@gandalf3 @David I have a very weird problem. image.pixels = data where data is a 256 * 256 * 4 1D array, and image is a image you get from bpy.data.images, takes an insane amount of time to compute, well over two minutes. Any idea?
@GiantCowFilms I have some nice dramatic your best friend just died and now you must avenge him by attacking the evil overlords fortress in an epic battle cinematic feeling music.
@PaulGonet that is just another one of the "scraper" type of sites, there are a LOT of them. No it is not part of SE at all. In short they take the Q&A from SE and stick it on their site to get traffic and ad money.
@Scalia Oh, try @X-27 he does more in the bge then me.
You can add a transparent animated plane.
First off, you must change the Shading from Multitexture to GSL.
it must be tiled and evenly spaced like the image below
Because there are four tiles you would check the animated button, and choose one tile along the Y and 4 along the X
you also nee...
but using that method the animated texture will continually loop
if (for example) you use that to make an explosion, you could spawn in the explosion object when the animation is half done, so you could see the explosion finish, then start again and stop abruptly.
I don't know how much longer this giveaway page will stay open for, but you can once again get free ECP keys. starblast.io/giveaway/gamepedia I have no idea why the devs keep making thease...