@gimusi You're hardly a trustworthy judge of PSQ's.
@Holo Be careful of the suggestions you honor.
@amWhy I'm posing to your kind attention 2 questions which are very poor and according to the current rules deserve closure and/or deletion. The problem are the questions not the answers.
@gimusi Targeting questions that specific users answer can be considered "targeted voting" and be handled accordingly by the mods.
@gimusi "Help starts in the home". If you are sincere about closing poor posts, and the emphasis should be posts from the last 2-3 years, then start "close to home". I'll let you figure out what that means in your case.
@amWhy You need to be sincere and consistent with closing and deleting poor questions not me.
@gimusi I am sincere and consistent, under the constraints each user faces in terms of number of allotted votes per day. Please do not respond to feedback with "return fire": attacking the bearer of feedback you don't want to read.
Good bye!
@amWhy If you had some kind of consciousness you shouldn't have to accuse me but instead you should to thank me to have posed that bad and poor questions to your attention in order to close that according to your criteria.
@gimusi I am sincere and consistent, under the constraints each user faces in terms of number of allotted votes per day. I choose to cast my votes on posts from the past two years. The site is a different site than it was back in 2010 - 2013, a fact you clearly don't know because of your relatively recent arrival on the site.
@amWhy You are clearly playing a dirty game here. Many users on CRUDE are sincere and consistent but not all. You have the chance to show you consistency closing those poor questions otherwise I cannot consider you as a reliable reference.
@gimusi I will give you a time out from this room, if you don't stop attacking users and accusing them of "playing dirty" etc. I have spoken with you here with utmost respect. I suspect, but can't say for sure, that it is you playing games of feigned sincerity. Bottom line is that you are crossing a line here, and if you continue to do so, I'll kick-mute you from the room (temporary time out). I will also consider removing some of your disruptive comments from this room if you continue.
@amWhy Sorry if I gave the impression to attack someone, that's not my aim. But I pretend that all users act in a consistent way. Let stay on the topic. I'm just inviting all users here to close the aforementioned bad questions. Of course I will look for other bad questions eligible for closure and/or deletion.
@gimusi You don't pretend as much because you've already, in a short span of time, accused me of not being sincere and consistent, of playing a dirty game, etc. I will be transferring this conversation elsewhere.
@amWhy I apologize for that really, sometimes we can use not proper words, that not was my intention. Please reconsider the main facts. Bye
18 messages moved from CRUDE
3 messages moved to CRUDE
Wipqozn has frozen this room.
This doesn't appear to be going anywhere constructive as far as I can tell, so I'm freezing this room.