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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@David @NoviceInDisguise @gandalf3 @iKlsR @someonewithpc @stacker @X-27 What happend:
Anything that is visited from a domain has to be on port 80, so when I added Blend-Exchange and apache, apache needed to have port 80. So did interplanetgame. Compramise, using apache proxies to send IPG though a subdomain. Here it the problem, IPG is not the only one who could send proxies, anyone could, as a result any message could be bounced of my server, spam inlucded.
So they proxied all there spam using my server, resulting in the abuse complaints.
I see
So I just at to limit the proxies to my domain and boom! fixed, super simple!
The problem was I had no idea how they were doing it
Nice :)
@GiantCowFilms The css seems to be working, though there are a few rough edges I'm not 100% sure how to handle
@gandalf3 Did you commit?
The rough edges are:

The logo image. It's already kinda odd at full screen widths (partially transparent, kinda arbitrarily positioned). But at tiny screen widths it goes half off the screen and I'm not sure where it go (partially because I'm not sure where it's going to begin with :P)

The navigation. I feel like horizontal navigation might work better, but it makes a whole bunch of rethinking needed at medium screen widths. It's working fine as is, so maybe just leave it. (If it isn't broke..)
Okay, Let me look
The logo in general is also a bit rough at small screen widths
I've kinda drawn the line at 360px wide.. Below that things start to break
Okay, I'll look...
let me just merge some stuff
But IMO 360px should be too narrow for anyone ;)
@GiantCowFilms wow, glad you figured it out and got it fixed. My question, how did they ever find a vulnerability like that (out of the entire internet)?
@David They go around port scanning, searching. As soon as one figure it, they all jump in
@David if you look at apache access logs, you can see all sorts of bots trying out all sorts of attacks...
@gandalf3 I really like how it looks
But it really falls apart in small size....
@GiantCowFilms scoundrels.
@David No kidding
some of them are really dumb though, very ammusing
no need using your "smart" bot, if the dumb ones get in first
@David No, they are wasting resources
do you mean like a DOS?
Every hour this bot comes to my server and checks for this one file with a known vulnerability... that was of course reported in 2007
That is the worst use of a bot every
@David I need to add measures for that still
I can't imagine trying to keep up my own server (like you are doing) way too many evil bot out there just to make trouble.
@gandalf3 That is bit of an issue, since at a very important size of half screen the logo is cut off. I think the key would be to add margin (at least 100px) to the body... small sizes don't matter
@GiantCowFilms What size?
@David Yah... I'm exhausted... been working at this since early this morning
@gandalf3 Actually most sizes that aren't wide
but really bad under 600px
@gandalf3 I think I know what needs to be done, I'll add it
@David Image what google goes though
In there case they have real people actively attacking them constantly.
@GiantCowFilms I there already is a margin of 10px, simple to make it 100px.. but that would be bad at small sizes
@GiantCowFilms they have enough infrastructure. (and plenty of their own bots)
@GiantCowFilms ??
@gandalf3 Yes, I'll fix that
@David True....
Could you add a screenshot? It looks fine here down to 360px
do you guys have a url I could try? or are you both working local?
@gandalf3 Well its not bad, just crammed an the logo thing.... Also the input text is lost entierly, but oh well
@David both local, but I could without much effort setup a staging one....
why do you not do a collaborative session on js fiddle?
@gandalf3 I'm fixing it up, really simple
@gandalf3 what adds the logo image
I'm in that one now.
Who are you
be back later
Okay, bye
@gandalf3 you're missing a closing tag in the header...
also, could I move the image above the text?
@gandalf3 fixed the logo css, commiting
@gandalf3 You'll find the changes in the newTheme branch, not master...
I'll move newtheme to master when newTheme is ready for the server
Will look at in a bit
@GiantCowFilms I'm back now if you want to try out the js fiddle
@GiantCowFilms You made the mediaquery width a little too small:
@gandalf3 No, why?
@gandalf3 I was about to remove that hover except when the media query says it small
^^ Doesn't look very good imo
@gandalf3 Yes, looks nice when its ad the top, should just change to lighter when its in large mode
@GiantCowFilms huh?
This is before the media query css is applied
@gandalf3 Yes, it should only be applied after the media query
@GiantCowFilms Why?
@gandalf3 it looks ugly in wide mode
@GiantCowFilms do you like that js thing?
If you have something fill on hover, it must be over a hover background
@David Yes... sorry I'm triple tasking
np later
@GiantCowFilms Yeah... I thought there was something wrong with it
The media queries don't line up between css files either:
@David this should have a preview of the site, not working for me though
@gandalf3 whats dat?
@GiantCowFilms Works for me
Between which files
Looks great!
@GiantCowFilms The media query in lighttheme.css should be 640px to match layout.css
@NoviceInDisguise I think my ISP caches the DNS...
very annoying
@gandalf3 Should I or you change?
@David if your big on realtime devlopment colaboration see this:
@GiantCowFilms I've pushed it to my fork
@gandalf3 okay
But such a small change.. you can probably "merge" it manually faster :P
@gandalf3 It should auto-merge
merging is only a pain when its not auto-but I've gotten a little work flow with VS's diff tools which are quite nice
@gandalf3 The download page is a mess
The second media query which adjusts the padding.. Perhaps it could go a little earlier (590px)?
I can fix it if you want, I'm not sure you can see it at all
@GiantCowFilms Ah, that's right.. I couldn't test it
@gandalf3 Okay, I'll do it
All the other pages did okay without me touching them, so I hoped it would be fine.. :P
@gandalf3 Okay
@gandalf3 No its full of inline garbage
@GiantCowFilms ah
@gandalf3 IE 11 handles the site nearly perfectly
except for the links at small sizes
That's good news.. I think :P
btw, but the second media query also adds padding at the top and bottom
@gandalf3 Yes it is
Not sure if that was intentional or not, as it doesn't have top or bottom padding at any other time...
then I can make a fallback.css for old browsers with a fixed width
@gandalf3 hmm
@gandalf3 probably an accident...
Any of you guys going to try for the next BlenderGuru competition? I am a week behind, only found it this morning :P Got 36+ days on the clock though, so I am going to try for it. Got oneof the props almost halfway done today, so that is good
@NoviceInDisguise Cool, no I have nearly a page of security todos after this event...
I'm going to bullet proof my server
:/ Good idea!
@GiantCowFilms pushed a few small fixes
@gandalf3 Okay, will update
@gandalf3 the queries don't seem to match anymore
what size were you aiming for
@gandalf3 I, made some minor tweeks
@GiantCowFilms They are both 640 here..
@gandalf3 Well I fixed in my push....
4 hours later…
Hey guys
I have a question please
I have a mesh and I make automatic weighting. But the problem is that some vertices are not assigned to have any weight, and I can't locate these vertices due to the complexity of my mesh. I'm asking if there is a way where I can locate and assign auto-weights to these vertices? If anyone could please advise.
@gandalf3 would you assist me please?
Not too sure
Can we talk on IRC?
8 hours later…
@gandalf3 Congratulations on 50,000 rep!
@David I already did that
Me too, I'm sure Gandalf still appreciates it :)
2 days ago, by GiantCowFilms
@gandalf3 Congrats on hitting 50k reputation!
@NoviceInDisguise There is a think about being the first to congratulate! I'm just teasing @David
Yes, I guessed so ;-)
@David @NoviceInDisguise and other who aren't developing blend-exchange, here is the new look. Uploaded blends are still visible on the normal site, so you can use it: dev.blend-exchange.giantcowfilms.com
Looking good! Nice work!
Just don't link to it in posts on main or meta, since it will probably go away
It responds to different window sizes very nicely
@NoviceInDisguise Yes, @gandalf3's excellent work
I really like how the menu moves up to the top when it get's real small, very professional
@NoviceInDisguise @gandalf3's idea again!
2 hours later…
@Wandang Hello
@Wandang Hello
@NoviceInDisguise Hello
What's up?
@NoviceInDisguise The sky etc...
@David Hello
@GiantCowFilms after I posted that I went and looked at his profile. So he had 50K on the 27th, so I was late.
@David I was on the day!
what did you remove? I only saw part of it
@David remove where?
your second to last message
@David Oh... it said ...I think but then I checked an it was correct
got it
@gandalf3 Are you going ahead with the dark theme?
the media queries are working well on bx. have you thought about animating the change?
@David That kind of animation is very difficult, and always recks browser support
was putting bread into the ofen
thanks for the active community
@Wandang You can edit your posts
questions get answered very fast compared to other se sites
@GiantCowFilms but who cares about the browser support. it is just eye candy if it is not supported, it does not matter.
@GiantCowFilms i know :D i was to lazy
@David Often time only part of it works, then you need to have code to make sure all of it works or none of it works....
i am a stackoverflow user for 2 years now ;)
Oh wow... haven't been kicked off yet, that is pretty amazing!
@Wandang Your profile says 3 years and 2 months
oh, yeah then 3
time flies
I like how this SE uses GIFs a lot to show usage of blender
@Wandang I wonder who started that...
I do love the gifs though, I use them in my answers all the time
@GiantCowFilms add ` transition: all .6s;` to your main #navLinks and #nav selectors. You will see what I'm getting at.
In Arqade where i am mainly active they use youtube which is kinda slow
@David The css transition feature is amazing!
@David will do this afternoon when I have time, though you could also get a github account and push the changes... ;D
@NoviceInDisguise I love it, makes boring ::hover great.
@Wandang You need to introduce them to licecap
@GiantCowFilms I got a github acc...
@David ...No, it makes it annoying
@David Then fork the repo
@GiantCowFilms not when I do it
I wonder how many of you have different backgrounds. Like some are classical model designers (i dont know the right terminus) and other are programmers mainly
@Wandang Nearly everyone here can program web stuff
Really? I hate when you hover and suddenly the color changes in an instant. Seems sort of 2000ish
there forked
@David ?
@David :D
@GiantCowFilms no i mean as a main job. whatever they studied and graduated for
spelling again grr
or do designer have web development as a standard part of their graduation? then ok :P
Firstly quite alot of us are in collage, or even highschool
@Wandang Some do, depends on the program
@Wandang Also most blender people on here found this after using SO for devlopment
Thats how I found out
you really should file your files better. You have a lot of them dumped in the root PHP dir.
I was forced to use blender and the google results were bad. Then i remembered SE and was wondering if they had a blender department :D
I saw it in the hot network questions bar on a SO question on day and thought... Oh! I might be able to get some rep there finally
which was a great find
@David Live with it for now, I usually have to css js and images in special folders
i did work over the weekend in blender (thats why i started asking questions on this se)
@Wandang I see
@Wandang PS a lot of us are / were home schooled
this work is part of an work place interview :(
@Wandang Yikes!
to check how fast i can work myself into completely new stuff
You'll need more then a weekend to look like you know what you're doing
@Wandang Blender is hardcore course in new material
@GiantCowFilms folders, that is what I would do... anyway small css stuff is all I wil do now.
@David Okay...
I may reorganize it at some point
well funny stuff. they provided a CAD of an object in stl file format. after i imported that into blender i saw nothing
but there are always alot of folders in root with a website....
should I create a pull when I'm done?
@David Yup!
only the origin of the scene where the object supposed to be. i then found out that the object was 5000 units away from the origin and the scene itself was bound to 1000 units. thats why i saw nothing :(
@Wandang Nothing even showed up in the Outliner?
@David BTW, you'll wanna fork newTheme branch
@Wandang press NumPad . that is the period key, then try zooming in or out.
but as a newbie i was confused and started rebuilding the object from scratch
the master still has the old css
@Wandang :/
that sounds nastey
@Wandang Ah yes, STL has some issues like that, I've had experience with that as well
the 3dcursor of the object was in the origin of the scene
blenders import/export is a pain
and i had the dimensions of the object, that was all info i had
@GiantCowFilms never used it much
@David lucky fellow!
@David You did fork the right branch?
and be sure to pull into the right branch
yes, very lucky. I had to do a product viz several times, the files came in in a bit of a mess :P
master branch?
so i rebuild the complex object with simple cubes ^^" which a day later i discovered was unnecessary since i could increase the scene to 10000
2 mins ago, by GiantCowFilms
@David BTW, you'll wanna fork newTheme branch
did I just wipe that smile off your face?
good to know.
so now I re fork
@David The master is always a copy of whats really running on the site
@David yup :(
and also make the pull request into newTheme
@GiantCowFilms whatever, I'm not a github expert yet.
@David No, thats my thing, not a git thing
I always run on master...
then I make a branch for a BIG change
that will take a while
@GiantCowFilms Hold on, you are just trying to trick me. When you frok a repo, all of it is copied - all the branches.
@David Oh!
I didn't know that....
Well then I helped your project already, and I did not write a single line of code.
@David Lol
I should add that to the contribute page....
that can be my first commit- adding my name to your project. lol
educate the manager, GiantCowFilms, since he doesn't know how to use git properly, can't secure his server and pushes changes without testing occasionally
@David Sure
I need to update the credits bit, @gandalf3 is now the desginer for real
if I start animating everything should I make a new branch?
@GiantCowFilms 700 rep and I'll be even with you :D
@David Sure
you could of just quoted yourself.
@NoviceInDisguise No!
I had a server meltdown....
not fair!
I demand a 100 rep bounty
(so it can be fair)
I had a trip I had to go on
i am going to, cya
That is very funny, and just as true :P
@iKlsR IE should have been outlawed long time ago!
Forget about the grease pencil! youtube.com/watch?v=emUlHFWcHck
That is cool!
The Blender Foundation was rejected from GSoC 2015
Any idea why?
At least, not yet
They just found out about 40 minutes ago
@GiantCowFilms I added a pretty render to my answer, so when will the UV start? :)
@David a) its not that pretty, just a ball, and the lighting is dark, b) that answer is rather old...
@gandalf3 Shoot
@GiantCowFilms what? today is old?
@David Oh, just by the number of answers I though it was old!
@gandalf3 wow did not see that coming. been every year.
@David Make your lights brighter
lol, I beat blendernation :D
also cycles, as a rule, looks better
@GiantCowFilms 3 is not a big number.
@GiantCowFilms I have only used cycles for more then a year now.
@GiantCowFilms BTW the blinky thing was only working for webkit, I'll push a fix in a bit
I've also noticed that if you press "upload" repeatedly (maybe about once a second) it starts to not work after a while..
@iKlsR Good image, I just hope project spartin helps fix that, not just spear even more devlopers
@gandalf3 Can I anit-star this?
@David wait, is that cycles....
@David give me the .blend, I have a few tweaks
Looks like cycles to me, unless you used raytraced AO or something in BI
@GiantCowFilms the opposite is called "flag for moderator attention"
@GiantCowFilms O, yah no blend. that is why :)
@iKlsR Go tell google to give blender their summer of code back ;)
@David @David doubt that needs a .blend, but sure, I just thought the lighting could be better
@gandalf3 Yah! get 'em! or we will have to steal their glorified Lego shopping mall covered in cling wrap headquarters.
@GiantCowFilms it was a joke. I would not post it on that answer. But will be happy to let you show me how to make it better. But be warned I like to do post processing in PS.
@David Sure
just use pasteall, since this is temporary
blend soon
Bug alert was going to try out this new blend hosting service I heard about, but:
"Warning: preg_match(): Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash in /var/www/blend-exchange/finish/index.php on line 5
Invalid url"
@GiantCowFilms I guess I will have to use pastall
@GiantCowFilms here you go pasteall.org/blend/34772. Do note that I have a coupe of lights hidden.
methinks I found a bug in FF
@gandalf3 really? what I always use ff
Me too
But it seems animations can't be applied to the ::-moz-placeholder selector in FF
In chromium it works
@GiantCowFilms Sure, I might just clean up the css a little first though (indentation etc.), since I'll probably start by copying the light theme.
@David odd bug.. looking now
A: Quickly add cubes

X-27There is a fast, easy ten key combination shortcut for this. Space+ADD+Space+CUBE+Enter This method may seem a bit tiring if you only want to add one cube, but the next cube can be added much easier. Also, if you can type Really fast it might be faster than some of the other solutions to this q...

@GiantCowFilms what about my blend?
added another answer to my best question
with an awesome @gandalf3 style gif
@David working on it, very grainy for some reason
@X-27 I love the opining line "There is a fast, easy ten key combination shortcut for this."
Isn't it great?
@X-27 :D What did you use for the keypress display?
That is the funnest answer I read in a while
The same program you and @David were talking about
key cast ow
@gandalf3 he made it look (kind of) like the screencast addon
font- Eurostile LT ExtendedTwo (my favorite)
@GiantCowFilms Congratulations- spammers/hackers repelled.
20 hours ago, by GiantCowFilms
So I just at to limit the proxies to my domain and boom! fixed, super simple!
@David ah, I think what you have works, my changes aren't fixing that much
@GiantCowFilms like my answer?
Okay, I have to go
@GiantCowFilms too bad, I would of liked to see what you would of done.
@David bug should be fixed
Ball render, I know its bad, but thats what I cooked up now :/
@GiantCowFilms can you post the blend, so I can take a look?
@David the OP could not tell different people where giving different answers blender.stackexchange.com/questions/26496/…
@cegaton Yep, as he had it at first I was confused too.
@cegaton I think your newest answer may be the best for that problem, it defiantly gets the cleanest uvs. (I up voted it)
@Wandang wow what?
my vietnamese housemate brought me sugarcane juice
ultra strange taste
with a big hint of regret for drinking so much sugar
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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