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I was refreshing myself how to make uv maps by making a donut
But I ended up with a poor uv map o.O
Anyone have any recommendation on what object to texture just for practice?
2 hours later…
@TheMuffinCoder Melon
1 hour later…
@TheMuffinCoder Suzanne
@gandalf3 @NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ does anyone know how to fix sound offset in VSE? it's really terrible
@gandalf3 have you figured out godot yet?
it's baffling to me. i guess i gonna have to learn C++
@ARadish What kind of sound offset?
Like, the sound strip is a different length?
Or they desync over time?
@Gandalf Hello!
@WishyQ Hello :)
Q: Sounds don't play at right time when playing in vse

Lucas WWhen I hit play on the timeline the sound effects may trigger much earlier than they appear in the timeline, especially if the video has been playing for a few seconds prior to the sound clip. If I start playback a couple seconds before the sounds then it appear synchronized. Blender 2.69 in Ub...

@ARadish I watched some tutorials and stuff, but haven't made anything yet
3 hours later…
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@zeffii procedural?
How do I force a script to update the scene?
Is it as simple as this?
Trying to get my script to run on a renderfarm . . .
Guess what Doom II weapon am I rendering (based on a Doom 4 weapon)? puu.sh/oO5OJ/2561b09655.png
I don't play Doom, so IDK
I got 4 out of the 6 review slots filled, does that count for anything special?
It's the Super Shotgun (or double-barrel, idk), of course!
An important part of life is being able to take criticism and using it to make you better. Don't act like you're flawless and above others
That's relevant for all of us I think
I could have done the sprites in freaking MS POOINT. Would it make sense?

@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Absolutely
Btw I'm starting to love Cycles! Look at this!
(nice realistic bullet inside the barrels lol)
I don't know how to make the hand look like it's made of skin in Cycles...
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ You've built up a really nice portfolio there!
@Gustavo6046 You're computer will probably hate you if you try this, but generally you use SSS to simulate the light bouncing around inside skin
I'd recommend watching a tutorial instead of jumping right in though...
You usually need a few different nodes to get it to work
It's not the kind of thing where you can just add a node and expect it to look half decent...
translucency approximates it decently sometimes
I remember Greg Zaal had a tutorial from a while ago about faking it with translucency tricks...
@someonewithpc @gandalf3 @Gwenn @python How do you force the scene to update from a script?
@TARDISMaker yeah
Some reason bpy.data.scenes["Scene"].update()doesn't work, and I now have no idea how to do it :P
@gandalf3 over time, but it's like, 5 seconds
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ but it you tell that to some people. they take it as a criticism and get offended. :/
BTW, I found my script problem
It is working
@Gustavo6046 You'll want ot use Sub Surface Scattering, and some textures
My mouse just died D':
@someonewithpc :(
It was working fine at school, but it hasn't since I got home :(
Does anyone have a mouse recommendation?
@someonewithpc Or was this one that was infesting your house so I should be happy?
@someonewithpc Something wireless, sturdy, and with extra buttons
@TARDISMaker Don't really want it to be wireless
@someonewithpc um... Okay... Why?
But definitely with many buttons
Is it just easier for you to deal with a wire?
@TARDISMaker Unless it charges over USB, it's annoying to have to replace the battery
@someonewithpc True
Also, something with variable DPI should be pretty cool
@someonewithpc My sister gave me a wireless mouse for christmas and I don't really use it much because the battery doesn't keep very long...
This one had it - sort of
@someonewithpc Yeah, that would be neat
@TARDISMaker See?
@someonewithpc Yup :P
But to give it credit, it's probably like a ten dollar mouse...
I doubt I'd have nearly as much trouble with it if I had bought myself a really nice mouse...
@TARDISMaker Yeah, mine was 5 pounds, so, like, 8 dollars
@someonewithpc Okay
if I ever replace my mouse (or keyboard) I'll probably spend a bit of money on them...
I'll too now, probably
I would link you to it, but the guy is not selling them anymore ebay.com/itm/…
What would be a chain..."mail"...gun?
@ARadish Did this work?
Q: Sounds don't play at right time when playing in vse

Lucas WWhen I hit play on the timeline the sound effects may trigger much earlier than they appear in the timeline, especially if the video has been playing for a few seconds prior to the sound clip. If I start playback a couple seconds before the sounds then it appear synchronized. Blender 2.69 in Ub...

Also how do I perform a exactly cylindrical hole in a wide cylinder without boolean operations? So it looks like a... car's rim?
@someonewithpc This is a nice mouse.
Probably easier to start with a circle
Warning! Mini shotgun incoming! puu.sh/oOlqk/feb49b6784.png
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ OK I fixed by just using boolean operators, since extrusion wouldn't work, since a face was in the way!
@X-27 yep cycles material :)
@Gustavo6046 I'm pretty sure what @NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ was meaning was that you should start by modeling off of the hole
Oh ok...
So you make a circle, and you extrude the shape out from that
BTW which is the fastest reflection distribution for Cycles materials and why isn't my mesh material reflecting in the rendered images?
@Gustavo6046 Probably because there's nothing to reflect.
And I don't think any distribution is faster; they're just better for different cases
This is the reflective material. It is applied in the grey area (except in that bullet-holding cylinder).
@Gustavo6046 There's no environment - nothing for the shader to reflect
@someonewithpc then what do I do so it reflects?
Also, it is reflecting a bit
ext to the ammo thing
@Gustavo6046 Add some sort of environment
Or a sky map
@Gustavo6046 BTW, I got mine to work. I opened it and resoldered the cable - it was getting loose
Oh yes, it is reflecting... Would a white skymap work so it's reflections make it look clean?
@Gustavo6046 Then the gun would just be uniformly whiter
I mean
Then how would I make so it makes white reflections at some places?
What you mean by reflection is, probably, some variations in the material
No solid color will do that
And what I mean by white reflections are these bright places e.g. when you just lubrified a flat wooden table.
@Gustavo6046 Right
It is shine.
But the table is not in a completely white room, is it?
If it wore, you wouldn't get anything you would call "reflections"
Try something like cgskies.com/skies.php
Download a sample of one of those
What I want is that white shine, simply that. Also I can't simply get a sky, since I'm doing sprite rips for Doom II (ZDoom source port) as usual.
@Gustavo6046 Doesn't matter...
Try it
And you know environment changes all the time with that blazing speeds and effing nightmares and all kind of places! The best I can do is a light at a corner...
OK, I will try...
@Gustavo6046 How are you exporting the materials, then?
As sprites! I render them! id Tech 1 doesn't use models, it uses sprites.
(or, more precisely, that ZDoom source port that supports a much wider array of custom mods)
@Gustavo6046 Ah
I got a good sky:
What do I do now?
@Gustavo6046 Is it panoramic?
You want it to wrap around
I don't think it needs to, since it's just some clouds in a blue sky. Won't wrap badly I guess.
@Gustavo6046 I guess you could try it...
But yeah, it doesn't wrap as well :P
It probably won't really do what you're expecting though...
@Gustavo6046 Kind of what I figured...
What kind of environment do you want your scene to be in?
@TARDISMaker Inside a medium-brightness room.
@Gustavo6046 I need more detail
Something like, tech walls, ceiling and floor.
Is it grungy?
Is it clean?
Is it futuristic?
Old fasioned?
It is quite clean, and quite a bit futuristic.
Do you know? I think I can Google for a free panoramic futuristic image. :)
@Gustavo6046 Okay
@Gustavo6046 That probably won't work...
btw, the word for it is HDRi
Or more acronym...
If you played Doom, you probably know the tech environments I'm talking about.
But I'll find a random futuristic panomaric image :)
This would be so good, too bad it's paid...
@Gustavo6046 Most of the good ones are...
It's probably overpriced though...
I highly doubt it actually has good dynamic range...
@Gustavo6046 That's the sort of style that you're looking for?
Maybe look through this: hdrlabs.com/sibl/archive.html
Yep, with metal floor, clean technological walls, and a clean ceiling!
I don't think there's anything that quite fits what you're looking for, but it's worth a try
Doom-techy style. Maybe there is some way of making myself some HDRi image in Paint.NET?
@Gustavo6046 Well, you could for sure make one in Blender...
Could I?
You could replicate a basic environment for the game, and then put the camera in the center of it, and render out a panormic image
@Gustavo6046 Absolutely!
I've never tried to do it, but I know for sure it's possible
Nice try!
But are there actual HDRi cameras in Blender?
Or, there are settings for it
There was a tutorial that I saw for it a while ago
If only I could remember who did it, then I could post it...
Nice idea!
I will start by hollowing out a cube (somehow, without needing these pesky boolean operators) and making the room inside it...
Do you know? With a world, I don't even need to!
A: Create HDR map from render?

GiantCowFilmsYes, there is in cycles. To begin select your camera. You will need to make changes to its settings. In the camera tab under lens, set it to Panoramic, and the type to Equirectangular. Now, to make it more HDR friendly head into the color management section of the Scene tab. I would select raw,...

@Gustavo6046 Cubes are already hollow...
Oh... great!
Unless you want to cut a hole in it, you won't have to do anything to the cube except shaping it...
a site for nerds ^^
@TARDISMaker And now, how do I span a seamless texture through a face? Without losing resolution?
@Gustavo6046 Not sure what you mean...
I have a small texture, and I want it to repeat in a face.
So I don't need to mess with UVs or with the texture itself.
I don't want to do it for each individual face!
Ah, okay
That makes sense
Can I see your mesh?
@TARDISMaker It's a hexagon extruded.
This is the texture, in the right panel, I want to apply.
Have you ever UV unwrapped anything before?
Or are you just really scared of it?\
This would probably be a fairly easy unwrap...
Nope, only using smart UV projects. And I only used UV unwrap only once.
Okay, well I'm going to tell you how to actually UV unwrap
It's really important, so you're be doing yourself a favor if you learn it early on
Are there caps on that model?
I know how to.
@Gustavo6046 Okay...
Mark seams in some edges, then select all and do Unwrap.
@Gustavo6046 Manually?
@Gustavo6046 Yeah
I already did it!
Easy peasy.
Now I want to make these UV vertices bigger than the texture so the texture tiles...
Okay, I'm going to ask you to make a change
but I don't even know how to align UV coordinates :/
Put seams on the top and bottom edges
Then re-unwrap
That should make a cleaner layout
Is your hexagon a single face?
Don't do that
N-Gons are bad
OK, I triangulated.
You want to work with quads as long as you can
Unless you have a good reason to use a triangle
OK... I did Alt+J which is Tris to Quads.
You want a single edge going across and dividing those
Is this better?
So select two of the virticies that are opposite each other on the cap, and press J (I think, it might be Ctrl + J)
@Gustavo6046 I wouldn't do it that way...
What cap?
@Gustavo6046 The ends
You want to make two trapezoid shaped quads on the caps
Instead of "quad" (I don't consider something a quad unless it's semi-square shaped) and two tris
Better UV?
I don't know what trapezoid layour ur talking about, but I'll try something anyway...
Oh wait I got it!
@Gustavo6046 Exactly!
Then clear your seams, and in edge select mode, add the at the top and bottom, and then select an edge on the side for your last seam
That should unwrap nicely
That's a pretty good way to unwrap cylindrical shapes
This is actually a horizontal corridor made from a extrusion of a hexagon. No hollow-out operations done.
How is everyone today?
OK, done. Marked both caps' edges as seams (except the inner "quadifier edge") as well as one of the edges that goes along the extruded-hexagonal-thingie.
@Gustavo6046 Oh, okay
@Gustavo6046 Cool
How does it looked unwrapped?
@Gustavo6046 I'm doing pretty well (kind of... I might be getting sick... :( )
@Gustavo6046 Much better!
Try applying the texture now
You can make adjustments to the map if necessary (It's essentially like a 3D viewport in 2D), and you can also make changes from the material
What now?
Have you applied it to the material?
In the nodes?
(image texture -> diffuse shader)
Hello everybody. :)
@Gwenn Hi
this is frustrating. i can't figure out how to add objects with no parenting in godot. >:|
@TARDISMaker I don't know where to find that.
@ARadish What's godot?
@Gwenn Evening.
@Gwenn It's a game engine
@ARadish Do you like godat?
I've never seriously looked into it
But basically everyone that I've heard about it from says it's really promising...
@Gustavo6046 Node editor?
You need to learn about cycles materials...
You're really limiting yourself if you don't
I DID it!
Yeah I found out it's a node added to the Color input.
Are you actually using the node editor?
Or are you using the legacy material interface? (what you would use for BI)
Just found someone with 27,359 rep and 8 bronze badges, 13 answers, and 2k people reached
Makes sense.
In other words i'm confused
Also it's not on blenderSE
I was on his meta profile.
Actual profile has ~742k people reached.
That's more like it.
@Lukaash Um... Have you ever looked at @gandalf3's profile?
Oh, wait
@TARDISMaker I almost never look at peoples profiles
Now I get what you're saying...
@Lukaash Okay, well I'll just mention that @gandalf3 has over 60k rep...
@TARDISMaker Yeah...
That's because he seems to have the best quality posts, with reliability!
@TARDISMaker I am not using the Node editor. I don't even know there actually is one!
@Lukaash Yup!
@Gustavo6046 Okay, if you want to get good at cycles, you need to use it
Have you learned about manipulating the UI yet?
Like adding and removing panels and stuff?
(If you haven't, that's another thing that will probably change how you use Blender)
(I should close out of the renderfarm... It's such a productivity killer...)
YEs I do...
@Gustavo6046 You know how to manipulate panels?
There's a node editor panel
You just use that
Oh ok. I found it.
You'll probably want to find a cycles tutorial to learn how to use it
Once to you get the basic idea, it's pretty simple though
@TARDISMaker 60k 80k
@X-27 :P
I guess it just starts to add up really quickly at that point :P
When @gandalf3 hits 100 thousand, we should have a party in his honor.
Does anyone want to try out an agar.io party mode with me? I'm curious how it works:
(pro tip, if you are going to play that game in FFA mode, turn of usernames.... they have no censorship in place :/ )
/cow is not exactly sure how this works...
Doesn't seem to work . . .
@GiantCowFilms yeah
I'm sure with the blend file somebody could find your problem in about a minute. — David ♦ 2 mins ago
@GiantCowFilms would be proud
@David :D

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