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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@GiantCowFilms I like your version of the ball. I was (trying) for a studio type of setup.
@David I was too
3 point lighting, with a bit of ambient full.
@GiantCowFilms With the sky you added, It instantly looks like a outdoor render.
but I definitely see that I never have my lights bright enough.
@David I generally like some kind of ambient light.
@David to make it a really pretty render, which will get lots and lots of votes, render it on a beach, it will look much much better there
@GiantCowFilms hence why I was going for a nice (simple) clean studio render. A entire beach is too much work of a little answer.
okay, really really g2g :/
later gcf
@GiantCowFilms It'd be cool if the embed code was selected and active by default, or maybe had a "copy to clipboard" button next to it
@gandalf3 Copy to clipboard is very very difficult to do...
...most people have to use flash to help!
I might try having it selected by default
@gandalf3 I think that would be good, you can try if you like
@gandalf3 are you going to add the dark theme?
@GiantCowFilms Okay
@GiantCowFilms I'm just about done with my css cleanup
Just testing now
Then I'll have a look at the auto-selection thing, then the dark theme
I removed a !important from the download page css, but I just realized I can't test to see if there is an alternative.. :/
@GiantCowFilms in layout.css there is a border: none !important; inside #fileStats img
@gandalf3 Yes.. so
I assume that's to remove the border added around images
@gandalf3 Yes
But it should work without the !important, I think
in one instance...
@gandalf3 it didn't
But the only place the border size is specified is above that rule
Which should be overridden automatically.
unless there is a size declaration in theme.css..
@GiantCowFilms BTW, what are .nwDanger .nwNotice, and .noticeWarning?
@gandalf3 There uses are obscure.... let me flag a test blend and you can see
@gandalf3 ^^
Notice is the same but yellow, and used for high importance messages I'm going to also add a blue one, for admin comments
@gandalf3 If you need to change it, just don't touch the colors... they need to be as jarring as they are.
I was mostly wondering because there is some border sizes in the theme.css there
I changed them to match the rest of the theme more (no border or rounding)
I figured out why border:none; didn't work, now I think my cleanup is complete :D
It was setting the style to none, but the style is being set later.. Setting the width to 0 worked fine without !important.
@GiantCowFilms I think it's as simple as
var embed = $("#embedCode")
embed.selectionStart = 0
embed.selectionEnd = embed.text().length
In $(document).ready() {}
But I can't test it :P
@gandalf3 You can
I can?
just copy the source from this page:
modifiy and load!
:O Of course!
@gandalf3 I can also get you a database export
Probably not needed
@gandalf3 I would have said that sooner, but I thought you'd thought of it and had a reason not to
Nope, I'm just an idiot sometimes :P (perhaps a little more than sometimes even ;)
@gandalf3 At least you didn't spend from early morning to late afternoon figuring out you were missing a few lines of apache config... whilst thinking that you had a full scale attack on your hands!
I was stunned when I figured it out... it was like, oh this isn't even close to serious
Some other ideas for the downloads page.. I wonder if it's feasible to get the title of the SE question automatically, to replace the not-so-pretty link?
And idk if the .blend is needed in the filename
@gandalf3 I like my extensions to always be there....
@gandalf3 I was thinking that....
@GiantCowFilms I do too, but still...
Is it ever going to be something else? (are the files filtered by extension?)
I think the stackAPI is restful though, and restful APIs in php without a good sdk is anything but restful
@gandalf3 .exe (yikes!)
@gandalf3 It shouldn't happen....
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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