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Q: Delivering sarcasm

bruglescoMost of us who have spent more than a few days reading things and interacting with people on the internet know how difficult it is to convey sarcasm. There is no tone there is only the words on our screens. Surely there is a way to express oneself in text in such a way that sarcasm is understood....

Q: Is there a name for this algorithm to calculate the concentration of a mixture of two solutions containing the same solute?

Karsten TheisThere is an algorithm called "Mischungskreuz" (German for "x of mixing") that is sometimes taught as a shortcut to figure out the following problem: You have two solutions that contain a solute at different concentrations $c_1$ and $c_2$. At what ratio $V_1/V_2$ do you have to mix them so that t...

Q: Should I outline or discovery write my stories?

Willfire Z TigerI've been struggling for a long time to tell a story. In any medium really. I've read a lot of writing tutorials and read lots of writing sites. I've also read a lot of books on writing. However in spite of reading and watching those tutorials I still haven't written a book / script or created a ...

Q: Where does the bonus feat in the cleric starting package come from?

vicabaI am creating a human cleric. While doing so, I noticed that in the starting package for cleric (PHB I, p. 33), there is a "Bonus feat": Feat: Scribe Scroll. Bonus Feat: Alertness. Deity/Domains: Pelor/Good and Healing. Gear: Backpack with waterskin, one day's trail rations, be...

Q: Drawing ramified coverings with tikz

Gabriel RibeiroI want to draw a diagram similar to this one: For that I started with the following code: \begin{tikzpicture} \draw (0,0) node {$Y$}; \draw (0,2) node {$X$}; \draw[<-] (0,0.35) -- (0,1.65) node[left, midway] {$f$}; \draw[thick] (1,0) -- (7,0); \draw[thick] (1,2) -- (7,2); \draw[thick] (1,2.5)...

Q: How to bake one texture for one mesh with multiple textures blender 2.8

SupaplexI'm trying to perform material merging into one texture in accordance with the solutions: Baking two textures into one and Baking multiple materials into one texture But due to differences in Blender 2.8 interface I can't find 'bake' option in Render menu. And 'Texture atlas' wasn't found. Cou...

Q: Longest common substring in linear time

Manoharsinh RanaWe know that the longest common substring of two strings can be found in O(N^2) time complexity. Can a solution be found in only linear time?

Q: What prevents the use of a multi-segment ILS for non-straight approaches?

SeanAn ILS, consisting of a localiser beam to provide lateral guidance (which can also be used on its own for a non-precision approach) and a glideslope beam to provide vertical guidance, is (currently) indispensable for precision approaches in IMC, but comes with a few disadvantages. Chief among th...

Q: Is it possible to put a rectangle as background in the \author section?

user178403In the \documentclass[xcolor={dvipsnames}]{beamer} Is it possible to put a rectangle as background in the \author section ? A kind of block, so that the \author name has a background with light color. Is it possible, if yes how? I tried the \begin{block}{a} ... \end{block} and it compiles 'cor...

Q: What is this cable/device?

Steve WellensI hope I'm on the appropriate site. Does anyone know what this thing is? It has a mini mono plug. The white square is slippery..but it is not covering double-sided tape. A white LED did not light up when I plugged it into a mic input on my PC. I thought there were little holes and it might be a...

Q: How do I find all files that end with a dot

Kathryn TrucanoHow do I find all files that end with a "." (dot) and then delete them? Is there a program that can do this? Example: Desktop DB. mp600osxpd542ej7.

Q: Should I stop contributing to retirement accounts?

painter48179My wife and I are in our later 30s and make about $100,000 per year from salary. We also net about $40,000 from rental properties that we have purchased over the past several years. Our essential monthly expenses are about $2500. We've been diligently contributing to our retirement accounts (401...

Q: GraphicsGrid with a Label for each Column and Row

An old man in the sea.Is it possible to use GraphicsGrid and do something like this? $\begin{array}{cccc} \text{X} & Label1 & Label2& Label3\\ Label4 & Plot1 & Plot2&Plot3\\ Label5 & Plot4 & Plot5&Plot6\\ Label6 & Plot7 & Plot8&Plot9\\ \end{array} $

Q: Intuition of generalized eigenvector.

roi_saumonI was trying to get an intuitive grasp about what the the generalized eigenvector intuitively is. I read this nice answer, so I understand that in the basis given by the generalized eigenvectors, a jordan block is a linear map that is the sum of a stretch by a factor $\lambda$ (eigenvalue associa...

Q: Is there a working SACD iso player for Ubuntu?

bteoSo here is the thing ... I used to listen to a huge collection of SACD iso files on Windows. Many albums are released as SACDs for the audiophiles around the World. Imho 90% of these SACD albums are mastered far, far better than the original CDs. This is the whole reason behind the SACDs. The r...

Q: Calculating Wattage for Resistor in High Frequency Application?

Israr SayedI am making a MOSFET driving circuit. Frequency : 400 kHz [50% duty cycle] Gate voltage: 12 V Total gate charge : 210 nC as per datasheet IRFP460 Rise time: 100 ns [Q=I*t] Current: 2.1 A Gate resistor: V/I > 12/2.1 > 5.7 ohm Peak power: I * I * R > 2.1 * 2.1 * 5.7 > 25.1370 W Average power: [Pea...

Q: why `nmap` returns less services than `nmap`?

TimAccording to https://networkengineering.stackexchange.com/a/57909/, a packet sent to "doesn't leave the host but is treated like a packet received from the network, addressed to" So same as sending a packet to loop back why does nmap return more s...

Q: Create all possible words using a set or letters

mf67Given a list of letters, letters = { "A", "B", ..., "F" } is it possible to get Mathematica to generate all ‘words’ (in this example, 6 letter words), if only one letter can be used one time only, e.g. ABCDEF, ABCDFE, …? TIA.

Q: WiFi Thermostat, No C Terminal on Furnace

Paul Really hope someone can help me with this. I've looked through the other posts and can't find one similar enough to mine to answer. I've got an old gas furnace + AC and i'm installing a Sensi Wifi theromostat. There's only 4 wires and I cannot figure out how to do the G wire to C conversion becau...

Q: Is there a single word describing earning money through any means?

A. J.I am using compound word "money-oriented" too much in my essay. I want another word for it. Person who not only thinks about money all the time but also earns money through any means. They are ready to earn money even in the middle of war. They don't think what is right or what is wrong. Only one...

Q: Energy measurement from position eigenstate

monkeyofscienceGiven that the eigenstates of the position operator can be written as $\delta(x-x')$, and suppose we measure a particle in an infinite potential with walls at $x=0$ and $x=L$. I measure the particle to be in the position $x=L/2$, so the particle is in the eigenstate $ |x \rangle = \delta(x-L/2)$....

Q: Creature in Shazam mid-credits scene?

SamIn the mid-sections credit for the "Shazam" movie, We see this same creature very early on in the movie, What is this creature and it's significance in the DC universe?

Q: Why did the HMS Bounty go back to a time when whales are already rare?

BobIn ST IV, The Voyage Home, the HMS Bounty travels back to what looks to be Earth ca 1985 to acquire a breeding pair of whales. Yet at this time, whales are already in danger and people are sophisticated enough that the Bounty might be detected and possibly destroyed. Why not travel back to 900AD ...

Q: Approximating irrational number to rational number

MrTanorusI'm making a phone game, and I need to approximate $\frac {\log(5/4)}{\log(3/2)}$ to a rational number $p/q$. I wish $p$ and $q$ small enough. For example, I don't want $p$, $q\approx 10^7$; it's way too much for my code. In the game, there's two way to upgrade ability. Type A gives additiona...

1 hour later…
Q: Why do we read the Megillah by night and by day?

user18660Why do we read the Megillah by night and then again by day? Wouldn't it be enough to read it once!

Q: I am looking for the correct translation of love for the phrase "in this sign love"

Kris GHow would you say "In this sign love" as in the similar style saying of "In hoc signo vinces"?

Q: In Qur'an 7:161, why is "say the word of humility" translated in various ways?

Rebecca J. StonesRegarding the ayah: وَإِذْ قِيلَ لَهُمُ اسْكُنُوا هَٰذِهِ الْقَرْيَةَ وَكُلُوا مِنْهَا حَيْثُ شِئْتُمْ وَقُولُوا حِطَّةٌ وَادْخُلُوا الْبَابَ سُجَّدًا نَّغْفِرْ لَكُمْ خَطِيئَاتِكُمْ سَنَزِيدُ الْمُحْسِنِينَ Qur'an 7:161 Some translations (sourced from Islam Awakened) are: And remembe...

Q: Why do compilers behave differently when static_cast(ing) a function to void*?

Soulimane MammarThe following code compiles without any error in VSC++2017 and doesn't compile in gcc 7.3.0 (error: invalid static_cast from type ‘int(int)’ to type ‘void*’ void* p = static_cast<void*>(func)) #include <iostream> int func(int x) { return 2 * x; } int main() { void* p = static_cast<void*>...

Q: Can someone explain how this makes sense electrically?

Joel CroteauThe wiring in my house is... odd. Nearly every pair of outlets has one of the outlets connected to a light switch. Sometimes that switch is quite far from the outlet even when there are other closer switches that seem to control nothing at all. Sometimes that switch also controls overhead lightin...

Q: Is a bound state a stationary state?

J-JIn Shankar's discussion on the 1D infinite square well in Principles of Quantum Mechanics (2nd edition), he made the following statement: Now $\langle P \rangle = 0$ in any bound state for the following reason. Since a bound state is a stationary state, $\langle P \rangle$ is time independent...

Q: Argument list too long when zipping large list of certain files in a folder

ZackI'm trying to zip a certain large number of files by creating an array of them. Then I tried to run the zip command but met with "Argument list too long" error. declare -a arr=() fixed=5 for i in `seq 10 1 200`; do for j in `seq $((i+fixed)) 1 200`; do arr+=("${i}_${j}.xxx") ...

Q: How can we generalize the fact of finite dimensional vector space to an infinte dimensional case?

user639336I am reading vector space from Friedberg. There in the last section they told about infinite dimensional vector space but there is not sufficient contents. Now my question is why can't we define infinite sum? If this is the case then can anyone please tell me the difference between infinite sum i...

Q: When a Cleric spontaneously casts a Cure Light Wounds spell, will a Pearl of Power recover the original spell or Cure Light Wounds?

FeringAssume a cleric has converted one of their first level spells into cure light wounds, and it was the only spell they have expended. When they use the pearl of power to recover the spell, what is recovered: the original spell, or the cure light wounds?

Q: Where did Heinlein say "Once you get to Earth orbit, you're halfway to anywhere in the Solar System"?

Rick 0xfffI know what it means. I've seen delta-V charts. But I don't know if Robert Heinlein wrote this down, or simply said it off-the-cuff to somebody. Variations include: "Reach low orbit, and your halfway ..." (See Space Access Society logo http://space-access.org) "Make orbit, and you're halfway...

Q: Request info on 12/48v PSU

steviebI've got a power supply unit from a defunct/decommissioned Satellite Internet setup, and I'm hoping to get clarification on some of the markings on the label. In the following picture, there's four pin numbers, followed underneath of pins 1 and 2 both volts and max amps, and pins 3 and 4 simply ...

Q: Character escape sequences for ">"

Anrie BurieOWASP gives all character escape sequences for "<". Where can I find a similar list for ">"?

Q: Writing bit difficult equation in latex

Nahid HossainI am new to latex. I know how to write basic equation latex. However, the following equation seems very difficult for me. Please help me with this. Thank you

Q: Finding NDSolve method details

sana alharbiI have eqs about the NDSolve, I know this code given the solving automatically. How can I find out what method is used behind the scenes? How can I gauge the reliability level, find how many iterations have been used, the order of method. How can I estimate the error? I found hints on this si...

Q: How is flyblackbird.com operating under Part 91K?

GauchoThe website states they're not a Part 380. Love their service -- how will they avoid the same fate as Flytenow?

Q: By means of an example, show that P(A) + P(B) = 1 does not mean that B is the complement of A.

Gordon NgI'm in grade 10, and I've just started to learn about complementary events. I am rather perplexed with this question. Isn't this question kinda contradicting? Since P(A) + P(A') = 1 This is what I got to: P(A) + P(B) = 1 P(A) + P(A') = 1 How could it be proven that B isn't the complement of...

Q: Why are synthetic pH indicators used over natural indicators?

Patrick ShwaySynthetic indicators seem to be exclusively used when determining the pH of a substance with an indicator (with the exception of that school experiment where you boil cabbage to demonstrate natural pH indicators) or in acid-base titrations etc. over natural indicators. Why is this the case when n...

Q: What does "landing" mean in this context?

jay The manager shall assess the fall area for building infrastructure, (i.e., fire escapes, landings, access ladders) that could impede the fall path. What does "landings" mean in this context? It seems to be a place for landing, but it's still vague. What does it exactly refer to? I searched...

Q: Is a model fitted to data or is data fitted to a model?

enjayesIs there a conceptual or procedural difference between fitting a model to data and fitting data to model? An example of the first wording can be seen in https://courses.washington.edu/matlab1/ModelFitting.html, and of the second in https://reference.wolfram.com/applications/eda/FittingDataToLinea...

Q: React - map array to child component

noxstaI'm coding a site with multiple pages. A page ComponentA, have a child component that return sections with titles and paragraphs. The array in ComponentA pass data as props to the child. Inside the child, a map function return the paragraphs correct. What's missing for the titles, how would you ...

Q: Reply 'no position' while the job posting is still there

ConwLI wrote an email to a group in a German institute ask about their 'Hiwi'(which means research assistant) position which is posted on their website. But the group leader reply me 'I could not offer you a position at this point'. This makes me a little confused. I know group leaders face many quite...

Q: Could the E-bike drivetrain wear down till needing replacement after 400 km?

h22The drivetrain (chain? gears?) of my E-bike started to make loud clicking sounds, with the impression that the chain is skipping over teeth. The gear switching itself still works well. I have tried to regulate the rear gear mechanism by adjusting the position screws but failed to make any improv...

Q: Earnshaw’s Theorem and Ring of Charge

W.P.McBlainA classic problem in determining the motion of a negative charge when displaced from a positively charged ring shows that the charge oscillates. However, Earnshaw’s theorem states that (quoting Griffiths) ‘A charged particle cannot be held in stable equillibrium by electrostatic forces alone’. H...

Q: \hline - width of entire table

Lukáš AltmanHow to set \hline to be appropriate for the table? \documentclass[12pt,a3paper]{report} \usepackage{booktabs, makecell,amsmath, graphicx} \usepackage[output-decimal-marker={,}]{siunitx} \NewDocumentCommand{\anote}{}{\makebox[0pt][l]{$^*$}} \usepackage[margin=0.25in]{geometry} \usepackage{pdflsca...

Q: MTG Artifact and Enchantment Rulings

atlster455In Magic the Gathering, If I have Gate to the Afterlife and Shadows of the Past on the battlefield and one of my creatures die which ability activates first? Would I have to scry first or would I have to heal/draw/discard first?

Q: Two line segments inside a regular pentagon forms the same angle with the sides of this pentagon. What is the length of x in the picture?

Eldar Rahimli ABCDE is a regular pentagon. $\angle AFD = \angle EKC$ $|FH|=1$ cm; $|AH|=3$ cm What is $|DK|?$ I know that triangles $EFA$ and $DEK$ are similar and that $|EK|=4$ cm. Also because this is a regular pentagon each one of the interior angles are $108^o$. Naming similar angles insid...

Q: Can the Supreme Court Overturn an Impeachment?

AgustusArticle 2, Section 4 of the US Constitution states: "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." This clause apparently lays out the requi...

Q: Customize circled numbers

blackenedBelow is one solution (by @Stefan) for circled numbers with the help of tikz. What can I do to make it such that I can in-place customize its draw color, fill color, text color, etc.? \documentclass[tikz,border=7pt]{standalone} \newcommand*\circled[1]{\tikz[baseline=(char.base)]{ \node[shape...

Q: Varistor? Purpose and principle

Roman SimonyanIn the AL9910 LED driver datasheet it shows a part, which I assume is a varistor, is it so? Varistors are shown to be connected across L and N lines, but here it is connected in series. Please explain the operation principle.

Q: Can somebody explain the brexit thing in one or two child-proof sentences?

Tyler DurdenI find the whole Brexit thing impenetrably difficult to understand. My main points of confusion: (1) What exactly does leaving the EU entail? Just writing some letter announcing that EU tariff agreements will no longer be honored? (2) If voters in the UK chose to leave the EU (what years ago?...

Q: what is different between Do you interest vs interested in something?

yafomarsI want to ask my friend that does he interest in engineering a system. How can I ask him? Do you interest in the system or Do you interested in the system? what phrase is correctly used?

Q: Need a math help for the Cagan's model in macroeconomics

dolcoFrom the appendix after the chapter 4 in Macroeconomics 7th edition by Gregory Mankiw. To keep the math as simple as possible, we posit a money demand function that is linear in the natural logarithms of all the variables. The money demand function is $m_t − p_t = −\gamma( p_{t+1} − p_t)...

Q: Bob has never been a M before

rybo111Bob has never been a M before. He boards a plane in his home state. Shortly after takeoff, he becomes a M. Nobody else on the plane is a M. When he arrives at his destination, he's no longer a M. He boards another plane to go back home. When he arrives, he's a M again! What is M? Hint: You ...

Q: What spells are affected by the size of the caster?

OrdiNeuWhat spells in the Player's Handbook and Xanathar's Guide to Everything are affected by the size of the caster? For context, I'm playing a kobold sorcerer in my D&D campaign, and have recently learned on Reddit that he cannot carry any of the Medium-sized party members with dimension door or th...

Q: Can I use my Chinese passport to enter China after I acquired another citizenship?

PI IpI've recently changed my citizenship from Chinese to Canadian and I'm planning a short visit to China soon. Is it possible to enter China with my existing Chinese passport (not expired yet) and then return to Canada with my new Canadian passport. This becomes complicated since China does not ...

Q: What is the difference between Reference and Background image in 2.8

cegatonBackground images as used in previous versions are gone from 2.8. Now there are two possible ways: Reference and Background. As far as I can see both create an image that is aligned with the current view. Both create an empty and the only difference I see is in settings for Front and Side. ...

Q: Flux received by a negative charge

user72730Consider two charges +q and -Q placed at a distance , My question is number of flux lines received by -Q proportional to its own charge or does +q charge have any say at all? Source of image Britanica

Q: Why does Melarsoprol have to be injected in glass syringes?

Barry HarrisonA WHO document, contains the statement [Melarsoprol i]njections must be performed using glass syringes. Why is this the case?

Q: Filling the middle of a torus in Tikz

Gabriel RibeiroI drawed the following torus using Tikz: \begin{tikzpicture} \fill[blue] (7.5,0) ellipse (1 and .75); \draw (7.5,0) ellipse (1 and .75); \begin{scope} \clip (7.5,-.9) ellipse (1 and 1.25); \draw (7.5,1.1) ellipse (1 and 1.25); \end{scope} \begin{scope} \clip (7.5,1.1) ellipse (1 and 1.25...

Q: A book (mid 2000s) about a kid getting an old laptop that connects him to aliens, the alien government (I think) coming after him?

BorimirI can't remember much other than a kid got an old laptop, maybe from his school, and wanted to play games on it but it's actually an alien laptop and connects him somehow to other aliens. I also remember an alien government or something chasing after the kid. It was a book aimed towards children,...

Q: Could Intel SGX be dangerous under Linux?

VlastimilQuestion Background This morning, by accident I have found, that there is basically a backdoor in a dormant state in my Dell laptop: Computrace, which comes from Absolute Software - link to their Web, link to Wikipedia. Actual Question Since I read some UEFI/BIOS setting can't be changed onc...

Q: Is '大勢の人' redundant?

Mathieu BouvilleAccording to jisho.org, [大]{おお}[勢]{ぜい} means 'crowd of people; great number of people​'. Yet I have seen '大勢の人' several times: is it redundant?

Q: Did US corporations pay demonstrators in the German demonstrations against article 13?

timOne of the governing parties of Germany - the CDU/CSU - claimed on Twitter that American corporations "bought" demonstrators at the recent demonstrations against article 13: Wenn amerikanische Konzerne mit massivem Einsatz von Desinformationen und gekauften Demonstranten versuchen, Gesetze zu...

Q: Footnote and citation at the end of a sentence

JakAccording to this, footnote marks should come at the end of the sentence, after the punctuation, like The inner flow is then reflected at this boundary, leading to an oblique expansion shock (also named reflection wave).4 Sadly, I don't remember where, but I think that references go like th...

Q: Can a strictly decreasing function with limit at infity 0 be not convex from any point onwards?

Andrew VGiven a function $f:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ differentiable and strictly decreasing such that $\displaystyle \lim_{x\to\infty}f(x)=0$, I am looking to find out whether or not there exists an $x_0$ such that $f$ is convex on $(x_0,\infty)$. My guess is that the statement is not true but I can't fi...

Q: When quoting, must I also copy hyphens used to divide words that continue on the next line?

user3776022I want to quote a text in which re of the word relationships is on one line while lationships is on the next, and a hyphen follows re (re-) to indicate that the word continues on the next line. When I want to quote the text, can I simply write down the word relationships or must I write down re-l...

Q: What linear sensor for a keybaord?

Jonas DaverioI'm trying to make a velocity-sensitive keyboard for playing music. I have to measure the position of each key in order to know how loud the sound should be. The volume of the sound is not only function of the velocity of the keys at the end of the descent. I know position can be recover from t...

Q: Logical reason why motor vehicles wouldn't be allowed in post-war towns?

Robert PaulSo, I’m creating a post-apocalyptic world set 97 years after nuclear war, in the former state of California, AD 2059. The Californians, compared to the rests of the wastes, have done good for themselves, creating lawful cities and towns with advanced infrastructure. Their society compares to ours...

Q: Why does Async/Await work properly when the loop is inside the async function and not the other way around?

Ahmed KaramanI have three snippets that loop three times while awaiting on a promise. In the first snippet, it works as I expect and the value of i is decremented with each await. let i = 3; (async () => { while (i) { await Promise.resolve(); console.log(i); i--; } })(); Output: 3 2 1 ...

Q: Ejecting USB dslr camera

user3435167I'm using gphoto2 to capture images with my nikon dslr connected to a raspberry Zero W My problem is that the camera stayes awake as long as there is a usb connection. How can I eject the USB connection? dmesg: [ 229.503626] Indeed it is in host mode hprt0 = 00021501 [ 229.713448] usb 1-1: ...

Q: Mutated beetles cartoons (characters made of rope and rings)

t4uI need help identifying old cartoon from my youth. It has been unbearable itch for me for quite some time. Information: Main characters: Humanoid beetles (not sure about the beetles thing). I think there were three of them. One of them had power over ropes and I believe he was made of ropes. H...

Q: What is meaning of this sentence?

velaWhat is the meaning of the following sentence it is from a book red dragon He knew the FBI document section would fall on the carving like a rabid mongoose

Q: Can not upgrade Kali,not enough space in /var/cache/apt/archives

MikiBelavistaI installed Kali Linux on VM VirtualBox(my host is Ubuntu 18.04). I am newbee to Kali,but the two linked questions are not related to my problem. When I try to upgrade Kali apt upgrade 926 upgraded, 81 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded. Need to get 1,503 MB of archives. After this...

Q: Difference between -| and |- in TikZ

subham soniBased on this tutorial, I understand symbols -| and |- are used to draw perpendicular lines. But I wish to understand the difference between the two. There are the following related questions: Insertion of perpendicular symbol at intersection of two perpendicular lines How to add perpendicula...

Q: Involved in or involved with

Taras Kryvkothere are two sentences: The HR department will also be involved with training and professional development of the company's staff. A company's HR department may also be involved in making people redundant. What's the difference between involved in and involved with in these two se...

Q: MAXDOP Settings for SQL Server 2014

Learning_DBAdminI know this question has been asked number of times and also has answers to it but, I still need a bit more guidance on this subject. Below is the details of my CPU from SSMS: Below is CPU tab from task manager of the DB Server: I have kept setting of MAXDOP as 2 by following below formula...

Q: Is a file system driver implemented using a kernel module in Linux?

user343344Assume that I have invented a new file system, and now I want to create a file system driver for it. How would I implement this file system driver, is this done using a kernel module? And how can the file system driver access the hard disk, should the file system driver contain code to access t...

Q: How can I check how many times an iPhone or iPad has been charged?

ClassifiedOn my MacBook Pro, I can see in the About this Mac → System Report → Power link, how many times the laptop has been charged. It lists the condition (currently as "Normal") on my laptop. I've seen it say something like "Needs Attention" or "Service Battery" when the laptop has over 500 cycle count...

Q: Hot bath for aluminium engine block and heads

ÆlexI've got an all-aluminium subaru ej205 block that I'd like to clean before I rebuild it. I've bought a metal bin large enough for the engine halves and I'm looking at a degreaser such as this one: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F182187203185 Most...

Q: Subring of a UFD

qinrLet $R$ be a UFD with $1$, are the following two statements true? If $S$ is a subring of $R$, then $S$ is also a UFD; if $S$ is a subring of $R$, and $1\in S$, then $S$ is UFD.

Q: How to set Output path correctly for a Single Image render?

user3352567I know this is such a basic question, hence I cannot find similar question to this. I've set up Render Output file in Preferences and Clicked Save Preferences: But after rendering nothing appears in the folder. Why? I've found this other question, for blender 2.7, but my Render Panel has no...

Q: Are there known examples of a function that is continuous and differentiable at all points in the real number line, but not smooth?

jmarvin_I can't seem to find any counterexamples to the statement "all functions that are continuous and differentiable at every point of the reals are smooth," nor can I find anyone asserting or proving this statement. Are there known functions that are continuous and differentiable at every point (wit...

Q: Delete database accidentally by a bash, rescue please

SoftTimurMy developer committed a huge mistake and we cannot find our mongo database anyone in the server. Rescue please!!! He logged into the server, and saved the following shell under ~/crontab/mongod_back.sh: And then he run ./mongod_back.sh, then there were lots of permission denied, then he did ...

Q: Should I install hardwood flooring or cabinets first?

T KingI am installing 3/4 hardwood oak nailed down to plywood sub-flooring. If hardwood flooring is installed first, wouldn't buckling of the floor be a issue since hardwood expands and contracts?

Q: Translation of Scottish 16th century church stained glass

Robbie Beaton This piece of stained glass (about 500mm x 400mm) is in our house but came from our adjoining castle. I think it came from a since ruined church on the same site. Anyone know what it means?

Q: Schmidt decomposition - example

ScottI'm trying to compute the Schmidt decomposition of $\left| \psi \right> = (\left| 00 \right> + \left| 01 \right> + \left| 10 \right>)/\sqrt{3}$. This should be possible by first computing the reduced density matrices $\rho_A=Tr_B\left| \psi \right> \left< \psi \right|=\sum_i p_i \left| a_i \right>...

Q: Perfect Cadence in minor key

Pascal's WagerI understand that, at least in the context of using a major scale, a perfect cadence is V-I. That is, if I were playing a piece in C major, I could play a chord similiar to the G major triad followed by a chord similar to the C major triad.* What about in a minor key? If my piece is in the key o...

Q: How does the reference system of the Majjhima Nikaya work?

Bo JarnevingI have come across a reference to the Majjhima Nikaya (MN) noted as MN 1.436. In my own book (The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha: A translation of the Majjhima Nikaya by Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Bikkhu Bodhi) there are 152 suttas and each sutta can be sub-divided into a number of vaggas but I...

Q: Proving a function is onto where f(x)=|x|.

Nick SabiaI've been working on proving that this is a onto function: $f$ : $\mathbb R$ $\to$ $\mathbb R^{\geq0}$ is defined by $f(x)=|x|$ My proof so far: Let $y\in\mathbb R$. Rough work: $|x|=y \Rightarrow \sqrt {x^2}=y \Rightarrow n^2=y^2 \Rightarrow \pm x=\pm y$ Suppose $f(\pm y)=|\pm y|=y$. I know...

Q: Why do IPv6 unique local addresses have to have a /48 prefix?

Sam PAccording to RFC 4193, unique local addresses will always have a prefix of FD00::/8.. but according to Wikipedia: The block fd00::/8 is defined for /48 prefixes, formed by setting the forty least-significant bits of the prefix to a randomly generated bit string. Is this enforced, and if so ...

Q: Is camera lens focus an exact point or a range?

Anil JosephI have often wondered if the focus of a lens at a particular focal length is an exact point or a range within a few mm. This beccomes all the more important when manual focussing. And how much leeway from the point of focus gives a good image?

Q: Global amount of publications over time

FuzzyLeapfrogWe always hear about the increasing amount of publications published every year and the resulting information overload in science. I wanted to show this trend to students to highlight why they should care about information literacy and search strategies. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a reliable ...

Q: Engineer refusing to file/disclose patents

GenWe have a senior engineer on our team that routinely excels at his work. In addition to his regular work, our company has a patent program where engineers can write up a patent for a novel idea, and submit it to our patent team. Within about 6 months, the engineer will get anything in the range o...

Q: Journal losing indexing services

Pietro PaparellaI recently had a paper accepted by a journal. When I looked it up on the AMS’ Mathematical Reviews, I noticed that it was previously indexed by the service but, at present, is it not. The journal is not pay-for-play, and one of the previous editors was a very famous mathematician. I asked the ha...

Q: Is XSS in canonical link possible?

user101During regular pentesting of my site I discovered that I can close double quotes in a canonical link tag and enter an onerror attribute with a simple javascript alert(1). It is visible in source code but javascript did not execute. I also tried with onload event but same result. Is there ...

Q: Folder comparison

Mike V.D.C.I have two folders with similar subfolder structures, which I would like to compare. For example: A ├── child-1 ├── child-2 ├── child-3 ├── child-4 ├── child-5 and B ├── child-1-some-text ├── child-2-more-text ├── child-3-nothing ├── child-6-random-text ├── child-7-more-random-text I woul...

Q: We have a love-hate relationship

pirate I have an arm but not a leg. I like fruits but I don't eat healthy. I can spin but I can't jump. What am I?

Q: Will adding a BY-SA image to a blog post make the entire post BY-SA?

nshunzI tried to read the license deed but it was too advanced for me to understand. Consider these 2 situations, I take a CC-BY-SA image and upload it to my blogpost it as is, without any modification. I take a CC-BY-SA image, modify it and then add it to my blogpost. How do each of these affect ...

Q: Has Darkwing Duck ever met Scrooge McDuck?

MouvreI mean, somewhere. In old series, or new, maybe comics?

Q: Interest Rate Futures Question from Hull, 8e

user523170There is this question 6.16 in Hull, 8e: Suppose that it is February 20 and a treasurer realizes that on July 17 the company will have to issue \$5 million of commercial paper with a maturity of 180 days. If the paper were issued today, the company would realize \$4,820,000. (In other words, the...

Q: Python script not running correctly when launched with crontab

SWotoI'm running a telegram bot on my Raspberry Pi 3. When I run it in my console or using Thonny, everything runs smoothly. python3 /home/pi/Documents/telegrambot.py The problem occurs when I set the program to start on boot. sudo crontab -e [last line] @reboot sudo python3 /home/pi/Documents/tel...

Q: What major Native American tribes were around Santa Fe during the late 1850s?

Invent PaloozaThis question is rather basic and self-explanatory, yet I can't find answers to it when I look it up. I would appreciate if someone could give me at least 2-3 tribes which were around the Santa Fe area during 1856-1859.

Q: THT: What is a squared annular “ring”?

fekleeAt least in KiCad, the footprints of through-hole pin headers have one squared annular “ring”, the other ones are round: What does the square indicate? (Also I’m wondering if there is perhaps a convention of connecting GND to it.)

Q: Are lightweight LN wallets vulnerable to transaction withholding?

Chris ChenAs far as I know, LN requires the user to watch the blockchain in order to perform penalty in time. However, running full node is probably a heavy burden to some users, especially to mobile phones. I once heard that improved protocol for lightweight wallet (like Neutrino) can solve this problem, ...

Q: Question about alert, surprise, and crit failing

tbroA Druid in my campaign has the Alert feat, which stops her from being surprised. If she rolls a critical failure on her Perception check, would: A) She get surprised because she crit-failed? B) The alert feat negates that? I'm leaning more toward it's "up to the DM," but I wanted to ge...

Q: Have I saved too much for retirement so far?

JonHI currently have a roth ira as well as a 401k from fidelity. I have around 350k in my 401k and another 10k in my Roth IRA. I just turned 40 recently. Am I saving too much for retirement and should I focus more on saving in say a regular savings account? I have around 30k in a regular savings acc...

Q: How do ground effect vehicles perform turns?

FlorianConsidering that ground effect vehicles fly with a rather low ground clearance, there is not much room for banking. How do ground effect vehicles turn? Do they turn just very slow with a low bank angle? Or do they turn uncoordinated with wings level? I can imagine that banking has an opposite eff...

Q: getting the weights of intermediate layer in keras

Alfaisal AlbakriI have an image dataset 376 classes each class has 15 pictures corresponds to a person. I would like to get the feature vector that corresponds to each person. What I have done is, after I compiled the model I then used this link as a reference to get the weights of the last convolutional layer...

Q: Why has "pence" been used in this sentence, not "pences"?

Fringetos You can then open the chest, and take from it as many pence as you please, they are only copper pence, but if you would rather have silver money, you must go into the second chamber. Is that boldface correct grammatically? Why is that "pence", not "pences"?

Q: Is there a conventional notation or name for the slip angle?

Manu HAngle of attack is usually designed by alpha (as in alpha_prot). Is there such a conventional notation or name for other axes? I'm particularly interested in the slip angle.

Q: How do we rationalize a person's sins being solely their own when we have traditions that blame entire nations for certain acts?

AvriThis is something I always found to be a bit of a contradiction. The Torah states that a person's sins are their own to bear and that no one may die for the sins of another. Parents shall not be put to death for children, nor children be put to death for parents: a person shall be put to ...

Q: Do the concepts of IP address and network interface not belong to the same layer?

Timhttps://unix.stackexchange.com/a/508065/674 You are confusing the device driver layers and the IP layers of the stack. At the IP layer, is just another IP address and treated the same. At the driver layer, packets sent via the loopback interface are "simply and immed...

Q: Some numbers are more equivalent than others

humn           ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL    BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS          — from Animal Farm by George Orwell A contrived simple equivalence rule applies neatly to numbers 0 through 99 but not to any other numbers. Equivalences ...

Q: How to decide convergence of Integrals

Umesh shankarI got this doubt while evaluating the integrals: $$I=\int_{0}^{\frac{\pi}{2}}\ln(\sin x)\sin xdx$$ and $$J=\int_{0}^{\frac{\pi}{4}}\csc xdx$$ Now even though the integrand $f(x)=\ln(\sin x)\sin x$ is not defined at $x=0$ which is the lower limit, still it has a finite answer. But integrand i...

Q: How do I repair my stair bannister?

JeffreyMy stairs bannister are made of small wood posts nailed to the ramp. The whole thing have always been quite fragile. After 10 years, a couple posts came loose and most show a gap between the posts and ramp. I know how to use a screwdriver and screw, but I've never done any woodworking with nails...

Q: Drawing a topological "handle" with Tikz

Gabriel RibeiroI'm trying to do the following drawing in Tikz: I almost finished the leftmost picture: \begin{tikzpicture} \fill[blue!20] (7.5,0) ellipse (1 and .75); \draw (7.5,0) ellipse (1 and .75); \begin{scope} \clip (7.5,-.9) ellipse (1 and 1.25); \draw(7.5,1.1) ellipse (1 and 1.25); \clip (7....

Q: What is this type of notehead called?

XilpexI was looking through some sheet music when I came across a notehead that looked very odd. It looks like a whole note with two lines on both its sides. Here is an image of the notehead: What is this type of notehead called, and what is its duration?

Q: What's the difference between 違法 and 不法?

Glen BrixeyLooking up the translation for "illegal", I found 違法{いほう} and 不法{ふほう}. These words seem to be quite similar. Judging from what I have found online, it seems 不法 is mainly used to refer to illegal immigration, trespassing, etc, whereas 違法 can refer to any illegal act. Is this accurate? Is there a m...

Q: Why we can't differentiate a polynomial equation as many times as we wish?

PintecoSuppose we had the equation below and we are going to differentiate it both sides: \begin{align} &2x^2-x=1\\ &4x-1=0\\ &4=0 \end{align} This problem doesn't seems to happens with other equation like $\ln x =1$ or $\sin x = 0$, we can keep differentiating these two without getting "$4=0$", for ex...

Q: Joining ~ 40 normalized tables for 200 columns to display detailed user profile. Can this be optimized?

atkaylaA profile can have many profile types. That profile can have many fields, which are all tied to lookup tables. Some fields can have many selections. profile -> profile_date -> one relationship status, one zodiac, many languages, many countries traveled, many cuisines, many activities, ... prof...

Q: How will losing mobility of one hand affect my career as a programmer?

user101786The effects of a genetic disorder stated affecting one of my hands. Now it's barely visible and only causes mild discomfort and a slight loss of agility, but upon reaching its final stage my hand will look visibly deformed and I won't be able to move my fingers. This will happen at worst case in ...

Q: Can a significant change in incentives void an employment contract?

bruglescoRecently over at The Workplace there was a question regarding an employee withholding valuable information that they developed in their spare time. According to their employment contract all intellectual property they develop, regardless of work hours, belongs to the company. The company also re...

Q: Greco-Roman egalitarianism

humnAthenian democracy is a cornerstone of egalitarianism. One person, one vote. Everyone. Here's something, though, Athenians mightn't've imagined: I = II = III IV = V = VI = VII = VIII IX = X = XI = XII = XIII XIV = XV = XVI ...

Q: Why don’t women say שלא עשני גויה and שפחה, according to Ashkenazim?

DonielFI see in Nusach Edos HaMizrach, women say שלא עשני גויה and שלא עשני שפחה, “Who did not make me a non-Jewess” and “Who did not make me a maidservant,” paralleling the men’s שלא עשני גוי and שלא עשני עבד, “Who did not make me a non-Jew” and “Who did not make me a slave.” Why don’t Ashkenazi women...

Q: Gibbs free energy in standard state vs. equilibrium

user76122I have a problem with the definition of the standard Gibbs energy and its connection to the equilibrium constants. I think, that I've basically understood what the different equation mean but there is one thing, I'm unable to understand: On the one hand: One may describe a chemical reaction wi...

Q: My friend sent me a screenshot of a transaction hash, but when I search for it I find divergent data. What happened?

TylerThis is the transaction hash: 0x90e923ee01d9dfeb95ee176819eeec67d247fc6cb009c8cdc4d8ae1939e5ecc6 And this is the screenshot my friend sent me: If you check the hash in Etherscan, some informations converge with the screenshot - block, number of confirmations and sender address - but other in...

Q: Are sinusoidal travelling waves also normal modes of vibration?

LuciferAccording to definition of normal modes, which says if all the different independent parts of a system vibrate at same frequency and their amplitude preserve a fixed ratio then such a motion is a normal mode of that system then since in sinusoidal travelling waves also different parts move with s...

Q: Two-sided logarithm inequality

Enrico BorbaI couldn't find a duplicate question, so I apologize if this has been asked before. I'm trying to show that $$ n - 1 < \left(\log \left( \frac{n}{n-1}\right)\right)^{-1} < n \tag{1} $$ I've verified this numerically, and it even seems to be the case that $$ \lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{1}{\log \...

Q: Is it possible to use .desktop files to open local pdf files on specific pages with a browser?

Rafael MuynarskI'd like to use desktop files to open pdf files on specific pages, I've tried creating a file with the following syntax: [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=mypdf.pdf Type=Link URL=file:///home/myhomefolder/mypdf.pdf#page=45 Icon=application-pdf When I open this file the default browser opens ...

Q: Visiting the UK as unmarried couple

rkishchenkoMy girlfriend and I both have Ukrainian citizenship. We're planning to visit the UK at the end of April. While filling in the application form for visitor visa we specified our relationship status as unmarried partners since we have been living together for more than 3 years and I'm going to be h...

Q: What (else) happened July 1st 1858 in London?

black-cloverI'm looking for sources of information freely available online about happenings in London the day July 1st 1858 (besides the famous Darwin-Wallace presentation, that is.) I have found copies of the front page of The Times, but they are almost illegible and mostly full of advertising.

Q: Divine apple island

jafeArrange the following words into pairs. What cities are being clued here? What city is missing? divine, apple, island, oxford, big, love, novel, lower, rival, refuge, saxony, odysseus, guidance, brotherly

Q: How can I remove extra parentheses in a plot callout?

MajisThis question is motivated by this question and its answers. Firstly, I wish to display "O(x)" instead of "x" as the callout labels. When I do this lbls = Map[HoldForm["O(" #1 ")"] &, funcs]; I get double parenthesis for the fourth element. How can I avoid this extra parenthesis without alte...

Q: Why is Arduino resetting while driving motors?

user9999114I am driving motors for my line-follower project . The circuit schematic is given below The power source is a 11.1V 2200mAh 25C Lipo . Practically the cells give 11.5-12V. I used a switching buck regulator to step down the voltage. However , when i run my robot on track after few seconds,the ar...

Q: How to align and center standalone amsmath equations?

tjt263I had this code produce the following document. I wanted to align a few things. Particularly under the "degree sequence" heading: \documentclass[varwidth,margin=2mm]{standalone} \usepackage{amsmath,tikz} \begin{document} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture} %%%%% SNIP %%%...

Q: How to color a curve

Sara yaqobHow does one color the interior of the elongated circular region in the following figure: ContourPlot[y^2 - x (x - 1)(x - 3) == 0, {x, -2, 7}, {y, -4, 3}]

Q: About a little hole in Z'ha'dum

Spkit 2000Ok, so if I remember it correctly: So, why did he have to release this character only to try to grab him again and fail? I dont understand it.

Q: List of people who lose a child in תנ"ך

Josh SilverblattAny other cases of people who lose a child in תנ"ך apart from Adam, Yehuda, Aharon, David, Eli, Iyov?

Q: Could solar power be utilized and substitute coal in the 19th Century

Echo61505Would it be possible for a nation with 19th century to very early 20th Century technology and history and hot desert climate to utilize solar power for electrical generation as a substitute for coal or replace the use of coal in any other way? Hope this question is more to the liking of this sta...

Q: What does this horizontal bar at the first measure mean?

XilpexI was looking at some sheet music when I came across something I am seeing for the first time. It looked like a horizontal bar on the first measure. Here is an image: What does this bar tell you? What is it for?

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