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It's quiet in here
Bit disappointed I didn't get Necromancer here :( But I wonder if there's a secret hat for repcapping.
@Mithrandir well, you're now one vote away :P
and there is such a SH, I think?
:P And I've just hit the repcap, so I guess I'll find out.
I voted for you. <3
Thanks y'all :P
@Jenayah yeah
So I only got 4 rep from those two upvotes.
@Mithrandir Do you have any idea why you got the propeller hat?
@Mithrandir Congrats you got it!
I searched some of my +4 answers, and found only one that was posted long enough after the question to qualify for Necromancer - stackoverflow.com/questions/10848970/…
@Mithrandir I can verify there's no secret hat for repcapping (or for repcapping two days in a row)
@Eran :(
@Mithrandir If it makes you feel better, they once had a hat for hitting the rep-cap 3 times, but I doubt they'll do it this year.
Did anybody discover any definite triggers for the trickier secret hats?
I'm still trying to get Clean-up duty
I cant figure anything out about prop or waffles. Waffles seems to be related to comments, or edits.
I think the Prop is for linking to your own post.
I got it after linking a post here and getting 5 confirmed clicks.
@Mithrandir I got Prop without linking to any posts
@Mithrandir did you edit an answer (or multiple answers) before getting it?
Don't think so.
Yes! I got Necro! Thanks!
NP :)
oh wait
I probably need to link to the actual answer dont I..
Yeah, it has to be the share link - /a/<answer ID>/<your user ID>
A: How to stop GMSMapView renderer?

DylanThe problem with stopRendering is that it places the burden of managing the map state on the developer. Instead of using stopRendering, you should limit the frame rate of the object. GMSMapView has a property called preferredFrameRate. You should be using that. It says in the documentation that...

I dont have anything fancy.
like u guys
@Dylan In that for Necromancer? The question doesn't look old enough.
No for prop
So you have to link it not as a onebox.
im new to this
whats a onebox
sorry :(
@Dylan sorry, I'm out of votes for today (trying to get that 150 votes hat)
When it turned into the box above, with the preview - that's a onebox.
You have to post it with other text for that not to happen.
clicked; 1/5
I thought you just had to post the link for the propeller hat.
I dont need the necro hat.
Yeah, but it won't track it as you having posted the link if it's not in that format.
But are you saying 5 people have to click it? I know its not old enough for necro.
Im just confused because you said "clicked; 1/5"
I just got waffles. It was shortly after I changed my hat to another hat, and after visiting the secret hat thread.
Yeah, I think it has to be at least 5
@TabAlleman that doesn't seem related. Did you recently edit any of your answers after somebody commented on it?
I just looked, he didnt. But he did edit someone elses answer. But he has been leaving alot of comments.
I honestly think waffles is something like: "Leave 5 comments on 5 different posts within x hours"
or leave x comments on x posts.
The last comment I posted was on a question that I had already voted to close.
..and that comment contained a link to another question.
Got "Propel Thyself", didn't even do anything.
have you shared any links lately?
Not that I recall.
well, there goes that theory. haha
I've posted 12 comments today.
Well, I guess I've had some links shared.
It's possible people have still used them.
No the link I posted was to somebody else's question
Has anyone ruled out commenting on a question after you vote to close it? On a subsequent visit?
its weird that you got it in bricks
your last activity was 3 hours ago there.
Although I can't say much. I just got ducky on meta, and my last activity was about 3 hours ago there too.
@Eran heres proof that editing your answer after someone makes a comment on it doesnt give you waffles: stackoverflow.com/a/53751038/10007682.
@Dylan These hat triggers are tough. That's the only thing that made sense to me when I got it, but I had a lot of activity today, so it could be something else.
Hats hats hats!
@Dylan I think you mean 13 hours ago
@b_jonas yeah, this room is all about hats hats hats... ;-)
Again there are some hats that nobody can get yet, like one for around New Year's Day.
@Dylan Oh, that sounds nice! I always share a lot of links, so if the trigger is like that, then I might have a chance.
Don't vote because I want a hat, but if you think it's a good/bad answer feel free to vote on it :D (I only need +2 to get Necromancer)
Do you guys think one can get Silencium for a question that gets closed before a week passes?
@b_jonas New Year's Day and the special chat rooms :D
@Eran I'm sure that it needs to be open
@Eran would be very pointless then...
They probably don't want people posting junk that gets closed just for a hat.
I guess posting a question and then closing it as duplicate won't help ;) well, I can always post it with a tag that nobody follows
I'm glad there are only 2 question hats (that we know of), since I'm very bad at asking questions
Oh! "Top bar hat" seems like one I'll probably get.
get an answer on your question or (downvotes < upvotes * 5) on your answer I suppose
Signing off for the day. Enjoy the hunt guys!
@WELZ that is actually a very impressive answer
@NH. Thank you!
@ArtOfCode the colors script started acting up again :S (@SamuelLiew how about yours?)
@WELZ acting up how
Same problem... not letting me click "Start Knitting"
errors, other scripts?
@ArtOfCode No other scripts, error below:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token (
at customJQuery (userscript.html?id=da88b0fd-2d45-46e1-a1fb-b0caa88aaf6c:25)
at (index):40
that sounds suspiciously identical to an error I fixed yesterday...
dun dun dun...
bah, that is the error I fixed yesterday... dunno what happened to the fix, but it's disappeared
Maybe SE changed something?
@WELZ fixed, update and try again
@WELZ no, disappeared as in "I wrote code to fix this, but it got removed from the script somehow"
@ArtOfCode Yep
probably inadvertently down to a version conflict
@ArtOfCode WUT
honestly, it would be much easier if Chrome's eval could just... work with anonymous functions, like FF
If a message is starred in chat which isn't attached to any specific site, do you get a hat?
Also if a room owner pins it, would that be considered a star?
Well, easy solution is to make "the star room" and attach to any site you want and everyone can post and get glasses!
pins do contain stars
that's how ROs can star their own messages
As a room owner (I think) you can pin + star a message though.
"the star room" has happened before...
(not your own)
@WELZ oh yes you can... if you pin a message and then unpin it, you'll be left having starred your own message.
@ArtOfCode even not your own message you can pin and star.
pin + star is just pin
Nope, it just shows one star, nvm.
You can pin or star.
Technically, a pin is a type of star
@Mithrandir or both - but it only counts as one.
technically, you can ping and then unstar, but it won't appear in the starboard anymore...
You can star and then pin, yes
not unstar, unpin
two different things
just tried it; you can pin and then unstar, but the pin remains
well, not your own message (unstarring your own message counts as trying to tamper with the star count of your message)
Do you mean you can pin and then unpin, but the star remains?
pin somebody else's message, unstar, and, evidently, the pin remains
except that it's not on the starboard
that's... odd
try doing it on this message
I can't.. :P
but mod implies RO
Yeah, but I don't have a mouse
ah, that's a problem, yeah
you can't just tab to a message
let the actions alone
@ArtOfCode Uncaught TypeError: $.Deferred is not a function - an update on the WB site might have caused the userscript to break
@SamuelLiew Chrome, right?
That's what the last 10 lines of the script are there to prevent - overwrite jQuery with a monkey-patching version, then when the real jQuery comes along copy all its properties onto the custom version.
Kinda sounds like something else is executing before that setter has a chance to take effect
I don't see an option to pin. Only mods?
(for this room, only mods :P)
there's a chat sandbox if you want to play with it, though


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
happy to give people RO there to test stuff
you won't believe how ROs are appointed there... :P
@ArtOfCode yup, Chrome of course :D
@SamuelLiew [status-norepro] at the moment. What script version/Chrome version?
yeah, Chrome has had a recent update...
@EriktheOutgolfer then you can cancel stars to remove them.
cancel stars has side effects
True, if it's your own star and you need to do it, so be it.
also, it removes the pin
and then you can't pin it again
Q: What is the new 'Snow-Flake' symbol?

Arihan SharmaGood day. Today I was just working when I saw that there was a snowflake in the top-bar-menu, and it had a purple notification number on it. I had never seen it before. Is this a new StackExchange Meta feature? Or was it there already? What does it do? It's tooltip literally says Winter Bash. ...

@ArtOfCode ahh, updated Chrome and no-repro now. 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (32-bit)
sorry for the trouble
@SamuelLiew Works for me :) I'll blame it on older Chrome not working with the setter properly
Q: Wait, so what kind of discussion of hats is and isn't on topic here?

user1068446This question of mine: https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/319993/i-especially-like-the-hats-this-year?noredirect=1#comment1048036_319993 Recieves -11 votes and is deleted as 'this kind of feedback is not on topic'. Show off your hats! (2018 edition) Recieves +8 votes and several respo...

@Panda any idea what you did for the propeller?
I'm still kinda convinced it's the share link
maybe. I have not looked into it.
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