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Very poor question to close HERE.
And another one PSQ
3 hours later…
Another really poor question HERE to close.
And another one HERE.
@gimusi What a funny coincidence : all "poor questions" you posted here today were answered by Did, and ordered by the score of his answers. I really wonder how you found all these...
@ArnaudD. Yes I found that form the main page of Did after a discussion with him about the criteria to close questions, but as I've already noticed the point are not the answers but the questions. I'm not asking the closure for the answers of any user but for the question.
4 messages moved from CRUDE
@ArnaudD. I guess I can find many of theme everywhere since it took 2 minutes find 4 poor and bad questions in the first page. I'll continue with Did but also with all the users who pretend to dictate their law here without any kind of consistency in their behaviour. I'm acting solely for the benefit of the comunity. Thanks
Please see the targeting of four questions asked by one specific user, all within the last couple of hours, dear moderators.
@amWhy Isn't CRUDE aimed to pose at the attention of users poor questions eligible for closing or deletion? Or now we can't neither express our thought?
1 message moved from CRUDE
@amWhy Only you and other users can do that? I really don't understand you logic here. I'm acting according to the rules.
2 messages moved from CRUDE
@gimusi last warning
@Vogel612 Sorry I didn't received any warning. Could you please clarify what is the problem. I want only collaborate. Thanks
in CRUDE, 3 mins ago, by Vogel612
@gimusi it has been made clear by a room owner that what you're currently doing doesn't sit right with them. If you want to appeal against that, I highly recommend seeking a private chat with mods
@Vogel612 Thanks I've read now. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I'll follow your suggestion. Regards
Dear Moderators, I would like to post on CRUDE some link to poor questions I've found today which could be eligible for closure and/or deletion. Can I proceed or I'm vilolating some rule which I don't know? Thanks
@amWhy Moderators at Mathematics.se I meant to say that gimusi has asked for the closure and deletion of four questions old questions, all answered by Did, and has been warned not to target single users like that. All requests posted to CRUDE were posted within roughly three hours of one another. I forwarded them here so they can be examined by mods. Furthermore, please see chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/86646/room-for-amwhy-and-gimusi, where I tried to remove off-topic comments
...from CRUDE, while conversing with gimusi about his behavior.
@amWhy The OP where selected only accidentally from the main page of the user Did since today I had a discussion with him about closure and deletion and so I took a look to his page. But I repeat my focus is on the poor questions not on the answers. Anyone can choose if close or not, i really do not see any problem to debate thet openly on CRUDE.
"selected ... from the main page of the user Did since today ..." ... Exactly. That's the problem. You specifically sought out questions Did answered directly via their profile page. That is the very definition of "targeting" a user. I'll leave the matter to the mods to deal with. Goodbye.
@amWhy I would be curious to count the number of questions I answered closed by Did (or by you), not for that I would claim that closing that question is made to target me but I think that the same criteria for closure should be applied to question answered by Did himself, or maybe for you some user here is out of the common rules?
@amWhy And you continuosly since an year post on CRUDE questions I've answered inviting others for closing and many also for deletion throwing all my work in the bin. I'm only asking to apply the same criteria also to the other users. My intention is to check all the questions for all the users which frequently close and delete answer in order to check their consistency. I can't accept no more closure and deletion from inconsistent users.
HERE the discussion I'm referring to.
@gimusi You can check all the questions for all the users which frequently close and delete answers in order to check their consistency (take note, however, that "consistency" is a diminishing concept over time) or what you perceive as wrongdoing.
After doing so, then you flag and ask for moderation attention to investigate the behaviour of said users. You don't take it upon yourself to impose things on them. (Specially by means of votes.) Moderation of users is the job of moderators.
This observation goes for all sides of this whole story. As soon as an user starts to behave erratically, you should flag this user and explain the situation. If the situation is convoluted and novel, ask for a conversation with some mod. More concisely: if a problem lies generally on the user and their recurrent behaviour, you should not try to solve it directly. (Particularly when it has been proved to be not effective.)
@AloizioMacedo But why Did or amWhy (as an example) can post on CRUDE whatever they want and I can't do that. If a question is poor, independently from who answered that, I think it should or could be posted on CRUDE.
Posting an OP eligible for closure or deletion does not imply that the OP will be certainly closed or deleted, simply my aim is to put those poor questions to the attention of other users. Sorry but I really do not understand that different and unbalanced way to deal with poor questions.
You explicitly say "I'm only asking to apply the same criteria also to the other users. My intention is to check all the questions for all the users which frequently close and delete answer in order to check their consistency."
Did and amWhy or whoever can post on CRUDE whatever they want. You can also do that. You can't do it if the intention is to first and foremost require "consistency of other users" instead of quality control. Because then what you are trying to solve is what you perceive as misdeeds of others. And misdeeds of others should be something which the moderators should solve, not you.
If you think that Did or amWhy or whoever is not posting on CRUDE simply "whatever they want", but that they are targeting you, even then you shouldn't do the same: you should, again, communicate the situation to the mods.
@AloizioMacedo Yes of course, my intention is to put to the attention of other users thise questions which in my opinion are eligible for closure nad notably those answered by users who at the same time close and delete the same kind of answers. I think indeed that this kind of behaviour should be considered with particular attention. In any case the final decision for closure or deletion will be in te hand of other users not mine.
My aim is not target any user but target poor questions which in the past heve been tolerated in order to put them to the attention of other users currently active on closure and deletion of the same kind of quenstions. Is there something wrong with that?
You're starting on the user page of a particular user you aim to make a point at. That's literally targeting. You seem to not be parsing that.
@AloizioMacedo Then can I repost the aforementioned link on CRUDE in order to put that to the attention os other users?
@MikeMiller As I've explained this is only accidentally indeed I've nothing to hide on that. I've posted the link of the discussion I had with Did this morning and I'm focused on questions not on the answers. I need to start from some point to find poor old questions. it is totally accidentally.
@MikeMiller I think we are loosing the main point and debating on minor details. The point is: should the same current criteria for closure and deletion be applied also to old questions?
"I need to start from some point to find poor old questions. it is totally accidentally." These two phrases contradict themselves, given the previous context on your comment.
@gimusi Of course. This has long been the case and even users in CRUDE post old links sometimes. That's clearly not the point here.
If you're going to target someone, at least use some subtlety.
@AloizioMacedo I mean that since this mornig i was discussing with Did, I accidentally take a look to his main page and i find those poor questions. Then I've asked myself: why those questions are here since 6/7 years and other questions I abswered yesterday were closed and deleted in a few hours. Honestly, that's a big problem form my point of view.
@AloizioMacedo If only some users can use CRUDE as they like but we others can't it is a big problem from my point of view.
It's also completely clear that you don't actually care about any of that
@MikeMiller I've posted the questions without any reference to the users who answered that. I repeat the point is on the questions not on the answers.
Vogel612 has frozen this room.
I've frozen this room for now
It's becoming clear that the current discussion is moving in circles, repeating the same behaviour that a mod has already called out as non-acceptable
A site mod can unfreeze this whenever they consider the participants to either be able to stick to the room topic and behave or when they see the need to do so for whatever other reason
2 hours later…
Aloizio Macedo has unfrozen this room.
@AloizioMacedo Thanks for dealing with the iterated sine question.
4 hours later…
@Feeds Let me know when I can unplug and remove my portable heater, if this room has "warmed up enough" after having been frozen ;D
Hey admins
Q: $(\mathbb{Q},+)$ isn't direct product of two non-trivial groups

NewbieI know that this has been posted before. I would like to know whether my argument is correct or not. Suppose that $Q \cong H \times K$ such that neither H or K is trivial. This is achieved through isomorphism $\psi : H \times K \rightarrow \mathbb{Q}$. I claim that kernel $\psi = H\times \...

I am not sure why my answer is marked as duplicate
even though I am presenting new argument
2 hours later…
@Newbie Your question is now reopened. Please take care to define p(h, k) and q(h, k) (within your proof in your question).
thank you @amWhy will do.

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