my intent was to allow hyphens, because if you dont want them its easy to exclude them from the regex. but im not sure if they should count to the length or not
combined SCOWL lists; it does contain plural forms, but 'assessee' only shows up in the .95 list, so presumably 'assessees' was even rarer and didn't merit a placement
I got ASSESSES so quickly because a (very very) long time ago, I was doing a puzzle magazine which included a word pyramid. It was topped by an unknown three-letter word, and then words of length 4 through 8 were below with each instance of those three letters removed. There was also a rule that each of the 4-8 length words had to contain at least one instance of each letter
and I remembered making one on my own for SEA, which ended with a blank row for ASSESSES
My SCOWL searcher will be of no use here in finding longer ones; I think it disallows hyphens completely, which is why it never found TETE-A-TETE in the previous round as well
Honorificabilitudinitatibus (honōrificābilitūdinitātibus Latin pronunciation: [ɔ.noː.rɪf.ɪk.āb.ɪl.ɪt.uːd.ɪn.ɪt.aː.tɪ.bʊs]) is the dative and ablative plural of the medieval Latin word honōrificābilitūdinitās, which can be translated as "the state of being able to achieve honours". It is mentioned by the character Costard in Act V, Scene I of William Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost.
As it appears only once in Shakespeare's works, it is a hapax legomenon in the Shakespeare canon. It is also the longest word in the English language featuring only alternating consonants and vowels.
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