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@NoviceInDisguise Yes
@NoviceInDisguise lol, same here!
@RadishoftheOpera Fights urge to not help by adding 2 cents
1 hour later…
@RadishoftheOpera Someone needs to tell him that. no matter how much I try to do for him to no reward - except for the occasional bounty :-) It never seems to be good enough for him.
I'm assuming Radish was the only one who upvoted this.
A: Character Motion in BGE: Hold Two keys at the same time

X-27Solution All you literally need to do to fix this is Click this button. (on all of your Motion Actuators) Reason When the Ad button is not clicked, each Actuator is setting the location, and is is overriding any other Actuators activated previously, regardless of whether or not they are stil...

@David @GiantCowFilms @gandalf3 @stacker @someonewithpc Please tell me what is wrong with that answer (hence the lack of UVs) so I can improve for the net time.
@X-27 Looks fine to me
Nooo! I just ran @David's data.stackexchange.com/blender/query/326237/your-blend-files and found a paste all link!
(outdated and DUD also)
there- fixed.
Fixed a few of mine too :)
I'm mostly just fixing them as they are requested, as there are a lot of them..
umm. I though that blend was blend #1 on blend exchange
didn't @GiantCowFilms make that blend blend #1
it would be
Nope I wanted to but never did
(I thought you had)
you should!
it looks like there isn't a blend #1?
mine is blend #27 (my awesome RTS blend)
@gandalf3 It was a test
Okay, I'll change it now, but @gandalf3 you'll have to make the edit
@GiantCowFilms edited
make sure you get the image link correct
I may give it a special "appreciation" upload image :D, unique to it
I just checked, blend 2-10 are still open
11 was a test
12 is the first real one used in an answer
@GiantCowFilms good catch
like, a golden download button?
Or just a black sphere :P
@X-27 Something subtle, not to make @David angry
maybe not...
OR- no wait!
I'll have him aprove it
@X-27 ow
@GiantCowFilms ooh, that means you could do fancy things like display the title/thumbnail of .blends in the posts (someday in the future ;)
Mar 6 at 18:53, by gandalf3
user image
@gandalf3 Yes..
you are welcome to try rendering text into an image in PHP ;D
that was gandalf's own gif
I actually think there are functions for that, but still, eek
make him use it!!!
@X-27 At least I used comic sans.. ;)
@GiantCowFilms There are
Thats what I was thinking :P
no one likes that one
@X-27 It looks like you are crying frozen snowflake tears..
it is the typical :*(
only I animated the *
to make it look more renderfarmish
MY favorite character - ☢
either that or Q - or X
@GiantCowFilms Btw, I assume you know about SE's api?
Could be useful
e.g. for getting titles of posts from the url
@gandalf3 It took me 3-4 days to do the google drive API... I really really don't feel inclined to add another one. Also the SE API doesn't have an offical SDK if a remember
Yes, I have always know about it
13 hours later…
@cegaton @someonewithpc @NoviceInDisguise how do you make a line extend passed the keyframes in the graph editor. I've done it before but forgotten how
@GiantCowFilms Channel-> ExtrapolationMode->Constant extrapolation
Oh that
yeah, that is how you do it
@cegaton Ah thanks! :D
@GiantCowFilms i meant linear... sorry the caffeine hasn't kicked in...
@cegaton figured that :D
rule number one: coffee first, stackexchange later.
@cegaton :D
Is there a way to have the number of inputs to a group be dynamic?
@GiantCowFilms @cegaton @NoviceInDisguise ^^
Ummm . . .
Node group?
@NoviceInDisguise Yes
You mean animate it?
@NoviceInDisguise No
Just make it generic
Probably not possible
I don't think I quite understand your question :/
I would use OSL, but cpu
@NoviceInDisguise I want the number of inputs to a node group to be dynamic
As in, if I have more images, I can plug them in there
How you use them can change then?
@NoviceInDisguise Yes...?
Let's just leave it at not possible
I just don't know what you are using it for
I probably wouldn't know anyways :/
BTW, the round mode in the math node
Does it round to the nearest integer, up or down?
You know, I never really thought about that
Source says nearest int
@NoviceInDisguise No bad :(
I want to round down
Normal rounding is nearest int, so that is why I said good
rounding down is mathematically referred to as "floor". If there is no "floor" mode, then you can use round(x-0.5)
@MutantBob That's what I ended up doing
Thanks, anyway
In the mix rgb node, how does the color mode work?
It seems to be almost what I want, but it doesn't like white or black
@X-27 @GiantCowFilms @David i'm glad it's all done though, made me feel like a troll. btw thanks for whoever deleted those... i feel alot better about it now.
@RadishoftheOpera most likely @iKlsR deleted them (it had to be a mod)
@someonewithpc I do not think so.
Heh, it looks like @zeffii couldn't let me 1-up him, so he made an even better version of my answer. (just based on timestamps. could be coincidence).
wat? no
i have code like that in sverchok :)
@RadishoftheOpera yh np, pointless to argue with some people
I'm not going to complain too much. Your version taught me something new. The real question is will I remember it the next time I need it.
@MutantBob you can one up me anytime, i prefer to see better answers when people care enough :)
♬ PythonFu Technique Battle. Player A -vs- Player B. FIGHT! ♬
anytime I see someone trying to use bpy.ops procedurally I cry a little
on the inside, in my quiet voice.
bpy.ops totally has cooties. But even I am forced to use it sometimes. Editing bones is the most mainstream problem. I think you have to use it to put physics on an object too.
i'm not sure about that, i have had some success scripting rigid body simulations
orly? what is the alternative to bpy.ops.rigidbody.object_add(type='ACTIVE') ?
would welcome the challenge tho, specifically because i'm refactoring BioBlender2
and need something less crazy to investigate first
oooh. let's see!
locates old code
should this not be a Question on the site ? :)
that way this information doesn't remain so closed-sourced
may even angle ideasman into adding the feature if we can't work it out.
Dude, if I had a presidential pardon, I'd write a script that enumerates through bpy.ops and posts a "what is the non-cootie-infested way to accomplish bpy.ops.x.y()" question for every combination of x and y.
balls. I may have deleted this branch of scripted rigibbodies..
In my cookbook I use bpy.ops.sequencer.meta_make() bpy.ops.object.hook_assign() bpy.ops.object.particle_system_add() bpy.ops.object.duplicate() bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply() bpy.ops.export_scene.fbx() bpy.ops.rigidbody.objects_add() bpy.ops.screen.screenshot()
The Hook modifier is REALLY missing some stuff from its python bindings.
alas I can not find this snippet
yeah, it's a pain some parts of bpy can't be scripted so easily without using bpy.ops
without any real good reason for the lack of options... except nobody extended the functionality to lower level bpy
My theory is that they want to implement a feature, so they code the version for bpy.ops, and if they're in a hurry, they never get around to exposing the lower-level functionality. I know I ran into a dark corner of the particle system for blender.stackexchange.com/questions/13736/…
particle system.. oh man... that could be so much more awesome if it was easier to script.
I wish I knew the techniques to tap into the physics system: imagine trying to make an "automated" pinball machine animation, with the bumpers reacting, and an "AI" that hit the flippers when the ball got near.
Hmm, maybe blender.stackexchange.com/questions/21643/… is the replacement for rigidbody.objects_add()
Although that still relies on bpy.ops.rigibdbody.world_add()
ah yes, that's exactly the code I was looking for and going to suggest
I think the one single call to bpy.ops is acceptable if after than one can do the rest witout ops.
1 hour later…
@David Any opinions on the tag?
election ends in 3 minutes :)
starts countdown
T minus 120
T minus 60
T minus 30
aaand.. not much is different now
anti climax :)
kind of like seeing a shitty splash
I guess now we wait for SE to do some STV magicks?
I assumed it would be automatic
what was that about
You interrupted me
I just noticed that both the election and the BG contest are ending on the same day
You . . .
@gandalf3 Yeah. must be a coincidence
How do you interrupt someone in chat..?
Post a message between two that should be connected somewhat
i see
Sometimes it can apply to subsequent messages too, but wasn't intended for them
That happens constantly though..
that' s of no consequence . move on :)
Chat conversations are sort of fundamentally non-linear
so now we wait?
counting votes? :)
maybe Donald Trump wins!?
I guess :/
WTF. btw.
I suppose we could tally them, but it's easier to wait :P
@zeffii I still can't believe he is running
Almost as crazy as Bernie Sanders shooting for presidency . . .
@gandalf3 @NoviceInDisguise looses, I'm not sure I added them up right, but in every algorithm I tired in Open STV, he trailed by miles :(
I lose!!
@NoviceInDisguise Still, trump, they won't even have to make stuff up to make him look like the root of all evil
lol, IKR? Almost as bad as Clinton . . .
worse.... I think, he doesn't even try to hide it XD
cya later
@GiantCowFilms yeah. it's just weird.
what will be even weirder is.. if he wins.
then ... i will start to doubt reality.
The matrix has you.
Bernie Sanders would be an interesting president. Good public speaker.
not a publicity junkie like the rest
(warning contains copious amounts of bad language)
for the brittle among us.
@zeffii no kidding
maybe go for linking it in a way that doesn't auto display
@NoviceInDisguise Did you get your submission into the BG steampunk competition?
@GiantCowFilms the kind of person that would construct sentences like in that image, is entirely immune to the concept of vulgarity. Consider it a cultural difference
totally backwards ofcourse, but funny
maybe a guilty funny..
to me it matters more what someone says and how, than which words were used.
i've had a debate with my dad who happily uses the word ' Feck '
time for a walk
Welcome the new mods!
I can't figure out who won!
@GiantCowFilms Yep
@NoviceInDisguise Can I see the final image?
I think it is on the WIP
Q: Properties 1 tick late?

blackholeI have a common setup for an FPS game. The focus of this question is the following: when I pull out a weapon (weapon-switch), a prop ("Timer_Activate") is set to 45, the number of frames for the weapon-switch animation. If you swap weapons, it will set the prop to 45, and the prop will drop every...

how long do you think he'll wait for an answer?
maybe he'll be more reasonable by then
"appreciated. Thanks!" - seems like meat for a snark....
...but don't do it
:/ so tempting
Can anyone help me with texture painting?
@wooden What do you need?
No need to ask if you can ask a question in the future, you are welcome to ask questions at any time ;)
Just ask your question, and if someone can/wants to help they will.
@wooden or ask here and experience all that our skills have to offer!
(which in my case isn't too much)...
@zeffii even too brittle for me :P
I save anything of that flavor for dire situations
@zeffii But a piece of crap when it comes to all things directly related to the presidency . . . like Obama
Sorry, we shouldn't get into politics here . . .
@NoviceInDisguise ...
probably a good thing... might become a dire situation.. :O
eek. politics + internet = bad
politics + anything = bad
politics = bad
simple algebra folks... just proved all politicians incompetent
And now we are talking about politics on the internet
grabs fire-hose to put out any potentially imminent flamewars
@gandalf3 @David congrats on your knew shiny diamonds, will take a minute to get used to them
More than a minute I daresay
ooh a flag
dashes off
@gandalf3 XD
@RadishoftheOpera you've got it all wrong
I'm right
because I have a wacky viewpoint and a text box for me to type into!
therefore I'm always right
@GiantCowFilms I've got all three of those and a glass of milk.. so there!
@RadishoftheOpera ah! okay, we should blame this on the Chinese
Or maybe the Russians... I don't actually care
Putin keeps causing problems in our chat room!
its the russain trolls
no really
@gandalf3 My english is terribly bad and I'm new to blender but I'll try to explain, I try to animate giraffe walking and front legs bends in wrong way, it used to be ok yesterday after I fixed the way I can't remember.
so what does that have to do with tex-paints?
sounds like you need an IK rig with limits...
I know I speak about other stuff now but I have problem with that too
@wooden Your english isn't bad at all (I've seen far worse ;). You might want to ask a question on the main site describing your problem in detail (with maybe a few pictures/screenshots).
I believe that it messed up when I did alt+r and alt+g
is your rig direct kinematics or inverse?
if it's direct, it shouldn't be a problem, otherwise you need to limit the ik rotation for the bones
@wooden That is quite good actually, even a tad better then what some of we English speakers write on this site.
I can't explain it with words because I believe I don't understand it as much as I should since i'm doing everything by watching tutorials
used to be
after i fixed that
i noticed that my front legs moves wrong
but not anymore...
are there constraints on them?
I believe there aren't
I did something with those doted lines direction yesterday thats how i fixed that bending direction problem
Can I upload pictures here?
@wooden click the button that says upload
is that what you mean by "the dotted line thing?"
yeah but this is something with keep offset right?
its a directional thing, so wherever I move the little cross at the end, the bone points to it.
I'm feeling so bad that I can't find "upload picture" here
I don't have it
maybe because I'm a new member here?
there is only send
okay, act like you're going to ask a question, click the insert picture icon in the question bar ,then copy the link it gives you
pasteall.org/blend/36598 IK rig, try it out
are you still here?
You need a certain amount of rep before you can post images in chat
I believe that i fixed, just don't know how it messed up
so I did illegal stuff?
No, the embedding method is hidden until you get a certain amount of rep. You can post links though
ok I'm sorry for stupid questions I'm new here and didn't have time to read all the rules a lot of work these days
That is ok
also I love that someone fixed my grammar errors on my post
but that is not what I can learn quickly :D
Yep, we are allowed to edit if we find something wrong (over so many thousand rep). Almost anyone can suggest an edit for us to review as well.
I think this website is a miracle
one of the best things I have found on the internet
I agree
Very helpful
This site makes me feel bad because I'm a person that speaks too out of topic too often :D
thank you guys for answering my stupid questions even faster than my "friends" on facebook
No problem :)
@gandalf3 You're been around more lately, I assume your trying to get your title back ;D
Probably :)
my new problem prntscr.com/7htv9j
I've made 1-60 frames of the bones rotation and then I repeated that
so my model is moving by standing
so I moved it to the next place at 120 frame
but it moves from one place to other only by 100-120 frames
On the bottom, change the End parameter to the proper amount?
how will it affect the movement?
my model stays in one location from 1 to 100 frames
100-120 it starts walking
I think I understood where the problem
Ok, I misunderstood you
7:30 on the BG countdown!
Excited to see what entries show up
looks like interesting
how to fix my problem which I understand but don't know a quick way
I need that my model could walk from 1 frame to 120 frame
I don't want to start everything from the beginning
In the curve editor everything looks right?
there must be a key to remove that standing
I can select all the bones and remove a standing key? but I don't know how to remove the standing but not the bones rotations

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