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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

I actually answered a blender question - and it actually didn't have anything to do with the BGE
A: How can I add an ant terrain to an arbitrary shape?

X-27Start with a cylinder with 6 vertices. (a hexagon shape) Then, add your landscape. Play with the settings until you like how it looks. Now, add a Boolean modifier on your landscape mesh. Make the operation set to Intersect and the Object set to the 6 sided cylinder we added previously. A...

@GiantCowFilms let me know when you want to play. I'm pretty good at that game. beware party mode, everybody is going to be teamed up.
@David Okay
so how do I party mode?
@David I've made it to over 6000 mass today (#1 on the leaderboard)
@GiantCowFilms open up argio, set it the way you want, then past the link here, I join. Then say we both head to the bottom left corner.
@GiantCowFilms My best is ~15K
@David Yor looking for Gcf
I'm at the corner
@GiantCowFilms ok, I'm always Q
just a bin signing in
@David I have usernames turned off
@David I was eaten
Tell me when
@GiantCowFilms I know why you do, but that is a bad idea. You need to know who is who
I don't like some of the names though
@David Tell me when you're going to start, shoot me a mass so I know its you
This is annoying...
I can't access to my id's properly...
@GiantCowFilms ok I'll join now see how bad it laggs with the farm open.
let me know who is in firt (so we know we are in the same map)
They're hiding in another of array, and I can't figure out how to get them out...
@TARDISMaker try var_dump() to see the structure of the array
@David Working?
@David usernames are off
@GiantCowFilms I've been using that a ton...
just meat me in the corner
@TARDISMaker When you use a framework you get even better versions :P
@GiantCowFilms I thin so
@TARDISMaker Are you using the built in mysql fucntions?
@David I'm in the corner
I can't wait to long though
@GiantCowFilms Well, I might be if I was using mysql... :P
I'm using MongoDB
It has less straight forward id's
@GiantCowFilms :D
Like to the point where it doesn't hurt your eyes to read?
@GiantCowFilms I was but get chased out that died
@David Use the same link
I've got enough mass to hold out
I'm purple
There yet?
I've got nearly 700 mass
@David ?
I got it
I needed to convert it to a string
It was still in it's native format
Cow's got nearly 800, and I have probably ruined a hole bunch of rendevoues
@David I got decimated
I got killed
@TARDISMaker BTW, why mongo DB?
@GiantCowFilms Because I really like working with it
What makes it better than the other database applications?
Well, first of all, it's object oriented
It's up to you whether thats a plus or not
I use an ORM, so all databases are object oriented to me :P
It has a really nice integration into PHP
It feels a lot more integrated
Now, I'd have to use MySQL again before I could properly compare them
@TARDISMaker Compared to mysql? That wouldn't be hard
@GiantCowFilms Really? when I was using mysql, I found it kind of hard to use...
But IDK...
@TARDISMaker exactly
I was saying that to feel more integrated than MySQL wouldn't be hard
ANY integration would be better :P
@GiantCowFilms I CAN'T chat and argio at the same time
@GiantCowFilms I haven't used mysql enough to know when you're joking :P
@David Lets try that again
@GiantCowFilms 1095 and died
so I only come here when I dead
@David Go to the corner first
@GiantCowFilms new link
some times it wont work omre then once
@David use this link: agar.io/#MTWZQ
@GiantCowFilms go
Dollar signs are driving me crazy in php...
They're so easy to forget but so important...
@David didn't make it
Made it...
@GiantCowFilms I HATE cheaters
cheaters: players that team up and trade mass back and forth. It through the game way off. Having a 3K player that will double split just to get a guy at 200
Well, lets cheat to, since this is party mode :P
@GiantCowFilms same link?
@David New one:
waddup, new meme
that huge pink/orage team killed me
i got eaten
Same link
What's the point of teams
you too?
try again
so dies dat boi, a legend, a meme
if you almost never see each other
@Lukaash no we were together
@David Aren't the spawn points random?
@iKlsR and @GiantCowFilms bottom left
@David I don't recommend any Blender ebook really
@Lukaash yep
@Lukaash k
what was that about you guys complaining when I was talking about creativerse?
@gandalf3 sucks and his posts sucks, don't upvote him pls
@iKlsR How did you find each other...?
I have virus protecting me!
@iKlsR never
@iKlsR I'm not sure it's possible to not upvote his posts...
@Lukaash I will fight u m8
grr nvm the bottom left
@iKlsR me even doin my moves on you will teach you
They just have this certain thing screaming "UPVOTE ME!!!!!! UPVOTE ME!!!!!!!!!!"
the cheaters are down there
oh wait it won't cause i'll be going to fast
@David oh? lol
and you'll be hit too hard
@David We are on a different map
@GiantCowFilms probably, new link
Send me one!
@GiantCowFilms agar.io/#C62TX
@GiantCowFilms make an exclusive agario for b.se
@David Okay, I am in the corner
not connecting for some reason
@David you okay?
@GiantCowFilms How do you guys even find each other i'm confused
@Lukaash You go to the bottom left corner
Hmm, I must go but remember sheeple. boycott @gandalf3 thnx
@David when you get there, type something
@iKlsR never
@GiantCowFilms ah i see
@iKlsR cya
@GiantCowFilms i was there and someone ate me
@GiantCowFilms Long walk to bottom left, died
many sad faces
@David Lets try again
@David I make it every time
Are you sure you'r being careful
@David @Lukaash
(say go when you are in)
@GiantCowFilms ok in your map now
@David I just got zapped
I was just about there...
so so close
Ready @David @Lukaash?
I'm there
Say go when you are in!
bottom left
in as in in the game?
Got killed!
@Lukaash yeah
I'm in 10th Where are you guys?
@X-27 WHAT!
1k mass alread
@X-27 trying to meat in a corner
@X-27 How does that make you #10
@David They need a meating functionality
Right before I just died:
so.. where are we actually playing?
Apparently we are meeting at bottom left corner
Trying to, anyway.
This is NOT working!
@GiantCowFilms yah, the I never liked the party mode
um... link?
@GiantCowFilms did you get to the bottom left in agar.io/#QG5NM?
There's someone who keeps splitting up, and then killing everyone because he's so big, even eats the green things.
@David I died
Some stuplid cheater shot me!
@David What if we try teams?
Do you think they'd stick us into the same maps?
My god
I was at the bottom left, all good, then i lost connection.
Cow leaves in fustration
(Actually g2g)
@GiantCowFilms teams is ok, vandals abound (I stopped playing that mode) but there is no way to get in the same map
@GiantCowFilms ok bye
I saw Q!!!
@iKlsR lol
@TARDISMaker Speaking of databases, I'm trying to debug this query:
SQL: select * from purchases inner join carts_purchases on carts.id = carts_purchases.cart_id inner join purchases on purchases.id = carts_purchases.purchases_id inner join products on products.id = carts_products.products_id where purchases.user_id = 3 and purchases.user_id is not null and products.id = 1 limit 1
(and yes, you are right in thinking its crazy)
@David how goes the war?
@ARadish which? your city scene?
@GiantCowFilms if that is anything like what I think it is, why not just put them on CGmarket, or ask greag zeal and see if he would work something out and put them on his site.
@David I can solve the issue pretty trivially
Its just a really really really really wasteful way of doing it
I was trying to do it the right way
@GiantCowFilms (was I right about the blurred thumb nail picture you posted here?)
@David I asked him, his offer was too low
@David Both those sources are going to take a large portion off my revenue. besides, I'm having fun!
@GiantCowFilms CG or Greg Zaal?
@GiantCowFilms very true
but they come with a built in audience.
@David Both
@David Greg's isn't that great.
An appearance on BN plus a cash-prize contest or something and I'll be there.
yah, his site is newish
@GiantCowFilms cash??
@David Why not
May 2 at 3:28, by David
@GiantCowFilms a very blurred image of a hdr thumbnail download page you are working on for your site.
(Well not literally cash
@David :P
I need it.
But i have serious problems.
Time to force myself to sleep.
@Lukaash step one to getting some, leave this room. then the internet. sleep comes much easier when not using the computer.
Hey all! I just saw this on NASA's site--
@David I agree, but leaving the computer. :(
@ThomBlairIII seen that before (might even have that bookmarked)
@ThomBlairIII I saw that before they got some really cool stuff in there.
Anyway i'm gonna attempt sleep.
night @Lukaash
I'll leave you all with this...
user image
Saw it on imgur.
Anyway cya.
a shelf?
@Lukaash LOL
@ThomBlairIII this is the file by which I found that site. nasa3d.arc.nasa.gov/detail/wrench-mis (first tool emailed to the space station.)
5 hours later…
Yesterday, we got 13 more accepted answers, 28 more questions were answered, 28 more answers were posted, 46 badges were earned, 149 comments were left, 29 more questions were asked, 1 more questions were unanswered, 24 users were created, and 180 votes were created.
Our question answer accept rate went down by 0.0035%.
Our question answer rate went up by 0.0278%, and our answer accept rate went up by 0.0047%.
7 hours later…
slither.io is so much nicer than agar.io
@GiantCowFilms I need to relearn MySQL...
I have basically no idea what that query is suppopsed to do...
It's been so long since I've used it...
@TARDISMaker I'm not entirely sure either :P
joins are really really confusing
@X-27 I have to agree.
Also i don't like the style of agar.io too much either.
What are those?
@TARDISMaker The sites?
@Lukaash I guess...
Like agar.io and stuff...
@TARDISMaker They are games.
Agar.io is full of kids
Slither.io is also full of kids
but it's not as well known so there's less of them.
But there's no chat so you never really see them.
They are websites so just put slither.io or agar.io in the url bar and then you're already in.
You asked. :P
This is really weird...
I'm testing out some experimental features in firefox
One of them is putting the tabs on the side instead of the top...
that is weird
I'm going to try it for a while
I don't know if it's one of those things where it's going to be better after a while or if I'm not going to miss if if I switch back after using it for a while
We'll see
I wish there was more blender questions than python questions.
I won't learn python anytime soon, as i'm too lazy and for now C# and basic understand of others is enough.
Well, and you'd probably want to learn python separately first also...
Python is a nice language though
I'm not sure, but I think there's an option for not showing questions with certain tags...
So you could exclude the python tag
On a completely different note...
I just merged my first major change to my website!
It's now almost entirely a single page being pulled in dynamically!
The only exception is the 404 page
@Lukaash there is chat?
@David look at the scene here
Apparently Andrew used your method while experimenting to make his new texture site.
@X-27 What method?
I don't remember exactly, it is in Price's only answer.
@X-27 Okay
Sounds like an awesome texture website, only problem is, not free,
@X-27 Well, there is a 30 day free trial
I have to agree though
It looks really good
oh yes
I'll probably wait until I need good textures for something, make a trial account, and download as much as possible in that time frame.
Yeah, same for me
@X-27 just found it
Now I know what you where talking about
It's cool to see that he went to stack exchange to try to find the answer
I also saw the question he asked about a year ago
I can really see why he has such positive reviews of the site
I kind of want to fix his answer though
See if I can figure out how it works and then edit it...
@X-27 Sees road texture. Drools
i just got musked on by a snake. :P
@GiantCowFilms Yeah :P
I think basically what you do, is if you have a CG Cookie citizenship, you cancel it, and you get this instead...
Probably more useful, especially at the moment...
keep tis thing in mind people
is the future of open source game physics
@X-27 I said there wasn't. :P
@ARadish Snakes can do that? Hm.
@Gwenn Oh, cool!
btw, have you guys been keeping up with that?
No I still can't see it. Do snakes really do that? How?
@TARDISMaker Yeah, I am starting to learn it myself. Kinda cool as far as scripting languages go. It is odd not using semicolons at the end of lines etc coming from C# and Java . . .
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ yeah
It's a pain when you use Python for a long time and then go back to C++ or something more like that...
This is somewhat unrelated, but it's going to be so nice when I learn ruby and node.js for server side scripting...
Dollar signs are driving me crazy...
@TARDISMaker Well, it's really just been me and @BookWyrm17. I keep posting topics, and every once in a while one of us will make a handful of artwork. In my case, most of my artwork is completely unrelated to the prompts. So have we been "keeping up with that"? Maybe, depends on how you define that.
@Gwenn Awesome! me shall do that one!
So many bugs are caused by me forgetting them
@Gwenn Okay
It just surprised me to even see that the room was even active...
I've been meaning to draw something :P I did draw something totally unrelated recently, why don't I go find it lets see
I also should learn to program serverside with python...
I drew something for the owl topic yesterday, as well as a bunch of other stuff, which I still need to upload.
I need to get back into it . . .
@GiantCowFilms if i take a C# class this semester, would it help me at all?
like, for getting job?
@ARadish Probably
@Gwenn yup. it's stinky but a really nice defense mechanism
@ARadish Depends on exactly what you want to do...
But in general learning another programming language is always useful
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