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I still am
0																												'
0 '
me still as well
Ok I'll give a clue then?
go for it
timer starts when you post n all
if you do'nt have one I have one to start
Rule: ^[aeiou]*([^aeiou])([aeiou]|\1)*([^aeiou])(\1|\3|[aeiou])*$
Exactly two types of consonants
^ and $ are implicit btw
I add them anyway
cool cool
prevents confusion
what are \1?
First capture group
The are references to the capture groups
ah right
First thing in parens
\1 means the same thing as the first capture group, which is the first consonant in the word.
Oh I think I did it wrong
0																												'
0 '
caracara (8)
Heh, llama (5)
best I've got is aurelia (7)
oh, auroras (7) as well dang
sequoia (7)
0																												'
0 '
can that be pluralized?
yes it should be able to be
good one, i think it can
assesses (8)
oh nice
0																												'
0 '
is inaneness (9) a word?
also nauseous (8)
yeah this one is definitely over though 0' wins
aight 0' you're up
@xnor you can add ness
0																												'
0 '
nauseousness was something we missed
ah true
nice catch
queuing was close as well, but that's 3 consonants
(not long enoug though)
banana at 6 wasn't good but I'll state it regardless
0																												'
0 '
Rule: .*[aeiou][aeiou][aeiou]+.*
queueing (8)
damnit garf
nauseousness (12)
atrociousness (13)
superstitiousness (17)
supercaligfralisticexpialadocious (33??)
supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (3- dammit
not in merriam webster, obviously doesn't count
0																												'
0 '
It's in my computer's dictionary though
supercalifralisticexpialadociousness (37)
If we count proper nouns, AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA is a game on steam :^)
0																												'
0 '
@xnor does that match the regex?
somehow i counted three vowels in ...cleic
i'm bad at this
heh, it's a tricky one
i think we're done and Riker has it?
yeah I think so
I got nothin'
supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is a word in my dictionary
if anybody is curious the name of the protein "tintin" (like 19k letters) does NOT match the regex
also I'd leave it up to 0' imo
I'm not seeing anything for the -ness version on google
oh yeah yuor'e right
Oh yeah that's not in my dictionary either
but the nessless version is
ok invalidated :P I think I definitely win then
If we count it, Xor got it, otherwise Riker
whoops missed xnor
go for it, i don't have one ready
up to 0' and/or xnor whether they want to count xnor's word
Rule: .*(.)\1.*(.)\2.+
what does *? do?
? means it doesn't need to be there
Optional, I thought
but in this context it's just "as little as required"
* already does that?
doesn't matter really I"ll remove it, I tested with regexr
bookkeeper (10)
I thought .*? actually means "0-inf characters but as few as possible".
yea ^
It's that
I added it to test online
I was typing that just not as fast as you el'endia
repossesses (11)
+s, Post
dispossesses (12)
im not sure we should allow reluctant quantifers
Mississippians (14)
@quartata yeah no that was a mistake ignore it
the .+ was for a reason :)
longer I came up with was 21 last night
expressionlessness (18)
supersymmetrically (18)
semiprofessionally (18)
quasiprofessionally (19)
...does that one count?
pseudoprofessionally (20) :P
i'm actually more inclined to accept the 20 over the 19
Haha there you go.
semipseudoprofessionally !!
pseudoprofessional seems to be a word at least
All the prefixes, supersemipseudo
times been up
unless we are counting the semis and pseudos
i'd say garf wins
since pseudoprofessional seems to be a word and even if it wasn't the 18 was the first
I'll cede to xnor, I've already gone a bunch today and they got two 18s
counterreconnaisance is 21 btw
so @xnor you're up btw
ok, just a sec
Rule: [^aeiou]?[^aeiou]?([aeiou][^aeiou][^aeiou])*[aeiou]?[^aeiou]?
John Madden
is that just a repeating pattern of vowel-cons-cons? with some padding
So, vowels separated by pairs of consonants?
For my own sake
basketball (10) ?
Mississippi (11) coming in clutch
I believe that works
oh hey
basketballer (12)
Just looking at the code I'm working with now and uncompress (10) almost works. mpr kills it. Oh, and it ends with two consonants.
butterfingers (13)
But it can't end with two consonants...? Oh wait, actually, it can end with up to three.
oh that's true I already have a 13 tho
correspondences (15)
Hang on, I think I was a bit confused. So, the regex boils down to C{2}(VCC)*V?C? so you can only have one or three consonants at the end.
No you can have two
if both the last V and the last C are not there
you can skip the final consonant
Ooooh that's true.
C{2}(VCC)*V?C would be 1 or 3
i hadn't intended for 3-consonant endings, but the regex allows it, so it's good
I build my throne of lies
C{2}(VCC)*(VC)? would be 1 or 2
i think we're done?
Man, I need to do more crosswords
we've actually got 2 minutes left but i'm fine with that
correspondence(s) is an impressive find
might as well leave it open I'm trying to think of a word
source of the word, I'm writing a speech for a parli debate
Heh, Nintendo (8)
Rule: a*b*c*...x*y*z*
(alphabetical order)
aegilops (8)
-1 that's latin
Aegis (5)
I like that one more :)
That one's more acceptable latin
ghosty (6)
though i stand by aegilops
That's weird. I don't think my brain does any indexing of words according to letter placement along the alphabet.
google says that there are only 6 letter alphabetical words
other than aegilops
nvm there's a 7
bellow (6)
xnor: you should be able to modify that slightly to get a longer version
i'm trying ...illow and ...llors
I think we are out of time
billowy works xnor
beefily ?
that's a cnadiate as wel
/usr/dict/share/words gives
i cant believe there isnt a longer one
i don't have a regex, someone else can go
You choke your vowels out very quickly is why
I got one
wreck (5)
wreckage (8)
don't you try to one-up me lazily garf
preimage (8)
preimaged (9) lulz
+d, xnor?
is preimage a verb?
i was just typing how i didn't think that was a word
i know it as a noun
yea not a verb
"the preimage of a f(x) ... "
Man I suck at this game. :P
spadelike (9)
Shoot, join the club, El
doesn't quite match
my bad
prefillable (11)
is that a word?
I've heard refillable
what the heck is a prefill?
prebillable ?
prefillable syringes
oh, cool
I believe they are manufacted filled instead of being filled by doctors/nurses/med students/etc.
"more sanitary"
@PostLeftGarfHunter I've most often heard it in the context of pharmacies that will prefill your prescriptions before you go there so you don't have to wait for 15 minutes and wait for them to fill your order.
We do need a bot for the time, its annoying to keep checking
In any case, I've noted something a little intriguing: it's very easy to construct words that follow the rules of similar words but aren't (yet) found in dictionaries.
out of time now
proclaimable (12?)
preamble, traceable were the best I came up with.
Despite winning nothing, may I have the regex?
go for it
oh nice I was looking at proclaimers xnor
Starts and ends with a vowel.
oh gosh
not y
you fool I was just looking at voweled words after my other one
at least that makes this a little better
internationalize (16)
@Riker y isn't included!
oh that's stupid
Maybe ([aeiou]).+\1 would've been a better challenge. Starts and ends with the same vowel.
is undistinguishable a word?
I'd say yes.
oh in works just as well
internationalizable (19?)
indistinguishable (17)
uninternationalizable (21??)
that is not a word I think
literally one place on the internet
of course
For what it's worth, there's another game where you try to find a short Google search that only returns one (or two) results.
ABBA (4) (Also, doing work stuff, will only tangentially be here)
Funny, the word I had in mind for suggesting the regex was Arabia (6).
I can't beat 19
ok I'm out: a quick grep of /usr/dict/share/words says there are only 4 chemical formulas with 20+
i got one if people are ready
go ahead
Clue: [^cdhlnrst]*
oh jeez
Basically excluded the 8 most common consonants?
above (5)
Oh I was working on [cdhinrst]*
Haha yeah, very few words are comprised entirely of consonants.
Has t.
it has like all of them
amoeba (6)
I'm now stuck somewhere inbetween the two
I'm sounding so many words out in my head :/
xnor: out of curiousity, how long is your word? like more than 10 or so?
i didn't think much, i had 6
vuvuzela (8) Has l.
just found 7
I can find so many 6s :/
lol does kebab work
apogee works if someobdy can add a letter to that
oh wait
boogiewoogie (12)
Namibia (7) (does that work?)
no that has N
[flips table]
oh that's an l not an i
my god.
lmao rip garf
ok well I just came up with a 6 finally
bagpipe is 7
I think that is time. Are we continuing with just 3?
I'm thinking of shifting my focus back to my project.
this was fun
for the last one, i had baggage and mugwump
Oh those are good.
the dictionary also gives (fittingly) "maximize"
Oh wow I feel pretty good about coming up with bagpipe now.
So, I have a bit of free time, what are all the things a bot should do
Turns, time limit, regex validation, dictionary validation or maybe not because I'm lazy
Possibly return longest word at the end of a round (maybe set by flag when you start it)
Probably will end up being too lazy to make this
Heh, fair enough.
i promise ill finish this bot in a couple of days
@quartata I can do better, I'll finish in 6-8 weeks
I can work on dictionary validation perhaps once there's some code to work with
perhaps we put it on GH, and include a custom wordlist that takes out words we don't want to include and possibly adds in any others we find
2 hours later…
the trouble is no dictionary will contain all these compound nouns we like to use
is that good or bad
7 hours later…
@quartata yes
3 hours later…
Y'all comfortable working with Apache Maven?
I don't think I even know what Apache Maven is, though I'm aware of what Apache and Maven are independently.
it's a Java thing and the answer is no
I assume the bot is being built in Python?
mine at least is. i think everyone seems to be building one though
well have a competition
Combine them all and end up with a worse one!
@quartata Not me!
I'll probably clone it and fool around with it after it's built, though, just like the others :P
Anyway, this seems like a good way to get back into practice with regex
Darn I feel like such a java outsider
I can use the python stackexchange api too so I guess we'll do that lol
@Quintec no chat API isn't SE API
@Quintec i'm using java a lot recently for varying reasons but i must say
Java is crap
java is an abomination and does NOT belong on god's good earth
Yes. Use C#
@ASCII-only that's what i meant
sincerely, killer-of-abominations-via-penguin
Well, now I guess I HAVE to write the bot in java :P
@Quintec why :|
Java until I die/run out of work because I only use Java
Tbh good thing it isn't Flash. Anything but Flash is fine. As long as there are no 5 MB/s memory leaks I'm happy
@Quintec :| no
Currently for recreational programming my thinking goes, "time > 15 minutes ? Java : Python"
So this seems like more of a python job I guess
Recreational, eh?
> recreational
> chooses between 2 of the top 3 most popular languages
mine is JS, does that complete the triad?
Ok, there's recreational programming, and then there's recreational recreational programming
PPCG is the latter
@ETHproductions yes
Well, not sure the current status
But those three should be somewhere near the top still
@Quintec ok. What do you count as recreational
Making something pointless (ex. games)
what about making games in weirder languages
Clearly JS is the right language for pointless stuff
@Quintec My whole job is a lie!
Because that way everyone can access the pointless stuff
Case in point, my glitch.com projects
@El'endiaStarman Okay, let me clarify: making something that I don't get paid for :P
That's basically the whole meaning of "recreational", yes.
Well, ascii asked
@Cowsquack like befunge, or FALSE
@Quintec crap, I normally use JS/Python
I guess I have no right to say anything
The more I look at it, strupremum sounds like some danish pastry
Generic Bot v0 finished with no timer no dictionary validation aka no end game lol
5 hours later…
i'm down but only for a bit

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