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01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@NoviceInDisguise you alive still?
Looks like Microsoft is planning to fix IE... about 6 years to late :P
@GiantCowFilms I don't really mind one way or another.. It's your rep ;)
@VinceScalia Yep, I'm here
@NoviceInDisguise Cool. I fixed that way the screen dies, but not the one where yopu can control multiples.
Can you create guns for me? I can never get the projectiles to work right?
I can maybe try . . .
I don't know how to make it so only the selected one shoots.
@VinceScalia, You had a game right...?
That is what we're working on. Just moves cubes around right now :D
@NoviceInDisguise collaborative...??
@GiantCowFilms Sort of, he wanted me to make some guns for the cubes, might not be in the final though ;-)
New question:
Q: Is it possible to make the default scene fill two monitors at startup?

NoviceInDisguiseI know how to set up the default scene by pressing Ctrl+U, but whenever I startup Blender it always fills only one of my screens, even if I set it to fill both before setting the default scene. I end up having to resize it every time I start it up. Is there a way to set this to happen by default?

@gandalf3 I think you should put this on your todo. blender.stackexchange.com/help/badges/112/illuminator
@GiantCowFilms @gandalf3 @someonewithpc How would I execute this code: blender -p 0 0 3840 1200 -W
I've never done it before :-P
I think it is the solution to my question, but I need to make sure it works.
@NoviceInDisguise You create a desktop shortcut, go into properties, and add the flags into the target
Not quite working I see
It puts the splash screen in an odd place....
@GiantCowFilms Let me know if you get something working!
... still not working... :/
I'd just split it into 2 windows, that works quite well.
I can stretch it across, but I can't get it to do that by default
Put one on each window :D
Seems to load both on the same monitor, one on top of the other . . .
Ah! I had the order wrong or the wrong one on the right monitor or something. Works now! Thanks!
@NoviceInDisguise You need to stick them on different monitors....
I had
Not sure what happened, I had other windows open, so maybe it got confused
2 hours later…
@NoviceInDisguise how r u
5 hours later…
@Shaiq Pretty good now I am awake ;-)
BTW, this question needs an answer. Poor guy has had his question up for over a month!
Q: Casting shadows on baked objects

TheAdamGaskinsI have a scene with objects and lighting, and all the objects have textures/shadows/etc... baked via cycles. For example, the ground plane texture: Now I can set all the objects with their baked textures as shadeless and they look fine. But I can't get the player object to cast shadows (usi...

2 hours later…
@NoviceInDisguise Do you know the answer?
@someonewithpc No . . . that's the problem. I was wondering if he even had shadows enabled properly?
(you all can ignore this message, it is me just ranting) I was looking through my old answers, and still don't know why this got down voted, kind of bothers me.
@gandalf3 Well actually his rep is already gone, and no matter what happens to the bounty now, he is not getting any of it back.
@David Exactly, always annoys me when people just throw away the bounty when they don't get exactly what they want . . . doesn't help anybody then.
@NoviceInDisguise reason it is unanswered, is because it is a hard question to answer. Essentially it is , shadeless but still receiving shadows.
@David Maybe the other guy that answered was mad cause yours was better than his.
oh. wait. no. You were the other guy.
@VinceScalia I am the other guy :)
@David I see . . .
@Shaiq Hi
@David How dare you down-vote yourself
@Shaiq Hi!
@Shaiq How you doing?
@VinceScalia I did not do it, I promise.
ing off
@David uh-huh... suuuure.
@Shaiq Me too
whats this did or didnot thing
ok to work
can anybody give me a robot tut
Me too . . . building an airplane in Blender, again.
@NoviceInDisguise, @VinceScalia
@Shaiq a joke about me down voting a answer I wrote (which is imposable.)
@Shaiq like beepbeep boo-bop?
yep @VinceScalia
Robots are rather complex . . .
this is how you be a robot
step one.
lock your joints
step two
Interrupt somebody :D
die from lack of charge.
@VinceScalia how old are you be true
@Shaiq it says in my portfooooolio.
And if your some NSA spook or something you don't have to believe it.
or an E-pred. there's plenty of those guys.
what is NSA??????????
ur game rocked
No Such Agency
National Spy Assoc.
"Hi I'm an innocent little guy who likes to know about blendah! teach me your life story so I can find you and beat the $#!? outa you later!" </joke>
The National Security Agency (NSA) is a United States intelligence agency responsible for global monitoring, collection, decoding, translation and analysis of information and data for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence purposes - a discipline known as Signals intelligence (SIGINT). NSA is also charged with protection of U.S. government communications and information systems against penetration and network warfare. The agency is authorized to accomplish its mission through clandestine means, among which are bugging electronic systems and allegedly engaging in sabotage through subversive...
@NoviceInDisguise lol
You guys are meant to somebody that does not know.
@David what? they know evrythiiing
I wonder whay would happen if someone hacked NSA
2 mins ago, by Shaiq
what is NSA??????????
@David oh.
@VinceScalia Already did most likely
@NoviceInDisguise my turn! sounds fun.
I've been hacked by isis, but never the us sofar.
@VinceScalia if you are going to do that , I'm out of here.
Go ahead! I'll watch from the SpyCam
@David just kidding. comebbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
@VinceScalia What is this game
actually my cm is down right now. I kinda nuled it.
:) I'm back
sorry ok i didnt know and i aint no NSA i am a simple guy k
@Shaiq It was a joke, a very bad joke ;-)
22 hours ago, by Vince Scalia
http://www.pasteall.org/blend/33959 (RTS/FPS with full slection)
@NoviceInDisguise thanks Novice
@Shaiq Sorry I got carried away. I didn't mean to be mean...
@GiantCowFilms Okay. stay for rules.
Rule 1
@GiantCowFilms dont ask. if you want to know just read the chat
its k
@Shaiq Hello, I don't think I have had an opportunity to greet you! Welcome to chat,,,
@GiantCowFilms thanks alot
@David No please give me the rules, I'll write 'em up for future players!
8 mins ago, by NoviceInDisguise
Interrupt somebody :D
@NoviceInDisguise Now blender opens with 2 windows sigh
When you start the game, there's just the camera, hanging out in the sky
hey can somebody give me that robo tut
@GiantCowFilms Ask a question how to keep it from doing that XD
you can push your mouse into either side/top bottom of screen to move.
click on the color grid to add a waypoint there
I found some cubes....
Right click on cubes to select which ones should move to the waypoint
plz come
mouse over a cube and [spacebar] to be that cube in FPS style camera.
Notice that only the middle one lets you "drive" in FPS mode
Worked, how do I go back
@NoviceInDisguise wait, what?
Move, W,A,S,D
I keep losing my mouse
I fixed the drivey thing.
@GiantCowFilms In FPS mode you do lose the mouse pointer
uploading new version. ^.90 duuu
What on earth am I trying to do.
What are you trying to do?
BTW, the Blender Cookie people like my winter scene :D
@NoviceInDisguise play the game
Then play it :-P
@GiantCowFilms it's not multi, I don't know how to rig that.
There is not much to the gameplay experience as of yet
If you think you can that'd be awesome!
@VinceScalia Yes, but I have no idea why I won't to move cubes
Sure would!
@VinceScalia I might be able too....
I'll have to look that up, but I do warn you that that could require a lot of code, and some rebuilding, in order to support sync
@GiantCowFilms fine by me. as long as you help me do it all. it suck at python.
I do too . . .
I do three
sorry if it takes a while to upload. I have to use chrome and you guys know how shot that is for me.
pasteall.org/blend/33976 new. drive failures resnapped.
Yes... I'm surprised I haven't killed my machine, with all the vm's servers and adobe software I've stuck on it.
@GiantCowFilms as in, I can't even do any python at all.
well. that's not true.
The cubes are in a ring... now what?
@GiantCowFilms yay! nothing else. there's no point to the game right now.
I drove my cube of the edge of the world, poor thing
@GiantCowFilms haha novice did that too.
@GiantCowFilms yeah. it's like a really-really far down beta
I fell off :-P
I used one of the cubes the shove the other 2 off :D
RMB to select them too
@GiantCowFilms traitor.
what should we add now?
@VinceScalia maniacal laughter
guns? enemies?
Some sort of objective?
@NoviceInDisguise yeah probably.
@VinceScalia If you want @X-27 to play, someting will need to go ka-boom
@GiantCowFilms mhmmm.
After that we can add ways to accomplish it, ways to make it harder etc. (Guns, Enemies, Traps, Obstacles, etc)
I don't know how to make GE explosions, do you?
Oh! iknow! an HUD!
@VinceScalia You use cards.... and particles... there is a really good tutorial on that
I can use easy emit to make stuff on fire but that's about it.
^^That is a good tutorial on such things
Something is useing my port snif sinf
Uh. can't see it. IE remember?
@VinceScalia Stop it with IE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IE is evil
I will not help you
IE is evil
The final version of the planet game won't even work with IE
IE is evil
@GiantCowFilms wow.
this got violent really fast.. :D
@VinceScalia It has deeply traumatized me....
@VinceScalia I love the ':D'
@GiantCowFilms calm down, we'll get you some soothing chamomile tea. take deeeeeeeeeeeep breaths.
... this got violent really fast Smiles
@VinceScalia Suuurwwweerrp...*sigh* (loop 20 times)
exporting to .3ds changes the scale
@GiantCowFilms actually it was more like a nervous shudder.
@NoviceInDisguise it's done that since the beginning of time.
Exactly, that question makes me laugh.
you just shrink/grow it till it's better.
Also I have to post random things every now and then
Exporting doesn't work in blender. period. Don't believe the lies of the developers!
Vans RV4 light aircraft (G-PIPS)
@NoviceInDisguise ?
44 secs ago, by NoviceInDisguise
Also I have to post random things every now and then
@NoviceInDisguise shoe brand? I've no idea what you just said
@NoviceInDisguise You fly that?
@GiantCowFilms yoooo can make an explosion foooor me? right?????
I'm going to (try) to model it
@GiantCowFilms No, I wish . . .
@VinceScalia No, you can watch the video. Its on youtube, so if you click the link
@NoviceInDisguise with or without blueprints...
@NoviceInDisguise shame to put that in grass. needs some tarmac
with blueprints it looks pretty simple... few small pieces... :D... I hate small pieces, like the under side of a train.
@GiantCowFilms It's for an animation, so I can't go too crazy with poly counts :-(
@NoviceInDisguise Okay...
you're doing a lot of cool stuff... works on train
@VinceScalia IE:
@GiantCowFilms Good idea! Not using blueprints, I want it to be similar, not congruent with my reference, if you get what I mean.
@NoviceInDisguise Are you going for a stylized look?
Sort of Pixar, but different
@NoviceInDisguise Okay...
that makes it even easier :D
Which is good, because I need 7 or 8 of them
All different types
Not like modeling 200 parts for a car, before knowing about box mapping, and thinking... I've gotta UV unwrap this....
Oh man . . .
BTW, good idea on planes for animation, with the right rig, you could animate 'em pretty fast
Not like human charicters
Exactly why I'm starting with them. I hate rigging . . .
@NoviceInDisguise I wouldn't mind rigging then for you.
I need to learn sometime :-P Maybe you could do one and I could learn how you did it and do the same for the others.
@NoviceInDisguise Sure... I could even maybe do screen captures
Cool! 5+ minutes in on the modelling . . .
@NoviceInDisguise :D
@David I also mess up short cuts... see original:
hey i am back sorry for the break down
@Shaiq hi
@GiantCowFilms Me too
Novice plz tell me the robot making thing
Well, there really isn't any science to it. You just make something . . . I'm not sure how to explain :-P
Maybe try making a working rig and parenting robot pieces to it?
ok i cant rig idont know how
Oh . . . do you want your robot to move?
@GiantCowFilms Howw???
That makes it hard . . . maybe learn basic rigging first? You can then work up to the point where you can do a robot. They are some of the most complex things out there.
@VinceScalia By not breaking everything
okey dokey
also it could by your firewall
@VinceScalia hi
@GiantCowFilms maybe.... And I didn't break everything with IE. only some things.
@Shaiq Well hI!
@NoviceInDisguise whar is a rig
@Shaiq start with modeling a worm.
@VinceScalia ?
@Shaiq Oh. here. I already wrote an article, let me find.
whats that for
I made worm with a cylinder, a curve modifier, and a displace map in around 10 minutes . . .
A: How are bones & armatures connected to the rest of a model?

Vince ScaliaOOOkay.This is Armature in a Nutshell Armatures and bones are for posing stuff, just like you would wiggle your arms and nod your head. All of your bones move whenever you move. Same thing for blender bones, they help stuff move and get into different poses, like statues. (okay I'm gonna stop ...

@Shaiq It's super easy to model a worm. It's the first thing I ever did.
well i made many things like towels, sun(bad one ) but why worm
No point whatsoever
I guess I wasn't very good back then....
lol looks like an organ
@NoviceInDisguise yeah... don't comment.
Ok, ok . . .
That was my worm.
Shhh. let me maintain this masquerade that I've been pretty good at blender my entire life.
I was born good at blender.
and now there's no evidence otherwise. Muhahahaa!~
@NoviceInDisguise @VinceScalia Do you know what the map range node in @gandalf3's answer is I can't find it, I think it is a group????
@GiantCowFilms wwhat???
his 1000?
I think it must be a group
Never used it before :-P
2 mins ago, by Vince Scalia
That was my worm.
Delete that to finish your cover up
This is a good quote:
2 mins ago, by Vince Scalia
Shhh. let me maintain this masquerade that I've been pretty good at blender my entire life.
@NoviceInDisguise Gah!!! it's too late!
quick! bury it under useless chatter!!!!
Ok, here goes
what is this for, anyways?
BTW, why did you say
3 mins ago, by Vince Scalia
Shhh. let me maintain this masquerade that I've been pretty good at blender my entire life.
hey i just made the face and upper chest
can u tell me how to model it
@Shaiq Of a worm !?
no not model matearial
@Shaiq worm's don't have chests.
sorry for the spellin
not worm robo
Material . . . hmm
@NoviceInDisguise I said that for no reason whatsoever. why do you ask???
whats that
ok listen give me five mins and then without material i'll give you a detailed model ok
then plz tell me waht should i do with it
OK . . . might not be here
does it have cycles
I don't know
@Shaiq so are you trying for a 60's robot? or are you gonna be trying to do a modern mech?
what about a 90s one
@Shaiq You realize that you will need anywheres from 5 to 25 different materials, right?
yes i do
Good. Maybe you can mod some to make variations. What have you tried so far for materials?
How comfortable are you using the Node Editor?
well i am really good at materials
else then fresenel and layer weight
i dont understand it
You shouldn't need them that much, fresnel is more for plastics and ceramics
ok tanks u guys really a good
No problem!
what is this manical laugh by @GiantCowFilms
@Shaiq If you click on the time, you can see the context
yeah i am pretty much done
...I can't figure the black hole....
can i post an image here
@Shaiq sure
Click Upload
Beside the chat box
nope i dont have the repo
Ah! Rep limit on that too?
Did it say how much?
no it doesnt and it doesnt show
i guessed the repo thing
01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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