{l^{2}}\right)}+\ r^{2}\mathrm dx^{2}.$$
Since the metric is diagonal, I guess the Hawking formula for the temperature of this m...
I am trying to prove mathematically that the update step in a Kalman filter can not result in a increase in uncertainty. I found the following proof which is based on the inversion lemma and the concept of positive semidefiniteness, but I can't grasp why the matrix product in the end is positive ...
I noticed that the principal forms of verbs always only include the neuter participle form, e.g.
vocare - voco, vocavi, vocatum
Is there a reason I've never seen the following?
vocare - voco, vocavi, vocatus
Thanks for your answers.
I know f(x) = x^2 is continuous because it is defined in every point. My question is related to an idea I had. I am curious if formal mathematics has approached this same concept in a formal way. My idea is as follows
If we evaluate f(x)=x^2 from x=1 to x=2, then the domain is [1<x<2] and the ra...
I produced the following time series ListLinePlot:
using the following Code (thanks to many of the contributors in this forum)
q1 = {{2.0779957`*^7, 2.1606992`*^7, 2.2600774`*^7, 2.3680871`*^7,
2.4726689`*^7, 2.5654274`*^7, 2.6433058`*^7, 2.7100542`*^7,
2.7722281`*^7, 2.8394806`*^7, 2....
I am creating a Google My Business (GMB) Profile and listing my language immersion school on various listings to build my Local SEO with NAPs. At first glance, my name doesn't imply anything about the business. Is it a good idea to be more specific when creating your name for GMB? Should I change...
Nasa is making plans to de-orbit the ISS safely over the pacific ocean, this eventually leads to the question of whether or not an ISS module can survive reentry (survive meaning it is recognizable upon being retreived)
On some computer games it is common to have a setting that disables friendly fire, it does not prevent shooting but it the bullets don't harm friend players.
In real life would it be possible to make a weapon (today or near future) that will never shoot someone from your own group?
Some sort of f...
I know that it is both acceptable between the use of is and was to express 'something is done in the past'. For example, both sentences are fine.
This play is written by her.
This play was written by her.
However, I wonder if it is still possible to use present tense even if I use an adverb t...
I'm applying for a UK Visit Visa. I've been reading online here and have read a lot about fund parking.
When I looked at my 6 months bank statement, I realized that I have a big deposit that's around more than 3x my monthly income. But, that deposit came from my other bank account.
Would they sti...
Yes, I know there is a similar question, but this one specifically concerns any possible words, even with letters left over, while the linked one restricts to a permutation of the input
Have you ever had those moments in a Scrabble game where you're staring at your letters, trying to ...
I proposed a project about twistor formulations in noncummutative geometry for alternative theories of gravity to a professor to apply for a PhD program in physics in 2019, and though the professor didn't have any publication concerning the theories and techniques in my proposed project, he signe...
Let $M$ be a compact smooth manifold without boundary. Let $T>0$ and let $g$ be a smooth Riemannian metric on $M$. Given any $f \in L^2(M)$ let $u$ be the unique solution to the equation
$$\partial_t u -\Delta_gu=0 \quad \text{on $(0,T)\times M$},$$
subject to initial data $f$ at times $t=0$. Let...
How was the Philosopher's Stone destroyed? Was it ever stated in the first book how the Stone was destroyed? Was the Stone destroyed when Harry dropped it?
I'm trying to describe an 'open' padlock hanging from a latch.
['open', so a character can lock someone else in the following paragraph]
Is 'open' the right term?
I've also seen 'unsecured', 'unlocked', and 'free', but I'm not sure which term is of common use in American English.
Here's my schematic. A current source is driving a resistive sensor. The sine wave is to mimic the behavior of the current real supply and doesn't play a role in the distortion. It's approximately constant.
The distortion goes away if I disconnect the signal from the in-amp input, so it must hav...
I've been playing around with octatonic and enneatonic (sp?) scales of 8 and 9 discrete notes (not including the octave, of course). For the modes, this leaves one or two missing terms for the 8th and 9th modes. But for all my Googling, I can't divine the origin of the Greek terms for the first s...
I wanted to highlight part of my sequence. The problem is that \fcolorbox shifts the text so that the sequences are no longer aligned.
% \capti...
Is there a way to do a search and replace where it searches for if a line contains 4 pipes ( | ) anywhere in the line it will delete it?
I'm working with a big csv file and some lines have 4 pipes and some have 3 pipes. I want to separate out all the ones with 4 pipes in them into a separate file.
Zephaniah 1:8
On the day of the LORD’s sacrifice I will punish the officials, the king’s sons, and all who are dressed in foreign clothing.
What is wrong with foreign clothing?
Mare et ventī nēminī oboediunt nisi Neptūnō. Ille cūrāvit ut nōs ē tempestāte servārēmur nēve mergerēmur — vel potius nōs ipsī quī mercēs ējēcimus.
It's a sentence out of Chap.28 of Lingua Latina per se Illustrata.
It's the first time that potius has ever occured in this book but without any hi...
According to what I have read, stars are formed due to the accumulation of gas and dust, which collapses due to gravity and starts to form stars. But then, if space is a vacuum, then what is that gas that gets accumulated?
Since graphene material is the strongest manmade material, with "magical" properties, I wonder if it could be considered for use as a heat shield, since its melting point is 3000 to 5000 K stacked at 10 layers thick, which is higher than reentry temperatures.
Almost all the fruits are acidic in nature, but why? At least, fruits like apples should be neutral right? But although apple is sweet, it is acidic. Why?
Velocity is a vector quantity. Then why do most of the people never use direction? Most of them usually say that 'a car is moving at a velocity of 10 m/s'. But that doesn't indicate direction. Then, is that right?
Is Kamala Harris' approval rating "the lowest of any vice president"? I was watching this Fox News video and I am not sure if it's accurate or not.
28% approval rating as of Nov 8, 2021
Harris hit an historic low approval rating of 28%, even lower than Dick Cheney's all-time worst.
In the 1956 the fate of the Eastern Block was pretty uncertain: Khrushchev Thaw was causing the satellite countries to rethink their place in the world, as destalinization was bringing the promise of increased freedom. Both in Poland and Hungary, that led to mass protests against the ruling Party...
I'm working on my 2d game engine using HTML5 and Canvas. I have a sprite sheet, and each frame of this sprite sheet has its own size.
Considering that the Viewport is following this sprite sheet (in the sense that it is translated relative to the position and dimension of this spritesheet), the c...
I would like to use Nodal Analysis to find the power absorbed by 2 Ω resistor, V1, V2, and V3. For V3, it clearly shows that it is -24V. I would like to ask is V1 the same as Vy, or they are different values?
I've read that an object colliding with a black hole will move it, as it would any other object. Could a laser continuously fired into a black hole move it?
I'm trying to find out if the item gifted to me is authentic and if it is by any chance rare so I can display it well to showcase it. I'm not sure if I have a Lego piece indeed.
I've been watching N. T. Wright's series The New Testament in Its World and, in a certain moment, Michael F. Bird brings up the concept "hermeneutic of love".
Quoting from Wright, N. T., and Michael F. Bird. 2019. The New Testament in Its World: An Introduction to the History, Literature, and The...
Later editions of C.S. Lewis 'The Magician's Nephew' have been edited, presumably to reflect modern usage.
Polly went down and had her bathe; at least she said that was what
she'd been doing, but we know she was not much of a swimmer and
perhaps it is best not to ask too many questions. (pre-201...
I'm helping my mother with a project she wishes to complete as part of her job as a kindergarten teacher. She wishes to create a $2D$ annulus (doughnut) and fill it with $48$ Circles as part of a practical activity with her students. Each of radius $35$mm. There will ideally be $2$ layers of circ...
Recently I've started to learn the C programming language. This is my first program which finds zero places of quadratic formulas. Doesn't parse, just gets the descriminents, counts delta and x1, x2.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
void set_number_from_stdin(int *num, ch...
I'm taking a look at the chapter on sprites from a NES programming guide at famicom.party. There is a little table which describes what the different sprite attribute flags do;
7 Flips sprite vertically (if "1")
6 Flips sprite horizontally (if "1")
5 Sprite priority (behind background if "
What part of the photons emitted from a star are from black body radiation and what part originate from fusion reactions?
To my understanding these are the two sources of luminosity for a star, so I'm just wondering which phenomena accounts for the majority of photons that come from a star.
When I use Mac, I tend to have to open a stack of applications at once, specifically:
Unity Hub
Visual Studio
Visual Studio Code
So I was thinking about adding an icon on the dock or on the desktop to start all these applications with a single click. Is t...
I try to merge two different layers but they don't have the same geometry, as i said one layer is Point and the other Line.
Is it possible to merging them in one layer?
Im very confused as to if these mean the same thing or are completely different. By a^+ I mean when there is a letter a with a + written as if it is a power
I want to use XGB regression. the dataframe is coneptually similar to this table:
index feature 1 feature 2 feature 3 encoded_1 encoded_2 encoded_3 y
0 0.213 0.542 0.125 0 0 1 0.432
1 0.495 0.114 0.234 1 ...
I am making a lightning web component where its content is dynamic based on in which record page it is mounted to, example: if this component is added to contact record, it will display contacts, if it is added to Account record it should display Account.
Any idea how to detect in which record pa...
Calaquendi are the group of elves in Tolkien’s Legendarium that beheld the light of the two trees in Valinor. It consists of the Vanyar, Noldor, Falmari, and Thingol out of all Umanyar.
Can the status of Calaquendi be passed down through blood? Are all elves born after the year of the trees Moriq...
Give that VP rating in the public eye seems to track pretty closely that of president, e.g.
Are there cases when the VP was consistently rated higher than the president for a substantial amounts of time?
Provide the following examples, assuming that $(X, d)$ is infinite.
A sequence without cluster points.
A sequence that has exactly 5 cluster points.
A sequence $(x_n)_n$ such that every $x \in X$ is a cluster point of $(x_n)_n$.
I have to do these exercises for my math class.
I thought that in ...
Unseeded with marsh flower is he
This youth approaching sanctity.
Complexion bad, in lard rolls he.
"Permit me", that was what I said
In answer as I chopped his head.
The answer is a single English word.
After a password leak, is there a Levenshtein distance from which one a newly derivated password can be considered safe?
I assume yes, given that if e.g. the word was "password", and the new one is "drowssap", the distance is 8 and we have a "new" (in this case very lazy change that is surely not...
I couldnt find the correct crankset... so i was wondering if you could use a crankset (Tiagra) with a (105) front derailleur? If not can you use two differnt shifters on one cockpit/handlebar and if its worth it?
I am studying finalist algorithms of NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization. I noticed that almost all third party cryptanalysis papers consist of side-channel attacks. Why are classical cryptanalysis methods -algebraic, mathematical attacks etc.- more effective on classical algorithms th...
I have a large JSON file in which I want to replace one string with another. It should not, but it might happen that this string would be used in a context where I do not want to replace it.
I know how many times it is in the file in the right context so I would like to also print how many occurr...
I would like to receive a notification when I plan a future action in Civicase ? For exemple, if I plan to call a prospect next monday, is it possible to have at 9 am an alert on the following monday telling me that I have to do this specific call ? It is possible ? It is possible to receive the ...
I'm trying to get the exit code of the function that I'm repeatedly calling in the "condition" part of a Bash while loop:
while <function>; do
When this loop terminates due to an error, I need the exit code of <function>. Any thoughts on how I can get that?
Why should one carry bulky device to attract a sandworm?
It is much easier to carry several (very compact and very basic, simple) shield generators.
Set one and wait for the sandworm.
It is noted in Children of Dune (197...
It was mentioned in a lecture on Faltings’s proof of Mordell Conjecture that there’s some kind of correspondence between Galois representation (of cohomology, or some complex of constructible sheaves?) , but it hadn’t been explained explicitly. Also, I’m studying étale cohomology and Weil conject...
When I looking in a vtable structure in IDA pro, I know that ___cxa_pure_virtual means that the function is virtual.
But what does nullsub_XXX mean in a vtable structure?
The wrist looks not smooth enough. so I trying to smooth it with verticle smooth.but it turns to more unsmooth after verticle smoothing
And I also tried with sculpt smooth tool but I still not get the result as I expect
how can I do make the waist smooth ?
blender file:https://drive.google.co...
In all datasheets up until now I have only seen MISO and MOSI in use as SPI data line identifiers. However the datasheet of an automotive microcontroller refers to these lines as SPI_TXD and SPI_RXD.
I'd assume that this is just a different naming convention and the following is true:
Q. The number of three element sets of positive distinct integers {a, b, c} such that the product abc = 15015 is ?
My approach:-
15015 = 1 * 3 * 5 * 7 * 11 * 13
Now I thought of this problem as 6 distinct balls (1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13) to be distributed in 3 distinct boxes (a, b, c), such that each b...
I am refreshing my C++ programming skills, and I'm currently reading the book C++ 17 by Ivor Horton. The idea is to code some naive implementations of numerical algorithms (Root finding, solving a system of linear equations). To hone my skills, I decided to write a custom C++ Matrix class. This c...
I have the following code
When in the document one finds $\ip{2|3}$ he gets something like <2|3>. Since I sometimes write $\ip{2,3} I want that this produces the same result as above. If possible I would ...
I have been attempting to grasp the reasoning behind the formulation of the Mean Value Theorem:
If $f(x)$ is continuous in the closed interval $[x_1;x_2]$ and differentiable at every point of the open interval $(x_1;x_2)$, then there is at least one point $\xi \in (x_1;x_2)$ such that
$$ \frac{f(...
A new book is being released with the tagline
If you knew how your love story ends, would you dare to begin?
I'm a native British English speaker, the author is, and I presume whoever wrote that is as well.
I imagine it has been written as "ends" to make it sound more punchy than "was going to end
a-) $x_1+x_2+...+x_7 \leq 30$ where $x_i's$ are even non-negative integers.
b-) $x_1+x_2+...+x_7 \leq 30$ where $x_i's$ are odd non-negative integers.
c-) $x_1+x_2+...+x_6 \leq 30$ where $x_i's$ are odd non-negative integers.
These questions is from my textbook. I know to solve similar question...
I am trying to solve the following question:
The volume of the solid $E$ can be represented as
$$\int_{-3}^3 \int_0^{\sqrt{9-x^2}} 3 - \sqrt{x^2+y^2} dydx$$
Describe the solid in spherical coordinates.
I graphed the solid and it looks like this:
So clearly $0 \le \theta \le \pi$ and $0 \le \ph...
I would like to sample from an infinite discrete distribution, i.e. Poisson distribution
\Bbb P(X=k)=e^{-\lambda}\frac{\lambda^k}{k!}
where $\lambda$ is a fixed parameter.
In case of a finite distribution I could use ALIAS method, but it doesn't work in this case. I've f...
Given a pair of integers n and k, I want to generate all lists of integers of length n, containing integers between -k and +k, such that the total of the list is equal to zero. How can I do this in the most performant way?
Naively, I could do something like