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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@GiantCowFilms Despicable! purely un-acceptable! both the Question AND the Answer used paste-all! (Never fear I put them both to BE)
Q: How can I add banded lines to the end of cinnamon sticks(or sheets of wood)?

ideoriumI would like to make a realistic cinnamon stick and its shader. My approach is as much procedural as possible, but easier options are ok too. Here is my first render: And a reference image: (3)I have noticed that there's a darker line can be seen at the both ends; how can I achieve this?

@X-27 You beat me to protecting my question . . . if you can even protect your own
Lots of one-liners
@NoviceInDisguise First question I ever protected. I actually didn't know if that was an ok place to protect one!
It was, for sure. If you hadn't I would have :)
1 hour later…
@David Thanks for that query, will be useful :D
@gandalf3 Yup, that is the way ;D
@gandalf3 Will add tomorrow
@GiantCowFilms Btw, the login form doesn't have a button <input>, without which pressing enter won't send the form
And FF won't prompt to remember passwords: stackoverflow.com/q/2382329/2730823
(which is bad, because I forgot my password already D:)
ah, I remembered it
Q: How to make a jelly material?

user15005I want to create a jelly bear in Blender, but I don't know how to set the specific parameters. Does anyone know how to make a jelly material?

^^ looks to me like a case of closing the question based on the "answer"?
Where the answer is a close vote :P
I CVed as unclear, as the OP didn't provide a reference image, but IMO this is not a duplicate of the resources question.
4 hours later…
@gandalf3 yeah...tuff one
but OP seemed happy enough.. maybe in the future someone will ask that question and the answer "read the resources" won't be enough for them?
4 hours later…
@gandalf3 I said leave open, just because I did not want my name attached to the closed as a dup of resources. (which it is not)
@gandalf3 @David @cegaton @RadishoftheOpera @NoviceInDisguise @X-27 @zeffii Bounty to be won!
Q: Animate Twisting Rope?

GiantCowFilmsWhat is a good reliable method to animate multiple ropes being twisted together? One end of the rope will be fixed in space, while the other ends rotate in a circle, creating twist. These ends are separated not together. How can this be animated? Simulations are ideal in this regard, since I may ...

@GiantCowFilms have you tried curves?
@RadishoftheOpera Yes, they wouldn't wrangle, and I need it to be quickly expandable
@GiantCowFilms wouldn't wrangle????
@David solved
They were impossible to control
@gandalf3 Your blends should be attached
@X-27 Actually, be careful about that.
When you upload the Blend to BE, you are giving BE permission to share and redistribute the file. Only the files original owner can do that. In the case of pasteall, pasteall basically strips all the rights to the file, and I think it can be re uploaded, but do be careful
@GiantCowFilms Do you have a reference for what you are trying to achieve?
@NoviceInDisguise Think if you attached several strings end to a wall, separated the other ends and then moved them in a circular motion creating twist
I don't have any video now, but I might be able to physically make what I'm trying to achieve
I think I get it
Basically proportional falloff, but animated. I have a solution I think might work.
@NoviceInDisguise Okay, goody!
So I can make a rope the winds tighter or looser . . .
@NoviceInDisguise Sure
You want the strands to start at a distance and come together, right?
Hmm . . . It might be complex.
Lots of hooks i think
@GiantCowFilms if you thought that query was good you should see the one I'm making now (nearly done).
@David Which one?
@RadishoftheOpera thanks, but while you were there you could of UV it.
@GiantCowFilms I have not shared the link yet
@David to what?
it should be star worthy.
i wonder how he hasnt found BSE yet
that's the blackhole of ba.org
@GiantCowFilms why did you star that first query?
@David I thought it was useful, and now I can't unstar it D:
@GiantCowFilms I can for you, if you want.
@David sure
wow what?
I've passed @gandalf3 in chat messages! I'm now #1 chatter in this room!
I'm now #1 chatter in this room!
that is WOW worthy.
I clearly talk alot
I think most people who know me in real life could attest do that
You really are?
@NoviceInDisguise Yup
@GiantCowFilms Working on a GIF that will show you what I have so far
Works good as far as it goes. Not sure how extendable it is
fixed message for starring :D
How long of a rope do you want?
@NoviceInDisguise Adjustible length :P
@NoviceInDisguise Not too long
maybe about 3-4 times the separation distance
gee wiz, I have only posted 4k messages in here. (you guys talk a lot)
How many have I done?
Can't be way too many
@NoviceInDisguise 9354
chat.stackexchange.com/… just hover over you picture it will tell you.
906 messages total containing XD, 298 of which are mine
404 lol messages
1881 totql
oh wow, lol
507 :D messages
by me alone
man o man
(no comment)
only 96 o.O messages though
now you are just boosting your message count :)
sure, that image was doctored, but it was funny :-)
iKlsR's stats:
`o.O` = 127
`XD` = 118
`:D` = 334
`:)` = 0
@NoviceInDisguise run the numbers for me.
And for me!
You can search your own . . .
@NoviceInDisguise These should be the real election stats!
@NoviceInDisguise I know but I'm making you do the work :P
@NoviceInDisguise I wont bother, because mine would be so low.
Now I gotta check @David
(there's one more)
(XTTTT arrow indicates funny)
@X-27 I see a theme.
yeah . . .
GiantCowFilms' stats:
 `o.O` = 4
 `XD` = 155
 `:D` = 985 :O
 `:O` = 71
@David Your stats are very bad, IDK if you can be a moderator :/ No results for :)
@NoviceInDisguise None for me either
I don't think it is search properly
He also has no real results for XD
@GiantCowFilms ?
Dec 21 '14 at 14:40, by X-27
feel free to annihilate the galaxy without me...
@NoviceInDisguise :)
(is that better?)
Dec 23 '14 at 15:41, by X-27
all of them are essentially, Race to capture un-occupied planets, then annihilate GiantCo- I mean the opponent
@NoviceInDisguise I said that once
Dec 21 '14 at 19:26, by X-27
but at the first nasty moo i hear, it is war , ok?
Looks like @X-27 Is mister violent quotable, and I'm mister emoticon
@gandalf3 should have some really good stats
he uses these alot
yah, but there funny :-)
He is a wizard, he makes you think they are funny but they really aren't o.O
Speaking of wizards-
Mar 6 at 18:53, by gandalf3
user image
@X-27 Okay
I will die if I see that again
Is that what you want?
@NoviceInDisguise Not quite
What should be different?
The central fixed strand is no-no, they all are on that curve
Also they stay separated always, its just then end that twist
Maybe I should quickly shoot a video of it
That would really help
I think it might be an easy fix it I know what you want
I took nearly 14GB of photos yesterday, wow!
My SD card is only 16GB
I can only get 14MP
That helps
@NoviceInDisguise Same here
Wow! You tanked it up then
@NoviceInDisguise I did
I took 451 photos
How many MP can you get!?
but I shoot both raw & jpeg
I can get around 2-3k in a day
only JPEG though
I'm going to buy a 64 gig
Yeah, for that large filetypes, you need it
I just need to get it over my heart to part with $70
@NoviceInDisguise The problem is if I offload 64GB of photos and video every week, I won't have anywhere to put them
You need one of those 5TB drives then . . .
Only got a 3TB drive D:
@NoviceInDisguise My Dad bought one
I only have 1TB I think
but he won't let me put my pictures on it D:
I can see that . . . I assume you sort them well too and delete bad ones
Although a 4TB drive is only $100... I could buy one in an emergency
@NoviceInDisguise to lazy D:
That helps a ton
Also I take few bad ones
I try to be careful with my shots
Well, 21MP I bet you would be
Yes, lol
I have a lot of nice pictures, but I have a lot of #$% ones too. And I delete thousands of them
I have taken something crazy like 30k pictures
I hate deleting photos, I'll only zap errors like completely black or somthing
I do too
What sort of camera do you have?
@NoviceInDisguise Canon 70D
I have been thinking of upgrading to a DSLR
@GiantCowFilms Nice!
Do you like it?
@NoviceInDisguise The viewfinder is too dark
other then that its a great camera
@GiantCowFilms Hmm
How about video quality?
but I'd recommend a 7D mark II if you can afford it
@NoviceInDisguise AF is good, the video quality is standard Canon DSLR as far as compression etc.
So not bad then, but not super great
If I had 1.5 grand I probably would buy it . . . but i don't
And you still have to buy lenses
@NoviceInDisguise Yes... its a nice camera, but if you want video, buy a Panasonic GH4 if you want stills a 7D mark II, it has the AF
The 70D was special because of the AF when I bought it, but now between the GH4 and the 7D mark II it is obsolete.
Holy $#*! that is expensive!
Twice the price?
If you want the best video a Black Magic Pocket Cinema camera would be the way to go, just be aware that you will need a 10 ft high stack of 5TB hard drives
@NoviceInDisguise which one?
Its only $1,500
I saw 3k . . .
Not bad then
about $400 more then what I paid for my 70D, and aprox the same as the 70D mark II
@NoviceInDisguise its 4k
no, price 3 grand
and it will do 10-bit raw 4k to an external recorder which is just amazing
4k is a nice feature though!
@GiantCowFilms Whoa!
@NoviceInDisguise That was probably bundled with a $1,500 lens
Ah, Good point
What does a good lense generally run at, do you know?
@NoviceInDisguise What do you need?
all purpose, or just a nice prime
I got a nice 18-135 from canon for about $600
nice and versatile
I would be doing a lot of landscapes mostly to start, mostly outdoors
That is another question, how cross-platform compatible is the panasonic base?
@NoviceInDisguise You might be able to get away with a 24mm Prime for about $200 - $400 you should get a decent one
@NoviceInDisguise its Micro Four Thirds
which will go onto alot of cameras
I need to earn some money I guess :)
including the pocket cinema camera, and most mid range cinema cameras
I prefer EF though, but that is just me
@NoviceInDisguise Quick get to work on that tutorial ;D
I'll be available to discuss that a bit later today.
There is a photo I took yesterday
Messed up the color correction a bit though, will have to spend some time getting it right
There was a really big waterfall near by, but I'm not posting a pic since somebody may be able to id it
Ah, smart :)
There is a another one
that vibrance slider in light room is dangerous
You push it and go Colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do that :D
Long exposures + water = awesome
I had no tripod, but there were plenty of oversized rocks.... with oversized bird droppings on them XP
cya in a bit with the video
@NoviceInDisguise Video added
not that helpful though, it was very hard to twist the ropes...
I get it now
Hmm . . .
1 hour later…
@David better?
lol, my stats are nowhere nears yours...
@GiantCowFilms Alright, no one steal this answer, I don't have enough time to post it right now, maybe in a few hours, but you could have all the curves in place, then just run a rope object with a curve mod on it up them... It would follow the curve all the way up and weave itself together. pleeeeeaase!!! no-one take that while I'm away, just wanted to get it out there.
like this (uploading) except not with just spirals, a weave instead.
@RadishoftheOpera I already thought of that . . .
@NoviceInDisguise so... I'm not as smart as I previously thought? why haven't you answered?
Yes, you are smart, but I am too :)
I got part way done, but go ahead, you would have finished first if you had been around
1 min ago, by Radish of the Opera
@NoviceInDisguise so... I'm not as smart as I previously thought? why haven't you answered?
I didn't answer cause I'm not done yet
@NoviceInDisguise my poor shattered moment... sobs
I spent too much time trying this way:
3 hours ago, by NoviceInDisguise
user image
Which ended up not being what he wanted anyways
I can't get the curve right, from the top, it should look like a wide, oscillating plus sign (+) and another curve needs to be offset by half the vertical repeat.
and rotated 45*
garr!!!! so hard
it's always the way NID
@RadishoftheOpera Mutant Bob got it D:
got the curve right
@NoviceInDisguise lol, but he doesn't have the right type of curve... >:)
Nope . . .
@GiantCowFilms I handmade in edit mode these curves for you, so don't you dare give the bounty to that mutant
IDK, Doesn't seem quite right
Did you watch his video?
wouldn't this be cool to make a simulation of muscle fibers flying onto someone's arm? I am totally going to do that now.
@NoviceInDisguise you know in... I think it's Ezra, how all the bones in the field just stand up and muscles grow on them? that's how I always imagined it.
that would be severely cool
oh well... to bad about the bounty... I gtg.. bbl
Ezekiel 37:7-10
Q: Animate Twisting Rope?

GiantCowFilmsWhat is a good reliable method to animate multiple ropes being twisted together? One end of the ropes will be fixed in space, while the other ends rotate in a circle, creating twist. All the ropes should be along the edge of this imaginary circle (none in the middle), and do not come together (th...

My questions in the comments are starting to sound blackholeish, "Its not quite right, can this specific thing be adjusted"
Gosh this is tough.... :/
thiss'l be fun...
done with lamp, looking for other things to do.. played this card last night (saved my butt) so i thought i make it in 3D to return the favor.
pretty much says "1 gold for each settlement that borders a water hex."
@NoviceInDisguise ^^
Ok . . .
What game?
kingdom something or other... played it once or twice before.
huh. Board game I assume?
yeah.. but the card determine alot of the goals... basically, you're trying to get as much gold as possible and the cards tell you how to get it.
then you draw one "terrain" card each turn and that tells you what kind of land you can build on...
Sounds interesting. More complex than Monopoly lol
Ever played Ticket to Ride?
so for instance, if i drew a "grass" card, i would be trying to build on a grass hex, but next to water cause i get gold cause of the fischer card.
@NoviceInDisguise yes... soo incredibly frustrating
I like frustrating games :D
That means they are hard
my mom bought all the different maps for ticket to ride.
and india is the absolute worst
I like it. Probably for the same reason as monopoly . . .
(I always win)
Don't have that one
all the routes are like, 1 train long and they get stolen super fast
We have USA, Europe, and an extension (Germany?)
@NoviceInDisguise monopoly is cool.. i always lose, but any game where you get to charge your friends for going to an overpriced hotel you own in the ghetto is okay in my book.
the airforce one isn't as fun-- no ghettos
Marvin Gardens (yellow) and New York (orange) are the best places
@RadishoftheOpera ?
@NoviceInDisguise air force edition
I am used to the classic map
everything is spiffy and blue and clean.
I like airforce
Thunderbirds man!
@NoviceInDisguise i always enjoy laughing at the people in the jail
"Just visiting" lol
@NoviceInDisguise ikr? the grad show was fantasic
THat is what my brother said :D
@NoviceInDisguise "suckers!!!"
@NoviceInDisguise probably the best i've seen yet
Although it can be better to stay in jail in monopoly and collect rents
Not a bad thing
a rich inmate
Especially later when things get built up
ho-ho.. look at all yalls out there paying for room and board... mine is FREE!!!! HA!
Something seems a little off on this ^^
Working on a portfolio, and i don't really want stuff to look like crap.
(I am going to have ice and all that for the final, this is just to get the bottle perfect[ish])
The cam angle make it look like it's got gimugus "shoulders"
and the base ring needs to be a tad taller i thikn
That might be it
I am trying a larger focal length
so like, a gatorade bottle?
Does the label look OK?
Sort of
Kind of the feel I was going for
@NoviceInDisguise i thought it said "Re-thirst-x-FRESH-ing.. maybe a rethink on where to put "thirst-x"
Ah, I didn't think of that
and i can guess that the bottom says "drown your thirst" but the light shines through "your" and makes it hard to read. looks like "drown durh thirst"... or that could be my bad eyes
I can fix that, my lighting might have gotten messed up
the bubbles nad the bottle material are really cool though
Not too hard really
speak for yourself... i couldn't even make skin... :(
Yeah, that is hard
lol, I have the same disease
modelossis evreysosis
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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