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@Qwertieϟ @qwertie check this out!
I noticed that Zeffii managed to have my name on the post twice & couldn't figure out how to do it...
Then Seth showed me how to do it
Seth from the Sandbox
But why would you want to do that?
@ThomBlairIII @ThomBlairIII
I don't know but Zeffii did it and I couldn't figure out at first how he did it, so I tried it
Seth finally showed me
I found my old unity answers account from when I was 10. I feel like down voting everything there. Most of my questions/answers are one line.
Easy on yourself...time makes us all wiser, mostly
the thing is, if you were asking in ernest, then hey, you didn't know...kids aren't born innately known what null is...
One interesting thing is that in one of the code snippets I posted I found the answer to a problem I have been having for ages.
I'm still privately petitioning Redfoo to come over here and save the unicorns
Nice! That's cool!
@ThomBlairIII Thanks, me. That sounds so strange to read
I think iklsr was saying he had the same experience recently...
a month or so ago he said so
I personally only have a certain amount of ram and I don't keep everything loaded in it...
@ThomBlairIII I can see why Stack Exchange has a 13+ rule
I usually discard things after about 10 minutes
Ah, I didn't know that...
That still doesn't help when super confused 41 year olds like me come in and are still too new to figure it out immediately
but I'm kinda getting the hang of it
ooh, The new version of ubuntu just came out. Time to update my PC
NEVER be the first guinea pig...
what if it's got catastrophic bugs in it????
Its too late. ;)
that's your OS you're talking about!!!!
They release it into beta first
It has already been tested.
friends shouldn't let friends upgrade the first day an OS comes out.... I'm sorry I failed you XC
@Qwertieϟ O!M!G!
If it fails I will downgrade it
I can't tell you how many times I've watched coworkers have to figure out how to cope with buggy OS upgrades
I always was the last in the office to upgrade...
Well ok I stoped it
I always waited until the first patch comes out
@ThomBlairIII But shiny new features
yeah, but wait to see if the shiny features work before you upgrade...wait at least a few days & watch the forums
what if it makes your machine unusuable??
The beta has been out for months now
ok, well, if you think it's safe
I always hated having to downgrade
is that a serious issue?
it looks like it...
@ThomBlairIII It has been fixed now, but I will wait for a while just to be sure
yeah, I think that sounds like a good idea
Do you know the story of the Pilgrims coming to america?
most of them died the first year because they didn't know what was waiting for them
the same happens to many people who are the first to go somewhere TOTALLY new
I expect the same thing will happen when people colonize mars
BUT, in the meantime, you can still avoid upgrading to new versions that havne't been widely enough bug tested
@ThomBlairIII Why don't the try the moon first?
idk...most people seem to want to go to mars first
The colonization of Mars by humans, which was originally an idea limited to science fiction, is now the subject of serious feasibility studies. Relative similarity to Earth Earth is similar to its "sister planet" Venus in bulk composition, size and surface gravity, but Mars's similarities to Earth are more compelling when considering colonization. These include: *The Martian day (or sol) is very close in duration to Earth's. A solar day on Mars is 24 hours 39 minutes 35.244 seconds. (See Timekeeping on Mars.) *Mars has a surface area that is 28.4% of Earth's, only slightly less than th...
As part of the ongoing effort to improve the usability and security of Google Chrome, the latest version has removed loading web pages
for this reason, I am planning to wait to be one of the last people to get cybernetic implants
hackers are bad enough when it's just your desktop, but when it's your brain, O!M!G!
I use internet explorer 1 a few weeks ago
how'd it go?
Barely managed to load google
Because its like 20 years old
And does not support JS or CSS
OH, now I get it
If you go to blender.stackexchange.com you get stack overflow
you mean with IE 1?
@ThomBlairIII yes
yep, sounds like sage advice not to go back that far
It doesn't work with multiple websites on the same ip
were you trying to test your websites with different browsers?
@ThomBlairIII I was just messing around with WINE
it lets you run windows apps on linux
oh, yeah, I tried wine once, but I didn't like it
it was too hard to figure out...
I like apps that just work without lots of struggle
I didn't need it so I didn't go far with it
@ThomBlairIII Try Play on mac
One click install and setup of windows apps
it makes wine easy to use
well, that's neat...I just never use windows software
I use it for licecap unity and skyrim
oh, I see, since you're on linux
I found the ugliest pc case ever
omg! that's that insulation stuff?
I suspect that's a joke
most likely
do you think so?
@ThomBlairIII Probably
most people try to keep their pc cooler
yep, definitely the least aesthetically pleasing case I've seen in quite a while
but do you think it's really a working pc in there?
I mean, I know the screen looks like it's hooked up to a computer, but maybe not that one
I wonder if they really made one that'd work like that
This is my case
I suppose if you had enough disposable parts, you could just mess around with them like that
Is that cybertron?
or whatever the brand is?
how do you like it?
It looks awesome
there is a button to turn the LEDs on/off
I was scared away from the cybertron ones once I read all the terrifyingly bad reviews of them
they were being sold with stolen copies of windows etc
There are so many fans in my case
and the coolermaster ones look so much like the cybertron ones that I was scared away from them
that's cool!
do you have a internal temperature gauge?
what temperature does yours run at?
@ThomBlairIII No, I just use the terminal to check the temp
my macbook pro runs at ~135F with a throttler
@ThomBlairIII I think the CPU is usually at 40C
mine's at 58C
It gets a lot hotter while rendering things
I think it once got to 80C
yeah, I used to have to put mine in the refrigerator to render before I found a good throttler
@ThomBlairIII 0_0
yeah, because my motherboard is known to be faulty and will die if it gets to ~180F
When I get a good GPU I might add watercooling
I was thinking how awesome cpus might be if they were run out in space, where it's about -430F
~ −273°C or so
actually, it's closer to −459°F
@ThomBlairIII But they don't have as good a way to get rid the the heat they generate (and that's assuming they stay out of the way of the sun..)
You'll still have to water cool them or something..
yeah, my cousin was explaining that to me, or trying to...I'm not a big math/physics person
my cousin, on the other hand, is an astrophysicist professor
I still prefer to use a calculator for adding numbers with more than 3 digits
I was wondering if having nuclear powerplants up in space would be a foolproof way of preventing a meltdown
hm.. I tend to use the cli :P
@ThomBlairIII I don't think it would..
but he pointed out that ACTUALLY there is very little difference in the cooling ability of earth's atmosphere and outerspace
@gandalf3 you are correct, according to him
If you don't trust us, then there is a SE for that :)
but I was like, hey, if at absolute zero, even atoms cannot move, then wouldn't a nuclear reaction have to stop?
@gandalf3 I may be ignorant of physics, but I am NOT ignorant of the fact that physicists know WAY more about physics than I do!!
but I guess absolute zero didn't slow down the sun much
@ThomBlairIII That's the perfect reason to ask them stuff ;)
@gandalf3 I have a hard enough time trying to understand Blender's version of a universe simulator...I'd be TOTALLY confused if I tried to talk to a real physicist about the universe....except for my cousin...he's got blood loyalty that entices him to tolerate my abject ignorance
he used to work at Goddard
he gets to use the Hubble
yeah, #jealous
I asked him if he'd ever used the hubble to look for bunches of gold floating around out there in space from past supernovas
@ThomBlairIII Blender isn't really the best at it.. :/
he never replied...I think even blood loyalty can't overcome how busy he is and how hard it is to explain stuff like that to a total physics newbie like me
@gandalf3 no, but it's WAY better than my brain
did you see that diamonds are the most common form of precipitation in our solar system?
yeah, field trip to jupiter & saturn!
bring a net!
and a wingsuit!
That would devalue diamonds in a hurry.. If it wasn't 50 light years away, that is.
@gandalf3 no kidding, I think De Beers is VERY glad they're way far away
still, manmade diamonds are becoming much more prevalent
I bet De Beers IS worried about that!
People would be trying to decompress the diamonds to get coal or something
They're getting much better making Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) diamonds
@gandalf3 Idk, they're already figuring out how to make fuel from seawater!
soon coal & fossil fuels may be a thing of the past
or maybe the new breakthrough in fusion will come to fruition soon: scientificamerican.com/article/…
Q: material test scene for cycles?

kholdstayrI am wondering if the scene that is used to commonly show materials in the official Blender wiki is available for download somewhere? I am talking about the setup used here http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/File:Manual_cycles_nodes_bsdf_diffuserender.png

BBC just reviewed my cousin's new movie: bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01yf0lr
@ThomBlairIII @gandalf3 there?
he was just a few minutes ago
I'm here
What browser are you using?
how's life?
I'm using chrome
whatcha doin?
hrrm. ok
one min
drag this to your bookmarks bar
just highlight the text and drag it there
next, go to any answer, type a few words, select a word and press the new bookmark that you just created
tell me what happens
I get a "leave page" confirmation dialog
It shouldn't refresh the page..
It should wrap the selected text with <kbd> tags
@ThomBlairIII did you drag the url?
it'll be awesome when you get it to work though!
It is working..
@ThomBlairIII not the one in the url bar, drag the long strip of code
on the page
oh, ok, let me try
It works :D
Just gonna leave it here as a temp hack
Q: Button to insert <kbd></kbd> for users with moderator rights?

CoDEmanXI come across a lot of posts which lack proper hotkey formatting: any key And I change it to: AnyKey It would save me 11 keystrokes per <kbd></kbd> if there was a button in the post editor toolbar. Is there a way to add it? Or is it solely managed by SE? UX has a unique wireframe-editor butto...

@iKlsR sorry, but I don't understand
can you record a screencast of it?
@ThomBlairIII go to the url I posted, there should be some code on the page
select all of it and drag it to your bookmarks bar
next, go to any answer on the main site, select a word and click the saved bookmarklet
ok, let me try
I'm sorry
did I mess it up?
I lulzed a bit
what do you mean?
let me record a screenie
Have to click twice since its loading the script from another location, will fix shortly.
oh, ok...let me try
I clicked multiple times and it didn't do anything...let me record it so you can see if I'm doing something wrong
@ThomBlairIII you're doing it correctly. I'm not sure what the problem is.
me either....
wait, I'll get my tech support agents working on it...
My javascript is really rusty. I'll try to patch it up when I'm free in a few.
THERE...now maybe we'll get some answers soon!
I'd help but last time I tried javascript:
wow, want to feel confused? click on one of those screencasts so it fills the whole webpage and then try to figure out how to close the page!
I was attempting to use CSS and stylish to add it to the buttons in the editing thing, but I don't think it's possible..
That's odd.. I thought I edited that answer days ago??
Nope, not possible..
Q: Using :before and :after CSS selector to insert Html

Vik Possible Duplicate: Can you use the :after pseudo element to add html? I'm wondering if the following is possible. I know it doesnt work, but maybe I'm not writing it in the correct syntax. li.first div.se_bizImg:before{ content: "<h1>6 Businesses Found <span class="headingDetail">...

A: Button to insert <kbd></kbd> for users with moderator rights?

iKlsRSuch a feature is not available in the formatting toolbar, you have to do it manually. I've often wanted the same feature as it is encouraged that posts be formatted correctly, especially input. My javascript is really, really rusty but I managed to throw something together that should save a bi...

@iKlsR I was about to upvote.. Why did you delete it?
I'll try greasemonkey
*restarting browser*
Is this off-topic? It seems so, and I'm about to mark it as such, but I'd like some more proper opinion (I know that a review queue exists for a reason but still) blender.stackexchange.com/questions/9108/…
@Keavon It is, it's asking nothing about Blender (the software), the only site to ask about resources/clarification that is allowed is the official wiki or the developer site.
3 hours later…
Q: Create Shortcuts for Particle Edit Brushes?

Leon CheungI didn't find a way to set this, even via the right-click menu. Anyone could advice some? Thanks. :)

@gandalf3 compacted it. Try it again
Q: Button to insert <kbd></kbd> for users with moderator rights?

CoDEmanXI come across a lot of posts which lack proper hotkey formatting: any key And I change it to: AnyKey It would save me 11 keystrokes per <kbd></kbd> if there was a button in the post editor toolbar. Is there a way to add it? Or is it solely managed by SE? UX has a unique wireframe-editor butto...

1 hour later…
:0 Jeff Atwood replied to my tweet.
Q: Why is blenders hair system making spikes?

Qwertie ϟI am using a hair/particle system but all of the hairs look like spikes not hair: How can I set it so they all have a consistent thickness and how can I adjust the thickness?

Q: A property that is different during rendering and during preview

PLyczkowskiI want some properties, like the Factor value in a Mix Shader node, be controlled by whether Blender is currently rendering or not - so that some things would look different in the Preview and in Render. Is it possible to do that? Maybe via scripted expression driver?

For some reason blender only uses one core in the editor :/
@Qwertieϟ Which editor?
By editor I mean not the renderer
You mean the viewport render?
Or just solid shading?
or . . .
Blender froze and use 100% of one core
solid shading
usually it recovers but this time I had 1 million particles
@gandalf3 Nope :'(
There is nothing in /tmp?
cannot read, no file
wait got it
There are two different things
auto save, and "quit save"..
@Qwertieϟ You did? \o/
Saved! ;)
DX Its happening again, I going to have to turn the paritcle display way down
If you can consistently reproduce it, you could report it
I happens often but it usually recovers
Never really seen anything like that.
It happens every time I click on the object with all of the particles
What GPU do you have?
Ubuntu says "Intel® Haswell Desktop "
I don't have a real GPU yet
I think I read somewhere that blender was using some slow openGL function for selecting objects in 3D (and was going to be fixed at some point).
It's perfectly usable with my nvidia card, but on a friends intel there is a huge delay
Seems to be a thing with intel GPUs..
As a workaround, you could select thing from the outliner (though it's a bit annoying).
Still needs some work
Pretty detailed all right
It looks way better after I moved the sub serf mod to the top
0_0 blender is using 10gb of ram
Q: Check if blender was compiled with openmp

user877329Is it possible to check if Blender was compiled with OpenMP? How? The installed package is 2.70+git201404250132.3b75d6c-0irie1~trusty1

2 hours later…
Q: Where I can download the Std Library for Blender? [new]

Leon95sorry for duplicating the qustion, but i can't acces my old account and can't edit my old question. Microsoft Visual c++ 2010 express needs the Std Library. Some Parts of the Library are avaible but the Library isn't complete. It allways return manny errors because of this and It cant Build Blen...

@iKlsR Super Awesome!!
3 hours later…
CoDEmanX made a sleek userscript based on mine. You should install it.
A: Button to insert <kbd></kbd> for users with moderator rights?

CoDEmanXThanks iKlsR, I created a Greasemonkey script based on your code, which inserts a new button automatically: // ==UserScript== // @name Add <kbd> Button to StackExchange Toolbar // @namespace http://blender.org // @include *.stackexchange.com/* // @version 1 // @grant none ...

Q: How install PySide/PyQt in Blender?

DanimeI want to create blender add-on using QT framework, but couldn't find any information about how install it in Blender. I would be grateful for any information!

OMG! Just did a Google search on Thom Blair 1400 Blue Jay Lane Richmond VA 23229 and there was MY DAD on YouTube!!! He never told me he made a video for that!
1 hour later…
Q: How can I make a "Movie Clip" node start at a certain frame of the scene?

Javier J. Salmeron GarciaWhen I use "Movie Clip" node in Blender 2.7, it always starts at Scene Frame 1. How can I change it in order to make it start at Frame 6, for instance? The movie clip I am using is a Movie FX for another video, and I want to use it with the Mix node. Thanks

Q: Dynamic sculpting doesnt work

sharkspiritim quite a beginner and i was going along a tutorial to learn how to use dynamic sculpting when all of the sudden it stopped working (i tested with the snake hook tool thingy and it isnt incrementing more mesh), the last thing i remenber doing that was diferent was using the simplify tool to remo...

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