@someonewithpc yes sounds like it should work. (and sounds safe) just check the li ion to be sure the charger works properly, you dont want to over charge one of those.
@someonewithpc you cane get led strips super cheep off ebay. they are easy to use, and would work perfect with your battery.
wow www.ebay.com/itm/Special-Offer-Super-Cool-White-5M-SMD-3528-300LEDs-Led-Flexible-Strip-Light-12V/111878773718 even cheaper then when I last looked. $4 shipped!
BTW, earlier I was getting yelled at for using my computer near the driving school's computers, because "The phone interferes with the computer and can break the touch screen"
@someonewithpc I have never heard of that nor can I think of any reason why a cell would bother a tuch screen. I mean cell phones all have touch screens.
Let's see if you guys can get this one: during WW2, they noticed many aircraft were coming back with many a shots, so they decided to add armor to the parts where they had been shot, but then they noticed that roughly the same number of planes were coming back. What had they done wrong?
The extra weight made the engines burn more fuel to stay flying, thus reducing the plane's operational range. This made it so many of the planes physically couldn't get back without running out of fuel, and crashing?
Time to remember the freedom that we enjoy! OH NO YOU DON'T, PUT DOWN THAT ILLEGAL FIREWORK
just a bit idiotic in my opinion that fireworks are illegal.
you can make weapons out of just about anything - fireworks may be dangerous, but they are a lot prettier than other things that you can get way easier, and are more dangerous!
Let's see if you guys can get this one: during WW2, they noticed many aircraft were coming back with many a shots, so they decided to add armor to the parts where they had been shot, but then they noticed that roughly the same number of planes were coming back. What had they done wrong?
But since he lives in the east coast in either Connecticut, Florida, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, or Virginia
My guess Virginia, Because he was affected by that storm last year
@Scalia In WW2 they noticed that many of the planes that came back to base had been shot a lot, so they decided to add more armor to the parts where they had been hit, but when those planes flew they noticed that the same fraction of planes that went out were coming back.