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Q: Does a company have to disclose licensed patents?

ericnutschI am attempting to compare two technologies, one of which is claimed to be covered by a licensed patent. The company says that it does not disclose it's licensed patents. My understanding is that patents that apply to a specific device must at minimum be posted on the device. But does this not ap...

Q: what's the trader term for return of 3x, 4x, 5x etc

projixThere's a trader term for returns that are multiples of the original amount. I forget what the stem word is. Suppose it were "ball", tripling your money would be known as a three-ball, quadrupling it as a four-ball, and so on. What is the stem word? I've forgotten it, and failed to find it by...

Q: Testing of rocket heat shield on earth

seccpurOne Space Shuttle was destroyed due to failure of the insulation tiles. SpaceX is reportedly using another technology, which replicate sweating , for wearing off the reentry heat. How is the effectiveness or efficiency of these reentry heat shields best simulated or tested on Earth?

Q: Can the review of a tenure track application start before the reference letters arrive?

Thomas LeeI was chatting with some friends and some claimed that a tenure track applicant can be reviewed and invited to campus before letters arrive. However, others claim that without the arrival of all 3-5 reference letters nothing will move forward. Can the application review start before the arrival o...

Q: Dataframe removes duplicate when certain values ​are reached

Olivia LarssonI have a data frame that contains duplicates. and I would like to remove these duplicates. I also found this function from pandas df.drop_duplicates(subset=['Action', 'Name']). Unfortunately, this function removes too much, because only if the time is less than or equal to 5 minutes should it be ...

Q: Is there a way to paint/remove part of this texture?

TumpyGFXSo I have these road lines that I have created with a brick texture an mapping, ive repositioned in everyway and I have gotten the perfect size for them! but I would like more space between them, is there a way I can remove ''some'' of the lines without removing them all? like an Eraser tool of s...

Q: How is secrecy maintained in movie production?

Prasanjit RathIn movies such as those of MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) or those that have thrilling, suspenseful elements, how is secrecy ensured in the internal team. I have assumed till now that internal team members are made to sign a contract to maintain secrecy till a certain point of time. So, is putt...

Q: Adding Nullable Column To Production DB taking too much time

user960567I have running production DB which have normally 50-100 insert per minute. I am trying to add a new column in the production DB using, ALTER TABLE MyDB ADD [MyColumn] varchar(30) GO This query keeps running and not finishing until I have stopped it. What else I can do?

Q: GLB (GLTF) export, how to include color/material information?

CarlFAs a complete beginner with Blender, I have been creating simple 3D models to export as GLB and import into another program. For this purpose there is no animation, no physics, etc. I just need them to be visually correct. When I export the object, it is always the default white color. I only nee...

Q: Integration in a finite dimensional vector space

user839372Let $V$ be a finite dimensional complex vector space. Let $G$ be a compact group with normalized Haar measure $\mu$. In the representation theory of compact groups, I encounter $$\int_G f(g) \mu(dg)$$ where $f: G \to V$ is a continuous function. How is this integral definied? I know about the Leb...

Q: What's the accurate definition of a compiler?

Niraj RautWikipedia: In computing, a compiler is a computer program that translates computer code written in one programming language (the source language) into another language (the target language). This implies that the compiler can also convert from a low-level language to a high-level language. But ...

Q: is it OK to use multiple blades of a feeler gauge to measure a larger gap

Cameron RobertsThis feels like a bit of a silly question because I don't see any reason why it won't work fine - but I wanted to get some experienced/pro feedback. I need to measure a gap of .035 inches, my feeler gauge ranges up to .025 . My plan is to measure the gap by extending both the 0.025 and 0.010 bla...

Q: Conduit to run ethernet and coax from basement to attic

RyanMy home has a couple Ethernet and coax cables (thin black and white cables) running from the basement to the attic. The opening also has a gas line, white PVC drain line from the attic HVAC, HVAC power cable (thick black cable), and a power line (yellow cable). I was thinking about buying this 2 ...

Q: Filling between two list plots to reperesent a confidence band

Q.P.I've generated some confidence intervals for a Q-Q plot in the form of a list plot. However I am having some problems filing between the region. First of all here is the code to generate the intervals: n = 64; X = RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[0, 1], n]; \[Mu] = Mean[X]; \[Sigma] = StandardDev...

Q: Show that three numbers form an arithmetic progression

LYI The numbers $a,b$ and $c$ form an arithmetic progression. Show that the numbers $a^2+ab+b^2,a^2+ac+c^2,b^2+bc+c^2$ also form an arithmetic progression. We have that $2b=a+c$ (we know that a sequence is an arithmetic progression iff $a_n=\dfrac{a_{n-1}+a_{n+1}}{2}\text{ } \forall \text{ }n\...

Q: Is it acceptable to retrofit a new-work plastic electrical box by screwing through it into a stud?

UuDdLrLrSsIt is mechanically possible to install a standard new-work box in an existing wall by: Cutting hole in drywall adjacent to a stud Placing plastic box in the hole up against the stud Screwing through the plastic into the stud. The screws would need to be somewhat angled and as much as possible ...

Q: Material for Rainbow around Torus

ChemWesIs there a convenient way to make a rainbow material that varies smoothly along a torus? In the image below, I made a new emission material for each of the 32 segments along the major axis, changing the HSV hue by 1/32 each time. Clearly, you can still see bands of color; plus, it's labor intensi...

Q: Fight for your life!

Prim3numbahTry figure out what the answer is by looking at the image below. The answer is nine letters long.

Q: when does bitcoin update utxo?

Nika KurashviliI am kind of confused with something. I hope you can clarify it for me.. Let's say I want to make a transaction. so my exchange wallet does that for me. The way it does is it first grabs UTXO list(Let's say it has that on disk D), grabs those that can be used and using those UTXO, creates a trans...

Q: Cleanly passing in a large number of mutable parameters through a python class

Simply Beautiful ArtI want to create two classes, one for attributes and one for functional behaviors. The point of the attributes class was to hold all of the attributes along with property methods (setters/getters), and I wanted to split the classes up this way so that everything related to the attributes would no...

Q: How can I get rid of common areas in this plot?

charminI want to realize the domains in which $\sin x<0$ and $\sin x \geq 0$. I use this code Plot[{Sin[x], If[Sin[x] < 0, 0], If[Sin[x] >= 0, 0]}, {x, 0, 10}, PlotStyle -> {Automatic, Directive[Yellow, Opacity[60], Thickness[.08]], Directive[Red, Opacity[1], Thickness[.03]]}] and I get In ...

Q: Can I complete the below requirements using process builder or will I have to code for sure?

manbI am new to salesforce and I have already gained some experienced writing apex code to get things working, but then it was pointed out to me that certain things can be done using process builder and I dont have to code for anything. I've never used process builder before and I was wondering if th...

Q: Increasing returns, implications?

user31043If a firm has increasing returns to scale (i.e., doubling inputs more than doubles output) would that firm logically end up being the sole firm in its sector in the long run? If not, what is the advantage of displaying IRTS?

Q: Why is the current flow shown to be flowing from the negative area towards the positive area?

IdaMWhen I was studying the ECG chapter in the book "Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology", I noticed something odd in one of the pictures: As you can see the current is shown to be flowing from the area with a more negative potential towards the area with a more positive potential. Also h...

Q: Using gate driver MIC4427 with 24V supply

Mike S.I would like to control LED strips using MOSFETs. I've got recommendation to use PSMN9R0-30YL and drive it using MIC4427. So I bought these, but right now, I'm unsure about two things - (a) how to actually use it and (b) how much current will this control consume. (a) The LED strip (and power sup...

Q: Should I resize my test images when feeding to a CNN model?

ShivI am new to deep learning, I have made my first CNN network which accepts an input of (32,32,3) while training. Now I want to test some random images on my trained model. Do I have to resize my test images to (32,32,3). OR Can I leave the images as it is. OR Can I resize all of them to a higher r...

Q: Having trouble making a table of plots

Mateus RochaMy problem is very simple. I'm trying to create an animation with a function's plot. Here is my code: Azul := RGBColor["#19A3CD"] f[x_] := Piecewise[{{(x - 3)^3 + 2 (x - 3)^2 + 3, 0 <= x <= t}, {0, x > t}}] funcao := Plot[f[x], {x, -0.6, 5}, PlotStyle -> Thickness[0.006], Background -> ...

Q: How to stop rejecting / avoiding things?

DumI'm getting aversion when someone do things that I don't like. This happens when a person do and not on natural things like rain. But It is hard to recorgnise it as aversion because that aversion is not towards a person. I just don't like certain actions that affect me (Only the things that affec...

Q: Linear aproximation of an inductor in a switch circuit

mociMost of DC-DC switching circuit analysis uses linear approximation of an inductor voltage and current according to graphs below. If we use basic formula for the inductor, v = L di/dt It is clear that linear changes in current produces constant voltage so from mathematical point of view it is clea...

Q: Are squats on the tip of the feet and bending back good for the legs?

R SIn some video, I saw a guy showing a very effective, according to him, squat technique for working out your legs at home. The technique is such: a person should bend back, pulling their hands back while standing on the tip of the toes, at the same time sitting down, then stand up in normal positi...

Q: When making a VM, why would I want to not pass it all my cpu cores?

user863492(I'm using xcp-ng/xen as my hypervisor but general question as I also wonder this about qemu/kvm and virtualbox when I use them) whenever I make a VM, I have an option to give it as many cores as I want, up to however many the system has anyway...and I can give all my VMs all my cpu cores if I wa...

Q: Is there any way to average resistors together to get a tighter overall resistance tolerance?

Joshua GirgisI have a very sensitive, kHz frequency level, application where I need two matched resistors of the same resistance better than .05%. Like maybe by one magnitude (0.005%). Specifically I can buy two 75 ohms 0.05% resistors but to get better than, that is there any way to make a circuit that uses ...

Q: Undefined control sequence and Double superscript in my equation

HajerI become an error that says Undefined control sequence and Double superscript. I don't understand what is the Problem exactly, but I obtain exactly what I need for my equation. I just can't get rid of the error \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \begin{equation}\label...

Q: Is It A Rainbow Color?

ScottChallenge: The challenge is to determine whether or not a color, given it's name, is one of the colors in the rainbow. When supplied with a color, your program should output a truthy value if it is a color in the rainbow, and a falsy one otherwise. Rules: The possible input options are exhaustiv...

Q: How to convert bezier to lines

darkfreiCan you please explain how to convert one Bézier curve to several straight lines? I have one curve: I want (for example) five segments with points on this curve.

Q: Recruiting coauthors for sake of the Introduction section

confused_studentI'm a student. A professor recently gave me an open question to think about, and after three months of working on it as a hobby, I think I have something good. It is not an exact mathematical theorem or anything, but I have the code and some proofs in special cases. So, I'm writing a paper and th...

Q: Extra character before string comparison

Vahid NoormofidiIn some bash codes, I see an extra character is added before the string comparison. Can somebody explain the reason? if [ "x$VAR" = "xString" ]; then ... fi

Q: Access serial monitor on linux cli? Using arduino-cli?

groovehunterI have an arduino uno connected via USB to a raspberry pi, the raspi is accessible via ssh only. Just started a bit with arduino-cli ; I upload a sketch which reads my analog pins. How can I access the serial monitor to get the data??

Q: Why does this puzzle offer f8=R as better than f8=Q?

Hymns For DiscoHere's a chess puzzle that gave a confusing response. https://chesspuzzle.net/Puzzle/52112 [FEN "5R2/1p6/p4Ppk/3r4/7p/1P6/P7/1K6 w - - 0 1"] 1. Rh8+ Kg5 2. f7 Rf5 3. f8=R If you play f8=Q in this final position, you will not fail the puzzle, but be told "There is a better move..." (f8=R). It se...

Q: Quoting Wikipedia - "Additional terms may apply"

David BlomstromI'm working on a commercial book and would like to include a series of Wikipedia "talk" pages (example). This text appears at the bottom of the page: Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Term...

Q: Should I use constitute or constitutes here?

user124497"A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the atrocities perpetrated by the Government of the People's Republic of China against Uyghurs, ethnic Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, and members of other Muslim minority groups in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region constitutes genocide." or "A resolutio...

Q: Changing resolution of rasterbrick using R

IlhemI have a rasterbrick « env1 » with following informations : class : RasterBrick dimensions : 3008, 2913, 8762304, 8 (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers) resolution : 0.00331, 0.00207 (x, y) extent : -73.38788, -63.74585, 48.13865, 54.36521 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) crs : +proj=longlat ...

Q: How to secure MySQL against bruteforce attacks?

BabrI use fail2ban on a busy Debian-based database server to secure ssh against brute force attacks, but for performance reason, I don't want to log every connection from the app server because that will be a big resource hug to read every query to log and parse that by fail2ban (which is written in ...

Q: Forward specific IP to localhost

Luis Esparza LeedMxI have this old code that runs tests against an SQL Server with a specific hardcoded IP on my network 192.168.X.Y, however I want to run such tests against my local server at How can I tell windows that whenever he receives a request for 192.168.X.Y it should be forwarded to my localh...

Q: Toffoli circuit explanation

FarhadCan anyone explain me the behaviour of these two circuits? They contain Hadmard and rotation gates before the Toffoli gate. However, I do not understand how the circuits work. Results of simulation:

Q: Is a group isomorphic to the internal product of its Sylow p-subgroups?

Pedro MiniczLet $G$ be a group such that its order is a product of distinct primes $p_1, \dots, p_n$ and let $P_i$ denote each Sylow $p_i$-subgroup. Is $P_1 \dots P_n$ (the internal or Frobenius product) isomorphic to $G$, that is, $G \cong P_1 \dots P_2$?

Q: How do you make a button that performs a specific command?

Akshay AlvaHow do I create a button on my taskbar along with the time and stuff that performs a specific task? I wanted to be able to disable and enable my keyboard with the help of a keyboard shortcut, but I realized that once I disabled my keyboard with a shortcut, I wouldn't be able to use the keyboard t...

Q: "Pedirse el cuerpo" - meaning, use, examples and correct exact expression

Bluelion7In a recent podcast I heard: "pedirse el cuerpo." It did not have a transcript so, forgive me if I do not have it correct. The podcast was about the pleasures of reading. I did not have so much luck finding a definition in dictionaries. I think I heard in another podcast that "no tengo cuerpo par...

Q: How to explain miller indices

Tristan MaxsonI find that often talking to experimental people outside of nanomaterials that it is nearly impossible to explain miller indices concisely. As this often comes up during talks from other students or even faculty, how would you suggest it be explained assuming they have only a generic chemistry b...

Q: How to remove this bracket

cicadaI'm using biblatex bath, but there's an extra bracket in the references. I've tried some methods, but it doesn't work, \usepackage[style=bath,backend=biber,sorting=ynt]{biblatex} \assignrefcontextentries[]{*} @article{plumbEddyFluxesConserved1979, title = {Eddy {{Fluxes}} of {{Conserved Quanti...

Q: Advantages, if any, of deadly military training?

SeallussusShort version: The evil empire maintains different types of "armies" One of which is a sort of Praetorian guard organization. And while I love history I can't help but feel absolute disgust by the actual Praetorian guards so our guys are fictional. Now their training starts from 7-10 with 10 bei...

Q: DC motors run slow and weak. Can the culprit be the motor controller?

Marcelo BurszteinI’m working on an Arduino car project. Here’s a diagram: I am using an OSEPP motor shield to control 4 TT DC Gearbox Motors. I am powering the motors using 4 AAs batteries, total 4.8V The problem: the motors run slow and weak. I believe the OSEPP shield uses L293D motor drivers and I understand ...

Q: Why is there a difference between US election result data in different websites?

user17915If I search US election result in Google it shows a box with apparently the number of electors a candidate has received, which looks like it is sourced from AP (eg: Biden/trump: 131/92 at current count). However, the BBC's reporting shows a different number for each candidate (Eg: Biden/Trump: 8...

2 hours later…
Q: Can we use Content Porter Export/Import to transfer between publications in same CMS?

Frits LesterhuisWe (already imported) the DXA out-of-the-box BluePrint and want to maintain it. Can Content Porter transfer those publications to new publications (on the right) on the same CMS server? 100 Example Master => 100 Master 110 Example DXA Site Type => 110 DXA Site Type What I did: Extract .zip and ...

Q: Are hashes of Merkle tree roots unique throughout whole blockchain?

fokiThe "Mastering Bitcoin" book says that each block header contains a 32B long hash of the Merkle root for all the transactions it contains. If I extract all these Merkle roots from all the blocks in the blockchain (longest branch only) and put them in a list, will that list have any duplicates?

Q: Need to kickstart learning rates

A LizardI was just looking at the docs on Pytorch for different available schedulers and I found one that I am having some trouble understanding here. The others seem to make sense: As training progresses, the learning rate gradually decreases. But in my study so far, I am yet to come across a model tha...

Q: Finding the date when a specific polygon was created using ArcGIS Desktop

SherI have a shapefile of polygons. Polygons were created in different times (digitized on raster image). I would like to determine the date that specific polygon was created. Is there any tool that can help to find this out in ArcGIS Desktop?

Q: Restoring Very Old Hard Drive

Jesse William Mac DougallI have an old SATA harddrive with important footage on it. 15 years ago this harddrive "died" on a Windows OS. I saved the HD. Now I am going to plug it back into my Linux OS to see if the drive picks up in lsblk. My question is what should I expect to see when I plug in the cable into my mobo...

Q: Piping awk's print/printf output into a shell command makes that statement run after all other unrelated print/printf statements

Asker321Given this awk script: END { print "Y" | "cat" print "X" print "X" } # Output: # X # X # Y Why isn't Y printed first given that it's supposed to run before the other statements?

Q: Telling my supervisor about my medical condition

Arthur_MoganI am a graduate student and I am more than half way through with my thesis. I was diagnosed with epilepsy 3 years ago, and in order to control my seizures I take Depakote. Now my seizures are under control, but the medicine has side effects, which hinders my productivity at times. This hindrance ...

Q: During a US election, are mailed-in votes counted first, second or there is no order?

TolureIs there a specific order for which ballots are counted first, or are mailed-in ballots and in-person ballots counted in different locations and therefore are done at the same time?

Q: Generate an ε-machine graph from transition probability matrices

AG1123I am trying to generate this type of graphic: see Fig.1a from https://arxiv.org/abs/0905.3587. This process is associated with two transition matrices $$ T^{(0)} = \begin{pmatrix} 0&p&0\\ 1&0&0\\ q&0&0\\ \end{pmatrix} $$ and $$ T^{(1)} = \begin{pmatrix} 0&0&(1-p)\\ 0&0&0\\ 1-q&0&0\\ \end{pmatr...

Q: 2020 election: The results are in!

jafeAt the Puzzling Stack Exchange headquarters, we've received the first definitive knowledge of the results of the United States presidential election of 2020. And because this is Puzzling, we naturally present the results in a cryptic way. Who won? The winning candidate was... At first tolerate, ...

Q: Question related to Sun rise direction

happybuddhaWhen I lived in Darwin, Australia - I noticed the Sun set in a slightly different direction to the West. In the evenings, I used to sit on a couch and watch TV. There was a huge window to my right and the setting sun would always shine bright into my face. So I moved a single vertical blind to bl...

Q: Most efficient way to solve partly integer optimization problem

Display nameLet $0 < u < v < w < 10$ be natural numbers. I want to maximize $r$ across all choices of $u, v, w$ subject to the inequalities $(42 - 100 r) - (6 - 10 r)(w + v) + vw(1 - r), -(42 - 100 r) + (6 - 10 r)(w + u) + uw(1 - r), (42 - 100 r) - (6 - 10 r)(u + v) + vu(1 - r) \ge 0.$ For example, $(u,v,w)=...

Q: Categorized stroke color of a circle in QGIS

SelmaIs there a way in QGIS to make circles that have strokes with different colours and the colour is based on the categories in one of my data fields?

Q: What's the (economical) advantage for a company by paying an employee severance payment short before retirement

LimonGiven following situation A Company has an employee (Bob) who will retire in 3 years. The company decides to save costs and therefore does downsizing. They offer Bob an severance payment in the amount of 3 annual salaries, if he leaves the company. Question Assuming that Bob is a valuable emp...

Q: Expected Value Problem with a 10 Sided Die

E__I have a $10$ sided die numbered $1-10$. I keep rolling it until it lands on a prime number. Let $X$ be the number of times I roll the die. What is the expected value $E(X)$? What I have so far is the probability of rolling a prime is $P(\text{prime}) = \frac{4}{10}$. How do I calculate the expec...

Q: Why is the ground state important in condensed matter physics?

user2723984This might be a very trivial question, but in condensed matter or many body physics, often one is dealing with some Hamiltonian and main goal is find, or describe the physics of, the ground state of this Hamiltonian. Why is everybody so interested in the ground state?

Q: Existence of particular/specialized halting oracles

C MariusIt is known that there does not exists an oracle $H$ which given any pair $(M,I)$ where $M$ is a machine and $I$ is an input (possibly still a machine) to have $H(M(I)) = YES$ if $M(I)$ halts and $H(M(I)) = NO$ if $M(I)$ does not halt. This was proven by Turing. However, this can be shortly writt...

Q: Path finder for network link wiring

Achraf BentabibI have created a Path finder. The aim is to find ALL paths that join a Point A to a Point B. I have defined an object Segment which is a link between two assets. It is readable in both directions. ==> Segment(A->B) === Segment(B<-A) Here is my code: # Exemple Path finder class Segment: # A se...

Q: Any known translations of the Talmudim et al into classical languages, prior to the 19th century?

Meir IlluminationThrough the 19th and 20th centuries, the Bavli and Yerushalmi were fully or partially translated into English, French, German, Arabic and Italian. Are there any extant translations of the Talmudim and/or other rabbinic texts (e.g., midrashim, hiddushim, codes, mussar, etc) of the early period (sa...

Q: How to model an air mattress?

llamahahnI am planning to design this air mattress. Here is the picture that I want to model: First thing that I was thinking was creating this individual cell (the puffy cell unit) from the mattress. This is where I met an obstacle. My thought process tells me to start with a cube and refine it. It didn...

Q: The questions of the history quiz

PsplHere's an old puzzle I found on an 80's magazine. I slightly adapted it for Puzzling: Four students, Anne, John, Philip and Daisy made an history test and gave the next four answers each to four questions, a), b),c) and d), about the dates of four important worldly historic events: When the tea...

Q: What to do when my Mac is frozen?

Sazzad Hissain KhanWhat to do when my Mac is frozen? For some reason my Mac got frozen. I cannot even see the mouse cursor and nothings working. What should I do now? I know long press in power button will shut my Mac down but is there any other way like Windows Ctl + Alt + Del ?

Q: can a chord B C F with B as a root note exist

AnonymousI'm not all that great in music theory so this question might and probably will be a bit weird so in the key of C: C E G is the tonic and can be denoted as just C C D G is Csus2 meaning the 3rd degree of a chord is removed and 2nd is added It also follows the sus2 chord formula which is M2 P4 but...

Q: Astronauts of Apollo 11 facing extreme temperatures

raulmd13I recently read that temperatures on the moon can vary from -100 Cº in the shade to 100 Cº in the sunny part. How did astronaut suits cope with these extreme temperatures? Is the same technology used in other fields today?

Q: FFT of a AM modulated signal

MathieuI am generating an AM modulated sinusoidal wave. The carrier frequency is set at $1000 \ \rm Hz$; the modulation frequency is set to $40 \ \rm Hz$ and $100 \%$ of the amplitude is modulated. I generated 2 signals with 2 slightly different equations. Signal 1 follows: $$\sin(2\pi f_m t) \cdot \si...

Q: The wrapping machines of Santa

PsplChristmas is coming and Santa is working hard to wrap all the presents until the 24th of December. He has six wrapping machines: A, B, C, D, E and F, that work $24/7$ all at the same time. But the harsh weather of the North Pole keeps breaking the machines. Each machine has a panel that indicate...

Q: Correct interpretation of confidence interval for logistic regression?

user2237931In trying to understand logistic regression, I find it easiest to transform the coefficients into predicted probabilities. So, for a particular predictor value (x): precicted probability = 1 / (1 + exp(-(intercept + slope * x))) Using the 'predict' function, I'll exemplify as: # Generate data se...

Q: Paste all files in directory column-wise in timestamp order

MSRHi I'm looking to combine all files in a directory (each having one column) into a single file with multiple columns. However, I need the files need to be read / columns need to be pasted in a specific order of the time stamp of the original files. i.e. in the new file, the first column from the ...

Q: Can someone explain the use and meaning of the phrase "leider geil"?

Henry FirthI see this written a lot in advertising and amongst younger speakers - often as a standalone sentence referring to an act, product or activity. Can someone shed some light on how it's used and what exactly it means? To me it seems almost contradictory, but I guess I'm coming at it too literally.

Q: What would happen if the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact was ratified between a presidential election and when the electoral college votes?

curiousdanniiThe National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is an agreement between several US states to award their electoral college votes to the winner of the national vote. This agreement is designed to only take effect once enough states have ratified it that they have over 50% of the total electoral colle...

Q: How to make `\cref` after expansion stand at the same group of surrounding text?

Eli4phI would like to make \cref after expansion stand at the same group of surrounding text. With \crefname{figure}{图}{图}, I need to use 如\cref{...} 所示 to make typesetting correct, if the counter of figure environment is not set to Chinese numbers. Note that there is no whitespace before \cref whereas...

Q: Help finding a sci-fi book with a small space ship

KieranIt's a book I read probably sometime between 2003-2007 but it may have been published much earlier, I have a vague feeling it was from the 1990s. I'm in the UK. Stuff that I remember (sorry it's so vague!): I think the cover was dark blue with stars on. It's quite a long book. It's sort of a mys...

Q: Meaning of the verb "read" in various tenses

xyz Have you already read the book? Yes, I have already read the book. Does it mean that the person have read the entire/whole book to the end? Or it is not necessary and generally depends on context? Did you read the book? Yes, I did. As far as I guess it usually means "read entire the book"...

Q: Freezing the water in blood

AshIce magic lowers the temperature of things. I was thinking of freezing the water in blood (specifically blood plasma) to kill. How would this work? Also, can it be used on non-mammals, like sea creatures or amphibians?

Q: Terraforming Mars using a combination of aerogel and GM microbes?

PittoSilica aerogel is a technology that's been proposed for colonisation of Mars. Basically, it's a very good insulator that's also transparent to visible light, and could be used to warm up parts of Mars to Earth-like temperatures through the greenhouse effect simply by placing it on the soil. Moreo...

Q: Why did Galileo express himself in terms of ratios when describing laws of accelerated motion?

JonI opened the same question on Physics Stack Exchange, but it seems more suited for this site. I've been reading about Galileo's experiment with inclined planes, and he ends up saying something along the lines of "the ratio of distances is equal to the ratio of the times squared" My initial though...

Q: What's the meaning of onava?

RubioRicThis question is derived from another one posted in the Spanish Language site. In the original question OP was asking about the meaning of the word onava. We have not been able to find such word in any Spanish dictionary. But I've found a variaty of plant named Ehretia onava. I think that due to ...

Q: What are good resources to learn to code for matter modeling?

Antonio de Oliveira-FilhoA little bit of coding can a long way in matter modeling. Coding is not used only to write big programs but can be used for scripting, data processing, automation, and more. But sometimes many resources (books, papers, etc.) are generic and superficial. Are any good resources to learn to code in ...

Q: Processor and operating systems for automatic lifts/elevators

chasly - supports MonicaMost automatic elevators have an algorithm that optimises travel between floors and users. Presumably this can be tailored to a particular building. The first elevators were hand-operated purely by button pushing and had no intelligence of their own. I am interested in knowing when the first prog...

Q: Update to a specific version of Safari for iPadOS

ShxI am using the iPad's Safari (browser) for development testing. I need a specific version of safari that is 13.1. The current version is lower than that. If I update safari from the app store it will update to the latest release version (~14). How can I install a specific version of Safari on the...

Q: How easy is it to recognize that a creature is under the Dominate Monster spell?

Raphael02Had an interesting session with a DM I generally quite like playing with where he made 2 decisions I disagreed with. Unfortunately a bit of research hasn't clarified if I'm misunderstanding the rules, so I thought I'd ask. Scenario: we encountered a frost giant and a few stone giants who weren't ...

Q: Blender render output is completely white

TschallackaIn my layout view, everything looks perfectly fine, but when I hit F12 in Blender the render output is completely white: Layout view: Render View: I tried some suggestions I found in other answers, but they were hard to follow due to being for older versions of blender, and finding the similar ...

Q: UK international travel restrictions November 2020

user115165Regarding the latest international travel restrictions, the UK government has said that all international travel is banned, unless for 'legitimate' reasons. Obviously a holiday etc would be off the table. My issue is that I am going abroad to sell a property, and the date of signing with the buye...

Q: Hydraulic hoses

Ng5guyI've just purchased a Cube Aim 27.5 MTB frame from eBay minus the brake hoses, the brakes are Shimano BR-M3050. I'm totally new to bike builds and didn't realize the number of different styles, sizes etc! I've tried to google this part number but found nothing? Could anybody tell me what size and...

Q: Connection to arcgis server via qgis fails

David Jimenez IniestaI am trying to load this map that comes from an Esri server in QGIS. I tried two different ways: DATA SOURCE MANAGER / PROTOCOL HTTPS or FILE and then adding the URL. When I do this it fails and appears this message. (INVALID DATA SOURCE DATA SOURCE MANAGER / ARCGIS Map SERVER. I add the server ...

Q: What kind of ships would an amphibious species build?

Jana NovakTo give a bit of background and ground the question in context: I'm concerned with the technology level from prehistory to Renaissance, or thereabouts. Analogous to Earth history, the 'normal' land-based species have already developed fully-rigged, square-masted ships. However I also have an amph...

Q: Not the same output format from `df` in different Linux distributions

PidunaIn Ubuntu the output of this command df --exclude={tmpfs,devtmpfs,squashfs,overlay} | sed -e /^Filesystem/d | awk '{print $6 " " $1 " " $3 " " $4 " " $5}' is: / /dev/mapper/dockerVG-rootLV 8110496 40591632 17% /dockerssd /dev/mapper/ssdVG-ssdLV 214133656 274642488 44% /dockerhdd /dev/mapper/hddV...

Q: To whom does "cheery and sceptical" refer in "The Just Men of Cordova"?

Ahmed SamirIn chapter 12 of The Just Men of Cordova (1917) by Edgar Wallace, the author was describing a crowd in a horse racing: There were regular followers of the game who had known no holiday, and had followed the jumping season with religious attention. There were rich men and comparatively poor men; ...

Q: WP_Query Filtred by author name ( Return null )

danial rafieeI want to list all pages whose author has a specific name but WordPress returns null values $args = array( 'author_name '=> 'admin', 'post_type'=>'page' ); $pages = new WP_Query( $args ); foreach( $pages as $page ) { var_dump( $page->post_title ); } result is NULL NULL NULL NULL NU...

Q: What's the need for a small capacitor in the negative feedback parallel to a feedback resistor?

Sergii MoninI have the following circuit: I think I understand pretty much all the aspects of it except for the small capacitor in the feedback. What is the need for it? Judging by the frequency of 1(MHz) that is the inverse product of the capacitance and the resistance I can guess the need for this capacit...

Q: Model trained on CIFAR 10 performing badly when fed with internet downloaded images

ShivMy model is based on Shallow Net. When I am training my model, the results are: loss: 1.1398 - accuracy: 0.6093 - val_loss: 1.2309 - val_accuracy: 0.5657 Then I downloaded 20 images (2 for each class) from the net to check the performance. Labels corresponding to this dataset should be:0,0,1,1,...

Q: What are the applications of modular forms in number theory?

Consider Non-Trivial CasesI am new to the topic, so I'm trying to get an overview. I am aware of the relation between modular forms and $L$-series (but don't know what that does) and FLT. Are there other applications of modular forms other than counting problems (by obtaining the coefficients of a series) in number theory...

Q: MOSFET High Side Switch of high DC voltage (60V), improvement and advice

wschopohlThis is my first post in this stack group, so please forgive me for any shortcomings of my question. I'm designing a circuit for a high side switch of around 60V DC (battery). Attached is a sketch of the circuit I have so far. VBat is around 60V, the switch here is a voltage controlled switch, sw...

Q: How can election winners of states be confirmed, although the remaining uncounted votes are more than the difference in votes?

HjanFor the US presidential elections, the Associated Press announced winners for several states although a significant portion of the votes were uncounted. One example is Illinois where at the moment of writing (12:32 European time ) 80% of the votes are counted Mr. Biden received 55,1% or 2.881....

Q: Who is the "young student" André Weil is referring to in his letter from the prison?

Francesco PolizziI am reading a nice booklet (in Italian) containing the exchange of letters that André and Simone Weil had in 1940, when André was in Rouen prison for having refused to accomplish his military duties. Of course, among these letters, there is the famous one where André describes his mathematical w...

Q: Tyre exploded while riding

linkyndyI was riding my bike today and it suddenly exploded. I have attached a picture. The tube was not over inflated and I haven't been riding on rough surfaces. What happened? Was the tube or tyre faulty? Do I need to reach out to the bike manufacturer?

Q: How to limit the number of background process in Unix

Nawed ShaikhI have to run a script in 100 parts while making sure that only 10 parts run at parallel at any point of time. Below script will trigger all the 100 processes at the same time :- for i in {1..100} do nohup ksh my_background_script.ksh -mod ${i} & done

Q: Stockfish gets it wrong?

MaximI'm going through the 100 endgames you must know book on Chessable and stumbled upon something I don't understand. This position with white to move is described as a draw starting with 1. Kh1. I figured well why wouldn't 1. Kf1 be a draw and I put the exercise into Lichess analyses, which evaluat...

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