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Q: Why was Adolphus Dolo nicknamed "Gen. Peanut Butter"?

FizzAccording to Pro Publica Adolphus Dolo, better known as Gen. Peanut Butter [...] was infamous for recruiting child soldiers. However not much in the way of explanation is provided for his peculiar nickname, and a quick google search fails to find an explanation (e.g. in his one-para Wikipedia b...

Q: Is it correct to say "how-many-day a tour was it"?

Askeladd How-many-day a tour was it? How many days was the tour? How many days of tour were you on? How-many-day tour of Cambridge were you on? are the above sentences grammatically correct? p.s. i understand that there are simpler ways to ask that question, such as "how long was the tour?" or "how ...

Q: Execute action to the beginning/end of a motion

blackyellowIs there a way do execute an action (change c, delete d, and so on) to the beginning or to the end of a motion? For example: Suppose we have: Praesentium officia mollitia iste molestiae ipsa qui molestias sed. Aut quae voluptas saepe qui eos. Non explicabo error rem enim voluptatem quibusdam. Dol...

Q: Can I extract information from a single shot efficiently?

ZR-I'm running a quantum simulation and want to obtain some information from a single shot of an experiment. Here's part of the code I'm working on: for i in range(Nshot): Expeb = [] for measure_circuit in [circ_1, circ_2, circ_3, circ_4]: measure_circuit = transpile(measure_circuit,...

Q: Q: Can I access the drive on a Power Macintosh 7200/75 as an external drive?

Bill I was recently given an older Power Macintosh 7200/75 that was owned by a family member, with the task of trying to access it to see what is on the hard drive. It's just the base machine, no keyboard, mouse or monitor. Is it possible for me to somehow connect this to my MacBook Air and then open...

Q: Representing number domain by a symbol

David G. StorkI'd like to represent the number domain by a symbol rather than text word. While Solve[n^2 - 19 n + 99 == k^2 \[And] {k, n} > 0, {k, n}, Integers] works fine, I'd like to replace Integers with $\mathbb{Z}$ (ESC dsZ ESC) and of course for other domains such as Reals, Rationals, and so on. But tha...

Q: Query store - bumping up max_storage_size_mb (Query Store Retention, Max Size) works for a short while then goes back to 250?

SylviaI've been unsuccessful doing this a few times now. In the UI I'm able to successfully bump up the size of the query store in Query Store Retention setting from 250 to 1000 mb. I make the change, close the database properties window, reopen, and it looks like the change was successful, shows 1000 ...

Q: Set Do Not Trade as default for New Contacts?

Outreach DirectorIs it possible to set Do Not Trade as the default for new contacts? Our organization requires consent to trade, and some of the new contacts, entered by volunteers, did not specify Do Not Trade & it has caused some confusion. In order to prevent this in the future we'd like to have this as default.

Q: Disable the Custom Internal CSS added by theme.json for Certain Pages

iSaumyaI know thwt WordPress v5.8 has just ben released and I ave started using the theme.json for managing some basic stuffs on the Gutenberg side. But as I have started using it, I have seen a couple of things: The custom internal CSS added by WordPress after compiling the theme.json file to each and ...

Q: The Novice Chess Team that Won Every Match of the Season

DjinTonicDevious High School had a newly formed chess team that played against all the other high schools in the area this year. These matches are played with a 5-player team who, at a match, sit next to each other on one side of a long table, with the opposing team seated on the other side. It's customar...

Q: What is the difference between Theravada "papanca" with regard to objects and Mahayana "selflessness of phenomena"?

Yeshe TenleyIn a previous question I asked whether the Theravada posits the selflessness of phenomena? Where the best answer I understood to essentially state that it does not. At least, it did sound like there was an important difference between the selflessness of persons and the selflessness of phenomena....

Q: Is it possible for hacker to point other domain to my domain?

LittleTeemorecently when I search my website on google, I find another domain's description is identical to my domain. I'm terrified and try to understand the security breaches of my website as much as possible. I clicked on the link of this fake website and it turned out to be 'Your connection is not priva...

Q: Bivariate Distribution with Uniform Marginals is Bound to be Uniform?

aditerIf $X\sim U , Y\sim U$ , and $X,Y$ may be non-independent. Can we say the joint distribution of $X,Y$ is uniform?

Q: Why change of variables in the Hamiltonian give us the same physics while changes of variables in the Lagrangian does not?

amilton moreiraSuppose we have the Lagrangian density $$L=\partial_\mu\phi\partial^\mu\phi-m^2\phi^2\tag 1$$ With $\phi$ a scalar field and $\pi=\frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{\phi}}=2\dot{\phi}$ we can show that the Hamiltonian density $H$ is given by $$H=\pi+\nabla \phi \cdot \nabla \phi+m^{2} \phi^2 \tag...

Q: When to use 6/9 chords instead of seventh chords

alrtsI'm learning jazz piano from the internet, and recently I learned comping the song 'But Not For Me' with a walking bass in the left hand and the harmony in the right hand. In the tutorial, my teacher replaced all seventh major and dominant chords by the corresponding 6/9 chords, as well as all mi...

Q: What kind of bulb is this and are there LED equivalents?

pauwlskyI am wondering if I can replace this type of bulb in this type of light fixture with an LED equivalent, or if I need a new light fixture altogether. Here is the fixture: and the bulb Thanks!

Q: Why is it call 'Lightspeed' if the ships aren't traveling at the speed of light?

FirestrykeIn the Star Wars franchise, they can travel through hyperspace to other systems and planets. But Han in Star Wars: A New Hope said they needed to make the jump to lightspeed. And there have been several other instances where a similar phrase was used and they would say "...jump to lightspeed" or "...

Q: Is publication of Black-Scholes in 1973 and founding of CBEO in 1973 coincidental?

Jan StullerApparently, CBOE was founded in 1973 and opened on 1st January that year (source = Google), to start trading listed options. The famous Black-Scholes paper was published also in 1973. I am wondering if there is any direct link there? When I first saw this, my initial thoughts were that the paper ...

Q: Does offset always have to be on log scale with NB GLMM?

sam2210I'm using a negative binomial GLMM with R package lme4 to detect differences in time mothers spend feeding before and after birth (inf_cat). inf30.feed <- glmer.nb(feeding ~ (inf_cat) + offset(total_inf_cat) + (1|female), data=mother_ownno_inf30) My ...

Q: Definition of a one-sided test

RodviIn Larry Wasserman's book "All of statistics" on p.151 there is the definition of a one-sided test: A test of the form $H_0: \theta \le \theta_0~~$ versus $~~H_1: \theta \gt \theta_0$ or $H_0: \theta \ge \theta_0~~$ versus $~~H_1: \theta \lt \theta_0$ is called a one-sided test And in the proba...

Q: List has no rows for assignment exception on AuraEnabled method

Akshay VasuI have created an Apex Class with an AuraEnabled method, which I am calling from a Lightning component. After the method is called I am receiving the below error. There was an exception List has no rows for assignment to SObject On the line number 9 I am adding the Apex code below. Can anyone pl...

Q: Citing online journal papers

RSMWhenever I cite a scientific paper that I found online, I include the link where I got it and date accessed in the citation. I was discussing this with a classmate, since he just cites the article without including a link, just the journal name, and volume, as well as providing the DOI. I was won...

Q: Can a friend function in C++ have a default argument whose type has a private destructor?

FedorIn the next example the class U with private destructor has a friend function foo. And this friend function has argument of type U with default value U{}: class U{ ~U(); friend void foo(U); }; void foo(U = {}); Clang and MSVC accept this code, but GCC rejects it with the error error: 'U::~U()' i...

Q: Did my insurance company scam me?

user760783Tree fell on my car, windshield smashed. Other than that I can drive it, I can still get in and drive it around (obviously with limited visibility) had to wear extra protection so I wouldn't get cut. Other than a few dents it looks good to me. Insurance guy comes around and tells me my car is "to...

Q: Asking for suggestions on how to draw flower graphs

AriaI am working on a structure I called a flower graph. Basically, it is many cycles with possibly different lengths sharing one central vertex and it can be drawn to look like a flower. For example the figure below should have 5 cycles with the lengths specified. I need different instances of this...

Q: Why must all pointers to structs be of the same size?

Daniel KleinsteinThe C standard specifies: A pointer to void shall have the same representation and alignment requirements as a pointer to a character type. Similarly, pointers to qualified or unqualified versions of compatible types shall have the same representation and alignment requirements. All pointers to ...

Q: Why is h4 much better than h3?

Theodeornbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1 [Event "Rated Rapid game"] [Date "2021.08.09"] [Result "0-1"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "600+0"] [ECO "A45"] [Opening "Indian Defense"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator "lichess.org"] 1. d4 Nf6 { A45 Indian Defense } 2. Bf4 g6...

Q: Does the square root of a sum of squares grow more slowly than the sum of terms?

AsterixSuppose I have a non-negative sequence $a_n \geq 0$ satisfying $\sum a_n = \infty$. I’m trying to show that $\dfrac{\displaystyle \sum a_n}{\sqrt{\displaystyle \sum a_n^2}}=\infty$ Is this always true? It seems to be true for $a_n = 1/n$ and $a_n = n$.

Q: Detect when resistor value changes without a microcontroller

Tono NamI have a sensor that has two pins. The resistance value of that sensor is 1.6 kiloohms. I want to detect when the resistance of the sensor changes to 300 ohms. In other words the sensor resistance changes from 1600 ohms to 300 ohms. I want to have a digital 1 (LED on) when the sensor has a resist...

Q: Subsets of the integers which are closed under multiplication

GautamLet $S$ be a subset of the integers which is closed under multiplication. There are many possible choices of $S$: $S = \{-1, 1\}$. $S$ is the set of integers of the form $a^k$, where $a$ is fixed and $k \geq 0$ varies. For example, $S$ is the set of powers of 2. $S$ is the set of integers of the...

Q: Name of a "triplet" inside an eighth beat

Finn_LancasterI've recently been creating my own rendition of Amazing Grace, and while I was working to add a bit of stylistic elements to it, I imagined a melody in my head which would require 3 beats in the space of one eighth note. I am aware that this sort of thing exists, as I have often heard it, but I h...

Q: How does Celestial Radiance affect allies who use darkness or shadow spells?

KaiteI am running a campaign with clerics, wizards and shadowcasters. One of the PCs, a cleric, wants to choose a celestial brilliance spell. That's not a problem. The problem lays in how this spells works with other spells: Celestial brilliance brought into an area of magical darkness (or vice vers...

Q: Exporting selected layouts in ArcGIS Pro

Thomas QuinteroI would like to export selected layouts from an ArcGIS project. The error I keep receiving is AttributeError: ValueObject: Get attribute exportToPDF does not exist Is there something different about the list of layouts when it is inputted as a parameter with the "GetParameter" function vs when ...

Q: How do Cessationists respond to "the counterfeit proves the real" argument?

Spirit Realm InvestigatorI don't have an explicit source at hand to cite, but sometimes I've heard Continuationists put forth the argument that "the counterfeit proves the real", "the counterfeit proves the original", etc., meaning that Satan would not produce a counterfeit version of a gift of the Spirit if there wasn't...

Q: How much would it cost for a PC to fund a metropolis-wide party night?

SnakehelmHow much would it cost for a PC to fund a metropolis-wide party night? When I say metropolis-wide party night, picture your run-of-the-mill festive fantasy village where food and drinks are in abundance (and not necessarily cheap stuff), musicians and staff work for hours and whatnot. A single PC...

Q: How to group layers into one

localhostI am trying to group layers but the option is greyed out. The layers are based on drawing using pen tools. How can I group layers into one?

Q: In this movie a woman fears that something terrible has happened in the past but it turns out to be a premonition

user47843This is a movie I saw on a few years ago but I cannot remember the title. A couple (the woman is pregnant) move to a house in wine country. She soon starts to get a feeling that something very bad has happened there. Certain places nearby (a well is one of them) call up a lot of fear in her. But ...

Q: What is this ghost object?

michaelI don't even know what this old part I deleted clipping into my object is doing here but I can't get rid of it without deleting my whole object. And it doesn't show up in edit mode? What even is this? Here's the file

Q: Unbounded resolutions for Grothendieck abelian categories

GabrielConsider the following result: Theorem 1: Let $\mathsf{A}$ be a Grothendieck abelian category. Then every complex in $\mathsf{C}(\mathsf{A})$ has a $K$-injective resolution. As far as I know, the first proof of this result was in Resolution of unbounded complexes in Grothendieck categories. In ...

Q: How do VHF antennas compensate for change in frequency in Frequency Modulation?

BarthaI would like to understand how antennas specifically, compensate for variability in the frequency while receiving FM waves in VHF. The way FM works is that the receiver system - receiver and antenna locks on to a central frequency to receive a signal. Now, once the central frequency is locked how...

Q: What was Kant's argument for absolute space from a single hand being necessarily either left or right?

vonjdIn their book "Von Glückzahl bis Geheimzahl" Christian Hesse and Karsten Schwanke write: As far as the absoluteness of space is concerned, Kant gave the so-called argument from the first piece of creation for this. He fictitiously assumes that the very first thing in an otherwise completely empt...

Q: How to get the RGB color values of a clicked pixel on a rendered image in SDL2?

SciborgIn the same vein as this question and this question, I recently ran into a problem in my C++/SDL2 game architecture where I needed to get the R,G,B values from a clicked pixel in an image on the screen. That is, if the user clicked on a given image surface (SDL_Surface) or texture (SDL_Texture), ...

Q: Windows 98 fails to install with 'Windows Setup requires 7340032 by' error in console

knolIf you install Windows 98 from CD-ROM by first booting from a start-up floppy (such as a Windows 98 Startup Disk) and run setup.exe, it will inform the user that it is going to check the hard disks, and then it is possible that you will get a strange, half-formed error message printed into the co...

Q: What's the (official) motivation for requiring cars to have at least on liter of fuel post-race?

FizzI've read in the news about the rule regarding fuel left Vettel was disqualified from second place after his car was found to have less than the mandatory one litre of fuel required for post-race testing. [...] stewards said that the article in the F1 rules relevant to the case "unequivocally ca...

Q: Can I run my three-way travelers in a 14/2 without a neutral in the romex?

FrambotI have a surplus of 14/2 and a little bit of 14/3, and this project is price-sensitive, so I drew up this plan to make use of what I have on hand. It minimizes the length of 14/3 needed because that's all I have on hand. All switches and lights have neutrals and grounds accounted for - I just wan...

Q: What is the intuition behind density matrix?

al palWhat gives density matrix the expressive power to be able to represent mixture of pure states? For example if $|\Omega\rangle$ is 50-50 mixture of $|\Psi\rangle=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|u\rangle+|d\rangle)$ and $|\Phi\rangle=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|u\rangle-|d\rangle)$ we can not represent such as $|\Omeg...

Q: How come ballerina rotate so fast when there is no external force?

Rambal heart remoThe question is where are they getting this torque ($\tau$) thats causing them to increase their angular acceleration ($\alpha$) and therefore increasing their angular velocity ($\omega)?$ Assuming it's frictionless ground(like on ice)

Q: I resigned. Should I leave despite promises of reform?

iwarvI have recently reluctantly resigned from my job of 13 years. I like my job, the people I work with, the projects are interesting and the remuneration seems fair. But the company had fallen behind on industry standards and I felt I had to move in order to stay current. My current employer wants t...

Q: How do geodesics explain two identical balls thrown up at the different speeds?

HardlyCuriousAs stated in the title, two identical balls, both thrown directly upward, but at different speeds. The slower ball will reverse direction at a lower height than the faster ball. But the curvature of spacetime that they are passing through would be nearly identical. How do geodesics explain thes...

Q: Amount of details in a professional paper

ABMathMy co-authors and I sometimes have different views on the organization of our papers (in mathematics). While some of them insist on writing down all the details, I try to keep emphasis on the main lines of thought and avoid diverging from them whenever possible. This difference of opinions comes...

Q: Installing organizations app on your phone with "always on location "and tracking permissions

python_userI work at a small start up, at times I am asked to download their mobile app for testing purposes, the end users of this app usually are delivery / riders who use it for pickup and drop up purposes. Now there is nothing wrong with the app, I just don't feel comfortable giving an "always on" locat...

Q: Does 1kg of lettuce have more energy than 1kg of beef?

Vanessa UrbanoGiven that each level of the food chain has a decrease of 10% of available energy, would it be fair to say that 1kg of lettuce has more energy than 1kg of beef? If it's not true, can you explain the reason?

Q: Generalized FizzBuzz

Redwolf ProgramsTask FizzBuzz, but instead of 3 and 5, you'll take the numbers and corresponding strings as input. You can assume all inputted numbers are coprime (and \$\ge 2\$). You'll receive one or more numbers, and a string to print with each of them. The normal FizzBuzz would be something like [[3, "Fizz"]...

Q: How is suffering failed death saves from damage at 0 hit points affected by save reroll features like Indomitable or Diamond Soul?

PseudoDruidRelevant snippets: Damage at 0 Hit Points. If you take any damage while you have 0 hit points, you suffer a death saving throw failure. If the damage is from a critical hit, you suffer two failures instead. Indomitable Beginning at 9th level, you can reroll a saving throw that you fail. If you...

Q: Nichts vs Etwas (in questions)

KeN SmilePachIWhat's the difference between these two questions (if there is any)? Ist dir nichts aufgefallen? And Ist dir etwas aufgefallen? I don't know why I feel like both would be translate to: Did you notice anything? Also a side question, should "nichts" and "etwas" be capitalized here, since they b...

Q: Using first principles find derivative of ln(sec(x))

Ayush YadavThe question is to use first principles only. Thus I started with the same and got $$ y = \ln(\sec(x)) $$ $$ \frac{dy}{dx} = \lim_{h\to 0} \frac{\ln(\sec(x+h)) - \ln(\sec(x))}{h} $$ after this I do not understand how do I eliminate the $h$ in the denominator. I tried to implement $\ln(A) - \ln(B)...

Q: How to calculate overflow in ARM mathematical operations?

Meepattempting questions and was wondering if I could get any guidance. LDR r0,=(1:SHL:31) ; this means r0 contains = 2^31 = 0x80000000 ADDS r0,r0,r0 ; which means r0 = 0x80000000+ 0x80000000. Firstly, I know it is an overflow from the looks of it, but how do I exactly calculate? Do I use the brut...

Q: Sell bulk by colour or by part or by both

BarbaraI have 100’s of pounds of semi sorted Lego, mostly by colour. Would it be beneficial to sort by colour and part to sell in bulk? Or sell a bulk lot of one colour but various bricks?

Q: What is the difference between installing eslint as extension and installing as npm package?

Jatin MehrotraI have been following various blogs and videos on setting up and configuring eslint and prettier for vscode and development. But every article fails to explain why do we need to separately install eslint as npm package and vscode extension? what difference it will make if i install either of the ...

Q: Why is the proto-italic reconstruction of "corpora" "*korpezā"?

Ergative ManI was studying rhotacism and I came across the word corpora (plural of corpus). I would reconstruct the proto-italic form as *korpoza, but I saw the entry on Wiktionary and it says that the actual reconstruction is *korpezā. Is this reconstruction accurate? If it is, what causes this vowel altern...

Q: Why will the MCP4725 DAC's EEPROM wear out after 20,000 write operations? What does that even mean?

Prathik PrashanthBefore I get to the question, let me give you some background info. I'm trying to make a digitally controlled power supply. I'm going to use an MCP4725 DAC to set the reference voltage for the power supply. The DAC will be controlled by an STM32 Blue Pill development board. When I turn the PSU of...

Q: Can an orbit rotate around a non-orthogonal axis?

Default CubeI'll attempt to draw a mental example, in case images are not kind (if they are kind, you can likely skip this first paragraph). Let us say that the Earth is at it's aphelion (arbitrary choice), and that the moon is at the midpoint of it's perihelion and aphelion. That is, the moon is at the poin...

Q: Python - Two Number Sum (time and space complexity)

user246952I'm solving the classic problem of finding two numbers from an array that sum to a given value. Can anybody please check whether my analysis of time and space complexity is correct on this one? # O(n) time | O(1) space def twoNumberSum(array, targetSum): for x in array: y = targetSum...

Q: When and how to use foreach in a path command? TikZ

AriaWhy does my code fail? Without the foreach my code works correctly. Generally, when and how can I use foreach within a path command? Is this a bad practice? If so what should be the alternative? \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \tikzset{ myVrtxStyle/.style = { circle, minimu...

Q: In a world of groovy super spies, how would a spy cross a ravine?

JBHI'm developing an alternate Earth where super spies exist. Men and women of extraordinary skill with extraordinary gadgets who act in extraordinary ways to protect the proverbial "King and country." They're so common that your average insurance policy has an "accidental victim of collateral damag...

Q: Is it possible for an isolated quark to exist if it's bound to one or more non-virtual gluons to render the system color neutral?

Adam Lincoln SteeleWe know color-neutral bound systems of quarks exist in the form of hadrons, we suspect color-neutral bound systems of gluons exist in the form of glueballs, we have a candidate particle which may be an hybrid meson bound to a gluon. My question is if there exists any configuration consisting of a...

Q: Energy of capacitor

Maximus Su Hi readers, since energy stored in capacitor is given by the above formula. Does it mean if i use a voltage multiplier connected to capacitor, it will help to increase the maximum amount of energy the capacitor is able to store. Will it explode if too much energy is stored?

Q: How can I draw double lines only for some of the table cells?

NPPThere is a related question: How can I draw a horizontal line spanning only some of the table cells?, and I would like to do it for double lines. How can I fix my code to draw double lines only for some of the table cells? Issue There is a command to set a single line, which is \cline{2-3}, and \...

Q: Why 'We'll be landing' and not we'll land'?

Manuel DelpierreGood morning, in this sentence: Ladies and gentlemen we'll be landing in New York, JFK, in about 20 minutes... Why not "we'll land"? - Why in general the future progressive instead of the simple one?

Q: What is the meaning of "incandescent"?

Seulgi So But this time the machine has made the opposite mistake, detecting a virus that is not there in routine swabs taken from people who have come in with other problems – an overdose, a heart attack, a urine infection – and this doesn’t sound like such a bad thing on the surface; perhaps it’ll be ni...

Q: How to achieve this \StrToABBR with expl3 to allow it appear in \csname...\endcsname?

JinwenIn a package of mine there are many lines of code like this: \lowercase{\IfStrEqCase{#1}}{% {cn}{\PJLlang@langconfig@SC}% {chinese}{\PJLlang@langconfig@SC}% {schinese}{\PJLlang@langconfig@SC}% {simplifiedchinese}{\PJLlang@langconfig@SC}% {tc}{\PJLlang@l...

Q: subdivision graph in mathematica

user81376I'm trying to define subdivision graph of a arbitrary graph in mathemtica. In fact, I want to put one vertex in the middle of each line of a graph. I appreciate if anybody help me. Thanks in advance.

Q: When the top card of my library is permanently revealed, when is more than one card revealed?

toroidI have an effect like Courser of Kruphix that is revealing the top card of my library. I'm trying to avoid revealing extra hidden information about what cards I'm playing in my deck to my opponent while resolving effects that manipulate cards in my library. The relevant Oracle rulings on it state...

Q: Why is this value downcast (static_cast to object type) allowed in C++20?

ecatmurTo my surprise, gcc 11.2 accepts this code, but only in C++20 mode: struct Base {}; struct Derived : Base { int i; }; int f(Base& b) { return static_cast<Derived>(b).i; } // ^~~~~~~ oops, forgot the `&` Likewise, MSVC 19.29 accepts it in C++20 mode and rejects it...

Q: Source for a quotation from a Rabbi (or Jewish story)

NotSoAbelMy apologies if this question isn't within the typical scope of this site. I'm trying to locate the source of a quotation I saved long ago, it was from I believe an academic text collecting various rabbinical "teaching stories", but I can't remember much more. The quote is: I know there are ques...

Q: Is methane responsible for nearly one-third of all global warming to date?

Sergey ZolotarevA recent BBC article says that the latest IPCC report says methane is responsible for 0.3°C out of 1.1°C of all cumulative warming since pre-industrial times. According to the IPCC, around 0.3C of the 1.1C that the world has already warmed by comes from methane. I searched the report for "0.3" ...

Q: How to improve the accuracy of my voltage divider?

Stéphane de LucaI am designing a low cost SoC (State of Charge) evaluation software for a LiFPo4 battery cell at zero current (actually only a low current due to auto discharge). For this peculiar application, low cost here means we are not likely use a current meter/Coulomb meter. I am running my sw on a Beagle...

Q: Can some Tools be used as a Druidic focus?

CarpetmanWhile I was thinking about multiclassing Druid with Artificer, I wonder how broad the definition of Druidic Focus is. Might this definition cover some Tools to use the same focus for both Druid and Artificer spells by RAW? What Tools (or part of tools) can be used as a Druidic focus, and can the...

Q: How to union a cube and a cylinder with a bevel

ShwetankI want to union a cylinder with a cube and achieve a bevel as well. As seen in the picture. I've tried a simple union and applied a bevel and subsurface but it's causing weird geometry. Any help will be appreciated.

Q: I suspect that employee is constantly lying to me. How to approach this in the 1:1 with him?

HBv6Since some months, I'm managing a small team of engineers, and one of the employees is being very difficult to deal with. This difficulty has been confirmed by both HR and his manager before me. I had multiple talks with the employee about mainly behavioral issues: lack of teamwork, going with hi...

Q: Showing a certain group is abelian

Marik S.it's been a while since I did things with groups. I have a certain group which has the following property: $g_1 * g_2 * g_1 =g_2$ For every $g_1,g_2$ in the group I am trying to prove its abelian. But I got a bit tangled here. Lets say I multiply both sides from right by $g_2 ^{-1}$ Then I get: $...

Q: How do I tell my supervisor that I don't understand something which is probably very basic

hpwwwI am currently a first-year Ph.D. student in computer science in Europe. I have published some papers in the top-venue conferences. Recently, we are looking into a new field that requires strong mathematical background, but unfortunately, my math skills are not that steady. Whenever I encounter s...

Q: When does complexity in machine learning algorithms actually become an issue?

stochasticmrfoxI keep seeing complexities for machine learning algorithms e.g. Gaussian process implementation requires inversion of an nxn matrix so complexity is $O(n^3)$. When does complexity actually become an issue? Is there a way to work out when it becomes prohibitive?

Q: Should You Power Off a Router Before Unplugging It?

Floating SunfishOur wifi router has a button that turns it off. We've just been unplugging it for months without any issues, but its presence makes me wonder if doing so could damage the hardware in the long run. Should you first power off the router before unplugging it, or is it safe to just keep unplugging it...

Q: Renaming a file using a name of another file in the same folder

VidalI have a thousand folders containing two files: one of them with a random name (mp4 extension) and the other with a name (srt extension). I intend to replace the random generated file name by the other file name, keeping extension (mp4, mkv or avi) contained on the same folder. By the way the nam...

Q: Custom color without defining new color

user3247823I want to do something like {\color{rgb}{200,100,30}color text} instead of doing \definecolor{mycolor}{rgb}{200,100,30} {\color{mycolor}color text} How can I achieve this? I am having difficulty understanding the xcolor pdf manual, so I am hoping someone here can help. I think it might be possi...

Q: What kind of weapon would be most useful for a fantasy civilization of blind creatures?

SoelIn my low-fantasy setting there is a civilization of completely blind humanoid creatures. Their ability to perceive the world is directly related to the other senses (hearing, smell and touch), which are slightly more heightened than ours. Aside from that, they have no other special ability. If I...

Q: Which is meant by is +/-9.2e18 years in timespan?

Rinshan KolayilI was able to convert the 9.2e18 AD to date, but still i am little confused about the exact date. Which date is 9.2e18 AD and and 9.2e18 BC? It might be a stupid question because i don't know about this. Time span (absolute) - [9.2e18 BC, 9.2e18 AD] i.e +/- 9.2e18 years Reference https://numpy....

Q: Make \mathrm produce upright greek

Jan HajerI need to distinguish between italic and upright greek letters. I use the alphabeta package for that. This allows me to write e.g. an upright \mu in mathmode by typing $\text\mu$. Can I extend this in such a way that also \mathrm produces the upright \mu? \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsm...

Q: How to politely tell recruiters I'm not interested unless the position pays well (>$100k)?

impoLately I have been getting a lot of messages from recruiters. Probably not too many, but at least 2-3x a week. I've also heard a lot of places need software engineers like myself. I am currently happy with my job, but that does not mean I am not interested in a new job. The problem is, I don't wa...

Q: Emanresu numbers

emanresu AMy userid is 100664. In binary this is 11000100100111000. An interesting property of this number is that it can be created entirely by concatenating strings which are repeated at least twice: 11 000 100100 111 000 The first few such numbers are \$3,7,10,12,15,24,28,31,36,40,42, 43, 45,48,51,...

Q: Is 領外{りょうがい} a common translation for "out of bounds"?

Jorn VerneeI think I've heard the word 領外{りょうがい} used several times to mean "out of bounds" (as in physically out of bounds, for instance outside of the playing field for sports). But, when I try looking it up on jisho.org, neither the hirgana or the kanji turn up any search results [1], [2]. When searching...

Q: How do you say "lost in thought" in Latin?

bobsmith76If you google the above question, you will keep running into 'aut in diversorio' but I'm pretty sure this is a machine translation from the book of Kings in the Bible, since that is where the original sentence comes from. I'm guessing "āmissus/perditus in cogitātiōne" (ablative)

Q: Delete X lines after and Y lines before matching line

Itay AvrahamI have the following string: core1@pci0:2:0:1: class=0x020000 rev=0x00 hdr=0x00 vendor=0x1453 vendor = 'MicSystem' device = 'controller' class = network subclass = ethernet none65@pci0:2:0:2: class=0x080100 rev=0x00 hdr=0x00 vendor=0x1453 vendor = 'Mic...

Q: Retrieving items in a pocket-dimension-satchel

sdfgeoffAs a junior wizard, you need to carry around a lot a paraphernalia - scrolls, tomes, potions, stones, and many other things. Fortunately the Wizarding 102 class included the creation of pocket dimensions. And so begins your quest to make a usable bag of holding. There's just one problem: the only...

Q: Clarification on notation regarding fields, forms, and exterior algebra

SamSorry if I've missed something quite obvious, but I can't seem to find a clear source for notation. $\Omega^p(T^*M)$ is the common notation I've seen for the space of $p$-forms on the cotangent bundle $T^*M$. Is $\Omega^p(T^*M)=\bigwedge^p(T^*M)$ a correct statement, or is there some other step ...

Q: Does Wand of the War Mage improve the accuracy of summons from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything?

Guillaume F.The Wand of the War Mage gives a bonus to spell attack rolls: While holding this wand, you gain a bonus to spell attack rolls determined by the wand’s rarity. [+1, +2 or +3] The summoning spells from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything summon an ally that uses the caster's bonus to spell attack roll...

Q: Do universities benefit from making salary information public?

Ram PadmanabhanIn the United States, I think it is required by law in several states to make salary information at universities public. In general, in most western universities, it may not be very hard to find salary information, particularly the publicly-funded ones. Is there any benefit to universities by mak...

Q: What's the difference between using the perf passive participle's short form (with быть) and using the reflexive to show that a past verb is passive?

ermatveitAs in, Дом был построен отцом. versus Дом построился отцом. Is there a difference, or any grammatical rules to keep in mind when using these constructions? Thanks for any help.

Q: Making already published papers open-access: is it and could it be an option?

Anton MenshovCurrently, there are plenty of options to publish an open-access paper. From using purely open-access journals (free of charge or for a fee) to opting-in for an open-access license in the traditional journal (usually for a fee). However, I am not sure about efforts/options to make already existin...

Q: What are some important papers using difference-in-difference in economics?

Jan3I'm new to difference-in-difference method and wanted to familiarize myself with the literature. I'm familiar with Mostly Harmless Econometrics and the papers on DiD discussed in the book. I would appreciate it if some of you could suggest more papers to read. Thanks,

Q: Is it practical to build a symmetric encryption cipher that needs to change the key for each process?

ThePrinceI read about an encryption cipher that needs to change the key for each encryption process. Some time this change depends on the plaintext and is done automatically. Question: Is it practical to build a symmetric encryption cipher that needs to change the key for each process? [Edit] Some ciphers...

Q: Landlord gives 4 months notice to the rental agency which fails to give notice to the tenants

ai20I am renting and I have been given a 1 month and half notice from my rental agency. In UK at the moment the minimum notice is 4 months. The landlord actually says that he gave the agency full 4 months notice and so the agency did not communicate to the tenants promptly. In this case which notice...

Q: Which specific day of 1964 was Prometheus (WPN-114) cut down?

Michael MachaIn 1964, one of the oldest non-clonal living things in the world, Prometheus, a Great Basin bristlecone pine, was cut down. (This is important background information for a story I'm writing, and sequence of events is important.) However, I cannot find any source on the internet as to which specif...

Q: Can a beginner's "opening repertoire" consist of only "opening principles"?

FerazhuLet's say I play only e4/e5 (but this question might also come up on d4/d5). If I was a beginner - unaware of opening theory - but could count at least 3 moves ahead, could I survive (=not be lost at move 15) basically any type of opening by following only the basic "principles" ? I am asking bec...

Q: Partial fraction expansion question

King CrimsonI have to integrate following expression (but integration is not the problem): $$\frac{x^2+3x-2}{(x-1)(x^2+x+1)^2}$$ It is pretty obvious that: $$\frac{x^2+3x-2}{(x-1)(x^2+x+1)^2}=\frac{A}{x-1} + \frac{Mx+N}{x^2+x+1} + \frac{Px+Q}{(x^2+x+1)^2}$$ The first and the easiest step is to find an $A$: $...

Q: How can I dispose of garlic remnants without making the bin smell?

dbmag9If I use a garlic press, there is a remnant of crushed garlic which needs to be disposed of. However, I usually find that this then makes the whole bin (trash can) smell of garlic until I empty it, which can be several days to a week later. (This isn't an issue with the smell lingering on other i...

Q: Invoice for purchases made on App Store

user954402Does Apple provide invoice for purchases made on the App Store? I want for one of my past purchases. I am unable to find the invoice email from Apple.

Q: Do "cook the" and "cooked the" get pronounced differently?

WorldclassicsHow are they different in pronunciation? In other words, how can one recognise the difference purely by sound?

Q: Can I call out a researcher for using Maple without citing it?

CoconutI am currently reviewing a theoretical CS paper that is incredibly technical and mathematical. I’ve been reviewing the paper for longer than a year now, and I am finally recommending the paper to be accepted as I believe that it is a significant push in a certain problem in my subfield. However, ...

Q: What can I plant along a fence to combat grapevine?

LShaverThere's a 4' chain link fence between my driveway and my neighbor's driveway with about 2' of space on either side for plantings. Currently there is nothing specific planted in the space, and every summer it becomes completely overgrown with grapevine, which I cut back as best I can. I had though...

Q: What did Sauron think the free peoples did with his ring following the events on Amon Hen?

Aragorn ElessarOriginally Sauron probably assumed the free peoples wanted to let the One Ring remain in Rivendell, as he didn't think they would try to bring it to Mordor to destroy it. But on Amon Hen (near the Argonath) Frodo put on the ring to escape Boromir, and Sauron saw him on Amon Hen. What did Sauron t...

Q: Temperature Sensor that loop and turns on cooling

GlennBPython Beginner building an automation irrigation system in Raspberry Pi. The Python has two functions: Single wire temperature sensor (DS18B20) that prints/monitors temperature Turn on LED (will be relay switch) The idea is when the temperature gets too hot, it will turn on the switch/Led that...

Q: Buidling my own bike - what are these VERY small rings for in the fork?

nammerkageI am trying to build my own bike. I ordered a frame that came with a fork and the stem locks. Now I am finished and i unfortunately see two of these VERY small rings.. they came with the fork+frame and fits on the fork.. but what are the for? and where should they actually go? banana for scale

Q: If one takes the flight XXX ->YYY->ZZZ, with a layover at YYY where one left the airport, does airport XXX or YYY count as the 1st embarkation point?

Franck Dernoncourthttps://www.iatatravelcentre.com/world.php -> United States indicates: Passengers entering or transiting through the USA must have a negative COVID-19 test taken at most 3 days before departure from the first embarkation point. Tests accepted are: antigen, NAAT, RT-LAMP, RT-PCR or TMA. Passenge...

Q: Is there a way, in tests, to defend against "correct" results coming out of undefined behavior?

EnlicoForeword I know what UB is, so I'm not asking how to avoid it, but whether there's a way to make unit testing more resistent to it, even if it's a probabilistic approach, that just makes UB more likely to become apparent rather than silently passing tests successfully. The question Let's say I wa...

Q: How can I build a render array that results in a string rather than a Drupal\Core\Render\Markup object?

sonfdI'd like to use Twig Tweak's drupal_view() to render a view in my paragraph template. I have a couple entity reference fields on the paragraph and need the IDs of the referenced entities passed as contextual filter arguments. I built a Contextual Filter String field formatter to format the contex...

Q: Is thru axle with rim brake okay?

Kentso I have converted my disc brake Road Bike to rim brake. My road bike frame is thru axle but it has a slot for rim brake so i decided to go for rim brake and I removed the rotors from the hub and planning to put a colored bolts for the rotor slot (just for the design). Is this build okay?

Q: Why did this FedEx flight (FDX1311) take such an indirect route multiple times?

ZiwcamI was looking at flights from DEN -> MEM, and saw this extra-long route that FDX1311 took last night (9 Aug 2021) Thinking they were probably just avoiding storms, I scrolled down and saw there were 3 other DEN-MEM flights under that flight number, all which also took the same extra-long route. ...

Q: Could there be an eclipse tomorrow?

AliceI'm trying to solve this task: Suppose today there is a covering of the Pleiades star cluster by the Moon. Could there be an eclipse of the sun tomorrow? The moon? I think the answer to both is no, because Pleiades are located above the ecliptic, but I'm not sure. Could someone provide an expla...

Q: On the growth rate of Conway's game of life.

DarioI'm reading a book in which Conway's game of life is mentioned: the author states that it can be proved that the growth rate cannot be exponential but it's at most quadratic. Can someone suggest me some reference for a proof of this statement? Thanks!

Q: Jimmy Song 'Programming Bitcoin' book math doubt

rubdottocomI guess this is a math question and not a bitcoin question, but I would have a hard time expressing the doubt in a math forum, whereas here, maybe someone who knows the book and has the right knowledge can answer me easily. In chapter 1, exercise 8, where Finite Fields division is practiced, ther...

Q: What is the right tool to cut a clothesline made of coated steel?

Yahia El-MasryI have a clothesline that is made of 5-6 braided tiny steel wires that is coated with flexible plastic. I need to cut it to smaller segments, I tried using a cable cutter made of carbon steel but it barely worked and the wires kept fraying or wrapping around the blades but not getting cut. The cu...

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