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@ArtOfCode I just installed it and I can't press Start Knitting (turned it off and it works)
@WELZ what other userscripts active? Any errors in your console?
@ArtOfCode good point, let me check.
Just disabled all other scripts, same issue. Console Error:
> Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at eval (eval at customJQuery (userscript.html?id=1f0615e4-af46-4819-82fd-0cd309c40a34:NaN), <anonymous>:1:6)
at customJQuery (userscript.html?id=1f0615e4-af46-4819-82fd-0cd309c40a34:23)
at (index):40
^ same
sounds like Chrome
and what userscript manager, too?
Chrome, Tampermoneky
repro, but no idea why Chrome and not FF
@ArtOfCode f.toSource() returns "JSON.parse(unescape("undefined"))" regardless of the script
@Rob regardless of which script?
Sorry, regardless of the function
and the answer written by our very own @Makyen: stackoverflow.com/a/39804668/3160466
TL;DR: toSource is non-standard and FF-only, use toString
@WELZ @SamuelLiew Try updating the script and hit it again
@ArtOfCode yup, thanks!
@ArtOfCode thanks! you could also do const isFF = typeof Function.toSource !== 'undefined';
@SamuelLiew nah, Chrome does have toSource, it just returns crap
oh? hah okay..
1 hour later…
Any theories for Rubber Ducky? :D
My theories: 1. self-answer 2. draft-question that you delete, possibly after checking out a suggested question.
@AlexanderO'Mara ahh, but it doesn't seem to be simply self-answer
maybe it needs to be accepted
I just got it on gdse, no self answer, yes draft
What kind of draft?
I tried starting a question on SO, looking at some suggested questions, then leaving the page.
Haven't gotten it yet though.
@AlexanderO'Mara question for sure, maybe answer as well.
@AlexanderO'Mara hit discard draft
@WELZ I didn't see that link
Ah, there it is, when I went back to it.
Nothing yet
I tried it 10 min ago too
maybe it's slow to award
I wrote a two-paragraph essay about hands typing words to get hats just so I could have a draft to discard...
How to get a Cleanup duty? Anyone earned it here?
Still not gotten Rubber Duck from discarding the draft.
> Just wondering, but i believe the waffles are obtained when you post a comment that contains a link to another stack exchange site.
the presumed trigger for Waffles seems wrong too
2 hours later…
I just got Rubber Ducky
I am pretty sure it is discard a draft answer
does not work with questions
@Panda I just discarded an answer draft. Will let you know if it works
sure thanks
So, I just went to try that, right. And while I was typing, I got the rubber duck.
Didn't actually discard anything yet
Noob question: How to save an answer as draft?
Weird but it's got to do with drafting an answer
@CinCout it auto saves as you type
if I simply migrate to another page and return, the text goes missing!
You have to wait until discard appears
I just tried making a draft and discarding it on another site, will see if anything happens
@AlexanderO'Mara Ah! Thanks
Discarding an answer didn't get me the hat.
That's weird
Let me try on another site
@Eran Same here. The trigger isn't correct
it could be discard a question and an answer separately
Did get anything, trying again
I tried on another site and didn't get it
so it has got something to with drafts: maybe a combination of question & answer drafts or there could be a minimum number of drafts
...and I just got it?
Didn't do anything in the mean time, except some review tasks.
Do we get 'It's a Me' hat if someone else except OP edits?
Got Rubber Ducky. I discarded an answer followed by a question. Not sure if the order matters.
@CinCout did you discard just one answer + one question?
@Eran yes
as far as I remember :D
or maybe it was 2 answers and a question, the order being AQA
@CinCout well, so far I tried AQAA and no hat
The hat took too long to appear as well in my case. It wasn't instant.
@CinCout Got it. Q and then A
I wrote real questions and answers and then discarded instead of repeated characters.
@NogShine Do you mind trying the same on a fresh website?
@CinCout were your Q and A actual text or just gibberish?
@Eran text. I made sure it was correct English with no red underlines by the editor
@NogShine what is the predicted criterion for Propel Thyself?
@CinCout Sure. Will try.
I am confused how I got Propel Thyself. I was trying for Rubber Duck and got Propel Thyself.
@NogShine Haha. So there's no running theory/.
Strange. i got a Rubber Ducky on one site and not others for doing same.
@NogShine better to wait for some time. The trigger is not running immediately after the actions are done.
Yea I just got it on 2 more sites
So it's probably draft a question and an answer
And wait up to 30 min to get the hat
Now, what about Propel Thyself?
@Panda which hat are you talking about?
@CinCout Rubber Ducky
@Panda then the trigger seems to be clear. Discard a Q then an A
@CinCout Yep, it's very likely that
@CinCout Got it on second site too
@NogShine perfect. Go edit the Meta answer ;)
Hmmm. Can I get like 5 clicks on this link from different people? Want to test something.
@Mithrandir A silver badge?
@NogShine any chance you posted a comment to another SE site?
The Propel Thyself thing
@Mithrandir clicked
@Panda Commented a link to other question on same site. Yes.
@NogShine I see, there's a theory about linking to another SE site but I tried it and didn't get it
@Panda Same here
@Panda I linked to same site.
Lemme try linking to the same site
@Mithrandir Trigger being: Get 5 direct clicks on the shared link to your own answer?
@CinCout that makes sense given the name of the hat. I got one as well right after discarding a draft question on MSE.
@CinCout Write an answer linking to own answer? I just posted an answer.
@Mithrandir for which hat? (I clicked as well)
@NogShine Did you link to another answer of your own?
@CinCout Yes. I linked two answers of mine.
Just a guess based on the name of the Propel Thyself hat, and that this has been a trigger in the past.
@NogShine And were they links to answers on the same site?
@Mithrandir I have the Propel Thyself hat on Puzzling, but (AFAIK) didn't link to any answers yet.
Hmm. Well, we'll see.
@Glorfindel Did you discard any answer in the process?
Maybe, maybe not.
I can't remember, actually.
weird, I just got both propel thyself and rubber ducky on SO
Do you think am I wearing my hat with the correct size and angle settings to my jet? Maybe I could make it look like a fly.. :P
@Eran Did you link to another question/ answer in any posts?
@Panda not at all (at least not on SO, where I got the hat)
@Eran Did you leave any comment before discarding?
@NogShine I did, 2 on a question, and one on my answer to that question (responded to another comment)
That's odd, so propel thyself doesn't seem to be related to linking to another post
@Eran Did you discard answer to the same question you commented on?
Could propel thyself refer to marking a dupe of something you asked or answered?
@NogShine no, I discarded an answer in an unrelated question
@Eran Did you retract a close vote?
Sorry for a series of questions. :)
@NogShine nope
Weird! these are all the things I did before I got that hat
did anyone delete their post after you commented? @NogShine
the hats aren't triggering immediately after the expected actions are completed, hence all this confusion in figuring out the triggers. More challenging!
@Panda They edited after my comment.
@NogShine could be that
maybe you have to get an upvote after editing your answer (or commenting on it).
Do we know the triggers for Waffles and Cleanup Duty?
No. I don't know for cleanup duty. By name, should we rollback something?
@Eran nope for both
@NogShine I deleted many comments (but maybe not old enough). I edited old posts as well. Still no luck
There's this theory for waffles but it doesn't work
> Just wondering, but i believe the waffles are obtained when you post a comment that contains a link to another stack exchange site.
Link to other sites are not working for any hat.
been reading the latest messages.
very good morning
About the rubber duck hat - currently having a tab open on meta with a draft question and answer, will let you know. But I also wonder, did any of the users with the hat by chance post a self answer?
as for the propeller one, maybe share the link to a post? They have already done that in the past. Or something related to HNQ list?
I'm trying that - I wanted another two clicks on meta.stackexchange.com/a/319877/294691 for testing.
and finally, about the cleanup one, all the people that I saw having it seem to have done a lot of edits recently.
@Derpy No. Did not self answer. Rubber Duck works by discarding question followed by answer.
@NogShine define discarding.
@Mithrandir clicked
Write question, add title, body and tag. Then discard
Same for answer
I also clicked on it @Mithrandir
So 5/5, now I wait
more clicks wouldn't hurt though ;)
(And, technically speaking, neither would votes...)
@NogShine I even forgot to tag my discarded question. Still got the hat. But it seems simply writing gibberish doesn't work.
@Derpy Any idea how many edits?
@Eran yup tagging isn't necessary
@NogShine something like 10 - 15
at least that is what I saw so far, but I could be wrong
@Derpy completing the review queue quota could do it then
Anyway - just discarded a question and an answer. If this work I think we can safely had the duck hat trigger to the hat list
@Eran ok, activate lorem ipsum then
Currently retesting the duck thing using Riker Ipsum
@Derpy the duck appears to have a pre-condition - one must have the Topbar hat on the site in order to earn the duck
have that
I tried for duck on 3 sites, got on 2 where topbar is present
done. Discarded a question and an answer on a site I have Topbar on
both question and answer test were generated with Riker Ipsum in order to have a long text written in correct English.
Let's wait and see.
10 minutes later, still no duck.
No luck. ;)
meaning... wrong trigger
@CinCout Nah, I got it on 2 sites w/o having top bar
@Derpy I think it takes up to 30 min to award
I got my second ducky. This time on a site where I discarded multiple questions and answers. The first few were gibberish, though. On the other hand, I didn't get it on a third site where I just discarded 1 Q and 1 A.
just got it on the 3rd site as well. No topbar. 1 question discarded, then one answer discarded.
didn't do anything else on that site, so the trigger is confirmed
What can I say, I still got nothing
Didn't get it on third site.
I got it on the third site (MSE). It was very easy. First I copied and pasted some existing question body, added the title and discarded. Then I copied and pasted some existing answer and discarded. It takes a long time to receive the hat.
Yes, it is very late.
got the duck. Text length probably matters. I advise anyone trying to get it to just generate a few paragraph of text using an online ipsum generator (just try and use a generator that produces actual readable text)
@Derpy it does not. I literally wrote two sentences.
@CinCout weird, I am pretty sure I didn't get the hat the first time I tired, and I used a very short text.
By any chance, did you click any of the proposed "similar questions" when writting the question?
no I did not.
I somehow just got Propeller. Don't know how.
Me too
I got a second Propellor, this time on meta. It may be enough to simply edit one of your answers (I did a minor answer edit, which was not followed by any votes). The answer was posted before WB started.
didn't edit any answer.
@Eran already did that. no hat so far
only recent action was to add a second answer on a post (the knitting one)
It got 4 votes in a very short time period
@CinCout how long ago? my edit was 1.5 hours ago. Just noticed the hat now
@Eran yeah around 2 hours ago
I got 50 points in one day on really old answers...
Propel myself?
OK, I just edited an old answer on another site. We'll see if it gets me the propeller.
@Eran did you get any upvotes after the edit?
The interesting thing is that I already made some answer edits on SO yesterday, but didn't get the hat till today. Maybe you need to edit X answers?
@CinCout not on the MSE answer
@Eran ok. so how many edits did you make on mse?
Hmm, on SO I have 5 answer edits for new answers (posted during WB) and 1 old answer edit. And now that I checked MSE, it turns out I didn't edit any of my answers. I was mistaken.
I've just got Rubber Ducky after deleting 3 comments here on Puzzling. I also discarded a question draft today, but that was an hour ago and did the same on EL&U where I didn't get the hat.
I just earned Rubber Ducky and Propel Thyself on MSE.
Glorfindel has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Glorfindel has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Glorfindel has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
Glorfindel has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Q: Show off your hats! (2018 edition)

GlorfindelSince 241,378 hats have already been earned by the time I'm writing this, and I think I found the perfect hat for my avatar already, why don't we start showing them off like last year? Post hats, hats, and more hats! Those that you're especially proud of, or that you simply look good in - all...

@Mithrandir How did you get Propel Thyself?
Also, what's Trigger for Pizza Hat?
Or we can get that show off question down to -3, post an answer and then get it back to +3 to win Red Baron hats (as happened with last year's version). :)
Could propel thyself be do reviews in close & reopen queues?
I'm not sure what caused Propel Thyself; it could be the link I shared here?
@Eran Yes... ;)
@Mithrandir oh yea that link
but that was quite a while ago
Yeah, possibly.
I still didn't het Pizza hat even if the answer is 6+
@NogShine but your answer is accepted. A different answer should be accepted before you post yours
@Eran Ohh
Anybody cares to share the current state of the research on the meaning of the secret hats?
@Feeds oops, I wanted it to only post new questions.
Let me check what I did wrong here...
Or I did nothing wrong and this is just an 'initial load' problem.
Do we know how the "Gonna Find Out" hat works? The requirement is "vote 150 times", but are those only upvotes and downvotes, or do other votes such as closures, deletions and reopens count also?
@dbc I think only upvotes and downvotes.
I assume only up and downvotes.
@dbc I think we're going to find out.
Because I've voted more than 150 times but many of the votes are from the review queue -- and no hat so far...
@Bharata D'oh
Since you're limited to 40 votes/day, it'll take a while before we see this hat.
Which hat? The Controversial hat is only for questions, or is that unproven?
oh wait, the Pizza one
yeah, Pizza
@Glorfindel I don't understand your revision here meta.stackexchange.com/posts/319840/revisions (diff number 20): if Sun Wukong is only for Meta+MSE posts it should read "Write a post on a meta site (including MSE) [...]"
I'd change it myself but maybe there's something I'm missing
thanks for spotting this
but the main important thing is: it works for answers, too.
oh ok i see
Any new theories about Propel Thyself?
@Glorfindel somehow someone managed to have it already.
PeterJ, Hobart, Australia
2.4k 5 34 49
@Derpy I wonder what happens if you vote on a post that gets deleted. Do you get back the votes allowance? And if you do, do they still count towards earning that hat?
@Eran I will be honest: I won't even think to try to get that hat.
150 votes? that is just asking me to go on some "vote whatever post you find" journey
For rubber ducky, it seems that the order of the discards matters. First Q than A works, first A than Q doesn't.
My Winter Bash 2018 Knitting
@Derpy FWIW I got it after editing a FP in review, that someone else edited outside of review
And I have indeed been doing a lot of edits lately (81 this week so far)
I was so close to get James Bond hat, I reached +7 seconds after the first comments were posted. :(
For Peacekeeper, do I need to review the same type of review?
Can it be spread across multiple review queues?
2 hours later…
Just got the duck. The only action i performed today was I took three paragraphs from a lorem ipsum generator, pasted them into a question, I then said answer my own question, pasted the same text in there, and then clicked discard. It took an hour to award after I did it. But that is the only action I have taken all day.
OH, also I made sure the title had more than 10 words. I didn't know if that made a difference. They were just random words.
@Dylan I just tested this on two sites, one I filled an answer and then hit discard, one I didn't do an answer at all. Let's see what happens.
Good thinking.
Any ideas on waffle?
Q: Problems at the milliners?

BathshebaToday I've been compiling some C++ code that makes heavy use of Boost Spirit. So lots of time waiting. I've spent the time diving in and out of Stack Overflow. Hats off to me if I may say so myself: I've hit the reputation cap, answered a handful of questions, and have even had two answers accep...

I have no clue, most people believe it has something to do with commenting.
@Dylan goes through a few animals and then it goes to deer, which takes you to a youtube video of a deer.
yeah i saw the video
Oh I get it now. I went straight to the deer video because of a comment. But if you follow the url trail you eventually get to the deer.
my bad! haha
I have really been inspecting others profiles, whom have the waffles, and they all have more than 10 comments in the past day. I know thats not too unusual, but maybe?
Im sure thats not right. But hey.
@WELZ I got waffles today. I think it may have been related to me editing my answer as a result of someone commenting about it.
Q: Winterbash Login asking me to join SO?

SkoobaWhen I attempt to login into the Winterbash page (i.e.https://winterbash2018.stackexchange.com/auth/login) I am redirected to a page to join Stack Overflow (i.e.https://stackoverflow.com/users/join) I do not particularly feel like joining SO, so why does a Stack Exchange Network event want me t...

@Eran Which Answer do you think caused it? May we have a link?
I just got the rubber duck hat, I don't remember if it was the site I posted the answer to or not, oops
@WELZ look at your profiles and see if you posted an answer recently :P
@ArtOfCode no it was a draft thing
well its safe to say that its confirmed though, as long as you post an answer with it.
more testing required for a more exact reason though.
Ok, I just went on SO with a Q and an A draft (different text in each) 11 words in title, left page, went back and discarded. Let's see what happens.
Im going to try it on a different site, with a one word title, and no answer.
Same thing on bicycles, but only 7 words in title.
I believe there is a word length requirement for the question.
But nailing down the exact one will take forever, which may be why they programmed a one hour delay.
I put plenty of words in mine.
Biology; 10+ character title, no answer - discarded draft. (did some manual input in body besides for copy paste as well)
Im gonna do one on Academia, 15 character title, 1 character body.
@Dylan I think it was that one stackoverflow.com/questions/53764748/mutable-fields-should-not-be-public-static/‌​537
What did you mean by "Please set edit" in the comments?
Oh i see, you mean "Please see edit".
Update: got rubber duck on bicycles!
You had your answer filled out on bicycles right?
I'm trying with shorter title and no answer on Aviation.
@Dylan yes
Okay. Then we will know for sure.
I got it on biology, answer not needed.
wow. Then i think the only requirement is some hidden word limit.
But maybe not even that.
That just messed us up lol
I also got SO.
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