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Meanwhile, I have written an AnyDice program that calculates average damage of different attacks. Critical strikes are not accounted for yet. Turns out, claws actually deal as much damage as a Greatsword. anydice.com/program/134dc
Of course, with equal chances to hit. Any penalty will make it better with the claws.
8 hours later…
Yes, my bad. It does get one slam only which is a bit worse. But at level 5 you can get a Bite for another 1d6+4 to compensate. And then top it up with extra 1d6 energy damage PER HIT at level 6. Or do it other way round - energy first, bite next.
Multiweapon specialist only works with one-handed weapons, so GS are out of question.
What Exotic weapon would you use with the Stone?
GS attacks are a pittance. At level 5 your to-hit will be +4 and that will hit AC21 only 20% of time, or once every 2.5 rounds. I've skimmed the Bestiary section of 8-99 for subtier 3-4 and the AC of your foes rarely goes under 18, and averages at about 20-21.

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