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Q: How to adjust weights to my short stature?

TukeVTLDR: I'm significantly shorter than an average man. How should (or should) I take this into account when choosing my weights? I'm an absolute beginner who has recently started exercising with dumbbells at home. I don't have any specific goal in my mind. I just figured that I should do some home ...

Q: What does it mean in Node Editor that light will interact with volume

user105898In this answer I would like to understand What does it mean in Node Editor that light will interact with volume? I would like to see a few pictures showing the difference/meaning.

Q: DUNE takes place near the north pole of Arrakis... why no midnight sun?

Ria ByssI just finished Dune. the majority of the novel takes place near the north pole of Arrakis. Arrakis' sun, however, rises and sets in a way typical of Earth's more temperate latitudes without any effects you have on Earth. for example, I have visited the English-Scottish border (I forget what time...

Q: How did Jonah become a sign to the people of Nineveh?

AustinHow does Jonah become a sign to the people of Nineveh in Luke 11:30. Luke 11:30 (ESV) 30 For as Jonah became a sign to the people of Nineveh, so will the Son of Man be to this generation. In Mat 12:39 — Mat 12:40 (ESV) 39 But he answered them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sig...

Q: LWC - map function is working on console but not on the page

Adarsh SrinivasanThe idea is to remove duplicate id's upon selection of records using checkbox. Below is the code used. selectedTaskObj3 = []; let el = this.template.querySelector("lightning-datatable"); let selectedRowsArray = el.getSelectedRows(); //**note**: until here I get the output as an object array let s...

Q: Orientation-preserving isometric involution on compact Kähler manifold

Joe TLet $M$ be a compact Kähler manifold. If $\phi:M\to M$ is an orientation-preserving isometric involution does it have to be either holomorphic or anti-holomorphic?

Q: Suspected malware on stock apps in a Mediatek mtk6580 based phone

john doeI have an old(2016) Mediatek mtk6580 chipset phone(non rooted/stock). Couple days back, I downloaded an app called "Apk extractor" from play store, and extracted the system apps to the sdcard. Then from there I uploaded them to https://virustotal.com and found out that, Android system framework, ...

Q: In everyday English, how to express the action that a person forces you compensate a lot for your very small bad effect on him?

TomThis often happens in sports but in everyday life as well. Say, in a football match, player A accidentally makes player B of the opposite team fall lightly. That is a very small fault but B screams like crazy as if he hurts a lot. But actually, he is faking his hurt with a purpose of letting the ...

Q: Reliable way to open files given by the result of find … -exec grep … {} \+

Enrico Maria De AngelisI often run commands like this: find … -exec grep … --color=always -l {} \+ and sometimes I need to open the matching files in Vim. But what is the most reliable way to do so? One way seems to be vim $(find … -exec grep … {} \+) Another way seems to make use of xargs. Are there advantages/disva...

Q: Can a university make rules about students' lives outside campus?

MowgliI recently noticed that my university has a Covid-related policy stating that students are not permitted to attend public gatherings off-campus. Today, they officially stated that students breaking this rule can be expelled. While I understand the rationale behind this rule (and agree that going ...

Q: What features should my space-adapted cyborg have?

DragongeekIt's the far future: Thousands of planets and solar systems are colonized, some flavor of FTL travel works fine, and there are even nifty things like "inertial dampeners" and "artificial gravity" generators, although they tend to be rather large. Furthermore, humanity went crazy when they discove...

Q: Is it implied that Jonah related more to the people of Nineveh than what is recorded

AustinThe scriptures record Jonah's sermon to the people of Nineveh this way: Jonah 3:4-5 (ESV) 4 Jonah began to go into the city, going a day's journey. And he called out, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!” 5 And the people of Nineveh believed God. They called for a fast and put on s...

Q: Is every complete metric space not countable?

captain jI want to know if every complete metric space is not countable? I can't find a counterexample, so is it correct?

Q: Toy with Badly Cracked main PCB

Christophe VAULLEGEARDWould someone knows what is the part showed on the attached picture ? This comes from the inside of Indominus Rex toy GCT95 manufactured by Mattel. I'd like to replace it and have the beast back to life for my son.

Q: Itemize using multicol package

Rubén Pérez SanzI am doing a problem set for students and I would like to itemise horizontally a list of them. However when I try to do that one of the items appears a little bit above the rest of items and the content of the item a bit below. I am attaching MWE and the corresponding result. Any help would be mu...

Q: Find longest Palindromic substring

Razor Firetechnical interview question i got from daily interview pro A palindrome is a sequence of characters that reads the same backwards and forwards. Given a string, s, find the longest palindromic substring in s. Example: Input: "banana" Output: "anana" Input: "million" Output: "illi" i was wonder...

Q: Example of a Karpov vs. Kasparov game with a controversial move

JCCyCFull disclosure: I'm not a regular chess player. This question is because I'm writing a book about alternate timelines, and I want to use a game in a real life famous chess match as a point of divergence. I'd like an occasion in which a sizeable portion of pundits and specialists thought a differ...

Q: Multivariate gaussian bivariate gaussian proof

jbuddy_13I'm having trouble seeing how the multivariate gaussian formula evaluates to the bivariate gaussian. See multivariate PDF, source: http://cs229.stanford.edu/section/gaussians.pdf [![multivariate][1]][1] And bivariate gaussian formula, source: http://clements.ece.gatech.edu/4260.sp17/bivariate_not...

Q: Smallest Normal Subgroup of S4 which contains <(1,3,2,4)>

GeorgeBWe are asked to find smallest normal subgroup of S4 which contains <(1,3,2,4)> = H. I know that a subgroup G is normal if: $\forall$ x $\in$ S4, xH = Hx I know that H contains at least 4 elements generated by <(1,3,2,4)>. I don't know, however, how should I know which elements should be added fro...

Q: What is this 1998 lego piece for F-22?

JulieCan someone help me identify what set this is from? I've tried searching multiple different things on Google and Bricklink and haven't been able to find this piece. It was in with a set of random pieces that was bought at a yard sale. The F-22 stickers on it may not be from the original set but t...

Q: Why does ethylamine have two infra-red spectra? Are both correct?

OllieThe one I have in my textbook is this: Shouldn't the first trough at $3500$ to around $3000$ mean that it's an $\ce{O—H}$ group with a $\ce{C—H}$? And then the other trough at $1700$ be a $\ce{C=O}$? Why is this ethylamine $\ce{CH3CH2NH2}$? The other one I found on Google: Shouldn't the $\ce...

Q: Why are the vowels in "sense", "nonsense" and "nonsensical" pronounced differently?

mohsin razaI'm a bit confused by these words. Since "nonsense" derives from "sense" but the vowel in "sense" is /ɛ/ and it reduces to /ə/ in "nonsense". BUT "nonsensical" derives from "nonsense" and the vowel in it is the same as "sense". Please explain.

Q: BASH and ARITHMETIC, getting error with BC - (standard_in) 1: syntax error

Another.ChemistI am doing: echo "scale=2; sqrt( (-9.522 - -9.522)**2 + (-17.145 - -17.145)**2 + (-2.689 - -2.689)**2 )" | bc and I am getting: (standard_in) 1: syntax error (standard_in) 1: syntax error (standard_in) 1: syntax error I do not understand what there is happening. Please, any sugestion?

Q: Wrong? My typesets: $F_{\rho}(A) \subseteq \F_{\rho}(\mathbf{G})$

FrancesThis is what I want: , except the right hand side, where the operator should be $F_{\rho}, and you get it. The typesets I tried are: $F_{\rho}(A) \subseteq \F_{\rho}(\mathbf{G})$, with the output appears as the image as above. Can anyone know how to fix it? Thank you:-)

Q: On dissecting rectangles into rectangles

Nandakumar RIt is well known that, for any two rectangles of the same area, the first can be cut into a finite number of polygonal pieces and reassembled into the other (for example, by Montucla's dissection). Questions: Can we do the same if only rectilinear polygons can be used as intermediate pieces? Or i...

Q: What is the use of @Serial annotation as of Java 14

NikolasJava 14 introduces a new annotation @Serial in the java.io package. Its brief description in the API docs: Indicates that an annotated field or method is part of the serialization mechanism defined by the Java Object Serialization Specification. As far as I understand the annotation is used for...

Q: Can I create a translation for a project under a Creative Commons non-commercial non-derivative?

IggyI am writing a book on Github (Learn-Vim) under the Creative Commons Non-Commercial Non-Derivative 4.0 License. If you're wondering why I selected this particular license, the main reason is because the famous You-dont-know-JS uses the same license. Someone asks if he/she can translate my work in...

Q: Decompose set into elements?

pedroosGiven a list of tuples where one element is a set: {{{}, "a"}, {{1}, "a"}, {{2}, "a"}, {{3}, "a"}, {{1, 2}, "a"}, {{1, 3}, "a"}, {{2, 3}, "a"}, {{1, 2, 3}, "a"}} Which is the function that decomposes the sets into new tuples, repeating the other element in the tuple, i.e. {{{{}, "a"}}, {{{1}, "a

Q: Did Eureka lose its H?

MatifouArchimedes famously proclaimed Eureka, I have found it, but should the word itself proclaim I have lost my H? According to wiktionary and wikipedia, Eureka simply comes from the greek εὕρηκα, perfect active indicative of εὑρίσκω, to find. While εὑρίσκω led to words such as heuristics with an h, ...

Q: Smooth complex projective surface as the total space of a Serre fibration

Joe TLet $M$ be the underlying topological manifold of a smooth complex projective surface. Assume $\pi_1(M)=\{0\}$ and $\pi_2(M)\neq \mathbb{Z}^2$. Is there a Serre fibration $M\to B$ where $B$ is a CW complex of dimension $0<d<4$?

Q: What/who is "Bushell" the the Adam and the Ants song Press Darlings?

Michael CurtisIf passion ends in fashion Bushell is the best-dressed man in town In an previous verse it goes Nick Kent is the best dressed guy in town. Nick Kent was a rock critic, but does anyone know what "Bushell" is supposed to mean?

Q: Why can't virtual images form on a screen?

DennPart of the definition of a virtual image is that it cannot be formed on a screen. I understand this is the case when the screen is right next to the image, since there are no physical rays that can hit the screen. But what I don't understand is why an image can't form on the screen if the screen...

Q: How can the US House of Representatives transition to be elected by proportional representation? Would editing "PL 2 USC 2c" work?

Julian CooperHere is context for my question: I am a student studying political science. I am researching policy that could be used to dismantle the stranglehold that the Democratic and Republican parties have on American elections. In some ways it seems that our national electoral system is engineered for th...

Q: How does The Ozolith work with Modular?

AllureThe Ozolith has this ability: Whenever a creature you control leaves the battlefield, if it had counters on it, put those counters on The Ozolith. Let's say I control Arcbound Worker, which has Modular 1: This creature enters the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it. When it dies, you may pu...

Q: My 8-month old baby stopped accepting solid food

João MatosI introduced soup (with some meat or fish), fruit and baby food to my daughter when she was about 6 months old. It was relatively well accepted for some time. More recently (she is about 8 months now), she stopped accepting them even when she is hungry - the moment she sees the spoon she turns aw...

Q: Why are there no alkaline foods?

feetwetIt takes some work to find a list of the actual pH of various foods. (Searches are confounded by a popular "alkaline diet" theory that the pH effect on a human body of consuming various foods is not a function of the pH of the food itself.) It appears that almost all food has pH < 7.0 (most much...

Q: Is it theoretically possible to have an inverted nLockTime?

fiatjafFor example, an nLockTime == 500 prevents a transaction from being included in any blocks before the block 500. Why isn't there a parameter like nExpireTime == 500 that prevented a transaction from being included in any block over the 500? Would it be theoretically possible to have one or it's a ...

Q: How to search SIMBAD using identifiers?

DeadlosZI'm trying to get some data about the moon from SIMBAD (specifically, radiation spectrum in certain wavelengths), and I encountered an unexpected problem: I can't find the Moon. In SIMBAD, I can search using several different methods. Since I'm looking for a specific object in the sky, I thought ...

Q: If my final destination is Bursa City, Turkey, is landing in istanbul airport my best option?

AbdallaMy final destination is bursa city in Turkey. I can have direct flight to Istanbul, from my city alexandria, Egypt but is it best to land in istanbul or should I land in another airport? I will travel with my 2 kids and wife and I mean by best affordable and comfortable for my wife and kids. I’m ...

Q: oAuth: calling out to another Salesforce org

SamI am doing callout from one salesforce org to another saleforce org to get access token but i am getting this error {"error":"unsupported_grant_type","error_description":"grant type not supported"} I tried using my domain url as well, didnt worked In connected app i have following access Access a...

Q: Finding the partial sum of a series

HorseI have a problem where, after some work, I've arrived at $$6 \times \lim_{n \to ∞} \sum_{k=1}^n (-1)^{k-1}\frac{\left(\frac{1}{9}\right)^k}{2k-1}$$ and I need to find the partial sum $$\sum_{k=1}^n (-1)^{k-1}\frac{\left(\frac{1}{9}\right)^k}{2k-1}$$ to calculate the above limit, but I'm having tr...

Q: Employee extorting company to guarantee counter-offer isn't his last promotion at this company

TonyI recently had to take over for a second software team, "team Bravo", in addition to my own team, "team Alpha", due to Bravo's manager, "Bob", having to go into rehab (drunkard; has to go into therapy if he wants to keep his job). This is particularly stressful, since each team is quite large (50...

Q: How do missiles steer (mainly air to surface)

Luke JustinHow do missiles steer in the air? What techniques do they use?

Q: Did Einstein say this quote about blind belief in authority being the "greatest enemy of the truth"?

MöozThere is a quote/image circulating Facebook (please don't get me started on the source), quoting Einstein: Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth I would like to avoid getting into the validity of the quote in the context its been used, rather I don't believe that Einstein did...

Q: Implementing a word-chain checker

Khashayar BaghizadehThis is web exercise 3.1.45. from the book Computer Science An Interdisciplinary Approach by Sedgewick & Wayne: Write a program that reads in a list of words from the command line and prints true if they form a word chain and false otherwise. In a word chain, adjacent words must differ in exactl...

Q: 0-length file from new :term buffer: vim -c "w! file"

user2153235I have a file mk.out that contains ANSI codes, which can be cleaned up by opening it in Vim and issuing: :term cat % " Interpret codes in new buffer :only " Close source buffer `mk.out` :w! mk.out " Overwrite `mk.out` with cleaned up text This works fine, but problems arose when I tried t...

Q: Can we use Mathematica to design an electronic active filter?

David KeithHow can we use Mathematica to design an electronic implementation of an active filter?

Q: How many Lie and associative algebras over a finite field are there?

ThiagoThis question is related to the following general question: Given a variety of (non-associative) algebras $\mathcal V$, a finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$, with $q$ elements, and a positive integer $n$, how many $n$-dimensional $\mathbb F_q$-algebras in $\mathcal V$ are there? It is well known that if...

Q: What hand-span is required by alto recorder

Jonathan BattistelliI have small hands and I am 4 feet 11 inches. I was looking into getting an alto recorder. Is the fingering too spread apart for me? Should I just stick to Soprano?

Q: I’m working on / at / for: Which should I use?

Kai I’m doing this project for a company I’m working on / at / for. Which one should I use?

Q: What might be the negative effects of researching or implementing the Searl Effect, Moray Generators, Perendev Generators, et al.?

CeliaFateA morally questionable organization is developing a power source based on quantum fluctuations (zero-point energy), citing the Moray generator, freedom particles, the Searl effect, and so forth as foundational research. Since these are at best theoretical, using known science as a springboard, wh...

Q: Novel associated with Arthur C Clarke with vibrating windshield

Michael StachowskyIt was either written by ACC or based on his works. It is set in the early 21st century and was likely written in the eighties or early nineties. I think it was about raising the Titanic but I may be mixing it up with another There is a child prodigy... Mathematician? It's a girl. The number 1.9...

Q: Why is the word "China" avoided in "Mulan" (2020)?

Clint EastwoodThe term "China" is used only once in Mulan, in a caption describing the capital city as being in central China. All other places it could be mentioned, the term "the dynasty" is used. Given that this movie was designed to appeal to China/the Party and be one of the few American films allowed int...

Q: math activities for fast-finishers

BurtI am a math teacher for sixth graders and I am trying to think of some strategies to keep the students who finish their work quickly productively occupied. I would like to have a selection of activities - including games, projects etc. Any ideas of what I can include? Maybe games like set? Or qbi...

Q: How can I make the food of my (fantastical) culture believable?

AnnWriter19I'm going through my novel in the editing stages, and I'm realizing how flat the culture of my food is. How can I develop a good food culture that is believable without drawing too much on human aspects of food culture? The main part I'm struggling with is describing the food. (FYI, my creatures ...

Q: Is my homebrew Burning Ears spell the right spell level?

NachtI have designed this spell: Burning Ears 8th-level divination Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Self Components: S, M (an earwig or a hollowed out animal horn) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard For the next hour, you listen very closely for the sound of y...

Q: Is it common for professors to ask a postdoc to start working without compensation while waiting for paperwork to be completed?

acad-userI was wondering if it is common for professors to ask a new international postdoc to work without compensation while waiting for paperwork to be completed. I was in an interview and the professor hinted at something along this line, when I brought up the topic of the lengthy visa process to be ex...

Q: Can you use repeating numbers like Pi, and e, as the Key to OTP ciphers?

Tyler GSince $\pi$ and other numbers repeat could you use them as a OPT key. Ex: a 5 character message is sent and the first 5 digits of $\pi$ are used. after that the next $X$ number of digits are used and so on. from what I understand of Cryptography (its my hyper fixation for the week) and potential ...

Q: Does stonecoil serpent count as entering battlefield when paying X=0?

JakCurrently building a Purphoros, God of the forge deck and I'm wondering if his ability is triggered when I pay x=0 for Stonecoil Serpent or does it go straight to the graveyard without entering the battlefield?

Q: Is there any intuition or meaning regarding Cauchy-Riemann equations?

HeManHolomorphic functions are one of the most beautiful objects in mathematics. However, Cauchy-Riemann equations are a little bit of a mystery for me. What does that mean intuitively when a function satisfyes those equations?

Q: merge two pdf side by side with tikz

lucky1928I have 2 pdf with 10x130in and 10x140in (both single page), I use below code to merge it side by side but it doesn't work! \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} ...

Q: Who drank the green potion when Voldemort went checking for the locket?

Dheeraj KumarWhen Voldemort placed his horcrux locket in the cave, he used Kreature to drink the green potion before placing the locket in the goblet. When Regulus found the cave, he drank the potion himself before Kreature took the locket. When Dumbledore and Harry went in the cave, Dumbledore drank the poti...

Q: Which Tefillin should one wear if only one is available?

DanFI'm asking this as a multi-part question... 1 - Let's say one can obtain just one tefillin (say, he is poor, can afford to buy just one.) Which one should he obtain first - yad or rosh(hand or head)? 2 - Eventually, he can get the full set. But, for now, only one is available (say, shul happens t...

Q: How to send the axes' labels of a ListLinePlot behind the plotted curve?

abcdI want the axes' digits of my plots (actually ListLinePlots) to be free from the interference with other background elements (specifically grid lines). To do that I've tried specifying Background->White in the TickLabels option. However, since they're printed on top of the function curve, the whi...

Q: Would pressurized vehicles operating near the surface of Venus float?

kt-voidSo the setting is that we are several hundred years in the future, and scientists are sending humans to the surface of Venus in reinforced vessels similar to submarines or whatnot. We will assume that the tech to pull this off exists in this universe, as that's not what I'm asking about. I'm most...

Q: Is this poor laboratory safety?

dval98I’m a formulation chemist at a flavor company. My co-worker, is also a formulation scientist but has no previous formal training in chemical safety or lab chemistry settings. I always work in the hood unless I’m just mixing fruit extracts or something not volatile. My coworker doesn’t not ever wo...

Q: How do I engage someone who is playing his character poorly?

BprDMI am DMing a game where one player has never quite seemed happy. He regularly questions rulings and gets quite hurt when he tries to do things with his character and they don't succeed. He is playing an elf rogue/warlock, but consistently tries to play the character like a tank, running to the fr...

Q: I want my aliens to arrive at the edges of the solar system, they would arrive in a week, what do I need to have?

SeallussusSpace is 3d. Which means complications when we introduce FTL travel and how to 'imagine' the fleets and their position. But in my story FTL is easier beyond the reach of the sun and after the last planet, as the technology beyond FTL travel is effected by planets. So basically the easiest FTL 'ju...

Q: Key won't turn in Honda Fit after ignition cylinder repair

KnaveMalfunctioning locks seem to be common with Hondas that have laser-cut keys. After lots of research and tutorials on repairing the ignition cylinder I was able to remove the cylinder, extract the worn out "wafers", and lo and behold, the key would turn the cylinder in the barrel while both were ...

Q: In what sense is ZFC "stronger" than Peano arithmetic?

Abhimanyu Pallavi SudhirI was revisiting the discussion under a previous question of mine, and realized that I don't know how to rigorously formulate the notion of a theory being stronger than another. If the two theories are formulated in the same language, then you can say that a theory is syntactically stronger than ...

Q: Adapter: 1/8" Dremel shank to 1/4" chuck

user97485Situation: I have a Dremel rotary tool with normal 1/8" shank and a Dremel Multi-Vice. Need: I wish to attach this Dremel tool (with standard 1/8" shank held stead with my Dremel Multi-Vice) for cleaning with a larger-diameter wire-brush that is normally available with 1/4" shank. Question: Is t...

Q: How to show specific orders in the order grid based on admin user?

Vinod KumarI want to show orders which are assigned to the specific admin users. If any admin user is logged in then orders which are assigned to logged-in admin user will be displayed in an Order grid. Note: Admin users are seller which can manage their orders from admin How can it be done using UI compone...

Q: Is there a resource for learning ethics/etiquette of outdoor climbing?

adeadheadDoes there exist a book, website, or article that codifies the rules/ cultural norms/ ethics/ etiquette of outdoor climbing. Things like the first party to the base has dibs (as opposed to the first party that is ready to climb), stuck gear on a route is usually considered abandoned gear, yield t...

Q: Value of an integral

sajjad veeriI need to verify the value of the following integral $$ 4n(n-1)\int_0^1 \frac{1}{8t^3}\left[\frac{(2t-t^2)^{n+1}}{(n+1)}-\frac{t^{2n+2}}{n+1}-t^4\{\frac{(2t-t^2)^{n-1}}{n-1})-\frac{t^{2n-2}}{n-1} \} \right] dt.$$ The integrand (factor of $4n(n-1)$) included) is the pdf of certain random variable...

Q: I do not understand why voltage drops in a simple zener diode based voltage regulator

HoldenI'm studying this diagram from https://www.homemade-circuits.com/simple-voltage-regulator-circuits-using-transistor-and-zener-diode/ The article says that when the input voltage exceeds the zener diodes rating, electricity will pass through the zener diode and that this will somehow cause the in...

Q: Creating grid annotations in QGIS

PKGHow to make grid annotations like shown below in QGIS (v3.x)? Sequential alphanumeric characters in the centre of grid lines. These are widely used in tourist maps.

Q: Can I use two minor scales in the same song?

Jordan ZaghiI've been composing a song, using the chord progression Am - G#° - Dm7/A - E (i - VII - iv - V), that is using the Harmonic minor scale. The song has some melodies, that appear in different parts. The melodies are following the harmonic minor scale, but sometimes, I use G natural instead of G#. T...

Q: When people say "some" and a number, like "some 50,000 people", is there any implication that the number is big or surprising?

BruceI'm a native English speaker, and my whole life I've felt like when people say 'some' plus a number, there is some implication that the number is big or surprising, but I can't find any mention of this in any definition anywhere. Still, I can't shake that feeling. For example, on the bbc website ...

Q: What is the best programmatic way to determining whether two variables are linearly or non-linearly related

ShyamSundar RWhat is the best programmatic way for determining whether two predictor variables are linearly or non-linearly related, maybe using any of the packages scipy/statsmodels or anything else in python. I know about the ways like plotting and manually checking. But I am looking for some other programm...

Q: Would an atomic bomb detonate a uranium stockpile?

Lorry Laurence mcLarryIf a uranium atomic bomb directly hit a stockpile of weapons grade uranium, would the chain reaction also detonate the stockpile? what about a stockpile of nuclear reactor fuel rods? what about a stockpile of various nuclear weapons? what about a plutonium bomb or a hydrogen bomb? what about all ...

Q: When did DC-DC buck converter modules become so popular?

dsalazarIs it just me or from maybe since 4 years ago every project online for hobbyist electronics is using switch-mode power circuits in them? Looking back 15 years ago at projects from when I started doing electronics as a hobby, virtually every project used unregulated power supply circuits with line...

Q: How to show that ODE is Separable

RobertI have an ODE: $$xy'= y+2x^3 \sin\big(\frac{y}{x}\big)^2.$$ I have to show that this is separable. I have introduced a function u = y/x. Then using DivideSides and Simplify I got the following equation: $$(ux)'= u+2x^2 \sin\big(\frac{y}{x}\big)^2.$$ Now I have to use product rule for the left si...

Q: Why is "close reading" necessary?

Eddie KalFollowing up on this question and answer What is close reading? In literary criticism, close reading is the careful, sustained interpretation of a brief passage of a text. A close reading emphasizes the single and the particular over the general, effected by close attention to individual words, ...

Q: Calculate the gradient of a linear scalar field

Jose RamonI am trying to calculate the following gradient $$\nabla_{\mathbf{X}} \left( \mathbf{a}^{T} \mathbf{X} \mathbf{a} \right)$$ where I am using the convention that $\mathbf{a}$ is a column vector. I am wondering what the steps are to extract the solution from the matrix cookbook, which is: $$\nabla_...

Q: How does the Heightened Spell metamagic work on the Immolation spell?

PyroManiacI've been looking for an answer on how the sorcerer's Heightened Spell Metamagic option would affect the immolation spell. Would it apply to all the Dex saves of the spell? Or would it only apply to the initial Dex save? Sorry if this is obvious; Metamagic is quite different from other forms of c...

Q: Why some PhD students don't publish their thesis works on a journal?

C.F.GI want to know Why some PhD students don't publish their works on a journal? For example I have seen many good and high level German thesis where has been written around 1970-90, but has not been published in any journal.

Q: Is there a geometrical reason behind this?

BoraLet $x \geq0$ and $x$ is a real number. And suppose $n$ is a natural number. Thus, $$\cfrac{x^n-1}{x-1 } = \ \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} x^i$$ I have proven this with induction but It is some sort of interesting to me that what geometrically reason behind this. While couple days I tried to find a geometric...

Q: Do covariant derivatives commute?

mathewLet $M$ be a differentiable manifold, let $f:M\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ be smooth and let $v,w$ be vector fields in $M$. Must it be true that $\nabla_w(\nabla_vf) = \nabla_v(\nabla_wf)$ where $\nabla$ denotes the covariant derivative? If so I would like a proof and if not a counter example. Also, to...

Q: Transformation on insertion into PostGIS

JamesLevershaIf I have a specific SRID set on a geometry column in PostGIS, say 4326; if I then insert geometry with a different SRID, say 4283, what SRID will be stored in the database, will PostGIS transform the geometry to the column SRID on entry or will it just not allow insertion? INSERT INTO sometable(...

Q: Putting a Github Pages site onto a custom domain causes css to go missing?

JoeI have a website for a education project. It lives at this github repo. I tested it at https://equalitytime.github.io/whitewaterwriters-site/ and it worked as expected, but then I changed it to a custom domain and now it looks like this. If I fork it to my personal github and then serve it again...

Q: How are diminished 7th passing chords notated?

armaniIf I am in the key of D major and I use a passing diminished 7th chord between D major and E minor, the resulting chord is an Ebdim7 or D#dim7? When I spell the chord using sharps it makes more sense: D#, F# A, B#? Would this be right?

Q: Area code is not set in setup upgrade command installing data

Arsalan Ul Haqsetup upgrade command throws error while Installing data Area code is not set. The issue is coming from webkul core module. Anybody faced similar issue?

Q: Select random faces but no adjacent faces

Damn VegetablesIf I execute "Select random faces", even if I set the selection ratio lower than I want, I can still see adjacent selected faces. Is there a way to make selected faces not adjacent (no shared vertices), other than manually deselecting such faces?

Q: Does the Mind Flayers Innate Spellcasting (Psionics) trigger the melee weapon attack granted by the Mage Slayer feat?

CrazkurWhile searching for an answer i found this and this question about counterspelling a Mind Flayer. Which does not work because Counterspell states in it's reaction trigger: when you see a creature within 60 feet casting a spell and the Mind Flayers Innate Spellcasting tells us: It can cast the ...

Q: A table of plots of different functions

Richard Burke-WardI want to create a Table of individual Plots where the table's index-variable is a series of functions. For example: Take two simple functions, f[x_] := 1/x and f[x_] := x^2. I want to create a Table containing a Plot of each of them - i.e., I want a table that contains Plot[f[x], {x, 1, 10}] fo...

Q: Is "Jacob" genitive in "jubilate deo jacob"?

sunnybox_"Jubilate deo Jacob" is translated everywhere as "rejoice unto the god of Jacob". But from what little I know, Jacob is not in the genitive case. May I ask if this was a grammatical shift when in ecclesiastical Latin, or that Jacob is taken as genitive in specific context.

Q: E-bike tyres on normal bike

VojtaI am shopping for tyres for my normal MTB. As I am mostly riding city, some gravel and light offroad I wanted something with good speed on road and some traction offroad. I found Schwalbe E-bike tyres which should offer just that. Are there any downsides for riding e-bike tyres on normal bike?

Q: Is there a software that has implemented forces of BSE calculations for solids?

xmWI'd like to investigate the structural relaxations of the excited state for periodic systems. It seems BSE is a practical method that has already been implemented in many codes for static calculations. I'm wondering if there's any code with extensions to force evaluations?

Q: Question about IND-CPA with block cipher mode with random IV (CTR$ mutation)

user83466I know for a fact that CTR random is IND-CPA secure due to if an adversary want to break it, it will have to run a long loop where the $$\mathit{Adv}^{ind-cpa}_{CTR~random} = C(2^{n},q) - 0$$ However, if we change the encryption to something where in the beginning a random $IV$ is picked from the...

Q: Meaning of "Posse of pips"

Benoît SmithI recently stumbled a couple of times upon the expression "posse of pips", and right now, I hardly have a clue of what that may mean. Could it have anything to do with games, or assets? I'm in the dark here, and any piece of enlightenment would be greatly appreciated! Regards EDIT : added two quo...

Q: Using PLLs inside FPGAs

Quantum0xE7A document states that: Phase-locked loops (PLLs) provide robust clock management and synthesis for device clock management, external system clock management, and I/O interface clocking. You can use the PLLs as follows: • Zero-delay buffer • Jitter attenuator • Low-skew fan-out buffer • Frequency...

Q: `PlotLabel` for plots in a `Table`

Richard Burke-WardI have a Table containing two plots, given by Table[ Plot[{Re[f[n]] /. j -> 3, Im[f[n]] /. j -> 3}, {n, 0, 15}, GridLines -> Automatic, PlotRange -> All, PlotLegends -> {"Real", "Imaginary"}, PlotLabel -> f[n]], {f, {Sum[Sinc[Pi*(#1 - i*j)], {i, 1, Floor[#1]}] & , (-1 + E^(2*I*Pi*#1))...

Q: Story of a girl whose parents implant a chip to generate aversion to men

KritI haven't read this story, but I was reading some reviews of Asimov's "A Perfect Fit" and came across this one line by a reviewer. There is a story whose title and author both I have forgotten, which also dealt with the idea of forcing aversion to certain things, only it wasn't used simply for p...

Q: Subdivision Mesh Color

work-edEditing vertices, faces and edges becomes difficult post subdivision. While I understand I can toggle off the subdivision during editing, it would be beneficial (to me) to be able to change the theme of the generated subdivision mesh as to decipher between it and the object's original mesh. TL;DR...

Q: Finding numbers with odd frequency in an array

kattyBelow is my Code, I want to know ways to improve it. const findOdd = (A) => { newObj={}; A.filter((cur,index) =>{ return A.indexOf(cur)===index; }).forEach((cur) =>{ newObj[cur] = 0 for(let i = 0; i<A.length; i++) if(cur === A[i]) newObj[cur] +=1; }); const keys = Object...

Q: What is the meaning of 的 in "有一天你会明白的"?

O ConnorFrom Why is 的 used in 你是哪一天出生的 and 我们什么时候开始的 and 前天你什么时候来的这里?, I understand 的 at the end of a sentence describes an event that happened in the past. However, I am not sure whether I understand the meaning of 的 at the end of this sentence correctly: 有一天你会明白的。 This sentence emphasizes an event th...

Q: What is the best choose for PK in Partitioned Table?

axdnaI have one large table that is partitioned (table name: Trans). At the moment this table is to be created on 32 partitions. This table will contain approximately 300 million records and data older than 14 days will be deleted daily. One of the columns in this table is a reference to a table that ...

Q: Why is Certainty to be Expressed by the Present Subjunctive?

tonyIn North & Hillard Ex. 209 the following is to be translated into Latin: The general delivered this speech before his men: "You see how great the forces of the enemy are, and how impregnable their position is. If we attack them we shall without doubt suffer a severe defeat." The Answer Book: i...

Q: Daughter just turned 13 and confides in me she wants to be a boy and has looked up the surgery and costs... is this part of the trans trend?

user39478Last week my daughter turned 13 on Wednesday... it wasn't a cheerful celebration. I had to work that day but found a way to finish early. My mom came down and brought my daughter to me at 4:19, the time of her birth, really sweet of her. My daughter though was keeping a huge amount of distance fr...

Q: Question about null space balancing method

cethyI'm trying to use the null space method to balance the following equation: . I obtained the following composition matrix: $$\begin{bmatrix} 3 & 8 & 1 & 12 & 4 & 2 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 4 & 4 & 3 & 40 & 3 & 1 \\ 0 & 2 & 1 & 3 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 12 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix}$$ where rows a...

Q: FLS check in 2GP

Alex FisherI've created a new 2GP package. Since it is going to be released to AppExchange, I've implemented a generic CRUD and FLS check for every place I contact with the Database in my Apex code. e.g. MyAwsomeObject.getDescribe().isUpdateable(); MyAwesomeField.getDescribe().isUpdateable(); I build a new...

Q: Short story about Advanced Alien Species observing rapid evolution of Humanity

TomDot ComThe basic plot of the story was: An advanced alien species visits prehistoric earth and engages with early homo sapiens. One of the these homo sapiens was, I think, the leader of the tribe visited and they're given a typical caveman name (Can't remember exactly, probably Gruk, or something along ...

Q: Wrong incrementation of counter?

chrisContext I would like to add automatically numbered highlighted comments in text. Attempt Following this answer I wrote the following \documentclass{article} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{soul} \newcounter{mycounter} \newcommand\showmycounter{\stepcounter{mycounter}\themycounter} \definecolor{a...

Q: Creating polygons with fixed extent based on point which represents the S/W corner

YvesI have a point data set which contains the information of workplaces per hectare. Each point represents the South-Western corner of the surveyed hectare. Not the entire map is covered with points, only there where people are working does a point even exist. I want to create now a polygon shapefil...

Q: Limit of a sequence (definition)

mathsloverLet $$ (a_n)_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$$ be a sequence. According to the definition of limit, it is said that $$ \lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} a_n=L \Leftrightarrow \left(\forall \varepsilon>0, \ \exists n_0 \in \mathbb{N}, \ n \ge n_0 \Rightarrow \left|a_n-L \right|<\varepsilon \right). $$ About the de...

Q: In what way does technical analysis involve astrology and reading tea leaves?

user102086I am considering whether or not I should learn technical analysis after fundamental analysis. When I searched for "technical analysis" on internet forums to gauge whether or not it is worthwhile for me to learn, I noticed people saying that technical analysis involves astrology and tea leaf readi...

Q: Movie where children are assigned life role at birth

PandasharkI'm looking for the name of a movie I saw at least 5 years ago. I believe it had been released relatively recently. The movie is set in a futuristic utopian society. Children are given a bracelet or code in their forearm with a daily schedule. There is a gatekeeper who lives in a library at the e...

Q: What is the Likelihood of a car alternator fault being due to worn field winding brushes?

Russell McMahonTL;DR: If a 2001 Toyota Corolla alternator is faulty, how likely it is that the field winding brushes have gone open circuit? It's reasonably likely that the alternator is the original one.  ___________________ My son's 2001 Toyota Corolla has stopped charging its battery. The battery can be char...

Q: problem with \mathbb on a laptop

AsinusI wrote \mathbb{R^2} in the editor, however what gets printed in the pdf is the turnstile symbol in the exponent instead of 2. I have the following packages: \documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usep...

Q: Is possible to patent a trading algorithm (indicator)

EnriqueI know some algorithms are patentable, but not sure what are the resctrictions and limitation for this. My question is specific for a trading indicator, something like MACD, or RSI etc, is possible to patent those things? For example: Calculate the average of the last N1 and N2 (customizable) pr...

Q: Break the undo sequence in normal mode

AttilioQuestion: Is there something which is works same as i_CTRL-G_u, but for normal mode? This would be useful in mappings (like nnoremap), because (I think, but fixme) in normal mode, if you are just typing commands (vs. a sequence mapped to a single key), then each command counts as a separate undo ...

Q: If the universal cover of a manifold is spin, must it admit a finite cover which is spin?

Michael AlbaneseIf $M$ is non-orientable, then it has a finite cover which is orientable (in particular, the orientable double cover). If $M$ is non-spin, then it does not necessarily have a finite cover which is spin, e.g. $M = \mathbb{CP}^2$. As a cover of a spin manifold is spin, a necessary condition for $M$...

Q: How to clearly distinguish the settings of different scenes from each other, and make them "feel" different?

SciborgBackground I've been working on doing nitty-gritty editor revisions of my detective novel in preparation for publishing, going over sentences and picking through details. In the course of the story, the detective visits a variety of locations in the setting of the story to interview witnesses and...

Q: Which is the most "shareable" icon out there

Juan Jesús MilloOur company have three main platforms, the web, Android and iOS. It's based on listings where you can perform some actions, one of them being sharing, since I saw this question in '15 (Which share icon is most appropriate for web?), I would like to ask, which icon should we use? We use this one f...

Q: Smooth covers pulling back a cohomology class to any algebraic multiple

Joe TFix an algebraic integer $x\neq 0$. Does there exist a closed smooth manifold $M$ with a class $\rho\in H^{1}_{\mathrm {dR} }(M)$ and a smooth covering map $\phi:M\to M$ such that $\phi^*\rho=x\rho$?

Q: Which monarch had the largest break in their reign?

Neil TarrantDuring periods of political instability it is not rare for monarchs to be deposed, new monarchs declared, and the original monarch to reclaim their throne a few months later. During this time the deposed monarch is often actively fighting a civil war - still commanding armies and controlling terr...

Q: Is going without a helmet more aerodynamic?

RolloIs having a bare head more aerodynamic than an aero road helmet?

Q: Centroids not inside polygons

meeI want to get the centroids of my multipolygons using Python and GeoPandas. But when viewing the polygons and the centroids points on QGIS, the centroids are not inside the polygons. Here is the code I used: import geopandas as gpd import pandas as pd import sys # Read the data. polygons = gpd.Ge...

Q: Why will the 777X be tested for crosswind handling with wingtips raised?

AbdullahWikipedia says: As existing regulations do not cover the folding wingtips, the FAA issued special conditions, including proving their load-carrying limits, demonstrating their handling qualities in a crosswind when raised Why? Especially when this question says: The 777X family (777-8/-9/-10) ...

Q: Gap between top mount sink and new counter

CjmacPIs there anything that can be done about this gap? This is a fire clay sink and it seems to be warped a little.

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