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wow Cegaton left too? Just noticed his account was also deleted
3 hours later…
5 hours later…
@X-27wantstoReinstateMonica Haha, good one. :D
1 hour later…
Deleted after edit.
@batFINGER It's so easy in the real world ;)
there's a real world?
@batFINGER haha. Nice addon btw. "spiral_thingy_mesh" made my day
Couldn't come up with a better name
Crashes in edit mode if you reset props to default a couple of times.. Been thinking of asking question re.
suits perfectly IMO
while resetting the properties? @batFINGER
right click operator prop and choose reset to default
particularly in edit mode
No issue here @batFINGER
I build and use latest trunk so often loathe to ask questions re percieved bugginess.
the latest branch? compiling it yourself?
@p2or see we are trapped in the cell together.
Ok, tested all props on win10 blender 2.81a - no issues, really @batFINGER
Ubunto 18 for me
quit windows when XP finally got canned
Just had a "nemisis" answer come up.
Yeah, was there yesterday to say thanks to the guys and had a conversation with iklsr... but today I was banned from the channel, not sure why @batFINGER
You know the one you put far far tooooooooooo much time into and it scores nada
and has popped up in about 20 questions since. anyway mustn't grumble
the recent departures have the nostalgia chip going
Joined BA in 07. Heady days with Atom esp working out 2.5x. Came out just as I had nutted out my first 2.49 script NLA lipsync.
Yeah, I know and I know you know them too. I can definitely say that I wasted my time on some, but I also learnt a lot so... @batFINGER
Hehe, know you from there when I came with my first python question...haha @batFINGER Give me a second, searching for it.
Remember BSE starting cos CodEmanX started answering there. We Had a bit of "healthy" rivalry answering on scripts forum. My first question here was closed by gandy.
It was about building blender lol
embarrassing @batFINGER
re "We Had a bit of "healthy" rivalry answering on scripts forum" - think that can be nice sometimes...
Yes embarrassing how's the attitude on me.lol...
Dug this one out the other day blender.stackexchange.com/a/164834/15543
Yeah, Atom also did a lot of good stuff these days, but I think he moved over to the houdini guys @batFINGER
See him ansering a lot of questions there...
could have sworn I had written that here. Getting hard to find. Lot of my good stuff on BA seems lost after the re-write.
IIRC there was some custom node addon issues with Atom. Only getting head around nodes myself recently.
my upvotes :D
Thanks. Don't ever leave.
To be honest, I hate this forum stuff... and I love this idea over here getting an answer without all this personal fuss @batFINGER
the idea over here?
I do a lot of houdini stuff right now and sometimes I finding myself scrolling through 20 pages of useless content in that houdini forums @batFINGER
I meant this stackoverflow idea of asking a question and getting a direct answer...
Oh Ok. Never used houdini. Yep got it.
There are some doozies here too. If a user accuses another of being a troll, chances are most see it as the opposite.
Have to mantra myself sometimes .. stay out of it. stay out of it.
ever seen that cartoon with the bloke on computer and his wife at the door saying
"when are you coming to bed"
As you (not like me) have a pretty solid understanding of math you should play with it @batFINGER
he replies.
just a minute dear I have to tell someone on the internet they are wrong
haha @batFINGER
I ever though cycles is one of the slowest path tracers in the world, but Mantra nails it.
Yeah I know it @batFINGER
might have been posted here.
Rarely render anything these days.
Been plugging away at a few addons. And answering too many questions here.
Still searching for this other one, but I can't find it...
How much time per day? @batFINGER
I mean it's awesome having you here, fact.
The bat is a bit nocturnal .. find myself answering questions rather than sleeping sometimes. Be 1/2 hour on avge per day I suppose
Was touch and go, re being here a week ago.. Fires about 15km away in 3 directions.
Nice answer @batFINGER
Made me laugh
Funniest thing I've heard for a while was on radio news.
Scientists had made a 3d print of a 2000 odd year old Egyptian mummy's vocal chords
to find out what they sounded like back then
they played the sound
re addons and wasting time: I had to render different cameras in one go last year and found this addon from some of these popular youtube guys: github.com/VertStretch/RenderBurst Made the mistake and open it in a text editor... Funny to look at, because they have no idea what they do but its stared 166 times on github. Tried to clean it up and filed a pull request, no answer...
@batFINGER really? Do you have a link to read that up?
Awesome, thanks @batFINGER
Plans to do sphincter as well to hear sound of a mummy's fart ()
you might be interested in (natural based farts): vimeo.com/374534729 @batFINGER ;)

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