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Oh cool! Glad it is really in C++
@GiantCowFilms Yeah!
FORTRAN should be a dead language
There are now to candidates produced by my research.
neither of them hold scratch to reaflow though.
The good news is that most of the hard stuff has already been done in the terms of sigraph/research papers - not sure what the licencing on that is, but I think its permissive. All that is really needed is someone who has a reasonable knowledge of math, GPU programming, optimization, and time and motivation to put them together.
Also, our internal SPH system (using fluid particles) isn't that dreadful either - Its not a far leap from FLIP, which is what the best systems use
With a good meshing algorithm, it would be nearly usable.
isn't terribly performant though
100k particles and its killing my computer
Some other SPH/similar sims can do 80 times that at a better frame rate
Also, it has 0 artistic tools
O'l realflow and such allow you to get all sorts of data, spead density and everything to make it pretty
and they do spray really well
I was initially hoping I could some how do this by working off existing material (the hard stuff), but its really overwhelming.
compiling blender doesn't make you a dev...
I thought I would compile it, dig through the source for a day and be ready go to. But there is to much of it, and its so confusing
@GiantCowFilms Lol, yes
2 hours later…
this looks too good to be true!
Oooh, also look! Someone has an idea for how that impossible Euclidean render engine works: youtu.be/prtAkHxjAj8
7 hours later…
Just noticed @cegaton passed me.
Last post was November.. wut
Q: Allow permanent blend file hosting

iKlsRNow that we are officially (yay) a part of SE, we can revisit one of the main issues that has "plagued" our community and been largely inconsistent with our derived meta of how our site should work. We want a familiar place to permanently store blend files as opposed to random services such as m...

1 hour later…
That could be coop
@GiantCowFilms that works kind of meh. I mean, it works, but not perfectly.
3 hours later…
@iKlsR don't worry... my points always come down when I find something to put a bounty on... :)
@Pip How does it fail?
@Pip we've gotten to level design if you want to help.

 BGE - Dinosaurs

Room for the people collaborating on The Game Where You Don't ...
@GiantCowFilms mostly long compile times (an annoyance only, I know, but programmer satisfaction is hugely important to me), and also a few platform inconsistencies that might have been resolved since i looked at it
@GiantCowFilms or @David we need help in the zombie room for linking
1 hour later…
we should just call ourselves blender chessmen. that works, and we already have it on our lichess.
No... I don't really like that
How about DoublePositive Productions?
How about DOubleNegative
Double Negative already exists, it's a VFX studio
That's why I said Double Positive :)
but that we be kinda copying.
What about Neutral Face
the logo could be :|
@poor What question do you want to be the dup, and which should be the master? (the dup is linked to the master, at least in my terminology)
@David do you want to help with the game?
@ARadish um, dont really have time right now... but what do you need?
@David Hey David! This could be the master: blender.stackexchange.com/questions/46039/…. I ever thought question with no answers can't be the master...
@David nothing really just wondering
2 hours later…
Every variable in the blender source has a meaningless one or two letter name
Ever line calls another function, that calls another function
basically, in most cases the code your reading isn't the code your looking for, and if you do find it, you don't know that you have found it. therefor all the code is the not the code your looking for.
@GiantCowFilms Have you talked to people on IRC or the mailing list?
That should really be changed
@TARDISMaker Yes
@TARDISMaker That would require going over every inch of code
It makes it a lot harder for newer devs to learn
and besides, long variable names are a pain
@GiantCowFilms To type... they save a lot of time in the end
Just to check its not just me, this is meaningless, correct?
/* extrudes individual edges */
static bool edbm_extrude_edges_indiv(BMEditMesh *em, wmOperator *op, const char hflag)
	BMesh *bm = em->bm;
	BMOperator bmop;

	        em, &bmop, op,
	        "extrude_edge_only edges=%he use_select_history=%b",
	        hflag, true);

	/* deselect original verts */
	EDBM_flag_disable_all(em, BM_ELEM_SELECT);

	BMO_op_exec(em->bm, &bmop);
	BMO_slot_buffer_hflag_enable(em->bm, bmop.slots_out, "geom.out", BM_VERT | BM_EDGE, BM_ELEM_SELECT, true);
And there's usually a middle ground between one letter variables and twenty letter variables
dunno what all these flags are, although I feel like I should know
long variable names are easier if your IDE can do completion. bm clearly means b mesh. bmop is the one bmoperator. The one thing I don't understand is hflag.
@GiantCowFilms To be honest, I can't really read that
I don't know what any of the variables are for
@MutantBob whats the window manager operator though wmOperator, for practical purposes.
that's actually a good question.
It's a classic problem: When a programmer has to choose between allocating their time between documentation, new features, or bug fixes, documentation is at the bottom of their preference list.
That is a very short sighted strategy
@TARDISMaker Okay, so its not just me
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Do you have any idea how to get channels for specific instruments on Pandora? I'm wanting to listen to some marimba or timpani music, but just searching that doesn't really seem to give me anything
I do not
If you could find an artist that specialized in that it would help
In future I will be posting a blog post on my blog every Wednesday. I can make an article on a specific project if you guys want

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