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Q: Role of Lamia in Medieval Fantasy Society

AlendyiasI have another all-female species in my world, and it's Lamia; women from the waist up, snake from the waist down. Sort of like mermaids, but more commonly encountered by humans, as they live in forests, deserts, swamps, grasslands, and even caves (each environment has its own subspecies.) Lamia ...

Q: Distinct points of meeting in a track

Ganit $A$ and $B$ start running simultaneously towards each other from the two ends of a track $XY$ and the ratio of their speeds is $3$ : $4$. Every time they meet, they interchange their speeds and also reverse their directions. At how many distinct points on the track do they meet each other, if th...

Q: What causes a Cessna 172 and its gear to shake violently after landing and braking?

Ryan GriffithI am sure this was due to my own ignorance on proper technique, but immediately after landing in a Cessna 172, I applied brakes and some moderate aerodynamic braking and experienced an awful and violent rapid shake of the plane. I let off the brakes but the plane continued to shake for a few seco...

Q: How to store query multiple result in shell script variable(Array)?

defekas17I'm trying to do a query and store every row result in an array element in ksh (maybe bash). I do: result=($($PATH_UTI/querysh " set heading off set feedback off SELECT columnA,columnb FROM user.comunication;")) I have that: row1 = HOUSE CAR row2 = DOC CAT echo "${result[1]}" and it gives me H...

Q: Driving a car without an MOT

Luke BriggsConsider the following scenario: "Aisha" is the registered keeper of a car she bought on credit. "Benin" has had control of the car for the last 2 years following his divorce from Aisha. A few months ago Aisha, as the registered keeper, received reminders that the MOT1 was due to expire which she...

Q: Inverting Jacobian trick: does it always work, or did professor get lucky?

user56202I am tutoring a multivariable calculus student, and his teacher was solving $$\int_R f(x, y) dA$$ using the Change of Variable Theorem, where $f$ is an unimportant function and $R$ is the region bounded by $$\begin{align*} x^2-y^2 &= -1\\ x^2 - y^2 &= 1\\ x+y &= 1\\ x+y &= 3 \end{align*}$$ The he...

Q: Mechanical gauge transformation and energy conservation

electron'tI'm studying lagrangian mechanics, and there's a property where you could obtain an equivalent lagrangian $\mathcal{L'}$ from $\mathcal{L}$ by adding a function which satisfies: $$ \mathcal{L'}\rightarrow \mathcal{L}+\frac{df(q,t)}{dt}.$$ This lagrangian $L'$ would give rise to the same equations...

Q: Can I increase the inductive component stored-energy of a Piezo Buzzer?

MicroservicesOnDDDIn this example of a model for a piezo element, there is an inductive component: As the piezo vibrates, there are two forms of energy storage going on... capacitive, and inductive (or something like inductive). I believe that the inductive component comes from the piezoelectric effect, which rel...

Q: Where would Büchenan have been in Thuringia in 1730?

BrianFreudThis is a marriage record from Mihla, Germany, in 1730. My best reading of the 2nd and 3rd lines is: Hanß Georg Monton, Bürgers Zu Creuzburg, [mia?] [und?] An= spänners und Schultzens Zu Büchenan ehel, [?] Sohn und Jgfr. Creuzburg is at the center of the map here. Mihla is at about 2 o'clock f...

Q: What is the best way to write Bangla in latex?

MasudurI planning to write a long report (~300 pages) in latex. My report will contain a lot of Bangla text along with English text. I found several ways to write Bangla in latex, but I failed to choose the best way. Another important thing is that when I use Bangla setting as main font, it changes the ...

Q: What needs to be changed in the structure of the human brain to make it as smart as possible?

Frank Thompson 4I have been writing a book for the last eight months ( at the moment I have already written 174 pages ) about anatomically plausible superhumans (a new kind of person who would have to surpass us both intellectually and physically, being smarter and stronger than ordinary people). And at the mome...

Q: Fill a square with circles in Tikz

baxbearI am aiming to draw a square with circles - starting in the bottom left corner of the square the radius and the position of the subsequent circles (of course multiplied by the respective loop variable to move it one step further in each step) is the length of one side of the square divided by the...

Q: How to improve the variety of narration in my text-only game of D&D?

AncientSwordRageI, and one of other players in my play-by-chat group, have expressed a desire to improve the narration of our character's actions. When they brought this up, I noticed the sort of unvaried descriptions I'd been giving as well: Fin hurries to keep up. Fin walks into the room slowly, looks aroun...

Q: What is the purpose of the hole in this drawer?

jgdOur 1953 built house has a built-in cabinet and shelving unit in the living room. One of the drawers was made without sides and has an unusually shaped hole in the bottom (to the point where there is essentially no bottom). The cabinet beneath this drawer has a power outlet that has been there ...

Q: Why do you have to mine 432 blocks to activate segwit on regtest?

arshbotAccording to Rusty Russel, you need to mine 432 blocks to activate segwit on regtest. Why this specific blockheight? Sources: https://rusty-lightning.medium.com/segregated-witness-for-developers-8fa9042f43ed#.6ur6kr5nf https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning/blob/f4e94147a7281ec05e078ff9f3e...

Q: Does the Blind Fighting fighting style mitigate the disadvantage on attacks caused by Sunlight Sensitivity?

Zweiclops1206I'm making a Duergar fighter character and am wondering if the Blind Fighting fighting style could cancel out Sunlight Sensitivity. The Duergar's Sunlight Sensitivity states You have disadvantage on Attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your at...

Q: How does Matlab's filter() return a signal of the same size?

DavidG25Discrete Time Signal Processing by Oppenheim says that for the product of two DFTs (i.e. circular convolution) to be equal to linear convolution, the DFTs must be at least P + L - 1 long where P and L are the lengths of the time domain sequences used to compute the DFTs. I understand this to mean...

Q: Are there only two smooth manifolds with field structure: real numbers and complex numbers?

Eschatum VerusIs it true that in the category of connected smooth manifolds equipped with a compatible field structure (all six operations are smooth) there are only two objects (up to isomorphism) - $\mathbb{R}$ and $\mathbb{C}$?

Q: Austrian: What is the phrase that sounds like "Da die so" and "da ma' so" in the context "it's completed/ we're all done"?

JamesI'm living in Austria at the moment. I keep hearing people saying something that sounds like "Da die so". I mistook it for "daddys home" the first few times I heard it. I've also heard "da ma so". These must be dialect or atleast shortened words, but I can't figure out what they are saying exactl...

Q: How to have multiple align points

KaisanHow can I achieve multiple align points as illustrated in the picture? The corresponding latex code: \begin{align*} \int_{}^{} \sin\left(x\right) \sin\left(x\right) \mathrm{d}x =&-\sin\left(x\right) \cos\left(x\right) + \int_{}^{} \cos\left(x\right) ^{2} \mathrm{d}x \\[10pt] =&...

Q: Did Captain Terrell and Cdr. Chekov have their phasers when they encountered Khan and his group outside of the Botany Bay?

user57467In the movie Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, did Captain Terrell and Commander Chekov have their phasers when they encountered Khan and his group outside of the Botany Bay?

Q: ValueError: Input 0 of layer conv2d is incompatible with the layer: expected axis -1 of input shape to have value 1 but received input with shape

Maifee Ul AsadI'm trying to create an auto-encoder based model for segmentation, which looks something like this: https://i.sstatic.net/4F3Z0.png I haven't added a single step, nor missed one as far as I remember. Then how come, when I try to fit data to it, it throws me an error saying: ValueError: Input ...

Q: Split List<String[]> into List<List<String[]>>

Harshit DangWe have a list of string arrays i.e. List<String[]> (which we got from a csv) which follows the hierarchy: 0000 3000 5000 5000 5000 . . . 3900 3000 5000 5000 5000 . . . 3900 . . . 9999 As you can see, it will always start with 0000 and end with 9999...

Q: newtxmath/lmodern broken?

JustinTI just updated my MiKTeX packages. Output now seems to be missing mathematical operators if I load both newtxmath and lmodern. \documentclass[a4paper,twoside,12pt]{article} \usepackage{newtxmath} \usepackage{lmodern} \begin{document} $(3 + 5) \times 2 = \lambdaup$ \end{document} The output o...

Q: Há alguma palavra para indicar uma rua que é somente para pedestres?

SidneyGostava de usar algum termo que indique que uma rua é usada somente por pedestres. Talvez uma palavra semelhante ao termo pedestrianised em inglês. Por exemplo, a Carnaby Street é descrita da seguinte forma pelo Wikipedia: Carnaby Street is a pedestrianised shopping street in Soho in the City of...

Q: Calculating the required voltage supply

JohnThere is a Single Board computer that gives a range of input supply as xvolts - yvolts. Let's say we add a few more additional components like webcam or additional storage drive. Taking these into consideration, how to determine the needed input voltage?

Q: Were there "Taxes Paid" Slave Tattoos in the Roman Empire?

Matt WatsonIn this video, YouTube: Did Ancient Romans Use Tattoos? @ 4:35, the presenter mentions a "Taxes Paid" tattoo. I understand it's just YouTube but I believe this creator doesn't typically fabricate such things. If this is accurate, would the Latin simply be "Tributa Solvita"? I believe abbreviation...

Q: If the House of Elrond is the Last Homely House east of the Sea, what are the others?

Captain KirkAs the books call it, Elrond's house is the Last Homely House east of the Sea. But if Rivindell is the last homely house, what are the other homely houses east of the sea? Or does Rivindell count as the last and the first because it is the only one? This question has bugged me for a while, and I ...

Q: High cost in PostgreSQL query

TomI have a table that has more than 10.000.000 records, and I'm creating a query that returns about 4436 records. It just so happens that it gives me the impression that the query cost to get to the last record is very high. Index Scan using idx_name on task (cost=0.28..142102.57 rows=3470 width=3...

Q: Why does this small lithium ion battery have a different voltage than larger lithium ion cells?

DrewI'm looking at this battery: SLB08115L1401CV I was under the impression that the chemistry of a lithium ion cell dictates the charged/discharged voltage levels. That certainly seems to be the case with larger cells. Every one I've ever seen follows a similar curve, where ~4.2V = full charge and t...

Q: Book: A guy who gets trapped in fantasy world, gets married, finds happiness but gets flung back into his own world and tries to find a way back?

Rid XI think he gets married to a human-like elf person. I just remember feeling a sense of melancholy reading it. The guy gets put back into his own reality, the modern world and spends the rest of the time trying to find a way back into this other reality/dimension where he has a wife. I read it w...

Q: How do I handle players who make secret plans?

Matthew WoodHow should I handle players who make secret plans? I am a first-time DM running Curse of Strahd for 6 new players. All of us are good friends. This week during our session, my players made a secret plan together they wanted to do that involved forging a copy of a journal and handing it to a major...

Q: How to make this rectangle in GeoGraphics look like a rectangle?

Ted ErsekI evaluated this. {lon1, lat1} = {-76.4408, 38.0825}; {lon2, lat2} = {-76.5054, 38.1413}; {lon3, lat3} = {-76.3546, 38.2446}; {lon4, lat4} = {-76.2900, 38.18582}; dir12 = GeoDirection[{lat1, lon1}, {lat2, lon2}]; dir23 = GeoDirection[{lat2, lon2}, {lat3, lon3}]; dir34 = GeoDirection[{lat3, lon3},...

Q: How to transition into genome editing after a theoretical physics PhD?

PaulI had a very bad PhD experience which has led to complete loss of motivation to pursue a career in theoretical physics. I don't have the motivation anymore to work on topics which are very abstract and being a postdoc, it is even harder to do this independently. In addition, I find the long term ...

Q: An intuitive approach to solving a question of geometry

Sebastiano In the square $ABCD$ of side $6$, points $P$ and $Q$ move along sides $AB$ and $CB$ so that $\overline{PB}=\overline{BQ}=x$. Consider the segment $OQ$ parallel to $AB$. Which of the following expressions describes the measure of the length of $\overline{OQ}$ as a function of $x$? My approach: ...

Q: How is playground wood treated?

TMaxHi everyone I'm just wondering what is the standard for treating playground wood in a safe way for kids such as in this picture? I've done a bit of searching but I can't find anything conclusive. Thanks

Q: Can a multiclassed wizard add spells of a higher level then they can transcribe to their book upon level up?

ZarHakkarMy friend has a multi-classed wizard 5, sorcerer 4. They recently took their 5th level in wizard, and took Steel Wind Strike (5th level) as one of the two spells they can add to their spellbook upon level up. The multiclassing rules for spellcasting state that you determine the spells that you ca...

Q: Can Advanced Matter-based Weapons Target Fast-moving Targets Deep in the Atmosphere Without Collateral Damage?

DWKrausUFO's are real and fighting around the Earth! I have an alien spacecraft in modern Earth's atmosphere, and rival alien spacecraft in Earth's Orbit. Both aliens are capable of maneuvering at great acceleration (100 G's?) equivalent to what is commonly portrayed for UFO's as seen in various videos ...

Q: First time DM; Curse of Strahd; Did I just rush my PCs? How to do better?

Poken1151So running my first campaign (technically second, but the first never finished as the group dispersed). I'm running four PCs through Curse of Strahd, currently at Death House. Things were going pretty well, following a modified guide (Fleshing out Curse of Strahd) and hit a bump where basically t...

Q: Are there holes in every neighbourhood in GL(n,R)?

jw_$GL(n,\mathbb{R})$ can be seen as $\mathbb{R}^{n^2}$ with points of non invertible matrix removed which form "holes" in $\mathbb{R}^{n^2}$. These holes seems to be dense in $\mathbb{R}^{n^2}$ which will mean any neighbourhood of $GL(n,\mathbb{R})$ will contain holes, even for the neighbourhood th...

Q: Can I use cartridge RAM for the stack pointer?

puppydrum64My understanding is that the extra cartridge RAM banks at &A000-&BFFF are battery-backed SRAM that is preserved after powering off the game. If I'm making a simple game that doesn't have a save feature, can this RAM be used as the home for the stack pointer? Putting the stack at the top of high r...

Q: Checkered grid with X mark

BubblerChallenge Given two integer values \$a \ge 2\$ and \$0 \le b < a\$, generate a \$(2a-1) \times (2a-1)\$ matrix consisting of the integers 0, 1, and 2 as follows: Create a checkerboard of 0s and 1s of the given size, corners being 0. If \$b > 0\$, overwrite the checkerboard with 2s in the X shape...

Q: why do some extended chords have 3 added notes?

j aAs I understand it, a basic chord is built of 3 notes, which can be harmonized in different octaves. It's always the first, third, and fifth to make up a basic chord. An extended chord then adds a note. A 9th extended chord, for example, adds the 9th note in the scale to the chord. So I would ass...

Q: According to Catholicism, to what extent is the spiritual growth of a Christian impaired by his/her lack of devotion to Mary and the Saints?

Spirit Realm InvestigatorAccording to Catholicism, if a Christian lacks devotion to Mary and the Saints, is he or she spiritually "handicapped" or "missing out" spiritually? For example, let's suppose that a Christian has devotion to the Father, the Son and and the Holy Spirit (or possibly subsets of them in the case of ...

Q: How do you get value of item tag in scriban template

keyslSorry this is probably a dumb question but I am a bit stuck in here and I can't find suitable solutions in google. Basically I have an item or a page with a Tagging on it. But I can't seem to get the value of tags using scriban template. I tried using {{i_item.tags}} and {{sc_raw i_item 'Tags'}}...

Q: Is there a way to move Vertex Groups with Geometry Nodes fields?

LittleAdenUsing the 2.9 approach of attributes, I saw this accomplished by a couple of Attribute Vector Math nodes, like so: With the introduction of Geometry Nodes fields, I can't find a way to get this same functionality... Does anyone know how?

Q: How to find the image of a region under a matrix?

2132123I want to write code that, given a matrix, finds the image of a unit disk under that matrix. I googled this and I could not find much but this seems like such a simple task. I found the command TransformedRegion but it does not allow a matrix as it's second argument. How would I go about doing th...

Q: He will save His people from their sins. Jewish people?

WilliamMatthew 1:21 And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins.” Why does he save His people only?

Q: Imitating the flavour of canned cream of mushroom soup

Diu.LeiMany brands such as Campbells, Batchellors and Heinz all have a distinct "mushroomy flavour" in their cream of mushroom soup that I can never quite imitate in my own soup recipe. All of them just state their fungi as "mushroom". I have tried: Closed cap mushrooms Button mushrooms Chestnut mushro...

Q: Repeat char n times in zsh prompt

MoarramI'm working on a custom ZSH prompt and I want to repeat a char n times in a string (such as spaces for padding). This string is printed with print -rP (the -r flag ignores echo escape conventions and the -P flag performs prompt expansions). I have working code using some kind of string substituti...

Q: losing weight versus getting lighter bike

bakaloloWhich would boost riding performance more losing weight or getting the same weight less in a lighter bike? I know that a good bike is not just about weight so assuming that the new bike purely weighs less and not better mechanical parts.

Q: Django REST API accept list instead of dictionary in post request

5muqcS7AknXPStI am trying to consume data from a callback API that sends the POST request in this format: [ { "key1": "asd", "key2": "123" } ] However my API currently only works when it is sent like this: { "key1": "asd", "key2": "123" } serializers.py: class RawIncomingDataSerializer(serial...

Q: What do "P" and "F" mean in the compass legend of Carrington's sunspot drawing?

PhiterosIn Richard Carrington's drawing of sunspots, he has a compass labeled "N", "P", "S", and "F". If "N" is North and "S" is South, what do "P" and "F" mean? Also, why is the compass not oriented in the same way as the lines of longitude/latitude?

Q: Which Arduino Nano should I use to make a nano-scale drone

Raster RWhich Arduino nano is best for creating a nano drone? Will it be compatible with 3.7 v coreless brushed motors?

Q: Guess the extra rule in this crossword!

Jafe Six "across" clues need to be modified in some way before solving. However, I'm not telling you which ones, or what the required modification is. You'll have to figure it out on your own. You'll get some help, though. Every "down" clue contains one extra letter, which must be removed before solv...

Q: Formula for (i, j) entry of the product of 3 matrices?

JakeIs there a formula for the product of 3 matrices? That is, if $A \in \mathbb{R}^{m x n}, B \in \mathbb{R}^{n x n},$ and $C \in \mathbb{R}^{n x p}$, and I want the $(i, j)$ entry of the product $D = ABC$, how can I write $D_{i,j}$? I know $(AB)_{i,j} = \sum_{k=1}^na_{ik}b_{kj}$, but I'm not sure i...

Q: Can 何でも either mean 'everything' or 'anything' depending on the context?

Nameless The particle demo can follow an interrogative word to form a free-choice expression such as 'anyone,' 'anything,' and 'anywhere.' Essential Japanese Grammar by Masahiro Tanimori and Eriko Sato, page 167. Some provided examples with 何でも: 食べ物はだいたい何でも食べられます。 I can eat almost any (kind of) food. ...

Q: Cantor's theorem and the empty set

Brad G.I understand the standard proof that there exists no surjection $f: X \to \mathcal{P}(X)$, but I'm not able to tell whether it deals with the case that $X = \emptyset$ or whether I need to rule this out separately. If I want to prove that $|X| < |\mathcal{P}(X)|$, I need to find an injection $X \...

Q: Minimal degree faithful permutation representations of some finite simple groups

DerekThe symmetric group $S_n$ - the group of permutations of an $n$-set - plays a very important role in Group Theory. The paramount importance of this group resides in the following fact: given any finite group $G$, there is a value of n such that $S_n$ possesses a subgroup that is structurally id...

Q: When can I call an entity a hyperparameter?

hanugmAs per my knowledge, any entity that is learnable by a training algorithm can be called a parameter. Weights of a neural network are called parameters because of this reason only. But I have doubts about the qualification of hyperparameter. Hyperparameter according to my knowledge is an entity th...

Q: Are rippling designs synthesizable in Verilog?

IdunnoanymoreConsider the following device; a ripple counter: module ripple(out2, out1, out0, clk); input clk; output reg out2 = 1'b0, out1 = 1'b0, out0 = 1'b0; always @ (posedge clk) begin out0 = out0 + 1'b1; end always @ (negedge out0) begin out1 = out1 + 1'b1; end always @ (negedge out1) begin ...

Q: Classifying raster layer by number of equal values in given area using QGIS

SnowyI am using QGIS 3.16.12 - Hannover. I have a binary raster layer which consists of 2 values, either 0 or 1 (in my screenshots, 0 = black, 1 = white). The 1 values are scattered throughout the layer in various clusters, sometimes they are close together and may form a loose clump of 20 plus pixels...

Q: Monotone approximation of elements in AF-algebras

Nikita SafonkinSuppose that we are given an AF-algebra $A$ and a sequence of finite-dimensional subalgebras $\mathbb{C}=A_0\subset A_1\subset A_2\subset\ldots$ such that $A=\overline{\bigcup\limits_{n\geq 0}A_n}$. Let me denote this dense subalgebra of $A$ by $A^{LS}$, i.e. $A^{LS}= \bigcup\limits_{n\geq 0}A_n$...

Q: Muay Thai, how to Parry Teep Kick in a Safe way

mattsmith5Does anyone have tips for safely Parrying/Blocking the Muay Thai Teep Front Kick? This is specifically to the parry/hand tactic they teach below. This tactic works in practice, but it seems in a real fight, it can twist/shatter my elbow or hand if not done properly. Any expert advice in doing th...

Q: What are Sadakhya Tattva, Ishwara Tattva, and Suddha Vidya Tattva?

The Crimson UniverseI was going through a book when I came across these terms- Sadakhya Tattva, Ishvara Tattva, Suddha Vidya Tattva. I'm not sure what they mean. The author didn't explain their meanings. Perhaps some of you here who are familiar with Hindu Tantras or Kashmiri Shaivism can help me out. Also, it wou...

Q: Getting table names from PostGIS database in PyQGIS

zlikotpI would like to list the name of all tables of PostGIS in a given DB called DB-1 in PyQGIS. I found this Q&A at Stack Oveflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34418667/get-table-names-from-postgis-database-with-pyqgis But it seems this solution doesn't work anymore when I try this code: from ...

Q: When to drop definite articles?

chrsiSpotify just recommended me the song "Vamos a Marte" and the first thing that came into my mind was, that the article is missing. "marte" is a masculine word (am I right?) So the proper construction would be "Vamos al marte". But after some googling I found other exceptions as well, like: "Voy a...

Q: Avoid making 2 callouts for the same record

Giorgos GalaiosAfter a record is updated, i need to perform a callout to an external system, in order to synchronize the data. For that purpose, i have created a record-triggered flow for my custom object that: After record is updated invokes an Apex invocable method (asynchronously) to perform the callout. I...

Q: Why does starred assignment produce lists and not tuples?

EdiBobaIn python, I can write something like this: some_list = [(1, 2, 3), (3, 2, 1)] for i, *args in some_list: print(args) I will get the next output: [2, 3] [2, 1] When we use *args as function arguments, it is unpacked into a tuple. Why do we receive a list in this situation?

Q: What is the role of the different entities (TexLive, pdlatex, latexmk) in the LaTeX ecosystem?

user56834I used to just compile my tex files using overleaf, which took care of everything under the hood. Now I'm trying to figure out what the different programs do. I know that e.g. Texlive and MikTex perform the same functionality, and so do pdflatex and LuaTex, and then there is latexmk (which is a m...

Q: Is correct to say "her hair is black by nature/in nature" to mean that she or her hair was born that way?

TomWhen we want to say that a person's feature because that the way it is, do we say "by nature" or "in nature"? For example, "her hair is black by nature/in nature" to mean that she or her hair was born that way, not because of being dyed?

Q: Error "TerminatorExpectedAtEndOfString" when execute a powershell code from a batch file?

HackooI want to execute a powershell code with a batch file to take a screenshot from my desktop that i found it here Take a Screenshot of a User’s Desktop with PowerShell. So,When i execute it as powershell script it works without any error and works for me 5/5 but when i take it as batch file like th...

Q: Is naturalistic cosmology pointing us back to viewing stars as gods (similar to how pagans did), crediting stars with giving meaning to the universe?

AnneI ask this after seeing a documentary on BBC TV, the evening of 27 October 2021, where Professor Brian Cox started a new series on the universe. This first episode dealt with the way the universe created the birth of stars, how the death of stars gave rise to heavier elements (vital for life) so ...

Q: How performance estimation in MD simulations is measured?

scamanderIn MD simulation benchmarking you often hear the term ns/day and hours/ns. How does it convert to human understandable time like: minute, hour, days? What is the usual ns/day for standard MD simulation using GPUs?

Q: Why is it natural to make the electromagnetic field an antisymmetric, rank 2 tensor?

Baylee VAs far as I know, the electromagnetic field strength tensor is defined to be the simplest object involving the electric and magnetic fields that transforms properly under Lorentz transformations. However, I don't get why such an object should be an antisymmetric rank $(2, 0)$ tensor, in a mathema...

Q: How do I give characters logical reasons to be with each other?

WasatchWindIt's an annoying problem with writing - I've got a bunch of characters that I've written, how do I keep them together for the adventure I want them to go on? In some stories, this can be quite annoying - reading YA novels for example, where the teenagers save the world, and the adults did nothing...

Q: What was Skynet trying to do in Terminator 3 before they decided to activate it?

mahen23In the movie Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines, we see lots of news segments about a dangerous hacker or virus spreading quickly across the whole world. Then the DoD decides to activate Skynet so that it can find the Virus (or hacker) and stop it. My questions are: What was happening before Sk...

Q: What is the advantage of a Sparbuch, and how does this work?

gerritIn Germany, there apparently exists such a thing as a Sparbuch (literally: Saving book), mentioned in this answer. According to a recent news article, 50% of Germans use a Sparbuch, a record high number. It is described (In German) at this Sparkasse website: Das Sparbuch, bei der Sparkasse – a...

Q: How quickly would the earth recover from climate change if humans were to disappear

CorneliusTo give an example, how long would all humans have to leave the earth for a large part of the biodiversity and the original atmosphere to be restored, the oceans to recover, the fish population to increase, etc. Additional information: In my mind game, it is a controlled "leaving" of the earth, t...

Q: I had execute a bad command, in / directory intead of ./

fouderixI hope you have a solution for that: i wanted to remove permissions to a specific folder with: sudo chmod -rwx ./ But i had execute: sudo chmod -rwx / so i had remove all permissions to the default folder instead of the current folder... Now I don't have access to any command of which sudo... I...

Q: Complex roots of unity arrangement.

Kinjal The following question is from an entrance test named IAT (Indian Institute of Science and Education Research Aptitude test). Let $1, z_2, z_3,\ldots, z_n$ be the roots of the equation: $$x^n-1=0,\quad n\ge3$$ Find the value of: $$\frac{1}{2-z_2}+\frac{1}{2-z_3}+\cdots+\frac{1}{2-z_n}$$ I have ...

Q: Problem of computing standard error of higher moments

limocurrently, I am trying to understand how one calculates the standard errors on higher moments using Rao's book [1]. On page 437, he defines $$ O_r = \frac{1}{n} \sum x_i^r, \, v_r = E[x^r], \, \mathrm{and} \; \mu_r = E[(x-v_1)^r]. $$ I am stuck at computing $E[O_2 O_1^2]$. In the book it is claim...

Q: Client's budget is higher than expected

Leb_BrothMy client informed me in advance that his budget is 10k while I can comfortably sell him the product for 5k. Should I sell based on their budget or something in between my pricing and their budget? Is there an ethical stance on this matter?

Q: An entanglement drive

Prince Thomas the 42ndI am working on an alien race who use quantum entanglement to transport a craft over vast interstellar distances. I am wanting to know if this form of transportation possible. The drive could be used to transport all the subatomic particles that make up the ship instantaneously through space via ...

Q: Is Double Indemnity conduct which can be considered both civil and criminal?

wizardMeTimbersIn a basic introduction to law class (major is computer science) we were told that conduct which can be considered as both civil and criminal is called 'Double Indemnity' (eg assault). The only definitions of 'Double Indemnity' I've found online refer to insurance clauses. For example in Cambridg...

Q: What does "closed traffic" mean?

T.sI'm a Japanese ATC working in Japan. I want to ask about "closed traffic". I checked 7110.65 for this. Question 1: What is successive operation? One day I was on duty and the air force pilot said "Request right closed" each time after completing a touch and go. Question 2: Does a USA pilot use "r...

1 hour later…
Q: I cannot type letter ‘ç’ a with English (US, alt. Intl.)

RicardoBruynI cannot type letter ‘ç’ (’+c) with English (US, alt. Intl.) keyboard, the letter ‘ć’ coming out instead. Its working fine before I upgrade the systems weeks ago. I try to change the keyboard layout but I can't find a layout with ‘ç’ by compose (’+c), my keyboard and my system are English(US).

Q: Future subjunctive in relative clauses expressing uncertainty

Jim stokeMy grammar book mentions as a bonus point that the future subjunctive is used in relative clauses that express uncertainty. "...., who may come last" / "Quem for o último" I was wondering whether this is accurate because I tried putting the example phrases into DeepL and the translation was not i...

Q: How do I update the dimensions of a raster with rasterio without scaling the data?

SytzeI have a raster with a width of 2979 and a height of 1867 pixels. I need to split the raster into tiles of equal size (e.g. 5 kilometres x 5 kilometres). To do so, I need to update the height and width of the raster to fit an exact (i.e. integer) number of tiles. If the chosen dimension is 5km x ...

Q: Text formatting not working in Bangla text

MasudurIssue 1: With the reference of this answer, I am using babel for writing Bangla text in Lualatx. But it show no দাঁড়ি চিহ্ন (।) which is a equivalent of full stop (.) in English. Here is a snippet of the output and দাঁড়ি চিহ্ন (।) is expected in place of red sign. How can I solve the problem o...

Q: Can dd be used for regular small files?

Martian2020Man dd: dd - convert and copy a file I'm leaning to use dd. Strangely after copying 1 byte text file becomes much smaller: $ block_size=1; device_to_edit=/media/ramdrive/a; device_from=/media/ramdrive/b; echo "aaaaaaaaaa">$device_to_edit; echo "bbbbbbbbbb">$device_from; cat $device_to_edit; cat...

Q: Disk full but cannot find were is the used space (Ubuntu)

Adrian TilitaI have a small Intel NUC with a 30GB drive. My problem is that this drive is full but cannot find the cause of it. df reporting the following Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on udev 899412 0 899412 0% /dev tmpfs 189284 2676 1...

Q: Postgres major version upgrade using replication server

user1583803I am planning to upgrade my database from Postgres 10 to Posgres 14. To reduce the downtime, I plan to use the replication for the same. Plan (in short) is to: Dump the data using pg_dumpall Kill the Postgres service running on replication Setup new Postgres 14 service Restore the data from the ...

Q: Using "a" with the word "slang"

brilliantCan I use the word "slang" with an indefinite article "a"? For example: That phrase is an obvious slang. or That choice of words is an obvious slang.

Q: Import an initial trajectory into OPS without OpenMM

Martin BoninI'm trying to use openpathsampling to simulate the binding of a ligand to my enzyme. I'm using Gromacs for my normal simulation on the HPC system provided by my university. I created an initial trajectory using some pull code for Gromacs. I tried to load this trajectory (in trr format) as describ...

Q: Translating "to pity myself"

QuippyDeepl says "I have got to stop pitying myself" is given by « Je dois arrêter de m'apitoyer sur moi-même ». The reflexive on apitoyer makes the moi-même seem redundant to me and the translation of to pity myself seems a bit convoluted here. Is Deepl's way the best way to express this sentence?

Q: Normally open pushbutton that remains closed until fully released

OrphevsDescription of desired item I'm looking for a button component that is normally open, stays open while pushing it, closes when the maximum travel distance is reached, and then stays closed until fully released again. Optimally, the travel distance is adjustable. |===]👈 open initial state |=...

Q: Risk of bonding neutrals and grounds in sub-panel

Joe GayettyI am replacing my complete electrical service entrance (weatherhead, meter box, breaker panel in the house). The meter housing I have chosen is a meter/main combo that will have a 200 AMP breaker. So the meter/main combo is essentially my main panel. The neutral and ground will be bonded in this ...

Q: Orthogonal vectors in complex vector space

PrecalculusConsider $u,v\in \mathbb{R}^2$ where $u=(2,1), v=(-1, 2)$. $u$ and $v$ are orthogonal since $u\cdot v=0$. If we put them in $\mathbb{C}$, they should be still orthogonal. However, $ \langle u,v \rangle=(2+i)(-1-2i)\ne 0$. I must misunderstand something here. Could anyone explain this? Thanks in a...

Q: What type of onion is a "British Onion"?

Daddy KropotkinI just moved to the UK from the USA, where we had access to all sorts of onions (being in Texas): yellow onions, green onions, shallots, red onions, white onions, sweet onions, etc. We bought a bag of onions from a store here and they were simply labeled "British Onions." They are bigger than sha...

Q: Feature vector concatenation

orbitIn machine learning (and not only), it is very common to see concatenation of different feature vectors into a single one of higher dimension which is then processed by some function. For example, feature vectors computed for an image at different scales are concatenated to form a multi-scale fea...

Q: Has anyone ever revealed the Oompa-Loompish language (fortunately, which Willie was fluent in)?

Silly but TrueOompa-Loompas were the workers at Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, who were imported by Willy Wonka direct from Loompaland. We are first introduced to the Oompa-Loompas in Roald Dahl’s 1964 children’s classic, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Their songs, apparently sung in English, from the 19...

Q: Have a question about translation Romans 6:5

Esteban ManriquezRomans 6:5 says we shall be in the past tense, could it say we are also in the likeness of his resurrection? For if we have been planted together in the likeness of His death, so we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection KJV For if we have been planted together in the likeness of Hi...

Q: Elementary proof that there is no field with 6 elements

GSoferI am a T.A at an introductory linear algebra course this semester, and before getting into vector spaces, we give them some basic examples and properties of fields. Since this is a first semester course, everything is very elementary and we do not have too many tools. I'd be happy to give them so...

Q: Where is "What If...?" Gamora from?

Sophie the Jedi KnightSpoilers for the What If...? finale I know I probably just missed something in the show here, but I'm stuck. In the finale for What If...? the Watcher gathers heroes from the prementioned timelines, including Captain Carter, Star Lord T'Challa, and Gamora, who's working with Tony Stark. Again, I...

Q: Procuro um ditado em português que melhor corresponda a "bark up the wrong tree"

CentaurusEm língua inglesa, "bark up the wrong tree" é usado para expressar que, erroneamente, faz-se um esforço ou enfatiza-se algo. Se alguém "bark up the wrong tree", a pessoa está indo pelo caminho errado, não está fazendo do modo certo, está se esforçando em algo que não vai dar em nada. A expressão,...

Q: Fair-use of mathematics educational YouTube series based on "Byrne's Euclid" (1847) and its latest renditions

niran90I want to create a mathematics educational video series on YouTube based on "Byrne's Euclid" (1847), which in turn, was a rendition of "Euclid's Elements" (circa 300 BC). The following are modern renditions of Byrne's Euclid: 1, 2, 3, and 4. I am only just starting to get familiarised with copyri...

Q: i3 config file parser

N3buchadnezzarSo I am using i3 an Linux window manager to manage my windows. In addition this is run on a laptop that is frequently mounted to several output-displays. This is handled by the following lines in my i3 config file set $firstMonitor DP-2-1 set $secondMonitor DP-1-2 set $laptop eDP-1 workspace 1 o...

Q: bash replacing special characters in a variable

Patpipe (|) limited text file is transferred from Windows application for processing. While processing there is a special character in the first column in first line of the file. This is how file looks in notepad before transferring from Windows Sector|Name|Manager|... When I read IFS='|' read -r -...

Q: Taking birth-control pills to South Korea

GeeI'll be going to Korea for at least 6 months, and I take birth control pills. In my country, I've never needed any prescription to buy them, although I can easily get a prescription if needed. Does anyone here know if this prescription needs to be translated (and if I really need to get it)? Do I...

Q: Why doesn't Mathematica know the exact value of some trivial trigonometric functions?

polfosolThe trigonometric functions for half angles have well-defined and simple rules. For example $$\tan(\frac x2)=\frac{\sin x}{1+\cos x}=\frac1{\csc x+\cot x}$$ But I can't get the exact value for some expressions as simple as $\tan(\pi/8)$. No matter what I tried, Mathematica wouldn't understand tha...

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