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I'm not sure about this one:
Something says reopen, but It sin't exactly clear.
@GiantCowFilms I'm not sure about it either . . .
BTW, is it just me, or do we not have many Python gurus on Blender.SE?
Was a solution ever found for:
Q: Casting shadows on baked objects

TheAdamGaskinsI have a scene with objects and lighting, and all the objects have textures/shadows/etc... baked via cycles. For example, the ground plane texture: Now I can set all the objects with their baked textures as shadeless and they look fine. But I can't get the player object to cast shadows (usi...

@NoviceInDisguise Yes, when in doubt open, since its really nasty to have your questions closed.
So I voted to reopen
I did too.
9 hours later…
why are the toes and and kneecap moving when they are not painted?
@gandalf3 come here
work your magic
I have been summoned.
@Vader Try enabling Show zero weights in the options tab.
I suspect you may need to go over them with the subtract brush
When I enable zero weights I notice a change
but the subtract brush is not working
is there a to flood the entire weight paint?
Looks like I needed to have multipoint enabled
nvm, still broken
question time
3 hours later…
I got your .blend and found the problem
please refer to your question's new answer (by me) and feel free to vote it up+accept.
Hello @X-27 want to play your smile map?
tell me when to join
i thought it was kinda a cool idea, maybe not so much fun to play in, but still neat
smile is a fun map
un like some of the other maps, you constantly need to be moving troops around to win
why did you leave?
@X-27 I was dead
i was going to win again...
@X-27 You'd already won
I knocked over my king
that is a fun map
which one is your favorite?
@X-27 PlantMapN
of all of the ones currently made
play agian
@X-27 PlanetMapN
or Sweet and Simple
dont be shy, be tactless, my feelings are made of titanium, as in can not break them
you dont like my maps???
@X-27 I do
Usally, I look at you're maps and say, what could be better, then make it
(wipes a tear away while blowing nose) ok, ok i understand
@X-27 Nuclear Apoclypise is good
It just is the same playing against you every time
and Many moons is the most epic looking map
yah, i win. it is fun
but it would only work with three players
@X-27 Yes, but there should be a third victim some time
oh yah, when i was uploading the .blends to github, for some reason it also wanted to push another copy of many moons.
@X-27 you should probably watch the repo
@X-27 Is it differnt
they are both the same
It can't have a space in the name
@X-27 Okay, I'll clean it up
which do you like better, smile, snowman, or new horizons?
@X-27 Smile
I just think you could start with less troops, like 35
all of them are essentially, Race to capture un-occupied planets, then annihilate GiantCo- I mean the opponent
and all nuke iis see who can get the most on thier small planet
no, doesn't have to be small planet, you can concentrate your forces anywhere,
@X-27 Ture, but in that map, the small planet is the best spot
if you put them on your big planet, you might be able to send them easier due to the larger clicking surface.
now, while you may think that attacking first at the big planet kills 100 of your troops
it does.
what you dont know is something that helps me win
When you capture a large planet before the oponent
and even if you are battling it out heavily
By the way, I added more colors the the standard, I wan't a 5-player map
wihout a big middle planet
and killing hundreds of troops
the planet that you are occupying is generating troops for you.
You want orange and purple planets also?
doesnt that add up to six players?
No, just 5
I'm doing the 6 player
adding the accepted colors to the script
and the materials pannel
I've added them to the script, lemme update the Maker.blend and the script
although i already put them in the accepted colors part and added the materials with the same hexadecimal number.
did i miss anything?
Let me check
so you want this 5 player map similar to many moons, only for 5 players?
@X-27 Maybe, but wihtout the big planets
Big tip. the way to kill someone is to send a big army to there main planet. that stops there troop generation from that planet, and it generates them for you
so you want them all pretty evenly sized?
dont put that on the main page
i would lose
@X-27 YEs
You read the issue, right
Be sure to assign it to your self and close it when you're done
what issue?
yah, i read that already
i think your going to like the general layout of this map
asign yourself to it
sure, right after i find the button
Its on the left, under the lables
I think you might have to, no button for me
what is the biggest planet i can use?
20, 40?
Here @X-27 I've given you access to the repo, but please make all youre changes in a branch
found it.
Thanks for push acsess
(if thats what it is called)
Rember to make changes in branch I'm doing too now
@X-27 I made you a branch to use
can i at least put a small planet in the middle?
i like middle planets....
No, they are to disracting, everyone goes right at them
even if it is the minimum radius?
@X-27 Fine if it is min
ok :-)
can each player have one planet at size 40?
the other normal ones will be size 20
@X-27 Okay
just don't make it a massive shoot out, there should be some building required
OK, i'll put some un-occupied here and there
@X-27 About half un occupied
do you want this map compatible for two - five players?
or just 5
the only thing I'd be changing is the placement of the colors
so green is opposite blue, etc
@X-27 Just 5
remver, 5 even slices of pie
um... no actually
5 even slices
not of pie
should i adjust the size?
to fit the shape?
it doesn't need to be a rectangle, it could be a square, similar to many moons
Yes, make square.
My new map rocks.. 6 player hexagon
yes, it rocks
maybe you should look at the .blend in solid or textured After you accept my fix to it
you have it so pink owns green's starting group
That is the point
Did you change the hex map?
I see... you fixed the json to right?
Are you ready for pull?
if you decide to keep it the way it is, i'll be pink and you can be green
No, fixing.
I already idd
uploaded the new .json and new.blend
by the way, if you copy the json into json lint (find by google) it will make it right
Yes, I mean pulling
github is wining about this pull
just use my version of the file, mine has the correct colors
how do you like my 5 player map?
By the way, it really has nothing to do with star wars, it just seemed like a cool name, because it is star shaped.
Darrgg I'm trying to pull this but I can't seem to figure the console out
@JhonB were is the $20?
Thats what we charge to get him past the bouncer, wich is about to through him out
OOO i'll use it in the next game
@JohnB Thanks
You're safe
Hey- @GiantCowFilms you can have a premium currency to buy a higher troop generation percentage. And you can use bit coins,monopoly money, or bacon as a payment method!!!!!
Noooo - WE CAN USE UNICOINS!!!!!!!
That is it!
we can use Unicoins!!!
and you can mine them to get more!!!
it is brilliant!!!
A: Armature moving points for no apparent reason

X-27You can fix this problem easily. go into the vertex groups menu, select the vertex group There could be two solutions to this problem. Solution #1 For the bone that is causing your problem, go into edit mode for your character's object, select only the vertices you don't want to be effected by t...

my latest answer Is cortect-
no up votes and not accepted
I take bitty
@X-27 I was acctaully think about that for the final game with bitcoin or paypal
there, edited it to make a little more sense
See if anyof you are more competitve than tight fisted
no unicoins or bacon?
Do you know how to do the pull, I've givin up
Digital Bacon
@CharlesL We've got git problems!!! HELP!
digital bacon
I think there should be two pending pull requests...
There isn't panics
i cant find a button either...
um... maybe we can just wait?
No, working on the conosle
Maybe your python elves might know the solution
probably not...
did the new files appear in my branch?
if so, then you should be able to merge them
I think I may have worked
i just though of something
tomorrow is Christmas eve
I need to make cupcakes!
one question though, should they be vanilla or chocolate?
@X-27 You need to update your script
I already made a chocolate cake though, but the more chocolate the better.
I added the new colors
@X-27 in your answer how come some vert with zero move even though they have zero weight paint and then other (one on the foot) needs weight so it moves?
Yes, but your script cause issues with the map
ok, put the working one on paste all then
@ComradeVader I downloaded your .Blend and the problem you are having is because there is no weight on that vertex
Can I have some help please?
nothing is influencing it's movement
but the tip of the toe also has no weight, and it works fine
Blender 2.72b manipulators aren't working. Anyway to solve the problem
the problem is, None of your bones have Any weight on that vertex
@7Blue_Beast7 yes, you clicked the button "lock object centers"
@X-27 Rerember to update your script
@GiantCowFilms will it work if i copy your script from hecadondal?
@X-27 Alwasy use the maker.blend easiest, but master is out of date
updated script
will star wars work, or should i make a new .json with the new script?
Thx all
@X-27 Okay i turned it off but still isnt working?
you could ask a question...
That map takes WAY to long to play
and the small planets arent even worth it
too hard to click on,and to many of them
well there are also too many by the looks of it
way to many
@GiantCowFilms i'll finally get back to that chocolate
be back later
@X-27 in this case I have the lower left arm selected. Do the fingers also need to be weight painted in this case or will they move anyway since the finger armature moves with the lower arm armature
no, when you move the arm, all the bones parented to it , including the hand and fingers move with it. The hand should be blue. You only need the section that the bone is controlling in red
@ComradeVader Exactly what @X-27 said.
@NoviceInDisguise I think typing out X-27 would be easier than pressing Shift+2 Tab clicking, then pressing space and continuing the message
@X-27 a
@X-27 b
@X-27 c
@X-27 not really XD
@X-27 thank you
@ComradeVader Hi
@7Blue_Beast7 hello
@7Blue_Beast7 @ComradeVader Hello!
@NoviceInDisguise hello to you
What's up?
Not much. Did all I wanted to do today
@GiantCowFilms its GITMAN TO THE RESCUE!
If you didn't already figure it out :P
@CharlesL Thanks, I have to go again, but I'll be back in a bit.
(And no, it is not fixied)
@X-27 NOt with 6 it wont
@X-27 Together they are
@CharlesL I added you as a collaborator to the repo.
@CharlesL I'm trying to perform a merge, but there is a conflic, wich is requiring manual fixing through the console. I don't know how to resolve to conflicts, I tried everything I could find online.
@CharlesL Seemed to have worked after some wand waving and a big puff of console smoke....
@X-27 The Star Wars map is never going to remain synced, the planets are to close together. (hexagonal was borderline)
The more distance between planets, the less sync errors
Q: Are material requests on-topic?

gandalf3Are requests on how to simulate certain materials (e.g. asphalt, ice, water, etc.) on topic here? We've had questions like this before which seemed to have been received well, e.g. How To Create a Matte Car Paint Material? How to make a bronze material in Cycles? Making a multi-colored candy ...

1 hour later…
@X-27 Added simpler Hectagonal [Hectagonal2.json] Map, with less planets.

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