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there is a problem with the container that runs on Glitch, I'm looking into it.
2 hours later…
Q: HashMap containsKey() returns false although hashCode() and equals() are true

gutenmorgenuhuI have a HashMap<Vertex, Integer> called vertexIndexes. If I iterate through it with this code: public boolean search(String vertexName){ for (Vertex name: vertexIndexes.keySet()){ String key = name.toString(); String value = vertexIndexes.get(name).toString(); ...

Q: Refactor a method to using stream API

deHaarI am currently told to count all .sql files which are hangin' out on some servers. Manually solving this very basic task is not an option, instead, I wrote some code that makes use of a SimpleFileVisitor<Path> and stores all the sql files found along with its parent path in a Map<Path, List<Path>>...

Q: Is there a way to define a template member in a non-template class?

RabahSay I have a class template named Compute, and another class named Function_A with a member function template: template <typename T> void Evaluate(T parameter) I am constrained to use the class Function_A as it is. I already know that T can only be one of two types type_1 and type_2. Is there...

Q: Is a roofing delivery truck likely to crack my driveway slab?

Ruth BlanchI am having shingles delivered the truck i 62,000 lbs, will this crack my concrete slab driveway. Also they plan on a dump truck in the driveway to throw shingles from roof. Not sure what weight the dump truck is.

Q: Looping a for with variables on a shell script

AviónI have the following script that SSH to a server with a key and makes a lot of stuff there. #!/usr/bin/env bash ssh -i mykey.pem myuser@SERVER_IP << 'ENDSSH' [A LOT OF STUFF] ENDSSH (which I run it with sh scriptname.sh) Now I want to to the same in another server, so I've to SSH to two diff...

Q: Failed to fetch jessie backports repository

user12345I'm using a docker image as a base for my own development that adds the jessie backports repository in its Dockerfile and uses that to install a dependency. This image uses the following command to add the repository: echo "deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian jessie-backports main" >> /etc/apt/sour...

Q: What's the purpose of "true" in bash "if sudo true; then"

Matt ParkinsI've hacked together this script which tests if the user has superuser privileges and if they don't it asks for them. I'm trying to negate the second if statement so that I can remove the following two lines (the echo "password ok" and the else on the following line) # Root user only if [[ "$EU...

Q: Using parameter substitution on a Bash array

Jon RedI have file.txt that I need to read into a Bash array. Then I need to remove spaces, double quotes and all but the first comma in every entry. Here's how far I've gotten: $ cat file.txt 10,this 2 0 , i s 30,"all" 40,I 50,n,e,e,d,2 60",s e,e" $ cat script.sh #!/bin/bash readarray -t ARRAY<$1 A...

Q: What if somebody invests in my application?

DinoLately I've been curious on how exactly does investing in a product works, and I've been thinking about this scenario: Let's say I'm creating some mobile application and I manage to get $1m of investment money. In the following year, the application turns out to be a huge success and I get an of...

Q: How could Frankenstein get the parts for his _second_ creature?

pipeWhen the creature is first created we get a strong impression that it is built up from body parts, quoting from chapter 4: I collected bones from charnel-houses and disturbed, with profane fingers, the tremendous secrets of the human frame. [...] The dissecting room and the slaughter-house fu...

Q: voltage of sounds of mp3files

たくまいわきWhat is the maximum voltage for common music files? When playing back on a smartphone, if the volume of the smartphone is set to max, how much voltage does the electric signal of the voltage be sent to the earphones?

Q: Is exact Kanji stroke length important?

Blake AllenContext: I am currently on a quest to learn how to hand write the 2000 most commonly used Kanji. This requires lots of memorization, so efficiency is important. I have come across Kanji that have strokes with little "extra tails", created from a slightly extra-long stroke. I found that they are...

The app is running again.
Q: What is the oldest known work of fiction?

Ryan_LWhat is the oldest known work of fiction that we know was meant to be taken as fiction? I mean to exclude mythologies; the audience of these was meant to believe they were true. What is the oldest work of fiction where it's truth was never considered? An example of what I'm looking for: Lysit...

Q: Why Were Madagascar and New Zealand Discovered So Late?

JohnWDaileyConsidering how exploration over long distances into the unknown has been a part of human nature right at the beginning, it's surprising that some fairly large places have been discovered relatively recently. The island of Madagascar, for example, is large and very close to Africa, yet it was di...

Q: What will be the benefits of Brexit?

Evil Dog PieAs a fairly typical UK citizen, with a partner, children, job, mortgage, etc., what benefits can I expect to experience over the next five years as a result of the UK leaving the EU? I'm aware of several definite down sides (e.g. losing the right to live and work in the EU, losing the right to v...

Q: Who must act to prevent Brexit on March 29th?

o.m.As I understand it, the EU27 leadership made the UK a conditional offer with various options to extend the Article 50 negotiation period. Who has to act to accept and enact the extension? Can the UK government accept it on behalf of the UK or do they legally need an act of parliament first? Onc...

Q: In a ball with random thread/strings, how does the density of threads/strings change with radius?

fraukeA large plastic ball full of holes is given. (So the holes are in a plastic shell.) Straight threads connect these holes randomly, by passing through the interior of the ball/shell. For a big ball or shell, say a meter in size, with thousands of holes, this makes (1/2 times) thousands of straigh...

Q: Why does John Bercow say “unlock” after reading out the results of a vote?

alexwlchanIn video from the House of Commons, whenever John Bercow reads the results of a vote, he says “unlock” at the end. For example, from last night: The Ayes to the right, 329. The Noes to the left, 302. So the Ayes have it, the Ayes have it. Unlock. I’m guessing this is some bit of formal Pa...

Q: What is the opposite of 'gravitas'?

AJFaradayI'm having difficulty coming up with a valid antonym for gravitas. Online searches return results like superficiality, cheerfulness, frivolity, facetiousness etc. which don't work for me. They seem to be opposites of gravitas as it is understood by the person who has it. As in, "We need to und...

Q: What was required to accept "troll"?

CL22At what point did the concept of internet troll become incorporated into an English dictionary?

Q: The plural of 'stomach"

Mido MidoWords ending in ch usually take es in the plural form. However, the word stomach is an exception to this paradigm. Its plural form is stomachs. My question is, why does it take only s in the plural form?

Q: What to do when my ideas aren't chosen, when I strongly disagree with the chosen solution?

jrichie911Bit of a psychological question I have here in relation to working as a programmer. In your work environment, when you're working on a particular system and that system needs to change due to requirements introduced or thought-up by others that you disagree with (either because you feel the cha...

Q: Hostile work environment after whistle-blowing on coworker and our boss. What do I do?

brownsuga1967I work night shifts with a co-worker who would always sleep or never be at work. We are both nurses. She is friends with the administrator (our boss) who showed her signs of extreme favoritism on many occasions such as having my Christmas leave canceled in favor of my co-worker's. I believe they...

Q: I'm in charge of equipment buying but no one's ever happy with what I choose. How to fix this?

user101937I have several hats at work - I'm primarily a software developer but I also have to do Linux sysadmin, Windows sysadmin, tech support (like changing printer ink, plugging in cables for people, etc), and new computer equipment. Recently I managed to convince my boss to get new keyboards and mice...

Q: How to be diplomatic in refusing to write code that breaches the privacy of our users

Jenny Tengson MandaniI am a team lead in a company located in Manila, and I am currently writing an app that has a seriously questionable feature request for its Android users -- which is to secretly record its surroundings using the phone camera. When I asked the CEO why we have to write this feature, I am told that...

Q: Why are on-board computers allowed to change controls without notifying the pilots?

MachavityRecently we've had the 737-MAX debacle, where it increasingly appears that the MAX on-board MCAS system repeatedly would issue nose-down events, leading to the Lion Air crash, and possibly another On the Lion Air flight, when the MCAS pushed the jet’s nose down, the captain pulled it back up,...

Q: For airliners, what prevents wing strikes on landing in bad weather?

mikeFor any low-wing aircraft, particularly the MD-80 or some of the private jets, CRJ's, the wings appear about 5ft or less above the ground. It seems that just few degrees of roll before touchdown would cause a wing strike on the runway and a disaster. How do pilots and aircraft manufacturers avoi...

Q: How do Sri Vaishnava Acharyas interpret this verse from the Kaushitaki Upanishad?

IkshvakuThis verse: For he [Brahman](the self of prâna and pragñâ) makes him [the Jivatma], whom he wishes to lead up from these worlds, do a good deed; and the same makes him, whom he wishes to lead down from these worlds, do a bad deed. If I remember correctly from a summary of Visishtadvaita by ...

Q: Why are all the doors on Ferenginar (the Ferengi home world) far shorter than the average Ferengi?

RexxiAI was watching DS9: Family Business when I noticed all the doors on Ferenginar are much shorter than the average Ferengi, causing them to crouch down every time they enter a room. That's gotta be terrible for their backs! I understand that Ferengi are shorter than the average humanoid, but why ...

Q: Short story about robots exploring another planet whose inhabitants thought the robots were inferior

Lloyd EastgateThe story was about robots exploring another planet. The inhabitants thought the robots were human, and also thought that they were superior to the robots. That is until the robots stirred molten steel with their arms and killed a monster shark like fish. When the inhabitants saw the leaky spacec...

Q: Time travel short story where a man arrives in the late 19th century in a time machine and then sends the machine back into the past

CBNA time travel machine arrives in the late 19th century. A man jumps out and makes the machine disappear into the past so he can't be tracked. He then explains that human descendants with huge brains from millions of years in the future have invaded his time (something like the 25th century) and a...

Q: Was Spock the First Vulcan in Starfleet?

JontiaThe idea that Spock was the first Vulcan in Starfleet seems to be a bit of common cultural knowledge with little or no foundation. The StarTrek.com biography states; Because the young Vulcan chose to join Starfleet, he and Sarek opened an 18-year rift over Sarek's hope his son would attend t...

Q: How to deal with or prevent idle in the test team?

MornonI'm currently in two scrum projects. The team consists of 9 people (5 developers, 3 testers). We work with user stories, story point estimates and two-week sprints. The team has received a great deal of Scrum and delivers reliably finished (Code + Test + Documentation) software. The test automati...

Q: Why did Kant, Hegel, and Adorno leave some words and phrases in the Greek alphabet?

LeBergI know this mostly from continental philosophers, like Hegel, Adorno or Kant: they use the greek alphabet when writing ancient terminology like ergon, telos or megalopsychos, while MacIntyre for example does not. He simply writes it like I just did. What was the reason of the former philosophers...

Q: What is the term when two people sing in harmony, but they aren't singing the same notes?

E. HuckabeeI'm not a musician, and I know basically nothing about music, and music theory and what-not. (I basically just know a few common terms, and how to play chords) In most songs with two or more people singing, (Duets specifically) the singers almost always sing in harmony, but not the same notes. ...

Q: Are there any thematic similarities between Shostakovichs' Symphony 5th and Beethovens' 7th symphony?

onepoundTaking a look at the opening bars of Shostakovichs' Symphony 5th and Beethovens' 7th symphony 4th movement (bar 136 onwards) see below they sound kind of similar. Somebody suggested Shostakovich did this intentionally, but I cannot find anything to support this. What do you think and is there a...

Q: Efficiently merge handle parallel feature branches in SFDX

Robert SösemannImagine a team of 5 developers using DX scratch orgs (using Salesforce' Falcon Template) for working on multiple features in parallel. They start from a clean packaging org and a clean Git master. Every developer creates a feature branch for her user story and works on it. When do they commi...

2 hours later…
Q: Why "be dealt cards" rather than "be dealing cards"?

Lerner ZhangI encounter such a confusing sentence: You are dealt two cards. I don't understand why we should use "dealt" rather than "dealing"(Present Progressive Tense) here? What is the normal tense of "dealt" here?

Q: What does the word "foliage" mean here?

curiousHere is a sentence from the description of a battle game: In the arena maps you will find the obstacles to take cover behind and foliage you can hide in. I am not sure if the word "foliage" means "leaves" here. How can one hide behind leaves?

Q: The baby cries all morning

Kshitij Singh The baby cries all morning. The baby has been crying all morning. I think both of these are grammatical but carry different meanings. The first one shows a general habit while the second one shows something has happened in the near past. Am I correct?

Q: Is it correct to write "is not focus on"?

floatingpurrI've read the sentence: The board of my company is not focus on employees and I am wondering if it is correct. I'd rather write "is not focused on" or "is not focusing on". I do not find any case where "is not focus" is correct.

Q: How does residential electricity work?

user3080392I'm trying to understand how the electricity works in my house. I live in the US. I know that at the transformer, the primary winding induces a current in the secondary winding. The secondary winding is center tapped with a "neutral" line. The neutral line is grounded to the Earth. Here is th...

Q: Find swapfile location in Linux Mint

Frank WangI want to increase my swap size to be able to have the hibernate option. First, I tried to add some swapfile. I followed https://bogdancornianu.com/change-swap-size-in-ubuntu/ and typed this in my terminal: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1G count=16 I get: 16+0 records in 16+0 records ...

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