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@ThomBlairIII Hey :D
Node editor is the most common term I've seen actually
well apparently I'm racing @X-27 for first. can I get some votes on this one for a hat...
@GiantCowFilms is your herd going on vacation this year?
@gandalf3 Hi! :) Well, I was wondering about that type of layout editor in general, not just in blender. Like, Adobe Illustrator allows you to group things and them move them and still maintain connections between vertices that aren't being moved. Same in Blender, even when you're modeling...if you move certain faces of a cube, all the faces related to that vertex will change shape accordingly.
So, I was wondering if there is a name for that style of UI
@ThomBlairIII! wow nice to see you.
oh, not just with nodes?
Hi David!
I'm playing a base-building video game
PS you two, I'd still like some votes
@ThomBlairIII name?
Not sure, I've seen "node editor" used outside of blender but I'm not aware of any more general term
And there is no planning feature in the game that allows you plot out where you might like to place things before you actually build them "physically"
I'm playing hats :)
@David Oh ok, which things should I upvote?
@ThomBlairIII Oh so you are looking for something that you can layout your base before you build it.
Moderators endorsing vote fixing‽ Scandalous
just kidding
@gandalf3 Yes, some kind of ghost images that can be dynamically rearranged to make sure they fit into the space allowed
@gandalf3 "It's for the hatz"™
@David There was only 1 link you sent me to upvote...did you mean for that to happen?
@ThomBlairIII yah only one.
@David Gangster rap made me do it
Don't worry I won't tell anyone else in the whole of stackexchangia
@gandalf3 nah I got to get iklsr and Duarte to UV it too :)
That cinches it
corruption runs deep
All for hatz
Whatever shall we do
Every day we stray farther from God's light
I mean, that tends to happen when you wear multiple hats
Well, I do endorse fun upvoting as long as no body gets hurt
Especially if there are unicorn hats
@gandalf3 I got it, the answer... more hats!
Just don't poke anyone with the unicorn one
As long as you don't stoop to drive-by shootings over it, then it's ok
Or impale any hats with it
make sure to wear it on top
OH OH you could have a narwhale tusk hat
I almost lost it when I saw that in the news
@ThomBlairIII well now that you mention it... the hats list could use some help (its a CW so the votes dont matter.)
I was like WTFFF???
Is this real news???
Who is responsible for trolling us this badly??!?
But it turned out to be REAL NEWS!
@ThomBlairIII "fake news, very fake news"
Well, they did a really impressive job of making it look real
I couldn't do that in Blender
It'd look kinda cheesy if I'd tried to fake it in Blender
At least I think
It started to feel like it might be close to proof we're living in a simulator that some kid loaded Goat Sim into
(Disclaimer: in case people don't know what I'm talking about, it was in the news
Oh gosh, I've forgotten the markup
Markup/markdown should be standardized for Pete's sake
@gandalf3 Oh ok, I thanks for your input
I didn't see it when you first posted it
@ThomBlairIII [link text](http://theurlhere.com)
Oh ok
Ah, it's already set up, like concrete
Wait too long and it just get's hard as a rock
can't edit it no more
@ThomBlairIII dont worry I know a mod that can edit it. @gandalf3 :)
omg, thank you!!!
concrete shmoncrete
the perks!
yeah, I've never liked concrete that much tbh
so Ik has a ban hammer, gandalf3 has a jackhammer!
I mean, it's nice and all, but so hard if you hit it
It smells funny too
But better than asphalt
WAY better
Ok, I don't want to ramble on too long here, no matter how fun it might be
I've got bases to build on mars
don't use too much asphalt
have fun!
Oh that looks cool
Yeah, it could be really awesome if they allowed it to be modded
I'd love to make some mods for it
The devs didn't put in some features that'd be awesome
But it's still really stable and bug free
Which is pretty impressive
It's a lot like Rimworld
But 3D
So that's cool
Nice graphics & sound
nice \o/
@DuarteFarrajotaRamos you have to get the unicorn hat (gold badge) then all 4 of us mods can be unicorns :)
@David Nope!
@GiantCowFilms aww. but on the plus side you can get hats. or help others here get hats :)
Yeah, I clean forgot about hats until today.
(caps intentional.)
@GiantCowFilms I'm almost in first, but you'll recognize the guy in first...
No idea who he is, but he looks like a pyromaniac.
Also, we do really well at this hat bash thing for being a site of middling volume.
@GiantCowFilms lol is it the avatar that gives it away?
@GiantCowFilms :) 🐄
7 hours later…
@David I'm interested!
You have to get a gold badge during winter bash to get it?
Hum.. i'm not on the verge of getting any, I think it'l be hard
6 hours later…
We've been unfrozen!
4 hours later…
holy shit blender is cool
I just started 5 min ago. Doing fluid simulations and trying to create a tsunami for a vfx shot.
@JBis That's an ambitious first shot. Good luck!
thank you!
1 hour later…
keep us posted on the tsunami

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