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this is concerning
I have a seagate HDD
that is disturbing...
I have 2 seagate 3TBs
I use one as a duplicate backup so that if one dies, I'll have a backup
@ThomBlairIII I store most things on my SSD though
when I worked in a graphics design office, we always had to keep 2 backups in case one failed
oh, solid state drive
@ThomBlairIII Thay are way better
that's good
It makes my pc boot in about 5 seconds
@ThomBlairIII Could also be because i use linux
@ThomBlairIII The boot screen never fully loads that is how fast it is
well, speaking of which, did you see these articles in the news?
Advances in Data Processing Speed

Data Processing Speeds of 245 THz
"Nanoelectronic quantum plasmonic tunneling circuits reach speeds of 245 THz."

Data Transmission Speeds of 2.56 Tb/s
"By using twisted beams of light, researchers have achieved data transmission speeds of up to 2.56 terabits per second."
looks cool
no kidding! 245 THz!!!!
AND, that's using currently available technology!
I have never seen the little animation on ubuntu that shows you that your pc is booting
@ThomBlairIII Is that 245, 000 GHz :0
can you imagine?
I've got a 2.1GHz dual core
@ThomBlairIII Not realy :P
@ThomBlairIII I have a 4.0GHz octa core
I calculated that with data transmission speeds of 2.56Tb/s, it would take you about 30years to download everything on earth!
@ThomBlairIII You mean on the internet?
hold on, I'll show you the math...
@Qwertieϟ all data on earth
ok, here it is:
"By using twisted beams of light, researchers have achieved data transmission speeds of up to 2.56 terabits per second."

2.56 Terabits per second = 327.68 Gigabytes per second

"University of Southern California researchers calculated that the world has access to enough data-storage capacity to hold 295 exabytes (295 followed by 20 zeros) of information."
The yottabyte is a multiple of the unit byte for digital information. The prefix yotta indicates multiplication by the eighth power of 1000 or 1024 in the International System of Units (SI), and therefore one yottabyte is one septillion (one long scale quadrillion) bytes. The unit symbol for the yottabyte is YB. : 1 YB = = = = = A related unit, the yobibyte (YiB), using a binary prefix, means . Examples *As part of the Comprehensive National Cyber-security Initiative, the National Security Agency (NSA) is building a $2 billion Utah Data Center facility to process (not store) yotta...
I want a yottabote SSD
@ThomBlairIII What would you even store on that
1 bazillion gigapixel photos
you could back up the earth several times
The world's technological capacity to store information grew from 2.6 (optimally compressed) exabytes in 1986 to 15.8 in 1993, over 54.5 in 2000, and to 295 (optimally compressed) exabytes in 2007.
Do you play games?
I used to but recently, I finished playing most of the good PS3 ones I had
but I've been playing video games since they first came out when I was like 8 years old or so
what are your favorites?
@ThomBlairIII My first console was a gameboy advanced sp
@ThomBlairIII pokemon and dota 2
Its a huge multiplayr game
huh, I've never heard of it
have you ever played Elder Scrolls? Is Dota like that?
@ThomBlairIII I have played skyrim
I loved Oblivion & Skyrim
and 5 mins of dagger fall
But I really liked the rich colors of Oblivion better than the bleakness of skyrim
I made the mistake of getting skyrim on xbox instead of PC
Why's that a mistake?
I got mine on ps3
@ThomBlairIII Because PC master race ;)
and no mods
I never heard of master race
@ThomBlairIII Havednt you heard of PC master race
It just means that PCs are far superior to consoles
in terms of speed of performance?
@ThomBlairIII 404
huh, hold on...
"Air Force Unveils Fastest Defense Supercomputer, Made of 1,760 PlayStation 3s"
Fastest "Defense" Supercomputer Not fastest super computer
hmm...you drive a hard bargain....
I'll still take it over my 32bit macbook pro
@ThomBlairIII I have a 64 bit macbook air.
that's cool...
What year is yours
when I get enough money I'd like to upgrade
it can only take 2GB of ram!
I have a mid 2012 one for school
nice...how big is the screen? 15"?
@ThomBlairIII yes
but only 64gb storage
that's cool.
yeah, I know the feeling
I prefer linux over mac
have you heard of #FirstWorldProblems?
@ThomBlairIII Yes
I know, every time I start to feel bad about my processor speed, I think of some FWP meme quote
You should watch this
I am, but it's hard to keep watching when I'm laughing so hard!
"the remote's all the way over there....but I'm all the way over here"
@ThomBlairIII All of his videos are good
that's great!
yeah, I'll cross that bridge if I can
yeah, I'm 41 now and that seems pretty accurate...
I read that in 20 years, Oxford says that up to 50% of all jobs could be computerized
what that will do to unemployment & the world economy, etc is really amazing
@ThomBlairIII Isent it more than that now?
@ThomBlairIII Or do you mean robots?
i dont' know
looks like there will be a LOT of people with a lot of free time...
@ThomBlairIII Ahh thats jobs being replased by computers
but that could include computers running robots maybe
I would like to see a robot try and code though
I don't know, but I bet they're working on it
I also saw a thing where they got a bacteria to solve sudokos
Have you heard of the oculus rift?
it's not the same thing, but I'd bet they'll be making a lot of progress towards that
@Qwertieϟ yep
I talked to a guy with one
@ThomBlairIII I used one once, its the most amazing thing
that's cool!
Mar 17 at 21:21, by stacker
I tried to connect a kinect and oculus rift, but had no convincing results
Stacker said he got one
@Qwertieϟ what was it like? did you play a game with it?
I am going to get one when the full one comes out
@ThomBlairIII I got to try the rollercoaster demo
I think he said he didn't have too many uses for it yet, but I'm not sure
Its like nothing you have ever tryed
that's cool
Even though I was using the low rez dev kit it is so real
that's neat
maybe you can make some cool stuff with it
have you heard of hepatics?
@ThomBlairIII no
whoops, wait a second
@Qwertieϟ that's good cause it's the wrong word..
wait a second, I can't remember the right word...
Haptic technology, or haptics, is a tactile feedback technology which takes advantage of the sense of touch by applying forces, vibrations, or motions to the user. This mechanical stimulation can be used to assist in the creation of virtual objects in a computer simulation, to control such virtual objects, and to enhance the remote control of machines and devices (telerobotics). It has been described as "doing for the sense of touch what computer graphics does for vision". Haptic devices may incorporate tactile sensors that measure forces exerted by the user on the interface. Haptic te...
@ThomBlairIII that would be very cool
have you ever tried clever bot?
you can talk to a robot. it learns from people
I'll try it
Last week I played air hockey against a robot
@ThomBlairIII some science place. I almost got one point
cleverbot seems to have a way to go before it replaces the president of a country...
try saying a line from a song
CleverBot, gimme my chicks for free & money for nothin'!!!
oh, I gotta go...time to go grocery store!
Q: Is there a way to rotate the origin without rotating the geometry?

cegatonIs there a way to rotate only the origin, without rotating the geometry? All I can think of is rotating the whole object in object mode, then going in edit mode and rotating the geometry back. Is there another (faster) way to do this?

Q: Please help me. Description of problem in link

TheMannonCannonhttp://imgur.com/a/rDoVR I am completely lost as to how to cut out a hole in my main body mesh without messing it up.

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