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A: Is using multiple Greatswords on an Unchained Eidolon with a Multiweapon Fighting feat worth it?

Draco-SNot really. At level 3 you will have a base melee to-hit of +7 (3BAB + 3STR + 1bonus, not counting any feats or other build-agnostic enhancements). With extra pair of limbs and Slam evolution for them you get 2x claws +7 (1d4+4) from base biped form and 2x slams +7 (1d8+4). With 2x greatswords ...

Then it's not 2x claws and 2x slams, it's 2x claws and 1 slam then. The damage numbers are then lower (2d4+4 and 1d8+4 equals to 17.5 damage on average, while (2d6+6)*2=26 damage on average, if it hits. Of course, the chances to hit are lower. It depends on enemy's AC how lower they actually are
However, I have found something that benefits the weapon build a lot.
1) A Ranger spell that costs 15 gp per use from a wand.
It increases weapon damage by one size category and stacks with Enlarge Person.
It's Range: Personal normally, but with a good UMD score one can use it on their Eidolon as Range: Close
2) Finally, an Azata can gain an Exotic Weapon Proficiency for just 1500 gp.…
3) Once the prerequisites are made (dex 21), Multiweapon specialist also becomes a great choice, giving a flat +2 damage for each damage roll
Not sure if it's actually worth a feat, as it pretty much requires a Dex build

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