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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@X-27 I'm almost finished writing up you're map, with a few more planets (but still symmetrical)
@X-27 Look up a page or so and scan the chat stream . . .
@NoviceInDisguise @X-27 @gandalf3 @WalleCyril @someonewithpc @David @AnyoneElseWhoWishesToBeAdressed, I've made a new map for my game based on a design by @x-27, that supports 4 players, wan't to try it out?
@GiantCowFilms You or anybody else there . . ?
@NoviceInDisguise Good question!
We can play 2 player on the 4 player map :D
@NoviceInDisguise... good to test it out.
I'll play!!!
@X-27 Join at will
It's your desgin
Already wating
i cant wait to see it!
Oh no... it crashed
um... map one , shouldn't it be map three?
@X-27 fixed!
I'm here now for one game if that is OK
@NoviceInDisguise Yup
Good to join?
@X-27 starting over
looks like it needs 4 players to work, doesn't like less than that.
but that is awesome!
@X-27 Yes.. better than not playing though
@X-27 play...
does the middle one multiply, or just sit there stagnant until someone takes it??
@X-27 Sits
Well that was short . . . I got all the little ones :D
um... why do you seem invincible?
Who is purple?
Mr. Nobody?
And how do you shoot out of the middle of nowhere?
@NoviceInDisguise That is a bad sync error
Ahh . . . Looks like you are winning to me . . .
@X-27 still got anything, In my copy I have all the planets
@NoviceInDisguise Yes...
He has some . . .
yep, i still have two
Fire from them so I can kill
I joined
your not playing very nice
Let start over
@WalleCyril Re-Join
I think there were some major syncing issues. It looked to me like X-27 still had 15+ planets . . .
@X-27 @NoviceInDisguise @WalleCyril Game Ready
Why do they all pick on me???
Green has a BIG advantage, as pink, you don't start with two big planets.
I am dead, again . . .
@X-27 I was fighting for my life
your life, completely annihilating me when there are two other big threats still around is "fighting for your life? I think I'll be green next time......
gg green
@WalleCyril Anything left?
I win!!!
@NoviceInDisguise @X-27 @WalleCyril
My friend wants to try can I give him the link
@WalleCyril Sure
@ NoviceInDisguise bye
Well have to fight over who sits out, but spectator mode should work now, so at least we can watch
Wait, who's leaving
@X-27 @NoviceInDisguise @WalleCyril Playing?
um... i thought NID was...
I am working on finishing my BG christmas entry, so I G2G do that, I will still check in every now and then.
@X-27 Join if you are
@NoviceInDisguise Okay, bye
@WalleCyril's friend should make up the fourth player
wait a bit because at the same time we are playing sc
@WalleCyril Playing
Who is sending from my planets???
why are the sending not all in
@X-27 Some one took them
@WalleCyril Only send half
@WalleCyril Keep planets strong,
because sometime I have to spam the send to send everything
@WalleCyril Yes...
that attack failed!!!
Game Over, I won!
I'm good at four
yah, four player is much difrent
GG @X-27 @WalleCyril (and @WalleCyril's friend)
once you kill one player and hold his planets
@X-27 Usally 2 players take each other out
you are invincible
Then I kill
@X-27 @WalleCyril... join
@WalleCyril You're friend still playing?
Who left?
i didnt
but i'm back in
friend coming
Wait, confgiureing application
@WalleCyril @X-27 Game is ready
g2g bye
be back tomorow
Back, I finished what I was doing. Mind checking it out and telling me what you think? blenderartists.org/forum/…
@NoviceInDisguise WOW 5*
You're really good, ever thought of post a .blend for dissection? :D
@NoviceInDisguise @X-27 @WalleCyril... I'm back wanna play?
Not really, but I could after the competition.
@NoviceInDisguise Okay :D
Oh we are so dumb . . . winterbash2014.stackexchange.com/leaderboard/… measures how many hats we have on Blender.SE, not total!
@NoviceInDisguise Figured that days ago... When you get 20 there, you get an aztec.
Exactly . . . I feel like such a retard . . .
@NoviceInDisguise Critique: your poster in the window makes one sense: "buy 1 get free". Fix it?
The one applies to both, a common technique in advertising . . .
@NoviceInDisguise Okay... Andrew may not buy (pun intended) it, I would change it.... but its your image
14 hours later…
Look now you can see how many hats everyone else has without visiting the profile:
A: Show hat count in user card (next to badges)

Awesome PoodlesThis looked like an interesting challenge, so I wrote a userscript that will show you other people's hat-count. Partial screenshot: To use it: First, install Greasemonkey (or Scriptish) if you are using Firefox. or Install Tampermonkey if you are using Google Chrome. then Click here t...

Sure, I'll play
@X-27 Game?
Game on
i perfer planet map one
don't really care which side, easy win :-)
@X-27 join at will
No fair!!!
Do you wan't to be green
no surprise, life isnt fair....
@X-27 You be geen
I'm sure its fair
green is way eaiser
Rematch, you been green agian
I swear that map is fair
not really
Can win when blue
Trying to take the big planet is a suicide mission.
@X-27 They are complete fair to start
@X-27 Yes.
when you own the big one
you can defend it
and use it to take the other medium ones
Leave the big planet
i'll try it on blue again
You cant win with blue...
Hmm lets play your map
with only two players?
2 player, and ignore the other colors
@X-27 really, just get over with it
Way to rub in your victory
i was trying to concor evrething
@X-27 Don't make me wait
@X-27 join..?
the way to win when playing with large armys, is to concentrate your forces together and then strike from a small planet
Dont use that agenst me!
@X-27 I shot first d'oh
i like four player map when there is only two players
it is Funnnn
play again?
What did you do to it?
i was winning...
I messed up with my mouse.... so I wan'ted another shot
How do you do It?
@someonewithpc wanna play
think about it
@X-27 You'd won... I was dieing
when attacking the center
I wen't first
there are 100 troops sitting there
which means, you killed 100 of your guys getting to it
I though I had enough of a lead
which also means, my army was 100 troops bigger than yours
@someonewithpc play... please new map
Ok, maybe I'll try making a map. could be fun, but no promises.
Mine bugged out
it whent balistic
@X-27 join
what is the size of the map in X+Y for the four player fun one
@X-27 if you look in the github repo, you can see the map
i'll make one, could be fun
@X-27 rerember to follow the standard
however, if the computer blows up, i probably wont post it...
Pro-tip: you can use blender to build the map:
Great idea, i was going to draw it and then make it accordingly
You use snapping, then copy the cords... copy the cords takes forever.... took me over an hour for the 4 player map.
It probably would have taken less time to make a script to make it in the right format for you.
@X-27 Yes... I hate python though
If you could write one... that would ROCK
make hat into hate
@X-27 Done
and i'll star you... :-)
@X-27 @iKlsR will not be happy, he loves python :P
Follow the standard... carefully (it WILL break otherwise): github.com/GiantCowFilms/InterPlanetGame-Maps/blob/master/…
@GiantCowFilms How dare you?
@someonewithpc I really do... no braces...
@someonewithpc wanna play on the new map?
@GiantCowFilms I was confused at first as well, but it's really versatile, so it's worth it..
@GiantCowFilms In a moment
@X-27 could you write the script... @someonewithpc... I could make hundreds of epic maps
@GiantCowFilms Who, me or @X-27 ?
@someonewithpc Either one
@X-27 wanna do it?
I just need the script... it doesn't have to be great...
I should learn python some day.... but JS is so fun and sloppy
@GiantCowFilms It kinda *sucks*. Really.
(pun intended)
@someonewithpc pun?
I missed it
Think about it.. It may or may not imply the personification of JS...
@someonewithpc Still lost
Is pun the write word
@GiantCowFilms Well... Let's just leave it at that...
@GiantCowFilms The right word? Pretty sure...
1 hour later…
I am forgot how to blender
how do I convert this selection to the outer edges only?
Ctrl + Tab to go to change the select mode
I mean I want only the long edges in edge mode
Alt + "Select" to select an edge loop
I know how to switch between the different modes
2 mins ago, by someonewithpc
Alt + "Select" to select an edge loop
how do I get from left to right automatically
I thought there was a command
@Vader Oh..
@Vader after selecting, change to edge selection. Then Select > Select Boundary Loop
thank you
That was the keyword I was looking for "boundry"
sure glad I could help.
(although it nearly deserves a question)
are you suggesting we post it?
am I picking up what you are laying down?
@Vader If you think it worth while, then yes ask a question
Alright let's do it
I'll ask, you'll answer?
I'll write my answer now :)
Q: How to convert edge selection to outer edges only?

VaderI have a selection of edges. I would like to convert my selection to the outer edges only. How do I do this automatically.

there you go
btw, I did not have to select that in face mode
complete faces just have to be selected, i.e "surrounded" by selected edges
@Vader I know but that seams the easiest and fastest way to select those faces.
@Vader PS nice question, I did not even have to retag it!
Nice answer
nice and short
not fluff
when short will do, I find no need to ramble on.
since when are the <kbd> for mouse buttons?
hold on, looking for a meta question
@Vader There's no better way to do it..
well I know, but it's news to me
@Vader a lot of us here have been doing it for a while (I might of started it but now cant remember) meta.blender.stackexchange.com/a/409/2217
@GiantCowFilms here it is map maker
@Vader you must not read many question/ answers...
Howdy guys!
Well this is good
@NoviceInDisguise got my aztec
@GiantCowFilms I will use the password as my username in the next rematch
what the map maker?
@David Cool! Hoping to get mine today;-)
you probably will, mine came as soon as I had 20 on one site
(like GiantCowFilms siad)
Yep. I will get my Solstice one pretty quick, anyways. That should be the last one I need.
Yahoo! Solstice and Aztec hats!
now we simply must wait for Giant Cow to come online
@X-27 Did you write the addon?
For one thing, it isn't exactly an add-on it is just a blend file. and for another, I didn't exactly write it...
@X-27 How does it work then?
And who wrote it?
how it works shouldn't be too hard to figure out
@X-27 You would think that...
But since I don't have the password...
it is
don't tell anyone, the last thing we need is a lot of people spamming giant cow films with lame maps
@X-27 Ok
Who did it then?
That is a bigger secrete than the password to access it.
but if you really want to know.....
because, to put it mildly, I know English a lot better than python, I had heavy assistance writing it.
@X-27 Well.. It works, so it's good enough
which do you think is better, a small starting value on everything, so there is heavy war from the start, or a higher starting number so the strikes are much more strategic
@X-27 I don't know... I guess the former
BTW, was anybody playing just now?
but he has it set to the awesome 4 player map
so if his server is running, I'm sure he wouldn't mind
That's why . . .
well, you won.....
Not much credit in that :-P
Probably the only way I will.
i think he has it set so you need four players
ok, i joined twice, hopefully it will work
Uh-oh . . . I busted something . . .
we will have to wait for GCF to come online
@X-27 You do realize you can Tab-complete names, right?
It's quicker than half typing it...
@X-27 That was also my reaction :D
What did you guys do today?
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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