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That moment you learn floating point operations aren't determinate.
*word comes crashing down*
I just had the moment a few moments ago :O
All my maths are a lie!
/me made some image manipulations in C
and tried to compare the results with a hashing function
ha ha
/me's hopes and dreams of a lockstep .io game with 3D physics were crusehd
and my HDRI processing results are not consistent
I guess you could use really big integers with your own rounding rules
the problem is javascript does everything with doubles.
and you cannot do a game with string maths, its just too slow
If they are big enough, the rounding won't be noticeable. And it will be the same for everyone
@GiantCowFilms aaah
@GiantCowFilms oh this is javascript...
.io game
means runs in the browser
ah right
With webassembly it might be possible, since they have an express goal of making it determinate.
Although I don't really want to work in C(variants). Everything takes FOREVER in C(variants).
@GiantCowFilms what?
Everything is stupid fast in C
Even when you're not that careful about optimization
Compared to interpreted languages anyway
I mean to write
Run sure.
But writing it is slow.
@GiantCowFilms It's not bad at all
@gandalf3 I don't like it. I just feel like you have to write 10 lines for what should take 1 line, in a high level language. And you don't have nice slick easy to use libraries like with javascript, php and python.
But its not unbareable
its just more work
On the plus side, there are probably more good quality physics engines to choose from
@GiantCowFilms I've yet to see anything quite that verbose..
In fact, so far C seems more terse than C++
@gandalf3 Oh?
I've never written strait up C. I use C as a blanket name for C, C++ and C#
C++ is what I have had experience drowning in
My vim regex from a little bit earlier was from me porting my C program to C++
Lemme find a before and after
be back later
     //Read PNM file in C++
	char magicNum[128];
	int width, height, maxval;

	ifstream f;
	f.open(filepath, std::fstream::in | std::ios::binary);

	f >> magicNum >> width >> height >> maxval;
	// now ignore everything up to newline
	f.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');

	img.SetSize(width, height);
	f.read((char*)(img.GetBufPtr()), sizeof(Pixel)*width*height);

     //Read PNM file in C
	char magicNum[128];
	int width, height, maxval;

	FILE* f = fopen(filename, "rb");

	fscanf(f, "%s\n%d %d\n%d\n", magicNum, &width, &height, &maxval);
	img.create(width, height);
	fread(img.pixbuf, sizeof(Pixel), width*height, f);

It's not a perfect comparison, as a few of the differences are not really due to the language
But, for example "rb" instead of "std::fstream::in | std::ios::binary"
I'd even argue its not really clear one is more readable than the other.
And there's a certain niceness to dealing with things at the byte level. You can do anything! Want to implement your own deterministic floats? You can do that!
In C you get the feeling there's really not much magic between you and the data
But even in C++, stuff like "f >> magicNum >> width >> height >> maxval" does blackbox magic by delimiting by "whitespace" and magic which one couldn't determine reading the code
In the C variant it's spelled out
And the syntax is still shorter :P
Though I'm new to both languages, so I'm probably doing it all wrong..
I'm doing an iKlsR rant, aren't I..
I didn't make it to a full page :/
Not like there's pages here
But 1080 pixels high at 100% zoom with a device-pixel ratio of 1:1
Now I have to stop, otherwise this will be a full page and the above statement will be invalidated D:
3 hours later…
vim macros are amazing
It's like multi-cursor editing, but re-usable
Also you don't have to go and place the cursors ahead of time
1 hour later…
@gandalf3 That is nice!
@gandalf3 The C one looks nicer, the above one reminds me of my own C++ abominations. the <> and :: and billions of brackets make for such an ugly mess.
@gandalf3 It was a full page on my phone ;)
I will have to try C then
12 hours later…
@GiantCowFilms I have seen every single doctor who episode except for the one last week
@10Replies Impossible
Well, seen is a little bit wrong
I obviously havent seen the ones that were lost
But, a few of them had animation and the audio/script wasn't lost
@GiantCowFilms I'm ready for the new regeneration cause I didn't quite like the current doctor that much
@10Replies :P
I'm seriously impressed. How long have you been at it?
The past 3 or 4 years
Not bad.
My dad pirated them all :D
I'm seriously unimpressed.
I just started watching Blake 7, and I think it is almost better than Dr.Who tho
UGGGH! My python script keeps causing blender to hang
@GiantCowFilms Pretty darn impossible to get them all without spending enough money to buy a few used ferraris
Tryna generate a tileable perlin texture
@10Replies That doesn't justify it. And the friend I borrowed these from owns all the episode on DVD AFAIK.
The BBC loves to extort every living cent out its viewers
He has a room full of DVDs. I nearly passed out.
Borrowing is the same thing as piracy
BBC doesn't make any money either way
@10Replies Nope
if I transfer the physical medium, the DVD, I'm in the clear as long as its not copied off. the DVDs are on my desk. He cannot watch them while I have them.
It is effectively the same thing. The people who have it hosted on the internet had to have bought it, so it is the exact same thing...
@GiantCowFilms But how are you to know if he didn't copy the DVD and give it to you
@10Replies Well, then he would have the pirated copy. If you buy a use DVD from the video store, its not piracy if the other guy copied the stuff off. He has the pirated copy not you.
The legitimate copy is on my desk.
Lol, but, there is no difference between them, so if they were distributed on blank DVD's you wouldn't be able to tell the difference
Its the same way as loaning a book is not piracy. But if you stick it through a scanner, and then print anther copy it is. As long as all the bytes are in ONE place, its clear.
@10Replies 1. Not blank - they have fancy printing on the back. 2. I have the original box, and cases to put them in.
The BBC won't make any money from me if I borrow or pirate... I am not going to buy their content. Therefore I find it morally sound.
Well one is illegal the other is legal. That makes the difference to me.
Legality does not make something moral
slavery was once legal
That did not make it morally just
@10Replies touche.
But borrowing a DVD is not imorral or illegal.
Lets put it this way. I do something if its moral, and don't do something if its illegal.
I don't do immoral things because they are legal, but I wont do a moral thing because its illegal (unless there is an extreme moral imperative in the other direction).
I have the same philosophy except that I put not giving giant corporations money that they don't need into the equation.
The quality of their output does not justify the amount of money they make off of it.
The shareholders of these corporations, loose millions - billions - of dollars of value because of piracy. Many of these shareholders are not slimy Mr. Burns characters, but normal people working normal jobs.
Saying I can violate your rights just because your rich makes no sense
Cutting off that millions of dollars is a tiny fraction of what they make.
The difference between having 100 million and having 97 million is much much smaller than the difference between having 0 million and 3 million.
1) Not tiny, I'm pretty sure its in the double digits.
But relative to the total income it is tiny
And I assume there must be quite a few people like me - If they didn't pirate it, they wouldn't watch it at all.
@10Replies thats like saying its okay to steal peoples wallets while they walk down the street. They may contain $100 of value, but compared to the tens if not hundreds of thousands an avery adult has saved, its nothing. But its still immoral. The smallness of a violation of rights does not justify it.
Which actually spreads their show into an audience that wouldn't normally be reached, even if they don't make any money off of it.
BBC isn't losing money. They just aren't making it. BUT, they wouldn't have made it anyway
But its the companies RIGHT to decide if you can watch there stuff or not.
its not about money, its also about their right. You have no right to watch Dr. Who unless the BBC says so.
No. BBC distributes Dr. Who publicly over television and through DVD. You don't have the right to watch Dr. Who, your friend who owns the DVD's does.
Any hobo can watch Dr.who if there is a television in public displaying it.
Is that piracy too?
BBC will never make money off of that hobo, and niether will the advertisers
The hobo is simply inconvenienced by the annoying adverts.
In fact, if it is legal for your friend to show the DVD to as many friends who can fit into the room with the TV, then why not stream it on the internet, and then he is just showing the episode, and not pirating it right?
The BBC just wants to make money. They aren't making money from you, and they aren't making money off of me, so it doesn't matter how we get it.
@10Replies "legal for your friend to show the DVD to as many friends who can fit into the room" There are laws surrounding that. You are allowed to show it in the context of a "home viewing" Its complicated and vauage
"Complicated and vague" is my middle name ;)
The internet is my home
@10Replies The BBC gives the owner of that television the right to display it. Anyone holding the DVD also has the right to display it. I now have the DVD in my DVD drive, and therefore the right to play it.
The key here is when the bits are coppied
What if the friend is just constantly displaying it over the internet. He can't possibly know if any bits are copied.
If you watch a DVD all the data is on the DVD, so that is one copy. But if you send it to your freind by copying it over the internet, there are now 2 copies. That is piracy. However, if you friend watches it over your shoulder, there is still only one copy. That is the difference
But, lets say rather than copying it, he streams it through facebook live
@10Replies Well, there is a provision which disallows display over the internet
so you cannot copy it, and you cannot display it over the internet. Besides, if you are streaming it to multiple, clients, that is making copies.
@10Replies As I said, there are limiations to what "displaying" it means.
I'm not a piracy lawyer
but its obvious streaming it to 10,000 people on facebook live is piracy.
Yet somehow showing it to a group of 10,000 people in the same room isn't
@10Replies It is actually
How so?
This is where it gets complicated.
tries to find good explanation on the internet
Lol, well, it doesn't really matter that much. The lines aren't super well defined, and what you said a while ago about not doing moral but illegal things fully explains your view.
@10Replies They are actually well defined in the DMCA. Its just I have not read the DMCA, since I've never really had to worry about this.
4 hours later…

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