I'm sure someone asked that. Have you also checked for hover text?
I think a hard clampdown on chat would be good generally. Looking at what I have starred in the sidebar, I think everyone here needs a bit of putting into line.
Of course one could argue I should take it upon myself the act like I wish to act.
However, I will be weak enough to blame it partly on bad external influence.
@GiantCowFilms I think you're the only person in this chat room that has expressed a general disapproval of the activity here.
As far as personal conduct and atmosphere is concerned, this chat room is one of the best places I have had the pleasure of hanging out at on the internet.
I have this annoying shader which I can only get to look right in one lighting setup, it looks awful in any other one until I tweak it. No idea what is the correct path to take.
Surprise at flags on vulgar messages. Language that would invariably get your comments deleted on the main site occasionally gets flagged and deleted in chat. Confusion reigns.
"Surprise flags"
oh, and you r #1 offender at #2 (even if you don't want to admit it)
Controversial topics leading to bickering and name-calling. Folks bring up polarizing topics in rooms dedicated to other topics and filled with people who joined for the same. Anger and resentment ensues.
I have seen my share of flags, and been the - let's call it the "flaggee" - several times, and on a couple of occasions, I was the "flagger". Here's my take:
There are several kinds of flags:
Spite flags: "You annoyed me, so I'm flagging your chat comments to get back at you". So ra...
If one person calls you a jerk, they are prolly just having an off day. If two people call you a jerk, then maybe you need to sit down and think about it. If three people call you a jerk, Then most likely you are a jerk.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ idk... lemme ignore someone superficial to start
too soon. . . What I am disagreeing with - J.J's film and cinematography logic - can be deduced from only a handful of shots, which is exactly what I have done. I disagree it is to early to make certain deductions about a film. The look and feel of a film can nearly always be deduced from the trailer.
for example the active operator : bpy.data.window_managers["WinMan"].operators[-1].properties.segments = 10 , if you just added Primitve UV Sphere — zeffii42 mins ago
I ordered a 10mm fisheye for my HDRs to shoot in Hawaii. Sadly it was delayed in shipping and may or may not arrive in time D: My 18mm might not work for large skys (it has failed twice already) as it doesn't have a greater then 90 degree AOV, and is therefore unable to include the all important horizon.
Ugh, I can't remember who told me or what it was... Does anyone remember how to extrude certain faces of an object, on their own direction? I remember it was something like Alt+S+Shift but I can't remember what else...
Is there way to avoid Blender doing this? Using Extrude Region (Vertex normals) or Extrude and than AltS does the same thing. Is there any chance this could be improved in case this is how it suppose to work?
Really, sometimes it would be better if some people just CALMED DOWN and went to their room or something to yell at people. @someonewithpc is that a Studio C reference or were _they_ referencing someone?