I'm not liking the current tone on area51, it seems to be very fragmentation, (lots of small thingy specific communities) instead of one big field community. Often this results in broad entire-field questions that suddenly don't have a home (or have multiple homes). I feel like we need to battle this fragmantionism. Bring on the DVs! (start here: discuss.area51.stackexchange.com/q/23722/111193)
because despite outer appearances, gimp is actually a small man with a bad attitude that enjoys screwing you over for your facial expressions. The happy dog with the eyes is a mask he wears. a façade.
Twinoids thug: "Boss, we thied to gang-bang 'em, but madcat's got some new boys. Gustavo and some bouncer named Darkstone got dem selves holed up with assault rifles and teh works."
I play Piano and program a bit, so I have learned my way around the keyboard pretty well and have good coordination, I just don't have the time to get good at them