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6 mins ago, by ARadish
@GiantCowFilms it may be for you, but i don't have an inner cow compass
@GiantCowFilms a hand to hand combat weapon (a club) made of strips of wood. (I did not say "the word")
@X-27 lel starred
@ARadish If you seriously cannot predict my behavior based on past behavior, I don't know what to say.
@GiantCowFilms without knowing where the lines are, i simply can't avoid crossing them
@GiantCowFilms i had never experienced your response to strip-clubs before, now i know.
@X-27 it did, i already said it
Nobody else crosses them, why are you so incapable?
@ARadish striped clubs.
You two are the only ones with a major issue. I think it is mutual.
@X-27 lol
@GiantCowFilms no idea bro
your rules, you tell me
@X-27 where everyone wears stripes
@David Help! how do I define what is obscene without being obscene.
@GiantCowFilms i can give you suggestions, and you respond and say yes/no
@ARadish no, where everyone goes in, and only the strongest comes out without a concussion.
@ARadish might backfire
@X-27 why????
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ probably
@X-27 i've had a lot of concussions
but it doesn't mean i didn't win my fight. :D
@ARadish I was once came in contact with a rather large chess club, and I had a rather bad knocking...
@X-27 lol
@GiantCowFilms the obscenity isn't the problem, but the intent behind it.
@GiantCowFilms that is the exact definition of a conundrum.
i can say "hell" just like that, without it being bad
@David nope, i just checked MW.. it's not defined as "Help! how do I define what is obscene without being obscene."
I don't know what to do.
@ARadish As far as I know, one flag will not zap you.
I will leave you to youer best judgement, and try to warn you to delete before hand.
@GiantCowFilms i'm not worried about teh flags!!!
@GiantCowFilms make a list of all the words you do not like, convert them to binary, and post it here. that way, you are not saying anything obscene directly.
i want to solve a terrible communication error!
@X-27 I refuse to write them down, in any medium!
@ARadish lol, I was using dictionary.com
there goes that idea...
@ARadish Whats you issue?
it doesn't end....
@GiantCowFilms nope, takes 6 I think
@GiantCowFilms that you hate me because of the things i say, and won't tell me why!
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ i'm at like 5
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ I had a brainstorm last night, or earlier this morning. The current floor is tiled limestone wall and diamonds. What If I used tiled diamond slabs and bedrock walls. the preview of bedrock walls on the wiki looks a lot like flooring tiles.
Bedrock is cool, you should try it.
I used a ton of it on my build
Which is almost done
I might.
@ARadish I don't hate you ever, I don't actually judge you, All that I ask is those messages don't become a part of our chat. If mistakes are made, they can be undone, no hard feelings.
@GiantCowFilms ok, so you have a list of bad things in your head that you never want to make note of, that is understandable. Yet cant you understand how we are at a loss for what to do, because we sure cant know all for what you think is bad.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ ever seen those before?
@GiantCowFilms no, seriously, if i say something, and have no idea you'll take it badly, sometimes you explode! and it's frustrating!
The GPU doesn't like the IVY gen I discovered, uses to much memory :/
I think @ARadish be a little more considerate what topics you bring up, and @GiantCowFilms try not to let it anger you so much as to affect the tone of your chat messages.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ I think we have a deal
@X-27 Made dozens of them :)
proffers hoof.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ i've made that deal in the past!
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ how do you get the recepie?
@X-27 Craft bedrock wall
and apparently it doesn't work, since he doesn't keep his side, and i have no idea what will set him off and what won't
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ ahh. good to know. I'll do that :-)
@ARadish I'm telling you now I'm not angry at you. My social skills are just so bad I can't really tweak to tone of the message I'm sending
it's like a 50 50 chance that he'll get mad at me for nothing
@ARadish I feel the same way
@ARadish I didn't get mad at you
@ARadish Everybody screws up. Just be prepared to renew the agreement and to not let a disagreement ruin the atmosphere of the chatroom for a week :P
the fight only started when the mods didn't back my side
PS @X-27 that top stared message is rather ugly. Really puts MS paint in the corect light.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ but how can i avoid screwing up?
that could have been fixed by you simply asking them to delete the message.
I think he did eventually
@GiantCowFilms i'm sorry, but thats as sure an indication as any that you were overreacting to nopthing
@GiantCowFilms i did
and guess what, they didn't want to
@ARadish After 100's of messages of bickering
so i pestered
@ARadish See, there is the push back that caused the fight
@GiantCowFilms which I tried to tell you, will probably happen in the future with or with out a new set of rules.
If you profusely appologize, the mods will feel like its the right thing to zap the message. instead you defended yourself whole heartly, making them take your side.
give me a set of rules so i can keep them, otherwise, don't get "fussy" or what ever synonym for "mad" you want to use when i don't follow the secret rules
@David I was trying to give radish a way out, and belendering a striped club would have taken awhile.
@GiantCowFilms and @ARadish can we please just move on from that. It was a mistake, and an unfortunate accident.
@David If I accidentally posted a message with dirty connotations (it happened on GD.SE), when someone pointed it out (and I couldn't delete the message), I simply asked a moderator to delete it, it whent away, and everything was fine. I could have defended myself saying that wasn't how it was intended and started a scrap, but I didn't.
@David i'm wanting to resolve it, so sorry, but no.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ what is your record?
@GiantCowFilms I was say, that in a situation like that it is best to apologize, tell them that it is not how you meant it, and ask it to be deleted.
@GiantCowFilms find anywhere where i defend myself.
2 days ago, by Doorknob
@GiantCowFilms if you want me to decline it, sure
before that
where it was already declined
no defense needed
@GiantCowFilms if im the only one who crosses you, then you are the only one who gets offended by me
@ARadish You could have proactively asked Doorknob to get rid of it
i didn't actually do anything wrong, so i'm still very confused why you got quote/unquote "hurt"
@GiantCowFilms when you told me to i did
This is my point, you inability to recognize you shouldn't have done that is what is causing the conflict
@GiantCowFilms because if you do not let it be known that you really did not mean anything "dirty" of it then; the people involved in the situation will have a vary different picture of you then, if you just delete it because it offended somebody.
just because i didn't argue for you, doesn't mean that i was "defending" myself
@ARadish too late
@GiantCowFilms so give me the ability, or stop complaining about what i say
as per the accepted answer on this question:
A: Would a fighter pilot with an invincible space ship be able to conquer the galaxy?

Henry TaylorBob could end the war. Keep in mind that ending the war is different from winning the war. Also remember that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. All he has to do is fly into the middle of a space battle and let fighters from each side blast away at his ship for a while. As their most power...

the best way to resolve conflicts is to give a common enemy.
so if I ping spam you both, you will the work together to spam me back.
am I right?
@GiantCowFilms @ARadish
@X-27 no
@ARadish When I say the first time, you join forces with me to get the message deleted. If you and someone else want your message deleted its not hard to get rid of it.
@X-27 just over a minute, around 1:12. I don't practice much.
I really want you to!
@GiantCowFilms you are a control freak
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ I can do a minute with my eyes closed. in fact it is much easier to do with your eyes closed.
please, I'm so sorry I posted it.
sitting/ laying perfectly still, expending as little energy as possible.
@GiantCowFilms but that would be lying
@X-27 yeah, you need to hyperoxygenate then relax
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ breath through skin'
Guys, by the way, everyone can now see the contents of deleted messages.
lol, I'm not a frog
@GiantCowFilms ?
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ breathe hard for a little bit, take a big gulp of air, and lock it in your lungs.
I think they pushed some modification to chat last night.
@GiantCowFilms Since how?
then stay perfectly still
in a relaxed position
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ wait, can you post and delete a message, I wish to test
@GiantCowFilms um..
@GiantCowFilms Only shows on your own
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ just figured that
@GiantCowFilms i can't
@GiantCowFilms ok, but to demonstrate my point. If that had offended me, I now would not know if you were just naive, or actually thought that was a good thing to post.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ yah, you can only see your own deleted messages
unless you are a room owner or an all-powerful mod.
@David confused
@GiantCowFilms no, only room owners and mods.
@David Its changed, I can see the contents of my deleted messages
@GiantCowFilms the OP always can see what they posted.
@GiantCowFilms you could always see the contents of your own.
^^^ what he said.
only better
@David can room owner delete messages?
@X-27 so I was "only better"? not bad for "the other guy"
@GiantCowFilms so, we have a deal if you stop being touchy about anything i post, and i won't post anything that would tempt you to break your end of the deal
@GiantCowFilms I think so, somebody else here will have to check in one of the other rooms.
I think we can make this work
because you know, I'm a mod.
okay, but by anything, i mean stop getting off color about anything
that word "anything" in the greek, translates to "anything".
@David yah, but you didn't do too well in the last debate. (don' worry, I won't tell them I figured out who you really are)
in other words any and all things, places, or ideas
sombody go over chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/25789/bge-dinosaurs and post a message, then one of you room owners delete it.
@David nope
@David just tried
@ARadish hmm, I guess this power does go to your head.
@X-27 um. im really worried now
I just got the message when I joined there
@David you're on the same level as gandalf.
@ARadish CRAZY huh?
@David wait.... that ring on your hand. let me read what it says.
And WE elected him o.O
@X-27 lol
Q: Would the One Ring even work for anyone but Sauron?

NerrolkenThe temptation of the One Ring, we quickly learn, is always tied up with power: each character's fantasies of possessing it seem to be about what they would do with great power. Even Sam, as I recall, imagines the power to create great huge sweeping gardens. Boromir wants the power to save Gondor...

wouldn't help him anyway.
@X-27 9 rings for mortal man, and one for a random internet sucker.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ lol, having second thoughts?
@ARadish I think it actually said, one ring for the dark lord on his throne.
but that isn't much better come to think of it..
ok, so after brushing up on chat room privileges chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/25789/bge-dinosaurs... room owners can only move and pin messages.
@X-27 so now we find that david is sauron.. on his easy chair with the lights off.
@X-27 what ring are you talking about? and how did you see me on the debate? . . . you must have some inside info.
@ARadish yah
I'm Sauron???
@David bro, i was sitting next to you at debates
@David yup
things just got weirder.
reality check
@David it was Rubio, Cruz, Trump, and the other guy (you)
I should have run for mod
I'll never stand a chance though
@GiantCowFilms if I just stay out of here you would think I was as normal as any of the boring mods.
@GiantCowFilms no offense, but i would have voted against you.
@David apparently power does corrupt. mod wasn't enough, you couldn't settle for dictatorship over a random internet community, you just had to try to rule the nation.
you'd be a dictator
@GiantCowFilms fery good reason for that, mods are a life term!
@David good point...
@David WHA???
@GiantCowFilms you'd find that compared to other people in SE.Chat, i am a veritable angel
we can never get rid of you???
Oh dear.
@X-27 I did not say that, just that you elected me for life.
@X-27 assassination is our only hope, i'll get my 10gauge.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ My palace isn't finished yet, but I can throw up a cot and we can hide out there while all of B.SE is overturned, in fire and water. - to crumble under a storm of hammer induced suspending lightning.
let them duke it out and then finish them off. sounds good
@ARadish if I was not sure a nice guy, I would flag that and you would get in trouble. Threats against a mod is not small issue! </joke> :)
@David good point!
hammer him!!!!
/Vincent dons hammer-proof armor
@ARadish made of?
is it grounded to shield from lightning shocks?
mostly cotton
later all. (this place just keeps getting weirder and weirder.)
@ARadish he could focus a constant beam of suspending lighting on you, lifting you higher and higher, and .. just.. drop you. Splat. It was nice knowing you.
@ARadish allot taken
@X-27 not if im a cat. land on feet
27 this message has a LOT of stars.
star that ONCE ^^^
@ARadish I wont even enter some SE chat rooms
@GiantCowFilms sorry, you would have been a dictator
@GiantCowFilms some mod skills
that is impressive,
27 stars on one message
and i gave them all.
if it gets another, it will look like 2 27 this message has a lot of stars
@GiantCowFilms bro, if you can't handle my rated "G" setting, how would you even deal with other peoples chat rooms?
@ARadish can I see your Q rated setting?
thats reserved for my brother only
shoves brother in a closet and puts heavy furniture in front
@ARadish I don't deal with them, I run
@GiantCowFilms then how can you mod?
@ARadish I would straiten 'em out in no time flat
@GiantCowFilms not if you run
@GiantCowFilms um... I hate to tell you this sad bit of news, but you will not do well later in life always running from danger or anything that makes you uncomfortable.
you all know my opinion.
@X-27 he'll never leave his bedroom
of course, some unnamed users here are terrified of the G word, (followed by a "u" and an "n")
@GiantCowFilms oh wow, good for you!
@X-27 I don't fight battle I know I will lsoe
@GiantCowFilms i then why did you call mods over [the-word] incident
:28079031 lol why delete?
@ARadish I thought they were sane people and would take my side
@GiantCowFilms oh
I also thought after the last deal, you would help me convince them to get rid of the message.
@GiantCowFilms you should have gotten me on the same page first then
6 flags and i'm over
you have me at 4 i think
so no more please
@David can unban you
@GiantCowFilms beauty is in the eye of the beholder, motion is relative - in the same sense, sanity is defined by the person. If he thinks he is sane, and if no one agrees with him, everyone else will be insane.
and in some cases, whenyou actually are right, every one else will be insane.
that is likely in this room.
(us all being insane)
I cannot believe how people have forgotten what moral standards are.
12 hours ago, by ARadish
apparently i don't have conscience.
@GiantCowFilms truth is i haven't, but you making new ones up doesn't help
apparently you're also incapable of trying to develop one.
@GiantCowFilms Oh no, we have moral standards. (I know of at least two people in this room that do)
@GiantCowFilms without guidelines, yes
@X-27 Names?
@GiantCowFilms :-)
you said two
emotions don't come through too well in smiley faces.
@ARadish has moral standards, they just don't match yours
I actually have a higher count.
that doesn't mean i'm immoral
that smile means, lol - you can only guess what I meant by that not so deeply profound statement.
just that i can't follow invisible rules.
@ARadish in some cases I could argue that.
@X-27 lol
Feb 13 at 23:57, by ARadish
ever made a pipe bomb?
but you need a written basis
Feb 13 at 23:57, by ARadish
those are fun
@X-27 i didn't hurt anyone
I'm getting to that
VincentsRules #43: it's only illegal if you get caught
does it count if you admit it?
to the police, yes
Jan 3 at 20:50, by Radish of Knowledge
i said "i wanted to egg someones car but i didn't have any eggs"
and did not get caught...
@X-27 still, no-one hurt
and it isn't just me.
Dec 11 '15 at 22:23, by someonewithpc
@ARadish Knives, spray paint, vandalism...
i ended up using lunchmeat
@ARadish And you don't think your ethics are flawed.....
@GiantCowFilms over stupid laws like "no making pipe bombs" absolutely not
@ARadish what a waste
@ARadish well, no one may have been injured, but someone still would have had to spent time cleaning up the mess, and if time = money, you essentially deprived someone of their funds. (kin to stealing)
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ we sat on the hood and ate most of it afterward. but my friends mom got really mad because lunchmeat was expensive
but, as to not stand out as a hypocrite, who am I to lecture someone on stealing?
my philosophy is do what the heck you want as long as nobody else is affected
@X-27 it doesn't cost alot of money to hose off a car.
5 mins
@ARadish Ever tried to clean off dried egg from a counter top?
like i said, we ate most of it
@ARadish You know why that rule exists?
@X-27 yes
@GiantCowFilms to stop terrorist, but seeing as i am not one, it should be legal

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