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Here's testing for asking on the hour again...
@Davidtoo pretend the code is a secret hat...
it doesn't want to give up its secrets easily
(adding more colors in a userscript might be a bit tricky; the color selector is wired up on launch with the colors for each button in a closure for the event handler)
@Mithrandir I was guessing 8:00
@Shog9 Aye, hit that, trying to hack around it now. I figure if I can work out how the thing stores "current color", and overwrite that from a click handler, that should work
@David timezones. It was 7AM when I asked it here; it's always five o'clock somewhere
@Mithrandir always somewhere :)
also folks, pretty sure James Bond is still reach 7 on a Q&A both with no comments... I just got it
@Davidtoo yep panda was the one to crack that hat.
with your new proof I feel confident enough to add the trigger.
A: Winter Bash 2018 Knitting

X-27Santa is having a bad day :/

There are too many people named David here.
"The more Davids, the better"
If we keep this meme going long enough, it might just earn the status of one of the Many Memes of Meta
@Mithrandir You could do something like "Davidandir" :)
Hmm, does MSE count as a meta for the Freehand Circle hat?
@Mithrandir yes
@Mithrandir well now I'm not sure about that.
(its late)
Test? ;)
Here's one, please read carefully before voting. meta.stackexchange.com/questions/284507/…
done (it was short, and easy to read.) as proof "the skip button"
And now we wait.
yah that badge take a while.
Confirmed: Freehand Circle works on Meta.SE.
animuson has the duck on meta and SO!
interesting. he has done nothing in the activity tab on SO.
Finally IN
A: Winter Bash 2018 Knitting

eLRuLLok guys, you can't blame me for trying. My profile picture:

Wish we had more colors to work with :/
for what I posted, you can see that I agree with you :D
yep XD
A: Winter Bash 2018 Knitting

Pratik ButaniTried to make Indian Flag. Its not perfect but seems like.:)

down with T-Series
A: Winter Bash 2018 Knitting

Pratik ButaniJust tried to copy as it is :

What does "hat rack on this site" in "change your hat on six different UTC days using the hat rack on this site" mean?
@AlexanderO'Mara I'm assuming it means the collection of hats you earned from which you can change the hat you're wearing. You probably have to change the hat on a single site each time (i.e. check the "only on this site" checkbox)
\o/ I am now tied for first on MSE :P
The Sun Wukong hat is back! You need to post a question (possibly on meta, but not sure about that) with 5 upvotes and 5 downvotes.
This question - meta.stackexchange.com/questions/319853/… - got its OP this hat.
@Davidtoo sorry, but it's very intentional that there's no unminified version available 😁
Happy to answer concrete questions if you have any, though
(cc @Catija)
@AlexanderO'Mara the site on which you earn the hat
e.g. to earn the hat on SO, you have to do the hat switching on your SO profile
I know the description isn't great :(
Happy to hear suggestion how to phrase it better in a succinct way
Dumb question here. What's needed for the "Team Player" hat? I visited the teams site and nothing doing...
@Snow caching
Just wait. It'll take a while to be awarded since the data is coming from a different system.
@balpha How about a succulent way?
@Glorfindel Hmmm. Been over an hour now. But if it's working for other folks, that's fine.
@Snow It's just slow. But you can visit the Teams page as many times as you want ;)
Thanks. BTW, what site does the hat apply to, since Teams isn't tied to a site.
It applies to SO, since it is SO Teams.
Greetings! Is anyone else having issues with the opt-out of Winter Bash? imgur.com/nU7lzoP <-- I get this error in every single website I try.
You're not allowed to opt out... Winter Bash is mandatory...
Sounds like a bug, though - I'd try reporting that on Meta Stack Exchange.
@IsmaelMiguel I doubt that you'll find anyone in this room that wants (or ever tried) to opt-out of Winter Bash. :)
You can opt-out anytime you like. But you can never leave!
@IsmaelMiguel I'm having a look
@balpha Thank you!
@Eran I, personally, dislike Winter Bash, and want to keep the tradition alive. But don't wan't to ruin anyone's fun at the same time.
@IsmaelMiguel well it doesn't work for me either, so that's a good sign (because it means it should be fixable)
I will report this in the meta. Thank you!
@IsmaelMiguel feel free to, but just FYI, I'm the developer working on this, so I'm already aware :)
Side note: Probably not worth reporting, but winter bash is completely not accessible for keyboard-only users.
I know :(
Wow, it seems to sit on 'establishing secure connection' for an age before doing anything..
See: Tavern
@balpha aye, wondered if that might be the case
so... how does it store what the current color is? I'll try overwriting that instead
@balpha Trying to get us to think there is an easter egg hidden in there, aren't you?
@Davidtoo sorry, that's a local variable
I'm not sure more colors is userscriptable :P
for the Sun Wukong hat, this user got it on Meta meta.stackexchange.com/users/350567/…
Trigger appears to be ask and accept an answer (additionally maybe with a positive score)
Or a question that gets +5/-5...
@Davidtoo the knitting editor is initilized in an anonymous function passed to $(...). If you monkeypatch jquery to change the function source before executing, that could work
@Mithrandir yep, that was the trigger the last time this hat appeared on WB
there's an array of available colors -- search for "#272727","#90d7f4" in cdn.sstatic.net/Winterbash/js/home.js?v=dcb50688cf5b
@balpha O.o
I... have no idea how to do that :)
hide your tricks better you must, balpha.
Q: The Lord of the Hats: The Return of the Chicken 🐔

SPArchaeologist...Also known as "The Quest for the Winter Chicken of the Bash, Part 3" (part 2 here. So, winter has come again. As every year, the staff members try their best to hide some funny Easter eggs, hoping no one would notice them too soon. And as every year, they attempts are fooled by a single medd...

*Googles "entwicklerwerkzeuge"*
@balpha so, anything after the deer?
@Derpy lol
that'll break if the function needs access to its closure, bat that's not the case here (to be clear, that example is making it too easy, you have to preserve prototypes etc., but it's the basic idea)
(and shouldn't I at least get a reindeer hat?)
I was commenting, downvoting, deleting NAAs from the mod queues and I got the waffles hat
most likely from comments, I don't see the other two being used as hat triggers
Deleting stuff has been used as hat triggers in the past.
perhaps the same comment? I was also using pro-forma/canned replies
@Snow that is not a joke, try it if you don't trust me :P
@SamuelLiew Did you edit any comments? SOCVR use 'waffles' when they edit a message that is now no longer relevant or was a mistake
Trying to see if that is just an easter egg or there is something more to it (reindeer hat... I need the reindeer hat)
I did try it. I was laughing at the deer. I can't work out what's beyond that, if anything.
:( "w" doesn't open the WB dropdown
Hmm, actually I've edited a comment today and that didn't trigger it
@Snow I was thinking of trying to copy the deer from the original Winter Bash site to the custom knitting area, but I doubt they would do anything so elaborate.
I have a feeding that you need some webdevery to get to the next part, and I'm not that person. I did try "2nite" though, but that wasn't it.
@Henders no comment edits
Heh, those knitting answers keep ending up the VLQ queue.
I got the James Bond hat for the Secret Hats answer on MSE and this answer on Puzzling right after it hit +7. Since it's so similar to the 007 hat, I'm 99% sure the triggers are exactly the same.
Does it have to be an answer, or would a question work as well?
(+1) We'll know in a few minutes, but I guess not. That would be 07 instead of 007.
Well, no hat so far...
@balpha got prototypes and all, but... the WB function doesn't appear to hit it, somehow. Logging arguments shows plenty of selectors and a few objects, but no functions ever going through it.
Wondering if that might be something to do with execution order, which I don't have a whole lotta control over
@Davidtoo is your user script @run-at document-start?
No, just default
it has to be earlier
nothing's defined at document-start, including document or $, which is why I didn't
yeah true
I was going to stick an onload handler on the jQuery script tag and do it there, but... that needs document access
Object.defineProperty(window, "$", { set: function () { alert("somebody is setting window.$"); } })
@balpha ...man, learning things about JS today. Let me try that...
@balpha Sticker for you. It works, somehow :)
Awesome. Now let me change how the knitting editor works just to screw with you ;p
That'd be the "I give up" point :P
@balpha add the reindeer hat you must. Do not resist. You know you have to.
Want to knit with more colors? Install this userscript!
^ there ya go @Catija
Hey guys, do you want to help me test the Sun Wukong hat trigger? I have here - meta.stackexchange.com/questions/319904/… - a +5 question. I'll need 5 down votes to balance them (from people who did not up vote that question in the first place, of course). I really don't mind the down votes. Thanks!
have a downvote :P
@Davidtoo thanks!
LOL. Another David here ;)
2 down 3 to go
Remind me to switch it later...
4 down 1 to go
I'd like to test the James Bond thing but I don't want to explicitly ask for 4 upvotes :P
*shakes head* Shameless ;P
hahaha :D
Hahaha ...
(sorry to bump in)
@Mithrandir If you like, we could also check that balpha implemented that Identification Division trigger correctly. My Chicken question "only" needs 16 more votes.
Oh, I checked already.
Thanks to all the down voters, soon we'll see about Sun Wukong
note to self: hide links not as well
Yep, I got Sun Wukong. Trigger is confirmed
Thanks again for the help
@Davidtoo Three shades of green! :D
@Eran again that horrendous trigger? ARGH!
Didn't it cause enough ranting the first time they used it??
@Derpy I don't remember the ranting. Last time I got it accidentally (along with other tricky secret hats) as a result of posting the secret hats question.
A: What should we do for Winter Bash 2016?

QuillAvoid hats that require receiving downvotes Sun Wukong, everyone's favourite monkey, required getting 5 downvotes on a Meta post. I saw all kinds of crap last five minutes before being deleted, and still garnered the requirements. Hats that require receiving downvotes should be avoided at all ...

@Eran ^ here
and that is just one of many users that were ranting about the same thing back in 2015.
@Derpy I can see the point of this rant, though this hat requires both up and down votes, a fact that this rant seems to ignore.
Any 10k SO users here?
@Derpy yup
Oh shoot, I read "below 10k" xD
@Derpy yep
nevermind, seems there is no way to track that down.
I wanted to see the post this user must have recently deleted
he only has the duck hat
@Derpy so you think the trigger is deletion?
@Eran I am confused...
this one has the hat on Ask, and it seems like he didn't do a thing other than voting there.
uhoh, Taipei, Earth
101 2
@SamuelLiew hey, did you delete a question after closing it?
@Derpy it could be a passive trigger (i.e. awarded as a result of actions of other users)
@Derpy only diamond moderators can actively seek out deleted posts; 10kers can only visit them if they have the link but have no means to search them out
That's my guess for the Waffles hat.
so, yeah :(
@Eran he hasn't get any vote either. 101 rep, just the one from the bonus.
@Eran you can edit your post so we can un-dv
@WELZ I don't mind the down votes, but thanks for offering.
It's a good post and I want to upvote it!
could you guys please downvote this question that I know you all love :D meta.stackexchange.com/questions/319846/…
four more votes on the Toriel for the nice answer hat and badge
Update: my guess for Waffles is now "take part at closing a question, that later gets deleted by someone else". What do you think?
I think I voted to close a question that was deleted on meta, no hat.
Guys do the needful for Sun Wukong

Current score: +3/-1
is it only for questions? False alarm then!
yeah, Sun Wukong isn't exactly the best idea for a hat, it seems...
Begging for votes is against the spirit of Winter Bash ...
@WELZ well, if you insist... :)
1 hour later…
@ShadowWizard No, I just got waffles and did no such thing. My guess so far is either delete a comment, edit a comment, or post a comment that causes a question to be edited.
I posted a comment suggesting an user deleted their question (off topic), without actually voting to close, and they later deleted the question. Other things I did are voting to close as dupes questions that were inactive and unanswered for >1y
@CrisLuengo I've deleted and edited comments today but got no waffle hat.
@Henders Bummer. The search continues...
Oh, I also edited an answer that OP had commented on.
Maybe that's it then - 'Post a comment that causes the OP to delete their own question'
There's more to Top(bar) Hat than just the description says. I've gotten 9 answer upvotes since yesterday. Still no hat.
there wasn't any Winter Bash yesterday?
maybe you got them a little early
@EriktheOutgolfer This was all after the winter bash icon showed up.
@Mysticial You probably need to post something during Winterbash that gets upvoted.
@Mysticial I posted an answer, it got one up vote and I got the hat.
@CrisLuengo Oh, that's a lot of effort.
Based on my current observation, it probably requires doing a set amount of revisions/edits
doesn't seem to be tied to DELETION
Could rubber ducky be earned by answering your own question? — Cris Luengo 37 mins ago
@CrisLuengo - I like this theory!
Just a guess, but that is probably a LOT like the clean up crew hat from a few years back.
I forget the exact trigger, but it was something like "delete 5 comments that caused the OP to edit their question"
@David-27 It’s-a me! has similar trigger
huh. nvm then.
clean up crew involved deleting certain number of comments that were older than an year
@David-27 That was This is fine hat last year. Delete 10 comments older than 1 year
Just wondering, but i believe the waffles are obtained when you post a comment that contains a link to another stack exchange site.
I believe this is where I got the waffles : stackoverflow.com/questions/53746651/…
@kvantour maybe requires "2 comments"
yeah, I think this is it, just got the waffles
I did one comment from SO -> SQA and vice versa
Heh, just got a downvote on meta.stackexchange.com/questions/305135/show-off-your-hats. People don't like last year's fun, eh? ;)
@kvantour I have waffles.. only remarcable thing in the last few hours are several comments on the same question....
And also be named on comments on the same question...
I did not comment refering another site...
@gbianchi I made a couple of comments and was named in one. No waffles... Maybe there's a rep threshold?
I got waffles on Super User with no activity at all for a few hours. Not sure when it was awarded though. Last activity was adding a tag and migrating a question. Migration was rejected FWIW.
1 hour later…
Propel Thyself: could this be related to earning 7 hats on a single site?
Let's test. I just need a few more votes :P
I earned it on MSE just after earning another one (the Rubber Ducky) while all I did was browsing around the site.
It was before I stumbled on this bug(?)
Q: What do the shield icons on custom question list pages specify?

GlorfindelI was just browsing through the Questions pages on Meta, and noticed all questions have a shield icon in front of them. It reminds me of the icon sometimes used in Stack Overflow for Teams: They do not appear on the home page.

Does un-accepting and re-accepting your own answers work for the Rep Hunter hat?
You don't gain rep for self accepted answers afaik
I know, but the description is "post 5 answers that get accepted, all posted in a single UTC day or all accepted in a single UTC day"
@Glorfindel sniped, in middle of writing my post lol
Guess not, at least for old posts.
I just got Clean-up Duty on MSE probably for the post linked above; I edited it after three comments were posted.
@AlexanderO'Mara see the "own things" section here:
A: Why didn't (or did) I or some other user get a hat although the requirements were (or weren't) fulfilled?

balphaHere are some reasons why a hat may or may not have been awarded even though it seems that shouldn't or should have been the case. The example hats given here are completely fictional but totally realistic. Leeway on date-based hats Unless the requirement mentions a specific timezone, hats that...

By the way... if I didn't say it earlier, Thanks @ArtOfCode :D
@Mithrandir I got a DV on each of my old WB posts.
user image
We have over $500 worth of LEGO to be won for Winter Bash this year at Bricks Stack Exchange!
So there's no reason not to have a go ¯_(ツ)_/¯
(you need a double backslash there)
\( ̄▽ ̄)/
I have got Retro Fan glasses. What is that for? What do
My last incomplete question was meant to be "What does that mean?"
@RitaGeraghty voting on a post older than a year [source]
Thanks for explaining, Welz.

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