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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

How do things look in the curve editor?
*graph editor
i believe that green line at the end shows the walking
i need it to start from first frame to the end
i see that i can move it somehow
the line
@GiantCowFilms Haha :P I've been working an entry for the BG contest, which is why I've been away a little more than usual.
@gandalf3 Ah
@NoviceInDisguise Oh oh, you might get some competition
@gandalf3 Everyone is entering that one for some odd reason
the last few were total flops, I wonder what was special about this one
idk. I tried to do one for the christmas one, but got bogged down and never finished it.
@gandalf3 Can I see...? I mean its not like I could steal it now
I resolved to enter something in this one, no matter how bad it looks..
@gandalf3 I did one for the christmas one
@gandalf3 What did you enter?
I have two dots on graph how to make a line between them?
Better than most of them @gandalf3!
@gandalf3 Oh wow!
thats what u made?
ur my inspiration
@NoviceInDisguise Those nice swallows?
No :/ that was a month or so too late
@wooden quite a few of the chatters here actually know what they are doing, believe it or not...
I only had been using blender for like a year for the other one
@GiantCowFilms lol
BTW, any critiques on this? Water drops look off to me:
@gandalf3 +1 translucency on those wings, quite impressive
nicely done...
what do you mean by " know what they doing" ?
one critique is the floor is very distracting, other then that it is very good
@wooden Are pros with real skills
@NoviceInDisguise All the drops look rather the same..
@NoviceInDisguise The cap
Ah, the cap . . . looks flat, doesn't it?
Hmm . . .
something about the color is getting to me....
@NoviceInDisguise yes, thats it
I'm trying to make something every week, pretty crazy
I suggest you try it
well, I'm working with blender only a week or so, i mean i started earlier but didn't do anything serious, so what I wan't to say that everyone looks way better than me
Don't worry, I was in the same place just over a year ago :)
I know, what I said was a joke.... mostly for the benefit of the regulars
@NoviceInDisguise You've been at this for just a year!
Almost 2 now
I believe I couldn't even render those animations
now you make me feel really bad.... I've been doing this for at least 3 or 4
is that a team work or is it made by one person only?
I'll have to file system dig to find the correct date...
@wooden Only one person, teams aren't allowed for the comp
Or were you referring to the drink?
I did that
but that animation with piano.. not only that it looks great it also looks like interesting story that I wan't to see
@GiantCowFilms I watched some of ILM's breakdowns and a documentary of their history, and I am thoroughly blown away.
@wooden Storytelling is crucial in a render like that, and he nailed it
@NoviceInDisguise Yes, I have seen those, so amazing, the best people in the industry work there
I never knew that they basically were made because George Lucas needed them for Star Wars
Its kind of like "oh BTW, this dude that works for us made Photoshop, and we sold a department to Steve Jobs make Pixar..."
@NoviceInDisguise I knew that :D, Weta digital was made by Peter Jackson for Lord of the Rings
I didn't know that either! I should watch more movies I think . . .
I'd love to make a short film
But it would be awful :P
@NoviceInDisguise Yes, if this is what you do you should, you learn so much
Also, I'd get a subscription to the cinefex I pad app
Don't have an iPad . . .
Its a quarterly publication that as been reporting in depth on Holywood productions since the days of starwars. I've learnt more from that then anything else. The iPad app has all the back issues... I should buy it... too
@NoviceInDisguise Oh... I'm sure you could figure out a way to get
any of you have a job like animation?
@GiantCowFilms Sounds cool! I wonder if i could get it on PC or if it is on the web . . .
I mean getting money for that?
@wooden Not yet ;)
@NoviceInDisguise I wonder...
@wooden No... I have tought blender for money before (really small sums) but not really, no
So far I've made $2.50 off of the web
@NoviceInDisguise I have made about $30 from you tube but they'll only give me money when I reach $100
Huh! How's that?
prntscr.com/7hu9f4 how to connect these?
@NoviceInDisguise I had a channel many years ago that had over 30k views
dumb tutorials and silly videos and such
@GiantCowFilms lol
Made them for my friends, and other people started watching them too :O
@wooden IDK . . . you may need to move the lower handle
@GiantCowFilms I have like 260 views
it's pretty difficult for me :(
for me or to me?
@wooden The should be connected if they are part of the same channel..?
they are connected but not in straight line
i mean i want the lower part of that line to be straight on the top
its my walking line
so it shows that somewhere my model is not walking
Are there handles below though?
@wooden, select the first keyframe point and use the t(?) key to bring up the menu and make it linear?
@NoviceInDisguise lol yah, I think everyone liked my stuff, all @X-27 style material, car wrecks, fake stunts and explosions
oh, you'll have to delete the intervening control points on that specific data_path.
I have an advice how to get views, i've been making memorial videos about famous dead people
had 120k for boxer valero or something don't even remember him
@wooden Oh wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Interesting idea!
i was like 14 years old lol
Not bad for 14yrs!
I never got that many views :P
now u can make it for that singer from russia
that passed away not so long ago
Hmmm . . .
Maybe not
I don't know how it works now but back then you could get the subscribers and then delete videos you don't like
and they stay, they don't even remember what they are subscribed for
BTW, now that I am going to try and focus on more professional work, I am trying to come up with a new name (studio name I guess?). I will keep this name to screw around with
@wooden Not a bad idea in it's entirety . . .
I might feel wrong doing it, but maybe not
If they were out of date, not a bad idea
That is what I made the GiantCowFilms name for
It was supposed to be a blog, site and twitter for personal films and opinions. :D
Man how plans change . . .
Still going to do it
got the site, will add the blog, films and opinions later :D
the site is pretty lame though, less then one min of html, and a google font
But seriously, any ideas? I have had a few, but they are already taken D:
@GiantCowFilms :P
ideas of what?
@NoviceInDisguise I've got one booked of for my pro-studio
dead people work best
haven't nabed the domain yet. Give you a hint, its got cow in it
@NoviceInDisguise NoExperenceOrClueWhatIAmDoing -> NID
Has the N the I and the D
I wanted a slightly professional one . . .
I can screw NID
I want something more pro
@NoviceInDisguise What kind of name, what are you doing?
Um, graphics and films probably
maybe scores too
avatar 2
Not interested in naked blue people
make them green so nobody could say that its a capoy of avatar..
@wooden oh yay!
@NoviceInDisguise And I think @RadishoftheOpera is bad!
you used the n word
i never had a great idea actually
Hey! I have 18 subscribers! Yippeee! . . . yeah
@GiantCowFilms The N word is___________
@NoviceInDisguise the not racist one
even now I could've created something fantastic but doing something useless
Keep trying
@NoviceInDisguise don't say that... I wouldn't want that to come up if an employer searched your name + possibly bad words, they do that
Blahhhhh . . . the world of PC :P
If only I really cared what people thought
I have noticed people tend to get offended for other people who actually aren't offended at all
I find it offensive
I try to keep everyone to a high standard so that when mine drops I feel bad, and get told off, like I should
Good idea
I just realised that if the joke is not funny I can always say that I couldn't understand it because my english is too bad
i generally do too
not your case btw
@wooden XD That is handy
I natively speak it, so I might not be able to get away with it
Although a lot of people who natively speak it are worse than ones who speak it as a second language
lol it's so difficult to me to think in english and then tell my thoughs
blender is difficult to me so it's hard to understand each sentence
i think its bad to say "to me to think" :DD
@wooden it is "for me to think", I think
in my language it "to" and "for" is like one word
in English we have redundant words... and if you optimize your selections to a particular extend you can achieve the illusion of sarcasm....
yeah many things to learn
@NoviceInDisguise suddenly your "Yeah" remark became funny after my edit.
need practice because reading books doesn't work for me
@GiantCowFilms XD
did I say it right?
books doesn't work for me
how can books work for something
Reading books doesn't work
yeah,t hat's right
translating to word by word in my language sounds so funny
to word by word
i didnt want to say to
4 am now and I haven't slept for 24 hours now lol
using "lol" makes me feel like 12 years old runescape player
I still can't connect those two dots
or rise the line
because there are too many lines
by zooming in that line disappears somewhere
can I fix it somehow with that tab?
@wooden, use the eyeball to hide the other data_paths.
It looks more like sliding than walking :
@MutantBob By the way, your answer too my question could get some more votes with a little improvement. Your technique is great, but the explanation is a little lacking. I would add a animated gif (@gandalf3 style) of the result, as well as a in depth explanation as to how it works. I found myself having to quite a bit of figuring just following the provided information
Nice answer overall though
2 hours later…
I'm bad at screenshots and animated GIFs.
And I'm sure Andrew Price could turn it into a 30-minute video :)
2 hours later…
with a 10 minute intro
1 hour later…
Hi, can I edit textures after animating?
anybody is here :(
1 hour later…
@wooden yes
Assuming the UV maps don't change or anything
the other thing is that I've made texture and making changes only on that, so since its not big enough it repeats
when i wan't to clone stamp those marks it appears everywhere
because it repeats what i change on texture
someone answered me that its because im doing everything on main texture
but by creating another I couldn't remove mark seams with clone stamp?
its like in photoshop if u want to clone stamp u need to make those textures on the same layer?
if you guys don't understand me I can try to show it in pictures ( i believe i'm better at that)
3 hours later…
Everyone who posted an entry in the BlenderGuru competition, Andrew Price comment on the post saying if it isn't showing up to email it in: blenderguru.com/competitions/competition-steampunk/…
2 hours later…
@MutantBob We have lots of good software for that, I might add them myself
@wooden, it may require pictures. If you have a tiling texture and want to put a stencil on only part of the mesh, you might consider layering textures. One layer for the stencil, and another for the tile. I can't remember the exact name of the fields for controlling texture scale...
I decided to experiment with making an animated GIF of the twisting ropes. Unfortunately, even though I shrunk the window before making the screencast, it looks like it is going to be 5M. Is that too big to include in an answer? Should I drop half the frames and reduce the speed?
Yes, 2Mb is the maximum
You can drop some color data too if necessary
oog. I don't think there's a variation on bash's {0160..0199}.png syntax that specifies a stride.
I've just been using the convert tool from ImageMagick
How are you recording?
I used blender's Make Screencast (Alt-F3)
@MutantBob liceCap is much better.
it records the screen, much easier, and makes a nice small sized gif
@GiantCowFilms Exactly
I use LiceCAP
Works slick, and it records directly to the animated GIF file
It is resizeable too
Looks like LiceCAP doesn't have a linux version. I only have linux.
@GiantCowFilms , did you actually want an animated GIF showing the twisting ropes animation as Alt-A inside blender?
@MutantBob You could make a GLSL, or even a full color render, I was mearly suggesting that to increase votes
As well as a better explanation (without your blend file I wouldn't have been able to re-create the setup) usally the standard on this site is for a complete text explanation. Its not just about figuring out the technique, but explaining it. It is also appreciated if you add pretty renders to show off your work so people can quickly judge your results.
@MutantBob @gandalf3 runs it on linux using wine
Huh . . . blender guru competition page has a redirect loop o.O
Eh, I am less interested in points than I am in making it easier for people to follow the instructions. Unfortunately, I'm usually squeezing this in during pauses in my day job, so my first answer usually just provides the verbs and nouns you would need to type into google to find more detailed instructions (in case you don't already know how to find the elements inside blender).
@MutantBob Ah okay... but the instructions could at least use a lift, esp since there is nothing to google.
I've been twisted by exposure to people whose questions are often of the form "I want to do this thing, what do I search for on google?"
Also, moving your blend file to here: blend-exchange.giantcowfilms.com can stop your answer from becoming useless in 5 months time when pasteall zaps the file
I wonder if there are any stackexchange answers that talk about the hook modifier...
I answered one
@MutantBob Here is one:
A: Is it possible to animate a mesh's geometry without using Shape Keys?

NoviceInDisguiseUse the Hook tool. In edit mode, select a vertice, press Ctrl+H> Hook to New Object. You can then easily animate the location of the Hook empty. You can also go to the mesh being deformed and add a vertex group if you want to have easy control of what vertices go where. Notice that you can ...

@wooden I think I just fixed the rep problem... sue me for serial voting.
@GiantCowFilms slaps forehead... really? the n word? how sheltered are you? Naked is a completely normal word and you don't need to don't need to bring me into everything that you think is inappropriate.
@wooden what about Robin Williams or the guy that played Sauroman.. Chris something or other.
In 2015 a unit of high-rep users was banned by an administrative court for a violation they didn't commit. These users promptly escaped from a maximum security suspension to the Blender Stack Exchange underground. Today, still wanted by the community manager, they survive as moderators of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them when they're online, maybe you can ping the M.O.D.-Team.
@X-27 sounds suspiciously like the old Hulk throw line there....
um.. no, try again...
In 2015 a unit of high-rep users was banned by an administrative court for a violation they didn't commit
Now wanted for a murder he didn't commit
Banner seeks blah blah blah and to control the raging spirit inside him
but no, you're going for A-team, no?
wrong show, try again!
the thing with A-team, is it's totally believable that they did all the stuff they were accused of.
sketchfab.com/models/078dab3441674f66937935b7b9c51b08 @NoviceInDisguise @GiantCowFilms you have to admit the textures there are phenomenal.
I've selected all faces and unwrapped but nothing appears in UV editor
@wooden screenshot?
@RadishoftheOpera, that page takes forever to load on my cellular connection, and the site's menus act weird in firefox. They won't pop down.
@MutantBob yeah, skfb is a no-go-for-mobiles, check it out on PC when you're at home.
@wooden zoom out in the image editor until you can see the hashed part of it... you're looking to one side of the unwrapped mesh
I needed to scroll for 5secs to see something, didn't even expect that it's the problem :D
@wooden, has the upload button appeared yet?
I've given you as much rep as I can without drawing attention from the evil mod team... you need more posts.
thank you :D
what's your native language?
why are you asking?
Congrats to our new mods :)
(Oops, pinged you) welcome back Roland!
@RadishoftheOpera lol, I'll help, I need to expand my Vote count.
prntscr.com/7i3gf1 is it possible to increase the number of textures in uv editor so all the parts could fit on that?
+20 from me :-)
and yes, I also voted on the answers so it was Not voter fraud.
@RadishoftheOpera I am not on a mobile device. I am on a laptop that has a cellular data USB stick for its internet connection.
@wooden just wondering, I speak Swahili and some Spanish...
Swahili.. needed to google that
@X-27 try Kiswahili...
I speak mquaginualilii
it's used un parts of Uganda and Rwanda... th'ough not very much.
(google doesn't help much)
where are you from?
@wooden USA, but I go to a Swahili speaking church
well, my profile says I'm in an underwater mech facility
that's interesting
but, I have an alternative identity for tax evasion purposes in new Hampshire.
@X-27 we need to make more mechs for you...
what bbl stands for?
be back later
he also used bbt (be back tomorrow) but I use brb (be right back)
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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