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Q: Bash for loop with string var containing spaces

Pedro SiqueiraIn my directory I have two files with space, foo bar and another file. I also have two files without space, file1 and file2. The following script works: for f in foo\ bar another\ file; do file "$f"; done This script also works: for f in 'foo bar' 'another file'; do file "$f"; done But the foll...

Q: Weighted binary search tree

MohammadRostami Suppose we have binary search tree with $n$ nodes. For each node $u$ we define weight of $u$ is number of nodes in sub tree of $u$ with $u$. if ratio of weight of each internal node $u$ of right sub tree and left sub tree be at least $0.5$ and at most 2, then what is worst case of searching fo...

Q: Define a numbered, referenceable environment

mixotrovIn the document that I am writing, I regularly need to draw commutative diagrams using tikz-cd (see MWE). I'd like to define a custom diagram environment which has the following properties: no boilerplate code: only the tikz-cd commands are present within the environment centered has its own cou...

Q: Intuition behind connectedness = path connectedness in the complex numbers

JacquerieThe 2-D reals are isomorphic to the complex numbers, correct? So why is it that “connected” is equivalent to “path connected” in the complex numbers, but not in the 2-D reals (as exemplified by the topologist's sine curve)? Couldn't we just construct a topologist’s sine curve in the complex numb...

Q: How long would it take before the water flowing out from an encased and flooded suburb is drinkable?

Jason ClydeOne of the early events in my story involves a 2x2 mile section of a suburban town that is encased in invisible walls 100 feet high and perpetually subjected to heavy rain at a rate of about an inch an hour. It will keep filling up with water until it goes over the 100 foot walls roughly 50 days ...

Q: Relaxing the notion of Nash Equilibrium

user3285148Consider a game with $N$ players, each indexed by $i=1,...,N$. Every player $i$ has to choose a $J\times 1$ vector of actions $a_i\equiv (a_{i,1},...,a_{i,J})$ where each $a_{i,j}$ can be zero or one. The payoff of each player $i$ is $u_i(a_i, a_{-i})$, where $a_{-i}$ denotes the actions of the o...

Q: Should I add air ducts when finishing my basement or rely on space heaters?

vickyPI am going have a finished basement of 1000 sq/ft which includes a theater room of 12X16. Currently I am in process of planning in stalling duct work to my basement. I am thinking of not putting duct work in the theater room because in the winter we will only go to the basement for just watching ...

Q: Does it matter if my underground conduit overlaps or crosses over existing conduits?

AndrewI'm planning on digging a trench for underground electrical conduit. I recently called my state "call before you dig" underground locating service. They finished marking the locations of underground utilities. They all overlap, perpendicular, to my proposed conduit path. Does this matter? Does th...

Q: Solve yields complex Root even if the domain is Reals

PekoraI want to solve $x^3=a^2$ for $x$ where $a>0$ and $x$ is real. The answer I want is $$x=a^{2/3}.$$ On Wolfram Cloud, I tried Solve[x^3 == a^2, x, Reals, Assumptions -> {a > 0}] // ToRadicals But this returns {{x -> (-1)^(2/3) a^(2/3)}} It appears that specifing the domain to Reals does not make...

Q: Does Leviticus 23:6 contradict Exodus 12:18-19?

Ruminator [Exodus 12:18-19 NLT] (18) The bread you eat must be made without yeast from the evening of the fourteenth day of the first month until the evening of the twenty-first day of that month. (19) During those seven days, there must be no trace of yeast in your homes. Anyone who eats anything made wi...

Q: How to have the template that generates \tableofcontents? Or how to modify the text inside of \tableofcontents?

VerónicaI know that to make the table of contents, one can use \tableofcontents and it's generated automatically and looks elegant. I'd like to make a table of contents that contains combined information (from the table of contents generated automatically and from other sources). For that, how can I get...

Q: What component of an aircraft generates its electric power?

GreyWhat component of an aircraft generates the electric power to start the aircraft's engine? For a Rotax 912 engine, I think the magneto generates the electricity, but I'm not sure; I also think about the ignition coil or electronic ignition.

Q: Remove leading zero from a string in QGIS

Felippe M.How can I in QGIS through expression calculator remove the 0 leadings from a string? 09 -> 9 0150 -> 150 09850 -> 9850 054a23 -> 54a23 5837 -> 5837 Something like the example above.

Q: SOQL Performance with multiple lookups

jm.I have a search query in my component that shortly will need to support more than one lookup field where only one would be filled on the certain object. For now the query looks as follows: SELECT Name, ... FROM Object WHERE First_Field__c =: value [AND... ma...

Q: Can gusts be reported as lower than wind speed?

StephenS KADS 072350Z 31030G20KT 13SM SKC 24/02 A2980 I’ve never seen a negative gust factor before. Is that a real thing (and if so, what does it mean), or did someone just make a typo?

Q: Does darkvision granted by a magic item affect what a caster can see in a dark location using the Clairvoyance spell?

screamlineThe description of clairvoyance states: When you cast the spell, you choose seeing or hearing. You can use the chosen sense through the sensor as if you were in its space. The wording "as if you were in its space" arguably leaves room for ambiguity. If a creature with innate darkvision -- e.g.,...

Q: Recomended coax for 100ft (2m/70cm)

KP4MCGI recently moved to another house. My setup's current coax is 50ft/RG8x/PL259 (bought in 2018), but it is not enough for connecting my antenna to where I want to place the radio. I believe that 50ft more will be enough. Should I: Buy an additional 50ft rg8x coax? Buy an 100ft RG8x coax? Buy an...

Q: Interpretation of "and" for conditions on when a law applies to a person

jdodsMy question is also about this legal language structure in general: "This law applies to a person if they X and Y." I read this as a strict and, that the law applies only if the person satisfied both criteria. Is that the most common interpretation? Clearly it is a correct natural language interp...

Q: Adapt the oath of truth to a reasonable version?

LoremIpsumI find the oath Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? an almost absurd request. It is common-sense that nobody knows the whole truth about anything, so how could one ever disclose the whole truth? (Socrates would certainly be impressed.) I believe for reaso...

Q: Can I have utility location done well in advance of a fence project?

WilliamDisclaimer: Before any work is done I'm going to have all utility companies come out to properly mark the utility locations. I'm looking to get a fence installed by a fence company. However, in order to do that, I need to cut down 3 trees that are in the way. My concern is utilities being located...

Q: How was the free-born Englishman prevented from taking his ease in his inn in 1922?

Ahmed SamirIn The Markenmore Mystery (1922) by J. S. Fletcher, Blick, a detective who had booked rooms at "Sceptre Inn", which belonged to Grimsdale, was cheerful after reaching an important conclusion. Arrived at this conclusion, Blick felt somewhat cheerful. He refilled and lighted his pipe, put his hand...

Q: Is there any historical evidence of Early Church Christians denying the divinity of Jesus during the 1st and 2nd centuries AD?

Spirit Realm InvestigatorI'm essentially asking the counter-question to this one. Is there any historical evidence of Christians openly denying the divinity of Jesus in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD? I know that Arianism became a thing in the 3rd century AD, but what about the previous two centuries?

Q: Is it necessary to connect relay contact at voltage zero?

Sadat RafiWhile disconnecting relay contact, it is recommended that the action should be done at or near current zero. As the contact area decreases rapidly, a spark is generated due to high current density. But what about the time while connecting the relay? The current will be zero before connecting the ...

Q: Orbits of Trojan Asteroids

Mike StoneI understand that the Trojan points are located 60 degrees ahead and behind a planet in its orbit. However, since there are quite a number of Trojans in Jupiter's orbit, they cannot all be exactly at that point. Presumably they orbit around it. So what sort of orbits do they have? Are they circu...

Q: Is the square root of 5^n -1 an integer only when n = 1?

RobertWhen is $$\sqrt{5^n-1}$$ an integer if assume that n is a natural number? It is trivial that it as an integer if n = 1 and it can't be an integer if n is even.

Q: Would it be possible to reenter the atmosphere without a heat shield using a glider design?

arc31Say my vehicle currently in orbit had large wings that would provide the necessary lift, would it be possible to bleed off the energy so slowly and gradually lose altitude that no heat shield would be required? I was thinking that even at the low pressure at high altitude, the wings along with th...

Q: Movie/Show Identification - Potentially Early 90s Vampire

Ian HamiltonI saw a vampire movie when I was a young kid in the early 90s. I thought the movie was contemporary but it could be older. All I remember is that it had vampires, kids, dreamy window curtains, and a model of the town was featured. I brought this up before and someone suggested Salem's Lot (1979) ...

Q: Derivative of Stochastic Integral

chesterI am trying to take the derivative of the following stochastic integral, $$d\left(\int g(S_t) dS_t \right),$$ where $dS(t) = \sigma S(t) dW_t$ and $g(.)$ is some (smooth) deterministic function. My understanding is that we can't just apply the fundamental theorem of calculus, but instead need to ...

Q: Can you sell a house to cover cost of "street repairs"?

DanLast night, someone got the Community Chest "You are assessed for street repairs - $40 per house $115 per hotel" He didn't have the money to pay. This led to a long argument. Can he sell some of the houses to cover the cost of the repair? And if he does, do the sold houses count in the calculatio...

Q: What is the IPA of the two-syllable r sound in English?

Lance PollardFor example, the word "Emperor" in IPA on Wiktionary for General American is written /ˈɛmpɹɚ/. But that's kind of cheating because ɚ is basically /ɹ/ as far as I can tell. Yet, when you say the word, you say it in syllable form "em-pr-r", it's almost as if there is a silent or subtle glottal stop...

Q: How fast and how would fjords erode?

NierninwaI'm working on a world that hasn't had an ice age in 250 million years and looking at how to shape the coasts. I'm thinking about fjords (also glacial lakes) and trying to figure out if they would have eroded. I've tried to look at average erosion rates and concluded that "between 0.016 and 0.024...

Q: Geometric interpretation of symmetries of a manifold

Petros KI have been doing some reading about Lie groups and algebras and stumble across the phrase that those theories "measure" the symmetries of the manifolds, like an analog of the groups that measure the symmetries of objects like a triangle, a polygon etc. I am trying to understand what that means. ...

Q: Exponential decay of ACF of AR(p) process

corianne1234I was wondering why I always read that the decay of the ACF of an AR(p) process should be exponential. I am confused because the theoretical ACF of a stationary AR(1) process $y_{t} = \phi y_{t-1} + \epsilon_{t}$, $\mid\phi\mid < 1$ is $\phi^{h}$ where $h$ is the lag. So this is a power law decay...

Q: Bold Comma in Math Mode

Matthias$\mathbf{0,00042}$ A renders to I think the comma could be a bit more bold. What do I wrong here? Im using Arial as main font here: 5 \setmainfont{Arial} 6 7 \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} 8 9 \usepackage{amsmath} 10 \usepackage{unicode-math} 11 \setmathfont{GFSNeohellenicMath.otf} 12 ...

Q: How to Apply Conditional Formatting Based on Adjacent Cell Value for Entire Column?

gpreslandI am looking to apply conditional formatting to all cells in a column (excluding the header) where a colour will be applied depending on if its value is greater, equal, or less than the adjacent cell. Simple example: A B 1 100 200 2 50 150 3 80 20 ... ... ... Here is a simple s...

Q: Is there a difference of using lightning-layout VS <div class="slds-grid">?

EduardThere are 2 ways to create flex layout in salesforce lwc: lightning-layout and <div class="slds-grid">. If we use Chrome dev tools, we'll notice that lightning-layout compliles into <lightning-layout class="slds-grid">. It is practically (not technically because it is a custom component) the same...

Q: Lecture notes or short textbooks on complex analysis

VladislavI am looking for a good relatively short textbook or lecture notes on graduate level complex analysis which does not ignore the rest of the mathematics (what I mean is that a lot of texbooks avoid mentioning fundamental group, differential forms, stokes theorem and so on). I intend not to learn ...

Q: What is the authenticity of the statement that Yusuf peace be upon him was given (only) half of the beauty?

ياsrIt seems like common knowledge that the prophet Yusuf was a handsome man. Allah the Almighty says in the surah Yusuf: So when she heard of their scheming, she sent for them and prepared for them a banquet and gave each one of them a knife and said [to Joseph], "Come out before them." And when th...

Q: Finding Taylor Series from existing Series

rollo123If the Taylor Series of $\ln(x)$ is known: $$\ln(x) = (x-1) -\frac{1}{2}(x-1)^2+\frac{1}{3}(x-1)^3-\frac{1}{4}(x-1)^4+\frac{1}{5}(x-1)^5-...$$ Can one find the Taylor series of $$f(x)= \frac{x}{1-x^2}$$ by manipulating the Taylor series of ln(x)?

Q: According to general relativity planets and Sun bend the spacetime (explaining gravity), but does this hold true for smaller objects?

Udit AgarwalAccording to general relativity planets and the sun bend the spacetime, and that is the explanation of gravity. However, does this hold true for smaller objects, like toys, pens, etc.? Do they also bend spacetime?

Q: Feasibility of diet based on Fungi?

whamsicoreI envision a fictional future world where fungi become an effective means of recycling massive amounts of food waste (compost) with the help of genetically engineered variants. The genetically engineered mushroom fruits might be sweet and shaped like a fruit. What are some nutritional and aesthet...

Q: Novel with a scene where a mother is compelled to pile blankets on her newborn

FuzzyBootsI have a newborn son who's having a harder time with thermoregulation, and it made me flash back to a book, a fantasy novel I think, where a character finds his wife sleepwalking and piling more and more blankets on the baby, mumbling that they're cold, or maybe that they need to be hidden, but r...

Q: Is the '˚' wrong in a degree centigrade mark?

Metis533My PI helps to modify my thesis. He keeps changing the degree mark '˚' to '0' as the superscript in a degree centigrade mark. He also changes every 'in the phase' to 'at the phase'. As I searched, superscript 0 was used when initially creating the degree mark. But now ˚ is used in all the degree ...

Q: How can we say that the KS equation is describing a noninteracting many-electron system?

JackBased on HK's two theorems, the density functional theory was built. Because one can't find the universal kinetic energy functional, Kohn and Sham further proposed the Kohn-Sham ansatz: mapping the interacting many-electron system to a noninteracting many-electron system (KS reference system) by ...

Q: Why is Chuck Schumer considered the Majority Leader if the Democrats don't have a majority?

user3576467Democrats hold 48 seats in the Senate, Republicans 50, with the two remaining seats belonging to Independents. I understand that Kamala Harris is a Democrat and can cast a tie-breaking vote, but her power is limited to just that. Thus, don't Republicans still hold more seats than Democrats (50 > ...

Q: Why is 12... d4 a blunder?

randomlurkerI recently played a game featuring the Old Sicilian with a bit of a branch-off. White played 3. Bc4 after 2. Nf3 Nc6, which I don't deal well with. I ended up playing 12... d4, attacking the White knight, which the analysis later marked as a blunder. I'm not an advanced chess player, and I can't ...

Q: Should I connect RXD to TXD and vice versa

Feynman137The circuit below is used to flash firmware to an MCU. There is a micro USB port on the PCB which one uses to connect to a host computer. The USB lines (D+, D-, ..etc) then goe through a bridge chip datasheet and form a UART connection with the MCU. It is unclear to me whether I should take the ...

Q: Does でも mean "but" in this sentence?

Haragurodanshi「話すことができぬでも、頷くぐらいはできるだろう」 It's from a videogame, the story takes place in the past. It means "You can't talk, but you can nod at least!", am I right? I don't understand the way it's written. Why isn't it 話すことができぬが、? Or 話すことができぬ。でも、?

Q: A 3x3 grid with common factors

Dmitry KamenetskyA $3 \times 3$ grid $G$ is filled with every number from the set $\{2,3,5,6,7,11,14,15,30\}$. Now a new $3 \times 3$ grid $H$ is formed, such that $H_{ij}$ is the number of neighbors of $G_{ij}$ that have a common factor with $G_{ij}$ (greater than $1$). Two cells are neighbors if they are adjace...

Q: How to fix the problem in tikzpicture code?

Noor AslamI have created the tikzpicture code using geogebra but the dimension of size is large and crossing the size of page. I tried to make some change but the figure get disturbed. How to fix this issue. I need suggestions in changing of codes. \documentclass[10pt]{book} \usepackage[paperheight...

Q: Could the Troubles in Northern Ireland and England have ended in reunification?

Nathan HoppI am trying to plot the background of an alternate history story revolving around an Irish-British teenager living in a post-Troubles London where tensions are much higher. Unlike our timeline, the Troubles ended with Northern Ireland reuniting with the Republic of Ireland sometime during the 199...

Q: Geometry vs geography vs spheroid for polygon-contains-point (PostgreSQL)

Kannan GoundanMany operations behave differently in geometry vs geography, e.g. the distance between two points. But what if I only need to check whether a polygon contains a point? Does that operation differ between geometry vs geography? Does that operation differ between use_spheroid being false vs true?

Q: Unary language examples between L and NP

Abuzer YakaryilmazI am looking for some examples of unary languages lay between $L$ and $NP$, i.e., $ L \subseteq NL \subseteq P = AL \subseteq NP $. What I found after some search(e.g., Complexity zoo for unary languages): It is not known whether there is a NP-Complete unary language. There are many known result...

Q: Is the direction of Tefila (temple) always in the direction of sunrise?

The GlacierWould it be right if I say that the direction of Tefila (temple) is always in the direction of sunrise?

Q: What does the Masoretic text say after the end of Esther?

Phillip I see that after the text, there is a short note at the end of each book, what do these notes say?

Q: Repair or replace sidewalk concrete block?

Kirk HingsI had a DUI hit and run that jumped my curb, ripped my square mail post out of the sidewalk concrete that it was anchored into, threw my mailbox about 20 feet away, then he hit my car parked in my driveway. I caught the guy (a neighbor), he's now in jail and being prosecuted. The prosecuting atto...

Q: How fast could a 3.2m tall, 380kg human run?

Frank Thompson 4Over the past one and a half years, together with your friend, I am writing a book about anatomically plausible superpower (artificially created form of a person, in all superior modern people, both in physical and intellectual plan), as well as what could civilization of these extraordinary crea...

Q: Why did the Mosaic law prohibit the killing of an ox or sheep and its young on the same day in Leviticus 22:28?

collen ndhlovu28 But, whether it is an ox or a sheep, you shall not slaughter both it and its young in one day. What is the reason for this prohibition?

Q: What is the integral of the floor function and any power of the floor function?

RJ Onyx MoonshadowWhat is the integral of the floor of x? Furthermore, what is the integral of a power of the floor of x? I saw in one of the answers here that: $$ \int \;\lfloor x \rfloor dx = x\lfloor x \rfloor - \frac12 \lfloor x \rfloor(\lfloor x \rfloor + 1)\; $$ But the person did not provide a proof. I do n...

Q: A characterization for initial objects

John MarsI want to prove the following: Let $c$ be an object in a category $C$. If the functor $C(c,-): C\rightarrow Set$ is naturally isomorphic to the constant functor $*: C \rightarrow Set$ that sends every object to the singleton set, then $c$ is initial in $C$. My attempt: Let's consider a natural ...

Q: Stopping condition for FindMinimum / FindMaximum

Richard EThis seems like it should be a simple question -- but I am looking to use a "home made" stopping condition with FindMaximum, while evaluating a very complex function. Printing out the successive changes in the results for my problem (which cannot be boiled down to a quick code sample) I see that ...

Q: Unable to use iSWAP in Qiskit TwoLocal entangling_block

Pranav MI would like to use a general entangler in the entanglement_block of the TwoLocal function. The function seems to work with 'cz', 'cx', 'swap' gates, but it fails for 'iswap' gate. Below is the error message. Any help would be appreciated from qiskit.circuit.library import TwoLocal ansatz = TwoLo...

Q: Does gradient descent in deep learning assume a smooth fitness landscape?

JoebevoI've come across the concept of fitness landscape before and, in my understanding, a smooth fitness landscape is one where the algorithm can converge on the global optimum through incremental movements or iterations across the landscape. My question is: Does deep learning assume that the fitness ...

Q: What type of declension is used for the nouns `Deutsche` and `Verwandte`?

parmlWhen it comes to declension of nouns, plentiful references are available for the following two categories: regular nouns (the endings -(e)s for masculine and neutral singular genitive, -n for plural dative) weak nouns (masculine nouns that have the ending -(e)n for all cases but singular nominat...

Q: How to keep original decimal numbers without rounding off

JosephI am trying to compute the sum of the travel distance and it is computed perfectly in the text file. However, the results would be rounded off to 4 decimal places For instance, whenever I tried to add 10.1361234 and 10.1461621 meters from Distance Log, instead of showing the original result of 20...

Q: Add file name as attribute field in QGIS

Juanjo ValeroI have a folder with several shapefiles (around 75). I would like to create a new field into each .shp file which has to be filename. i.e: 20201003.shp --> 20200103.shp (New field 'Fecha' = 20200103) I have tried this but nothing is done and no errors neither: import os, datetime `shapefolder =...

Q: Prove a metric space is totally bounded iff it is bounded in every equivalent metric.

William Prove a metric space is totally bounded iff it is bounded in every equivalent metric. I was able to see the solution to this problem if we change the wording to "iff it is totally bounded in every equivalent metric." I was wondering whether there is a typo in the wording because bounded does not ...

Q: How do you bound a syllable / split a word into syllables programmatically?

Lance PollardWhat are the rules for bounding a syllable? I am trying to take IPA text and write software to automatically separate the syllables for the word. By trying I am still just thinking about how to do it. Wondering if there are clear rules for syllables or anything to look into. For example, take the...

Q: Best strategy for stick-taking game

john chakderRules of the game: It's a two player game. Moves will alternate between players. There are N sticks on a table. On their turn, each player has to take at least one and at most M sticks (2 < M <= N) from the table. The player who takes the last stick wins. The players cannot take a number of stic...

Q: Is there a reason why there's sometimes multiple "Bag 1" bags in particular sets?

SnowWhen building some of the larger sets from Lego, there are sometimes cases where there's multiple large bags having the same number. This ends up being a bit of a challenge when the build space on my table isn't that large. I'm guessing that Lego has a good reason for doing this, is it for packi...

Q: Is there a neat code to swap elements of a list?

anhnhaI want to swap the list to make a new list as follows. The code works but I'm wondering if there is a neat code, or an elegant way to do this. list = {1, -1, -1, 1, 0, 0, d, -1, 1}; newlist = {Sequence @@ list[[4 ;; 6]], Sequence @@ list[[1 ;; 3]], Sequence @@ list[[7 ;; 9]]}

Q: Random orthogonal matrix

JasmineIs there a way to generate real random orthogonal matrices in mathematica? If Q is an orthogonal matrix, it's properties are

Q: Phase shift vs. Horizontal shift, Frequency vs. Angular frequency in sinusoidal functions

mweissTL;DR version: It seems to me that high school curricula no longer distinguish between "horizontal shift" and "phase shift", or between "frequency" and "angular frequency", when teaching sinusoidal functions. Is this perception accurate, and if so is this a recent change in usage? Long version: ...

Q: What does "a star " symbolize here?

Rafiullah Each morning gives thee wings to flee from hell, Each night a star to guide thy feet to heaven. This verse has been taken from the poem "Opportunity" by Walter Malone. What does "a star" symbolize here? Can anyone tell me the meanings of this verse?

Q: Export coordinates as text from a shapefile layer in QGIS

MarkusHow can I export X and Y coordinates from a shapefile layer as a text file in QGIS 3.18? The height of every point is displayed in the attribute table, the x and y coordinates are not. They can only be accessed by using the object information tool and clicking on them in the map.

Q: How should I Split my Contributions to Roth IRA & Roth 401k

theastronomistI am in my early 20s and currently contribute ~18% of my income to my retirement accounts, 7% to company sponsored Roth 401(k) (Popular Investment Company) and 11% into my Roth IRA (A "Big 3" Company). My company also contributes an additional 4% to the Roth 401(k) automatically, no matter how mu...

Q: Is every additive, left exact functor isomorphic to a hom functor?

kevkev1695Let $A$ be an Artin algebra, $\text{mod}\,A$ the category of finitely generated $A$-modules and $\text{Ab}$ the category of abelian groups. Is every additive, covariant, left-exact functor $F:\text{mod}\,A \rightarrow \text{Ab}$ (natural) isomorphic to $\text{Hom}(X,-)$ for some $X\in \text{mod}\...

Q: why are my cones upside down using the blender api?

DavidI'm trying to create some supports dropping down from the face of a shape. However when creating cones at the base they are all upside down. If I copy the output text for one of the cones back into the console it creates a cone in exactly the same spot but up the correct way. What am I doing wron...

Q: What is the Role of "Quid" in "ne quid obstet"?

tonyIn his answer to Q: How to say “Go all the way” in Latin?, Joonas provided a quote from Titus Livius (9.8.6): "ne quid obstet..." = "let nothing obstruct...". How does "quid" come to mean "nothing"? (There is a well-known example at Wells Cathedral: an inscription on the clock: "ne quid pereat.

Q: Did Lorentz remain an ether advocate till his death?

Mohammad JavanshiryI remember that I read somewhere that Lorentz remained an ether advocate till his death despite the empirical successes of Einstein's relativity in rejecting any kind of ether. However, I cannot remember the source. Can anybody please give me a possible reference regarding this?

Q: Is there a name for the opposite of the gambler's fallacy?

Igor F.The gambler's fallacy is a fallacy because of the assumed probability and the independence of the events. However, if, after flipping a coin 100 times and obtaining heads each time, I still believe the probability of obtaining tails to be 0.5, am I not making a different mistake? Is there a name ...

Q: Are there special or interesting non-principal ultrafilters?

s.harpWhile non-principal ultrafilters cannot be explicitly constructed that doesn't mean that one cannot uniquely specify one of them under the assumption of their existence. Is there an example of a uniquely determined non-principal ultrafilter? Say on $\Bbb N$. If thats not possible is it common t...

Q: Where does Google Pixel take caller ID from?

Mark WI made an outbound call to a business today and the caller ID displayed was that of a completely unrelated business in a different geographical location (so would have a different (UK) area code). Does Google perhaps pull this data from business profiles on the search engine and how can I report ...

Q: How possible is this, using Poland study permit in Netherlands?

MontgomeryI have a study permit for Poland, But somehow I want to move to another Schengen nation (Say Netherlands) Is this possible using the same Study permit, or do i have to apply for a separate Study permit for Netherlands?

Q: egrep outputs everything instead of only the lines matching the patterns from list

PanosI have used egrep in the past succesfully, typically using the following egrep -f list_of_patterns big_file_to_look_for_patterns > selected_patterns_from_big_file however, I ve been trying this morning to do the same but I constantly get everything as output -> not only the patterns I provide thr...

Q: Diode and capacitor part of a circuit: I don't understand it

JV LoboI'm fixing an electronic device (a Sony Discman D-50) but there is a part of the circuit that I don't fully understand. This is the part of the circuit I'm talking about. I've highlighted the part I'm confused about. There is a 9V DC input from the power supply that goes to a 5V voltage regulato...

Q: How should I read this tab?

A. RossiI cannot understand what does this mean, is it an hammer-on?Is it a pull-off?What is that?

Q: What do the line-and-circle symbols mean on these electric meters?

BenI was looking at an electrical installation and came across unfamiliar symbols on the front of a pair of meters. These are from three-phase 240v meters running on a timed system. One each for peak/off-peak usage. On the first image, I recognise part of the lower row: indicating 50Hz frequency, Un...

Q: Ansible command ignore creates

trikelefI use command module with creates on an ansible 2.9 role. However, sometimes I need to ignore the creates arg and re-run the command multiple times. Is there any way I can override the default behaviour and force the execution of the tasks?

Q: Are patents titles required to be unique?

RexcirusAre patents titles required to be unique, as for instance required for websites addresses? Take as an example the UK patent description for a patent, and suppose that a patent with title "Bicycle Stabiliser" has been filed in the past. Can I file a patent introducing a completely novel bicycle st...

Q: Need device with poor power factor

AlexI'm looking to calibrate an energy meter. As a part of that process, I need to cheaply find a device that can create a power-factor of 0.5, in order to calculate the required phase correction. The best, or worst, device that I can put my hands on has a power factor of 0.78. Everything else appear...

Q: Does all fire only emit light on its outermost shell?

dubiousThis question is about light emission, which may overlap with physics, but I am most interested in combustion and types of flame (incandescence, petrochemical fuel flames, nuclear ractions). Consider this article about candle flames. In it they describe how a candle flame only emits light where i...

Q: Divisibility of Mersenne numbers

ChristianIs there a way to prove that $2$ is the only prime that never divides $2^n-1$ ? Obviously we can ignore all primes that are themselves of this form. Some other examples: $$5\,|\,2^4-1 \qquad 9\,|\,2^6-1 \qquad 11\,|\,2^{10}-1 \qquad 13\,|\,2^{12}-1 \qquad 17\,|\,2^8-1$$ I checked for all $p<10^6$...

Q: SF story with reversed chronology

romanI cannot remember name of the story with a plot like this. First of all, chronology is reversed, story is started from the end (it's a pretty short part I), then follows a big middle (part II), and finish is the chronologically beginning (part III). In a part I it is told, that some guy living in...

Q: Does an extra old INTERNAL HDD affect my hightech PC performance?

LearnerI've just recently bought a new pc with a high-speed SSD and an HDD. I do care much about its performance and don't intend to slow it down by any means. My question is, I have an old 2TB GREEN Western Digital HDD which has worked for over 6 years. I just want to use it as an archive. no apps and ...

Q: Can we always pull a joint posterior apart?

JamieIf we have a posterior distribution $p(A,B|\theta)$, is it always true that $p(A,B|\theta) = p(A|\theta)p(B|\theta)?$

Q: During certain sequences of coin flips, why does HHHT have a greater chance than HHHH?

TerryI was reading an article, They were comparing sequences of coin flips. They said: "HHHT and HHHH are equal only if flipping an unbiased coin exactly four times or infinitely many times. For values in between these two extremes, probabilities will not be the same. Imagine flipping a coin, say, 20 ...

Q: Usage of comma vs dash

Sigge ThorénWhich sentence works best in regards to ',' or '-'? If you don't, the track record will become diluted or If you don't - the track record will become diluted

Q: Limit `:bufdo` to only visible/active buffers

clem steredennWorking on a larger project, I tend to switch from topic to topic using git. Some times I want to run a command on all the buffers that are related to the topic at hand. I can do a :bufdo, but this would run on many loaded buffers that are not related to what I am doing currently (and will sugges...

Q: Bill Gates Is Thinking About Dimming the Sun - What's the worst that could happen? Real-life WorldBuilding

chasly - supports MonicaBill Gates Is Thinking About Dimming the Sun The billionaire is backing a study of the controversial technology called solar geoengineering. Let us suppose that the research shows that cooling the Earth by seeding the atmosphere with Calcium Carbonate is feasible. Could an evil overlord (not nece...

Q: short story: lab demo summons alien stripper

Clara Diaz SanchezThis may sound a strange premise for a science fiction story, but maybe it has a resonance for any of the physics educators who contribute to this site. At a meeting this morning, one of my colleagues remembered a short story dealing with a professor doing some dull demonstrations in an electrici...

Q: Can World of Darkness vampires drink water?

A. B.Vampires in "Vampire: the Masquerade" can't eat normal food. Not only do they not get any nourishment out of it, it tastes foul to them and if they swallow it they'll immediately vomit (unless you bought the "Eat Food" advantage for the character, in which case they still don't get anything out ...

Q: Luke 24:38 hearts or minds?

Tony ChanLuke 24:38 New International Version He said to them, "Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? English Standard Version And he said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? Why this difference in translations? Which is better?

Q: Troubleshoot SSH reverse tunnel between server and Raspberry Pi

JJ AbramsI have two systems: An Ubuntu 20.04 server on the Internet and a Raspberry Pi 2B (Ubuntu 18.04) in my local LAN (behind a NAT router). I am opening a reverse tunnel from the Raspberry Pi to the server like so: ssh -f -N -R 13333: server The config file looks like: Host server Hostn...

Q: Add Vertecies at Intersection of edges

RabbitThis question was asked before many times but the most suggested solution "Use Auto Merge" didn't seem to do the trick for me. I have a grid of overlapping edges as in the attached picture and want to create a vertex at each intersection. The edges do not have any vertecies at the intersection po...

Q: Random pair of primes

l4m2Given a positive input \$n\$, output a random pair of primes whose difference is \$n\$. It's fine if there's another prime between them. Every pair should possibly appear and the program should have zero possibility to fall into infinite loop. It's promised that such pair exist, but not always in...

Q: How to do a layer/ shapefile filling of thickness / transparent by value in QGIS?

retrofutureI have a shapefile with 500 rows. My goals is to assign each row a specific value of transparency. I know I can group these and then manually assign a transparency to these groups, however I want to have them assigned an individual value automatically. Eg.: name_of_shapefile value A ...

Q: How to find reduction formula for this integral?

Natasha JSo, I'm practicing reduction formula and so I searched wikipedia for some integrals. I came across this one and even after trying it for hours,I couldn't find a reduction formula for it. $$\int\frac{dx}{{[{ax+b}]^{m}}{{[p x+q}]^{n}}}$$ I have no clue how to do it. I tried integration by parts bu...

Q: Making minefields with potash

Balkan maidenMany modern explosives would have changed the history of sieges and raids. A modern phoenix bomb (american claymore) can injure and entire shieldwall of soldiers. A field of mines and phoenixes and various such bombs could have protected villages and castles or garrisons for longer. I imagine not...

Q: Am I being too hasty about wanting to be recognized?

JhonatanI have been a intern developer at a multinational company for 7 months now. I was very motivated and satisfied with my position for about 3-4 months, until I realized that there were other full-time developers working on way less complex demands and bringing less value to the company and the team...

Q: Construction of a 4-column (mirrored) table

the_foxI am trying to recreate a certain table which displays the least positive primitive roots of the primes below 200. One way to do this is to use the following code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[greek]{babel} \begin{document} \begin{table}[htp] \belowcaptionskip 0.5ex \centering \begin{tabu...

Q: What movies does this ad for the Action Movie Kid book reference?

b_jonasAction Movie Kid is a Youtube channel of visual effects artist Daniel Hashimoto aka Action Movie Dad, where he publishes short video skits of his two superhero children, James and Sophia. In 2015, the author also published a book, also titled Action Movie Kid, based on the superhero adventures o...

Q: Are there RAW mechanics that a Necromancy Wizard can use to animate dead with consent?

João ProvinI want to create a necromancer in the Forgotten Realms setting. One that gets some kind of consent for their necromancy when it comes to using other creatures' corpses, be it from each creature that once inhabited their respective vessel, or be it from the deities and forces of the multiverse tha...

Q: Is there a source for owning property in Israel means keeping 1 day yom tov

JonPeople have said, and I have seen mentioned on this site that owning land/property/apartment in Israel is enough on its own to keep 1 day when in Israel. Is there a source for this? A shita that the only criteria to be considered Israeli for 1 day is owning land? The case would be someone livin...

Q: Formatting table using tabular

HoppyHOPI have been trying to create a table as a part of my thesis and since I am new to latex, I am having problem in the formatting of the table. First I want some space above the text and the horizontal line and want only the titles (top cells) to be middle aligned (vertically). The code I am using i...

Q: How much energy I would require for a railgun to shot a bullet in the same speed of normal rifles?

Neto AnaniasSo, in this history, they just said "screw it, I'm giving railguns to the army", and they added a machine gun like rifle with big caliber, but low recoil, they carry a backpack with batteries and a lot of ammo. But since I don't really know how much energy a railgun would require to shoot a bulle...

Q: How is momentum conserved in the case of a ballistic pendulum collision?

mikeeeiTo my knowledge, momentum is conserved when net external force equals zero. In the case of a block $m_1$ attached to a string hitting another block $m_2$, there must be a net force on $m_1$, which would be its centripetal force, pointing inward. Therefore comparing just before $m_1$ hits $m_2$ an...

Q: xparse's 's' argument returns \Gamma and \Delta, instead of \BooleanFalse and \BooleanTrue

mjcThe xparse documentation says, But that's not what I get when I test s. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{xparse} \NewDocumentCommand{\myfunc}{s}{#1} \begin{document} \myfunc % should return \BooleanFalse; actually returns \Gamma \myfunc* % should return \BooleanTrue; actually returns \...

Q: Which Outfits should I buy?

LessPop_MoreFizzI’ve reached a point in Horizon: Zero Dawn where I have enough shards to start investing in something other than weapon upgrades and ammunition. And so, we turn to the question of Aloy’s attire. Early in the game, I picked up the Nora stealth armor, and when the opportunity presented, I upgraded ...

Q: Is there a name for music where only the bass instruments are used

botenvouwerI just love the bass, there are youtube channels with bass players that just do bass solo. Is there a name for this. I can't find anything on spotify that resembles for example this:

Q: A version of \showhyphens that works with OpenType fonts

yannisIn a 2014 post of the XeTeX list, the Great Master David Carlisle gives the following code for obtaining the same result as with the \showhyphens command, but with OpenType fonts in XeTeX: \catcode`\@=11 \def\showhyphenspace#1 {% \ifx\valign#1\valign\else #1\vadjust{\penalty\@ne} \expandafter\sho...

Q: Might Ingenuity tip over?

Camille GoudeseuneWhile Ingenuity patiently waits for its preflight checks to pass, how likely is it that a wind gust could tip it over? How strong and how rare a gust? Those rotors have plenty of area. (Surely NASA considered this scenario.) For simplicity let's say that prior gusts have already scooted it unt...

Q: How to put a clean hole in concrete block?

VillageI am building a brick wall from concrete blocks. Note that these concrete blocks just provide a facade, don't hold any weight except an additional layer of same bricks above them. The blocks are 4" high, I want to run a 2" pipe through the middle. The 2" PVC pipe should fit snugly. Is there any c...

Q: If the Hulk is a failed super soldier then why didn't Zemo kill him?

Bucky barnesWould the Hulk be dead because he is a failed super soldier and Zemo shot all of the other known super soldiers. Wouldn't he have shot Bruce too because he is a failed super soldier?

Q: Does "Dying" mean being "Bloodied" at the same time, technically?

DyinIn D&D 4th Edition, one can only get to a state of Dying after getting Bloodied first. If - for example - I have a Feat which gives me the ability A to do something as a Minor/Move/Standard action while I'm Bloodied, while at the same time I'm currently in a Dying state and I have another Feat th...

Q: Is there a dense planar rational point set within which the distance of any two points is an irrational number?

Lucellia Kasseli.e. could we find a subset $X\subset \mathbb{Q}^2$ such that $\overline{X}=\mathbb{R}^2$ and that for any $x,y\in X$ the distance $|x-y|$ is an irrational number? I'm considering the following assertion of which I'm not sure : Given finite rational points $p_1,p_2,\dots,p_n$ , and an open ball ...

Q: How to do long term releases with Kanban?

CypWith Scrum you can try to plan longer releases using team velocity. If team velocity is 100 Story Points (SP)/Sprint and the Product Backlog has 1000 SP then you can say you can finish in 10 Sprints. When developing software with Kanban it doesn't have velocity. How can you plan releases with Kan...

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