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Q: If motion relative to a frame of reference is purely relative, how do we account for the work done to move relative to the frame of reference?

Justin PalmerI get the idea that everything is in motion, and there's no absolute reference frame for everything. But when we consider local events, like a train passing through a town, I have trouble accepting the notion that we have no principled way of asserting the perspective that the train is moving rel...

Q: Disciples' hard hearts in Mark 6:52 meant Jesus is unrecognized as Christ (instead of a Prophet like Elisha) for a greater miracle than 2 Kings 4:43?

חִידָהBased on Mark 6:52 we notice the disciples' observations of previously Feeding 5,000-men from 5-Loaves during [Mark 6:41-44] was considered "hard-hearted" since the disciples did not recognize Jesus of Nazareth as a supernatural "Christ" (Messiah) instead of a Prophet of YHVH like Elisha. So Jesu...

Q: True in [True] in [True] Output: False

arsalanI'm trying to figure out in what order this code runs: print( True in [True] in [True] ) False even though: print( ( True in [True] ) in [True] ) True and: print( True in ( [True] in [True] ) ) TypeError If the first code is neither of these two last ones, then what?

Q: What can I do when my test and validation scores are good, but the submission is terrible?

YuxxxxxxThis is a very broad question, I understand and I'm totally fine if someone believes it's not appropriate to do it. But it's killing me not to understand this... Here's the thing, I'm doing a machine learning model to predict the tweet topic. I'm participating in this competition. So this is what...

Q: Where are my Environment Variables? (Searched all ordinary places)

MasoudThanks to @ilkkachu I found a solution to this. I have posted it here and you can find it in the comments as well. I want to unset one environment variable and I have searched all these places: ~/.bashrc ~/.profile /etc/profile /etc/environment ~/.bash_profile /etc/bash.bashrc /etc/profile.d/ As...

Q: Inharmonicity between upper partials

cruthersDoes anyone know whether the inharmonicity in an interval between upper partials is expected to be greater or lesser than the inharmonicity in same interval between a fundamental and a partial? Here's an example. Suppose I tune A4 on a piano to 440. I then tune the A3 to the A4, which requires ...

Q: Can I recommend rejection of a paper by simply reading its Abstract and Introduction?

IY2I am reviewing a paper of a top-tier computer science conference. After reading the abstract and introduction of the paper, I think that the paper does not have that standard to make it up to the conference reputation. In other words, the problem that they have solved is a minor one and perhaps b...

Q: How do I find this type of starter capacitor? (photo)

Elijah LynnI've searched for the numbers, 2001-42 and TW9569 and not finding anything. How would you go about searching for this type of replacement capacitor? It came from an American Standard Jacquzzi/whirlpool motor that hums when I try to turn it on. I can't seem to find just this part on their website,...

Q: C++ Templates - The Complete Guide: Understanding footnote comment about decltype and return type

EnlicoThe 2nd edition of C++ Templates - The Complete Guide features the following code at page 435 #include <string> #include <type_traits> template<typename T, typename = void> struct HasBeginT : std::false_type {}; template<typename T> struct HasBeginT<T, std::void_t<decltype(std::declval<T>().beg...

Q: Can Wine run Fork, the git client?

Guilherme Taffarel BergaminI'm new to Linux and the only contact I have had with Wine-like software is through Steam's Proton, which works surprisingly well (though it is taylored for their platform, so it makes sense to work so well). The thing is that I'm planning on 100% move my operations to Linux (Ubuntu) and that inc...

Q: Why isn't the CDU / FDP / AFD a viable coalition government in Germany (2021)?

EveryoneElseWhy aren't these parties considered a possibility to form a coalition government after the 2021 elections? They all represent the right-wing in Germany, and they have enough seats for a majority if they were combined. It seems to me like they have more in common with each other than coalitions i...

Q: My research supervisor is asking me to fake results, what do I do?

IfeelExploitedMy research supervisor wanted to produce a cost-benefit analysis for an infrastructure project. First he had someone else work on it, then he involved me. When I got involved, I noticed that the benefits were inflated and the costs downplayed to convince the reader of a massive benefit-cost ratio...

Q: What does "Mods" and then the check marked list of numbers mean on avionics?

spenceMost of the avionics I see have a label that says "Mods" and then various numbers checked 1-15. Image source. What does this information relate to?

Q: Why do we need to reheat food?

J. MiniAmong family, I have found radically different approaches to reheating food that has already been fully cooked. Some will not eat last night's leftovers unless they have been microwaved to the point where every single part of the food is piping hot. Said people consider food that is "cold in the ...

Q: What is the purpose of this black plastic loop around rim spokes?

hb20007Many rims seem to have this piece of plastic around one of the spokes. It seems to be a zip tie fastening the rim in place. But what is its exact purpose? If it is required to fasten the rim in place, why don’t all wheels have it?

Q: Getting the bigger polygon of Multipolygon

Mahmoud AdelI have a Multipolygon that has 5 separate polygons and I want to get only the geometry of the biggest polygon. How can I get the largest polygon from the multipolygon?

Q: tikz text decorations: direction of text

ViestursConsider this example: \documentclass[margin=0.2cm]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{shapes, decorations.text} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate (A) at (0.0, 0.0); \coordinate (B) at (-5.0, 5.0); \draw[red, ->, postaction={decorate,decoration={text effects alon...

Q: Wiring help - Bathroom light, fan, & heater. No red wire AND is white hot?

The GunthSo I read and read and no one quite seemed to have the same scenario as me. I'd give my self a Basic Plus to intermediate rating for electrical, pretty decent understanding but some of the lingo eludes me. I have 2 wires (plus ground) coming out in 2 sets. One controls light & fan the other appea...

Q: What is the best place for a layman to learn about Modal Logic?

Luke HillAs stated in the title, I am interested in learning about Modal logic as a layman in the subject. I would appreciate any books, videos, articles, ect. Thanks!

Q: 'loose' cells on top tabular

JaapI'm trying to create this table I've made in Word, but I can't seem to get those top two cells. Is there a way to create this table? Here's what I have so far: \begin{table}[h] \begin{tabular}{| p{3cm} | p{1cm} | p{1cm} | p{1cm} | p{4cm} | p{1cm} | p{1cm} | p{1cm} |} \hline 1 & 2 & 3 &

Q: Limit of a sum using Riemann sums

Hossien SahebjameI am asked to find the following limit: $$\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} \frac{3}{n} \sum_{k=1}^n \left[\left(\frac{3k}{n}\right)^2 - \left(\frac{3k}{n}\right)\right].$$ I am trying to invoke the following rule $$\int_a^b f(x) dx = \lim_{n \rightarrow \infty } \sum_{k=1}^n f(x+k \Delta x) \Delta x$$...

Q: "to hit one's funny bone"

SerenaWas sagt man auf Deutsch, wenn man hits one's funny bone (den Nerv am Ellenbogen)? Vielen Dank!

Q: Why DSolve solution to this PDE does not match NDSolve solution?

NasserI was answering different question How Can I Visualize a PDE Boundary Condition? and in the process, found that DSOlve solution to the laplace PDE does not agree with the BC. Then I tried NDSolve and the plot now shows agreement. Did I do something wrong here, or could this be a bug in DSolve? Fi...

Q: Why does this linux alias NOT return a clean response like my other two?

JakobyScreamI am making some aliases for my terminal to output different IP addresses. Two out of three of them work just fine, but my one for default gateway won't return a clean response. alias inet="hostname -I | awk '{print $3}'" returns: 192.168.xxx.xx as intended alias pubip="curl ifconfig.me" retur...

Q: List all substrings of a number

Marco VacanteNeed some help listing all substrings of a number X=219 The output should be Output= {2,21,219,1,19,9} Order does not matter for this problem Any help is appreciated

Q: Why didn't the Joker's goons know who he was in the car (the Dark Knight intro)

Pro Effects MAXIn the dark knight intro, the Joker along with his goons rob a bank. In the car however, the joker's goons talk about him being out of the operation and still getting a share even though he isn't doing the dirty work. But, when the camera pans up behind the joker right before he climbs in with th...

Q: Do Hindus worship cows in some way?

Ubiquitous StudentI've read that Hinduism respects cows since they are considered to have holy Gods. I was curious to know if Hindus also worship cows in some way? I'm really ignorant in this theme, so I'd like to understand exactly the relation (regarding worship) between the Hinduism beliver to the cow.

Q: Stargate SG-1 - Was the whole of Abydos destroyed?

SpacePhoenixIn the episode "Full Circle", Anubis fires his superweapon at the planet Abydos, and we see the pyramid explode and the land surrounding it. At the end of the episode, there's only devastated land shown. Is there any evidence, that is considered canon, which would prove that it was the whole plan...

Q: How to draw two circles on sphere?

minhthien_2016I am trying to draw two circle SAB and ABC on this sphere (no need dashed line) I tried a = {0, 0, 0}; b = {7, 0, 0}; c = {65/14, (15 Sqrt[3])/14, 0}; s = {52/7, 0, (12 Sqrt[3])/7}; Graphics3D[{Opacity[.25], Circumsphere[{a, b, c, s}]}, Boxed -> False]

Q: How long must one wait before re-parking in the same time-limited parking spot in Seattle?

Franck DernoncourtMany parking spots in Seattle are time-limited, e.g. 2 hours: How long must one wait before re-parking in the such time-limited parking spots in Seattle (Washington state, United States)?

Q: Why we never learn cross validation in regular statistical textbook?

user45765I read various stats/biostats textbooks including Casella, Lehmann's book chapter on regression. Most of time the textbook will report a p-value for significance of the parameters after regressing against some model. Then there is a model selection procedure followed afterwards. However, those bo...

Q: When did they begin to make left and right shoes?

Alexandre EremenkoIn the memoirs of the Polish mathematician Hugo Steinhaus ("Mathematician for all seasons", vol. I, English translation, Springer, 2015) he recollects a conversation with Henri Lebesgue in 1938: "He told us that it was a mathematician at the Sorbonne in the thirteenth century who had first obser...

Q: How to dynamically pick a member from two similar C++ structures while avoiding code duplication?

iFarbodHaving the following structures: class XY { int test; }; class XYZ { short extra; int test; }; I want to use XY::test and XYZ::test depending on a runtime variable. Like: if (x == 1) { reinterpret_cast<XY*> (object)->test = 1; } else if (x == 2) { reinterpret_cast<XYZ*> (obje...

Q: Free Online Text Books For Sailing

John ShearingThe FAA has a website to download free text books to learn all the things required to become a pilot. https://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/handbooks_manuals/aviation/ Is there a similar website for sailors? Thanks

Q: Can Gordon–Luecke be strengthened from homeomorphism type to homotopy type?

user513093The Gordon–Luecke theorem states that if two (tame) knots have homeomorphic complements in $S^3$, then they are equivalent (up to isotopy and reflections). It is not the case, however, that distinct knots have complements in $S^3$ with distinct fundamental groups. The standard counterexample is t...

Q: Selecting and exporting points inside specific polygon using QGIS

Bruno FariasI have a problem that is similar to Get Points in a selected polygon I have a polygon layer (with +200 features) that represents a road (subdivided by every 100m) and a point layer of a GPS survey driving through the road. What I need to do is - similar to the example question above - clip all th...

Q: solve_ivp from scipy does not integrate the whole range of tspan

An Ignorant WandererI'm trying to use solve_ivp from scipy in Python to solve an IVP. I specified the tspan argument of solve_ivp to be (0,10), as shown below. However, for some reason, the solutions I get always stop around t=2.5. from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as ...

Q: Why should momentum be conserved in special relativity?

user626542This is more of a philosophical question than an actual physics question, but I don't see a clear reason why relativistic momentum, or energy for that matter, should be conserved. The equivalence principle, simply stated, states that the laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames. But wh...

Q: What chord is "A7+4"?

blasterThat's how it's notated and I think it's a really unusual notation. Could that be a synonymous notation for "A7sus4"?

Q: Scrabble with prime numbers!

Taco タコスHow to Play Overall, gameplay is very similar to typical Scrabble; however, unlike typical Scrabble, you'll be using numbers instead of letters (we'll cover your tile bag later). The objective is to achieve a higher score than your opponent while building prime numbers: A prime number (or a prim...

Q: Where are the relics of Anthony the Great?

luchonachoAnthony the Great, or Anthony of Egypt, is a Christian Saint who lived in the 4th century AD. The Wikipedia page states about its relics: Anthony had been secretly buried on the mountain-top where he had chosen to live. His remains were reportedly discovered in 361, and transferred to Alexandria...

Q: Help recreating Sci-Fi PBR texture

kaspertheghostI'm relatively new to blender and I'm trying to replicate this procedural texture: The artist was kind enough to share their node setup on the website, so I have tried copying it, but my texture doesn't look quite the same. Here is the artists node setup: And here is my node setup: As you can s...

Q: Why would a PhD adviser ask to be removed from the "Acknowledgments" of a paper?

And average Grad studentI have two papers. In the acknowledgment of the first one I thanked my adviser for his mentorship and there was no problem. When I finished my second paper and I sent it to him to review, he replied back with bunch of comments, mostly reasonable. But one of the comments was that he asked to be re...

Q: How can hit points lost as a result of casting the Life Transference spell be recovered?

bonesWhen you "sacrifice" hit points as a result of casting the life transference spell, how can you recover them? A long or short rest?

Q: Determine the Range of this function.

FarrowI have a function $\frac{x-y}{1+x^2+y^2}=f(x,y)$. And, I want to find the range of it. I analyzed this function by plotting it on a graph and found interesting things. Like if the level curve is $0=f(x,y)$, then I get $y=x$ which is a linear function. But if the level curve is something not 0, th...

Q: Stripped brake mount on fork lower

RiverI noticed that one of the bolts used to attach the brake to the fork is stripped and found many solutions but wanted to know if continued use will make it worse with and without repairing it. Also what is the cheapest way going about repairing it?

Q: On what basis can a 3rd country legally forbid a foreigner from leaving the country if there is no accusation of crime?

ManveruMy girlfriend, who is a Russian citizen and resident in Poland, was traveling through Belarus in order to return to Poland. However she was not allowed to leave Belarus when trying to cross the border into Poland; Belarusian border agents claimed she would need a valid reason to leave the country...

Q: Proof for Cardinality of the Clifford Group

Quantum Guy 123In this article: (http://home.lu.lv/~sd20008/papers/essays/Clifford%20group%20[paper].pdf) a proof is given for the cardinality of the Clifford group. I understand all the parts of it except for how the recursion is given. The part above equation (4) which states that: "The elements of $C_n$ that...

Q: How prior distribution over neural networks parameters is implemented in practice?

har07I have read some papers that mentioned about using standard normal distribution as prior distribution over deep neural networks parameters or use normal distribution with some configurable variance. But so far I can't find information on how this is actually implemented in practice. In my naive u...

Q: Dependency Syntax tree problems

Claire likes Syntax This is a Dependency syntax tree from an official website. As can be seen from this pic, "off" is deemed as a complete subtree. But when we use constituency tests to verify it, it does not perform as a constituent actually. I thought that "customer" was supposed to be a dependent of "off". Can s...

Q: Does the Magic Weapon spell, cast by a Mark of Making Human Barbarian, continue to function while Raging?

ThatOneOFFTopicPersonThe Barbarian 1st level ability Rage states: If you are able to cast spells, you can’t cast them or concentrate on them while raging. And the Variant Human: Mark of Making innate ability Spellsmith states: You know the mending cantrip. You can also cast the magic weapon spell with this trait. ...

Q: in it all goes - what does it mean?

NewPlanet The cause of my guilt is the amount of food I keep throwing away. A pile of leftover pasta, the uneaten salmon from my daughter’s plate, some expired tofu discovered at the back of the fridge – in it all goes. It sits there in a heap on top of the plastic packaging in which most of the food came...

Q: When do two triangles reflected over midpoints have the same area?

Jonathan ComplexSuppose I have a triangle ABC. I have points C', A', and B' on segments AB, BC, and CA, respectively. Suppose I reflect C' about the midpoint of AB to get point C'' (also on AB); similarly for the other two points to get points A'' and B''. Is the area of A'B'C' the same as the area of A''B''C''?...

Q: Stove is tripping breaker? Help needed!

JeffRecently when I turn my oven on, it trips the breaker. The oven stays on for quite awhile and heats up, but it seems that when it is turned up over 300 degrees, it shuts off. It’s an old stove (20 years) but has always worked fine until now. The breaker box where the breaker to the stove is, pops...

Q: Transfer through Hongkong

WISEHEADI booked a flight through Cathay but I was denied boarding from China to Europe via Hongkong , the operator claimed that I need visa to transit (Syrian national) although I had one single booking and my transfer was only 3 hours and I met the requirements of my final destination . They forced me ...

Q: Box and arrow notation of writing electron configuration

huzaifa abedeen image source: https://opentextbc.ca/ I write the electron configurations like 1s2 2s2 2p6, but not able to draw the box and arrow notations. $\mathrm{N} \quad 1 s^{2} 2 \mathrm{~s}^{2} 2 p^{3} \quad$ $\mathrm{O} \quad 1 s^{2} 2 \mathrm{~s}^{2} 2 p^{4} \quad$ $\mathrm{F} \quad 1 s^{2} 2 \mathrm{~...

Q: Doubt about energy convergence with different k points

poonam sharmaDuring the convergence test of k points, I observed my energy start increasing instead of decreasing. I am doubtful is this correct or I am doing something wrong. can I take the appropriate K point in this type of converged graph in which energy is inceasing. I am doing this convergence test for ...

Q: Galois representations attached to a cusp form for different primes

user390304If I have a cusp form $f$, I can consider the associated Galois representation $\rho_l(f)$ for any prime $l$. For two distinct primes $p$ and $q$, what is the relationship between $\rho_p(f)$ and $\rho_q(f)$? Are they basically the same? How can I make the relationship precise?

Q: How long does it take to break obsidian with Mining Fatigue 255?

StickyChannel 92I'm trying to figure out how long it takes to break one piece of obsidian with my fist with Mining Fatigue 255. How long does it take? How about underwater? With a pickaxe?

Q: Can Philippians 1:6 be connected to 1 Corinthians 1:4-9?

Cork88Knowing that Paul mentions the guarantee of the Spirit multiple times in different letters, could it be possible that Paul is referring to the same concept of final perseverance in both Philippians 1:6 & 1 Corinthians 1:4-9? The “Good work” usually is disputed here in terms of Biblical hermeneut...

Q: Isomorphic morphisms. A 27-morphism category

Wlod AATwo morphims of category $\ \mathbf C\ $ are isomorphic one to another $\ \Leftarrow:\Rightarrow\ $ they are the opposite edges that are drawn horizontally (aimed East) of a commutative square that has the vertical edges (aimed North) being isomorphisms of $\ \mathbf C$. Problem What is the minim...

Q: What are these pink papers with book text written on them?

Cory KleinI purchased this book online and upon reading it I discovered that one page contains two pink papers with the text of the book printed on top of them. On the papers is also printed the text: Ref:M100 202X Might it be that this copy was unauthorized for sale?

Q: Delay between different function calls

MateuszI have a question about adding delay after calling various functions. Let's say I've function like: def my_func1(): print("Function 1") def my_func2(): print("Function 2") def my_func3(): print("Function 3") Currently I've added delay between invoking them like below: delay = 1 my_...

Q: Why is visa not equivalent to visa status in the US?

mavzolejThis question is more on history than on current issues, but I didn't know what would be a more appropriate place to ask it. Visa laws in the US are pretty crazy and differ from most other countries. First of all, the validity of visa here is not equivalent to the validity of the visa status. It ...

Q: Increasing G force tolerance

FIRES_ICEHow can I increase the G tolerance for a person who will be participating in intense side to side/lateral movement as well as some vertical high G maneuvers. Ideally the application should be able to fit in a small vehicle/ platform that is capable of combat or intense racing. Visibility doesn't ...

Q: Removing Install Screen when booting from Live USB with persistence on 20.04 Ubuntu Server

a1716836I understand this question is extremely similar to this, however the solutions in that question do not apply to current methods of controlling Grub when booting a USB. My initial grub screen is controlled by grub.cfg, not syslinux.txt or isolinux.txt. To start off with, I have successfully create...

Q: Is the Risch algorithm implemented in Mathematica?

user64494The command of Mathematica 12.3.1 Integrate[(4 x - 1)/Sqrt[x^4 - 2*x^3 + 3*x^2 + 2*x + 1],x]//ToRadicals (2 (-4 I - Sqrt[1 - 4 I] - Sqrt[ 1 + 4 I]) (1/2 ((-1 - 2 I) + Sqrt[1 + 4 I]) + x)^2 \[Sqrt]((Sqrt[ 1 + 4 I] (-4 I - Sqrt[1 - 4 I] + Sqrt[1 + 4 I]) ((1 + 2 I) + Sqrt[1 + 4 I] - 2 x) ((-1 + ...

Q: How to deal with co-workers that says I don't trust them?

el-cheapoSo we're working on a work process automation project. Basically our company is going to procure a machine and substitute the current manual process to be automatic. Obviously, this project has a success criteria in which the automated system should generate savings to the company. Long story sho...

Q: Do MOSFET logic gates necessarily need an N channel MOSFET?

SoumilI've been studying CMOS logic gate design, such as an inverter here: Why do we need the N-channel MOSFET at the bottom at all? Couldn't it be replaced with a simple resistor into ground like this?

Q: Validate Sudoku on a Mobius Strip

Taco タコス@BeastlyGerbil presents, the world's very first MOBIUS SUDOKU: Google Sheets version (The left most square backs onto the right most square, and the middle squares back onto each other. The ends are then attached as indicated.) RULES: Normal sudoku rules apply for rows and boxes - boxes are...

Q: Disjoint-set data structure (C++)

NayukiI'm an intermediate-level C++ programmer aiming to write reference-quality code. I hope to learn about any mistakes in this piece of code and blind spots in my understanding of concepts. Notes: The stylistic use of public:/private: on every member is subject of a question on Software Engineering...

Q: What is the contemporary translation of this quote from The Art of War?

08915bfe02Guy Debord's 1988 essay “Comments on The Society of the Spectacle” opens with this epigram from Sun Tzu's The Art of War: However critical the situation and circumstances in which you find yourself, despair of nothing; it is on the occasions in which everything is to be feared that it is necessa...

Q: QGIS query builder using QGIS variables

Tamas KosaIs there any way to use QGIS variable values in QGIS query builder? I would like to create a dynamic query which will load data from PostGIS based on a string value which equals the QGIS project filename. Like this: "project_name" = base_file_name( @project_filename )

Q: Do Turing machines have memory registers?

Tom FinetI am working on chapter one of the textbook Computational Complexity: a modern approach by Arora, S., & Barak, B. They begin by defining a turing machine (TM) and then prove equivalence between variations of TMs. They make the following claim. Claim 1.6 Define a single-tape Turing machine to be a ...

Q: How to know what padding to stay consistent with?

UI122I've heard that one should use spacing consistently, but I'm stuck on what to do here. I have the following box: The padding above and below the five circles is not equal. Would it be more pleasing to add equal padding on both ends? In the first image, I'm respecting the padding of the white bo...

Q: Did any compilers hash long symbol names when truncating them?

jpaMany early compilers and interpreters had maximum length for variable and function names. Usually you could use longer names but everything beyond e.g. the first 8 characters was discarded. This required putting as much distinguishing information to the beginning of the symbol name as possible. H...

Q: What is the quietest way to practice trumpet that is still doable?

NittI'm in a place where even playing with a mute is too loud. I've heard some good things about silent brass devices. But I was wondering how quiet can you physically get with trumpet and still maintain a daily practice without making it too hard too play?

Q: Why is IntoIter not owning the values?

DavidI want to iterate over the bytes of an integer: use core::mem::size_of; const SIZE: usize = size_of::<u64>(); fn main() { let x: u64 = 512; let mut buf: [u8; SIZE] = [0; SIZE]; for (i, b) in x.to_be_bytes().into_iter().enumerate() { buf[i] = b; } }...

Q: Talking about future in the past

BubayaThere is a similar question that doesn't fully cover what I am asking, so I do ask nevertheless. If I tell a story in the past and, at some point, want to talk about what used to be the (expected) future at that point, how do I do that? As a German speaker, I'd employ conjunctive mood, so I'd lit...

Q: Macro to automatically enter both SI and US length measurements

Dmitri NesterukHow do I write a macro that, given the input \length(100) would interpret the input value as length (mm) and output something like \SI{100}{\mm}/4'', In other words, I need something that behind the scenes makes a mm-to-in conversion ($1'' \approx 25mm$) and inserts it into my output.

Q: How do I respond to players who keep asking powerful NPCs to help them in ToA?

VarstarkI'm playing Tomb of Annihilation(ToA) with my group right after playing Waterdeep Dragon Heist. The group have met powerful characters like Vajra Safahr, the open lord Laeral Silverhand, Mirt, Artus Cimber and many more while in the jungles of Chult. These NPCs have high challenge ratings (17, 13...

Q: How does exec > work in AWS EC2 user data?

Ahmed KhaledI was writing a Terraform module for AWS EC2 that involved executing a bash in the user data section. While I was developing I had an issue in the script I wrote but neither AWS nor Terraform provided any logs for the errors in I got until I found this line in AWS support forum: exec > >(tee /var...

Q: How to simplify this complex circuit?

Sub DeyI am new to circuit solving and I tried to simplify this circuit, but I am unable to do so. I can't figure out which resistances are in series and which resistances are in parallel. Do I have to use star-delta conversion here or the circuit can be solved without conversion? I just need a simplifi...

Q: Deductively sound argument

dameIs their a way to prove that a deductively sound argument(where premises are true and argument is valid) will always have a true conclusion?

Q: How to find generators for subgroups of free groups?

lEmFor simplicity, consider $F_2$ a free group generated by two elements $\{a,b\}$. Let's say I am given a finite index subgroup $H\subset F_2$, for example $H=\{a^{i_1}b^{j_1}...a^{i_n}b^{j_n}:\,i_1+...+i_n=0\,(\mathrm{mod}\, 2)\}=\ker(f:F_2\to\mathbb Z/2\mathbb Z\,\,\text{by}\,\,a\mapsto1,b\mapsto...

Q: How to act with replacement on an association with syntax most similar to ReplaceAll

KvotheReplacements acting on Associations confuse me. I have read Pattern matching to a function evaluation inside an Association and How to use ReplaceAll and RuleDelayed with an Association? and I understand how to use RuleCondition (or something equivalent) to insert an evaluated expression into the...

Q: Why can R not allocate enough memory even for a small raster file?

ThomasI have a raster layer of vegetation cover (range from 1 to 3). The size of the file totals 60 Mb so it is not big at all. I know this is duplicating other questions, but they have not helped me out. I tried gc(), memory.limit(), etc. This is the raster file class : RasterLayer dimensions : ...

Q: 店長に休みたいならそう言えと言われた。 - What does the そう represent here?

fynxgloire店長に休みたいならそう言えと言われた。 As per the title, what does the そう represent here? As far as I know, there are 2 uses of そう replace the ます stem to mean seems like. End of a 普通形 to represent something that you heard from somewhere / someone. Can someone explain what the indicated そう means, thx in advance

Q: What language am I learning?

PureferretI arrive at the location I've agreed with my European friend, who is teaching me their native language. Today we're learning some history of their country. But to aid in my learning, I've been banned from speaking in English (my native language). Woe is me however, as I've forgotten how to ask an...

Q: Will snapshot backup (non copy only) break restore chain?

variableI have full backup running at 6am on Sunday. Differential backup running at 6am everyday. Log backup running every hour. There is also a Snapshot backup running at 3pm everyday. This is not a copy only backup. Will the above snapshot backup break the restore chain?

Q: What are the mechanical differences between Shapechanger and Change Shape?

Guillaume F.Many creatures can transform into other forms. For some, the ability is called "Shapechanger". Doppelganger: Shapechanger. The doppelganger can use its action to polymorph into a Small or Medium humanoid it has seen, or back into its true form. Jackalwere: Shapechanger. The jackalwere can use i...

Q: SQL Server using index scan instead of seek, all of a sudden

Vivek Kumar SinghWe have a stored procedure that runs daily. In one of the sub queries (query 20, in the execution plan), SQL Server was using an index seek till 2021/09/24. But all of a sudden when the query ran on 2021/09/25, SQL Server started using an index scan at the same step. Below is the plan for 2021/0...

Q: Find the longest line

Wheat WizardGiven a string containing only the characters -, |, + and newline determine the longest straight line contained in it. A straight line is either an uninterupted run of -s and +s in a single row or an uninterupted run of |s and +s in a single column. So for example: | | ---- |...

Q: Different kind of outline on many polygons

Shai HuludIs it possible to change stroke width on number of polygons? But I want only to outer boundary be different thicker line and I want to inner boundary remains thinner. Example: All polygons have equal boundaries. I want this but without drawing a new polygon or multiline: Is this possible to ach...

Q: Routh-Hurwtiz criterion not giving correct answer when done manually?

MathConsider the system: \begin{align} \frac{dS}{dt} &= \nu N -\frac{\beta S I}{N} + \xi R - \nu S\\ \frac{dE}{dt} &= \frac{\beta S I}{N}- \sigma E -\nu E \\[2ex] \frac{dI}{dt} &= \sigma E -\gamma I -\nu I \\[2ex] \frac{dR}{dt} &= \gamma I -\xi R - \nu...

Q: Does $$...$$ produces wrong spacing in plain TeX?

LaravelIn the ConTeXt FAQ, one can read Does $$...$$ work for display math, like in (La)TeX? No; the spacing above and below the equation will be wrong, and maybe other aspects too. Moreover in LaTeX, a good practice is to replace the $$...$$ syntax by \[...\] source. I was thus wondering if the doub...

Q: The Thieves and the Gold Bars II: Greed and Distrust

DrDTwo thieves, Bo and Jo, steal 7 gold bars and are driving away when their car is wrecked in an accident. They-and the loot- is intact. They are at Point A at 8 PM and must go to Point B which is 1 mile away. There is a small train station at B. The last train will leave at 11 PM. Before that, the...

Q: Precise square wave generator 32768 Hz

Video Ispezioni S.r.l.I need to create a circuit to generate a square wave with 50% duty at 32768 Hz +/- 5 Hz. The output of the circuit will drive an NPN transistor ( 0.2 A , 24VDC ). The cost of the component is not a limit, I'm searching for the best way to have a reliable output. What is the best way to do this? C...

Q: Multi-word aliases in bash

GaganI'm trying to add a multi-word alias in my .bashrc. More specifically, I want apt update to be sudo apt update -y. But I can't figure out how to specify a multi-word alias. I've tried the following, but none of them have worked: alias 'apt update'='sudo apt update -y' alias "apt update"='sudo apt...

Q: Arcade owner (in mechanized wheelchair?) attacked and eaten by city alligator

FuzzyBootsI have a scene, I think from a longer book, stuck in my head, hoping for some help in getting it out. The protagonists are visiting an arcade on a future Earth, I think within a recognizable city like New York. I don't remember what information they were there for, but near the end of the scene w...

Q: Is it possible to know the instantiation number inside the instantiated code when using a for loop to generate multiple VHDL component instances?

LukeHappyValleySo I know how to instantiate multiple instances of the same component in VHDL, see the example code: component REG port(D,CLK,RESET : in std_ulogic; Q : out std_ulogic); end component; begin GEN_REG: for I in 0 to 3 generate REGX : REG port map (DI...

Q: Sci-fi show where a son and his father are sucked into a computer and transported into various historic moments

LulzI saw this show one time, I can't remember where. I honestly think it was on PBS but I could be wrong. The premise of the show is about a son who had a shakey relationship with his dad. His father built some sort of program which sucked him into the computer, and then the son was also brought in,...

Q: Any security issue with snapshots download from internet?

ayeI am trying to run a tezos node, but it takes so long time to bootstrap. It has been a day but it still hasn't finished syncing (I guess it is only around 50% from the timestamp). I have just known that there is a quick way to start a node if there is a snapshot. In this link there are many place...

Q: What is Algorithm Name for Count Points in Polygon using PyQGIS?

StophfaceI want to count points in polygon, using PyQGIS. When I check the documentation, I find the description of the {parameter_dictionary}, but not the algorithm name which must also be provided. What is the name of the algorithm which I have to write in here processing.run("algorithm_id", {parameter_...

Q: Materializing temporary layer in PyQGIS

StophfaceLet's say I run a simple algorithm like this import processing # https://docs.qgis.org/3.16/en/docs/user_manual/processing_algs/qgis/vectoranalysis.html?highlight=count%20points%20polygon#id3 processing.run("qgis:countpointsinpolygon", { 'POLYGONS' : 'polygons', 'POINTS': 'points', ...

Q: Do I need --skip-lock-tables with --single-transaction?

billynoahI am performing regular backups using mysqldump on a schema consisting entirely of InnoDB tables. The mysqldump documentation has this to say about --single-transaction: The --single-transaction option and the --lock-tables option are mutually exclusive because LOCK TABLES causes any pending tr...

Q: How can I see the sfdx version Number in the cli?

0E-MissionSo I am trying to see the exact version of the sfdx I am using any hints?

Q: Does Google Search Ranking punish websites which use fingerprint tracking?

VIIMy website uses flexible sampling to limit the number of free articles unregistered users can view. I use fingerprint tracking to keep track of which customers have reached their monthly view limit. When doing fingerprint tracking, I also check whether the useragent is Googlebot and if it is, I w...

Q: Since there will no longer be any curse, what is the use of the leaves in Revelation 22:2?

Tony ChanRevelation 22: 1 Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb 2down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit ever...

Q: After Syria entered civil war, did B1/B2 or Schengen visas of Syrians became useless?

user123040Say you are a Syrian citizen. You have a 10 year US B1/B2 visa and 5 year multi entry Schengen visa. You visited EU and US as a tourist before many times without any issues. Your country enters civil war. Does that make your visas useless? Looking forward to an answer from a Syrian citizen based ...

Q: Why are entire rolls weirdly out of focus on my Olympus Sylus Epic?

RatGrimesSo I picked up an Olympus Infinity Stylus Epic point and shoot for cheap. The problem is that none of the photos come out in focus. The guy I bought it from said the same, but I figured I'd give it a go for the price. Everything about the camera seems to work: the lens moves without issue, the sh...

Q: MacOS Big Sur - How to completely change admin password (including sudo commands)

Blake McGillisI just got a new Mac laptop at my job and the password they set it up with is very long and complex. It's very secure, but it's also a pain to type. I'm a developer so I have to use the password pretty regularly to change settings and run sudo commands. How do I go about completely changing the p...

Q: Question about Unorganized Org/Sandboxes

Thomas McferrinSo I'm fairly green when it comes to development. I left a company that had an insanely structured enterprise Salesforce organization with many teams and joined one that I'm realizing is pretty much the polar opposite. I'm used to having multiple sandboxes and orgs that to my limited understandin...

Q: Find missing attribute values / features by comparing a GeoPackage table with an Excel sheet or CSV

axreAs I digitized stuff manually from a raster map and I have a list of all needed features, I want to compare tables. One complete CSV or Excel, for illustration: Feature_Code Fruit Disabled TH1 Banana Yes TH2 Apple No TH3 Cherry No One Geopackage Table, with missing Feature Codes: ...

Q: Relativistic velocity addition

Nakshatra GangopadhayWe know that the rules of relativistic addition are more complicated than those for simple classical cases. For example, we can have two frames of reference, and if we know the motion of the frames themselves, and the velocity of an object in one frame, we can use the formula to get the velocity ...

Q: What would the Aarakocra language sound like?

TheChickenSkepticI've been looking for this for a while, and I've only been able to find what the script would look like, and not what it would actually sound like. I know it's not directly necessary, but I would like to have a base so that my players will stop trying to metagame. Plus, I run an aarakocra in anot...

Q: What is the limit of the sum as `t` approaches infinity?

ArbujaI am unable to find the limit of the following sum as t appraoches infinity Clear["Global`*"] S[t_] := S[ t] = (1/(t - 1)) Sum[ Sum[Abs[(t)/((t - 1) n (n + 1)) - 1/(t - 1)], {n, 1, j}], {j, 1, t - 1}] As t grows larger the computation time of the sum slows down. How do we compute th...

Q: Fantasy Character Creation Tool (early prototype)

Davide MarchiI recently started studying C++ programming; while attending the course I'm writing a program on the side as a personal project to familiarize with what I'm learning. It is still very basic and I'm sure that as I begin learning OOP there will be a lot of room for improving it. But for now I would...

Q: How can i become an astronaut?

wayneI am a 3rd year electrical and electronics engineerincg under graduate student from India. I want to join space industry furthur. How should i select my majors and projects so that i could achieve that?

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