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@X-27 that super cheap truck you were eyeing went for a little more then that super cheap price: 25 grand: govplanet.com/jsp/s/item/648225?kwtag=p13n-V&h=
@GiantCowFilms a least I feel better about not getting it - others on that site have sold super cheap though.
@X-27 The one in Hawaii did, most likely because there was less competition
School is killing me. My computer science teacher is covering the basics of classes. Therefor we have to write several nearly identical but, not quite similar enough to allow for effective copy and paste, classes, with full functionality tests. This is the most time consuming mind-bogglingly boring stuff I have ever done. Its also taking forever!
12 hours later…
HAhhahahahahahahaha- *cough* I mean
I'm sorry!
2 hours later…
That isn't quite fair I don't think :P
I hate it when something claiming to be a tutorial on how to make something realistic looks so obviously fake: blendernation.com/2015/12/10/…
Using the skin modifier is a great idea though
looks awesome!
it should morph into a jetfighter!
That would be tough
I can picture a mech running to the top of a hill, blasting out an energy wave brighter than than the sun, jumping into the air, materializing and turning into a F-18, flying incredibly fast, bluing into a solid streak of light, then condensing into a single glowing point, before the point of light explodes, letting out a shock wave of energy, turning the soundings very bright, and in the settling mist from the blast, the mech re materializes.
That would be easy to make, right?
can you to that procedurally?
Want inspiration like that?
which part is funny?
the whole thing
Especially saying it would be easy
I asked if it would be easy, I did not say it would be easy :-)
Well, the answer is NO
Got $50,000?
If I did, I would have bought that M977 yesterday
Ahhh! Every time I do a big project, at some point blender suddenly wont scale objects in the viewport. It always happens! Killing me right now
No idea what causes this.
Also no rotation
I just figued it
this has been messing up projects for years.
mind blown, time to take a selfie in main ;D
hahaha, what was it?
I might want to know that later
@BookWyrm17 writing it up now
I'm just trying to figure out what they mean by this "feature"
it is so you can rotate, say, a fair-wheel-thing and have the cars stay level.
is that the button? manipulate object origins only?
ah, I use that all the time
This feature is AWESOME!
Woah its useful
it is quite useful, aligning a bunch of objects along an axis for example.
@X-27 yes
or, say, simulating planet orbits, when you don't want the planets themselves rotating
Well, not so much
Follow path on a circle would be much better
A: Rotation and Scale have suddenly stopped working? I think I may have hit some keyboard shortcut accidentally

GiantCowFilmsThe cause is the manipulate object centers only button: When it is selected, scale and rotate no longer function normally. Instead, of or rotating the mesh with the object origin, only the origin moves:

I never knew about that feature, now I do!
Yeah I see that
I looked up and down for a matching question and couldn't find one
I wish there was an "I can't find this but am pretty sure it exists feature" where other users help you find dupes
one of the stiff necks like Ray would do that.
do you think that is photo?
Yes . . no . . uh yes . . . no way . . . uh . . . .
@ARadish Is it?
idk. thats whaty i'
m trying to find out
a guy i know says it is
but it doesn't seem like it should be
and it was from sketchy website, so i really can't make any claims for authenticity
It is
Another view from the same place
Click the Image not found thingy
but maybe they looked at that while they painted it.
It looks fake because they severely warped the colors
that what i think
look at them side by side
the other "photo" was shot lower down the hill, but some of the shapes still seem wrong.
@GiantCowFilms Yeah
@ARadish It's real
Certainly not painted
Or done by a world class pro
They used HDR tone mapping
The shadows are too light, which makes the shapes confusing.
Its been severely edited, but when you look at it enough you can see whats going on.
Verdict: real photo, but severely shopped.
Sentence: The ridicule heap!
@GiantCowFilms It's too horrid! And it smells bad!
As I predicted, Ray was one of the people who CV'd my question. Probably the DV'er
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ i know you don't like country, but what do you think of this music style?
I think it's cool how he kinda just talks for the verses, but sings for the chorus.
The odd mix of singing and talking is odd
It really is jarring
I think it's cool
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ it is confusing, but the way he blends it helps
In the verse he jumps between half singing and talking, that is what annoys me
that is really strange
that's the one country song that my other friend that doesn't like country likes
It would be kinda ok if it he actually talked for the verse
That is hilarious
it says I can't view it with restricted mode... and I don't think I want to turn it off. :/
plus, he spelled motorized
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ idk. is weird
so I went to Sprouts today to buy a zucchini for dinner... but I accidentally bought an Italian squash. Sucks, now I have to go back. they look exactly the same.
it wasn't as bad as the time my friend bought persimmons instead of tomatoes. and used them for spaghetti without realizing too.
Oh yick
They have pits in them o.O
anyone know why when I try and render something, it turns the exact color of the bcakground?
What lighting do you have?
@BookWyrm17 What material do you have? Pure glossy?
Or Blender Internal...
Cycles or Blender Internal?
Wait, people still use internal?!? Weirdos.
yeeeeaaaah ok
I'll get around to cycles eventually :D I'm making my own rig, and using Cycles instead
but I've got these zombies that have always worked before...
and now they aren't rendering properly.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ I like persimmons.. Though probably not with pasta o.O
That would be odd
@gandalf3 That probably narrows your location a bit
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ how so?
They are a fairly localized produce
Either that or near a major city
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ to where?
Where are they local too?
/me listens to Rachmaninoff's piano concerto #5
o.O I just found pexels
@BookWyrm17 Are you trying to use Cycles materials in BI?
like pixabay, but without the distracting shutterstock images
Sorry @Gwenn computer shut down
No, I don't think so. Maybe accidentally... is there an easy way to check, or do I just append the zombie again?
Look at the materials in the node editor.
See if any of the nodes are for the wrong render engine.
@GiantCowFilms More southern states generally
oh hey yeah I am!
If you look, southeastern US
I would not have realized that :D I would have just reappended it, and either gotten the right folder or not and not realized
I don't live in the south, and our stores still sell persimmons
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ yeah, she noticed when she started cutting them
but for the sake of science continued
@ARadish Exactly, major cities
it was pretty terrible
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ oh... I missed that one
C Springs isn't super major
A lot more than some
I imagine it is the Wholefoods that has them?
idk. I shop at sprouts
usually cheaper
especially on Wednesdays, but then it gets crowded.
anyway...that's that
do you shop at wholefoods?
no, theres not one near you
it doesn't look like...
so where do you get food?
but idk if your dad is military, and it doesn't look like theres a base nearby
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ don't tell me you get fruit from Walmart.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ ew
I get printer paper from Costco, and sometimes tons of meat, but not fruit
froot. lol I almost wrote it that way.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ oh. good
that's what I have to say when people take pictures instead of "cheese" from now on
wth is with "cheese" anyway?
I like Frooty smiles better
and in a fake dutch accent
it sounds dutch
cya later... bb in like, 10 minutes
Apparently, Abiword freaks out when I set the language to Portuguese....
@GiantCowFilms Do you know any brands for iPod/iPhone tripod mounts?
I want to get one for my sister
She has a youtube channel that it would be useful for
I won't be any help :/
rUgh I am no good at nodes, can anyone tell me how to get my Defocus to work?
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ :(
Not really surprised though
You don't seem to have the same knowledge of equipment that GCF has
@BookWyrm17 I'd say just use normal DOF
But it's not as nice
I hate apple products
I am an android guy
What is the normal DOF?
@BookWyrm17 Post your setup
@BookWyrm17 cycles DOF
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ As you should :D
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ I'd rather use something not made by Google or Apple
linux phone anybody?
I'd do that
I'm in the copmpostiting layout, and there is renderlayers, then Defocus, and then Composite, just like the tutorial told me. You want a picture or a downloadtheblend?
(notice nobody mentions microsoft phones)
@TARDISMaker That's why there's things like Cyanogen Mod
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Who would use those anyway?
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ I'm experimenting with that
It's microsoft
@someonewithpc Cool!
@BookWyrm17 Either
@someonewithpc Nobody
That's the point
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ What are those? Never seen any :P
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ ?
Windows phone
Look it up
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Joke..
for the Downloadblend does it need to be a question? And then copy it here instead?
@BookWyrm17 For Blend Exchange (tm) it does
But not for PasteAll
@BookWyrm17 Your fstop field is too big
The bigger, the more in focus, I think
I made it small and it didn't seem to do anything.. lemme try again
Try like 2.5
Or 1.4
yeah I reduced it to 4 and it WOAH
It wasn't doing anything until it FINISHED
@BookWyrm17 Does it work?
it has to finish and THEN overlay it or whatever?
Yeah, it can take a while to update
That makes much more sense.
Ok thaaaaaaanks! :D
@BookWyrm17 Not sure what you mean
The maximum blur is also too big
In optics, the f-number (sometimes called focal ratio, f-ratio, f-stop, or relative aperture) of an optical system is the ratio of the lens's focal length to the diameter of the entrance pupil. It is a dimensionless number that is a quantitative measure of lens speed, and an important concept in photography. The number is commonly notated using a hooked f, i.e. f/N, where N is the f-number. == Notation == The f-number N or f# is given by: where is the focal length, and is the diameter of the entrance pupil (effective aperture). It is customary to write f-numbers preceded by f/, which forms a...
The Fstop works like in a physical camera
About what? Oh yeah I was not letting it finish render before I was trying a different number to see if that would work
I thought it would automatically work, as it rendered the image
not add it at the end
@BookWyrm17 It should, but it takes a while to calculate
:D It works now, just me being oblivious and you all helping indirectly :D
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ game?
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ oh. nvm then srry
heeeey if anyone could answer this gotta go byeee
Q: How to change the camera from Landscape to Portrait

BookWyrm17I need a way to render a picture that is longer heighth-wise than width-wise. Changing the scale of the camera does nothing. I've been told to look in the scene focus settings, and I didn't see anything. Is there a way to change the shape of the rendered image?

that was so easy somebody beat me to it.
@MutantBob It was...
@ARadish Might be back a bit later (7:30-8:00 your time)
1 hour later…
@TARDISMaker Nope sorry :/
Reading the time magazine article on starwars... ARRGGHHHH!!!! one big rant about how they didn't use CGI and followed to making proccess of the originals!
and then JJ goes and completely breaks away from the artistic style of the original films and puts on a big fat ugly color correction.
Makes me furious.
@ARadish Looks like your not a swear-word is a swear-word language is going to get bumped:
Q: Toward a philosophy of Chat

Shog9TL;DR: The Problem This keeps happening in chat: Surprise at flags on vulgar messages. Language that would invariably get your comments deleted on the main site occasionally gets flagged and deleted in chat. Confusion reigns. Controversial topics leading to bickering and name-calling. Folks b...

Language warning (ironic.... sorry) but read this, he explains why I don't like some of your terms: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/270587/…

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