What's the best way to make the two red corners sharp on this mesh?
My solution so far has been to make it much higher poly, and move some verts to sharpen them, but I want a lower poly solution.
For example, the theme “never give up, no matter how hard things get” could be condensed to “perseverance”.
How could I do that with the theme above?
In a sentence it would be
“This book’s theme explores ___”.
I have a game that has a mechanic, where a specific class can stack what are called "life stealing enchantments" to steal greater amounts of health from the enemy depending on the type of life stealing enchant they have equipped.
A player can have 14 of these equipped at any time. Lets use an exa...
Let's say you want run for office as an independent candidate in a congressional or state legislative district that is expected to be a close election.
You run a quiet campaign for the purpose of winning votes from more ideological extreme members of the other party. A Republican ghost candidate ...
The Rema in או"ח סי' ג סעיף ב says that it is impermissible to talk in the bathroom. The Mishna Berura adds the Gemara in Berachos 65b, that even in order to let someone trying to enter know that the bathroom is occupied, only grunting is permissible and not talking.
The common perception is that...
I do bodyweight circuit training where isotonic and isometric exercises are mixed. So I want to know how to convert repetition number for dynamic exercises to hold-time for static ones.
For example, I want to perform, for lack of a better term, push up and plank equivalently. Then how many second...
Biorxiv offers the possibility to transfer an article uploaded as a preprint to a peer-reviewed journal. An increasing number of journals are available for this transfer service.
I tried to find more information on how this transfer works but there's not much information on the Biorxiv website. B...
What is the indexing like on the popular internally-geared hubs (shimano nexus and sram i-motion)? Can one use a 3-speed front shimano derailleur shifter (e.g. acera) for a 3-speed shimano nexus hub? Or a 9-speed rear acera for a 9-speed nexus? Etc etc? Is there a good resource more generally...
$A (0,a)$ and $B(0,b)\; (a,b>0)\;$ are the vertices of $\triangle ABC$ where $C(x,0)$ is variable. Find the value of $x$ when angle $ACB$ is maximum.
Now geometry's never really been my strong point, so I decided to go with a bit of calculus.
First, I used the sine rule:
Apologies for a classic "lmgtfy" question, but you probably appreciate that the nature of what I'm asking is hard to properly convey to a search engine, regardless of whether the query is submitted in Chinese or English.
Basically I'm curious if there have been any translations/paraphrases of the...
I've been using wordpress.com, but it renders latex terribly! There must be a blogging platform that does a good job of this. Can someone recommend one?
How did Aragorn and other rangers make a living? Were they employed by some kingdom? If so, which one?
Or if not, did they just eat what they found/hunted in nature? In that case, was the motivation of all of them to do their job purely altruistic?
In short, how did the lives of the rangers work?
I'm writing some software and in it there are actions being executed by the users using the program. Those actions might by something like
Sending an email to another person
Changing a certain document
Writing a comment on something
An action is always kicked off by a single user. Naively ...
Below is an email I received from a student whom I'm giving Spanish lessons to. He took a assessment test and failed it. I received this email (which I've attached below) from him today, and I'm not sure how to respond to it. I would like to encourage the student.
Dear teacher,
I participated ...
The following MWE is a model for a typesetting problem which I have encountered on a larger scale.
\noindent A sentence.\footnote{ordinary numbering} \\
A sentence.\footnote{ordinary numbering} \\
\textbf{\textcolor{red}{A sentenc...
I'm working on a base mesh and I've somehow created a ring of edges that are thicker than the other edges. When I try to transform any of the vertices along that thick ring of edges, it creates new faces, rather than transforming the positioning of the vertices.
Does anyone know what that is? Ide...
I've been trying to study military victories against the odds but a lot of the stuff doesn't apply it seems. The armies in those battles are usually not outnumbered as severely and when they are, they're eventually defeated anyways. Like the Alamo or Thermopylae. Or they exploit some weakness tha...
Let $\mathsf{ZFC}'$ be the extension of $\mathsf{ZFC}$ containing the constant symbol $\Bbb N$, which we take to represent the natural numbers. In order to say that $\mathsf{ZFC}'$ is a definitional extension of $\mathsf{ZFC}$ we need to find a formula $\phi$ in the language of $\mathsf{ZFC}$ wit...
I have precedently posted the same question on Math.Stackexchange (https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/4277856/quasi-compact-surjective-morphism-of-smooth-k-schemes-is-flat), but to no avail; I hope this is not too low-level for this site.
In the article "The Greenberg functor revisited'' (h...
I am trying to better understand the chemistry of maintaining my pool so that I can use the least amount of chemicals to control algae growth and I'm confused by the need to measure both total alkalinity (recommended to be between 100 and 150 ppm) and pH. If pH is high then won't alkalinity alway...
Consider the following problem :
My attempt :
We have a minimum current of \$I_{zk}=0.5\ \mathrm{mA} \$ so that the Zener diode remains in the breakdown region. The given maximum power dissipated is 18 mW this implies that the current at that resistor is 18 × 10-3 = 103 x i_R2 ==> i_R = 4.242 × ...
I was walking on the web and came across this question:
What do you say we get out of here?
It's seems to me a tad slangy. I don't quite follow the structure of this sentence. It's like something is missing. For me, this sentence would sound more grammatically correct with "if". For example:
How to have humans evolve the same on multiple planets
In my fantasy universe, almost all sentient life, and most non-sentient life including humans, was teleported to hundreds of planets after a magiclysm (catastrophe caused by extreme amounts of magic stored in one place.) Although it's not the...
Give an example of a ringed space which is not locally ringed space.Why we need to go to locally ringed space if all ringed spaces are locally ringed spaces before defining schemes in Hartshone?Please clarify the difference in locally ringed spaces and ringed spaces?
Suppose we have a set of integers $H=\{1,2, ...n\}$. Let $A$ a set of partitions of H into $n/2$ pairs $\{\{x_1,y_1\},\{x_2,y_2\}, ...,\{x_{n/2},y_{n/2}\}\}$ and
function $f:A \rightarrow Z^n$ where $f(\{\{x_1,y_1\},\{x_2,y_2\}, ...,\{x_{n/2},y_{n/2}\}\})=\cup \{x_i*y_i\}$.
For a set of integers ...
I have an alternator that charges at ~58V at 100A. If its load (a lithium bank) cuts out suddenly (bms cutoff), I need a way to shunt power for 200ms to a dummy load to prevent the current from falling to 0A and voltage spiking to 230~280V (after about 100V it begins burning out the alternator di...
"Thrifting" or "To Thrift" is a verb used often in the US now, and the act of thrifting is trending among Gen Y and Gen Z youth. Its meaning: to find very good condition used items at a store that specializes in such items, clothing or other unique items, and it can sometimes mean the act of g...
Perhaps I am missing something obvious here, but I am a bit confused and therefore coming up with this question.
I want to change the default "Latin Modern" font to something else. At the moment, to change it to one of the built-in fonts shipped with the TeX distribution I have.
I headed over to ...
I am trying to plot sums of functions, with parameters specified by the user, using pgfplots.
\newcommand{\myfun}[2]{(cos(#1*\x) + sin(#2*\x))}
It's the normal Bayes equation but I'm not sure if I've calculated this correctly or how to check my work, here is a somewhat similar question but I wasn't sure if our math was the same, the question was a little more complex, here's my question:
A company has four machines that manufacture lever...
A mad lexophile sits alone in his apartment obsessively rearranging his Scrabble tiles and writing words on every available surface, even filling each floorboard with a word. The Scrabble tiles have had enough. They are plotting their escape.
The tiles have discovered that they can scuttle acro...
About a year ago (late May 2020, I think), I saw a show or movie on TV. I watched a little bit of it, then changed the channel. That was right about the time I began to really like Indiana Jones, and as the movie/show kind of had that vibe, I later wanted to know what it was. All I can remember a...
In the movie Batman (1989), Jack Napier/The Joker is shown to have killed Bruce Wayne's parents, Thomas and Martha Wayne. Jack Napier looks like he would have been in his mid-20s or early 30s during the shooting. And Bruce would have been around 8-12 years of age. So later on, when Bruce eventual...
M. J. Toswell, Today's Medieval University p. 24 claims a new master
would eat at the commensa, the joint table, after his commencement ceremony of stepping upward
Does the English word "commence" derive from a Latin word commensa < con + mensa (together at table)? Commensa ∄ in Lewis & Short.
My enquiry arrises from a passage in “Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata”, in the tenth chapter which is entitled “BESTIAE ET HOMINES”.
"Mercurius imperia deōrum ad hominēs portat."
I see a subject, a phrase, an object and a verb. I think the active indicative present singular third person form ...
I'm implementing a solver of Finite Element Method, and to solve the linear system of equations I'm using gmres from MKL of Intel. Exists the option with and without a preconditioning. In what case it is not necessary the preconditioning?
The matrix is sparse and not symmetric.
I was watching this really short video about the discrete logarithm example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SL7J8hPKEWY
and at 0:38 they show all the possible values that you can get if p = 17 and g = 3.
At 1:00 they state that the solution is equally likely to be any integer between 1 and 17.
I recently started playing D&D, and I was wondering about this.
I know it is up to the DM to choose whether or not players know enemies' remaining HP in combat: is it recommended to do so?
Instinctively, I would like to describe the visual effects of damage rather than telling the remaining HP fo...
The Roman-Catholic Church argues that Christ has established the ministerial priesthood (as distinct from the priesthood of all believers, cf. 1 Peter 2:9), at the first supper.
Particularly, Catholics affirm that the greek words used in Luke 22:19:
[...] Do (poieite) this in remembrance (anamnē...
We know that binary systems slowly lose energy due to gravitational waves from the objects moving through spacetime and that if the objects are compact and massive enough, the mergers happen in time scales within the age of the universe, and LIGO and friends can pick up their gravitational wave s...
Why is it not possible to have waves with high frequency (high energy) and great wavelength and converse?
What physical quantity ties frequency to wavelength in an inversely proportional way?
I want to measure a pulse signal using an oscilloscope. The expected rising edge of the signal is in the 1 to 5 ns scale.
I have a 20 MHz oscilliscope. Is it correct that the rising edge of the oscilloscope would be limited to 17.5 ns? In other words, do I need to use a faster oscilloscope?
How d...
I'm trying to disprove the following statement:
If $(s_{n,1})$,$(s_{n,2})$,...,$(s_{n,k})$ are Cauchy sequences, then the sequence $\prod_{i=1}^{k} s_{n,i}$ is also Cauchy.
I'm not too sure what I'm supposed to do here. How do I prove that it's true, or how do I come up with a counterexample? Wha...
In terms of order of magnitude, how does a the energy consumption of a typical mammalian neuron (in the brain) compare with the state of the art MOSFET?
I would like to re-order the buttons in the Case list view.
Change Owner - standard
New - standard
Create New Enquiry - Link
Here's the settings from Search layout:
My initial thought is that it isn't possible, but I'm just making sure that I did not miss anything.
I have a GDB layer which I've imported into my QGIS 3.16 project.
I am using the "Identify Features" tool to inspect paths, and I'm trying to use the "Identify Results" panel to quickly make note of certain data attribute values.
Unfortunately this database has 130 data attribute rows, which make...
Recently I contacted a research professor at a major US university about being his student. After some days, I emailed the head of the school asking if research professors are allowed to supervise students, he replied no. Today I received a message from this research professor telling me that I n...
My son's statistics teacher claims that you need statistics to consistently make money from investing. She cites James Harris Simons and quants as examples. On my advice, I told my son to respond that many billionaire investors like Warren Buffett, Ray Dalio, Kenneth C. Griffin, Israel Englande...
This video demonstrates how varying color filters alter the energy of photoelectrons emitted from a light source:
But I am confused by what these different colors having different "energies" means. Blue light is said to have more energy than red light. ...
I have a standard random key and IV. Then I am creating a cipher using these keys and iv and then encrypting a specific message. Later on, if I try to encrypt another message with the same cipher(which means same key and iv) it is possible. What is the explanation for this?
You are a historian studying a long forgotten language. You have just discovered a clay tablet which seems to list all known words in the language, in alphabetical order. Your task is to find this alphabet's order, if it exists.
The Task
Given an ordered list of words, try to output an ordered li...
The various world space agencies' crewed missions have had a long series of firsts, Yuri Gagarin's first being the grandparent of them all.
Crewed space missions are recognized worldwide as barrier-breakers or at least symbols thereof.
Without regard to any other specifier beyond handedness, I'd ...
In What If, Gamora attempted to use her crushing machine to destroy the Infinity Stones, which simply results in Ultron regaining the stones. He in return explains that all of the stones are different from one another, which is why her machine was unable to disintegrate them. He specifically stat...
For Kendall's $\tau$ the parameter of interest is
where $(X_1,Y_1),(X_2,Y_2)$ are iid copies of $(X,Y)$.
The estimator is the famous Kendall's tau
But what about Spearman's $\rho$? I couldn't find any reliable reference about the parameter that the ...
My daughter is 5, in her second year of primary school. The parents of this class all share a WhatsApp group, which is used for practical things like reminders of school events, and occasional moral support when one of us has a bad day. It's always very casual and friendly and supportive. Today, ...
I am a computer scientist (research focused on machine learning and statistics) and where I work I have a mathematician colleague. He is a bit obsessed with millennium problems (things like P vs NP, SSP, etc.) and so far he has tried to come up with ways to solve these two problems, but his 'solu...
Been trying to find a reputable and concrete answer as to what type of ventilation we should use on our ranch house that has a 3/12 pitch shingled roof. The house is located in the Cincinnati Ohio area.
The house was built in 1958 and according to our neighbor who has lived here since 63 the hous...
Im writing this circuit but I can get the output of A0 wired to the input A2.+, and at the output $V_o$ I cant get the label above the scope and cant change the signal at the scope, I have testing with
\draw (7,-3) node[oscopeshape,fill=blue](O){};
In my story, a group of scientific alien explorers go on a expedition to a planet, and I don't know if it should be a super continent because of the diverse life there could be. There are deserts, forest, savannahs, and mountain ranges with snow. Would creatures be as diverse in these if it was...
If a planet has a lot of oxygen to support mega flora and fauna how much would be too much?
my planet has the oxygen content to that of the carboniferous, when giant bugs existed and so on, but maybe twice as much. Can all of that oxygen kill life and, if it could, how can I combat it?
one of my ...
I always had the following question: How are Bayesian Priors decided in real life?
I created the following scenario to pose my question: Suppose you are researcher and you are interested in studying if the age of a giraffe can be predicted by the weight and height of a giraffe (e.g. linear regres...
I have been trying to find detailed explanations (and, if available, references in English or German about it) to the following about the division of Berlin into West and East sides after WW2:
how exactly was the division boundary decided;
why exactly was the division boundary placed where it wa...
How does fiat currency help a country's economic growth? For example, if a certain country such as the U.S or Brazil gives 1billion dollars to a developing country like Angola or Congo, how does that money help build its economy? The fiat money we use today is an imaginary instrument. Federal Res...
I remember finding out there was a secret area in both games that you could only get to if you were playing on a Game Boy Advance. Even the 3DS releases don't allow access to them. My question is, how did the games know they were running on a Game Boy Advance? I thought that the ARM CPU in the Ga...
I was an idiot and was suckered into running a PowerShell script.
Can anyone tell me details about it?
I have a feeling they only uploaded some files from my system.
But I am worried there may be a backdoor left running on my system.
The upload I can live with, but not a backdoor.
I have a layer called 'A' with a filed called "B", under this field, there are multiple values such as "C, D, E..." (one value for each row/feature in the attribute table). I have been trying to use is_selected() function in the rule, but I kept getting 0 results returned.
I am just trying to sho...
I am reading about the SOLID principles, but it seems like the Liskov-Substitution Principle primarily refers to programs that use inheritance.
From my understanding people are shifting more towards composition over inheritance. If that is the case, does the "L" in SOLID still apply? If so what w...
I am reading Nielsen Chuang Chapter 8. They say that if a quantum operation is trace-preserving, then
Tr\left(\sum_k E_k^{\dagger}E_k \rho\right) = 1
which I understand. They however then claim that as this is true for all $\rho$, then
\sum_k E_k^{...
Pan is as old as the internet almost, it is the only standalone newsreader client that runs on Linux that I can get to work, too many require a web browser. It was not maintained for a long time until now. However I had problems installing it with gmime 2.x dependencies.
configure: error: Package...
I'm an undergraduate student studying physics and I'm applying to graduate programs in both the U.S. and the U.K. In my personal statement, I tried to explain the research I'm doing and I included the titles of my publications. I wonder can I add the corresponding URL links to the text in my PDF ...
I'm having issues with unwrapping a mesh with no seams. It should be a very easy process but I've been trying to solve this issue for a couple of hours.
As you can see from the images above, it results in a horrible alignment. No double vertices, All transformations applied... The only parts th...
Did Noah enter the ark 7 days before the flood or on the day of that the flood began?
וַיֹּ֤אמֶר יְהֹוָה֙ לְנֹ֔חַ בֹּֽא־אַתָּ֥ה וְכׇל־בֵּיתְךָ֖
אֶל־הַתֵּבָ֑ה כִּֽי־אֹתְךָ֥ רָאִ֛יתִי צַדִּ֥יק לְפָנַ֖י בַּדּ֥וֹר
Then the LORD said to Noah, “Go into the ark, with all your
household, for yo...
Consider a path-connected space $S$, is it true that there is always some reversible map defined on it ($T: S \rightarrow S $) that satisfies $T(p) = q$ for a given pair of points $p$ and $q$ in the space?
For example, on a spherical surface, given any two points $A$ and $B$ on the surface, there...
I have been a Tabla student for a decade. For those of you who don't know, Tabla is an Indian percussion instrument with a big language of rhythmic cycles of its own.
I wanted to know if playing excessive Tabla over a period of time can cause permanent damage, like tennis elbow or carpal tunnel s...
I am looking for a software engineering project idea (based on Object Oriented Programming) which does not include financial/accounting module, yet provides reasonable challenges in terms of research and modelling to undergraduate students. As this system needs to be implemented, it is preferable...
Revelation 22:1 ESV
Then the angel[a] showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb
Seeing that this book is full of imagery and symbolic language how can one understand what the river of water of life signifies or points to
What doe...
I just got a brand new stacked GE washer/dryer. I have a 30A breaker and I am running 10/2 with a 3 prong outlet. The breaker is double pole and I have the black wire in one and white in the other and power is going to the outlet but only 1 of the 2 hot wires is carrying power to the unit. So I h...
We received a product with this high-current battery connector, but don't know where to get the matching other half for it. Does anyone know what this connector is called?
I am seeing that when showing results based in 2 lines, the perception from end-users is not good or as intuitive that in a single line result (even having a slightly different background color)
Is there best practices to present a list of multi-line result?
Any suggestion to apply to the 2nd mo...
In a featured Stack Overflow Meta question, there was a logo of a company, which looks like this:
(The logo might be copyrighted. It is posted here for discussion purposes only.)
I failed to recognize the company name, which is
One of the highly upvoted comments was
Follow-up question: Is it s...
Can you identify this aircraft from the 1920s or 30s I think? On the back of the photo it says “Taken at Nanking, after flying from Hong Kong to Shanghai”. I don’t know who the pilot is. My grandfather was in the British Fleet Air Arm, so I guess it is one of his friends. There is a distinctive a...
The main story would deal with a strange suicide in a town such as San Francisco in the 30s. The latest case deals with the disappearance of a mother and her child.
Each time the bodies are severely damaged, leaving little information for identification and clues for the case.
The characters woul...
I am aware of how ODR, linkage, static, and extern "C" work with functions. But I am not sure about visibility of types since they cannot be declared static and there are no anonymous namespaces in C.
In particular, I would like to know the validity of the following code if compiled as C and C++
I'm using \left [ \right ] to scale the bracket up to the height of the expression inside.
However, it works as expected in the first line, bit not in the remaining two lines. Could you elaborate on this issue?
I am reading an interesting honeypot posted years ago. But I was confused by how the honeypot contract is implemented.
More specifically, take this transaction as an example. As we can see, during this transaction:
TRANSFER 1 Ether From 0x6f49baef279f8c40d7479f5be6a9bbf5fc607af0 To 0x95d3498009...
Shapefiles comes with a bunch of friends (often referred to as sidecar files) that all needs to have the same basename.
While software like QGIS deals with that very well I sometimes have the need to script this in a shell script / like to do this from the terminal without starting a GUI tool.
In Les Misérables, in the poem at the end, Hugo writes « La chose simplement d'elle-même arriva, comme la nuit se fait lorsque le jour s'en va ». Why « d'elle-même » instead of « elle-même »?
I want to understand what is the most effective algorithm for splitting. I have ids of users and I want to split them into 2 groups.
Now I have 2 variants:
Modulo approach - let's say we will place all even ids into one group, odd numbers into another.
Pros - for any sequence we will have a un...
While reading a paper, I encountered the following statement:
Let $K$ be a convex compact subset of a locally convex topological vector space. If $\mu \in P(K)$ is a Radon probability measure on $K$, then there is a unique point $x_\mu \in K$ such that $$\int_K fd \mu = f(x_\mu)$$ for every cont...
I work for a small company as an apprentice. We build mostly mass produce double sided PCBs. We are having trouble keeping the pin headers flat to the PCB through the reflow oven process.
The first side is pasted through a printer and populated by two machines (smaller parts.)
The board is reflo...
Is the number of relations on $A \times B$ the same as the number of relations from $A$ to $B$?
Can anybody clear this doubt with some examples? In my notes, I have written the number of relations on $A \times B$ as $2^{(mn)^2}$ and number of relations from $A$ to $B$ as $2^{mn}$. But some friend...
Should i solve math problems by writing the answers to papers or notebooks with pencils or should i try solving them in my head at undergraduate studies at university?
Also, sometimes after learning theorems, definitions or proofs should i write them on papers or notebooks to confirm than i know ...
I can't figure out where the phrases are in this piece of music and I am expected to draw brackets over them. There is no real rest or pause so I looked at where there is an end on the tonic note and made that the end of the phrase but I am not sure about it. In a piece like this how does one tel...
The answer to this question is obvious to anyone with even modest experience/knowledge of the subject, but when asked this by someone with no understanding whatsoever, I failed to give a concise and intuitive answer. The implicit question; once Google (for example) have built and deployed their s...
I'm looking through the /proc directory and, as user, I'm not able to list a directory even though it shows that user is the owner.
Why and how does this happen?
For instance, in ls -l /proc/2323/map_files it says ls: reading directory '.': Permission denied. But the owner is clearly user. The us...
I'm currently reading 3 limit switches and sending those data over Serial.write using the following code.
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <arduino-timer.h>
//Define limit switch pins
bool left_switch_stat...
I recently came across an interesting example of why general equilibrium need not exist with quasi-linear utility (in case anyone is interested, I'm posting this at the end). To make the example work, you need to assume that one person's endowment is sufficiently low to rule out an equilibrium in...
I am decent at learning from videos. But poor at learning from textbooks, wikipedia articles etc. Unless the material is really easy to follow, I am unable to learn most of text content. How do I practice this? Last semester, I read 5,00,000 words to practice my reading, but I mostly learnt by in...
Frank Artiles, a former Florida state representative and senator, was charged with felonies in connection to a scam candidate scheme in Miami Dade County. There was a general question asked about the legality of fake campaigns over in politics, and one answer mentioned this case. Commenters seeme...
How do I stop annoyed wizards from killing people all the time?
In my fantasy world, wizards are quite powerful, and they can kill anyone they know the location of with a thought. The usual methods of doing this are:
Teleporting a object into their brain or heart (People will know the victim has...
Prologue (you can skip straight to the "Problem" section (bolded) if you want):
First, to show you what way (let's call it trigonometric substitution method) I'm talking about and to show that this way works, I'll describe the tenets and then do a math using that way:
Basic tenets of trigonometri...
I've read many times on this site that high order polynomials (generally more than third) shouldn't be used in linear regression, unless there is a substantial justification to do so.
I understand the issues about extrapolation (and prediction at the boundaries).
Since extrapolation isn't importa...
I am using GeoServer 2.18.0 war file under Tomcat 9.0, deployed all this into AWS instance m5.xlarge
Details :
GeoServer contains 250+ layers, includes vector and raster datasets.
In case of raster data, it is uploaded to GeoServer & vector data is coming from PostgreSQL database.
In addition, ...
I am a beginner to solidity and I came across this concept called "Low-Level Calls". What exactly is a Low-level function? and How is it different from others?
Problem description
As the title indicates, I want to be able to write to and read from a binary file safely, in the sense that I want to have full control of everything that might go wrong. Since I am somewhat unfamiliar with all the flags of the ofstream class and not sure how to use them, I wr...
Which differences can we find on various signals? We assume that we have a reference signal (determined theoretically) and measured signal.
Which methods exist for determining the similarities between them?
The signals have no phase shift. If I calculate the cross correlation between the signal...
I've recently returned from a week of travelling around Europe, visiting a different town or city in a different country on each day, choosing my destinations according to an underlying pattern. I've plotted the first six places I visited on the map below; I need you to tell me: Which UK town or ...
I have been trying to figure out the title of a book I read about two years ago. It has these animals in it that have been mutated with other animal genes.
In the book, this girl and boy are trying to save these animals because the animals are being mutated with these genes to fight each other. T...
My Aunt is holding onto savings bonds my grandparents bought me. There’s a single word I’m looking for that means she’s holding them & won’t give them to me (I’m in my 40’s)
So, my question might seem silly. I know in real life when we apply a force with our hand and push on lets say a cylinder , we know the force will be distributed over the cross section of the area, so if we had a wider area, we need more force, and if we had smaller area, then we need less force ...
I understand how to calculate the expectation of simple random variables like:
But what if you had something more involved like:
$\mathbb{E}[e^{\alpha W(t)}W(t)]$
Where $W(t)$ is a Brownian motion and $\alpha$ is a real number.
Would you have to use Ito's equations for ...
I have a number of files each containing a specific pattern in their names like ABC1234001 which carry information about certain groups of my data (tables of multiple columns). I also have a table info.tsv like this:
group1 ABC1234001 ABC1234010
group2 ABC1234011 ABC1234018
group3 ...
Amos 5:18
Woe to you who desire the day of the LORD! For what good is the day of the LORD to you? It will be darkness, and not light.
What's with the woe? Don't we all desire the second coming of Jesus?
I made a black hole following this tutorial, and I want to put it behind some glass. However, because of the way the shader uses the facing node from the layer weight (at least I think this is what causes the problem), the black hole disappears when glass is in front of it. How would I fix this? ...
Modern earth, no magic. only difference is that a small percentage (~1%) of the population are biologically immortal, they can die by accidents/murder/etc but are immune to old age and disease (they will spend forever in perfect health).
My question is how do I stop this people from dominating th...
I'm new to Vector and 3D Geometry and today I was taught the equation of a line passing through two points $A(\vec{a})$ and $B(\vec{b})$ as $$\vec{r}=\vec{a} + λ(\vec{b}-\vec{a})$$
It is difficult for me to imagine how this works. Why do we have a $λ$ here? What I can think of is that $\vec{r}=\v...
How many formula fields we can create per one custom object in Salesforce ?
I can not find any information about it here
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.
I'm writing a code wherein I need to sort the data based on a field, but I'm confused on how I can use the comparable on the nested JSON. Also, I'm generating apex using apex2json tool.
Here is my (pseudo)code.
public class Appts {
public static void getAppts(){
String data= "{\n \"appoi...
Per title, I must emphasize that it shall be on the near side. Antoniadi (lunar crater) and Aitken basin are all on the far side. Preferrably it is also wide and large like the Oceanus Procellarum...
I am currently reading the Steerswoman series by Rosemary Kirstein, and the second book introduces us to a unique weapon used by Outskirter tribes who have very little access to metal. Rather than forging swords entirely out of steel, they carve a wooden core with a horn grip and then press-fit a...
What is purpose of CH button and CH switch position on ELITE (OMRON) Taschen-Rechner 8002 calculator?
The switch has three positions: ON, OFF and CH. Only in the ON position the calculator display is being lit up, in the CH position the calculator does not do apparently anything.
See the linked w...